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Legumes,and nutslikeAlmondsand Walnutsregularlyin your

food in smallerquantitieseveryday.

9.Makesureyourdiet includesGreens,Vegetablesand Fruits

to havea naturalfiberin yourgut.

Goodday Friends,
yourbody,mostof thetime knowswhat
10.Goby yourintuition,
is right.

11.Dobreathingexercisesevery day, especiallybeforeyou

startyour day in the earlymorningand beforeyou have your

12. With amountof processedfood that has creptintoour

It givesme immensepleasureto greetyou all,partof wonderful food chain it is betterto avoid eatingoutsideapartfrom places
Lugi Family.When I say a family,the immediatething that thatassureshomefood.
connectsme to you all is your health,which is a part of your
families'health. 13.Everymouthfulof food,chewat least6 to 8 times.

We are at the crossroads,eversince I startedto take up Holistic l4.Meditate;visualizeyourselfbeingin goodhealth,and aimto

Healthprojectsin India.I oftengo to bed with a doubt,are we achieveit.
havingthiseconomicprogressalongwithgood healthor at the
' l 5 . B M il s n o t t h eo n l y w a y t ot h i n k o fw h a ti s i d e aw
l e i g h ts, o m e
costof goodhealth?Againwhenwe say cost,it is time,money,
resources, productivity,
happiness,qualitytimewithfamilyand may exceedfew kgs but chancesare they mightbe ableto stay
so on? Our advantageover Englishhas presentedus the healthy.Stayhealthyand keepyourwaistsizebelow32-34
opportunity to readall kindsof magazinesand articlesthatend
forthosewho thinkany information
up alteringlifestyle is gospel 16.Keepyour body Hydrated,and do not eat when you are
truth.I urgeyouto think. actuallythirsty, betweenThirstand Hunger.
'1T.Havinga cuportwo of coffeeor tea everyday is nota sin,so
Howto maintainhealthat minimalcost?Beingin the Industryof
Insurance,where less the claim more the revenuefor the don'tlivein guiltoralienateyourselffromsuchdrinks,butdo not
company,agents/financial advisorsshouldtake this in mind indulge.Youget enoughantioxidantsthroughyournormalday
'right" to day Veggies/greens,don't drain your wallet buying
when dealingwith your clients.I foreseeif there is no
attitudeand choiceof rightknowledge,insurancecompanywill expensiveAnti oxidants,Tea/drink/powder and so on. Save
be facedwithmoreclaimsin theverynearfuture. moneyon thesethingsand if needbe organizeand invitetrue
wellnessexpertto travelwith you and guideyour path.This is
Before we preach about health, I request all those who are calledspendingwisely.
readingthisarticleto try and developthefollowingregime.Your
children,youngor teenager,mightget positivelyinfluencedby 18.Havehome made yoghurtregularlywith your food. Don't
youractionsand benefitas well: simply believewhat you see on the Media,researchshows
Action20 bySifuK.R. Swathi: most of it are deliberatelymisguiding.Let your spouseread
thesetips,to makea betterrecipeforgoodhealth.
1.Wakeup earlymorning,and earlyto bed ( preventsdiabetes
in the longerrun) 19.Spendqualitytimewithyourfamily;it is healingin the longer
2.Have d full, healthybreakfast.(Processfoods like breakfast
cereals,or just tea with bread or just plain water is not a 20.Dedicate timeto Prayer,it helps.Maintaingoodfriends,who
breakfast) helpin over all maintaining good health.Yourrelationship with
your spouse is very important;spend qualitytime with your
3.Go with productsthat are locallyavailable,meaningavoid spouse.
productswith too muchof processingor preservative,fertilizers
are usedto holdontofreshnessand alsosavesplanetin terms These20 pointsareveryimportant,20 Gemsof my experience
of fuelcostin transportation. in the last 20 yearsin the area of HolisticWellness,whichwill
preventyou from illnessand provideyou good health.No
4.Exercise.Take up exercises like Tai Chi, or Yoga from a lookingback.
holisticmasterwhois ableto programsomethingthatsuitsyour
neeos. I would like to wish the organizersand the delbgatesanother
greatLugiConvention 2009at Hyderabad. I proposea toastfor
S.Joincourses that conductclasses every day and not just vour successful convention.
twice a week, benefitsof exercisetakes time to show on your

6.Preferexercisesthat notjust tone up the musclebut alsoset

an innerrhythmto yourmind,whichwillprotectyou fromstress.
Wrong exercise regime increases the risk of non
communicable diseasein theshortand longterm is nottrueto say "No Pain,No Gain":..One can gainwithout


Rice, etc.), Jaggery instead of refined Sugar, Pulses and

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