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ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020;xxx(xx):xxx---xxx

Acta Colombiana de
Cuidado Intensivo


Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge.

Review article
Diana Ávila Reyes a,∗ , David Ricardo Echeverry Piedrahita b,c , Mateo Aguirre Flórez d

Medicina Crítica y Cuidados Intensivos, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
Departamento de Medicina Crítica y Cuidados Intensivos, Docente y Coordinador Académico del Programa de Postgrado de
Medicina Crítica y Cuidados Intensivos, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia
Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo (AMCI regional Eje Cafetero), Colombia
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Programa de Medicina, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia

Received 12 February 2020; accepted 12 May 2020

Cardiovascular Introduction: Sepsis continues to be a clinical condition with an ostensibly high mortality
infections; despite efforts in early detection and therapeutic interventions, and its incidence in the post-
Cardiac surgery surgical cardiac surgery patient is relatively low. However, when sepsis or septic shock develops
procedures; in this scenario, it has a negative impact on the results. Regardless of the procedure performed,
Sepsis; the success of the outcomes depends on the optimal postoperative care in the Intensive Care
Shock; Unit, in order to improve the results and to have an effect on the morbidity and mortality.
Critical care Objectives: To carry out a review of sepsis in the scenario of the post-surgical cardiovascular
patient, its pathophysiology, risk factors, integral management, and the results of different
therapeutic strategies in the light of current evidence.
Materials and methods: A search was conducted in the main scientific databases (Web of Sci-
ence/Scopus/PubMed/SciELO/Lilacs/Google Scholar) for review articles of sepsis in cardiac
surgery, as well as studies that included targeted treatments, and antibiotic prophylaxis in this
clinical context.
Results: Bibliographic references were found in databases from 1996 to 2019.
Conclusion: Sepsis after cardiac surgery is a rare event. There are no different definitions for
this group of patients and there are difficulties in diagnosis since the manifestations of septic
shock can be confused with the normal postoperative course. Different prevention strategies
for postoperative infections are recognized in clinical practice guidelines.
© 2020 Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crı́tica y Cuidado lntensivo. Published by Elsevier
España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Ávila Reyes).
0122-7262/© 2020 Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crı́tica y Cuidado lntensivo. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 D. Ávila Reyes et al.

PALABRAS CLAVE Sepsis en posquirúrgico cardiovascular: un reto clínico. Artículo de revisión

Introducción: La sepsis continúa siendo una condición clínica con una mortalidad ostensible-
mente alta a pesar de los esfuerzos en la detección temprana y las intervenciones terapéuticas,
cirugía cardiaca;
y su incidencia en el paciente posquirúrgico de cirugía cardiaca es relativamente baja, sin
embargo, cuando se desarrolla sepsis o choque séptico en este escenario, tiene un impacto
negativo en los resultados. Independientemente del procedimiento realizado, el éxito de los
Cuidado crítico
resultados depende de la atención postoperatoria óptima en la unidad de cuidados intensivos,
con el fin de mejorar los resultados y obtener un impacto en relación con la morbimortalidad.
Objetivos: Realizar una revisión sobre la sepsis en el escenario del paciente posquirúrgico car-
diovascular, su fisiopatología, los factores de riesgo, el manejo integral y los resultados de
diferentes estrategias terapéuticas a la luz de la evidencia actual.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en las principales bases de datos científicas
(Web of Science/Scopus/PubMed/SciELO/Lilacs/Google Scholar) sobre artículos de revisión
de sepsis en cirugía cardiaca, y estudios que incluyeron tratamientos dirigidos y profilaxis
antibiótica en este contexto clínico.
Resultados: Se encontraron referencias bibliográficas en bases de datos desde 1996 hasta 2019.
Conclusión: La sepsis después de la cirugía cardiaca es un evento raro, no existen definiciones
diferentes para este grupo poblacional y hay dificultades en el diagnóstico dado que las man-
ifestaciones del choque séptico se pueden confundir con el curso normal del postoperatorio.
Se reconoce en las guías de la práctica clínica diferentes estrategias de prevención para las
infecciones postoperatorias.
© 2020 Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crı́tica y Cuidado lntensivo. Publicado por Elsevier
España, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.

