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Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous

Thromboembolic Disease * : American

College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based
Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition)
Clive Kearon, Susan R. Kahn, Giancarlo Agnelli, Samuel Goldhaber,
Gary E. Raskob and Anthony J. Comerota

Chest 2008;133;454S-545S
DOI 10.1378/chest.08-0658
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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous

Thromboembolic Disease*
American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-
Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition)

Clive Kearon, MB, PhD; Susan R. Kahn, MD; Giancarlo Agnelli, MD;
Samuel Goldhaber, MD, FCCP; Gary E. Raskob, PhD;
and Anthony J. Comerota, MD

This chapter about treatment for venous thromboembolic disease is part of the American College of Chest
Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Grade 1 recommendations are strong
and indicate that the benefits do or do not outweigh risks, burden, and costs. Grade 2 suggests that individual
patient values may lead to different choices (for a full understanding of the grading, see “Grades of
Recommendation” chapter). Among the key recommendations in this chapter are the following: for patients
with objectively confirmed deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE), we recommend
anticoagulant therapy with subcutaneous (SC) low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), monitored IV, or SC
unfractionated heparin (UFH), unmonitored weight-based SC UFH, or SC fondaparinux (all Grade 1A). For
patients with a high clinical suspicion of DVT or PE, we recommend treatment with anticoagulants while
awaiting the outcome of diagnostic tests (Grade 1C). For patients with confirmed PE, we recommend early
evaluation of the risks to benefits of thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1C); for those with hemodynamic
compromise, we recommend short-course thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1B); and for those with nonmassive
PE, we recommend against the use of thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1B). In acute DVT or PE, we
recommend initial treatment with LMWH, UFH or fondaparinux for at least 5 days rather than a shorter
period (Grade 1C); and initiation of vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) together with LMWH, UFH, or
fondaparinux on the first treatment day, and discontinuation of these heparin preparations when the
international normalized ratio (INR) is > 2.0 for at least 24 h (Grade 1A). For patients with DVT or PE
secondary to a transient (reversible) risk factor, we recommend treatment with a VKA for 3 months over
treatment for shorter periods (Grade 1A). For patients with unprovoked DVT or PE, we recommend
treatment with a VKA for at least 3 months (Grade 1A), and that all patients are then evaluated for the risks
to benefits of indefinite therapy (Grade 1C). We recommend indefinite anticoagulant therapy for patients
with a first unprovoked proximal DVT or PE and a low risk of bleeding when this is consistent with the
patient’s preference (Grade 1A), and for most patients with a second unprovoked DVT (Grade 1A). We
recommend that the dose of VKA be adjusted to maintain a target INR of 2.5 (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all
treatment durations (Grade 1A). We recommend at least 3 months of treatment with LMWH for patients
with VTE and cancer (Grade 1A), followed by treatment with LMWH or VKA as long as the cancer is active
(Grade 1C). For prevention of postthrombotic syndrome (PTS) after proximal DVT, we recommend use of
an elastic compression stocking (Grade 1A). For DVT of the upper extremity, we recommend similar
treatment as for DVT of the leg (Grade 1C). Selected patients with lower-extremity (Grade 2B) and
upper-extremity (Grade 2C). DVT may be considered for thrombus removal, generally using catheter-based
thrombolytic techniques. For extensive superficial vein thrombosis, we recommend treatment with prophy-
lactic or intermediate doses of LMWH or intermediate doses of UFH for 4 weeks (Grade 1B).
(CHEST 2008; 133:454S–545S)

Key words: cancer; chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; deep vein thrombosis; fondaparinux; low-molecular-weight
heparin; plasminogen activator; pulmonary embolism; thrombectomy; thrombolytic therapy; thrombophlebitis; unfractionated heparin;
vena caval filter; venous thromboembolism; vitamin K antagonist

Abbreviations: APTT ⫽ activated partial thromboplastin time; CDT ⫽ catheter-directed thrombolysis; CI ⫽ confidence interval;
CTPH ⫽ chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; DVT ⫽ deep venous thrombosis; INR ⫽ international normalized ratio;
IPC ⫽ intermittent pneumatic compression; IVC ⫽ inferior vena cava; LMWH ⫽ low-molecular-weight heparin;
MPFF ⫽ micronized purified flavonoid fraction; NSAID ⫽ nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; OR ⫽ odds ratio; PE ⫽ pulmonary
embolism; PTS ⫽ postthrombotic (phlebitic) syndrome; QOL ⫽ quality of life; RCT ⫽ randomized controlled trial; RR ⫽ relative risk;
rt-PA ⫽ recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; SC ⫽ subcutaneous; SVC ⫽ superior vena cava; SVT ⫽ superficial venous throm-
bosis; tPA ⫽ tissue plasminogen activator; UEDVT ⫽ upper-extremity deep vein thrombosis; UFH ⫽ unfractionated heparin;
VKA ⫽ vitamin K antagonist; VTE ⫽ venous thromboembolism

454S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
1.3 SC UFH Compared With IV Heparin for the
Summary of Recommendations Initial Treatment of DVT
1.1 Initial Anticoagulation of Acute DVT of the Leg
1.3.1. In patients with acute DVT, if monitored SC
1.1.1. For patients with objectively confirmed UFH is chosen, we recommend an initial dose of
DVT, we recommend short-term treatment 17,500 U, or a weight-adjusted dose of about 250
with SC LMWH (Grade 1A), IV UFH (Grade 1A), U/kg bid, with dose adjustment to achieve and
monitored SC UFH (Grade 1A), fixed-dose SC maintain an APTT prolongation that corresponds
UFH (Grade 1A), or SC fondaparinux (Grade 1A) to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL
rather than no such short-term treatment. anti-Xa activity when measured 6 h after injection
1.1.2. For patients with a high clinical suspicion rather than starting with a smaller initial dose (see
also Section 1.5) [Grade 1C].
of DVT, we recommend treatment with antico-
1.3.2. In patients with acute DVT, if fixed-dose,
agulants while awaiting the outcome of diagnos-
unmonitored SC UFH is chosen, we recommend
tic tests (Grade 1C).
an initial dose of 333 U/Kg followed by 250 U/kg
1.1.3. In patients with acute DVT, we recom- bid rather than non–weight-based dosing (see
mend initial treatment with LMWH, UFH, or also Section 1.5) [Grade 1C].
fondaparinux for at least 5 days and until the
INR is > 2.0 for 24 h (Grade 1C). 1.4 LMWH for the Initial Treatment of DVT
1.1.4. In patients with acute DVT, we recom-
mend initiation of VKA together with LMWH, 1.4.1. In patients with acute DVT, we recom-
UFH, or fondaparinux on the first treatment mend initial treatment with LMWH SC once or
day rather than delayed initiation of VKA twice daily, as an outpatient if possible (Grade
(Grade 1A). 1C), or as an inpatient if necessary (Grade 1A),
rather than treatment with IV UFH.
1.4.2. In patients with acute DVT treated with
1.2 IV UFH for the Initial Treatment of DVT LMWH, we recommend against routine moni-
toring with anti-factor Xa level measurements
1.2.1. In patients with acute DVT, if IV UFH is (Grade 1A).
chosen, we recommend that after an initial IV 1.4.3. In patients with acute DVT and severe
bolus (80 U/kg or 5,000 U), it be administered renal failure, we suggest UFH over LMWH
by continuous infusion (initially at a dose of 18 (Grade 2C).
U/kg/h or 1,300 U/h) with dose adjustment to
1.9 Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis for Acute DVT
achieve and maintain an activated partial
thromboplastin time (APTT) prolongation that 1.9.1. In selected patients with extensive acute
corresponds to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 to proximal DVT (eg, iliofemoral DVT, symptoms for
0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity by the amidolytic < 14 days, good functional status, life expectancy of
assay rather than administration as IV boluses > 1 year) who have a low risk of bleeding, we
throughout treatment, or administration with- suggest that catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT)
out coagulation monitoring (Grade 1C). may be used to reduce acute symptoms and post-
thrombotic morbidity if appropriate expertise and
resources are available (Grade 2B).
1.9.2. After successful CDT in patients with
*From McMaster University Clinic (Dr. Kearon), Henderson acute DVT, we suggest correction of underlying
General Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Thrombosis Clinic venous lesions using balloon angioplasty and stents
and Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies
(Dr. Kahn), Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital, (Grade 2C).
Montreal, QC, Canada; University of Perugia (Dr. Agnelli), 1.9.3. We suggest pharmacomechanical throm-
Perugia, Italy; Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Dr. Goldhaber), bolysis (eg, with inclusion of thrombus fragmen-
Boston, MA; College of Public Health, University of Oklahoma
Health Science Center (Dr. Raskob), Oklahoma City, OK; and tation and/or aspiration) in preference to CDT
Jobst Vascular Center (Dr. Comerota), Toledo, OH. alone to shorten treatment time if appropriate
Manuscript accepted December 20, 2007. expertise and resources are available (Grade 2C).
Reproduction of this article is prohibited without written permission
from the American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestjournal. 1.9.4. After successful CDT in patients with acute
org/misc/reprints.shtml). DVT, we recommend the same intensity and
Correspondence to: Clive Kearon, MB, PhD, Hamilton Health duration of anticoagulant therapy as for compa-
Sciences, Henderson Division, 711 Concession St, Hamilton, ON,
L8V 1C3, Canada; e-mail: rable patients who do not undergo CDT (Grade
DOI: 10.1378/chest.08-0658 1C). CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 455S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
1.10 Systemic Thrombolytic Therapy for 1.14 Immobilization for the Treatment of
Acute DVT Acute DVT

1.10.1. In selected patients with extensive prox- 1.14.1. In patients with acute DVT, we recom-
imal DVT (eg, symptoms for < 14 days, good mend early ambulation in preference to initial
functional status, life expectancy of > 1 year) bed rest when this is feasible (Grade 1A).
who have a low risk of bleeding, we suggest that
systemic thrombolytic therapy may be used to 2.1 Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy
reduce acute symptoms and postthrombotic
morbidity if CDT is not available (Grade 2C). 2.1.1. For patients with DVT secondary to a
transient (reversible) risk factor, we recom-
1.11 Percutaneous Venous Thrombectomy mend treatment with a VKA for 3 months over
treatment for shorter periods (Grade 1A).
1.11.1. In patients with acute DVT, we suggest 2.1.2. For patients with unprovoked DVT, we
that they should not be treated with percutaneous recommend treatment with a VKA for at least 3
mechanical thrombectomy alone (Grade 2C). months (Grade 1A). We recommend that after 3
months of anticoagulant therapy, all patients with
1.12 Operative Venous Thrombectomy for unprovoked DVT should be evaluated for the
Acute DVT risk-benefit ratio of long-term therapy (Grade 1C).
For patients with a first unprovoked VTE that is a
1.12.1. In selected patients with acute iliofemoral proximal DVT, and in whom risk factors for
DVT (eg, symptoms for < 7 days, good functional bleeding are absent and for whom good anticoag-
status, and life expectancy of > 1 year), we sug- ulant monitoring is achievable, we recommend
gest that operative venous thrombectomy may be long-term treatment (Grade 1A).
used to reduce acute symptoms and postthrom- Values and preferences: This recommendation attaches
botic morbidity if appropriate expertise and re- a relatively high value to prevention of recurrent VTE
sources are available (Grade 2B). If such patients and a lower value to the burden of long-term antico-
do not have a high risk of bleeding, we suggest agulant therapy.
that catheter-directed thrombolysis is usually For patients with a second episode of unpro-
preferable to operative venous thrombectomy voked VTE, we recommend long-term treat-
(Grade 2C). ment (Grade 1A). For patients with a first iso-
1.12.2. In patients who undergo operative venous lated distal DVT that is unprovoked, we suggest
thrombectomy, we recommend the same inten- that 3 months of anticoagulant therapy is suffi-
sity and duration of anticoagulant therapy after- cient rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 2B).
2.1.3. For patients with DVT and cancer, we
wards as for comparable patients who do not
recommend LMWH for the first 3 to 6 months
undergo venous thrombectomy (Grade 1C).
of long-term anticoagulant therapy (Grade 1A).
For these patients, we recommend subsequent
1.13 Vena Caval Filters for the Initial Treatment anticoagulant therapy with VKA or LMWH in-
of DVT definitely or until the cancer is resolved (also,
see Section 2.4) [Grade 1C].
1.13.1. For patients with DVT, we recommend 2.1.4. In patients who receive long-term anticoagu-
against the routine use of a vena cava filter in lant treatment, the risk-benefit ratio of continuing
addition to anticoagulants (Grade 1A). such treatment should be reassessed in the individ-
1.13.2. For patients with acute proximal DVT, ual patient at periodic intervals (Grade 1C).
if anticoagulant therapy is not possible be-
cause of the risk of bleeding, we recommend 2.2 Intensity of Anticoagulant Effect
placement of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter
(Grade 1C). 2.2.1. In patients with DVT, we recommend
1.13.3. For patients with acute DVT who have that the dose of VKA be adjusted to maintain a
an IVC filter inserted as an alternative to target INR of 2.5 (range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all
anticoagulation, we recommend that they treatment durations (Grade 1A). For patients
should subsequently receive a conventional with unprovoked DVT who have a strong pref-
course of anticoagulant therapy if their risk of erence for less frequent INR testing to monitor
bleeding resolves (Grade 1C). their therapy, after the first 3 months of con-

456S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
ventional-intensity anticoagulation (INR range, 3.5.1. Pentoxifylline
2.0 to 3.0), we recommend low-intensity ther-
apy (range, 1.5 to 1.9) with less frequent INR 3.5.1. In patients with venous leg ulcers, we
monitoring over stopping treatment (Grade 1A). suggest pentoxifylline, 400 mg po tid, in addi-
We recommend against high-intensity VKA tion to local care and compression and/or IPC
therapy (INR range, 3.1 to 4.0) compared to an (Grade 2B).
INR range of 2.0 to 3.0 (Grade 1A).
3.5.2. Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction or
2.6 Treatment of Asymptomatic DVT of the Leg Sulodexide for the Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
2.6.1. In patients who are unexpectedly found 3.5.2. In patients with persistent venous ulcers,
to have asymptomatic DVT, we recommend the we suggest that rutosides, in the form of mi-
same initial and long-term anticoagulation as cronized purified flavonoid fraction adminis-
for comparable patients with symptomatic DVT tered orally, or sulodexide administered intra-
(Grade 1C). muscularly and then orally, be added to local
3.1 Elastic Stockings and Compression Bandages care and compression (Grade 2B).
To Prevent PTS
4.1 IV or SC UFH, SC LMWH, SC Fondaparinux,
3.1.1. For a patient who has had a symptomatic and VKA for the Initial Treatment of PE
proximal DVT, we recommend the use of an
elastic compression stocking with an ankle pres- 4.1.1. For patients with objectively confirmed PE,
sure gradient of 30 to 40 mm Hg if feasible we recommend short-term treatment with SC
(Grade 1A). Compression therapy, which may LMWH (Grade 1A), IV UFH (Grade 1A), moni-
include use of bandages acutely, should be tored SC UFH (Grade 1A), fixed-dose SC UFH
started as soon as feasible after starting antico- (Grade 1A), or SC fondaparinux (Grade 1A) rather
agulant therapy and should be continued for a than no such acute treatment. Patients with acute
minimum of 2 years, and longer if patients have PE should also be routinely assessed for treat-
symptoms of PTS. (Note: feasibility, both short ment with thrombolytic therapy (see Section 4.3
and long term, refers to ability of patients and for related discussion and recommendations).
their caregivers to apply and remove stockings.) 4.1.2. For patients in whom there is a high clinical
Values and preferences: This recommendation at- suspicion of PE, we recommend treatment with
taches a relatively high value to long-term prevention anticoagulants while awaiting the outcome of di-
of the PTS and a low value to the burden (eg, agnostic tests (Grade 1C).
inconvenience or discomfort) associated with wear- 4.1.3. In patients with acute PE, we recommend
ing stockings. initial treatment with LMWH, UFH or fondapa-
rinux for at least 5 days and until the INR is > 2.0
3.2 Physical Treatment of PTS Without Venous Leg for at least 24 h (Grade 1C).
Ulcers 4.1.4. In patients with acute PE, we recommend
initiation of VKA together with LMWH, UFH, or
3.2.1. For patients with severe edema of the leg fondaparinux on the first treatment day rather
due to PTS, we suggest a course of intermittent than delayed initiation of VKA (Grade 1A).
pneumatic compression (IPC) [Grade 2B]. 4.1.5. In patients with acute PE, if IV UFH is
3.2.2. For patients with mild edema of the leg chosen, we recommend that after an initial IV
due to PTS, we suggest the use of elastic com- bolus (80 U/kg or 5,000 U), it be administered by
pression stockings (Grade 2C). continuous infusion (initially at dose of 18 U/kg/h
or 1,300 U/h) with dose adjustment to achieve and
3.3 Physical Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
maintain an APTT prolongation that corresponds
3.3.1. In patients with venous ulcers resistant to to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL
healing with wound care and compression, we anti-Xa activity by the amidolytic assay rather
suggest the addition of IPC (Grade 2B). than administration as IV boluses throughout
treatment, or administration without coagulation
3.4 Hyperbaric Oxygen and the Management of monitoring (Grade 1C).
Patients With Venous Ulcers 4.1.6. In patients with acute PE, if monitored SC
UFH is chosen, we recommend an initial dose of
3.4.1. For patients with venous ulcers, we suggest 17,500 U, or a weight-adjusted dose of approxi-
that hyperbaric oxygen not be used (Grade 2B). mately 250 U/kg bid, with dose adjustment to CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 457S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
achieve and maintain an APTT prolongation that 4.4 Catheter Extraction or Fragmentation for the
corresponds to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 to 0.7 Initial Treatment of PE
IU/mL anti-Xa activity when measured 6 h after
injection rather than starting with a smaller initial 4.4.1. For most patients with PE, we recom-
dose (Grade 1C). mend against use of interventional catheteriza-
4.1.7. In patients with acute PE, if fixed-dose, tion techniques (Grade 1C). In selected highly
unmonitored SC UFH is chosen, we recommend compromised patients who are unable to re-
an initial dose of 333 U/Kg followed by a twice- ceive thrombolytic therapy because of bleeding
daily dose of 250 U/kg rather than non–weight- risk, or whose critical status does not allow
based dosing (Grade 1C). sufficient time for systemic thrombolytic ther-
4.1.8. In patients with acute nonmassive PE, we apy to be effective, we suggest use of interven-
tional catheterization techniques if appropriate
recommend initial treatment with LMWH over IV
expertise is available (Grade 2C).
UFH (Grade 1A). In patients with massive PE, in
other situations where there is concern about SC
4.5 Pulmonary Embolectomy for the Initial
absorption, or in patients for whom thrombolytic
Treatment of PE
therapy is being considered or planned, we sug-
gest IV UFH over SC LMWH, SC fondaparinux, 4.5.1. In selected highly compromised patients
or SC UFH (Grade 2C). who are unable to receive thrombolytic therapy
4.1.9. In patients with acute PE treated with because of bleeding risk, or whose critical sta-
LMWH, we recommend against routine monitor- tus does not allow sufficient time for systemic
ing with anti-factor Xa level measurements (Grade thrombolytic therapy to be effective, we suggest
1A). that pulmonary embolectomy may be used if
4.1.10. In patients with acute PE and severe renal appropriate expertise is available (Grade 2C).
failure, we suggest UFH over LMWH (Grade 2C).
4.6 Vena Caval Filters for the Initial Treatment
4.3 Systemically and Locally Administered of PE
Thrombolytic Therapy for PE
4.6.1. For most patients with PE, we recom-
4.3.1. All PE patients should undergo rapid mend against the routine use of a vena caval
risk stratification (Grade 1C). For patients filter in addition to anticoagulants (Grade 1A).
with evidence of hemodynamic compromise, 4.6.2. In patients with acute PE, if anticoagu-
we recommend use of thrombolytic therapy lant therapy is not possible because of risk of
unless there are major contraindications ow- bleeding, we recommend placement of an IVC filter
ing to bleeding risk (Grade 1B). Thrombolysis (Grade 1C).
in these patients should not be delayed be- 4.6.3. For patients with acute PE who have an IVC
cause irreversible cardiogenic shock may en- filter inserted as an alternative to anticoagulation,
sue. In selected high-risk patients without we recommend that they should subsequently re-
hypotension who are judged to have a low risk ceive a conventional course of anticoagulant ther-
of bleeding, we suggest administration of apy if their risk of bleeding resolves (Grade 1C).
thrombolytic therapy (Grade 2B). The decision
to use thrombolytic therapy depends on the 5.0 Long-term Treatment of Acute PE
clinician’s assessment of PE severity, progno-
sis, and risk of bleeding. For the majority of 5.1.1. For patients with PE secondary to a tran-
patients with PE, we recommend against us- sient (reversible) risk factor, we recommend treat-
ing thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1B). ment with a VKA for 3 months over treatment for
4.3.2. In patients with acute PE, when a thrombo- shorter periods (Grade 1A).
lytic agent is used, we recommend that treatment 5.1.2. For patients with unprovoked PE, we rec-
be administered via a peripheral vein rather than ommend treatment with a VKA for at least 3
placing a pulmonary artery catheter to administer months (Grade 1A). We recommend that after 3
treatment (Grade 1B). months of anticoagulant therapy, all patients with
4.3.3. In patients with acute PE, with administra- unprovoked PE should be evaluated for the risk-
tion of thrombolytic therapy, we recommend use benefit ratio of long-term therapy (Grade 1C). For
of regimens with short infusion times (eg, a 2-h patients with a first unprovoked episode of VTE
infusion) over those with prolonged infusion that is a PE, and in whom risk factors for bleeding
times (eg, a 24-h infusion) [Grade 1B]. are absent and for whom good anticoagulant

458S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
monitoring is achievable, we recommend long- 6.1.4. For patients with inoperable CTPH, we
term treatment (Grade 1A). suggest referral to a center with expertise in
Values and preferences: This recommendation attaches pulmonary hypertension so that patients can be
a relatively high value to prevention of recurrent VTE evaluated for alternative treatments, such as va-
and a lower value to the burden of long-term antico- sodilator therapy or balloon pulmonary angio-
agulant therapy. plasty (Grade 2C).
For patients with a second episode of unpro-
voked VTE, we recommend long-term treatment 7.1 Treatment of Infusion Thrombophlebitis
(Grade 1A).
5.1.3. For patients with PE and cancer, we recom- 7.1.1. For patients with symptomatic infusion
mend LMWH for the first 3 to 6 months of long- thrombophlebitis as a complication of IV infu-
term anticoagulant therapy (Grade 1A). For these sion, we suggest oral diclofenac or another non-
patients, we recommend subsequent anticoagulant steroidal antiinflammatory drug (Grade 2B), topi-
therapy with VKA or LMWH indefinitely or until cal diclofenac gel (Grade 2B), or heparin gel
the cancer is resolved (Grade 1C). (Grade 2B) until resolution of symptoms or for up
5.1.4. In patients who receive long-term anticoagu- to 2 weeks. We recommend against the use of
lant treatment, the risk-benefit ratio of continuing systemic anticoagulation (Grade 1C).
such treatment should be reassessed in the individ-
ual patient at periodic intervals (Grade 1C). 7.2 Treatment of SVT
5.1.5. In patients with PE, we recommend that the
dose of VKA be adjusted to maintain a target INR 7.2.1. For patients with spontaneous superficial
of 2.5 (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all treatment vein thrombosis, we suggest prophylactic or
durations (Grade 1A). For patients with unpro- intermediate doses of LMWH (Grade 2B) or
voked PE who have a strong preference for less intermediate doses of UFH (Grade 2B) for at
frequent INR testing to monitor their therapy, least 4 weeks. We suggest that as an alternative
after the first 3 months of conventional-intensity to 4 weeks of LMWH or UFH, VKA (target INR,
anticoagulation (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0), we rec- 2.5; range, 2.0 to 3.0) can be overlapped with 5
ommend low-intensity therapy (INR range, 1.5 to days of UFH and LMWH and continued for 4
1.9) with less frequent INR monitoring over stop- weeks (Grade 2C). We suggest that oral nonste-
ping treatment (Grade 1A). We recommend riodal antiinflammatory drugs should not be
against high-intensity VKA therapy (INR range, used in addition to anticoagulation (Grade 2B).
3.1 to 4.0) compared with an INR range of 2.0 to We recommend medical treatment with antico-
3.0 (Grade 1A). agulants over surgical treatment (Grade 1B).
5.1.6. In patients who are unexpectedly found to Remark: It is likely that less extensive superficial vein
have asymptomatic PE, we recommend the same thrombosis (ie, where the affected venous segment is
initial and long-term anticoagulation as for com- short in length or further from the saphenofemoral
parable patients with symptomatic PE (Grade 1C). junction) does not require treatment with anticoagu-
lants. It is reasonable to use oral or topical nonsteriodal
antiinflammatory drugs for symptom control in such
6.1 Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy, VKA, and cases.
Vena Caval Filter for the Treatment of Chronic
Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension 8.1. IV UFH or LMWH for the Initial Treatment
of Upper-Extremity DVT
6.1.1. In selected patients with chronic throm-
boembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTPH), 8.1.1. For patients with acute upper-extremity
such as those with central disease under the DVT (UEDVT), we recommend initial treat-
care of an experienced surgical/medical team, ment with therapeutic doses of LMWH, UFH,
we recommend pulmonary thromboendarterec- or fondaparinux as described for leg DVT (see
tomy (Grade 1C). Section 1) [Grade 1C].
6.1.2. For all patients with CTPH, we recom-
mend life-long treatment with a VKA targeted 8.2 Thrombolytic Therapy for the Initial Treatment
to an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 (Grade 1C). of UEDVT
6.1.3. For patients with CTPH undergoing pulmo-
nary thromboendarterectomy, we suggest the 8.2.1. For most patients with acute UEDVT, we
placement of a permanent vena caval filter before recommend against the routine use of systemic or
or at the time of the procedure (Grade 2C). catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1C). CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 459S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
8.2.2. In selected patients with acute UEDVT (eg, in 8.5 Prevention of PTS of the Arm
those with a low risk of bleeding and severe symp-
toms of recent onset), we suggest that CDT may be 8.5.1. For patients at risk for PTS after UEDVT,
used for initial treatment if appropriate expertise we do not suggest routine use of elastic com-
and resources are available (Grade 2C). pression or venoactive medications (Grade 2C).

