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Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited headquarter is in Rawalpindi. The manufacturing plants are at
Goth Machhi and Mirpur Mathelo. Fauji Fertilizer manufacture and market their own as well as
associated company’s fertilizers in Pakistan. It is one of the leading manufacturing fertilizer in
Pakistan. They are also marketing of local manufactured fertilizers Urea and DAP under the
name Sona. Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited also import DAP, SOP, MOP, Boron and Zinc
which are marketed as FFC DAP, FFC SOP, FFC MOP, Sona Boron and Sona Zinc. Fauji
Fertilizer Company selling and marketing all over the Pakistan. In recent year there was no
significant changes regarding capital or size. . Fauji Fertilizer Company does not work in any
product which is banned or not good in markets or which are a subject of stakeholders’ questions
or public debate. Direct customers, institutional customers and dealers are shipped the product.
Fauji Fertilizer Company suppliers consist of local suppliers and foreign suppliers, including
large companies, small privately held companies, contractors and small businesses. Fauji
Fertilizer Company require raw materials, packaging material, capital equipment, services, and
other inputs for our operations. The major raw material and other components are made locally
while the materials and components which are not available in Pakistan are import from abroad.
Fauji Fertilizer Company are not particularly dependent on any of our suppliers. Fauji Fertilizer
Company supply chain is mixed including labor intensive and technology intensive. There were
no major changes in the location, operations, and structure of the organization and its supply
chain during the year. Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited is a public listed company with its
business across Pakistan... The output capacity was increased by developing a second unit plant
in 1993 with annual capacity of 635000 metric ton of urea. Fauji Fertilizer Company was a major
shareholder in a new DAP/Urea manufacturing complex with participation with major
international institutions. The new company Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited (formerly FFC-
Jordan Fertilizer Company Limited) commenced commercial production with effect from
January 01, 2000. The facility is designed with an annual capacity of 551,000 metric tons of urea
and 445,500 metric tons of DAP, revamped to 670,000 metric tons of DAP

To be a leading national enterprise

with global aspirations, effectively
pursuing multiple growth
opportunities, maximizing returns to
the stakeholders, remaining socially
and ethically responsible

To provide our customers with

premium quality products in a safe,
reliable, efficient and
environmentally sound manner,
deliver exceptional services and
customer support, maximizing
returns to the shareholders through
core business and diversification,
providing a dynamic and challenging
environment for our employees

Honesty in communicating within

the Company and with our business
partners, suppliers and customers,
while at the same time protecting the
Company’s confidential information
and trade secrets

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