Introduction difficile colitis and to a lesser extent provide urinary tract

infection, and after hospital discharge, endocarditis and
Sepsis continues to be a clinical condition with ostensibly percutaneous infection associated with devices6,7
high mortality despite efforts in early detection and thera- In a study published in 2018 that included 2230
peutic interventions,1 and its incidence in the post-surgical post-surgical cardiac surgery patients found that sepsis,
cardiac surgery patient is relatively low, however, when Sep- determined by the third definition published in the 2016
sis or septic shock develops in this scenario, it has a negative guidelines,8 was tested in 4.8% patients.9 In this study
impact on the results.2 it was concluded that although the incidence of sepsis
In the United States, it is estimated that cardiac surgi- was relatively low, there is a direct relationship between
cal interventions, which include aortocoronary bypass graft the appearance of sepsis and septic shock with increased
(CABG), replacement or repair of heart valves and aortic morbidity, mortality, days of mechanical ventilation require-
procedures, represent one of the most common categories ment, ICU stay and hospital stay.9,10 Given the change
of all surgeries performed per year, generating a direct in the population pyramid, more and more interventions
annual cost of more than 20 billion dollars, which represents have been seen in the elderly population, which presents
1---2% of health care costs.3 Forms of surgical site infec- greater comorbidities, require more complex and prolonged
tion (ISO) include mediastinitis and infection of the sternal cardiac procedures, which leads to greater risks of compli-
wound. The average ISO frequency varies from 0.35 to 8.49 cation during the post-surgical period.11,12 It is described
per 100 surgeries.4 that elderly patients also have impaired immunity due
From the epidemiological point of view, the appearance to immunosenescence, which leads to an increased risk
of sepsis and in the post-surgical period of cardiac surgery is of developing sepsis.13 Antimicrobial prophylaxis in car-
a rare event with a reported prevalence between 0.39% and diac procedures reduces the appearance of ISO up to five
2.5% but with mortality ranging between 65 and 79%.2 In a times14
study published in 2017 that included a total of 2477 patients Regardless of the procedure performed, the success of
undergoing cardiac surgery, deep sternal infection or medi- the results depends to a large extent on the optimal post-
astinitis was reported as one of the first five complications operative care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), since most
found, which also raised the need for reintervention with preventable deaths in the immediate postoperative period
important implications on the results of patients concerning are detected in this room and it is necessary of the spe-
to mortality5 cialist in Critical Medicine have the knowledge for the early
The infections most frequently found in the postoper- detection of complications, and take early measures in this
ative period are pneumonia, bloodstream infections, C. regard, in the company of the cardiovascular surgery team,15

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Sepsis after cardiac surgery 3

to improve the results and obtain a positive impact in rela- (CID); recognized factor as an independent predictor of
tion to reducing morbidity and mortality.16,17 organic failure and mortality in the cardiovascular surgery
In this review, the presentation of sepsis in post-surgical patient scenario 29 On the other hand, in patients during car-
patients of cardiac surgery, its pathophysiology, the diag- diac surgery, the complement system is activated by several
nostic approach, and the therapeutic management to be mechanisms and its activation is involved in the inflamma-
performed in adult patients are analyzed. tory response Previously, it was mentioned that the release
of endotoxins activates the complement through the alter-
nate pathway, which leads to the subsequent release of
Definition of sepsis in patients subdued proteases and oxygen free radicals, the consequence of
to cardiac surgery which is the increase in the endothelial lesion. When the
mechanisms are perpetuated and significant tissue hypoper-
The definitions of sepsis and septic shock have also changed fusion occurs at the microcirculation level, it is recognized
throughout history until the third definition of sepsis that the progression to the syndrome of multiple organic
is known. In 2001, the systemic inflammatory response dysfunctions becomes uncontrollable (SDOM).30
syndrome (SIRS) was defined as the presence of two or The effects of extracorporeal circulation on the physiol-