8.3 Catheter Extraction, Surgical Thrombectomy, 8.6 Treatment of PTS of the Arm
Transluminal Angioplasty, Stent Placement, Staged
Approach of Lysis Followed by Interventional or 8.6.1. In patients with UEDVT who have persis-
Surgical Procedure, Superior Vena Cava Filter tent edema and pain, we suggest elastic bandages
Insertion for the Initial Treatment of UEDVT or elastic compression sleeves to reduce symp-
toms of PTS of the upper extremity (Grade 2C).
8.3.1. For most patients with acute UEDVT, we
recommend against the routine use of catheter
extraction, surgical thrombectomy, transluminal
angioplasty, stent placement, staged approach of T hisagentssection will describe the role of antithrombotic
as well as devices or surgical techniques that
lysis followed by interventional or surgical proce- are used in the treatment of patients with acute venous
dure, or superior vena cava (SVC) filter place- thromboembolism (VTE), a disease that encompasses
ment (Grade 1C). both deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary
8.3.2. In selected patients with acute UEDVT embolism (PE). In addition, the treatment of patients with
(eg, those with primary UEDVT and failure of acute upper-extremity DVT (UEDVT), superficial vein
anticoagulant or thrombolytic treatment who thrombosis (SVT), and the two most important long-term
have severe persistent symptoms), we suggest complications of VTE, postthrombotic syndrome (PTS)
that catheter extraction, surgical thrombec- and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
tomy, transluminal angioplasty, or a staged (CTPH), are discussed. In this chapter, consistent with
approach of lysis followed by a vascular inter- most previous reports, patients with VTE are dichoto-
ventional or surgical procedure may be used mized into those with symptoms of PE (with or without
if appropriate expertise and resources are concomitant symptoms of DVT), and those who present
available (all Grade 2C). only with symptoms of DVT. Table 1 describes the
8.3.3. In selected patients with acute UEDVT eligibility criteria for the studies considered in each section
(eg, those for whom anticoagulant treatment of the recommendations that follow.
is contraindicated and there is clear evidence
of DVT progression or clinically significant
PE), we suggest placement of an SVC filter 1.0 Initial Treatment of Acute DVT of the
(Grade 2C). Leg
1.1. Initial Anticoagulation of Acute DVT of the
8.4 Anticoagulants for the Long-term Treatment of Leg
Anticoagulation is the main therapy for acute DVT of
8.4.1. For patients with acute UEDVT, we rec- the leg. The main objectives of anticoagulant therapy in
ommend treatment with a VKA for > 3 months the initial treatment of this disease are to prevent
(Grade 1C). thrombus extension and early and late recurrences of
Remark: A similar process as for lower-extremity VTE. The evidence for the need for anticoagulation in
DVT (see Section 2) should be used to determine patients with DVT is based on studies performed ⬎ 40
the optimal duration of anti-coagulation. years ago. The first and only trial1 that compared
8.4.2. For most patients with UEDVT in associ- anticoagulant therapy with no anticoagulant therapy in
ation with an indwelling central venous cathe- patients with symptomatic DVT or PE was published in
ter, we suggest that the catheter not be re- 1960 (Barritt and Jordan; Table 15). This trial of
moved if it is functional and there is an ongoing patients with acute PE showed that 1.5 days of heparin
need for the catheter (Grade 2C). and 14 days of vitamin K antagonist (VKA) therapy
8.4.3. For patients who have UEDVT in asso- markedly reduced recurrent PE and mortality. Subse-
ciation with an indwelling central venous quent uncontrolled studies2– 4 support that mortality is
catheter that is removed, we do not recom- reduced when heparin is used to treat VTE and
mend that the duration of long-term antico- reported a high mortality when patients did not receive
agulant treatment be shortened to < 3 anticoagulant therapy. Comparatively recently, the re-
months (Grade 2C). quirement for an initial course of heparin in addition to

460S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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Table 1—Question Definition and Eligibility Criteria (Section: Introduction)

Section Population Intervention or Exposure Outcome Methodology

1.1 Initial treatment of IV UFH or LMWH, fondaparinux, and VKA (direct Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg comparison of any of these treatments or their bleeding, total mortality,
combinations with a shorter or no treatment ) QOL, and PTS
1.2 Initial treatment of IV UFH; comparison of different regimens of IV Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg UFH bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.3 Initial treatment of SC UFH vs IV UFH Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.4 Initial treatment of LMWH vs IV UFH, SC UFH, and comparison of Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg different regimens of SC LMWH bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.5 Initial treatment of SC UFH vs SC LMWH Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.7 Initial treatment of New antithrombotic agents Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.6 Initial treatment of Fondaparinux vs UFH or LMWH Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
1.9 Initial treatment of CDT vs placebo or systemically administered Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg thrombolysis bleeding, total mortality, studies
QOL, and PTS
1.10 Initial treatment of Systemically administered thrombolysis vs Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg anticoagulant therapy alone bleeding, total mortality, studies
QOL, and PTS
1.11 Initial treatment of Percutaneous venous thrombectomy vs other Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg endovascular techniques or anticoagulant therapy bleeding, total mortality, studies
alone QOL, and PTS
1.12 Initial treatment of Operative venous thrombectomy vs any other mode Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg of treatment mortality, QOL, and PTS studies
1.13 Initial treatment of Vena caval filter insertion vs no venal caval filter Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg mortality, QOL, and PTS studies
1.14 Initial treatment of Immobilization vs active mobilization Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute DVT of the leg mortality, QOL, and PTS studies
2.1 Long-term treatment of Comparison of different durations of VKA therapy Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
2.2 Long-term treatment of Comparison of intensities of VKA therapy Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
2.3 Long-term treatment of SC UFH vs VKA Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
2.4 Long-term treatment of LMWH vs VKA Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
2.5 Long-term treatment of New antithrombotic agents (eg, ximelagatran, Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute DVT of the leg idraparinux) vs no treatment or other bleeding, total mortality,
anticoagulants QOL, and PTS
2.6 Treatment of Treatment with any anticoagulant therapy vs no Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
asymptomatic DVT treatment bleeding, total mortality, studies
QOL, and PTS
3.1 Prophylaxis for PTS Compression stockings vs no stockings Symptomatic PTS RCTs
3.2 Treatment of PTS Physical measures vs no intervention in patients Symptomatic relief, QOL and RCTs and cohort
without leg ulcers ulceration studies
3.3 Treatment of PTS Physical measures vs no intervention in patients Symptomatic relief, ulcer RCTs and cohort
with leg ulcers healing, QOL, and ulceration studies
3.4 Treatment of PTS Hyperbaric oxygen vs no hyperbaric oxygen in Symptomatic relief, ulcer RCTs and cohort
patients with leg ulcers healing, QOL, and ulceration studies CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 461S

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Table 1—Continued

Section Population Intervention or Exposure Outcome Methodology

3.5TC Treatment of PTS Drug therapies vs control in patients with leg ulcers Symptomatic relief, QOL, and RCTs and cohort
ulceration studies
4.1 Initial treatment of IV UFH, LMWH, fondaparinux, and/or VKA vs no Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute PE anticoagulation; comparisons among these agents, bleeding, total mortality,
and of different regimens of the same agent QOL, and CTPH
4.2 Initial treatment of New antithrombotic agent (eg, ximelagatran, Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute PE idraparinux) compared to no treatment or bleeding, total mortality, studies
conventional therapy QOL, and CTPH
4.3 Initial treatment of Systemically and locally administered thrombolytic Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute PE therapy compared to anticoagulant therapy alone, mortality, QOL, and CTPH studies
or comparisons of different thrombolytic agents or
different regimens of the same agent
4.4 Initial treatment of Catheter extraction or fragmentation vs no such Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute PE therapy mortality, QOL, and CTPH studies
4.5 Initial treatment of Pulmonary embolectomy vs no such surgery Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute PE mortality, QOL, and CTPH studies
4.6 Initial treatment of Vena caval filter insertion vs no vena caval filter Recurrent DVT and PE, total RCTs and cohort
acute PE mortality, QOL, and CTPH studies
5.1 Long-term treatment of Comparison of different durations of VKA therapy Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute PE bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
5.2 Long-term treatment of LMWH vs VKA therapy Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute PE bleeding, total mortality,
QOL, and PTS
5.3 Long-term treatment of New antithrombotic agents (eg, ximelagatran, Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs
acute PE idraparinux) compared to no treatment or bleeding, total mortality,
conventional therapy QOL, and PTS
5.4 Treatment of Treatment with any anticoagulant therapy vs no Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
asymptomatic PE treatment bleeding, total mortality, studies
QOL, and PTS
6.1 CTPH Pulmonary thrombo endarterectomy, vasodilators Mortality, recurrent DVT and RCTs and cohort
and/or vena caval filter vs not using these PE, and QOL studies
7.1 Treatment of infusion VKA, UFH, LMWH, NSAIDs, aspirin, vs no such Extension of thrombus, RCTs and cohort
thrombophlebitis treatment, each other, or different durations or symptomatic relief, studies
regimens of the same agent symptomatic DVT and PE,
major bleeding
7.2 Treatment of SVT VKA, UFH, LMWH, NSAIDs, aspirin, vs no such Extension of thrombus, RCTs and cohort
treatment, each other, or different durations or symptomatic relief, studies
regimens of the same agent symptomatic DVT and PE,
major bleeding
8.1 Initial treatment of IV UFH or LMWH compared to placebo or each Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute UEDVT other bleeding, total mortality, and studies
PTS of the arm
8.2 Initial treatment of Thrombolytic therapy compared to no thrombolytic Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute UEDVT therapy bleeding, total mortality, and studies
PTS of the arm
8.3 Initial treatment of Catheter extraction, surgical thrombectomy, Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute UEDVT transluminal angioplasty, stent placement, staged bleeding, total mortality, and studies
approach of lysis followed by interventional or PTS of the arm
surgical procedure, SVC filter insertion, compared
with no interventions
8.4 Long-term treatment of VKA, UFH, LMWH or fondaparinux; comparisons Recurrent DVT and PE, major RCTs and cohort
acute UEDVT of different durations or different agents bleeding, total mortality, studies
QOL, and PTS
8.5 Prevention of PTS of Compression glove or elastic bandages vs no Symptomatic PTS RCTs and cohort
the arm compression therapy studies
8.6 Treatment of PTS of the Compression glove or elastic bandages vs no Symptomatic relief, QOL RCTs and cohort
arm compression therapy studies

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VKA, as compared to starting treatment with VKA with SC LMWH (Grade 1A), IV UFH (Grade 1A),
therapy alone, was established in a randomized con- monitored SC UFH (Grade 1A), fixed-dose SC
trolled study5 that reported a threefold-higher rate of UFH (Grade 1A), or SC fondaparinux (Grade 1A)
recurrent VTE in patients who received VKA only. rather than no such short-term treatment.
Patients with DVT should be treated with anticoagu- 1.1.2. For patients with a high clinical suspicion
lants as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed by objective of DVT, we recommend treatment with antico-
testing. If the clinical suspicion is high, or if there is a agulants while awaiting the outcome of diagnos-
delay before diagnostic testing can be performed, tic tests (Grade 1C).
treatment should be started before such testing. Five 1.1.3. In patients with acute DVT, we recom-
options are available for the initial treatment of DVT: mend initial treatment with LMWH, UFH, or
(1) low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), adminis- fondaparinux for at least 5 days and until the
tered subcutaneous (SC), without monitoring; (2) IV INR is > 2.0 for 24 h (Grade 1C).
unfractionated heparin (UFH), with monitoring; (3) SC 1.1.4. In patients with acute DVT, we recommend
UFH, with monitoring (4); weight-based SC UFH, initiation of VKA together with LMWH, UFH, or
without monitoring; and (5) SC fondaparinux, without fondaparinux on the first treatment day rather
monitoring. than delayed initiation of VKA (Grade 1A).
In relationship to the duration of initial heparin
therapy, two randomized clinical trial (RCTs)6,7 in
1.2. IV UFH for the Initial Treatment of DVT
patients with proximal DVT reported that IV UFH
administered for 5 to 7 days is as effective as UFH Heparin was initially administered by intermittent
administered for 10 to 14 days, providing that it is IV boluses, but this practice was replaced by contin-
followed by adequate long-term anticoagulant therapy. uous IV infusion, which was shown to be associated
The efficacy of this therapeutic approach is supported with a lower risk of bleeding.13 Initially, continuous
by subsequent studies that showed acceptable rates of IV infusions of UFH were administered at a starting
recurrent VTE during 3 months of VKA therapy after 5 dose of 1,000 U/h. A prospective observational
to7 days of heparin. Shortening the duration of initial study14 showed that adjustment of the initial infusion
heparin therapy from approximately 10 to 5 days is rate of 1,000 U/h to achieve an activated partial
expected to have the added advantage of reducing the thromboplastin time (APTT) ratio ⬎ 1.5 improved
risk of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. The cur- efficacy. Such adjustment also resulted in patients
rently recommended approach is to start both heparin receiving a mean UFH dose of adpproximately 1,300
and VKA at the time of diagnosis, and to discontinue U/h, rather than the initial infusion dose of 1,000U/h,
heparin after 5 days provided the international normal- and the higher initial infusion rate was adopted in
ized ratio (INR) is ⱖ 2.0 for at least 24 h. clinical practice.15 Adjustment of initial heparin
Warfarin is generally started at a dose of 2.5 to dose in proportion to body weight has also been
10 mg. Two trials9,10 performed in hospitalized shown to be of value.8,16,17 When patients are
patients showed that starting warfarin at a dose of treated with an initial heparin infusion of at least
5 mg, compared to 10 mg, is associated with less 1,250 U/h (corresponding to 30,000 U/d), or 18U/
excessive anticoagulation (see also chapter by kg/h, it is uncertain if adjustment of heparin dose
Ansell et al8 in this supplement). A similar study11 in response to the APTT or heparin levels im-
in outpatients failed to demonstrate an advantage proves efficacy or safety.18 –21 However, as all
to starting warfarin at a dose of 5 mg compared studies that have used continuous IV UFH for
with 10 mg. Observational studies8,12 have shown treatment of thrombosis have adjusted UFH dose
that lower VKA maintenance doses are required in in response to coagulation monitoring, this prac-
older patients, women, and those with impaired tice is standard and uniformly recommended.
nutrition and vitamin K deficiency. Taken to- Single randomized trials support the following: (1)
gether, these data suggest that warfarin can usually use of a weight-adjusted initial infusion dose of
be started at a dose of 10 mg in younger (eg, ⬍ 60 UFH in preference to starting with an infusion
years), otherwise healthy outpatients, and at a dose dose of 1,000 U/h17; and (2) that it is not necessary
of 5 mg in older patients and in those who are to increase UFH infusion dose ⬎ 1,667 U/h (cor-
hospitalized. Subsequent doses should be adjusted responding to 40,000 U/d) if the anti-factor Xa
to maintain the INR at a target of 2.5 (range 2.0 to heparin level is at least 0.35 U/mL even if the
3.0) [see Section 2.2]. APTT ratio is below the therapeutic range.22
The starting dose of IV UFH for the treatment of
DVT is either of the following: (1) a bolus dose of 5,000
1.1.1. For patients with objectively confirmed U, followed by a continuous infusion of at least 30,000
DVT, we recommend short-term treatment U for the first 24 h; or (2) a weight-adjusted regimen of CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 463S

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a 80 U/kg bolus, followed by 18 U/kg/h. With both of ing with a smaller initial dose (see also Section
these regimens, the infused dose of UFH should be 1.5) [Grade 1C].
adjusted using a standard nomogram to rapidly reach, 1.3.2. In patients with acute DVT, if fixed-dose,
and maintain, the APTT at levels that correspond to unmonitored SC UFH is chosen, we recommend
therapeutic heparin levels.8,15,17 As noted in the pre- an initial dose of 333 U/Kg followed by a twice-
ceding section, the requirement for an initial course of daily dose of 250 U/kg rather than non–weight-
heparin was confirmed in a randomized controlled based dosing (see also Section 1.5) [Grade 1C].
study5 that reported a threefold-higher rate of recur-
rent VTE in patients who received VKA only.
1.4 LMWH for the Initial Treatment of DVT
Recommendation LMWHs have more predictable pharmacokinetics
1.2.1. In patients with acute DVT, if IV UFH is and greater bioavailability than UFH.8 Due to these
chosen, we recommend that after an initial IV pharmacologic features, body weight-adjusted doses of
bolus (80 U/kg or 5,000 U), it be administered LMWH can be administered SC once or twice daily
by continuous infusion (initially at a dose of 18 without laboratory monitoring in the majority of pa-
U/kg/h or 1,300 U/h), with dose adjustment to tients. However, in certain clinical situations, such as
achieve and maintain an APTT prolongation severe renal failure26 or pregnancy (see chapter by
that corresponds to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 Bates and colleagues in this supplement27), LMWH
to 0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity by the amidolytic dose adjustment may be required using anti-Xa heparin
assay rather than administration as IV boluses levels. The usual time to perform the anti-Xa assay is
throughout treatment, or administration with- 4 h after an injection, when heparin levels are expected
out coagulation monitoring (Grade 1C). to be at their highest. A target range of 0.6 to 1.0
IU/mL is suggested for twice-daily administration, and
1.3 SC UFH Compared With IV Heparin for the a target range of 1.0 to 2.0 IU/mL is suggested for
Initial Treatment of DVT once-daily administration, although neither recommen-
dation is firmly founded.8
UFH can be administered SC twice daily as an A large number of well-designed studies28 – 44 have
alternative to continuous IV infusion for the initial compared the efficacy and safety of body weight-
treatment of DVT. The relative value of IV and SC adjusted LMWH, administered SC without monitor-
administration of UFH has been evaluated in eight ing, with IV UFH administered with monitoring and
clinical studies that included a total of 972 patients, and subsequent dose adjustment. The results of these stud-
were reviewed in a metaanalysis.23 SC UFH adminis- ies have been combined in a number of recent meta-
tered twice daily appeared to be more effective (rela- analyses.45– 47 The most recent such analysis included
tive risk [RR] of extension or recurrence of VTE, 0.62; 17 studies28 – 44,48 in which UFH was administered IV
95% confidence interval [CI], 0.39 to 0.98), and at least (3,614 patients) and 3 older studies48 –50 in which UFH
as safe (RR of major bleeding, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.42 to was administered SC (206 patients).47 LMWH was
1.48) as IV UFH, provided an adequate starting dose of associated with fewer thrombotic complications (3.6%
SC UFH was administered. The usual regimen in these vs 5.4%; odds ratio [OR], 0.68; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.84),
studies included an initial IV bolus of approximately less major bleeding (1.2% vs 2.0%; OR, 0.57; 95% CI,
5,000 U followed by an SC dose of approximately 0.39 to 0.83), and fewer deaths (4.5% vs 6.0%; OR,
17,500 U bid on the first day, with subsequent adjust- 0.76; 95% CI, 0.62 to 0.92).47 The mortality advantage
ment to achieve a 1.5 to 2.5 prolongation of the APTT with LMWH compared to UFH appeared to be con-
drawn 6 h after the morning dose. More recently, SC fined to those with (OR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.33 to 0.85)
UFH, with24 and without25 dose adjustment in re- rather than without (OR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.61 to 1.56)
sponse to APTT measurements, has been compared cancer.47
with LMWH (see Section 1.5).

Recommendations Direct Comparisons Among LMWH Regimens for

Initial Treatment of VTE
1.3.1. In patients with acute DVT, if monitored
SC UFH is chosen, we recommend an initial Once-daily and twice-daily administration of the
dose of 17,500 U, or a weight-adjusted dose of same LMWH have been directly compared in six
approximately 250 U/kg bid, with dose adjust- studies28,39,51–54 (the same total daily dose of LMWH
ment to achieve and maintain an APTT prolon- has not always been compared within studies). A
gation that corresponds to plasma heparin lev- metaanalysis55 of five of these studies39,51–54 that had
els of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity when unconfounded comparisons between once- and twice-
measured 6 h after injection rather than start- daily administration found no difference in recurrent

464S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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VTE (3 months: OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.48 to 1.49), major administered at an initial SC dose of 333 U/kg (no IV
bleeding (at 10 days: OR, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.4 to 3.2), or bolus), followed by a fixed SC dose of 250 U/kg bid;
mortality (3 months: OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.53 to 2.09). subsequent UFH dosing was kept constant, without
Outpatient and inpatient administration of LMWH coagulation monitoring. There was no difference in
(three preparations were used) were compared in a recurrent VTE, major bleeding, or death during fol-
single study56 of 201 patients: one recurrent VTE and low-up (Table 2). The upper 95% CI on the difference
two major bleeds occurred in the inpatient group, and indicated that, compared with LMWH, unmonitored,
two recurrent VTEs and two major bleeds occurred in fixed-dose, SC UFH was unlikely to be associated with
the outpatient group. an absolute increase of recurrent VTE of ⬎ 3.3% or
Dalteparin and tinzaparin, each administered once major bleeding of ⬎ 0.8% at 3 months25 (judged Grade
daily, have been compared for outpatient treatment 1B evidence for noninferiority).
of VTE in a study57 of 497 patients. There was no
apparent difference in recurrent VTE at 3 months 1.6 Fondaparinux Compared With LMWH for the
(4.5% vs 5.9%; RR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.38 to 2.2), major Initial Treatment of DVT
bleeding at 7 days (0.4% vs 1.2%; RR, 0.34; 95% CI,
0.04 to 3.26), or death at 3 months (4.8% vs 5.5%; The synthetic pentasaccharide fondaparinux has
RR, 0.0.87; 95% CI, 0.41 to 1.84). Indirect compar- been evaluated for short-term treatment of DVT and
isons across studies also support that there is similar PE (see Section 4.1) in the Matisse studies.59,60 In
efficacy and safety with the following: (1) once- and the Matisse DVT trial,59 2,205 patients were treated
twice-daily administration, (2) outpatient and inpa- with a once-daily SC dose of fondaparinux (7.5 mg if
tient administration, and (3) use of different prepa- 50 to 100 kg; 5.0 mg if ⬍ 50 kg; 10 mg if ⬎ 100 kg)
rations of LMWH.45– 47 or twice-daily SC LMWH (enoxaparin 1 mg/kg) for
at least 5 days using a blinded design. With fondapa-
Recommendations rinux vs LMWH, there was no difference in recur-
rent VTE at 3 months (3.9% vs 4.1%; difference,
1.4.1. In patients with acute DVT, we recom- ⫺ 0.15%; 95% CI, – 1.8 to 1.5%]), major bleeding
mend initial treatment with LMWH SC once or during treatment (1.1% vs 1.2%; difference, – 0.1%;
twice daily, as an outpatient if possible (Grade 95% CI, – 1.0 to 0.8%), or death at 3 months (3.8%
1C), or as an inpatient if necessary (Grade 1A), vs 3.0%; difference, 0.8%; 95% CI, – 0.8 to 2.3%)59
rather than treatment with IV UFH. (judged Grade 1A for noninferiority).
1.4.2. In patients with acute DVT treated with
LMWH, we recommend against routine monitoring 1.7 New Antithrombotic Agents for the Short-term
with anti-factor Xa level measurements (Grade 1A). Treatment of DVT
1.4.3. In patients with acute DVT and severe renal
failure, we suggest UFH over LMWH (Grade 2C). A comparison of 6 months of ximelagatran61 (since
withdrawn because of hepatic toxicity) with standard
1.5 SC UFH Compared With SC LMWH for the therapy in patients with DVT, and a comparison of 3
Initial Treatment of DVT months or 6 months of idraparinux62 with standard
therapy, are described in Section 2.5.
Four randomized trials24,25,50,58 that included a total
of 1,645 patients have compared SC UFH with SC
1.8 Treatment Strategies of Thrombus Removal for
LMWH (Table 2). Two of these trials50,58 were small
Acute DVT
(total of 217 patients) and were performed ⬎ 15 years
ago, and two were large studies24,25 (total of 1,428 Treatments that actively remove thrombus in pa-
patients) and were recently performed. In the Galilei tients with acute DVT have the potential to reduce
study,24 UFH was administered as an initial IV bolus acute symptoms and the risk for PTS. Thrombus
followed by twice-daily SC injections of 12,500, 15,000, removal directly reverses venous obstruction and can
or 17,500 U initially, depending on the patient’s weight; restore function in valves that were immobilized by
subsequent UFH dosing was adjusted in response to thrombus. Indirectly, early removal of thrombus ob-
APTT measurements. There was no difference in struction can prevent late development of venous val-
recurrent VTE, major bleeding, or deaths during fol- vular incompetence secondary to venous dilatation in
low-up (Table 2). The upper 95% CI on the difference distal venous segments that were never involved with
indicated that, compared with LMWH, monitored SC thrombosis.63–71 Randomized trials,72,73 patient regis-
UFH was unlikely to be associated with an absolute tries,74,75 and studies of other designs76 – 81 support that
increase of recurrent VTE of ⬎ 3.1% or major bleeding successful thrombus removal, using a variety of tech-
of ⬎ 1.7% at 3 months24 (judged Grade 1B evidence niques, can improve patient outcomes (see follow-
for noninferiority). In the FIDO study, 25 UFH was ing).79,81– 83 It is also possible that thrombus removal CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 465S

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Table 2—Comparison of SC LMWH and SC UFH for Short-term Treatment of VTE: Clinical Description and
Results (Section 1.5)*

Author/yr Patients Recurrent DVT

(Acronym) Interventions Analyzed† or PE Major Bleeding Total Mortality Comments
Lopaciuk et al / UFH at 5,000 U IV followed 72/75 1/72 (1.4) 1/72 (1.4) 3/72 (4.2) Population: femoral
1992 by 250 U/kg SC bid DVT in 81% and
initially and adjusted to popliteal or more
APTT for 10 d distal DVT in
Primary outcome
was repeat
Fraxiparine at 97 IU/kg SC 74/74 0/74 0/74; 0/74 venography
bid for 10 d RR, 3.1 (95% RR, 3.1 (95% RR, 7.2 (95%
CI, 0.1–7.5) CI, 0.1–7.5) CI, 0.4–137)

Faivre et al58/ UFH at 5,000 U IV followed 29/35 1/35 3/35 1/35 Population:
1988 by 250 U/kg SC bid and DVT (proportion
adjusted to APTT for 10 d of proximal and
CY222 at 2,000 IU IV 30/33 1/33 0/33 0/33 distal not reported)
followed by 150 IU/kg SC RR, 0.9 (95% RR, 6.6 (95% RR, 2.8 (95%
bid for 10 d CI, 0.1–14.5) CI, 0.3–123) CI, 0.1–67) Primary outcome was
repeat venography
Prandoni et al24/ UFH IV (⬍ 50 kg, 4,000 U; 360/360 15/360 (4.2) 5/360 (1.4) 12/360 (3.3) Population:
2004 (Galilei) 50 to 70 kg, 5,000 U; proximal DVT in
⬎ 70 kg, 6,000 U) followed 65%, distal DVT
by SC bid doses (initially: in 18%, PE in
⬍ 50 kg, 12,500 U; 50 to 17%
70 kg, 15,000 U; ⬎ 70 kg,
17,500 U) adjusted to
APTT for approximately
Nadroparin at 85 IU/kg SC 360/360 14/360 (3.9) 7/360 (1.9) 12/360 (3.3)
bid for approximately 6.5 d RR, 1.1 (95% RR, 0.7 (95% RR, 1.0; 95%
CI, 0.5–2.2) CI, 0.2–2.2) CI, 0.5–2.2)
Kearon et al25/ UFH at 333 U/kg SC 345/355 13/345 (3.8) 6/348 (1.7) 18/348 (5.2) Population:
2006 (FIDO) followed by 250 U/kg SC proximal DVT
bid (no adjustment) for in 77%,
6.3 d asymptomatic or
Dalteparin (n ⫽ 261) or 352/353 12/352 (3.4) 12/352 (3.4) 22/352 (6.3) distal DVT in
enoxaparin (n ⫽ 91) at 100 RR, 1.1 (95% RR, 0.5 (95% RR, 0.8 (95% 4%, PE in 19%
IU/kg SC bid for 7.1 d CI, 0.5–2.3) CI, 0.2–1.3) CI, 0.4–1.5) 70% of patients
were treated
entirely as an
outpatient (76%
of DVT and 39%
of PE)
exclusions in 10
UFH patients and
1 LMWH patient
*Data are presented as No. of patients/total patients (%) unless otherwise indicated. The methodologic quality description portion of this table
can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
†Follow-up was for 3 mo except for the study by Faivre et al,58 for which it was 10 days.

and relief of venous obstruction may reduce the risk of 1.9 Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis for Acute DVT
recurrent VTE. Patients with iliofemoral DVT are the
subset of patients with the largest thrombus burden The rationale for catheter-directed thrombolysis
and highest risk for postthrombotic morbidity, with up (CDT), which was established in patients with acute
to 75% having chronic painful edema and 40% having arterial occlusion,88 is that rapid lysis is achieved with
venous claudication when treated with anticoagulant lower doses of thrombolytic therapy, resulting in fewer
therapy alone.84 – 87 serious bleeding complications. A single-center trial72

466S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
randomized 35 patients with acute iliofemoral DVT for < 14 days, good functional status, life ex-
to catheter-directed, pulse-spray, intrathrombus pectancy > 1 year) who have a low risk of
streptokinase or to anticoagulation alone. Six-month bleeding, we suggest that CDT may be used to
patency was improved in the thrombolysis group reduce acute symptoms and postthrombotic
(72% vs 12%, p ⬍ 0.001), as was preservation of morbidity if appropriate expertise and re-
normal venous valve function (89% vs 59%, sources are available (Grade 2B).
p ⬍ 0.04); postthrombotic symptoms were not eval- 1.9.2. After successful CDT in patients with
uated. In the 19 studies72,75,76,78,81,89 –102 of heteroge- acute DVT, we suggest correction of underlying
neous designs listed in Table 3, significant lysis was venous lesions using balloon angioplasty and stents
observed in 79% of the 945 limbs treated with CDT. (Grade 2C).
In an evaluation of 98 patients with iliofemoral DVT 1.9.3. We suggest pharmacomechanical throm-
treated with CDT (n ⫽ 68) or anticoagulation bolysis (eg, with inclusion of thrombus fragmen-
(n ⫽ 30), quality of life (QOL) was better in patients tation and/or aspiration) in preference to CDT
treated with CDT and correlated with the degree of alone to shorten treatment time if appropriate
lysis.79 expertise and resources are available (Grade 2C).
In the National Venous Registry, patients 1.9.4. After successful CDT in patients with acute
treated with short-term thrombosis (⬍ 10 days) DVT, we recommend the same intensity and
had better outcomes than those with older clot and duration of anticoagulant therapy as for compa-
correction of underlying venous lesions after suc- rable patients who do not undergo CDT (Grade
cessful thrombolysis, usually with intravascular 1C).
stenting, appeared to be beneficial.75 Although
bleeding complications are the major concern with
1.10 Systemic Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute DVT
lytic therapy, reports published during the past 6
have shown bleeding complication rates less than In 15 trials81,103–120 that randomized a total of 811
half (ie, average of 4.8%; Table 4) the rates in patients with acute DVT to systemic thrombolytic
earlier reports, which is likely due to more appro- therapy or to anticoagulant therapy alone, as assessed
priate patient selection and experience with the by early repeat phlebography, systemic thrombolytic
technique. Data are not available for comparing therapy achieved a higher frequency of complete or
one plasminogen activator to another or a partic- significant lysis (54% vs 4%) or partial lysis (18% vs
ular catheter or catheter-based technique to oth- 14%) [Table 4]. Three of the randomized trials
ers, and there are inadequate data to assess the reported postthrombotic symptoms after follow-up
benefit or risk of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters in of 1.0 year,115 1.6 years,107 and 6.5 years103 (Table 4).
this setting (recommended by manufacturer with A Cochrane analysis121 that included two of these
some endovascular devices and techniques studies103,115 and a total of 101 patients suggests that
whereas not with others). thrombolytic therapy reduced postthrombotic mor-
The addition of mechanical thrombus fragmentation, bidity (RR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5 to 0.9) and leg ulceration
with or without aspiration, during CDT is commonly (RR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.1 to 2.4).
used as part of the procedure (collectively referred to as In the same Cochrane analysis,121 which in-
pharmacomechanical thrombolysis). While random- cluded a total of 12 studies and 701 patients
ized comparisons of CDT alone vs pharmacomechani- (number of included studies and patients differed
cal thrombolysis are not available, retrospective analy- with the outcome assessed), the following esti-
ses95,96 suggest they are associated with similar rates of mates were obtained with thrombolytic therapy
successful thrombolysis (70 to 80%) and of major (various agents, mostly administered systemically)
bleeding (5 to 8%); however, pharmacomechanical vs anticoagulation alone: early PE: RR, 1.2 (95%
thrombolysis is associated with shorter treatment times, CI, 0.3 to 4.4; 382 patients in 5 trials); late
shorter ICU and hospital stays, and reduced costs. No recurrent DVT: RR, 1.4 (95% CI, 0.4 to 5.4; 35
randomized trial has compared CDT with systemic patients in 1 trial); and early significant or major
thrombolysis (see following); however, a single-center, bleeding: RR, 1.7 (95% CI, 1.04 to 2.9; 668
retrospective study81 suggests that CDT achieves better patients in 10 trials); intracranial bleeding: RR, 1.7
lysis (50% vs 31%) and preservation of valve function (95% CI, 0.2 to 14; 701 patients in 5 trials). There
(44% vs 13%). have been no direct comparisons of different
thrombolytic agents; however, prolonged infusions
Recommendations of streptokinase that were used predominantly in
the earlier studies appear to be associated with
1.9.1. In selected patients with extensive acute higher bleeding rates than other regimens
proximal DVT (eg, iliofemoral DVT, symptoms (Table 4). CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 467S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 3—Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis for Acute DVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 1.9)*