more anomalies including in the criteria body temperature, ogy of the organism have been established from the moment
heart rate, respiration, or white blood cell count. Sepsis of the arrest related to multiple factors that directly influ-
required the presence of two or more SIRS criteria, coupled ence these changes, such as the contact of the blood with
with a suspected or documented infection.18 However, the extracorporeal circulation membrane, the change from
since the development of SIRS and its progression to sepsis the pulsatile flow to non-pulsatile flow, the decrease in
and septic shock, there are complex biological factors and temperature, hemodilution, surgical trauma and the use
there are still controversies both in the understanding of of anticoagulants, added to the short circuit or cardiopul-
its pathophysiology, definition, diagnosis and therapeutic monary shunt, changes caused by ischemia-reperfusion;
approach.19---21 factors that influence the activation of complex pathways
There is currently a definition of sepsis and septic shock that generate a systemic inflammatory response.13,31---33 This
for the general scenario 1 , however, in the post-surgical activated inflammatory response leads to the development
scenario of cardiovascular surgery, there are no definitions of variable levels of immunosuppression, which conditions a
adjusted to the physiological changes of the procedure, or greater susceptibility to the development of infections,34,35
the diagnosis Differential with Vasoplegic Syndrome 22,23 all this added to other risk-enhancing factors 36 During the
or low cardiac output,24 conditions that could be present phenomena of ischemia-re-perfusion in cardiac surgery,
in the patient undergoing cardiac surgery without the pres- changes have been seen at the intestinal level in relation
ence of infection and that make it difficult early detection to an increase in endothelial permeability which generates
of sepsis. bacterial translocation, a release of endotoxins that when
it enters the circulation induces a systemic response, which
can cause systemic damage37---39
Pathophysiology of sepsis in patients
submitted to cardiac surgery
Etiology of sepsis
The pathophysiology of sepsis involves a complex interac-
tion between several molecular pathways, pro-inflammatory Cardiac surgery patients present the same infections in the
responses, cytokine release, activation of the coagula- post-surgical period as the general population, with the lung
tion cascade, complement system, and cellular components being the first source, followed by infections associated
of inflammation.25 Studies show that a percentage of with venous access, urinary tract infection and surgical site
the population, when faced with the infectious pro- infections40
cess, presents deregulation in that response, in which Gram-positive microorganisms such as Staphylococcus
the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes aureus, Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) cause
take place concomitantly.26 At the molecular level, the approximately 60% of the ISO after cardiovascular proce-
immune response begins when pattern recognition recep- dures. Gram-negative microorganisms such as Enterobacte-
tors (PRRs) on the surface of host immune cells recognize riaceae spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Acinetobacter spp.,
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), such as are less common pathogens in this clinical scenario and when
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and associated molecular pat- present, they are more frequently related to patients who
terns with danger (DAMPs), which are released in response have undergone grafts with the saphenous vein.4
to inflammatory stress, triggered by surgical trauma or A study published in 2012, with a total of 10,522
cardiopulmonary bypass 27 Toll-like receptors (TLR) play a patients undergoing cardiac surgery, revealed that mortality
central role in the inflammatory response since they con- depended on the type of pathogen, finding that Staphylo-
trol numerous descending pathways.28 The inflammatory coccus aureus and Gram-negative bacteria infections are
response is closely interconnected with the activation of associated with a higher mortality than patients with infec-
the coagulation cascade and the fibrinolytic system, also tions caused by other types of microorganisms. In this study,
mediated by the endothelial lesion characteristic of the the presence of a major postoperative infection was found in
septic process, and the alteration of the functioning of 3.2% of the patients, Staphylococci were isolated in 52.5%,
coagulation factors a systemic level, which translates into Gram-negative bacilli in 24.3% and other pathogens in
the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation 23.2%. Obesity, previous coronary bypass surgery, emergency

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 D. Ávila Reyes et al.

surgery, renal failure, immunosuppression, heart failure and obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, grafts with the
peripheral/cerebrovascular disease were associated with internal mammary artery, a greater number of grafts and
the development of postoperative infections, increasing documented nasal colonization by Staphylococcus aureus.
hospital stay and mortality.41 Several studies have shown that diabetes mellitus is an
Another study published in 2014 that included 5158 car- important risk factor for the development of sepsis in
diac surgery patients revealed that almost 5% of patients patients with cardiac surgery 50 and concomitantly it has
experienced major postoperative infections.42 Among the been found that the increase in blood glucose levels and
typical infections, pneumonia was the first focus, followed the variability of they are directly associated with a poor
by bloodstream infections and Clostridium difficile colitis, clinical outcome 51,52 Due to the poor results and the direct
which represent 79% of all major postoperative infections. relationship of hyperglycemia as an independent mortality
Superficial surgical site infections (ISO) were less frequent factor and development of deep sternal wound infection,
and interestingly, it was found that 45% of all postoperative they have been implemented management strategies with
infections occur after hospital discharge. The deep ISO are insulin infusion both intraoperatively and postoperatively in
those stratified as mediastinal infections that include medi- cardiac surgery 12,53
astinitis, pericarditis and myocarditis, have a relatively low In a study of 3249 patients undergoing different types
incidence, calculated in 0.25---5% of patients undergoing car- of cardiac surgery including isolated coronary artery bypass
diac surgery, however it is a complication that has a great graft (CABG), repair or replacement of isolated valve, com-
impact on clinical outcomes of patients because they require bined valve procedures and CABG, 122 infections of the
surgical reintervention treatment for focus control, pro- sternal wound were detected (3, 8%) in 3249 patients: 74
longed time of antibiotic therapy, hospital readmissions and of 1857 patients (4.0%) after CABG, 19 of 799 (2.4%) after
increased morbidity and mortality.43,44 Infections significan- valve operations and 29 of 593 (4.9%) after combined pro-
tly affect survival, prolonged hospitalization or readmission, cedures. In patients with CABG, bilateral removal of the
which significantly influences the costs of health care.45 internal thoracic artery, the duration of the procedure that
Depending on the type of infection, the most frequently exceeded 300 min, diabetes, obesity, chronic obstructive
found germs are different and in this sense the production pulmonary disease and female sex were independent pre-
of cultures is a sine qua non condition. dictors of sternal wound infection. In conclusion, the risk
factors for sternal wound infections after cardiac surgery
are also related to the type of surgical procedure.54
Risk factors of sepsis in cardiac surgery Another risk factor related to the development of infec-
tions and sepsis in cardiac surgery is the administration of
The hospital stay prior to surgery, the use of antibiotics, blood products.55 Restrictive transfusion strategies with a
invasions, the type of procedure and duration, in addition to defined threshold between 8 g/L and 10 g/L,56 could reduce
infectious complications during medical care can lead to the the risk of postoperative complications, including infection
development of sepsis and septic shock of the post-surgical transmission,57 without increasing the risk of mortality in
cardiovascular surgery patient.9 Pneumonia associated with cardiac surgery.
health care or associated with ventilator (NAV) is a frequent The number of invasions is related to the risk of sepsis,
complication in the post-surgical period of cardiovascular especially bloodstream infections.9
surgery, defined as the presence of pulmonary infection Tools for predicting the risk of developing infection in this
after 48 h of the onset of mechanical ventilation, which population have been developed. In a study of 2020 patients
determines the development of sepsis and is a prognostic published in 2019, they used the IRIC SCORE, which is a two-
factor of ICU stay and morbidity and mortality.46 Prolonged variable scoring system for pre-operative stratification of
mechanical ventilation for more than 7 days and/or the need cardiac surgery patients according to their ISO risk after
for tracheostomy increases the risk of sepsis, ICU stay and surgery. The proposed tool outperforms other commonly
mortality.47 In a systematic review and meta-analysis pub- used scoring systems and could be used to define prophy-
lished in 2015, it was concluded that, within NAV prevention laxis requirement with preventive antibiotic treatment and
strategies, the implementation of selective oral or diges- closer monitoring of high-risk patients.58
tive decontamination with systemic antibiotic prophylaxis Regardless of the possible applications of IRIC, the most
can reduce the incidence of infection in critical patients.48 efficient management of patients requires the ability to
The objective of a study of 173 patients was to eval- use, in addition to the scales, comprehensive analysis of
uate the efficacy of selective digestive decontamination, the clinic, biomarkers and cultures in clinical decision mak-
without parenteral antibiotics for the prevention of pneumo- ing. No risk scale is superior to the clinician’s criteria to the
nia associated with mechanical ventilation, concluding that patient’s bedside.
this measure can reduce the incidence of VAP in high-risk
patients after Major cardiac surgery, without a significant
influence on the intestinal flora.49 More studies are required Diagnosis of sepsis in cardiac surgery
in this specific population to give conclusions on the imple-
mentation of this measure. The diagnosis of sepsis is mainly based on clinical recogni-
The ISO correspond to sterile infections and mediastinitis tion and detection of crop-based pathogens. However, it is
that significantly increase costs, days of care, mortal- recognized that the result of the cultures does not interfere
ity and correspond to a quality measurement factor in in the early start of the therapeutic approach with broad-
medical care.46 Risk factors for ISO after cardiac proce- spectrum antibiotics in the first hour, taking into account
dures include pre-existing peripheral chronic or vascular that the results of the cultures can take up to 48 h and are