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Semba and Dake98/ Prospective 21 patients (27 limbs) with 4.9 million U of urokinase (mean) infused over Clot lysis, 3 mo Significant lysis: 18/25 (72%) 关25/27 limbs
1994 registry iliofemoral DVT ⱕ 14 d 30 h (mean), followed by heparin and then complications treated with CDT; 2 could not be
(n ⫽ 20) or ⬎ 14 d warfarin for 8–12 wk crossed with guide wire兴
(n ⫽ 7) duration Adjunctive therapy: limbs w/ residual stenoses Partial lysis: 5/25 (20%)
⬎ 50% received angioplasty (n ⫽ 2) or No lysis: 2/25 (8%)
stenting (n ⫽ 14) Complications: one small hematoma at
puncture site, no intervention/transfusion
Semba and Dake99/ Case series 32 patients (41 limbs) with 3.5 million U of urokinase (mean) infused over Clot lysis, 6 mo Significant lysis: 21/32 (66%) 关32 limbs
1996 iliofemoral DVT ⱕ 14 d 30 h (mean), followed by warfarin with INR complications treated with CDT; 4 could not be
(n ⫽ 25) or ⬎ 14 d 2.0–3.0 for ⱖ 6 mo crossed with guidewire, 5 treated with
(n ⫽ 16) duration Adjunctive therapy: limbs with residual angioplasty and stent alone兴
stenoses of ⬎ 50% received angioplasty (n ⫽ Partial lysis: 9/32 (28%)
2) or angio/stenting (n ⫽ 20) No lysis: 2/32 (6%)
Complications: 0
Verhaeghe et al102/ Prospective 24 patients with iliofemoral 3 mg/h rt-PA (mean, 86 mg) infused with 1,000 Clot lysis, 13 mo (mean) Significant lysis: 19/24 (79%)
1997 study DVT ⱕ 14 d (n ⫽ 16) U/h of IV heparin, followed by heparin, bleeding Partial lysis: 5/24 (21%)
or ⬎ 14 d (n ⫽ 8) adjusted to APTT Bleeding: 6/24 (25%)
duration Adjunctive therapy: hydrodynamic Patency at 3 mo, 84%
thrombectomy (n ⫽ 3) and stents (n ⫽ 9) Patency at 1 yr, 78%
Bjarnason et al76/ Prospective 77 patients (87 limbs) with 2,000–2,500 U/kg/h urokinase infused for 75 h Clot lysis, PE, 1 yr Early results:
1997 registry iliofemoral DVT ⱕ 14 d (mean), with 5,000 IU bolus heparin plus bleeding Significant lysis: 69/87 (79%)
(n ⫽ 69) or ⬎ 14 d infusion adjusted to APTT Iliac (63%)
(n ⫽ 18) duration Adjunctive therapy: angioplasty (52 limbs), Femoral (40%)
stent (38 limbs), AVF (15 limbs), surgical No lysis: 18/87 (21%)
thrombectomy (13 limbs), mechanical PE: n ⫽ 1 (1%)
thrombectomy (4 limbs), surgical bypass Bleeding: Major: 5/77 (6%)
(3 limbs) Minor: 11/77 (14%)
Patency at 1 yr:
Iliac (63%)
Femoral (40%)
Mewissen et al75/ Prospective 287 patients (312 infusions) 7.8 million U of urokinase (mean) infused for Clot lysis, PE, 1 yr Early results:
1999 multicenter with lower-limb DVT ⱕ 53.4 h (mean) in 297 limbs bleeding, 50–100% lysis: 258/312 (83%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

(National registry 10 d (n ⫽ 188) or ⬎ 10 In 6 limbs, only systemic infusion (no CDT) death ⬍ 50% lysis: 54/312 (17%)
multicenter d (n ⫽ 99) duration Adjunctive therapy: stents (104 limbs), systemic PE: 6/473 (1%) 关calculated from total No. of
registry) infusion (54 limbs) patients in Venous Registry兴
Bleeding: 54/473 (11%) 关calculated from total
No. of patients in Venous Registry兴
Death: 2/473 (⬍ 1%)

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关Calculated from total No. of patients in
Venous Registry兴;
Patency at 1 yr
Iliac (64%)
Femoral (47%)
Comerota and Retrospective 54 patients (54 limbs) with 250,000–500,000 U of urokinase bolus followed by Clot lysis, ND Early results:
Kagan78/2000 study iliofemoral DVT, average 250,000–300,000 U/h of continuous infusion for complications Significant lysis: 45/54 (83%)
duration of leg 30 h (mean) in 47 patients; all patients received Iliac (78%)
symptoms of 5.2 d heparin infusion at 500–1,000 U/h Complications:
or Major bleed: 4/54 (7%)
4- to 8-mg bolus of rt-PA followed by 2–4 mg/h in 7 Hematoma, puncture site: 8 (15%)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

patients, with heparin as noted above Hematoma, inguinal: 1 (2%)
Adjunctive therapy: surgical thrombectomy (n ⫽ 5)
Table 3—Continued
Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Horne et al /2000 Prospective, 10 patients (10 limbs) with rt-PA dose of 0.6 mg/kg to a maximum of 50 mg/kg Clot lysis, PE, 2–6 mo Significant lysis: 9/10 (90%)
study lower-extremity DVT per leg infused via daily pulse-spray catheter for bleeding Partial lysis: 1/10 (10%)
ⱕ 14 d duration up to 4 d of treatment; heparin was adjusted to a PE: 2/10 (20%)
prothrombin time of 1.5–2.5 ⫻ baseline Bleeding: 1/10 (10%)
Kasirajan et al94/ Retrospective Nine patients with ⬍ 90% Urokinase, rt-PA, or rPA for mean of 20 h Complete, 9 mo (mean) Complete lysis: 7/9 (78%)
2001 registry thrombus extraction partial, no Partial lysis: 1/9 (11%)
following percutaneous lysis No lysis: 1/9 (11%)
mechanical thrombectomy
for iliofemoral/IVC DVT
AbuRahma et al89/ Prospective 51 patients (51 limbs) with Anticoagulation: 33 patients administered 1,000– Clot lysis, PE, Anticoagulation for 6 Anticoagulation:
2001 study iliofemoral DVT given 2,000 U/h of heparin infusion for 5–7 d bleeding mo 30-d significant lysis: 1/33 (3%)
choice between CDT: 18 patients administered loading dose of CDT for 6 mo 6-mo patency: 8/33 (24%)
conventional therapy 4,500 U of urokinase followed by 4,500 U/kg/h Bleeding: 2/33 (6%)
(heparin plus warfarin) for 24–48 h, or 4-to 8-mg bolus of rt-PA followed PE: 2/33 (6%)
or lysis plus angio/stent by 2 to 4/mg/h infusion CDT:
(if needed); lysis offered Adjunctive therapy: patients with residual stenosis ⬎ 30-d significant lysis: 15/18 (83%)
only to patients with 50% received stents (n ⫽ 10) 6-mo patency: 15/18 (83%)
DVT ⱕ 14 d duration Bleeding: 2/18 (11%)
and no contraindications
Vedantham et al101/ Retrospective 20 patients (28 limbs) with Intrathrombus delivery of either of the Procedural After procedure Procedural success: 23/28 (82%)
2002 study symptomatic lower- following: success (⬍ 30% Major bleeding: 14%
extremity DVT (1) urokinase, mean 166,000 U/h (7 limbs) residual
(2) tPA mean 1.74 mg/h (7 limbs) stenosis), major
(3) rPA mean 0.89 U/h (14 limbs) bleeding
Adjunctive therapy: mechanical thrombectomy by
catheter (28 procedures); iliac stents (15 patients)
Elsharawy and RCT, single 35 patients with DVT ⬍ 10 CDT: 18 patients received approximately 1 Clot lysis, PE, 1 week and 6 mo CDT at 1 wk
Elzayat72/2002 center d duration randomized million U of streptokinase pulse spray for 1 bleeding Complete lysis: 11/18 (61%)
to CDT or h, followed by 100,000 U/h of streptokinase No lysis: 0 (0%)
anticoagulation alone infusion until complete lysis, no change in 12 PE: 0

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

h, or complication; adjunctive therapy: Bleeding: 0
angioplasty/stent (n ⫽ 1) Anticoagulation at 1 wk:
Anticoagulation: 17 patients received 5,000 U Complete lysis: 0/17 (0%)
of heparin bolus, followed by heparin No lysis: 17/17 (100%)
adjusted to APTT PE: 1/17 (6%)
Bleeding: 0

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CDT at 6 mo:
Complete lysis: 13/18 (72%)
No lysis: 0 (0%)
Anticoagulation at 6 mo:
Significant lysis: 2/17 (12%)
No lysis: 7/17 (41%)
Castaneda et al90/ Prospective 15 patients with acute or 16.5 U/h (median) of rt-PA infused over 29 h Clot lysis, PE, After procedure Significant lysis: 15/15 (100%)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

2002 study chronic DVT of lower (median) with heparin doses of 300–400 U/h bleeding PE: 0
extremity (n ⫽ 14) or Adjunctive therapy: stenting (n ⫽ 4); Bleeding: 0
IVC (n ⫽ 1) angioplasty/stent (n ⫽ 6)

Table 3—Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Grunwald and Retrospective 74 patients (82 limbs) with Urokinase: 11.3 U/h of urokinase for 40.6 h (38 Clot lysis, PE, After procedure Urokinase:
Hofmann91/2005 study DVT of upper (n ⫽ 23) limbs) with therapeutic heparin dosing bleeding Significant lysis:27/38 71%)
or lower (n ⫽ 59) tPA: 0.57 mg/h tPA for 30.8 h (32 limbs) with PE: 0
extremity, with duration subtherapeutic heparin Bleeding: 2/38 (5%)
of ⱕ 14 d (n ⫽ 74) or ⬎ rt-PA: 0.74 U/h rt-PA for 24.3 h (12 limbs) tPA:
14 d (n ⫽ 8) with subtherapeutic heparin Significant lysis: 21/32 (66%)
Adjunctive therapy: mechanical thrombolysis, PE: 0
angioplasty, stenting; urokinase (n ⫽ 30), Bleeding: 1/32 (3%)
tPA (n ⫽ 24), rt-PA (n ⫽ 12) rt-PA:
Significant lysis: 6/12 (50%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 1/12 (8%)
Laiho et al81/2004 Retrospective 32 patients with iliofemoral CDT treatment: 73 mg (mean) rt-PA for 33 h Clot lysis, PE, 2–3 yr CDT treatment
study DVT ⱕ 14 d in duration (mean) via catheter delivery, with LMWH bleeding, Significant lysis: 8/16 (50%)
received either catheter- and oral anticoagulants valvular PE: 2/16 (13%)
directed (n ⫽16) or competence Bleeding: 2/16 (13%)
systemic (n ⫽16) Valvular competence: 7/16 (44%)
thrombolysis Any deep vein incompetence: 44%
Sillesen et al100/2005 Retrospective 45 patients with iliofemoral 1 mg rt-PA starting dose plus 1,000–5,000 U of Clot lysis, PE, 24 mo (median) Significant lysis: 42/45 (93%)
study DVT ⱕ 14 d in duration UFH followed by continuous infusion of 1 mg bleeding, PE: 1/45 (2%)
rt-PA and 1,000 U of UFH per hour (n ⫽ 9) death Minor bleeding: 4 (8%)
10 mg rt-PA pulse spray plus 1,000–5,000 U of
UFH for initial 15–30 min, followed by
continuous infusion of 1 mg rt-PA and 1,000 U
UFH per hour (n ⫽ 36)
Adjunctive therapy:
angioplasty/stenting (n ⫽ 30)
Jackson et al93/2005 Retrospective 28 patients with lower- 60,000–180,000 U/h urokinase infused over Clot lysis, PE, 15.5 mo Lysis ⬎ 90%: 6/28 (21%)
study extremity DVT of ⱕ 14 24–48 h (n ⫽ 2) bleeding, Lysis 80–89%: 2/28 (7%)
d (n ⫽ 20) or ⬎ 14 d in 1–2 mg/h tPA for 24–48 h (n ⫽ 16) death Lysis 60–79%: 2/28 (7%)
duration (n ⫽ 4) or 1–2 U/h rt-PA for 24–48 h (n ⫽ 9) Lysis ⬍ 60%: 11/28 (39%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

recurrent DVT (n ⫽ 4) Mechanical thrombectomy only (n ⫽ 1) PE: 0
Adjunctive therapy: mechanical thrombectomy Minor bleeding: 2/28 (7%)
(n ⫽ 20), stenting (n ⫽ 12) Immediate patency: 92%
Long-term patency: 80%
Ogawa et al97/2005 Prospective, 24 patients with lower- CDT: 240,000 U of urokinase infused for 1 h, Clot lysis, PE, CDT group: 22 mo; CDT:
study extremity DVT followed by 2 d of 1-h infusion of 120,000 U bleeding 100% lysis: 0/10

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of urokinase bid, with IV UFH to reach CDT plus IPC (50–99%) lysis: 2/10 (20%)
APTT time ratio from 1.5–2.0 within 24 h group: 14 mo ⬍ 50% lysis: 8/10 (80%)
(n ⫽ 10) PE: 0
CDT plus IPC/IVC: thrombolysis performed as Bleeding: 0
in CDT-only group; temporary IVC filter CDT plus IPC/IVC
placed in infrarenal IVC and removed after 100% lysis: 5/14 (36%)
CDT; IPC with foot-calf cycle begun after 50–99% lysis: 6/14 (43%)
urokinase infusion and continued 24 h/d ⬍ 50% lysis: 3/14 (21%)
until CDT stopped (n ⫽ 14) PE: 0
Bleeding: 0

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 3—Continued
Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Kim et al /2006 Retrospective 37 patients (45 limbs) with CDT: 6.70 ⫾ 5.9 million U of urokinase Clot lysis, 32 mo Complete lysis:
study acute (⬍ 14 d) (mean) infused for mean of 56.5 ⫾ 27.4 h in bleeding, PE, CDT: 21/26 (81%)
iliofemoral DVT 26 limbs (23 patients) treatment CDT plus PMT: 16/21 (84%)
CDT plus pharmacomechanical: lytic treatment duration, cost, Major bleeding:
performed as described in CDT group plus recurrent DVT CDT: 2/26 (7%)
AngioJet thrombectomy device CDT plus PMT: 1/21 (5%)
CDT: 1/26 (4%)
CDT plus PMT: 1/21 (5%)
Treatment duration:
CDT: 57 h
CDT plus PMT: 30 h
Cost (drug plus device):
CDT: $10,127
CDT plus PMT: $5,128
Recurrent DVT:
CDT: 4/16 (25%)
CDT plus PMT: 2/13 (15%)
Lin et al96/2006 Retrospective 93 patients (98 procedures) CDT: 46 procedures using tPA, rt-PA, or Clot lysis, No. of 1 yr Complete/partial lysis:
study with symptomatic DVT urokinase venograms, CDT: 32/46 (70%)/14/46 (30%)
PMT: 52 procedures using AngioJet rheolytic immediate CDT plus PMT: 39/52 (75%)/13/52 (25%)
thrombectomy system with tPA, rt-PA, or clinical No. of venograms:
urokinase improvement, CDT: 2.5
bleeding, CDT plus PMT: 0.4 (p ⬍ 0.001)
ICU/hospital Immediate clinical improvement:
stay, 1-yr CDT: 33/46 (72%)
primary CDT plus PMT: 42/52 (81%)
patency, cost Bleeding:
CDT: 2/49 (4%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

CDT plus PMT: 3/46 (7%)
ICU stay:
CDT: 2.4 d
CDT plus PMT: 0.6 d
Hospital stay:
CDT: 8.4 d

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CDT plus PMT: 2.4 d
1-yr primary patency:
CDT: 64%
CDT plus PMT: 68%
CDT: $85,301

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

CDT plus PMT: $47,742
*ND ⫽ not determined. The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

Table 4 —Systemic Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute DVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 1.9)*

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Browse et al105/ RCT, single center 10 patients with Lysis: 600,000 U of streptokinase plus Clot lysis, PE, 7–10 d Thrombolysis:
1968 lower-extremity 100 mg of hydrocortisone for first bleeding Complete clot lysis: 3/5 (60%)
DVT confirmed hour, then continued every 6 h for Partial lysis: 1/5 (20%)
by phlebography 3 d (n ⫽ 5) No lysis: 1 (20%)
Anticoagulation: 4- to 6-h doses of PE: 0
5,000 U heparin for 48 h followed Bleeding: 0
by warfarin (n ⫽ 5) Anticoagulation:
Complete clot lysis: 0/5
Partial lysis: 0/5
No lysis: 5/5 (100%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 0
Robertson et al113/ RCT, single center 16 patients with Thrombolysis: 200,000 U of Clot lysis, bleeding 7d Thrombolysis:
1968 DVT streptokinase over 90 min, then Significant lysis: 5/8 (63%)
100,000 U as maintenance dose for Partial lysis: 2/8 (25%)
22.5 h; 500 mg of heparin No lysis: 1/8 (12%)
administered over 24 h, plus Bleeding: Major: 2/8 (25%)
prednisone (n ⫽ 8) Minor: 2/8 (25%)
Anticoagulation: heparin plus Anticoagulation:
prednisone (n ⫽ 8) Significant lysis: 1/8 (12%)
Partial lysis: 2/8 (25%)
No lysis: 5/8 (63%)
Bleeding: Major: 1/8 (12%)
Minor: 1/8 (12%)
Kakkar et al109/ RCT, single center 30 patients with Thrombolysis: streptokinase at 500,000 Clot lysis, PE, 6–12 mo Thrombolysis:
1969 DVT of ⬍ 4 d U IV over 30 min, 900,000 U every bleeding, death Complete clot lysis: 6/9 (67%)
6 h for 5 d (n ⫽ 10) Partial lysis: 1/9 (11%)
Arvin: arvin loading dose 80 U IV over No lysis: 2/9 (22%)
6 h, 80 U over 15 min, 40 to 80 U PE: 0
every 6 h for 5 d (n ⫽ 10) Bleeding: 4/10 (40%)
Anticoagulation: heparin at 10,000 U Death: 2/9 (22%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

IV over 5 min, then 10,000–15,000 关1 patient excluded from treatment兴
U every 6 h for 5 d (n ⫽ 10) Arvin:
Complete lysis: 1/10 (10%)
Partial lysis: 3/10 (30%)
No lysis: 6/10 (60%)

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PE: 0
Bleeding: 0
Death: 0
Complete clot lysis: 2/9 (22%)
Partial lysis: 2/9 (22%)
No lysis: 5/9 (55%)
PE: 1/10
Death: 2/9 (22%)
Bleeding: 2/9 (22%)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

关note:1 patient excluded from treatment兴
Table 4 —Continued
Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Tsapogas et al117/ RCT, single center 34 patients with Thrombolysis: titrated initial dose of Clot lysis, PE, 7d Thrombolysis:
1973 DVT of ⬍ 5 d streptokinase IV, then streptokinase bleeding Complete/partial lysis: 10/19 (53%)
at 100,000 U/h maintained and No lysis: 9/19 (47%)
adjusted up to 72 h; IV heparin for PE: 0
1 wk 6–12 h after streptokinase Bleeding: minor: 3 (16%)
(n ⫽ 19) Anticoagulation:
Anticoagulation: heparin IV into Complete/partial lysis: 1/15 (7%)
affected limb, 7,000 U bolus then No lysis: 14/15 (93%)
1,500 U/h adjusted; continued for PE: 1/15 (7%)
7 d (n ⫽ 15) Bleeding: 0
Duckert et al106/ Prospective study 134 patients with Thrombolysis: initial dose of Clot lysis, PE, Approximately 7 d Thrombolysis:
1975 acute or streptokinase calculated according bleeding Significant lysis: 39/92 (42%)
subacute DVT to tolerance injected over 15–30 Partial lysis: 23/92 (25%)
min; maintenance dose at 30 mL/h No lysis: 30/92 (33%)
was two thirds of first dose (n ⫽ 92) PE: 7 (8%)
Anticoagulation: 5,000 U heparin for Bleeding: Major: 58 (62%)
initial dose followed by 25,000 U/24 Minor: 24 (26%)
h infusion (n ⫽ 42) Anticoagulation:
Significant lysis: 0/42 (0%)
Partial lysis: 4/42 (10%)
No lysis: 38/42 (90%)
PE: 5/42 (12%)
Bleeding: Major: 2/42 (5%)
Minor: 4/42 (10%)
Porter et al112/ RCT, single center 50 patients with Thrombolysis: streptokinase IV at Clot lysis, PE, 10 d Thrombolysis:
1975 DVT ⬍ 14 d in 250,000 U over 30 min, then bleeding, death due Complete lysis: 6/23 (26%)
duration 100,000 U/h titrated for 72 h; to treatment Partial lysis: 15/23 (65%)
followed by IV heparin titrated over No lysis: 2/23 (9%)
7 d (n ⫽ 23) PE: 0
Anticoagulation: IV heparin at 150 Bleeding: 4/23 (17%)
U/kg loading dose then titrated for Death: 1 (4%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

10 d (n ⫽ 26) Anticoagulation:
Complete lysis: 1/26 (4%)
Partial lysis: 20/26 (77%)
No lysis: 5/26 (19%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 1/26 (4%)

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Death: 0
Marder et al111/ RCT, single center 24 patients with Thrombolysis: initial dose of 250,000 U of Clot lysis, death due 5d Thrombolysis:
1977 DVT streptokinase for 20 min, followed by to treatment Significant lysis: 5/12 (42%)
100,000 U/h for 72 h (n ⫽ 12) Partial lysis: 2/12 (16%)
Anticoagulation: initial IV heparin dose of No lysis: 5/12 (42%)
150 U/kg, followed by titrated infusion Death: 1/12 (8%)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

for 72 h Anticoagulation:
Cotreatment: 100 mg bolus Significant lysis: 0/12 (0%)
hydrocortisone prior to treatment Partial lysis: 3/12 (25%)
No lysis: 9/12 (75%)

Death: 0
Table 4 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Arnesen et al / RCT, single center 42 patients with Thrombolysis: 250,000 U loading of IV Clot lysis, PE, 21 d to 6 yr Thrombolysis:
1978 proximal DVT streptokinase, then 100,000 IU/h IV bleeding Significant lysis: 15/21 (71%)
of ⬍ 5 d for 72–96 h (n ⫽ 21) No lysis: 6/21 (29%)
Anticoagulation: 15,000 IU IV bolus PE: 1/21 (5%)
heparin, then total of 30,000 IU IV Bleeding: 2/21 (9%)
infusion for 72–90 h (n ⫽ 21) Anticoagulation:
Significant lysis: 5/21 (24%)
No lysis: 16/21 (76%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 2/21 (9%)
Elliot et al107/ RCT, single center 51 patients with Thrombolysis: loading dose of 600,000 Immediate: clot lysis, Immediate: 5 d Immediate:
1979 clinical history U of streptokinase infused over 30 PE, bleeding Thrombolysis:
of DVT of min, followed by 100,000/h for 3 d; Significant lysis: 17/26 (65%)
⬍8d heparin for 4 d following Partial lysis: 1/26 (4%)
streptokinase (n ⫽ 26) No lysis: 8/26 (31%)
Anticoagulation: 10,000 U of IV Long term: symptom Long-term: 19 mo PE: 0
heparin initially, followed by 10,000 free (mean) Bleeding: 2 (8%)
U IV daily for a 6-h infusion to Anticoagulation:
maintain clotting time of 2.5 to 3 Significant lysis: 0/25 (0%)
times normal, for 7 d (n ⫽ 25) Partial lysis: 0/25 (0%)
No lysis: 25/25 (100%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 2/21 (9%)
Symptom free: 12/20 (60%)
关four deaths, other causes, two unavailable
for follow-up兴;
Treatment 2:

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Symptom free: 2/21 (9%)
关four deaths, two PE, two other causes兴
Watz et al120/ Prospective study 35 patients with Thrombolysis: initial dose of 250,000 Clot lysis, PE, 1–2 mo Thrombolysis:
1979 DVT U of streptokinase in 30 min, bleeding Significant lysis: 8/18 (44%)
followed by maintenance of 100,000 Partial lysis: 4/18 (22%)
U/h for how long????? (n ⫽ 18) No lysis: 6/18 (34%)

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Anticoagulation: 45,000 U of heparin PE: 1/18 (5%)
daily with warfarin (n ⫽ 17) Bleeding: minor: 3/18 (12%)
Significant lysis: 1/17 (6%)
Partial lysis: 5/17 (29%)
No lysis: 11/17 (65%)
PE: 1/17 (6%)
Bleeding: minor 2/17 (12%)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 4 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Kiil et al110/ RCT, single center 20 patients with Thrombolysis: urokinase at 200,000 U Clot lysis, PE, 2 wk Thrombolysis:
1981 DVT of ⬍ 72 h IV for 24 h; after 18 h, heparin bleeding Partial lysis: 1/11 (9%)
loading dose of 15,000 U, then No lysis: 10/11 (91%)
40,000 U/d for 5 d (n ⫽ 11) PE: 0
Anticoagulation: heparin at 40,000 U/d Bleeding: 3/11 (27%)
IV for 6 d (n ⫽ 9) Anticoagulation:
Partial lysis: 1/8 (12%)
No lysis: 7/8 (88%)
PE: 0
Bleeding: 3/9 (33%)
关note: 1 patient excluded from group兴
Arnesen et al104/ Follow-up to RCT of 35/42 patients Phlebography and clinical examination Normal legs, PTS 6.5 yr Thrombolysis:
1982 Arnesen/1978 from RCT by blinded evaluators symptoms Normal legs: 13/17 (77%)
(n ⫽ 48) PTS: symptoms (moderate): 4/17 (24%)
Normal legs: 6/18 (33%)
PTS symptoms (moderate): 9/18 (50%)
Schulman et al114/ RCT, single center 36 patients withThrombolysis: streptokinase at 50,000 Clot lysis, bleeding, 5 yr Thrombolysis:
1986 calf DVT of IU IV over 15 min, then 100,000 IU PE Complete lysis: 7/17 (41%)
⬍7d over 12 h for up to 7 d, titrated; Bleeding: 3/17 (18%);
administered with 5,000 IU of PE: 0
heparin IV over 12 h (n ⫽ 17) Anticoagulation:
Anticoagulation: heparin at 5,000 IU Complete lysis: 2/19 (10%)
IV for 15 min then 30,000 IU/d, Bleeding: 1/19 (5%)
titrated over 7 d (n ⫽ 19) PE: 0
Verhaeghe et al119/ Prospective cohort 32 patients with Study A: Clot lysis, bleeding 72 h Note: authors assigned veins a relative value
1989 study (study A) and DVT of ⬍ 10 d Open-label study with IV rt-PA 100 mg reflecting degree of thrombosis (maximum of
multicenter RCT over 8 h (day 1), 50 mg rt-PA over 8 h 40 U: complete thrombosis); the unit scores
(study B) (day 2); 10% dose as bolus (n ⫽ 11) reflect the reduction in thrombosis after lysis

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Study B: Study A:
rt-PA at 100 mg; IV of 100 mL containing Change in unit score ⫺3.2
rt-PA 100 mg infused over 8 h (day 1), Study B:
IV of 100 mL containing 50 mg of rt- rt-PA 100 mg
PA infused over 8 h (day 2); 10% dose Change in unit score ⫺24.3
as bolus (n ⫽ 8) Bleeding: 6

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rt-PA 50 mg: IV of 100 mL containing rt- rt-PA: 50 mg
PA 50 mg infused over 8 h on both days Change in unit score ⫺34.3
1 and 2; 10% dose as bolus (n ⫽ 6) Bleeding: 3
Placebo: IV of 100 mL containing placebo Placebo:
infused over 8 h on both days 1 and 2 Change in unit score ⫺2.8
(n ⫽ 7) Bleeding: 0

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Cotreatment: heparin at 5,000 U IV bolus
then continuous infusion 1,000 U/h for
up to 72 h

Table 4 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Goldhaber et al108/ RCT, multicenter 64 patients (65 rt-PA: rt-PA 0.05 mg/kg/h IV for 24 h, Clot lysis, bleeding 36 h rt-PA:
1990 randomizations) then heparin 100 U/kg bolus, then Complete lysis: 2/32 (6%)
with DVT of 1,000 U/h, adjusted (n ⫽ 36) Partial lysis: 18/32 (57%)
⬍ 14 d rt-PA plus heparin: rt-PA as in group 1 No lysis: 12/32 (38%)
plus heparin concomitantly (n ⫽ 17) Bleeding: 1/32 (3%)
Anticoagulation: heparin 100 U/kg bolus, rt-PA plus heparin:
then 1,000 U/h (n ⫽ 12) Complete lysis: 1/17 (6%)
Partial lysis: 8/17 (48%)
No lysis: 8/17(48%)
Bleeding: 0
Partial lysis: 2/11 (18%)
No lysis: 9/11 (89%)
Bleeding: 0
(note: 5 of 65 venograms were not analyzed)
Turpie et al118/ RCT, multicenter 83 patients with Phase 1: Clot lysis, bleeding 24–48 h Phase 1:
1990 DVT of ⬍ 7 d Lysis plus heparin: two-chain rt-PA 0.5 Lysis plus heparin:
mg/kg IV for 4 h (n ⫽ 12) ⱖ50% lysis: 7/12 (58%)
Placebo plus heparin (n ⫽ 12) ⬍ 50% lysis: 2/12 (17%)
Phase 2: No lysis: 3/12 (25%)
Lysis plus heparin: one-chain rt-PA Bleeding: 4/12 (33%)
0.5 mg/kg IV for 8 h and repeated Placebo plus heparin:
in 24 h (n ⫽ 29) ⬍ 50% lysis: 2/12 (17%)
Placebo plus heparin (n ⫽ 30) No lysis: 10/12 (83%)
Cotreatment: IV heparin 5,000 U Bleeding: 1/12 (8%)
bolus then 30,000 U/24 h, adjusted Phase 2:
for 7–10 d Lysis plus heparin:
ⱖ50% lysis: 6/29 (21%);
⬍ 50% lysis: 7/29 (24%)
No lysis: 15/29 (52%)
Bleeding: 1/29 (3%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Placebo plus heparin:
ⱖ50% lysis: 2/30 (7%);
⬍ 50% lysis: 5/30 (17%)
No lysis: 23/30 (77%)
Bleeding: 1/30 (3%)
Schweizer et al115/ RCT, single center 69 patients with rt-PA: 20 mg IV into pedal vein 4 h/d for 7 d: clot lysis, 7 d and 1 yr rt-PA:

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1998 DVT of ⬍ 7 d 7 d; heparin IV administered bleeding Complete lysis: 6/22 (27%)
concomitantly; warfarin day 7 to 12 mo 1 yr: PTS symptoms Bleeding: 1/22 (5%)
Urokinase: 100,000 IU/h IV into pedal PTS symptoms: 14/22 (64%)
vein continuously 7 d; heparin IV 7 d; Urokinase:
plasminogen monitored; warfarin day Complete lysis: 11/22 (50%)
7–12 mo Bleeding: 1/22 (5%)
Anticoagulation: heparin IV adjusted for 7 PTS symptoms: 9/22 (41%)
d;. warfarin, day 1 to 12 mo Anticoagulation:
Complete lysis: 0
Bleeding: 0

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

PTS symptoms: 15/22 (68%)
Table 4 —Continued
Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Schweizer et al / RCT, multicenter 250 patients with rt-PA: locoregional rt-PA 20 mg/d for 4 h Clot lysis, bleeding, 1 yr rt-PA:
2000 DVT of ⬍ 9 d via pedal vein for 4–7 d; IV heparin mortality Complete lysis: 10/50 (20%)
administered simultaneously at 1,000 ⱖ50% lysis: 7/50 (14%)
IU/h; adjusted ⬍ 50% lysis: 16/50 (32%)
Urokinase: locoregional urokinase 100,000 No lysis: 13/50 (26%)
IU/ infused continuously; fibrinogen Bleeding: 2/50 (4%)
and plasminogen monitored; IV heparin Urokinase:
administered concomitantly Complete lysis: 10/50 (20%)
Systemic streptokinase: 3,000,000 U/d for ⱖ50% lysis: 9/50 (18%);
6 h with heparin for up to 7 d; ⬍ 50% lysis: 17/50 (34%)
premedications: hydrocortisone at 100 No lysis: 11/50 (22%)
mg, ranitidine at 50 mg, clemastine at Bleeding: 1/50 (2%)
2 mg Systemic streptokinase:
Systemic urokinase: 5,000,000 IU/d for 4 h Complete lysis: 20/50 (40%)
up to 7 d; IV heparin administered ⱖ50% lysis: 7/50 (14%)
concomitantly ⬍ 50% lysis: 13/50 (26%)
Anticoagulation: heparin IV, adjusted No lysis: 8/50 (16%)
Cotreatment: bed rest, compression Bleeding: 5/50 (10%)
bandages, compression therapy, PE: 5/50 (10%)
warfarin for 12 mo Systemic urokinase:
Complete lysis: 17/50 (34%)
ⱖ 50% lysis:10/50 (20%)
⬍ 50% lysis: 13/50 (26%)
No lysis: 8/50 (16%)
Bleeding: 4/50 (8%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

PE: 4/50 (8%)
Laiho et al81/ Retrospective study, 32 patients with Thrombolysis: 229 mg (mean) of rt-PA Clot lysis, PE, 2–3 yr Thrombolysis:
2004 single center iliofemoral DVT (n ⫽ 4) or 6.5 million U of bleeding, valvular Significant lysis: 5/16 (31%)
ⱕ 14 d in streptokinase (n ⫽ 12) for 62 h competence PE: 5/16 (31%)
duration received (mean) plus LMWH and oral Bleeding: 1/16 (6%)

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either CDT (n ⫽ anticoagulants Valvular competence: 2/16 (13%)
16) or systemic Any deep vein incompetence: 81%
(n ⫽ 16)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Recommendation preservation of femoral-popliteal valve function oc-
curred in 65 to 75% of operated patients. Although
1.10.1. In selected patients with extensive prox- operative pulmonary embolization is a concern with
imal DVT (eg, symptoms for < 14 days, good this procedure, it is an infrequent complication.130
functional status, life expectancy of > 1 year)
who have a low risk of bleeding, we suggest that Recommendations
systemic thrombolytic therapy may be used to
reduce acute symptoms and postthrombotic 1.12.1. In selected patients with acute iliofemoral
morbidity if CDT is not available (Grade 2C). DVT (eg, symptoms for < 7 days, good functional
status, and life expectancy > 1 year), we suggest
1.11 Percutaneous Venous Thrombectomy that operative venous thrombectomy may be used
Percutaneous mechanical venous thrombectomy to reduce acute symptoms and postthrombotic
refers to catheter-based fragmentation of thrombus morbidity if appropriate expertise and resources
(eg, with pulse-spray or rotational devices) with, or are available (Grade 2B). If such patients do not
without, aspiration of thrombus fragments.101 Percu- have a high risk of bleeding, we suggest that CDT
taneous mechanical venous thrombectomy is often is usually preferable to operative venous throm-
combined with CDT, which, collectively, are re- bectomy (Grade 2C).
ferred to as pharmacomechanical thrombolysis. Be- 1.12.2. In patients who undergo operative venous
cause pharmacomechanical thrombolysis was in- thrombectomy, we recommend the same inten-
cluded in the preceding section on CDT (Section sity and duration of anticoagulant therapy after-
1.9), the current section will be confined to percu- wards as for comparable patients who do not
taneous mechanical venous thrombectomy without undergo venous thrombectomy (Grade 1C).
concomitant thrombolysis.
No randomized trials have compared percutaneous 1.13 Vena Caval Filters for the Initial Treatment of
mechanical venous thrombectomy with other catheter- DVT
based, or noncatheter-based, treatments for DVT. IVCs (and rarely superior vena caval [SVC]) filters
Small retrospective studies suggest that percutaneous can be used instead of initial anticoagulation (eg, unac-
mechanical venous thrombectomy alone often fails to ceptable risk of bleeding), or as an adjunct to anticoag-
remove much of the thrombus94,101 and is associated ulation, in patients with acute DVT. No randomized
with a high risk of PE.122,123 trial or prospective cohort study have evaluated IVC
filters as sole therapy in patients with DVT (ie, without
Recommendation concurrent anticoagulation). Permanent IVC filter in-
sertion as an adjunct to anticoagulant therapy has been
1.11.1. In patients with acute DVT, we suggest evaluated in a single, large RCT of patients with acute
that they should not be treated with percutaneous DVT who were considered to be at high risk for PE
mechanical thrombectomy alone (Grade 2C). (PREPIC study; Table 6). The findings of that study,
which were reported after 2 years29 and 8 years135 of
follow-up (Table 6), provide the strongest evidence to
1.12 Operative Venous Thrombectomy for Acute DVT
guide use of IVC filters in patients with acute VTE, and
Operative venous thrombectomy is an alternative can be summarized as follows. First, routine insertion
approach for thrombus removal that is generally of filters in patients who are also anticoagulated does
reserved for patients with iliofemoral DVT. Contem- not alter the frequency of recurrent VTE (RR, 1.34 at
porary operative techniques124 and more effective 2 years; and RR, 1.03 at 8 years) or total mortality (RR,
anticoagulant regimens have improved outcomes 1.08 at 2 years; and RR, 0.95 at 8 years). Second, filters
compared to earlier reports.125,126 Iliofemoral venous reduce PE at 12 days (RR, 0.4; this estimate includes
thrombectomy with a temporary arteriovenous fis- asymptomatic PE detected by routine lung scanning), 2
tula plus anticoagulation was compared with antico- years (RR, 0.54), and at 8 years (RR, 0.41). Third, filters
agulation alone in a randomized trial of 63 patients increase DVT at 2 years (RR, 1.8) and at 8 years (RR,
who were followed for a long term.73,82,83 Results at 1.3; hazard ratio, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.3 in the original
6 months, 5 years, and 10 years were consistent with report29). Fourth, despite more frequent DVT during
improved iliac vein patency, less leg swelling, and follow-up and frequent evidence of thrombosis at the
fewer leg ulcers (Table 5).73,82,83 In nine nonrandom- filter site in those with recurrent VTE (43% of cases),
ized studies73,80,82,83,127–134 that evaluated venous filters were not associated with a higher frequency of
thrombectomy in 520 limbs of 509 patients, sus- PTS (defined as presence of at least one of edema,
tained patency was achieved in 65 to 85%, and varicose veins, trophic disorders or ulcers) [hazard

478S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 5—Operative Venous Thrombectomy for Acute DVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 1.12)*

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Kistner and Case series 70 patients (77 extremities) Operative venous thrombectomy Patency, clinical success, operative 4 yr (mean) Patency: 75%
Sparkuhl130/ with acute iliofemoral PE Clinical success:
1979 DVT confirmed by Excellent, 54%
venography Good, 32%
Fair, 7%
Poor, 7%
Operative PE: 8% (three asymptomatic)
Plate et al73/1984 RCT, multicenter 58 patients with acute Medical: 5,000 U bolus heparin PTS sequelae: iliofemoral patency, 6 mo Medical:
iliofemoral venous followed by 500 U/kg/24 h valve competence PTS sequelae: 25/27 (93%)
thrombosis adjusted to APTT, and oral Iliofemoral patency: 9/26 (35%)
anticoagulation (n ⫽ 31) Valve competence: 7/27 (26%)
Surgical: operative venous (PE in 1 patient)
thrombectomy with Surgical:
temporary arteriovenous PTS sequelae: 14/24 (58%;
fistula plus anticoagulation as p ⬍ 0.005)
above (n ⫽ 27) Iliofemoral patency: 16/21 (76%,
p ⬍ 0.025)
Valve competence: 13/23 (52%;
p ⬍ 0.05)
(venous gangrene in 1 patient)
Einarsson et al127/ Prospective 70 patients (71 legs) with Iliofemoral venous Venous patency, hematoma, AVF 56 d (mean) Patent iliac vein: 88%
1986 registry iliofemoral DVT (age of thrombectomy with patency, PE, wound infection Hematoma: 11%
clot: mean 3 d) temporary AVF closed at 6–8 AVF patency: 86%
wk, heparin before and after PE: 4%
operativion, plus warfarin Wound infection: 26%:
Einarsson et al128/ Follow-up to (66) 57 patients (58 limbs) with Clinical PTS; venography; Venous insufficiency: 9–10 mo Venous insufficiency:
1986 prior operative venous venous pressure; venous Good, fair, poor Good: 75%
thrombectomy and AVF plethysmography, foot Fair: 20%

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

closed at 6–8 wk for volumetry Venography (vein segment): Poor: 5%
iliofemoral DVT Normal; postthrombotic, occluded Venography (iliofemoral):
Normal: 61%
Venous pressure: Postthrombotic: 23%
Normal; abnormal Occluded: 39%

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IV pressure:
Plethysmography: Normal: 82%
Normal, abnormal Abnormal: 18%
Foot volumetry: Normal: 29%
Normal, abnormal Abnormal: 71%

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Foot volumetry:
Normal: 29%
Abnormal: 71%

Table 5—Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Juhan et al / Retrospective 41 patients with 42 Operative venous thrombectomy Venous patency, PE, death, 4 yr Immediate
1987 study iliofemoral (n ⫽ 24) or with temporary arteriovenous hematoma Patency: Iliac: 93%
iliocaval (n ⫽ 18) recent fistula (n ⫽ 31), IVC IVC: 100%
thromboses interruption (n ⫽ 21) Superficial femoral: 66%
Popliteal: 82%

PE: 0
Death: 0
Hematoma: 6

Late follow-up:
4 yr patency (33 patients): 93%
Torngren and Retrospective 60 patients with iliofemoral Operative venous thrombectomy Venous patency 3 mo–5 yr Early:
Swendenborg134/ study DVT with temporary AVF (closed Patency: 70%
1988 at 3 mo) and anticoagulation
for 6 mo Follow-up:
Patency: 54%
Plate et al82/ 5-yr follow-up to 41/58 patients (22 medical, Prior treatment PTS sequelae, iliac patency, venous 5 yr Medical:
1990 RCT (Plate 19 surgical) available for Medical: anticoagulation alone pressure PTS sequelae: 6/22 (27%)
1984, n ⫽ 10) evaluation at 5 yr Iliac patency: 11/22 (50%)
vs Venous pressure: 60 mm Hg (mean)

Surgical: operative venous Surgical:

thrombectomy plus PTS sequelae: 2/19 (11%)
anticoagulation Iliac patency: 15/19 (78%)
Venous pressure: 43 mm Hg (mean; p
⬍ 0.05)
Neglen et al132/1991 Prospective 48 patients with iliofemoral Operative venous thrombectomy Patency, PE, clinical symptoms, 24 mo (mean) Patency: Iliofemoral: 88%

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

registry DVT of 1–14 d with temporary AVF (closed normal photoplethysmography, Popliteal: 94%
6–12 wk after operation) successful AVF closure PE: 16% symptomatic, 31%
Adjunctive therapy: transvenous Symptom free: 81%
percutaneous dilatation of Normal photoplethysmography (no
severe iliac stenosis (n ⫽ 3) reflux): 56%

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AVF closure success rate: 87%
Meissner and Retrospective 30 patients with acute Operative venous thrombectomy Patency, PE, swelling 30 d–12 wk Early:
Huszeza131/1996 study DVT of the lower with temporary AVF Patency: 100%
extremities PE: 0

Patency: 89%

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines
Table 5—Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Plate et al /1997 10-yr follow-up 30/58 patients (17 from Prior treatment: PTS sequelae, iliac patency, venous 10 yr Medical:
to RCT (Plate medical arm, 13 from Medical: anticoagulation alone pressure PTS sequelae: 15/17 (88%)
1984, n ⫽ 10; surgical arm) available Iliac patency: 7/17 (41%)
1990, n ⫽ 20) for evaluation vs Venous pressure: 63 mm Hg (mean)

Surgical: operative venous Surgical:

thrombectomy plus PTS sequelae: 7/13 (54%)
anticoagulation Iliac patency: 10/12 (83%)
Venous pressure: 55 mm Hg (mean)
Juhan et al80/1997 Retrospective 75 patients (77 limbs) with Operative venous thrombectomy Iliofemoral system patency, 8.5 yr (mean) 5-yr results (44 limbs):
study acute iliofemoral venous with AVF ligated at 6–8 wk valvular competence, CVI Iliofemoral patency: 84%
thrombosis Valvular competence: 80%
CVI, Grade 0/1: 93%

10-yr results (16 limbs):

Iliofemoral patency: 84%
Valvular competence: 56%
CVI, Grade 0/1: 94%
Schwarzbach Retrospective 20 patients with acute Operative venous thrombectomy Primary and secondary patency, 21 mo (mean) Patency:
et al133/2005 study iliofemoral or iliocaval with endovascular correction clinical outcome per CEAP stage Primary: 80%
thrombosis of residual lesions Secondary: 90%

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Clinical outcome:
13 patients, asymptomatic
1 patient; reticular veins
4 patients; asymptomatic edema
4 patients; symptomatic edema, pain

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*AVF ⫽ arteriovenous fistula; CVI ⫽ chronic venous insufficiency; V-Q ⫽ ventilation-perfusion; CEAP ⫽ clinical etiologic anatomic pathophysiologic (classification). The methodologic quality description
portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

ratio, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.66 to 1.13]. Fifth, 2.5% (five Recommendation
patients) of the nonfilter group and 1.0% (two patients) 1.14.1. In patients with acute DVT, we recom-
of the filter group died of PE during 8 years of mend early ambulation in preference to initial
follow-up. Sixth, other complications of filter place- bed rest when this is feasible (Grade 1A).
ment are rare (none were reported).
A comprehensive review136 of mostly retrospec-
tive case series of vena caval filter insertions (a 2.0 Long-term Treatment of Acute DVT of
total of 6,500 patients in 89 reports who had filters the Leg
inserted for many different reasons) suggests that
venous thrombosis at the site of filter insertion In this review, long-term treatment refers to treat-
sites is common (eg, approximately 10% of pa- ments that are continued after initial therapy, such as
tients), that filters can be placed above the renal with heparin or thrombolytic agents, has been com-
veins if necessary, and that it is feasible to place pleted. Long-term therapy has two goals: (1) to
filters in the SVC. Epidemiologic data suggest that complete treatment of the acute episode of VTE;
IVC filters are not associated with an increased and (2) to prevent new episodes of VTE that are not
risk of recurrent VTE in patients who present with directly related to the acute event. During the early
DVT.137 If an IVC filter is being inserted in a phase of long-term treatment (ie, first 3 months),
patient with acute DVT or PE because anticoagu- treatment of the acute episode of VTE predomi-
lant therapy is temporarily contraindicated (eg, nates. During the late phase of long-term treatment
active bleeding), there is the option of inserting a (ie, after the first 3 months), prevention of new
retrievable filter and removing the filter when it is episodes of VTE predominates. We will use the term
safe to start anticoagulant therapy. However, the indefinite anticoagulation to refer to anticoagulation
risks and benefits of using a retrievable filter that is continued without a scheduled stop date, but
compared with a permanent filter in this setting which may be stopped because of a subsequent
are uncertain. increase in the risk of bleeding or change in patient
Recommendations The need for long-term anticoagulant treatment of
DVT after 5 to 10 days of initial heparin therapy is
1.13.1. For patients with DVT, we recommend supported by three lines of evidence from RCTs: (1)
against the routine use of a vena cava filter in a randomized trial in which no long-term anticoag-
addition to anticoagulants (Grade 1A). ulant treatment was administered to patients with
1.13.2. For patients with acute proximal DVT if symptomatic calf-vein thrombosis, which docu-
anticoagulant therapy is not possible because of mented a 20% rate of symptomatic extension and/or
risk of bleeding, we recommend placement of recurrence of thrombosis within 3 months146; (2) a
an IVC filter (Grade 1C). randomized trial that evaluated SC low-dose UFH
1.13.3. For patients with acute DVT who have (5,000 U bid) as an alternative to VKA for long-term
an IVC filter inserted as an alternative to anti- treatment after proximal DVT, in which the low-dose
coagulation, we recommend that they should UFH regimen proved ineffective and resulted in a
subsequently receive a conventional course of high rate of recurrent VTE (47% within 3
anticoagulant therapy if their risk of bleeding months)147; and (3) randomized trials in which re-
resolves (Grade 1C). duced durations of treatment of 4 or 6 weeks
resulted in clinically important increases in recurrent
VTE, compared to conventional durations of treat-
1.14 Immobilization for the Treatment of Acute
ment of 3 months or 6 months.148 –150
In this section, we will address three issues
The early treatment of acute DVT with bed rest relating to long-term anticoagulant therapy for
and anticoagulation has given way to anticoagula- DVT: (1) the optimal duration of treatment (usu-
tion with early mobilization. Randomized trials138 – ally with VKA), (2) the optimal intensity of treat-
142 and observational studies 143–145 show faster ment with VKA, and (3) the relative effectiveness
resolution of pain and swelling with early ambula- and safety of alternative approaches to long-term
tion and leg compression compared with immobi- VKA treatment, particularly LMWH. We will re-
lization, and a similar incidence of new PE on view studies that included patients with symptom-
routine repeat lung scanning after 10 days of atic DVT, or both symptomatic DVT and PE.
treatment (Table 7). These observations suggest Studies that only included patients with symptom-
that mobile patients with DVT should remain atic PE, with or without concomitant symptomatic
ambulant. DVT, are considered in later sections of this

482S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 6 —Randomized Trial of IVC Filter as an Adjunct to Anticoagulation in Patients With DVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 1.13)*
Length of
Study/yr Interventions Patients Analyzed Follow-up Recurrent VTE Major Bleeding Total Mortality Comments
PREPIC / Permanent IVC filter 12 d 12 d All PE at 12 d Major bleeding at 12 d Mortality at 12 d 400 patients with proximal DVT:
1998 (56% Vena Tech 372 patients Filter: 2/183 (1.1%) Filter: 9/200 Filter: 5/200 femoral or more proximal vein
LGM; 26% (reasons why 28 No filter: 9/189 (4.8%) No filter: 6/200 No filter: 5/200 involved in 94%; concomitant
Greenfield; 16% patients were RR, 0.23 (95% CI, 0.05–1.05) RR: 1.5 (95% CI, 0.54– RR, 1.0 (95% CI, 0.29– symptomatic PE in 36%; mean age,
Cardial or Birds not analyzed are 4.14) 3.40) 72 yr; all patients were treated with
Nest; 2% no filter) described; Symptomatic PE at 12 d LMWH or UFH (randomized
No IVC filter estimated that Filter: 2/183 (1.1%) allocation; factorial design) followed
183 filter and No filter: 5/189 (2.6%) by VKAs (INR 2–3) for at least 3
189 no filter RR, 0.41 (95% CI, 0.08–2.1) mo; primary outcome was
were analyzed) symptomatic or asymptomatic PE at
12 d

Other than thrombosis at the filter

site that was detected in 16 of the
37 filter patients with recurrent
VTE, “no other major complications
were observed” in the filter group.

Enrollment was stopped at 400

instead of 800 patients because of
slow recruitment
2 yr 2 yr Symptomatic PE at 2 yr Major bleeding at 2 yr Mortality at 2 yr
399 patients Filter: 6/176 (3.4%) Filter: 17/193 (8.8%) Filter: 43/199 (21.6%)
analyzed for No filter: 12/190 (6.3%) No filter: 22/186 No filter: 40/199 (20.1)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

death; RR, 0.54 (95% CI, 0.21–1.41) (11.8%) RR, 1.08 (95% CI,
denominators RR, 0.74 (95% CI, 0.73–1.58)
are estimated Symptomatic DVT at 2 yr 0.41–1.36)
from percentages Filter: 37/178 (20.8%)
and reason for No filter: 21/181 (11.6%)
differences are RR, 1.78 (95% CI, 1.09–2.94)

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not described
Symptomatic VTE at 2 yr
Filter: 37/178 (20.8%)
No filter: 29/187 (15.5%)
RR, 1.34 (95% CI, 0.86–2.08)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

chapter (Sections 4.0 and 5.0). However, for the

up by 45% of filter and 47% of no-

study; VKAs were stopped at 3 mo

were worn throughout 8-yr follow-

in 38% of filter group and 36% of

throughout 8 yr follow-up by 35%

reasons noted in Section 4.0, the results of all

no-filter group; VKAs were used

of both groups; elastic stockings

Long-term follow-up of PREPIC
studies of VTE have been considered when for-
mulating recommendations for long-term treat-
ment of DVT and PE, and the main recommen-
dations for long-term anticoagulant therapy do not
differ for proximal DVT or PE.

filter group
2.1. Duration of Anticoagulant Therapy

Anticoagulant therapy for VTE should be contin-

ued for the following: (1) until its benefits (reduction
No filter: 103/200 (51%)

No filter: 5/200 (2.5%)

of recurrent VTE) no longer clearly outweigh its
Filter: 98/200 (49%)
Total Mortality

Filter: 2/200 (1.0%)

RR, 0.95 (95% CI,

RR, 0.40 (95% CI,

risks (increase in bleeding), or (2) it is patient
Mortality at 8 yr

Fatal PE at 8 yr

preference to stop treatment even if continuing



treatment is expected to be of net benefit. In order

to assess if the benefits of continuing anticoagulant
therapy will outweigh its risks, the increase in recurrent
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
VTE and the decrease in bleeding that will occur with
stopping treatment need to be known or estimated. In
Major bleeding at 8 yr
Filter: 26/169 (15.4%)
Major Bleeding

addition, the consequences of a new episode of VTE

RR, 0.83 (95% CI.
No filter: 31/168

and of an episode of bleeding need to considered.151,152


In patients with an average risk of bleeding while


receiving anticoagulant therapy, therefore, the decision

to stop or continue therapy is dominated by the risk of
Table 6 —Continued

recurrent VTE if treatment is stopped.

Current evidence suggests that the risk of recur-
Symptomatic DVT and PE at 8 yr

rence after stopping therapy is largely determined by

RR, 0.41 (95% CI, 0.20–0.86)

two factors: (1) whether the acute episode of VTE

RR, 1.3 (95% CI: 0.93–1.82)
Recurrent VTE

Symptomatic DVT at 8 yr

has been effectively treated; and (2) the patient’s

No filter: 24/159 (15.1%)

No filter: 41/150 (27.5%)

No filter: 55/155 (35.4%)

Symptomatic PE at 8 yr

Filter: 57/160 (35.7%)

Filter: 58/159 (36.4%)

intrinsic risk of having a new episode of VTE (ie, not

Filter: 9/145 (6.2%)

RR, 1.03 (95% CI,

arising directly from the episode of thrombosis for

which patients have been receiving treatment). If

therapy is stopped before the acute episode of

thrombosis is adequately treated, the risk of recur-
rent VTE will be higher than if anticoagulants were
stopped after a longer course of treatment. If pa-
Length of

tients have a persistently high intrinsic risk for

thrombosis, even if the acute episode of thrombosis
8 yr

has effectively been treated, they will have a high risk

of recurrence once anticoagulant therapy is stopped;
Patients Analyzed

Denominators are

percentages and
estimated from
399 analyzed for

differences are

if this risk is sufficiently high relative to the patient’s

not described
reason for

risk of bleeding, long-term anticoagulant therapy will


be indicated.
During the past 15 years, a series of trials148–150,153–162
have compared different durations of antico-
agulant therapy for VTE (Table 8). Most of these
/ Same patients as for

studies163–166 excluded patients with active cancer


because they were judged to require long-term

anticoagulant therapy because of a high risk of
recurrence. The earlier trials,148,149,162 in addition to
comparing outcomes with different durations of
treatment, identified that the risk of recurrent

VTE after stopping VKA therapy was much lower


if VTE had been provoked by a reversible risk

factor, such as surgery, rather than if the episode

484S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 7—Immobilization for the Treatment of Acute DVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 1.14)*

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Schellong et al / RCT, single 126 patients with Ambulation: leg elevation until day PE by ventilation/ 10 d Ambulation:
1999 center acute proximal 2, then ambulation, perfusion scan PE: 10/59 (17%)
DVT compression (n ⫽ 64)
Bed rest: Bed rest for 8 d with leg Bed rest:
elevation, compression (n ⫽ 62) PE: 14/63 (22%)
Partsch and RCT, multicenter 45 patients with Ambulation plus bandages: inelastic Walking distance, pain 9d Summary results between groups:
Blattler141/ proximal DVT Unna boot bandages plus walking levels, leg Walking distance, pain, leg circumference and clinical
2000 ⬍ 14 d duration exercises, (n ⫽ 15) circumference, scores significantly improved in groups A and B
clinical scores, PE, compared to group C
Ambulation plus stockings: elastic side effects
compression stockings plus PE, group A: 2/15 (13%)
walking exercises (n ⫽ 15) PE, group B: 1/15 (7%)
Bed rest: bed rest, no compression, PE, group C: 1/15 (7%)
LMWH (n ⫽ 15)
Aschwanden et RCT, single 129 patients with Ambulation: New PE between 3 mo Ambulation:
al138/2001 center acute DVT Ambulation ⱖ 4 h/d for 4 d under baseline and day 4 PE: 10/69 (14%)
supervision, LMWH (n ⫽ 69) by ventilation/
Bed rest
perfusion scan PE: 6/60 (10%)
Bed rest:
Bed rest for 4 (n ⫽ 60) Note: new PEs were asymptomatic; 12/16 patients had
baseline PEs
Partsch143/2001 Prospective study 1,289 patients with All treated with LMWH, PE on ventilation/ 10 d PE at admission: 629/1,270 (50%)
acute DVT compression, and immediate perfusion scan at PE at 10 d: 77/1,256 (61%)
ambulation hospital admission
and after 10 d of Note: initial lung scans were performed in 1,270/1,289
treatment patients; f/u scans were performed in 1,256/1,289
Blattler and RCT 53 patients with Ambulation plus bandages: firm Walking distance, well- 9d Well-being/QOL:
Partsch139/2003 proximal DVT inelastic bandages, being and DVT- Improved with stockings (p ⬍ 0.05) bandages (p ⬍ 0.01)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

ambulation (n ⫽ 18) related QOL, leg Leg pain:
pain by VAS, edema, Decreased faster during first 4 d with bandages and
Ambulation plus stockings: elastic clinical scores, stockings vs bed rest (p [lt 0.01); near absence of pain
compression stockings, thrombus at 9 d achieved with bandages only
ambulation (n ⫽ 18) progression Edema:
Marked reduction in leg size with bandages and

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Bed rest only (n ⫽ 17) stockings vs bed rest (p ⬍ 0.001)
Clinical scores:
Improved with bandages and stockings vs bed rest
(p ⬍ 0.001)
Thrombus progression:
Improved with bandages and stockings vs bed

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

rest (p ⬍ 0.01)
No difference between groups

Table 7—Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Partsch et al / 2-yr follow-up to 37 patients Anticoagulation and bed rest PTS assessment 2 yr PTS scores:
2004 RCT (n ⫽ 77) followed up 2 yr (Villalta-Prandoni Ambulatory group (mean score, 5.1) had improved
after RCT vs scale) outcome vs bed rest group (mean score, 8.2)
关p ⬍ 0.01兴
Anticoagulation and ambulation Pain assessment by VAS Pain:
with compression bandages or and modified Lower pain levels in mobile group vs bed rest (not
stockings Lowenberg test significant)
Thrombus extension:
Thrombus regression No difference in thrombus regression of thrombus
remnants between groups
Trujillo-Santos Prospective study 2,650 patients with DVT group: bed rest or Symptomatic, 3 mo DVT group: bed rest:
et al145/2005 acute DVT ambulation: 1,050 (52%) patients confirmed PE during PE: 7/1,050 (0.7%)
(n ⫽ 2038, 77%) received bed rest and 988 first 15 d of therapy DVT group: ambulate:
or PE (n ⫽ 612 , patients (48%) were ambulated; PE: 4/988 (0.4%)
23%) all received LMWH.
PE group: bed rest:
PE group, bed rest or ambulation: PE: 2/385 (0.5%)
385 patients (63%) received bed PE group: ambulate:
rest, and 227 patients (37%) PE: 2/227 (0.9%)
were ambulated; all received
Junger et al140/ RCT, multicenter 103 patients with Bed rest: 50 patients received 5 d PE, progression of or 5d New PE
2006 open design proximal DVT of strict bed rest, LMWH, new thrombosis, Bed rest: 8/50 (16%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

stratified by age compression bandages infection or serious Ambulation: 2/52 (4%)
adverse event
Ambulation: 52 patients ambulated Primary target variable
for 5 d, LMWH, compression Bed rest: 14/50 (28%)
bandages Ambulation: 7/52 (13%)

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*VAS ⫽ visual analogue scale. The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 8 —Comparisons of Durations and Intensities of Anticoagulant Therapy for DVT and PE: Clinical Description and Results (Section 2.1)*

Pateints Length of Recurrent DVT or Major Bleeding, No.
Author/yr (Acronym) Intervention Analyzed, No. Follow-up PE, No. (Total) (Total) Total Mortality, No. (%) Comments
Short (4 wk or 6 wk) vs intermediate (3 mo or 6 mo) durations of anticoagulation
Kearon et al157/2004 VKA stopped 84/84 11 mo 5/84 (6%) 0/84 0/84 Population: first DVT or PE:
(SOFAST) (placebo) treated for 1 mo; VTE was
asymptomatic in 9%, and
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 81/81 11 mo. 3/81 (4%) 0/81 1/81 (1%) isolated calf DVT in 18%; one
for 2 more mo RR, 0.6 (95% CI, 0.1– RR,1.0 (95% CI, 0.0– RR 3.1 (95% CI, 0.1–74.4) VTE occurred while during
2.5) 51.6) warfarin treatment
Pinede et al160/2001 VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 105/105 15 mo 2/105 (2%) 1/105(1%) Not specified Population: first isolated calf DVT
(DOTAVK) for 1.5 mo.

VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 92/92 3/92 3/92

for 3 mo RR, 1.7 (95% CI, RR,3.4 (95% CI, 0.4–
0.3–10.0) 33.4)
Schulman et al162/ VKA (INR, 2.0–2.85) 443/443 2 yr 80/443 (18%) 1/443 22/443 (5%) First VTE: DVT (distal or
1995 (DURAC 1) for 1.5 mo proximal) or PE; only asked
about bleeding while receiving
VKA (INR, 2.0–2.85) for 454/454 43/454 (9%) 5/454 (1%) 17/454 (4%) VKAs
6 mo RR, 0.5 (95% CI, 0.4– RR, 4.9 (95% CI, RR 0.75 (95% CI, 0.4–1.4)
0.7) 0.6–41.6)
Levine et al148/1995 VKA stopped 105/107 9 mo 12/105 (11%) 0/105 9/105 (9%) Proximal DVT (first episode in
(placebo) 91%); cancer in 21%

VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 109/113 7/109 (6%) 1/109 (1%) 9/109 (8%)
2 more mo RR, 0.6 (95% CI, 0.2– RR, 2.9 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI,
1.4) 0.1–70.2) 0.4–2.5)
within 2 mo of

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

British Thoracic VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 358/358 1 yr 28/358 (11%) 5/358 (1%) 26/358 (7%) Population: DVT or PE; only 71%
Society149 1 mo objectively diagnosed; proportion
with a previous VTE not known.
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 354/354 1 yr 14/354 (4%) 4/354 (1%) 28/354 (8%) All bleeds were receiving VKA;
3 mo RR, 0.5 (95% CI, 0.3– RR, 0.8 (95% CI, RR, 1.1 (95% CI, only one recurrent VTE among
0.9) 0.2–3.0) 0.6–1.8) 116 patients with postoperative

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Summary 2,198 RR 0.53 (0.40, 0.70) RR 1.84 (0.76, 4.50) RR 1.04 (0.74, 1.48) For all analyses, p ⫽ ⬎0.1 for
heterogeneity. SOFAST80 not
included in estimate for major
bleeding as no events in either

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Table 8 —Continued

Pateints Length of Recurrent DVT or Major Bleeding, No.