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Sepsis after cardiac surgery 5

negative even in the 30% of cases.1 In post-surgical cardiac evidence of infection in the early postsurgical period. The
surgery patients, cultures may be altered and falsely nega- level of plasma PCT exceeded the cutoff value at different
tive due to the use of peri-operative antibiotic prophylaxis,12 time points, suggesting an infection, and it is useful to pre-
in addition to the relationship between the sepsis produced dict the onset of infection early after surgery. So far there
by endotoxins in this scenario.13 As mentioned, the physical is no large study, nor are there recommendations in this
examination of the patient with sepsis in the postoperative population regarding levels of Procalcitonin or protocols for
period of cardiac surgery is nonspecific and is often confused its implementation that allow us to confirm the infectious
with other complications of surgery or with changes related process in the post-surgical period, and perhaps the most
to the use of extracorporeal circulation or the anesthetic accepted scenario is to direct the treatment Procalcitonin-
effect.59 In this sense, the use of molecular panel tests in based antibiotic to save days of antimicrobial treatment and
patients with high suspicion of sepsis, have an important avoid resistance.1
place in clinical practice, in addition to apparently hav- Other studies suggest the usefulness of endotoxin
ing a good cost-effectiveness relationship in the emergency screening tests, however, at the moment there are no
department.60 The clinical manifestations of both infection recommendations in this regard in the guidelines of post-
and organic dysfunction can be very subtle and vary among surgical cardiac surgery management.13
patients, depending on multiple factors, such as the initial In a small 2009 study of 32 cardiac surgery patients under-
site of infection, the causative pathogen, bacterial load, vir- going bypass, it was shown that a partial time of activated
ulence level, patient’s previous nutritional status, the onset thromboplastin, analyzed by the biphasic waveform (BPW),
of acute organic dysfunction, the underlying comorbidities, was able to discriminate between sepsis and SIRS with a
as well as the time of initiation of treatment.61 In the sur- sensitivity 100% and a specificity of 93%.66
gical patient, this is even more complex because many of
the initial symptoms of sepsis Postoperatively can be easily
attributed to common postoperative changes as mentioned,
Presepsin (PSEP) soluble subtype of CD14 or sCD14-ST is a
and in this sense the challenge is early diagnosis to achieve
complex product of CD14 cleavage that is released into the
interventions that impact patient outcomes.59
general circulation and automated rapid quantification is
currently available. Circulating levels of PSEP can be per-
Biomarkers ceived as a control of activated monocyte-macrophages in
response to pathogens. It represents a biomarker of the ini-
Within the biomarkers and molecular diagnostic tools in sep- tial phase of systemic infection. A pilot study of 50 patients
sis, more than 170 biomarkers have been studied,62 however, demonstrated its diagnostic value and prognosis in sepsis in
these biomarkers are problematic in this scenario, since the emergency setting67
surgical intervention per se causes an increase in expres- It is not known if presepsin can be used to stratify risk
sion of acute phase proteins, for example, the level of in elective cardiac surgery. In a prospective study of 856
C-reactive protein (CRP) increases during the postoperative cardiac surgery patients, the utility of presepsin for risk
period after major surgery, in the absence of infection.13 stratification was determined, concluding that high preop-
Although the CRP is elevated in patients of major surgery, erative plasma concentration is an independent predictor
an association has been established with the tendency of its of postoperative mortality. Presepsin also provided better
elevation rather than with an isolated data. In a study pub- discrimination than cystatin C, the N-terminal prohormonal
lished in 2014,63 which included 151 patients, 32% of whom natriuretic peptide or procalcitonin.68 Another study men-
were post-surgical cardiovascular surgery, it was found that tions its prognostic utility.69 A study published this year,
persistently elevated levels above >100 mg/L four days after of 122 cardiac surgery patients, aimed to assess the levels
the procedure, They are indicative of active infection. of presepsin and procalcitonin to predict adverse postop-
erative complications and mortality concluding that both
biomarkers appear to have a comparable predictive value
for renal, cardiovascular and respiratory outcomes in heart
Procalcitonin (PCT) is a pro-hormone synthesized by the C
surgery patients In addition, presepsin has a better predic-
cells of the thyroid gland, and has a place for the differ-
tive value for hospital mortality, at 30 days and 6 months.70
ential diagnosis of the infectious process in several clinical
settings, with pneumonia being the most studied. In patients
with coronary bypass heart surgery (Bypass) it has been Interleukin 6
found that the serum PCT concentration has a peak on the Interleukin (IL)-6 is a pleiotropic inflammatory cytokine with
first postoperative day and subsequently drops. In a prospec- both pro and anti-inflammatory abilities, produced by dif-
tive study of 97 patients 64 postoperatively of cardiovascular ferent cells and tissues, such as leukocytes, adipocytes and
surgery, a serum PCT concentration > 10 ng/ml was reported endothelium. This cytokine is a reliable biomarker of cardiac
to be highly indicative of septic shock. Later in 2017, a dysfunction, occurrence of atrial fibrillation, cardiac myx-
retrospective study was published in China that included oma with recurrence, metastasis or remote embolization
82 patients undergoing cardiac surgery with Bypass.65 The and atherosclerotic processes. In cardiac surgical patients,
objective of the study was to determine the value of Procal- the expression of IL-6 reflects the inflammatory process
citonin (PCT) as an early marker of postoperative infection in relation to anesthesia, surgical trauma and periopera-
after of cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. The tive complications. It also predicts postoperative cardiac
results analyze that in the presence of SIRS and together function and complications, such as infection, atrial fib-
the elevated levels of PCT in plasma were correlated with rillation, cardiac dysfunction and recurrence or myxoma

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 D. Ávila Reyes et al.