Author/yr (Acronym) Intervention Analyzed, No. Follow-up PE, No. (Total) (Total) Total Mortality, No. (%) Comments

Different intermediate durations (6 mo or 12 mo vs 3 mo) of anticoagulation

Campbell et al155/2007 VKA (INR 2..0–3.5) 369/396 1 yr 31/369 (8%) 0/369 (during 3 mo 15/369 (4%) Population:
for 3 mo of treatment) DVT or PE; proportion with calf
8/380 (2%) during 6 DVT not known;
VKA (INR 2.0–3.5) 380/414 1 yr 29/380 (8%) mo of treatment 9/369 (5%)
for 6 mo RR, 0.9 (95% CI, 0.6– RR, 16.5 (95% CI, RR,1.3 (95% CI, 0.6–2.5) Only bleeding during treatment is
1.5) (1.0–285) reported. 20% of VTE outcomes
were not objectively verified
Agnelli et al153/2003 VKA stopped 91/91 2.6 yr (mean) 11/91 (12%) 1/91 (1%) 7/91 (8%) Population: first unprovoked PE;
(WODIT-PE) 2.9 yr (mean) treated for ⱖ 3 mo; among the
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 90/90 11.90 (12%) 2/90 (2%) 8/90 (9%) four groups, only one recurrent
for 9 more mo RR, 1.0 (95% CI, 0.5– RR, 2.0 (95% CI, RR,1.16 (95% CI, 0.4–3.0) VTE while receiving VKA
2.2) 0.5–21.9)
VKA stopped 70/70 2.8 yr (mean) 7/70 (10%) 0/70 (0%) 0/70 (0%) Population: first provoked PE;
2.9 yr (mean) treated for ⱖ 3 mo (see
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 75/75 4/75 (5%) 1/75 (1%) 4/75 (5%) previous)
3 more mo RR, 0.5 (95% CI, RR, 1.9 (95% CI, RR, 8.4 (95% CI, 0.5–153)
0.2–1.7) 0.1–56)
Agnelli et al154/2001 VKA stopped 133/133 3.2 yr (mean) 21/133 (16%) 2/133 (2%) 7/133 (5%) Population: First unprovoked
(WODIT – DVT) 3.1 yr (mean) proximal DVT treated for 3 mo;
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 134/134 21/134 (16%) 4/134 (3%) 7/134 (5%) one patient had recurrent VTE
for 9 mo RR, 1.0 (95% CI, RR, 2.0 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI, 0.4–2.8) while receiving VKA; bleeding in
0.6–1.7) 0.4–10.7) the intervention group was while
receiving VKA
Pinede et al160/2001 VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 270/270 15 mo 21/270 (8%) 5/270 (2%) Not specified Population: first proximal DVT or
(DOTAVK) 3 mo PE; recurrent VTE occurred
VKA (INR, 1.0–3.0) for 269/269 23/269 (9%) 7/269 (3%) after VKA in 26/28 of the short-
6 mo RR, 1.1 (95% CI, RR, 1.4 (95% CI, duration groups and 21/27 of the

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

0.6–1.9) 0.4–4.4) long-duration groups
Summary 1,881 RR, 0.95 (95% CI, RR, 2.53 (95% CI, RR, 1.3 (95% CI, For all analyses, p ⬎ 0.1 for
0.72–1.26) 1.18–5.46) 0.82–2.08) heterogeneity
Indefinite vs intermediate durations of anticoa gulation (INR, approximately 20–3.0)
Palereti et al159/2006 Remain off (stop) 103/105 1.4 yr (mean), 18/103 (17%) 0/103 1/103 (1%) Population:

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(PROLONG) VKA maximum First unprovoked proximal DVT or
1.5 yr PE; treated for ⱖ 3 mo; VKA
Restart 120/122 2/120 (2%) 1/120 (1%) 1/120 (1%) stopped and d-dimer positive 1
Indefinite VKA (INR, RR, 0.1 (95% CI, RR, 2.6 (95% CI, RR, 0.9 (95% CI, mo later
2.0–3.0) not blinded 0.0–0.4) 0.1–62.6) 0.1–13.6)
Eight control patients; restarted
VKA, some after superficial
phlebitis; one recurrent VTE in
VKA group after VKA stopped.

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 8 —Continued
Pateints Length of Recurrent DVT or Major Bleeding, No.
Author/yr (Acronym) Intervention Analyzed, No. Follow-up PE, No. (Total) (Total) Total Mortality, No. (%) Comments
Kearon et al /1999 VKA stopped 83/83 10 mo (mean), 17/83 (20%) 0/83 3/83 (4%) Population: first unprovoked
(LAFIT) (Placebo) 79/79 maximum proximal DVT or PE (5%) had
2 yr) previous provoked VTE;
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 1/79 (1%) 3/79 (4%) 1/79 (1%) recurrent VTE in the VKA
2 more yr RR, 0.1 (95% CI, RR, 7.4 (95% CI, RR, 0.3 (95% CI, 0.0–3.3) patient was after stopping VKA
0.0–0.5) 0.4–140)
Schulman et al150/1997 VKA (INR, 2.0–2.85) for 111/111 4 yr 23/111 (2%) 3/111 (3%) 16/111 (14%) Second VTE: DVT (distal or
(DURAC 2) 6 mo proximal) or PE; all recurrent
VTEs in the indefinite VKA
VKA (INR, 2.0–2.85) 116/116 3/116 (3%) 10/116 (9%) 10/116 (9%) group were after stopping VKAs;
Indefinitely RR, 0.1 (95% CI, RR, 3.2 (95% CI, RR, 0.6 (95% CI, 0.3–1.3) bleeding during the first 6 mo of
0.0–0.4) 0.9–11.3) VKA in one patients in 6-mo
group and six patients in
indefinite group (only asked
about bleeding while receiving
Summary RR, 0.1 (95% CI, RR, 3.61 (95% CI, RR, 0.58 (95% CI, For all analyses, p ⬎ 0.1 for
0.04–0.22) 1.22–10.7) 0.29–1.14) heterogeneity
Indefinite vs intermediate durations of anticoagulation (INR, approximately 5–2.0 after initial INR of 2.0–3.0 in both groups)
Ridker161/2003 VKA stopped or not 253/253 2.1 yr (mean), 37/253 (15%) 2/253 (1%) 8/253 (3%) Population:
(PREVENT) restarted maximum, Unprovoked DVT (distal or
(Placebo) 255/255 4.3 yr 14/255 (5%) 5/255 (2%) 4/255 (2%) proximal) or PE (first episode in
RR, 0.4 (95% CI, RR, 2.5 (95% CI, RR, 0.5 (95% CI, 0.1–1.6) 38%); eight recurrent VTEs in
VKA (INR, 1.5–2.0) 0.2–0.7) 0.5–12.7) the VKA group after stopping

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Low-intensity (INR, 1.5–1.9) vs conventional intensity (INR, 2.0–3.0)
Kearon185/2003 (ELATE) VKA (INR, 1.5–1.9) 369/369 2.4 yr (mean) 16/369 (4%) 9/369 (2%) 16/369 (4%) Population:
Unprovoked proximal DVT or PE
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0), 369/369 6/369 (2%) 8/369 (2%) 8/369 (2%) (first episode in 31%); treated
blinded RR, 0.4 (95% CI, RR, 0.9 (95% CI, RR, 0.5 (95% CI, 0.2–1.2) for ⱖ 3 mo. VKA (INR, 2.0–

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0.1–0.9) 0.3–2.3) 3.0); mean, 12 mo; five recurrent
VTEs in INR of 1.5–1.9 and
three in INR of 2.0–3.0 group
after stopping VKAs
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

of VTE was unprovoked (also called idiopathic studies that included heterogeneous (ie, less se-
VTE). This observation was also made in a number lected) patients with VTE, and then studies that
of other prospective studies166,167 during the same enrolled subgroups of (ie, selected) patients who
period. Consequently, many of the more recent were expected to have either a lower (eg, associated
trials that compared durations of VKA therapy with reversible risk factors) or a higher (eg,
selectively enrolled patients with either unpro- unprovoked, or second episodes, of VTE) risk of
voked VTE,153,154,156,158,159,161 or VTE that was recurrence.
provoked by a reversible risk factor157 (Table 8).
Longer or indefinite durations of anticoagulant
therapy were generally evaluated in patients with Short (4 Weeks or 6 Weeks) vs Intermediate (3
unprovoked VTE, and shorter durations of therapy Months or 6 Months) Durations of Therapy
were evaluated in patients with a reversible provok-
ing factor. Because the presence of a reversible Five trials148,149,160,162 have evaluated shortening the
provoking risk factor,148,149,160,162,163,165–170 unpro- duration of oral anticoagulant therapy from 3 or 6
voked VTE,148,149,160,162,163,165–170 and presence of months to 4 or 6 weeks in patients with mostly first
active cancer163–166 were used to select patients for episodes of VTE (Table 8). The first three studies
many of the studies, and have been shown to be the (British Thoracic Society, Levine, DURAC 1; Table 8),
most important factors that influence risk of recur- which mainly enrolled unselected patients with proxi-
rent VTE after stopping VKA, separate recommen- mal DVT or PE, found that shortening the duration of
dations for duration of anticoagulant therapy will be anticoagulation was associated with about double the
made for each of these three categories of patients frequency of recurrent VTE during follow-up of 1 to 2
with VTE. Reversible provoking risk factors include years (an absolute risk increase of approximately
the following: major factors such as surgery, hospi- 5%).148,149,162 Major bleeding was uncommon during
talization, or plaster cast immobilization, all within 1 the incremental period of anticoagulation in these three
month; and minor factors such as estrogen therapy, studies (estimated at seven episodes among 1,009
pregnancy, prolonged travel (eg, ⬎ 8 h), or the patients during 259 patient-years of additional treat-
previously noted major factors when they have oc- ment [2.7%/yr]).148,149,162 Therefore, the main finding
curred 1 to 3 months before diagnosis of VTE. The of these studies was that anticoagulant therapy should
greater the provoking reversible risk factor (eg, such not be shortened to 4 or 6 weeks in patients with VTE.
as recent major surgery), the lower the expected risk Subgroup analyses of one of the above studies (DU-
of recurrence after stopping anticoagulant thera- RAC 1) suggests that isolated distal DVT provoked by
py.168 Within each of these three groups, we will a major transient risk factor can safely be treated with
consider if there are additional factors that influence only 6 weeks of therapy.162 A subsequent study,160
the risk of recurrence enough to modify recommen- (component of DOTVAK), which compared 6 vs 12
dations about duration of therapy. The most impor- weeks of therapy in patients with isolated calf DVT
tant of such factors are the following: (1) whether (unprovoked or provoked; mostly diagnosed by ultra-
DVT was confined to the distal veins (often called sound), found no suggestion that shortening therapy
isolated calf DVT) or involved the proximal increased the risk of recurrence (RR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.01
veins,160,162,170 and (2) whether the DVT was a first to 3.4) and, in general, observed a low frequency of
episode of VTE or a second or subsequent episode of recurrent VTE with isolated calf DVT (approximately
VTE.161,164,171 The presence of hereditary thrombo- 2% in the first year) compared to proximal DVT or PE
philia has not been used as a major factor to guide (approximately 6% in the first year). These findings
duration of anticoagulation for VTE in these guide- suggest that if anticoagulants need to be stopped after
lines because evidence from prospective stud- 6 weeks of therapy in patients with isolated distal DVT,
ies156,161,168,169,172–180 suggests that these factors are the subsequent risk of recurrence is not expected to be
not major determinants of the risk of recurrence. excessive. The fifth of these studies157 enrolled only
patients with VTE associated with a major reversible
VKAs for the Long-term Treatment of DVT risk factor (SOFAST; Table 8); however, because only
165 patients were enrolled, its findings were not defin-
Clinical trials that have evaluated different dura- itive. A metaanalysis of five studies (retrospective iden-
tions of anticoagulant therapy can be divided into tification of the patient’s subgroup in four stud-
three categories according to the durations of ies,148,149,162,181 selective enrollment of patients in 1
therapy that were compared: (1) short vs intermedi- study157) that compared 4 or 6 weeks with 3 or 6
ate durations, (2) different intermediate durations, months of treatment among 725 patients with VTE
and (3) indefinite therapy vs intermediate durations. provoked by a reversible risk factor found that the
Within each of these categories we will first consider shorter durations of therapy were associated with more

490S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
than double the risk of recurrent VTE during the next 0.04 to 0.22; Table 8),150,156,159 and randomization to
year (OR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.2 to 6.9; absolute increase of low-intensity therapy (target INR, 1.75) reduces
approximately 3.4%).157 VTE by 64% (95% CI for HR, 23 to 81%)161 (Table
8; both RRs are appreciably greater among patients
Different Intermediate Durations of Therapy (6 who remain on VKA therapy).
Months or 12 Months vs 3 Months) The benefit of indefinite treatment with VKA is
partially offset by the risk of major bleeding. In the
Two studies155,160 have compared 6 months vs 3 two initial studies150,156,182 of extended treatment
months of anticoagulant therapy in patients with (DURAC 2, LAFIT; Table 8), the incidence of major
predominantly first episodes of DVT or PE (unpro- bleeding was approximately 3%/yr during extended
voked, or provoked by a reversible risk factor) treatment with conventional-intensity warfarin (in-
[DOTAVK, Campbell; Table 8]. There was no dif- cluded bleeding during the first 6 months of therapy
ference in the risk of recurrence during follow-up in in DURAC 2). However, in the more recent PRO-
both studies, and one study155 reported a lower LONG study159 and a randomized comparison of
risk of bleeding in the 3-month group (Campbell; conventional-intensity and low-intensity VKA (ELATE;
Table 8). Table 8),158 extended treatment with conventional-
Agnelli and colleagues154 compared stopping antico- intensity VKA was associated with a risk of major
agulant therapy at 3 months with continuing it for bleeding of approximately 1% per patient-year (low-
another 9 months after a first episode of unprovoked intensity VKA is considered in Section 2.2). A meta-
proximal DVT (WODIT-DVT; Table 8). At the end of analysis184 of seven studies115,148,154,156,161,171,183 that
the first year, recurrent VTE was less frequent in the compared durations of conventional-intensity antico-
group that remained on anticoagulant therapy (3.0% vs agulant therapy for VTE estimated the rate of major
8.3%), but this benefit was lost 2 years after these bleeding to be 1.1% per patient-year (18 episodes in
patients stopped anticoagulant therapy (RR, 1.0; 95% 1,571 patient-years) during the extended phase of
CI, 0.6 to 1.7). The same investigators obtained similar anticoagulation compared with 0.6% per patient-
results in a comparable study153 of patients with unpro- year (9 episodes during 1,497 patient-years) without
voked PE (WODIT PE; Section 5.1, Table 8). anticoagulation (RR, 1.80; 95% CI, 0.72 to 4.51).
Based on the findings of these five studies (the Thus, for patients with unprovoked DVT (and PE),
“provoked” and “unprovoked” components of the the benefit of long-term treatment is partially offset
WODIT-PE study are have been condidered separate by a higher risk of bleeding, and patients lose
studies),153–155,160 anticoagulants are very effective at protection against recurrent VTE if anticoagulants
preventing recurrence while patients are receiving ther- are withdrawn. For these reasons, values and pref-
apy; but, at the end of extended follow- up after stopping erences regarding preventing recurrent thromboem-
treatment, a similar risk of recurrence is expected if bolism, avoiding bleeding complications and incon-
anticoagulants are stopped at 6 or 12 months, com- venience of treatment, bear on the recommendation
pared to at 3 months (RR for the five studies, 0.95; for long-term anticoagulant treatment for unpro-
95% CI, 0.72 to 1.26; Table 8), including among voked VTE, particularly after a first episode of DVT
patients with unprovoked proximal DVT or PE. (lower risk of recurrence than after a second episode
of VTE,161,164,171 and expected to have a lower risk of
Indefinite vs Intermediate Durations of death with a recurrence than after a first episode of
Anticoagulant Therapy PE164,185).186 Individual patient risk of recurrent
VTE and of major bleeding may differ from the
Four trials have compared indefinite (where indef- average values that have been reported in the previ-
inite refers to extended therapy without scheduled ously noted trials and, in selected patients, may
stopping of treatment) anticoagulation (target INRs, influence the decision to continue or stop anticoag-
2.0 to 2.85,150 2.0 to 3.0,156,159 and 1.5 to 2.0161) with ulant therapy once 3 months of initial treatment has
stopping therapy in patients with VTE who were been completed, or subsequently.
believed to have a high risk of recurrence because Of factors that have been evaluated as risk factors for
thrombosis was a second episode,150 unpro- recurrent VTE among patients with unprovoked DVT,
voked,156,161 or was unprovoked and had a positive the following appear to have the greatest potential to be
d-dimer result 1 month after stopping therapy159 clinically useful: isolated calf DVT vs proximal DVT
(DURAC 2, LAFIT, PREVENT, PROLONG; Table (RR, approximately 0.5)160,162,170; one or more previous
8). The results indicate that randomization to indef- episodes of VTE (RR, approximately 1.5)161,164,171;
inite treatment with conventional-intensity VKA (tar- negative d-dimer findings 1 month after withdrawal of
get INR, 2.5) reduces recurrent VTE by approxi- VKA (RR, approximately 0.4)159,177,187,188; antiphos-
mately 90% (RR for the three studies, 0.10; 95% CI, pholipid antibody (RR, approximately 2)156,179,189; CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 491S

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hereditary thrombophilia (RR, approximately such treatment should be reassessed in the individ-
1.5)156,161,168,169,173–175,177; males vs females (relative ual patient at periodic intervals (Grade 1C).
risk ⬃ 1.6)190; Asian ethnicity (RR, approximately
0.8)191; and residual thrombosis in the proximal veins
2.2 Intensity of Anticoagulant Effect
(RR, approximately 1.5).153,156,157,192–194
Of factors that have been evaluated as risk factors The preferred intensity of the anticoagulant effect
for major bleeding during anticoagulant therapy, the of treatment with VKA has been established by the
following appear to have the greatest potential to be results of randomized trials.158,203–205 The ELATE
clinically useful markers of increased risk: older age, study was a randomized, blinded trial that compared
particularly after 75 years; previous GI bleeding, low-intensity VKA (target INR, 1.5 to 1.9) with
particularly if not associated with a reversible cause; conventional-intensity VKA (INR, 2.0 to 3.0) for
previous noncardioembolic stroke; chronic renal or indefinite treatment of patients with unprovoked
hepatic disease; concomitant antiplatelet therapy (to VTE who had completed at least 3 months of initial
be avoided if possible); other serious acute or conventional-intensity anticoagulation (Table 8). The
chronic illness; poor anticoagulant control; subopti- incidences of recurrent VTE were 1.9% per patient-
mal monitoring of anticoagulant therapy (see chapter year in the low-intensity group, and 0.6% per pa-
on Hemorrhagic Complications of Anticoagulant and tient-year in the conventional-intensity group (haz-
Thrombolytic Therapy195).158,195–202 ard ratio, 3.3; 95% CI, 1.2 to 9.1).158 The incidences
of major bleeding were 0.96% per patient-year in the
low-intensity group and 0.93% per patient-year in
Recommendations the conventional-intensity group; the corresponding
incidences of all bleeding (major and minor) were
2.1.1. For patients with DVT secondary to a 4.9% per patient-year and 3.6% per patient-year.
transient (reversible) risk factor, we recom- Thus, low-intensity VKA treatment was less effective
mend treatment with a VKA for 3 months over than conventional-intensity therapy and did not pro-
treatment for shorter periods (Grade 1A). vide a safety advantage.158 The observed incidence of
2.1.2. For patients with unprovoked DVT, we recurrent VTE of 1.9% per patient-year in the
recommend treatment with a VKA for at least 3 low-intensity group is similar to the incidence of
months (Grade 1A). We recommend that after 3 2.6% per patient-year in the PREVENT study,161
months of anticoagulant therapy, all patients which compared low-intensity warfarin therapy
with unprovoked DVT should be evaluated for (INR, 1.5 to 2.0) with placebo (the latter group had
the risk-to-benefit ratio of long-term therapy an incidence of recurrent VTE of 7.2% per patient-
(Grade 1C). For patients with a first unprovoked year; hazard ratio, 0.36 compared with placebo; 95%
VTE that is a proximal DVT, and in whom risk CI, 0.19 to 0.67). Taken together, the results of these
factors for bleeding are absent and for whom two randomized trials158,161 indicate that after 3
good anticoagulant monitoring is achievable, months of conventional-intensity therapy, although
we recommend long-term treatment (Grade 1A). low-intensity warfarin therapy is much more effec-
Values and preferences: This recommendation at- tive than placebo, it is less effective than convention-
taches a relatively high value to prevention of recur- al-intensity therapy and does not appear to reduce
rent VTE and a lower value to the burden of the incidence of bleeding complications.
long-term anticoagulant therapy. In the PREVENT trial,161 low-intensity anticoagula-
For patients with a second episode of unpro- tion was delivered using a dosing nomogram that
voked VTE, we recommend long-term treat- scheduled INR measurements 8 weeks apart, provided
ment (Grade 1A). For patients with a first iso- the current INR result was 1.3 to 3.0. This nomogram
lated distal DVT that is unprovoked, we suggest resulted in an average interval between INR tests of 61
that 3 months of anticoagulant therapy is suffi- days compared with an average interval of 26 days in
cient rather than indefinite therapy (Grade 2B). the conventional-intensity group of the ELATE trial,158
2.1.3. For patients with DVT and cancer, we in which ordering of INR measurements was at the
recommend LMWH for the first 3 to 6 months discretion of the responsible clinician. Thus, the find-
of long-term anticoagulant therapy (Grade 1A). ings of the PREVENT trial suggest that anticoagulant
For these patients, we recommend subsequent monitoring can be simplified, and made less burden-
anticoagulant therapy with VKA or LMWH in- some to patients and health-care providers, when the
definitely or until the cancer is resolved (also, target INR is 1.75 (range, 1.5 to 2.0) rather than 2.5
see Section 2.4) [Grade 1C]. (range, 2.0 to 3.0). Some patients may prefer to be
2.1.4. For patients who receive long-term anticoag- treated with a lower intensity of VKA therapy that is
ulant treatment, the risk-benefit ratio of continuing delivered with less frequent INR monitoring that to

492S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
receive conventional-intensity therapy that, although ministered once daily without the need for anticoagu-
more effective, requires more frequent INR monitor- lant monitoring, LMWH is preferred to UFH for
ing. long-term therapy.
Additional important evidence regarding the opti-
mal intensity of anticoagulant therapy with VKA is 2.4 LMWH for the Long-term Treatment of DVT
provided by the PAPRE203 and WAPS204 random-
Twelve randomized trials have compared VKA
ized trials that compared conventional-intensity VKA
(INR, 2.0 to 3.0) with widely differing regimens of five
therapy (INR, 2.0 to 3.0) with high-intensity warfarin
LMWH preparations (dalteparin,209 –211 enoxapa-
therapy (INR, 3.1 to 4.0203 and 3.0 to 4.5204) for the
rin,167,212–214 nadroparin,215,216 tinzaparin,217,218 bemi-
prevention of recurrent thromboembolism in pa-
parin34). In these studies, the daily LMWH dose was as
tients with antiphospholipid antibodies and a history
low as 4,000 IU167,212 to as high as 200 IU/kg211,216;
of venous or arterial thromboembolism (Table 9). In
approximately a 3.5-fold difference. Two metaanalyses
the two studies combined, there was no evidence
of studies that compared LMWH with VKAs, each
that the higher intensity of anticoagulation was asso-
administered for 3 months after initial heparin therapy,
ciated with a lower frequency of recurrent thrombo-
have been performed.219,220 In the analysis by Iorio
embolism (OR, 2.49; 95% CI, 0.93 to 6.67), and no
and colleagues,219 which includes seven stud-
difference in major bleeding (OR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.23
ies167,209,212,214 –217 and a total of 1,379 patients, there
to 2.31), or minor bleeding (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 0.93
were trends toward less recurrent VTE (OR, 0.66; 95%
to 3.31).204 However, high-intensity VKA therapy has
CI, 0.41 to 1.07) and less major bleeding (OR, 0.45;
previously been shown to be associated with high
95% CI, 0.18 to 1.11) with 3 months of LMWH
rates of bleeding in patients with VTE.147,205,206 The
compared with VKA. Compared with outcomes in
evidence outlined above provides the basis for the
patients who received VKA therapy, between study
recommendation of an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 as the
differences of mean daily dose of LMWH had little
preferred intensity of long-term anticoagulant treat-
effect on efficacy but did appear to influence the risk of
ment with VKA in all patients with VTE.
major bleeding (OR, approximately 0.2 with approxi-
mately 4,000 IU/d to approximately 0.7 with 12,000
Recommendation IU/d, relative to the VKA groups [p ⫽ 0.03]).219 Three
subsequent studies that selectively enrolled a total of
2.2.1. In patients with DVT, we recommend 1,029 patients with VTE in association with active
that the dose of VKA be adjusted to maintain a cancer found that, compared to VKA therapy, 3
target INR of 2.5 (range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all months213,221 or 6 months211 of therapeutic-dose
treatment durations (Grade 1A). For patients LMWH was associated with less recurrent VTE in one
with unprovoked DVT who have a strong pref- study211 and less bleeding in another study213 (Table
erence for less frequent INR testing to monitor 10) [RR for the three studies: recurrent VTE, 0.56;
their therapy, after the first 3 months of con- 95% CI, 0.38 to 0.82; major bleeding, 1.01; 95% CI,
ventional-intensity anticoagulation (INR range, 0.62 to 1.64; mortality, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.78 to 1.10;
2.0 to 3.0), we recommend low-intensity ther- Table 4].213,219,221 Randomized trials have not evalu-
apy (INR range, 1.5 to 1.9) with less frequent ated approaches to anticoagulant therapy after the first
INR monitoring over stopping treatment (Grade 6 months of VKA or LMWH therapy in patients with
1A). We recommend against high-intensity VKA VTE and cancer, either to assess duration of therapy or
therapy (INR range, 3.1 to 4.0) compared to an to compare extended therapy with VKA or LMWH.
INR range of 2.0 to 3.0 (Grade 1A). Observational studies163–166 suggest that the risk of
recurrent VTE is unacceptably high in patients with
2.3 SC UFH for the Long-term Treatment of DVT active cancer who stop anticoagulant therapy.
Adjusted-dose SC UFH is an effective approach for
2.5 New Antithrombotic Agents for Long-term
the long-term treatment of DVT,206 whereas low-dose
Treatment of DVT
UFH (5,000 U bid) is inadequate for this pur-
pose.147,207 In a study208 of 80 patients with DVT and Ximelagatran (since withdrawn because of hepatic
contraindications to VKA therapy that compared toxicity) has been evaluated for both short-term and
10,000 U of UFH with 5,000 IU of dalteparin, each long-term treatment of VTE.61,171 In the short-term
administered SC twice daily for 3 months, there was a treatment study,61 2,491 patients with acute DVT were
similar low frequency of recurrent VTE and bleeding in treated for 6 months with ximelagatran, 36 mg bid, or
both groups, but less frequent spinal fracture in the LMWH followed by VKA therapy (INR, 2.0 to 3.0),
LMWH group. Because of the lower potential for using a blinded design. The frequency of recurrent
osteoporosis with LMWH and because it can be ad- VTE at 6 months was similar with ximelagatran (2.1%) CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 493S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
and usual therapy (2.0%), and an “on treatment”

had arterial thromboembolism, acutely

had arterial thromboembolism only,

two occasions 6–8 wk apart; of nine

All had an anticardiolipin antibody on
analysis (“intention to treat” analysis was not reported)

occasions 3 mo apart; four of eight

Table 9 —Comparison of High-Intensity and Conventional-Intensity VKA Therapy in Patients With Venous or Arterial Thrombosis and an Antiphospholipid

Population: 69% have VTE and 405

thrombotic episodes were arterial
Population: 76% had VTE and 24%

antiphospholipid antibody on two

suggested less major bleeding with ximelagatran (1.3%

arterial and one was superficial

acutely or remotely; all had an

thrombotic episodes, six were

vs 2.2%; 95% CI for difference, ⫺ 2.0% to ⫹ 0.2%). In
the long-term treatment study,171 18 months of ximel-

agatran (24 mg bid) was compared with placebo in
1,224 patients with DVT or PE who had completed 6
months of initial treatment with VKA. Ximelagatran

or remotely
reduced recurrent VTE by 84% (95% CI, 70 to 91%)

without an apparent increase in major bleeding (hazard
ratio, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.4 to 3.8). Many new anticoagulants
are being evaluated in ongoing trials (see chapter by

RR, 1.0 (95% CI,

Weitz et al222 on new anticoagulant drugs).

Total Mortality,

RR, 2.0 (95% CI, RR, 0.7 (95% CI, 0.1–3.9) RR, 01.64 (95%
CI, 0.3–8.8)
The long-acting pentasaccharide idraparinux

No. (%)
was reported to be as effective and as safe as VKA


2/55 (3.6)

3/54 (5.6)
for the first 3 or 6 months of treatment of DVT


(but less effective that VKA in patients with
PE).223 After an initial 6 months of treatment with
either idraparinux or warfarin (52% of patients

Antibody: Clinical Description and Results (Section 2.2)*

Major Bleeding,

*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
initially presented with symptomatic DVT), com-

No. (Total)

RR, 3.1 (95% CI, RR, 0.8 (95% CI,

pared with placebo, 6 months of extended therapy
with idraparinux markedly reduced recurrent VTE

2/54 (3.7%);
3/55 (5.5%)
and increased bleeding.223

4/58 (6.9)

3/56 (5.4)
2.6 Treatment of Asymptomatic DVT of the Leg Recurrent Venous

Screening of postoperative patients for the pres- Thrombosis,

No. (Total)
or Arterial

ence of asymptomatic DVT is not recommended224;

6/56 (10.7%)

6/54 (11.1%)
2/58 (3.4%)

Median of 3–6 yr 3/55 (5.5%)

instead, surgical patients should receive appropriate
primary prophylaxis for VTE. If asymptomatic prox-
imal DVT is detected, for example, in patients who
have screening performed because they could not

for all patients

receive recommended VTE prophylaxis or in pa-
Length of

2.7 yr (mean)

2.6 yr (mean)

tients who have imaging studies performed for other

reasons (eg, staging of cancer), care should be taken
to ensure that DVT is truly present and patients
should be treated as described elsewhere in this
Patients Analyzed,

chapter (also see Section 5.4, “Treatment of Asymp-

No. (%)

tomatic PE”). Asymptomatic proximal DVT detected





by routine ultrasound screening in the setting of a

clinical trial evaluating VTE prophylaxis in hospital-
ized medical patients has been shown to be associ-
cardioembolism (n ⫽ 3)

ated with increased mortality at 3 months.225

100 mg/d if no VTE or
n ⫽ 52, or aspirin at
VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0),
/2003 VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0)

VKA (INR, 3.1–4.0)

VKA (INR, 3.0–4.5)


2.6.1. In patients who are unexpectedly found
to have asymptomatic DVT, we recommend the
same initial and long-term anticoagulation as
for comparable patients with symptomatic DVT
(Grade 1C).
Author/yr (Acronym)

Finazzi et al204/2004
Crowther et al

3.0 Postthrombotic Syndrome


PTS is a cluster of leg symptoms and signs in

patients with previous DVT. PTS occurs in 20 to

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
50% of patients after acute DVT.226 The initial incidence of PTS at 2 years (OR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.2 to
treatment of acute DVT may influence the presence 0.5). An ongoing placebo-controlled study is further
and severity of PTS, as discussed earlier (Section evaluating whether routine wearing of graduated com-
2.0). The most prominent symptoms are chronic pression stockings prevents the development of PTS.231
postural dependent swelling and pain, ambulatory
discomfort, and skin pigmentation. The severity of Recommendation
symptoms may vary over time, and the most extreme 3.1.1. For a patient who has had a symptomatic
manifestation is a venous ulcer of the lower leg. proximal DVT, we recommend the use of an
First, the studies on the prevention of PTS are elastic compression stocking with an ankle
discussed, followed by the trials on the treatment of pressure gradient of 30 to 40 mm Hg if
this syndrome, with and without venous ulcers. feasible (Grade 1A). Compression therapy,
which may include use of bandages acutely,
3.1 Elastic Stockings and Compression Bandages should be started as soon as feasible after
To Prevent PTS starting anticoagulant therapy and should be
continued for a minimum of 2 years, and
Four randomized trials144,227–229 have evaluated the
longer if patients have symptoms of PTS.
efficacy of compression stockings for the prevention of
(Note: feasibility, both short-term and long-
PTS following DVT (Table 11). Two trials, namely
term, refers to ability of patients and their
those of Brandjes et al227 and Prandoni et al,229 ran-
caregivers to apply and remove stockings.)
domized patients to stockings (30 to 40 mm Hg ankle
Values and preferences: This recommendation attaches
gradient) or no stockings after a first episode of
a relatively high value to long-term prevention of the
acute symptomatic proximal DVT. A third trial by
PTS and a low value to the burden (eg, inconvenience
Ginsberg et al228 evaluated 47 asymptomatic pa-
or discomfort) associated with wearing stockings.
tients with evidence of venous valvular incompe-
tence 1 year following their acute DVT. Twenty-
3.2 Physical Treatment of PTS Without Venous Leg
six percent of the patients had asymptomatic DVT
detected by phlebography after orthopedic sur-
gery. A lower compression stocking of 20 to 30 mm The treatment of PTS has been evaluated only
Hg ankle pressure was compared with a placebo in small or methodologically flawed trials. Treat-
stocking. ment is usually based on physical methods de-
Blattler and Partsch139 randomized 53 patients with signed to counteract the raised venous pressure.
acute symptomatic DVT to anticoagulation and bed Of these approaches, elastic stockings have been
rest for 9 days or anticoagulation and ambulation with evaluated in asymptomatic and symptomatic pa-
either inelastic bandages or compression stockings (30 tients in a small underpowered trial228; the results
mm Hg). Early and long-term results favored the failed to show a benefit, possibly due to mild
ambulation-with-compression group (Table 11).144 disease and small patient numbers. In a cross-over
Brandjes et al227 demonstrated that 47% of the study232 of 15 patients with a severe PTS, inter-
control group had mild-to-moderate PTS compared mittent pneumatic compression (IPC) at 40 mm
with 20% of patients in the stocking group. Twenty- Hg was more effective than a lower (placebo)
three percent of patients in the control group vs 11% pressure. Twelve of 15 patients preferred the
of patients in the stocking group had severe PTS. therapeutic pressure.
Prandoni et al229 made similar observations, in that
PTS developed in 49% of control patients compared Recommendations
with 25% in the treatment group after 2 years. 3.2.1. For patients with severe edema of the leg due
Ginsberg et al228 observed no difference in the 47 to PTS, we suggest a course of IPC (Grade 2B).
patients who were randomized to 20 to 30 mm Hg 3.2.2. For patients with mild edema of the leg due to
compression stockings compared with a placebo PTS, we suggest the use of elastic compression
stocking. Since all patients were asymptomatic at stockings (Grade 2C).
entry into the study 1 year after diagnosis, and as
26% initially had asymptomatic DVT, it appears that
3.3 Physical Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers
the patients in this trial were unlikely to benefit from
any measure to prevent PTS, since PTS was unlikely Venous leg ulcers represent the most severe com-
to develop without treatment. plication of PTS. While most reports of venous leg
A Cochrane review230 that combined the findings of ulcers fail to differentiate a postthrombotic etiology
Brandjes, Prandoni, and Ginsberg (421 patients) esti- from primary venous insufficiency, it is recognized that
mated that stockings markedly reduced the cumulative the postthrombotic limb is likely to have higher venous CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 495S

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Table 10 —LMWH vs VKA for Long-Term Treatment of VTE in Patients With Active Cancer: Clinical Description and Results (Section 2.4)*

Author/yr Patients Analyzed, Length of Recurrent DVT or Major Bleeding, Total Mortality,
(Acronym) Interventions No./Total (%) Follow-up PE, No./Total (%) No./Total (%) No./Total (%) Comments
Meyer et al /2002 VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) for 75/75 3 mo 3/75 (4%) 12/75 (16%) 17/75 (23%) Population:
3 mo after initial DVT (proportion with calf DVT not
enoxaparin known) or PE and active cancer;
all fatal bleedings (n ⫽ 6) were
Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg once daily 71/71 3 mo. 2/71 (3%) 5/71 (7%) 8/71 (11%) in VKA group.
for 3 mo RR, 0.7 (95% CI, RR, 0.4 (95% CI, RR, 0.5 (95% CI,
0.1–4.1) 0.2–1.2) 0.2–1.1)
Lee et al211/2003 VKA (INR, 2.0–3.0) 336/338 6 mo 53/336 (16%) 12/335 (4%) 136/336 (40%) Population:
(CLOT) for 6 mo after initial dalteparin Proximal DVT or PE and active
Dalteparin at 200 U/kg once daily for 336/338 6 mo 27/336 (8%) 19/338 (6%) 130/336 (37%) Difference in efficacy mainly due
1 mo followed by 150 U/kg for 5 mo RR, 0.5 (95% CI, RR, 1.6 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI, to recurrent DVT (14 vs
0.3–0.8) 0.8–3.2) 0.8–1.2) 37 episodes)
Hull et al221 /2006 VKA (INR 2.0–3.0) for 3 mo after 100/100 3 mo 10/100 (10%) 7/100 (7%) 19/100 (19%) Population:
(Main LITE- initial IV UFH Proximal DVT and active
cancer) cancer
Tinzaparin at 175 mg/kg once for 3 mo 100/100 3 mo. 6/100 (6%) 7/100 (7%) 20/100 (20%) Prespecified, stratification,
RR, 0.6 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI, subgroup within a larger trial;

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

0.2–1.6) 0.4–2.8) 0.6–1.9) Outcomes at 12 mo were also
Summary RR, 0.7 (95% CI, RR, 1.0 (95% CI, RR, 0.9 (95% CI,
0.4–0.8) 0.6–1.6) 0.8–1.1)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

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Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines
Table 11—Elastic Stockings for the Prevention of PTS: Clinical Description and Results (Section 3.1)*
Type of
Author/yr Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Brandjes et al227/ RCT 194 patients Compression stockings: Cumulative 3 mo and 6 mo, Compression stockings:
1997 with first below-knee incidence of then every Mild-to-moderate PTS:
symptomatic, customized mild-to-moderate 6 mo to a 20% (RR, 0.42; 95%
proximal DVT elastic compression and severe PTS median of CI, 0.27–0.66; p ⬍
stockings with 76 mo 0.001)
ankle pressure Severe PTS: 11% (RR,
30–40 mm Hg 0.49; 95% CI, 0.25–
(96 patients) 0.95; p ⬍ 0.001)

Control group: no Control group:

intervention (n ⫽ 98) Mild-to-moderate PTS:
Severe PTS: 23%
Ginsberg et al228/ RCT 47 asymptomatic Compression stockings: PTS symptoms 57 mo (mean) Compression stockings:
2001 patients with below-knee elastic PTS symptoms: 0%
valvular compression stockings
incompetence 20–30 mm Hg Placebo:
1 yr after (n ⫽ 24) PTS symptoms: 4%
Placebo: placebo
stocking (n ⫽ 23)
Prandoni et al229/ RCT 180 patients with Compression stockings: Cumulative 3 to 5 yr Compression stockings:
2004 first episode of below-knee elastic incidence of PTS symptoms: 25%
symptomatic, compression stockings mild-to-moderate (95% CI, 15.6–33.4%)
acute proximal 30–40 mm Hg and severe PTS
DVT (n ⫽ 90) Control group:
PTS symptoms: 49%
Control group: no (95% CI, 38.7–59.4%)
(n ⫽ 90)
Partsch et al144/ 2-yr follow-up 37 symptomatic All anticoagulated with Overall leg pain, 2 yr Leg pain
2004 to RCT141 patients with LMWH followed by leg circumference, No difference between
acute DVT oral anticoagulation PTS score groups
followed up (Villalta-Prandoni)
long term Inelastic bandages plus Calf circumference
early ambulation (n ⫽ No difference between
13) groups

Elastic stockings (30 mm PTS score

Hg) plus early Significantly better
ambulation (n ⫽ 13) outcome with
ambulation and
Bed rest for 9 d, no bandaging or stockings
compression (n ⫽ 11) compared to bed rest
(p ⬍ 0.01)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

pressures and, therefore, more likely to have ulceration of PTS and venous ulcers has not been standardized.
than patients with primary venous insufficiency.65 Surgical correction of superficial venous reflux in addi-
Smith et al233 demonstrated that in patients with tion to compression bandaging was shown to reduce
venous leg ulcers, IPC for 4 h daily added to standard recurrent ulceration compared with compression ther-
wound care and compression significantly increased apy alone in a randomized trial236,237 of 500 patients
healing (p ⫽ 0.009) [Table 12]. Kumar et al234 found with open or recently healed leg ulcers and ultrasound-
that IPC in addition to standard four-layered compres- confirmed superficial venous reflux (recurrent ulcer-
sion increased rate of ulcer healing (p ⫽ 0.046) and ation of 31% vs 56% at 4 years; p ⬍ 0.01).
reduced time to a healed ulcer (p ⬍ 0.05) [Table 12].
In 10 patients with postthrombotic venous ulcers, 60
min of IPC was found to increase transcutaneous Recommendation
oxygen tension, reduce edema, and increase skin tem-
perature in the short-term (Table 12).235 As compres- 3.3.1. In patients with venous ulcers resistant to
sion pressures and cycles have varied in the studies that healing with wound care and compression, we
have been performed, IPC prescription for treatment suggest the addition of IPC (Grade 2B). CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 497S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 12—Physical Treatment of PTS With Venous Ulcers: Clinical Description and Results (Section 3.3)*
Type of
Author/yr Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results
Kolari et al235/Prospective 10 patients (study 1 h of IPC at 50 mm Hg Before/after Immediately after Before/after TcPO2:
1988 study group) with (inflation time of 12 s, intervention procedure Study group: before,
PTS leg ulcers, deflation time of 18 s); TcPO2 (supine 26.2 ⫾ 7.0, after, 42.7
and 9 patients leg volume and skin at ulcer edge), ⫾ 6.4 (p ⬍ 0.005)
with no temperature measured leg volume Control subjects: before,
evidence of before and after (water 59.7 ⫾ 2/9; after, ND
peripheral compression displacement),
arterial disease skin Change in TcPO2
temperature correlated significantly
with reduction in
edema and inverse
change in skin
temperature (R ⫽
0.912, p ⬍ 0.002)
Smith et al233/ RCT 45 patients with Stockings: ulcer Healed ulcer, 3.7 yr (mean) Stockings
1990 nonhealing debridement, cleaning, median rate of Healed ulcer: 1/24 (4%)
venous ulcers nonadherent dressing, healing per Median healing rate:
graduated compression week 2.1%
stockings 30–40 mm
Hg Stockings plus IPC
Healed ulcer: 10/21
Stockings plus IPC: same (48%) 关p ⫽ 0.009兴
protocol as Median healing rate:
compression group plus 19.8% (p ⫽ 0.046)
IPC 4 h/d
Kumar et al234/ RCT 47 patients with Bandages: weekly four- Mean number of 4 mo Bandages
2002 nonhealing layer bandaging days to healed Mean days to healed
venous ulcers ulcer, mean ulcer: 73.7 d
Bandages plus IPC: rate of healing Mean rate of healing:
weekly four-layer 0.05 cm2/d (95% CI,
bandaging plus IPC for 0.03–0.07; SD ⫽
1 h bid at 60 mm Hg 0.046)

Bandages plus IPC

Mean days to healed
ulcer: 53.5 d
Mean rate of healing:
0.14 cm2/d (95% CI,
0.03–0.25; SD ⫽ 0.22)
关p ⬍ 0.05兴
*TcPO2 ⫽ transcutaneous oxygen pressure; ECS ⫽ elastic compression stocking; IPC ⫽ intermittent pneumatic compression; ND ⫽ not determined.
The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

3.4 Hyperbaric Oxygen and the Management of Pentoxifylline

Patients With Venous Ulcers
Pentoxifylline affects the membrane of blood cells,
Only one small trial238 of acceptable methodologic resulting in changes in the rheology of blood and the
quality has evaluated hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment microcirculation.239 A Cochrane review evaluated
of patients with venous leg ulcers, and this study of 16 eight randomized studies240 –247 with a total of 547
patients failed to show any benefit on the rate of healing. patients with venous leg ulcers who were treated
with pentoxifylline vs placebo and in which there was
Recommendation objective measurement of wound healing (Table 13).
Compression therapy was used in five of the eight
3.4.1. For patients with venous ulcers, we suggest trials,241–244,246 and in three trials no compression
that hyperbaric oxygen not be used (Grade 2B). was used.240,245,247 There was a tendency for com-
plete healing or significant improvement to occur
3.5 Pharmacologic Treatment of Venous Ulcers more frequently in pentoxifylline-treated patients
Not all venous ulcers heal in a timely manner with (RR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.0). In the five studies in
compression and/or IPC, and such patients may which compression was used, the addition of pen-
benefit from the addition of pharmacologic agents. toxifylline resulted in an RR of healing of 1.3 (95%

498S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
CI, 1.1 to 1.5). In the three studies in which same disease process. When patients with VTE are
compression was not used as standard therapy, pen- carefully studied, the majority of those with proximal
toxifylline also promoted healing (RR, 2.4; 95% CI, DVT also have PE (symptomatic or asymptomatic) and
1.3 to 4.3). A subsequent trial248 of 80 patients vice versa.185 Furthermore, clinical trials of anticoagu-
showed similar results. lant therapy have yielded similar estimates for efficacy
and safety in patients with DVT alone, in those with
both DVT and PE, and in patients with only PE. The
Micronized Purified Flavonoid Fraction or risk of recurrence also appears to be similar after PE
Sulodexide for the Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers and after proximal DVT.164,185 The vast majority of
patients with VTE who receive adequate anticoagula-
Hydroxyrutosides are a class of flavonoid drug tion survive. However, there are some important dif-
produced from plant glycosides. Although their ferences between patients who present with PE and
mechanism of action is not entirely known, they those who present with DVT that justify separate
appear to reduce capillary permeability, reduce consideration of treatment for PE. First, the risk of
inflammation, improve lymphatic function, and early death (within 1 month) from VTE, due to either
improve symptoms relating to chronic venous the initial acute episode or recurrent VTE, is much
insufficiency249,250 (Table 14). Micronization of greater after presenting with PE than after DVT164; this
the flavonoid compound improves intestinal ab- difference may justify more aggressive initial treatment
sorption and bioavailability and, therefore, is for PE (eg, thrombolytic therapy, insertion of an IVC
thought to improve clinical effects.251 A meta- filter, more intensive anticoagulant therapy) com-
analysis252 of five studies evaluated micronized pared with DVT. Second, recurrent episodes of
purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) in the manage- VTE are about three times as likely to be PE after
ment of patients with venous ulceration who were an initial PE than after an initial DVT (ie, approx-
all treated with compression. Two of the five imately 60% after a PE vs 20% after a DVT)164,185;
studies were placebo-controlled trials, whereas this difference may justify more aggressive, or
three studies did not incorporate a placebo. At 6 more prolonged, long-term therapy. Third, the
months, complete ulcer healing had occurred in long-term sequelae of PE are cardiorespiratory
61% of the MPFF patients and in 48% of the impairment, especially due to pulmonary hyper-
control patients (RR reduction for persistent ul- tension, rather than PTS of the legs or arms. As the
ceration, 32%; 95% CI, 3 to 70%; p ⫽ 0.03). recommendation for anticoagulant therapy and
Subgroup analyses suggested that the benefits of IVC filter insertion in patients with PE are partly
MPFF were greatest in ulcers ⱖ 5 cm2 and ⬎ 6 based on studies that enrolled DVT patients alone,
months in duration. Sulodixide, a glycosaminogly- or both DVT and PE patients, see corresponding
can preparation that is administered intraamuscu- sections for treatment of patients with DVT.
larly or orally, was shown to increase venous ulcer
healing in a placebo-controlled trial253 of 235
patients (RR for healing, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.07 to 4.1 IV or SC UFH, SC LMWH, SC Fondaparinux,
1.74) without an apparent increase in side effects. and VKA for the Initial Treatment of PE

Recommendations Anticoagulant Therapy vs No Anticoagulant Therapy

3.5.1. In patients with venous leg ulcers, we In their landmark RCT, Barritt and Jordan1
suggest pentoxifylline, 400 mg po tid, in ad- showed that short-term treatment with intermittent
dition to local care and compression and/or boluses of IV UFH and VKA therapy was effective in
IPC (Grade 2B). patients with a clinical diagnosis of PE (Table 15);
3.5.2. In patients with persistent venous ul- this trial also reported very favorable outcomes in a
cers, we suggest that rutosides, in the form of cohort of 38 patients with severe PE who were all
MPFF adminstered orally, or sulodexide ad- treated with anticoagulants (one nonfatal recurrent
ministered intramuscularly and then orally, PE, and one death not due to PE or bleeding) after
be added to local care and compression the RCT was stopped early because of benefit from
(Grade 2B). active therapy.

4.0 Initial Treatment of Acute PE SC LMWH vs IV UFH

Treatment regimens for DVT and PE are similar Consistent with findings in patients with DVT,
because the two conditions are manifestations of the LMWH has been found to be at least as effective CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 499S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
and safe as IV UFH in studies that included both proportion of patients with symptomatic PE with
patients with PE and/or DVT, or only patients with LMWH at home is also supported by the findings
PE (Table 15). In a metaanalysis259 of 12 stud- of three observational studies260 –262 in which 158
ies29,30,33,35,39,43,44,254 –258 that included a total of patients (35% of total) with PE were treated
1,951 patients with either submassive symptomatic entirely at home. Two prediction rules have been
PE, or asymptomatic PE in conjunction with developed to aid with selection of patients with
symptomatic DVT, at the end of treatment (5 to 14 acute PE who are suitable for treatment out of
days), LMWH was associated with a tendency to hospital.263–265 Recommendations about the initi-
less recurrent VTE (OR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.33 to ation of UFH or LMWH as well as the overlap
1.18), less major bleeding (OR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.36 with VKA and monitoring of the anticoagulant
to 1.27), and similar all-cause mortality (OR, 1.20; effects are largely based on the findings in patients
95% CI, 0.59 to 2.45). with DVT and, therefore, are the same as for DVT
(see Section 1).
Two recent large studies of patients with acute
VTE (total of 1,478 patients, of whom 253 presented 4.1.1. For patients with objectively confirmed
with PE) found no difference in recurrent VTE, PE, we recommend short-term treatment with
bleeding, or all-cause mortality between patients SC LMWH (Grade 1A), IV UFH (Grade 1A),
who were treated with either partially24 or fully25 monitored SC UFH (Grade 1A), fixed-dose SC
weight-adjusted SC UFH (dose adjusted to APTT UFH (Grade 1A), or SC fondaparinux (Grade 1A)
results in one study,24 and in fixed-doses without rather than no such short-term treatment. Pa-
APTT monitoring in the other study25), compared tients with acute PE should also be routinely
with those who were treated with LMWH (Galilie, assessed for treatment with thrombolytic ther-
FIDO; Table 2) [judged Grade 1B evidence for apy (see Section 4.3 for related discussion and
noninferiority of monitored and fixed-dose SC UFH recommendations).
compared with LMWH]. 4.1.2. For patients for whom there is a high
clinical suspicion of PE, we recommend treat-
Fondaparinux vs IV UFH ment with anticoagulants while awaiting the
outcome of diagnostic tests (Grade 1C).
The Matisse PE study,60 an open-label trial that 4.1.3. In patients with acute PE, we recommend
enrolled 2,213 patients with acute PE (including major initial treatment with LMWH, UFH, or
PE, provided thrombolytic therapy was not required), fondaparinux for at least 5 days and until the
found that partially weight-adjusted, fixed-dose, SC INR is > 2.0 for at least 24 h (Grade 1C).
fondaparinux was associated with a similar frequency of 4.1.4. In patients with acute PE, we recommend
recurrent VTE (3.8% vs 5.0% at 3 months) and major initiation of VKA together with LMWH, UFH, or
bleeding (1.3% vs 1.1% during initial treatment) as fondaparinux on the first treatment day rather
adjusted-dose IV UFH (Table 15) [judged Grade 1A than delayed initiation of VKA (Grade 1A).
evidence for noninferiority of fondaparinux compared 4.1.5. In patients with acute PE, if IV UFH is
with IV UFH or SC LMWH]. chosen, we recommend that after an initial IV
bolus (80 U/kg or 5,000 U), it be administered
Treatment of PE on an Outpatient Basis by continuous infusion (initially at dose of 18
U/kg/h or 1,300 U/h) with dose adjustment to
No published trials have specifically randomized achieve and maintain an APTT prolongation
patients with acute PE to either be treated in hospital that corresponds to plasma heparin levels of
or at home. Two randomized trials25,57 included pa- 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity by the amido-
tients with acute PE who were treated as outpatients. lytic assay rather than administration as IV
The first trial,57 which compared two LMWH prepa- boluses throughout treatment, or administra-
rations for outpatient treatment of acute VTE, in- tion without coagulation monitoring (Grade
cluded 90 patients with acute PE. The second trial,25 1C).
which compared subcutaneous fixed-dose UFH and 4.1.6. In patients with acute PE, if monitored
LMWH in patients with acute VTE, included 52 SC UFH is chosen, we recommend an initial
patients with acute PE who were treated entirely as dose of 17,500 U, or a weight-adjusted dose of
outpatients. Among the 142 patients, there was a low about 250 U/kg bid, with dose adjustment to
frequency of recurrent VTE (3.5%) and major bleed- achieve and maintain an APTT prolongation
ing (1.4%). The feasibility of treating a substantial that corresponds to plasma heparin levels of

500S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 13—Pentoxifylline for the Treatment of PTS With Venous Ulcers: Clinical Description and Results
(Section 3.5.1)*

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Weitgasser / RCT 60 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg tid Healed ulcer (ulcer 6–8 wk Pentoxifylline
1983 nonhealing (n ⫽ 30) closed or size Complete ulcer healing:
venous leg considerably 20/30 (67%)
ulcers Placebo (n ⫽ 30) reduced)
Complete ulcer healing:
7/29 (24%)
Schürman RCT 24 patients with Pentoxifylline plus Healed ulcer 8 wk Pentoxifylline plus
et al246/1986 nonhealing compression: 400 mg compression
venous ulcers TID plus compression Complete ulcer healing:
(n ⫽ 12) 2/12 (16%)

Placebo plus compression Placebo plus compression:

(n ⫽ 12) Complete ulcer healing:
3/12 (25%)
Arenas and RCT 30 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg Healed ulcer 6 mo Pentoxifylline
Atoche240/ nonhealing TID (n ⫽ 18) Complete ulcer healing:
1988 venous ulcers 7/18 (39%)
Placebo (n ⫽ 12)
Complete ulcer healing:
3/12 (25%)
Colgan242/ RCT, 80 patients with Pentoxifylline plus Healed ulcer 24 wk Pentoxifylline plus
1990 multicenter nonhealing compression: 400 mg compression
venous ulcers TID plus layered Complete ulcer healing:
compression (n ⫽ 38) 23/38 (60%)

Placebo plus compression: Placebo plus compression

placebo plus layered Complete ulcer healing:
compression (n ⫽ 42) 12/42 (29%)
Barbarino241/ RCT 12 patients with Pentoxifylline plus Healed ulcer 2–3 mo Pentoxifylline plus
1992 nonhealing compression: 400 mg compression
venous ulcers TID plus layered Complete ulcer healing: 4/6
compression (n ⫽ 6) (66%)

Placebo plus compression: Placebo plus compression

placebo plus layered Complete ulcer healing: 1/6
compression (n ⫽ 6) (17%)
Apollonio and RCT 23 patients with Defibrotide: 800 mg in Healed ulcer 6 mo Defibrotide
Angeletti385/ nonhealing two doses daily Complete ulcer healing:
1992 venous ulcers (n ⫽ 12) 11/12 (92%)

Pentoxifylline: 400 mg Pentoxifylline

of pentoxifylline tid Complete ulcer healing:
(n ⫽ 11) 9/11 (82%)
Herdy et al245/ RCT 12 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg Reduction in ulcer 12 wk Pentoxifylline
1997 nonhealing pentoxifylline TID area Ulcer reduction: 2.2 cm2
venous ulcers (n ⫽ 6)
Placebo (n ⫽ 6) Ulcer reduction: 0.4 cm2
Dale et al243/ Factorial RCT, 200 patients Pentoxifylline plus Healed ulcer 24 wk Pentoxifylline plus
1999 multicenter with compression: 400 mg compression
nonhealing TID plus compression Complete ulcer healing:
venous ulcers plus wound dressing 65/101 (64%)
(n ⫽ 101)
Placebo plus compression
Placebo plus compression: Complete ulcer healing:
placebo plus compression 52/99 (52%)
plus wound dressing
(n ⫽ 99) CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 501S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 13—Continued

Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Follow-up Results

Falanga et RCT 129 patients with Placebo plus compression Healed ulcer 24 wk Placebo plus compression
al244/1999 nonhealing (n ⫽ 45) Complete ulcer healing:
venous ulcers 28/45 (63%)
Pentoxifylline plus
compression: 400 mg Pentoxifylline 400 mg tid
TID plus compression plus compression:
(n ⫽ 41) Complete ulcer healing:
31/41 (75%)
Pentoxifylline plus
compression: 800 mg Pentoxifylline 800 mg tid
TID plus compression plus compression
(n ⫽ 43) Complete ulcer healing:
31/43 (73%)
Belcaro et RCT 172 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg tid Healed ulcer 6 mo Pentoxifylline
al386/2002 nonhealing (n ⫽ 82) Complete ulcer healing:
venous ulcers 67%
Placebo (n ⫽ 88)
Complete ulcer healing:
De Sanctis et RCT 85 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg tid Healed ulcer 12 mo Pentoxifylline
al387/2002 nonhealing (n ⫽ 41) Complete ulcer healing:
venous ulcers 88%
Placebo (n ⫽ 39)
Complete ulcer healing:
Nikolovska et RCT 80 patients with Pentoxifylline: 400 mg tid Healed ulcer 6 mo Pentoxifylline
al248/2002 nonhealing (n ⫽ 40) Complete ulcer healing:
venous ulcers 23/40 (58%)
Placebo (n ⫽ 40)
Complete ulcer healing: 11/
40 (28%)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity when mea- 4.2 New Antithrombotic Agents for the Initial
sured 6 h after injection rather than starting Treatment of PE
with a smaller initial dose (Grade 1C).
4.1.7. In patients with acute PE, if fixed-dose, In addition to the synthetic pentasaccharide
unmonitored SC UFH is chosen, we recom- fondaparinux (Section 4.1), several other new anti-
mend an initial dose of 333 U/Kg followed by thrombotic agents have recently been developed
a twice-daily dose of 250 U/kg rather than (see chapter by Weitz et al222 in this supplement). As
non–weight-based dosing (Grade 1C). previously noted (Section 2.5), ximelagatran has
4.1.8. In patients with acute nonmassive PE, we been compared with LMWH and VKA therapy for
recommend initial treatment with LMWH over IV the initial 6 months of short-term treatment of DVT,
UFH (Grade 1A). In patients with massive PE, in and one third of these patients had concomitant PE
other situations where there is concern about SC (not available for clinical use because of associated
absorption, or in patients for whom thrombolytic liver toxicity).61 The long-acting pentasaccharide
therapy is being considered or planned, we sug- idraparinux was reported to be less effective than
gest IV UFH over SC LMWH, SC fondaparinux, standard therapy with heparins and VKA for the first
or SC UFH (Grade 2C). 3 to 6 months of treatment of PE.62
4.1.9. In patients with acute PE treated with
LMWH, we recommend against routine monitoring 4.3 Systemically and Locally Administered
with anti-factor Xa level measurements (Grade 1A). Thrombolytic Therapy for PE
4.1.10. In patients with acute PE and severe renal Thrombolytic therapy for PE remains controver-
failure, we suggest UFH over LMWH (Grade 2C). sial. The fundamental problem is that ⬍ 800 PE

502S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 14 —MPFF for the Treatment of PTS With Venous Ulcers: Clinical Description and Results (Section 3.5)*
Author/yr Type of Study Participants Interventions Outcomes up Results