metastasis. The development of new therapeutic agents for to volume and who do not benefit from expansion with
the elimination of IL-6 could improve results by inhibiting crystalloids, also considering static variables and clinical
apoptotic myocardial processes.71 The results of a study of evaluation integral of the critical patient.80,81
23 patients suggest that patients over 70 years old under-
going cardiac operations have higher levels of IL-6. The
increase in circulating IL-6 in elderly patients can induce a
Sepsis-induced heart dysfunction is common and patients
pro-inflammatory state that can lead to an increase in mor-
who have undergone cardiac surgery are particularly sus-
tality and morbidity.72 Another study of 122 cardiac surgery
ceptible to this complication or they may already have
patients evaluated the ratio of concentrations. of procalci-
preoperative myocardial insufficiency.2
tonin and interleukin-6 in the results. They were measured
Norepinephrine continues to feel the first line of mana-
on the second postoperative day, and the results suggest
gement in this scenario, followed by vasopressin in patients
that PCT levels are related to outcomes in relation to renal
who do not respond to catecholamines.1 For patients who
function, and IL-6 is a predictor of mortality 73 Larger studies
remain hypotensive after resuscitation with liquids and who
are needed to define the role of IL-6 and define its routine
have low cardiac output, inotropic therapy with dobutamine
use in this clinical scenario.
can be considered, taking into account the risk of arrhyth-
mias in the post-surgical cardiac surgery patient. It has been
Treatment of sepsis in the postoperative shown that, due to the manipulation of the atrium during
cardiac surgery the surgical procedure, there is a high risk of developing
arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation.82 Dobutamine
Cardiac surgery patients, which are complicated by postop- increases cardiac output, but also increases myocardial oxy-
erative sepsis, represent a particularly challenging patient gen consumption, which can result in myocardial ischemia
population, due to their hemodynamic commitment, typical and ventricular dysfunction.13 Levosimendan is an inotropic
of the intervention that makes it more difficult to obtain agent, which acts as a calcium sensitizer, increasing cardiac
hemodynamic stability and adequate tissue perfusion.2,59 output without increasing oxygen consumption. A meta-
Campaign guides surviving sepsis, emphasize that early analysis published in 2012 that included a total of 45 clinical
diagnosis, aggressive resuscitation, adequate antibiotic trials with 5480 patients, showed a significant reduction in
therapy, source control and organic support are the key mortality and length of hospital stay in patients with cardiac
elements of sepsis management.1 However, although the surgery who received treatment with levosimendan, com-
guidelines may have improved sepsis management in pared to dobutamine or the placebo.83 Other studies have
the general population, they do not provide guidance to demonstrated a hemodynamic improvement in patients with
specific patient populations. Particularly in the post-surgical sepsis who received levosimendan, in addition, the cardio-
cardiac patient, the clinical manifestations can be very protective effects and the reduction in mortality in critical
subtle and difficult to recognize, since they are easily patients are postulated.13 Similar results were found in a
confused with common postoperative complications.74 2015 meta-analysis of seven randomized clinical trials that
The most recent evidence-based guidelines for the treat- included a total of 246 patients, confirming that levosimen-
ment of sepsis and septic shock were published in 2018.1 dan significantly reduces mortality in patients with sepsis
In accordance with the therapeutic guidelines, initial water and septic shock, compared to dobutamine treatment84
resuscitation, adequate antibiotic therapy, source control In a retrospective observational study, which included
and individual organ support are recommended. The ele- 10,700 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, milrinone ver-
ments of care consist of seven objectives: four will be sus dobutamine was compared, to assess mortality from all
completed within the first 3 h and three will be completed causes, finding that the intraoperative use of milrinone in
within 6 h. Septic patients should be treated with broad- cardiac surgery may be associated with an increase in mor-
spectrum antibiotics within the first hour after diagnosis.75,76 tality compared to Dobutamine use.85
Ideally, the initial antibiotic treatment should be adminis- No specific studies on vasoactive support of the septic
tered after blood cultures have been taken, although their patient in cardiac surgery were found in this search and
onset should not be delayed by taking them. It has been its use is extrapolated from the general recommendations
shown that inadequate antibiotic treatment or its delayed of the patient in septic shock,1 and in Japan the vasoac-
onset leads to a dramatic increase in mortality.13 tive score has been implemented- inotropic (VIS), which is a
scale that shows the amount of vasoactive and inotropic sup-
port Recently, it was suggested that VIS after cardiac surgery
Volumetric resuscitation
predicts morbidity and mortality in pediatric patients, which
is why a cohort study was conducted Retrospective of 129
Resuscitation with liquids is considered the first step to
adult patients of cardiac surgery concluding that the amount
restore tissue perfusion and crystalloids are recommended
of cardiovascular support at the end of cardiac surgery can
instead of colloids, taking into account that approximately
predict morbidity and mortality in adults, this scale being a
50% of hemodynamically unstable patients respond to fluid
prognostic tool Large studies are required to assess the real
therapy.77 The direct relationship between volume overload
utility and its implementation widespread.86
and poor results has also been determined, with increased
mortality,78 with a higher risk in patients who have car-
diovascular disorders.79 This measure requires monitoring Beta blockers
volumetric management using dynamic measures of preload There is no available evidence on the use of beta blockers
assessment to determine which patients are responders in the context of septic patients after cardiac surgery, the

Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.
ACCI-258; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Sepsis after cardiac surgery 7

results of other critical care settings suggest that this option according to the report of the sepsis cultures and breads
deserves research in future studies, in the environment of according to the institutional availability.13
cardiovascular surgery13 .