Guilhou et RCT, placebo 105 patients with MPFF plus Complete ulcer 2 mo Healed ulcers
al388/1997 controlled, venous ulcers, compression: healing Treatment: 14/44 (32%)
multicenter stratified by 500 mg bid plus Control: 6/47 (13%)
ulcer size: ⱕ10 compression Symptoms of CVI, p ⫽ 0.028;
cm (n ⫽ 91), time to heal
⬎ 10 cm (n ⫽ 14) Placebo plus No ulcer ⬎ 10 cm2
Glinski et RCT, open label 140 patients with MPFF plus Complete ulcer 6 mo Healed ulcers
al389/2001 venous leg ulcers, compression: 500 mg healing Treatment: 47%
stratified by bid plus compression Control: 28%
ulcer size: Reduction in ulcer (p ⬍ 0.05; RR, 2.3; 95% CI,
⬍ 3 cm, 3–6 cm, Compression alone size, cost- 1.1–4.6)
⬎ 6 cm effectiveness
Ulcer: ⬍ 3 cm
Treatment: 71%
Control: 50%

Ulcer 3–6 cm
Treatment: 60%
Control: 32%

Ulcer ⬎ 6 cm
Treatment: 9%
Control: 13%

Cost per healed ulcer

Treatment: €1026.20
Control: €1871.80
Roztocil et RCT, open 150 patients with MPFF plus Complete healing 6 mo Healed ulcers
al390/2003 label, venous leg compression at 6 mo Treatment: 65%
multicenter ulcers 2–10 cm Control: 41%
in diameter (p ⫽ 0.004)

Days to achieve healing

Treatment: 137 d
Control: 166 d
(p ⫽ 0.004)
Coleridge- Metaanalysis, 723 patients with Two studies Complete healing 2–6 mo Healing increased by 32%
Smith three trials venous leg MPFF plus compression (RR, 1.3.2; 95% CI, 1.03–
et al252/ summarized ulcers vs compression plus 1.70) at 6 mo
2005 above, plus placebo
two Healing time shortened by 5
unpublished Three studies wk
trials MPFF plus compression
vs compression alone Healing increased in ulcers
⬎ 5 cm2 (RR, 1.53; 95%
CI, 1.15–2.03) and ⬎ 6
mo old (RR, 1.41; 95%
CI, 1.09–1.81)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

patients have been enrolled in randomized trials of 4.3%; OR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.33 to 1.37), reduction in
thrombolysis plus anticoagulation vs anticoagulation all-cause mortality (4.3% vs 5.9%; OR, 0.70; 95%
alone (Table 16). The results of such trials have CI, 0.37 to 1.30), and an increase in major bleed-
been summarized in three recently published ing (9.1% vs 6.1%; OR, 1.42; 95% CI, 0.81 to
metaanalyses.266 –268 In one overview, which included 2.46). In the subset of five trials269,271,273,275,278
11 studies269 –278 totalling 748 patients with PE of (total of 254 patients) that focused on patients with
varying severity, thrombolysis was associated with more severe PE, the reduction in mortality (6.2%
trends toward reduction in recurrent PE (2.7% vs vs 12.7%; OR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.20 to 1.10) and the CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 503S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
increase in major bleeding (21.9% vs 11.9%; OR, However, such patients are rare, accounting for
1.98; 95% CI, 1.00 to 3.92) were more marked approximately 5% of patients with a diagnosis of
with thrombolytic therapy.268 PE.280,281
MAPPET-3,279 the largest and most recent random- In the presence of normal systemic arterial pressure,
ized trial of thrombolytic therapy vs heparin alone, prognostication depends on the following: (1) clinical
studied patients with the combination of normal BP evaluation,281 (2) cardiac biomarkers such as tropo-
and either echocardiographic or ECG evidence of right nin,282–286 and (3) assessment of right ventricular size
ventricular dysfunction (Table 16). The principal end and function.280,283,285,287–289 Clinical evaluation begins
point was escalation of therapy, defined as the need for with general appearance, BP, heart rate, respiratory
pressors, mechanical ventilation, cardiopulmonary re- rate, temperature, and pulse oximetry. The next step is
suscitation, or open-label thrombolysis. Tissue plasmin- physical examination to detect findings of right ventric-
ular dysfunction such as distended jugular veins, a
ogen activator (tPA), compared with placebo, halved
systolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation, or an accen-
the frequency of escalation of therapy and did not
tuated P2. Clues on the ECG include right-bundle-
increase major bleeding. However, open-label throm-
branch block, SIQIIITIII, and T wave inversion in leads
bolysis as rescue therapy was the main form of escala- V1 through V4. Elevation of cardiac troponins indicates
tion of therapy, and as the decision to use open label right ventricular microinfarction; echocardiography
“rescue thrombolysis” was subjective and could be may show right ventricular hypokinesis; both are inde-
make after unblinding, this component of the primary pendent risk factors for early mortality and are associ-
outcome has been criticized.279 ated with a worse outcome when they occur togeth-
In the International Cooperative Pulmonary Em- er.282–286 Right ventricular enlargement on the CT
bolism Registry, which enrolled 2,454 PE patients pulmonary angiogram, defined as a right ventricular
from 52 hospitals in seven countries, intracranial diameter ⱖ 90% than the left ventricular diameter,
bleeding occurred in 3.0% of the 304 patients who appears to be an independent risk factor for death and
received thrombolytic therapy, compared with 0.3% nonfatal clinical complications.280,288
of the nonthrombolysis treated patients.280 The over- Among patients without hemodynamic compromise,
all mortality rate from PE was approximately 8% poor prognostic indicators include the following: (1)
after 3 months,281 about double the frequency re- patients who appear ill, with marked dyspnea, anxiety,
ported in randomized trials; this higher mortality and low oxygen satuartion; (2) elevated troponin, indi-
rate probably reflects exclusion of the sickest pa- cating right ventricular microinfarction; (3) right ven-
tients from participating in randomized trials43,60 tricular dysfunction on echocardiography; and (4) right
(Table 16). There was no apparent survival benefit ventricular enlargement on chest CT. These sick pa-
from thrombolysis in this registry, even among the tients are at high risk for an adverse outcome and may
sickest patients with massive PE.280 derive benefit from thrombolytic therapy, even if they
There is widespread agreement that thrombolytic initially maintain systemic arterial pressure. Conse-
therapy should be used to treat PE associated with quently, in distinction to the last version of these
guidelines that generally discouraged treatment of PE
hemodynamic compromise. Justification for this is that,
with thrombolytic therapy unless there was hemody-
compared with anticoagulation alone, thrombolytic
namic compromize, we suggest administration of
therapy has demonstrated the following: (1) accelera-
thrombolytic therapy in selected high-risk patients
tion of thrombus lysis as evidenced by more rapid without hypotension who are judged to have a low risk
resolution of perfusion scan abnormalities, decrement of bleeding.
in angiographic thrombus, reduction in elevated pul- Assessment of bleeding risk with thrombolytic
monary artery pressures, and normalization of right therapy is similar in patients with PE and with
ventricular dysfunction (Table 16); and (2) trends to- acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarc-
ward improved clinical outcomes in subgroups of pa- tion.290,291 Major contraindications to thrombolytic
tients with hemodynamic compromise. However, de- therapy include intracranial disease, uncontrolled
laying thrombolytic therapy until patients with PE are hypertension at presentation, and recent major
pressor dependent is detrimental because prolonged surgery or trauma.291
inadequate tissue perfusion can cause irreversible mul- Because of the inadequacy of currently available
tisystem organ failure. Consequently, selection of pa- data, further studies are required to determine the
tients with PE to receive thrombolytic therapy requires risk and benefits of thrombolytic therapy in patients
rapid and accurate risk stratification of the competing with severe PE who do not have hemodynamic
risks of death from PE and of bleeding. compromise. In 2007, a European trial began enroll-
The risk of death is very high in the presence of ing patients with submassive PE who had preserved
sustained hypotension and cardiogenic shock.280,281 systolic BP, elevated troponin levels, and right ven-

504S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 15—RCTs of Initial Treatment of Acute PE: Clinical Description and Results (Section 4.1.1)*

Patients Analyzed, Length of Recurrent DVT and PE, Major Bleeding, Total Mortality,
Author/yr Interventions No./Total Follow-up No./Total No./Total No./Total Comments

Anticoagulation vs no anticoagulation
Barritt and Jordan1/ UFH at 10,000 U IV q6h for 16/16 Approximately Recurrent NR Int: 1/16 Population: clinical
1960 1.5 d and nicoumalone 14 d PE (1/16 fatal bleeds) diagnosis of
adjusted to prothrombin Int: 0/16 Contr: 5/19 acute PE (right
time for 14 d Contr: 10/16 NR RR, 0.32 (95% CI, heart failure,
RR, 0.05 (95% CI, (0/19 fatal bleeds) 0.06–1.73) pulmonary
Untreated controls 19/19 0.00–0.75) infarction)

Fatal PE
Int: 0/16
Contr: 5/19
RR, 0.11 (95% CI,
Perez de Enoxaparin at 1 mg/kg SC bid Enoxaparin: 6 mo Enoxaparin: Enoxaparin: Enoxaparin: Four patients
Llano et al257/2003 29/29 3/29 (10%) 0/29 (0%); 2/29 (8%) withdrawn and
UFH at 5,000 IU followed UFH: UFH: UFH: UFH: two unavailable
by infusion of approximately 21/21 2/21 (10%) 0/21 (0%) 0/21 (0%) for follow-up;
35,000 IU/24 h allocation group
RR, 1.09 (95% CI, RR, 3.67 (95% CI, not reported
0.20–5.94) 0.19–72.63)
Simonneau et al43/ Tinzaparin: 175 IU/kg SC qd LMWH: 90 d LMWH: LMWH: LMWH:
1997 304/304 5/304 (2%) 6/304 (2.0%); 12/304 (4%)
UFH: 50 IU/kg followed by UFH: UFH: UFH:
infusion of 500 IU/kg/24 h 308/308 UFH: 8/308 (3%) 14/308 (5%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

6/308 (2%) RR, 0.76 (95% CI, RR, 0.87 (95% CI,
RR, 0.84 (95 CI, 0.27–2.16) 0.41–1.85)
Meyer et al256/1995 Dalteparin: 120 anti-Xa IU/kg LMWH: 3 mo LMWH: LMWH: LMWH: Dalteparin dose
SC bid 29/29 0/29 (0%) 0/29 (0%) 1/29 (3%) is higher than

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UFH: is currently
UFH: infusion of 500 IU/ 31/31 UFH: UFH: UFH: recommended
kg/24 h (no bolus) 0/31 (0%) 0/31 (0%) 1/31 (3%)

RR, 1.07 (95% CI,


CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Table 15—Continued

Patients Analyzed, Length of Recurrent DVT and PE, Major Bleeding, Total Mortality,
Author/yr Interventions No./Total Follow-up No./Total No./Total No./Total Comments
Thery et al /1992 Group 1: UFH at 50 IU/kg Group 1: 33/33 14 d Group 1: 0/33 (0%) Group 1: Group 1: Enrollment
followed by infusion of 2/33 (6%); 1/33 (3) stopped because
600 IU/kg/24 h of bleeding in
Group 2: groups 3 and 4;
Group 2: nadroparin at Group 2: 35/35 Group 2: 0/35 (0%); Group 2: 1/35 (3) doses in groups
approximately 0/35 (0%) RR, 0.94 (95% CI, 1, 3, and 4 are
160 IU/kg SC bid RR, 0.19 (95% CI, 0.06–14.47) higher than
0.01–3.79) Group 3: currently
Group 3: nadroparin, approximately Group 3: 26/26 Group 3: 0/26 (0%); Group 3: 0/26 (0%) recommended
240 IU/kg SC tid 5/26 (19%) RR, 0.42 (95% CI,
RR, 3.17 (95% CI, 0.02–9.90);
Group 4: nadroparin, approximately Group 4: 0/7 Group 4: 0/7 (0%) 0.67–15.06) Group 4:
360 IU/kg SC tid Group 4: 1/7 (14%)
4/7 (57%) RR, 4.71 (95% CI,
RR, 9.43 (95% CI, 0.33–66.67)
Fondaparinux vs UFH
Buller et al60/ Fondaparinux at 7.5 mg (50- 1,103/1,103 3 mo Int: 43/1,103 Int: 14/1,103 Int: 57/1,103 Average dose
2003 100 kg) or 5.0 mg (⬍ 50 kg), Contr: 56/1,110 Contr: 12/1,110 Contr: 48/1,110 of UFH was

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

or 10.0 mg (⬎ 100 kg) 1,110/1,110 RR, 0.77 (95% CI, RR, 1.17 (95% CI, RR, 1.20 (95% CI, 26,100 U on the
SC daily 0.52–1.14) 0.55–2.53) 0.82–1.74) second day of
UFH by IV infusion adjusted

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*Int ⫽ intervention; contr ⫽ control. The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 16 —Randomized Trials of Thrombolytic Therapy vs No Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute PE: Clinical Description and Results (Section 4.3)*

Patients Analyzed, Length of Recurrent DVT and Major Bleeding, Total Mortality,
Author/yr Interventions No./Total (%) Follow-up PE, No./Total (%) No./Total (%) No./Total (%) Comments

Streptokinase plus heparin vs heparin

Tibbutt et al277/1974 Streptokinase at 600,000 Streptokinase: 72 h Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Streptokinase: All hydrocortisone at 100 mg
U intrapulmonary 11/13 (84.6%) 0/11 1/11:(9.1%) 0/11 and at 60 h of treatment;
followed by 100,000 U warfarin initial dose 25 mg
for 72 h Heparin: 12/17 (70.6%) Heparin: Heparin: Heparin: for 6 mo
0/12 1/12 (8.3%) 0/12
Heparin at 5,000 U Seven patients failed to
intrapulmonary, RR, 0.92 (95% CI, complete the treatment
followed by 2,500 U 0.06–12.95) regimen and were
for 72 h excluded from the analysis

Patients reporting major

bleeding required a blood

Some 6-mo follow-up data

Ly et al275/1978 Streptokinase at 250,000 Streptokinase: 14/14 10 d Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Primary outcome was
U followed by 100,000 1/14 (7.1%) 4/14 (28.6%) 1/14 (7.1%) angiographic reperfusion
U/h for 72 h Heparin: 11/11
Heparin: Heparin: Heparin: 5 of the 25 patients received
Heparin at 15,000 U 2/11 (18.2%) 2/11 (18.2%) 2/11 (18.2%) nonrandomized therapy
followed by 1,250 U/h
for 7 d RR, 2.55 (95% CI, RR, 0.64 (95% CI, RR, 2.55 (95% CI,
0.26–24.56) 0.14–2.86) 0.26–24.56)
Dotter et al271/1979 Streptokinase at 250,000 Streptokinase: 15/15 In-hospital Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Streptokinase: 1/15 All: warfarin/VKA:
U followed by 100,000 0/15 3/15 (20.0%) (6.7%)
U/h for 18–72 h Heparin: 16/16 Primary outcome was

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Heparin: Heparin: Heparin: angiographic reperfusion
Heparin at 1,500 U per 1/16 (6.3%) 4/16 (25.0%) 2/16 (12.5%) (not clearly stated)
kg for 2–7 d
RR, 2.82 (95% CI, RR, 1.25 (95% CI, RR, 1.88 (95% CI,
0.12–64.39) 0.33–4.68) 0.19–18.60)
Jerjes-Sanchez Streptokinase at Heparin: 4/4 In-hospital Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Streptokinase: Primary outcome not stated;

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et al273/1995 1,500,000 U over 1 h 0/4 0%) 0/4 (0%) 0/4 (0%) trial stopped early for
followed by a bolus of Streptokinase: 4/4 benefit; all patients had
heparin 10,000 U plus Heparin: Heparin: Heparin: cardiogenic shock at
constant infusion of 4/4 (100%) 0/4 (0%) 4/4 (100%) randomization; heparin-
1,000 U/h; heparin at treated patients appear to
10,000 U followed by RR. 9.00 (95% CI, RR, 9.00 (95% CI, have failed heparin

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

1,000 U/h 0.64–126.85) 0.64–126.85) therapy before
randomization, whereas
the streptokinase patients

had not
Table 16 —Continued

Patients Analyzed, Length of Recurrent DVT and Major Bleeding, Total Mortality,
Author/yr Interventions No./Total (%) Follow-up PE, No./Total (%) No./Total (%) No./Total (%) Comments

Urokinase vs heparin
UPET Study Urokinase: infusion of Urokinase, 82/82 2 wk Urokinase: Urokinase: 37/82 Urokinase: 6/82 (7.3%) All: heparin for a minimum
Group269,278/1970 2,000 CTA U/lb 12/82 (14.6%) (45.1%) of 5 d
followed by 2,000 CTA Heparin: 78/78 Heparin:
U/lb/h Heparin: Heparin: 7/78 (8.9%) The major bleeding reported
Heparin: infusion of 75 15/78 (19.2%) 21/78 (26.9%) includes moderate plus
U/lb followed by 10 RR, 1.23 (95% CI, severe bleeding
U/lb/h RR, 1.31 (95% CI, RR, 0.60 (95% CI, 0.43–3.49)
0.66–2.63) 0.39–0.92) Angiographic data follow-up
data available up to 12 mo
Marini et al276/1988 High dose: urokinase at High dose: urokinase: 7d High dose: urokinase: High dose: urokinase: High dose: urokinase: Primary outcome was
3,300,000 U over 12 h 10/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 lung scan perfusion

Low-dose: urokinase at Low dose: urokinase: Low dose: urokinase: Low dose: urokinase: Low dose: urokinase: Thrombolysis arms
800,000 U over 12 h 10/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 did not receive heparin
daily for 3 d
Heparin: 10/10 Heparin: 0/10 Heparin: 0/10 Heparin: 0/10 All patients: oral
Heparin at 30,000 U/d
for 7 d followed by Anticoagulants continued for
oral anticoagulants 1 yr
rt-PA plus heparin vs heparin
Dalla-Volta and rt-PA at 10 mg followed rt-PA: 20/20 30 d rt-PA: 1/20 (5.0%) rt-PA: 3/20 (15.0%) rt-PA: 2/20 (10.0%) Primary outcome was
Palla270/1992 by 90 mg over 2 h angiographic reperfusion
Heparin: 16/16 Heparin: 0/16 Heparin: 2/16 (12.5%) Heparin: 0/16
Heparin at 10,000 U
followed by 1,750 U/h RR, 2.43 (95% CI, RR, 1.20 (95% CI, RR, 4.05 (95% CI,
for 7 to 10 d 0.11–55.89) 0.23–6.34) 0.21–78.76)
Goldhaber et al391/ rt-PA at 100 mg over 2 h rt-PA: 46/46 In-hospital rt-PA: 0/46; rt-PA: 3/46 (6.5%) rt-PA: 0/46 Primary outcome was

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

1993 followed by heparin at 14–21 d echocardiographic right
1,000 U/h Heparin: 55/55 Heparin: 5/55 (9.1%) Heparin: 1/55 (1.8%) Heparin: 2/55 3.6%) ventricular function

Heparin at 5,000 U RR, 0.11 (95% CI, RR, 3.59 (95% CI, RR, 0.24 (95% CI,
followed by 1,000 U/h 0.01–1.91) 0.39–33.33) 0.01–4.84)

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Konstantinides et rt-PA at 100 mg, rt-PA: 118/118 30 d rt-PA: 4/118 (3.4%) rt-PA: 1/118 (0.8%) rt-PA: 4/118 (3.4%) Primary outcome was death
al279/2002 followed by alteplase or need for escalation of
at 90 mg over 2 h plus Heparin plus placebo: Heparin plus placebo: Heparin plus placebo: Heparin plus placebo: therapy (later decision
heparin at 1,000 U/h 138/138 4/138 (2.9%) 5/138 (3.6%) 3/138 (2.2%) could be made after
Heparin at 5,000 U RR, 1.17 (95% CI, RR, 0.23 (95% CI, RR, 1.56 (95% CI,
followed by 1.000 U/h 0.30–4.57) 0.03–1.97) 0.36–6.83)
plus placebo

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

tricular enlargement on echocardiography. This trial

lung scans were assessed)

Primary outcome not stated

determined by attending
physician in both groups
Primary outcome was lung

(serial angiographic and

will randomize approximately 1,000 patients to

One death occurred 19 d

thrombolysis with a bolus regimen of tenecteplase

Heparin doses were

plus heparin vs heparin alone.
scan reperfusion

after treatment
In summary, there is good evidence that throm-
bolytic therapy accelerates resolution of PE and
results in more rapid hemodynamic improvement.

*CTA ⫽ Committee on Thrombolytic Agents. The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
The evidence that thrombolytic therapy improves
clinical outcome is less secure. In the absence of risk
factors for bleeding, patients who are hemodynami-
Total Mortality,

cally compromised are very likely to benefit, as are

No./Total (%)

RR, 2.29 (95% CI,

rt-PA: 1/33 (3.0%)

sick patients with major pulmonary arterial obstruc-

Placebo: 0/25

tion, although the evidence supporting the latter

Placebo: 0/4
rt-PA: 0/9

group is indirect.

Choice of Thrombolytic Therapy Regimen

Nine randomized trials292–299 (total of 621 patients)

Major Bleeding,
No./Total (%)

RR, 1.50 (95% CI,

rt-PA: 1/9 (11.1%)

have compared the rate of thrombus resolution

Placebo: 0/25

achieved with various IV thrombolytic regimens. These

Placebo: 0/4
rt-PA: 0/33

regimens included urokinase administered over 2 h 295

or 12 h292,298; streptokinase given over 2 h296, 12 h297 or
24 h292; and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
(rt-PA) administered over 15 min293,299 or 2 h.42,293–299
Recurrent DVT and
PE, No./Total (%)

An additional study300 compared IV with catheter-

Table 16 —Continued

directed pulmonary arterial administration of rt-PA (50

mg ⬎ 2 h). The results of these studies suggest the
Placebo: 0/25

Placebo: 0/4
rt-PA: 0/33

following: (1) prolonged infusions of thrombolytic

rt-PA: 0/9

agents (eg, ⱖ 12 h) are associated with higher rates of

bleeding292,294; (2) 2-h infusions achieve more rapid
clot lysis than 12- or 24- h infusions294,297,298; (3) when
Length of

a high-concentration, 2-h infusion of thrombolysis is

administered, there is no clear difference in the efficacy
10 d


or safety of rt-PA vs streptokinase296; (4) the relative

efficacy and safety of bolus rt-PA regimens (eg, approx-
imately 50 mg in ⱕ 15 min) compared with a 2-h
Patients Analyzed,
No./Total (%)

infusion of 100 mg of rt-PA is uncertain293,299,301; and

Placebo: 25/25

(5) infusion of rt-PA directly into a pulmonary artery as

rt-PA: 33/33

Placebo: 4/4

opposed to a peripheral vein does not accelerate

rt-PA: 9/9

thrombolysis but does cause more frequent bleeding at

the catheter insertion site (there was no attempt to
infuse rt-PA directly into, or to mechanically disrupt,
(doses determined by
rt-PA at 0.6 mg/kg over 2

the thrombus in this study from 1988).300 When a lytic

rt-PA at 40–80 mg at 1
Placebo plus heparin at
5,000 U followed by

Placebo plus heparin

agent is appropriate for PE, current evidence supports


that thrombolytic therapy should be infused into a

peripheral vein over 2 h or less. rt-PA, at a dose of 100
30,000 U/d


mg over 2 h, is currently the most widely used and


evaluated regimen. In patients with imminent or actual

cardiac arrest, bolus infusion of thrombolytic therapy is

Initial Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients Treated

Levine et al

With Thrombolytic Therapy


In the absence of a contraindication, anticoagula-

tion with UFH, LMWH, or fondaparinux should not CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 509S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
be delayed until diagnostic testing for PE has been 2-h infusion) over those with prolonged infusion
completed (see Section 4.1). IV UFH has been used times (eg, a 24-h infusion) [Grade 1B].
in conjunction with thrombolytic therapy in the trials
that have evaluated thrombolysis for PE (Table 16). 4.4 Catheter Extraction or Fragmentation for the
Consequently, initial anticoagulation with IV UFH is Initial Treatment of PE
appropriate if thrombolytic therapy is being consid-
ered. Different regimens of IV UFH have not been Interventional catheterization techniques for massive
compared in randomized trials in patients with PE PE include mechanical fragmentation of thrombus
who are treated with thrombolytic therapy. with a standard pulmonary artery catheter, clot pulver-
Before thrombolytic therapy is administered, IV ization with a rotating basket catheter, percutaneous
UFH should be administered in full therapeutic rheolytic thrombectomy, or pigtail rotational catheter
doses (eg, bolus of 80 U/kg followed by 18U/kg/h embolectomy.302–305 Pharmacologic thrombolysis and
initially [Sections 1.1 and 4.1]). During administra- mechanical interventions can be combined when
tion of thrombolytic therapy, it is acceptable to either bleeding risk is not high. The goal of catheter extraction
continue, or suspend, the UFH infusion (these two of thrombus is to reduce pulmonary arterial resistance
practices have never been compared). During a 2-h enough to reduce pulmonary artery hypertension, alle-
infusion of 100 mg of tPA, US regulatory bodies viating right ventricular dilatation and dysfunction, and
recommend suspension of IV UFH, whereas IV rapidly increase cardiac output. Catheter embolectomy
UFH is continued during the tPA infusion in many rarely results in extraction of massive pulmonary arte-
other countries. After administration of thrombolytic rial thrombus. More often, clot fragments are suctioned
therapy, IV UFH should be restarted or continued. through the catheter or displaced distally with modest
In the United States, it is recommended that the angiographic improvement.
APTT is checked immediately after completion of There are no randomized trials or prospective cohort
the tPA infusion and that, provided the APTT is not studies that have evaluated interventional catheteriza-
⬎ 80 s, IV UFH is restarted without a bolus at the tion techniques for massive PE. Case series302–305 that
same rate of infusion as was being used before tPA have included modest numbers of patients (eg, ⱕ 50)
was started. If UFH has not been suspended, the suggest that these techniques can be lifesaving.
infusion is continued at the same rate with ongoing
adjustment according to APTT results. Recommendation

Recommendations 4.4.1. For most patients with PE, we recom-

mend against use of interventional catheteriza-
4.3.1. All PE patients should undergo rapid risk tion techniques (Grade 1C). In selected highly
stratification (Grade 1C). For patients with evi- compromised patients who are unable to re-
dence of hemodynamic compromise, we recom- ceive thrombolytic therapy because of bleeding
mend use of thrombolytic therapy unless there risk, or whose critical status does not allow
are major contraindications owing to bleeding sufficient time for systemic thrombolytic ther-
risk (Grade 1B). Thrombolysis in these patients apy to be effective, we suggest use of interven-
should not be delayed because irreversible car- tional catheterization techniques if appropriate
diogenic shock may ensue. In selected high-risk expertise is available (Grade 2C).
patients without hypotension who are judged to
have a low risk of bleeding, we suggest admin-
4.5 Pulmonary Embolectomy for the Initial
istration of thrombolytic therapy (Grade 2B).
Treatment of PE
The decision to use thrombolytic therapy de-
pends on the clinician’s assessment of PE sever- Emergency surgical embolectomy with cardiopul-
ity, prognosis, and risk of bleeding. For the monary bypass is another management strategy for
majority of patients with PE, we recommend with massive PE.306 –308 This operation is also suited for
against using thrombolytic therapy (Grade 1B). acute PE patients who require surgical excision of a
4.3.2. In patients with acute PE, when a throm- right atrial thrombus or impending paradoxical arterial
bolytic agent is used, we recommend that treat- embolism, or closure of a patent foramen ovale. Surgi-
ment be administered via a peripheral vein cal embolectomy can also be performed to rescue
rather than placing a pulmonary artery catheter patients in whom thrombolysis has been unsuccessful.
to administer treatment (Grade 1B). Outcomes are better when patients are referred before
4.3.3. In patients with acute PE, with adminis- the onset of cardiogenic shock. At one hospital, 47
tration of thrombolytic therapy, we recommend patients underwent surgical embolectomy in a 4-year
use of regimens with short infusion times (eg, a period with a 96% survival rate.306 The procedure is