Adjuvant therapies
Extracorporeal blood purification therapies have been pro- Hemodynamic monitoring is an important aspect in cardiac
posed as a strategy to regulate the general inflammatory surgery, both in the perioperative and postoperative. The
response in sepsis. Small experimental studies have shown use of the appropriate technique depends on the patient’s
that wide reduction of inflammatory cytokines through clinical scenario. The pulmonary artery catheter is a stan-
adsorption can improve the outcome.87 In 2014, a multicen- dard tool that can be used to assess trends and direct
ter randomized clinical trial was published, which included therapy for both liquids and vasoactive agents, although its
192 patients, with discouraging results in terms of mortal- use has been declining over the years. There are other tech-
ity reduction or improvement of other parameters.88 The niques, such as a pulse contour analysis or minimally invasive
above could be due to the fact that the release of cytokines monitoring devices, which can be validated at a particu-
is part of the host’s response to maintain homeostasis and lar stage. Echocardiography is an important tool available
the overall reduction of cytokines could be harmful. to the patient’s bedside to assess additional overload, con-
Endotoxins, on the other hand, play a crucial role in the tractility and complications in the patient in cardiac surgery
pathophysiology of sepsis and the progression to dysfunction susceptible to intervention such as pneumothorax or cardiac
of multiple organs. To this extent, the use of hemoperfu- tamponade and has been revolutionizing the evaluation of
sion therapy with polymyxin B filters for the elimination of the patient in ICU94
endotoxin has shown that it could improve renal and car-
diovascular function and overall survival.89 A study of 65
patients with severe sepsis after cardiac surgery showed Infection prevention in cardiac surgery
that the use of hemoperfusion with polymyxin B was asso-
ciated with an improvement in hemodynamic parameters Preventive strategies should include both antibiotic pro-
and a reduction in mortality at 28 days, which was reported phylaxis, according to institutional protocols, and clinical
as 42% in the study group, compared with 65% in the con- processes that limit the factors that cause the release of
trol group.90 Additionally, a retrospective study published in endotoxins and packages (Bundles) for the prevention of
2015 in 52 patients with septic shock refractory to treatment infections in the intensive care unit (ICU).42
with high dose vasopressors showed a marked improvement Antibiotic surgical prophylaxis before cardiac surgery is
in hemodynamic parameters, organ function and mortality, recommended to reduce the incidence of serious infections.
suggesting an important role as rescue therapy in patients. First and second generation cephalosporins are the best
with refractory septic shock.89 studied antimicrobial agents for the prevention of ISO in
The use of corticosteroids in septic patients in cardiac cardiovascular procedures.95 The use of second-generation
surgery is extrapolated from the recommendations of the cephalosporins was associated with a 30% reduction in the
septic patient of the general population.91 A systematic development of severe gram-positive and gram-negative
review and meta-analysis where 56 Randomized clinical tri- infection compared to prophylaxis with first-generation
als (RCTs) were included, with a total of 16,013 patients cephalosporins.96 The results of a recent meta-analysis that
found that mortality was not significantly different between included a total of 14 studies, with high heterogeneity index
the steroid group and the placebo group, myocardial injury (I2 63%) showed a significant reduction in the risk of infection
was more frequent in the steroid group and the atrial fibril- of the sternal wound after implantation of gentamicin-
lation of new onset was lower in this group92 collagen sponges.97 Powerful studies are required to confirm
Progress has been made in the study of other adjuvant the benefit of additional local intervention in certain patient
therapies proper in septic patients, such as hydrocortisone in populations.
combination with vitamin C, thiamine, however large trials The 2017 guidelines 12 have defined antibiotic prophy-
are required to give a strong recommendation in this patient laxis in cardiac surgery by administering fixed doses instead
population93 of weight-based doses, which should not routinely exceed
As previously mentioned, it has been shown that the the usual dose in adults. In patients with obesity, although
increase in blood glucose levels and variability are directly dosage adjustments are not well defined, it is accepted
associated with a poor outcome, being called as an indepen- that, for patients weighing more than 120 kg, the dose of
dent factor of mortality and development of deep sternal cephalosporin should be doubled.4 For patients with renal
wound infection, and in this measure strategies have been impairment, the dose should be adjusted according to the
implemented. Insulin infusion management both intra and creatinine clearance. It is recommended to repeat the
postoperatively for cardiac surgery.13 intraoperative dose to ensure adequate serum and tissue
The empirical antibiotic management in patients with concentrations if the duration of the procedure exceeds 2
suspected sepsis in the postoperative period of cardiac half-lives of the antibiotic agent or when there is an exces-
surgery will depend to a large extent on the suspected infec- sive loss of intraoperative blood.12 The optimal duration of
tious focus, since it is always controlled if necessary with antimicrobial prophylaxis after cardiothoracic procedures is
surgical reintervention, with a broad-spectrum empirical controversial,4 based on the evidence, a 2008 randomized
treatment that provides coverage to patients. responsi- trial, which included 838 patients, compared the administra-
ble germs in greater proportion and directing the therapy tion of a single dose versus a regimen of 24-h multiple dose

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8 D. Ávila Reyes et al.

Cefazolin, reporting higher rates of ISO in patients receiving cardiovascular complications in the postoperative period.
the single dose regimen98 A 2019 Colombian study of 396 patients randomized 207
A 2011 meta-analysis that included 12 randomized clin- patients to the ultra-fast extubation strategy arm (UFTE)
ical trials (RCTs), with a total of 7893 patients showed versus an arm of 189 patients who were conventionally
that the administration of antibiotic prophylaxis > 24 h ver- extubated. The results found that ultra-rapid extubation
sus < 24 h, significantly reduced the risk of infection of the decreases cardiovascular morbidity and vasopressor require-
operative site by 38% (95% CI 13---69%, p = 0.002) and the risk ment, without reducing the length of stay in the ICU,
of deep sternal wound infections in 68% (95% CI: 12---153%, hospital stay or mortality. This study has some limitations
p = 0.01)99 such as the heterogeneity of its study population, however,
Proper prophylaxis should be administered at least 60 min its promising result.103 Larger studies are required to assess
before the incision, if the regimen is vancomycin, it is the impact of early extubation in relation to the develop-
120 min before starting surgery,4 and the need to repeat ment of sepsis in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
a dose will depend on the duration of the procedure, the
amount of bleeding Regarding prophylaxis time, regimens of
up to 48 h have been administered and several reports have Conclusions
indicated that prophylaxis for a duration of one to four days
failed to show any reduction in ISO compared to 24-h pro- Sepsis after cardiac surgery is a rare event, considering that
phylaxis or single dose prophylaxis during the operation and there are no different definitions for this population group
if they are related to antibiotic resistance and complications and the difficulties in diagnosis since the manifestations of
from C. difficile. That said, it is not beneficial to extend the septic shock can be confused with the normal course of the
duration of antimicrobial prophylaxis until permanent lines, postoperative period or with other complications more fre-
drains and catheters are removed,4 and based on current quently associated with extracorporeal circulation. Cardiac
evidence, the optimal prophylaxis time Antibiotic in cardiac surgery patients form a very heterogeneous and challenging
surgery in adults is 24 h and should not exceed 48 h.12 It is patient population. Your risk of developing postoperative
still unclear whether intermittent or continuous administra- sepsis depends on many different factors and should be
tion of antibiotics is preferred, although there is evidence to assessed individually. Patients undergoing cardiac surgery
suggest that continuous infusion may reduce postoperative are increasingly older and have multiple comorbidities.
infectious complications, taking into account the pharma- Cardiac patients are already compromised and obtaining
cokinetics of the drug and changes in the pharmacodynamics hemodynamic stability and adequate tissue perfusion during
of the critical patient.100 the course of sepsis presents a particular challenge.
There is no evidence to support the routine use of Different prevention strategies for postoperative infec-
vancomycin for antimicrobial prophylaxis, even in insti- tions are recognized in clinical practice guidelines, including
tutions where the prevalence of S. aureus resistant to appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis, selective decontamina-
Meticillin (MRSA) is high, however, vancomycin prophylaxis tion of the digestive tract, maintenance of blood glucose
is indicated for patients known to be colonized with MRSA levels, restrictive transfusion and weaning. Early mechani-
and/or patients at high risk of MRSA infection. Due to the cal ventilation. The treatment is directed to the infectious
increase in the number of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococ- focus that is suspected and should be adjusted to the
cus aureus infections in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, microorganism isolated in the cultures, taking into account
the importance of eradicating intranasal colonization by the therapeutic implementation early as indicated in the
Staphylococcus aureus 101 is highlighted. A randomized clin- sepsis and septic shock guidelines for the general popula-
ical trial (RCT) published in Lancet in 2016, concluded tion, namely, aggressive resuscitation, adequate antibiotic
that the administration of intranasal mupirocin twice daily treatment, source control and organ support. The develop-
for 4 days before cardiac surgery, significantly reduces ment of sepsis and septic shock in this population worsens
operative site infections (ISO) in patients with coloniza- the results in terms of mortality, morbidity, hospital stay and
tion by Staphylococcus aureus.102 However, for patients in costs of medical care.
whom colonization status is unknown, diagnostic tests prior
to cardiac surgery should be considered to allow for the
appropriate preoperative duration of mupirocin eradication Author contributions
For patients with beta-lactam allergy, vancomycin or DAR and DRE formulated the research questions, designed
clindamycin are acceptable alternatives for gram-positive the article, developed the preliminary search strategy,
coverage. An additional agent for gram-negative pathogens and drafted the manuscript. MAF refined the search strat-
(such as an aminoglycoside, aztreonam or rarely a fluoro- egy, conducted the quality assessment and performed the
quinolone) may be needed in the context of ISO risk due to full translation of the manuscript. All authors critically
these organisms.12 reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content.
Antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines are similarly assumed All authors have read and approved the final version of the
for procedures such as implantation of new devices, replace- manuscript.
ment of the permanent pacemaker generator, defibrillator
implantation, flexible cardioverters and cardiac resynchro-
nization devices.12 Financing
Rapid extubation strategy protocols have been imple-
mented in the operating room to reduce infectious and The article did not receive financing.

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Please cite this article in press as: Ávila Reyes D, et al. Sepsis after cardiac surgery: The clinical challenge. Review article.
Acta Colomb Cuid Intensivo. 2020.

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