510S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
best performed on a warm, beating heart, without 4.6.2. In patients with acute PE, if anticoagulant
aortic cross-clamping, cardioplegia, or fibrillatory ar- therapy is not possible because of risk of bleed-
rest. ing, we recommend placement of an IVC filter
(Grade 1C).
Recommendation 4.6.3. For patients with acute PE who have an
4.5.1. In selected highly compromised patients IVC filter inserted as an alternative to antico-
who are unable to receive thrombolytic therapy agulation, we recommend that they should sub-
because of bleeding risk, or whose critical sta- sequently receive a conventional course of an-
tus does not allow sufficient time for systemic ticoagulant therapy if the risk of bleeding
thrombolytic therapy to be effective, we suggest resolves (Grade 1C).
that pulmonary embolectomy may be used if
appropriate expertise is available (Grade 2C).
5.0 Long-term Treatment of Acute PE
4.6 Vena Caval Filters for the Initial Treatment of
In the following sections, studies that were per-
formed exclusively in patients with PE will be em-
As previously noted in section 1.13, vena caval phasized. In addition, subgroup analyses of PE pa-
filters can be used instead of initial anticoagulant tients enrolled in studies that included patients who
therapy (eg, unacceptable risk of bleeding) or as an only presented with symptoms of DVT will be
adjunct to anticoagulation in patients with acute presented. As the findings of studies with DVT
VTE. As for acute DVT, no randomized trials or patients are relevant to PE patients, and as the
prospective cohort studies have evaluated IVC filters findings of studies performed exclusively in patients
as sole therapy for acute PE (ie, without concurrent with PE have been consistent with studies that
anticoagulation). As described in Section 1.13 and included DVT patients, the recommendations for
Table 6, the PREPIC study,29,135 which evaluated long-term treatment of PE are the same as for DVT
IVC filters as an adjunct to anticoagulation in 400 (see corresponding sections for treatment of DVT).
high-risk patients with proximal DVT, showed that
filters reduced PE, increased DVT, and did not 5.1 VKA for the Long-term Treatment of PE
change overall frequency of VTE (DVT and/or PE
combined). The PREPIC study29 included 145 pa- There has been only one evaluation of duration of
tients (36% of total) with symptomatic PE and 52 VKA therapy exclusively in patients with PE. After 3
patients (13% of total) with asymptomatic PE at months of initial treatment, patients with PE pro-
enrolment in addition to proximal DVT. Multivari- voked by a temporary risk factor were randomized to
able analyses did not find an association between the stop or to receive 3 more months of therapy, and
presence of PE at entry and the frequency of PE at those with unprovoked PE were randomized to stop
2 years; however, such an association was present or to receive 6 more months of therapy (WODIT
after 8 years of follow-up.135 PE; Table 8). Consistent with studies that included
There is uncertainty about the risk and benefits of patients who presented with DVT, extended VKA
inserting an IVC filter as an adjunct to anticoagulant therapy was effective while treatment was being
and thrombolytic therapy in patients with massive received. However, extending the duration of treat-
PE. Among patients with hemodynamic compromise ment beyond 3 months did not lower the rates of
in the International Cooperative Pulmonary Embo- recurrence that were observed when anticoagulants
lism Registry, insertion of an IVC filter was associ- were subsequently stopped.
ated with a reduction of early recurrent PE and
death.280 Epidemiologic data suggest that insertion 5.2 LMWH for the Long-term Treatment of PE
of an IVC filter in patients who present with PE (with Two small studies309,310 from the same investigator
or without symptomatic DVT) is associated with about group have compared long-term LMWH (enoxaparin,
a doubling of the frequency of VTE during follow-up; 1 mg/kg SC bid for approximately 14 days, followed by
most of this increase is due to a higher frequency of 1.5 mg/kg/d SC) with long-term VKA exclusively in
DVT (approximately 2.6-fold increase) rather than PE patients who presented with PE. The combined results
(approximately 1.3-fold increase).137 of these two studies are that there was a similar
frequency of recurrent VTE (enoxaparin: 4/60; VKA:
Recommendations 1/40) and major bleeding (enoxaparin: 1/60; VKA: 2/40)
4.6.1. For patients with PE, we recommend with the two treatments.309 Of the 12 other studies that
against the routine use of a vena caval filter in compared LMWH with VKA therapy for long term
addition to anticoagulants (Grade 1A). treatment of VTE (see Section 2.3), only 2 studies211,213 CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 511S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
included patients with PE; in these 2 studies, all 5.1.2. For patients with unprovoked PE, we
patients had cancer and 295 patients had PE (36% of recommend treatment with a VKA for at least 3
all enrolled patients; some PE may have been asymp- months (Grade 1A). We recommend that after 3
tomatic in one study213); subgroup analyses were not months of anticoagulant therapy, all patients
reported for the PE patients. with unprovoked PE should be evaluated for
the risk-benefit ratio of long-term therapy
5.3 New Antithrombotic Agents for the Long-term (Grade 1C). For patients with a first unprovoked
Treatment of PE episode of VTE that is a PE, and in whom risk
factors for bleeding are absent and for whom
Fondaparinux has not been evaluated as a long-term good anticoagulant monitoring is achievable,
treatment for VTE. As previously noted (Section 2.5), we recommend long-term treatment (Grade 1A).
ximelagatran has been shown to markedly reduce re- Values and preferences: This recommendation at-
current VTE (hazard ratio, 0.16) without increasing taches a relatively high value to prevention of recur-
bleeding in patients with VTE who had completed 6 rent VTE and a lower value to the burden of
months of initial treatment with VKAs.171 In this study, long-term anticoagulant therapy.
ximelagatran was noted to be equally effective in the For patients with a second episode of unpro-
subgroup of 447 patients with PE (35% of total) as in voked VTE, we recommend long-term treat-
the patients with DVT alone.171 As previously noted ment (Grade 1A).
(Section 4.2), the long-acting pentasaccharide idrapa- 5.1.3. For patients with PE and cancer, we recom-
rinux was reported to be less effective than standard mend LMWH for the first 3 to 6 months of
therapy with heparins and VKA for the first 3 to 6 long-term anticoagulant therapy (Grade 1A). For
months of treatment of PE.62 After an initial 6 months these patients, we recommend subsequent antico-
of treatment with either idraparinux or warfarin (48% agulant therapy with VKA or LMWH indefinitely
of patients initially presented with symptomatic PE), or until the cancer is resolved (Grade 1C).
compared with placebo, 6 months of extended therapy 5.1.4. In patients who receive long-term anticoag-
with idraparinux markedly reduced recurrent VTE and ulant treatment, the risk-benefit ratio of continu-
increased bleeding.223 ing such treatment should be reassessed in the
individual patient at periodic intervals (Grade 1C).
5.4 Treatment of Asymptomatic PE 5.1.5. In patients with PE, we recommend that the
Diagnosis of unexpected PE when contrast-en- dose of VKA be adjusted to maintain a target INR
hanced CT is performed for other indications has of 2.5 (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all treatment
become relatively common.311–314 Usually (eg, ap- durations (Grade 1A). For patients with unpro-
proximately 80% of cases), CT has been performed voked PE who have a strong preference for less
to evaluate known cancer, and the prevalence of frequent INR testing to monitor their therapy,
incidental PE is higher in inpatients that in outpa- after the first 3 months of conventional-intensity
tients (eg, approximately 4% vs 1% of CT anticoagulation (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0), we rec-
scans).311,314 When there is evidence of an unex- ommend low-intensity therapy (INR range, 1.5 to
pected PE, the first priority is to review the CT scans 1.9) with less frequent INR monitoring over stop-
to determine if the findings are convincing for acute ping treatment (Grade 1A). We recommend
PE. Other recent CT scans may be available for against high-intensity VKA therapy (INR range,
comparison, or the current scan may also reveal DVT 3.1 to 4.0) compared with an INR range of 2.0 to
in the central deep veins (eg, subclavian, IVC, iliac). 3.0 (Grade 1A).
If there is any uncertainty about the presence of 5.1.6. In patients who are unexpectedly found to
acute PE, additional diagnostic testing is required have asymptomatic PE, we recommend the same
(eg, d-dimer, ultrasonography of the deep veins, initial and long-term anticoagulation as for com-
dedicated CT pulmonary angiography). When PE is parable patients with symptomatic PE (Grade 1C).
diagnosed unexpectedly in patients with cancer, the
clinical history often reveals symptoms suggestive of
PE.312 6.0 Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary
CTPH occurs much more frequently after acute
5.1.1. For patients with PE secondary to a PE than had previously been believed. The old
transient (reversible) risk factor, we recom- teaching was that CTPH had a prevalence of not
mend treatment with a VKA for 3 months over more than 1 in 500 cases of acute PE; however,
treatment for shorter periods (Grade 1A). data from prospective cohort studies indicate

512S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
the frequency is approximately 3%.315–317 After Recommendations
acute PE initiates CTPH, pulmonary vascular
remodeling may cause severe pulmonary hyper- 6.1.1. In selected patients with CTPH, such as
tension out of proportion to pulmonary vascular those with central disease under the care of an
thrombosis.318 experienced surgical/medical team, we recom-
mend pulmonary thromboendarterectomy
6.1 Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy, VKA, and (Grade 1C).
Vena Cava Filter for the Treatment of CTPH 6.1.2. For all patients with CTPH, we recom-
mend life-long treatment with a VKA targeted
Primary therapy for CTPH is pulmonary throm- to an INR of 2.0 to 3.0 (Grade 1C).
boendarterectomy, which, if successful, can re- 6.1.3. For patients with CTPH who undergo
duce and sometimes cure pulmonary hyperten- pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, we sug-
sion.318 The operation requires a median gest the placement of a permanent vena caval
sternotomy, institution of cardiopulmonary bypass, filter before or at the time of the procedure
deep hypothermia with circulatory arrest periods, (Grade 2C).
and exploration of both pulmonary arteries. Pul- 6.1.4. For patients with inoperable CTPH, we
monary thromboendarterectomy removes orga- suggest referral to a center with expertise in
nized thrombus by establishing an endarterectomy pulmonary hypertension so that patients can be
plane in all involved vessels. At the most experi- evaluated for alternative treatments, such as
enced centers, the mortality rate is ⬍ 5%.318 The vasodilator therapy or balloon pulmonary an-
most common postoperative problem is reperfu- gioplasty (Grade 2C).
sion pulmonary edema, generally managed with
supportive care that requires several days of me-
chanical ventilation. When pulmonary thromboen- 7.0 Superficial Vein Thrombosis
darterectomy is successful, patients can usually
7.1 Treatment of Infusion Thrombophlebitis
resume normal daily activities and experience a
greatly improved quality of life. Management usu- Peripheral vein infusion thrombophlebitis is esti-
ally includes insertion of a permanent vena cava mated to occur in 25 to 35% of hospitalized patients
filter before or during pulmonary endarterectomy who have peripheral IV catheters.326 In a three-arm
and indefinite anticoagulant therapy with a target randomized trial327 of 120 hospitalized patients with
INR of 2.5.319 No randomized trials of CTPH infusion thrombophlebitis, diclofenac emulsion gel
therapy have been undertaken. Patients with CTPH used topically three times daily and oral diclofenac (75
who are not candidates for pulmonary endarterectomy mg bid) were superior to placebo in relieving local
because of comorbid disease or surgically inaccessible symptoms of thrombophlebitis at 48 h, with positive
lesions may be candidates for pulmonary artery angio- responses in 60% in both active treatment groups vs
plasty.320 only 20% in the control group. Three other controlled
Some patients with CTPH have predominantly trials have assessed the effects of various topical gels or
distal (ie, subsegmental) vascular involvement. The creams compared with placebo for relief of symptoms
pathophysiology of pulmonary microvascular disease or clinical resolution of SVT. The largest of these
remains uncertain but may involve release of medi- trials328 randomized 126 inpatients with infusion
ators by endothelial cells or platelets, or plexiform thrombophlebitis to heparin sodium gel or placebo gel
lesions similar to idiopathic pulmonary hyperten- three times daily. At 7 days, phlebitis had resolved in
tion.321,322 It is possible that some of the medical 44% of the heparin group and 26% of the placebo
therapies for idiopathic pulmonary hypertension group (p ⫽ 0.03). In a trial329 that included 68 patients
might have a beneficial role in CTPH, especially in with spontaneous or infusion-related thrombophlebitis
those patients who are not surgical candidates or who who were randomized to heparinoid cream, piroxicam
have a poor response to thrombendarterectomy due gel, or placebo, there were no differences among
to distal microvascular disease. Novel therapies in- treatment groups in symptoms or size of affected area
clude prostacyclin analogs such as epoprostenol, at 14 days. Finally, a small trial330 of 23 patients with
beraprost, iloprost and treprostinil, endothelin re- infusion thrombophlebitis who were randomized to
ceptor antagonists such as bosentan, and phosphodi- topical essaven gel (contains aescinate, phospholipids,
esterase-5 inhibitors such as sildenafil.322–324 A co- heparin) or placebo found significant improvement in
hort study325 of 47 patients with inoperable CTPH intensity of local symptoms in the group that received
who were treated with bosentan therapy showed essaven. In this study, all patients were also treated with
sustained functional and hemodynamic improve- enoxaparin 0.1 mL/10 kg body weight daily (equivalent
ment with 96% survival after 1 year. of 1 mg/kg) for 4 weeks (Table 17). No controlled trials CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 513S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 17—Infusion Thrombophlebitis Treatment: Clinical Description and Results (Section 7.1)*
Type of
Author/yr Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Becherucci et Parallel RCT, 120 hospitalized Topical diclofenac Intensity of local 48 h Intensity of local symptoms:
al327/2000 single patients with emulsion gel symptoms (flushing,
center infusion q8h for six doses swelling, warmth, Topical diclofenac:
thrombophlebitis (n ⫽ 40) pain) 60% reduction

Oral diclofenac at Oral diclofenac:

75 mg bid for 60% reduction
four doses
(n ⫽ 40) Control: 20% reduction

Untreated controls (p ⫽ 0.0001 for both treatment

(n ⫽ 40) groups vs control)
De Sanctis et Parallel RCT, 23 patients with Topical essaven Temperature of 4 wk Temperature at 4 wk:
al330/2001 single confirmed gel (contains affected area Essaven gel: 71% of baseline
center infusion aescinate, Placebo: 86% of baseline
thrombophlebitis phospholipids, Symptom score (p ⬍ 0.05)
heparin) once (based on local
daily (n ⫽ 12) pain, disability, and Symptom score at 4 wk:
swelling) Essaven gel: 33% of baseline
Placebo gel once Placebo: 80% of baseline
daily (n ⫽ 11) (p ⬍ 0.05)

Each administered
for 4 wk, along
with enoxaparin
1 mg/kg for 4 wk
Vilardell et Parallel RCT, 126 inpatients Heparin sodium Resolution of 7d Resolution of phlebitis:
al328/1999 single with gel (1,000 IU/g); phlebitis Heparin gel: 27/61 (44.3%)
center superficial Placebo: 17/65 (26.1%)
phlebitis Placebo gel; RR, 1.69 (95% CI, 1.03–2.78;
secondary to p ⫽ 0.03)
indwelling Each applied tid
catheter until resolution Note: large No. of withdrawals
of phlebitis or due to hospital discharge
7 d maximum counted as “non-resolution”
Bergqvist et Parallel RCT, 68 patients Topical piroxicam Intensity of local Approximately Intensity of local symptoms:
al329/1990 single (30 inpatients gel (0.5%; n ⫽ symptoms 14 d Piroxicam gel: 50% of day 0;
center with infusion 22), heparinoid Heparinoid cream: 60%
thrombophlebitis cream (n ⫽ 22) Size of of day 0
and 38 or placebo (n ⫽ thrombophlebitic Control: 45% of day 0
outpatients 24) applied bid area
with spontaneous for 14 d or until Size of involved area:
thrombophlebitis) symptoms Pain intensity Piroxicam gel: 5.4% of day 0
disappeared by VAS Heparinoid cream: 7.8% of
day 0
Control: 4.6% of day 0

Pain intensity:
Piroxicam gel: 8.8% of day 0;
Heparinoid cream: 2.9%
of day 0
Control: 5.2% of day 0
(p ⫽ not significant
for all comparisons)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
†Study design: RCT, cohort.
‡Drugs: NSAIDs, topical treatments, vs placebo, no treatment, each other, or different durations or regimens of the same agent.
§Symptomatic relief, resolution of phlebitis.

514S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
have evaluated systemic anticoagulants for the treat- but there was no difference in rates of SVT extension
ment of infusion thrombophlebitis. at the end of treatment or at 8 weeks.

Longer Courses of Heparin or LMWH

A blinded randomized trial337 compared a 30-day
7.1.1. For patients with symptomatic infusion course of low- vs high-dose SC nadroparin in 164
thrombophlebitis as a complication of IV infusion, patients with SVT. During 3 months of follow-up,
we suggest oral diclofenac or another nonsteroi- there were five cases of SVT extension in the low-
dal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) [Grade 2B], dose group (all occurred on treatment), compared
topical diclofenac gel (Grade 2B), or heparin gel with two cases in the high-dose group (one occurred
(Grade 2B) until resolution of symptoms or for up on treatment). There were two symptomatic DVTs
to 2 weeks. We recommend against the use of in the low-dose group vs three DVTs (two symptom-
systemic anticoagulation (Grade 1C). atic) and one symptomatic PE (occurred on treat-
ment) in the high-dose group. Lack of a control
7.2 Treatment of SVT group precludes assessment of whether either of the
treatments was more effective than no treatment; for
SVT has been less well studied than DVT but is example, the rate of VTE at 3 months in the high
estimated to occur more often.331,332 It commonly dose group (4.8%) was similar to the 3-month rate of
affects the lower limbs, often involves a varicose VTE in the placebo group (4.5%) of the previously
vein, is associated with chronic venous insufficiency, described STENOX trial.335
malignancy, thrombophilia, pregnancy or exogenous Sixty patients with acute thrombosis of the great
estrogens, obesity, sclerotherapy and a history of saphenous vein were randomized to receive a 4-week
VTE, or it may be unprovoked.331–333 course of SC UFH in moderately high unmonitored
Although traditionally considered a benign dis- doses (12,500 IU bid for 1 week, followed by 10,000 IU
ease, a number of studies331,332 indicate that the bid) or prophylactic doses (5,000 IU bid).338 At 6
consequences of SVT may be more serious and have months, 6 patients (20%) in the low-dose heparin
led to trials of more aggressive treatment with the group had VTE (three symptomatic events), of which
goals of reducing symptoms, extension, recurrence, four episodes occurred during treatment, compared
and progression to VTE (Table 18). The treatment of with 1 patient (3.3%) in the high-dose heparin group, who
superficial vein thrombosis has been the subject of a had symptomatic DVT after treatment was completed.
recent Cochrane Collaboration systematic review.334 One trial339 found that warfarin was superior to
control and had similar effectiveness to low-dose
Short-Duration Heparin, LMWH, and NSAIDs UFH and LMWH with regard to rate of SVT
extension at 3 months; however, no information was
In a placebo-controlled trial,335 462 patients with
provided on dose or duration of anticoagulants. A
SVT were randomly allocated to receive 8 to 12 days
number of other small trials have compared topi-
of enoxaparin in two dosages (40 mg and 1.5 mg/kg
cal340 or alternate anticoagulants (eg, dermatan sul-
SC daily, tenoxicam 20 mg po daily, or placebo).
fate)341 for variable time periods to treat SVT (Table
During the treatment period and at 3-month follow-
18). No trials have evaluated the role of fondaparinux
up, rates of SVT extension or recurrence were 29.5%
in the management of SVT.
and 33.0%, respectively, in the placebo group, sig-
nificantly higher than that of the other three treat-
Surgical vs Medical Therapy
ment groups (enoxaparin 40 mg, 8.3% and 14.5%;
enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg, 5.7% and 15.1%; tenoxicam, A nonblinded randomized trial339 with six treatment
13.1% and 15.2%). Rates of DVT tended to be lower arms that included approximately 70 patients per group
in the treatment groups vs the placebo group during showed that compression alone or in addition to flush
the initial treatment period, but this trend was lost by ligation of the saphenous vein were inferior to complete
3 months, predominantly due to the occurrence of vein stripping or treatment with UFH, LMWH, or
VTE in the treatment groups during the first 3 weeks warfarin (doses and durations of treatment were not
after treatment was stopped, suggesting that the specified) for the end point of SVT extension at 3
initial duration of therapy was inadequate. months. A second trial342 compared saphenofemoral
In an open-label randomized trial336 of 117 pa- ligation, performed under local anesthesia, with enox-
tients, 6-day courses of calcium nadroparin adminis- aparin 1 mg/kg bid for 1 week, and then daily for 3
tered SC daily at doses of 6,150 anti-Xa IU or 31.5 weeks. During 6-month follow-up, VTE occurred in
anti-Xa IU/kg were superior to naproxen (500 mg two patients (6.7%) in the surgery group (both PE) vs
once daily) for relief of symptoms and signs of SVT, none in the enoxaparin group, while SVT occurred in CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 515S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
one patient (3.3%) in the surgery group and three term treatment (or secondary prophylaxis) with antico-
patients (10%) in the enoxaparin group. Two patients in agulants to prevent recurrent VTE.
the surgical group had wound infections, and the cost
of surgical treatment was more than three times higher 8.1 IV UFH or LMWH for the Initial Treatment of
that of medical treatment. Finally, a review of six UEDVT
studies (includes a study339 described above, and five
small case series) comparing surgical therapy to antico- It is generally accepted that, as for patients with
agulation for SVT showed similar rates of SVT progres- lower-limb DVT, patients with UEDVT require
sion but higher rates of VTE and complications with treatment with anticoagulants to prevent throm-
surgical therapy.343 bus extension and PE (Table 19). To date, no
RCTs have evaluated UFH, LMWH, or other
Recommendation anticoagulants for the initial treatment of UEDVT.
Several small prospective cohort studies have re-
7.2.1. For patients with spontaneous superficial ported low rates of recurrent DVT, PE, and major
vein thrombosis, we suggest prophylactic or bleeds using treatment regimens for UEDVT sim-
intermediate doses of LMWH (Grade 2B) or ilar to those for patients with lower-limb DVT
intermediate doses of UFH (Grade 2B) for at (Table 19). In a prospective two-center cohort
least 4 weeks. We suggest that as an alternative study,349 46 outpatients with UEDVT were treated
to 4 weeks of LMWH or UFH, VKA (target INR, with SC LMWH followed by warfarin. At 3
2.5; range, 2.0 to 3.0) can be overlapped with 5 months, there was one recurrence, one major
days of UFH and LMWH and continued for 4 bleed, and no episodes of PE. In 36 inpatients with
weeks (Grade 2C). We suggest that oral NSAIDs UEDVT, LMWH twice daily for up to 7 days
should not be used in addition to anticoagula- followed by warfarin for an average of 5 months
tion (Grade 2B). We recommend medical treat- (target INR, 2.0 to 2.5) led to significant early
ment with anticoagulants over surgical treat- symptom relief and no recurrent DVT or PE at 1
ment (Grade 1B). year.350 Rates of VTE recurrence were similarly
Remark: It is likely that less extensive superficial low in a cohort of 53 patients who received UFH
vein thrombosis (ie, where the affected venous seg- or LMWH for the initial treatment of UEDVT
ment is short in length or further from the saphe- followed by warfarin for 3 months,347 and in 74
nofemoral junction) does not require treatment with cancer patients with central venous catheter-asso-
anticoagulants. It is reasonable to use oral or topical ciated UEDVT, in whom treatment with LMWH
NSAIDs for symptom control in such cases. for 5 to 7 days followed by warfarin for 3 months
appeared to prevent catheter failure and was not
associated with any recurrent VTE351 (Table 19).
8.0 Acute UEDVT
Although most episodes of DVT occur in the lower
limbs, it is estimated that 1 to 4% of cases involve the 8.1.1. For patients with acute UEDVT, we
upper extremities. UEDVT can be classified into two recommend initial treatment with therapeutic
etiologic groups: primary (includes unprovoked with or doses of LMWH, UFH, or fondaparinux as
without thrombophilia, effort related, and thoracic described for leg DVT (see Section 1) [Grade
outlet syndrome) and secondary (provoked by central 1C].
venous catheters, pacemakers, or cancer); secondary
UEDVT accounts for 75 to 80% of all cases.344 –346
8.2 Thrombolytic Therapy for the Initial Treatment
UEDVT may involve the subclavian, axillary or bra-
chial veins. Clinical manifestations include edema, di-
lated collateral veins over the arm, neck, or chest, and No randomized controlled studies have evalu-
limb pain or discoloration. The disease may lead to ated the efficacy and safety of thrombolytic ther-
complications, including pulmonary embolism (esti- apy compared with standard anticoagulation for
mated to occur in up to one third of patients346), the initial treatment of patients with UEDVT
recurrent UEDVT (a prospective study347 reported (Table 20). A number of retrospective and small
cumulative incidence rates of 2.0%, 4.2% and 7.7% prospective studies92,352–358 that included 6 to 118
after 1, 2, and 5 years, respectively) and PTS of the patients have evaluated streptokinase, urokinase,
arm.347,348 The treatment of patients with acute or rT-PA administered with varying doses, meth-
UEDVT may be divided into the initial treatment ods of administration (IV, catheter directed), and
phase (with anticoagulants, thrombolytic therapy, cath- infusion durations. Three of these studies352,356,357
eter/surgical techniques, or filter placement) and long- included control groups that received anticoagula-

516S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 18 —Superficial Vein Thrombosis Treatment: Clinical Description and Results (Section 7.2)*

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

STENOX Study Parallel RCT, 436 patients with Enoxaparin at 40 mg/d SC Day 12 (end of treatment): 3 mo VTE day 12:
Group335/ multicenter ultrasound- screening ultrasound or Placebo: 4/112 (3.6%); PE, 0
2003 confirmed Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg/d symptomatic recurrence:
acute SC VTE Enoxaparin, 40 mg: 1/110 (0.9%); PE, 0; RR, 0.25 (95% CI,
symptomatic SVT recurrence/extension 0.03–2.24)
SVT (ⱖ 5 cm Tenoxicam at 20 mg/d po to saphenofemoral
length) of junction Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg: 1/106 (0.9%); PE, 0; RR, 0.26 (95% CI,
lower extremity Placebo once daily 0.03–2.33)
3 mo
All administered for 8–12 d VTE Tenoxicam: 2/99 (2.0%); PE, 1; RR, 0.57 (95% CI, 0.11–3.02)
SVT recurrence/extension
All patients prescribed p ⫽ not significant for all comparisons of active treatment vs
elastic bandages or Major bleed placebo
compression stockings for
at least 15 d Death SVT; recurrence/extension day 12:
Placebo: 33/112 (29.5%)
Enoxaparin at 40 mg: 9/110 (8.3%)
RR, 0.28 (95% CI, 0.14–0.55)
Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg: 6/106 (5.7%)
RR, 0.19 (95% CI, 0.08–0.44)
Tenoxicam: 13/99 (13.1%)
RR, 0.45 (95% CI, 0.25–0.80)

VTE at 3 mo:
Placebo: 5/112 (4.5%); PE, 0
Enoxaparin at 40 mg: 6/110 (5.7%)
PE, 2; RR, 1.22 (95% CI, 0.38–3.89)
Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg: 4/106 (3.9%); PE, 0; RR, 0.85; 95% CI,

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Tenoxicam: 4/99 (4.3%); PE, 1; RR, 0.91 (95% CI, 0.25–3.28)

p ⫽ not significant for all comparisons of active treatment vs


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SVT; recurrence/extension at 3 mo:
Placebo: 37/112 (33.0%)
Enoxaparin at 40 mg: 16/110 (14.5%); RR, 0.44 (95% CI,
Enoxaparin at 1.5 mg/kg: 16/106 (15.1%); RR, 0.46 (95% CI,
0.27- 0.77)
Tenoxicam: 15/99 (15.2%); RR, 0.46 (95% CI, 0.27- 0.78)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Major bleed: 0
Death: 0

Table 18 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Titon et al336/1994 Parallel RCT, 117 patients with Nadroparin fixed dose, Echographic extension of 8 weeks Day 7 extension of thrombus:
multicenter ultrasound- 6,150 anti-Xa IU/d thrombus at day 7 and at Fixed-dose nadroparin: 1/38 (2.6%)
confirmed SVT 8 wk Weight-based nadroparin: 2/40 (5%); RR, 1.90 (95% CI,
of lower Nadroparin 31.5 anti-Xa 0.18–20.1)
extremities IU/kg/d SC Changes in symptoms and Naproxen: 1/39 (2.6%); RR, 0.97 (95% CI, 0.06–15.02);
clinical signs (warmth, P ⫽ not significant
Naproxen 500 mg/d po flushing, edema, pain on
palpation) 8 wks: extension of thrombus or new SVT
Treatments given for 6 d Fixed dose nadroparin: 2/36 (5.6%)
All patients wore DVT Weight-based nadroparin: 0/40 (0%); RR 0.18 (95% CI),
compression stockings for PE 0.01–3.64)
7d Major bleed Naproxen: 0/39 (0%); RR, 0.19 (95% CI, 0.01–3.73)

No DVT, PE, or major bleed in any group

Intensity of symptoms/signs: overall improvement in score from

day 0 to day 7:
Fixed –dose nadroparin: 79.1% improved
Weight-based nadroparin: 63.0% improved
Naproxen: 46.4% improved (p ⬍ 0.01 in favor of nadroparin
groups vs naproxen; this difference was maintained at 8 wk
Prandoni et al337 Parallel RCT, 164 patients with High-dose, weight-adjusted Composite outcome of 3 mo 3 mo follow-up:
for Vesalio multicenter ultrasound- nadroparin (190 antiXa asymptomatic or
Investigators confirmed IU/kg for 10 d followed by symptomatic SVT SVT:
Group/2005 acute SVT of 95 antiXa IU/kg for 20 d) extension, asymptomatic High dose: 2/83 (2.4%; 1 occurred while receiving treatment)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

the greater or symptomatic DVT, Low dose: 5/81 (6.2%; all occurred while receiving treatment)
saphenous vein Low-dose nadroparin (2,850 symptomatic PE at 3 mo RR, 2.56 (95% CI, 0.51–12.83)
anti-Xa IU) for 30 d; no
placebo group; NSAIDS Improvement in clinical VTE:
and aspirin use symptoms and signs at 1 High dose: 4/83 (4.8%; 3 symptomatic events; 1 关PE兴 occurred
discouraged mo while receiving treatment)

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Major bleed Low dose: 2/81 (2.5%; both symptomatic DVT)
Death RR, 0.51 (95% CI, 0.10–2.72)

Rate of improvement in clinical symptoms and signs similar both

Major bleed: 0
Death: 0

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 18 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Marchiori et al / Parallel RCT, 60 patients with Low-dose UFH (5,000 IU VTE 6 mo VTE during treatment period:
2002 single center ultrasound- SC bid for 4 wk) Low dose: 4/30 (13.3%; 3 asymptomatic DVT, 1 PE)
confirmed first Extension/recurrence of High dose: 0/30 (0%); RR, 0.11 (95% CI, 0.01–1.98; p ⫽ not
acute SVT High-dose UFH (12,500 IU thrombosis significant)
of greater for 1 wk, then 10,000 IU Extension/recurrence SVT during treatment period
saphenous vein for 3 wk) Major bleed Low dose: 7/30 (23.3%)
High dose: 3/30 (10%); RR, 0.40 (95% CI, 0.11–1.40; p ⫽ not
Use of concomitant Heparin-induced significant)
systemic or local thrombocytopenia Overall VTE during follow-up period:
antiinflammatory drugs Low dose: 6/30 (20%)
permitted, but use not Death High dose: 1/30 (3.3%), RR, 0.17 (95% CI, 0.02–1.30; p ⫽
described not significant)
Overall extension/recurrence SVT during follow-up period:
Low dose: 11/30 (36.7%)
High dose: 8/30 (26.7%) RR, 0.73 (95% CI, 0.34–1.55; p ⫽
not significant)

No major bleed, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, or death

in any group
Belcaro et al339/ Parallel RCT, 562 patients with Group A: elastic Extension of SVT at 3 mo 6 mo Extension of thrombus at 3 mo:
1999 multicenter ultrasound- compression stockings Group A: 32/78 (41%)
confirmed SVT alone Extension of SVT at 6 mo Group B: 11/78 (14.1%); RR, 0.34 (95% CI, 0.19–0.63)
and large Group B: elastic Group C: 0/70; RR, 0.02 (95% CI, 0.00–0.27)
varicose veins compression stockings New DVT at 3 mo Group D: 4/71 (5.6%); RR, 0.14 (95% CI, 0.05–0.37)
or venous and simple flush ligation Group E: 4/76 (5.2%); RR, 0.13 (95% CI, 0.05–0.35)
incompetence Group C: elastic Group F: 5/71 (7.0%); RR, 0.17 (95% CI, 0.07–0.42;
compression stockings p ⬍ 0.05 for groups C, D, E, and F vs groups A or B
and complete stripping
and perforator ligation Extension at 6 mo:

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Group D: elastic Group A: 13/78 (16.7%)
compression stockings Group B: 6/78 (7.7%); RR, 0.46 (95% CI, 0.18–1.15)
and low-dose SC heparin Group C: 1/70 (1.4%); RR, 0.09 (95% CI, 0.01–0.64)
Group E: elastic Group D: 2/71 (2.8%); RR, 0.17 (95% CI, 0.04–0.72)
compression stockings Group E: 1/76 (1.3%); RR, 0.08(95% CI, 0.01–0.59)
and LMWH Group F: 5/71 (7%); RR, 0.42 (95% CI, 0.16–1.13

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Group F: elastic P value not stated
compression stockings
and VKA New DVT at 3 mo:
Doses and duration of Group A: 6/78 (7.7%)
anticoagulants not Group B: 2/78 (2.5%); RR, 0.33 (95% CI, 0.07–1.60)
specified Group C: 2/70 (2.8%); RR. 0.37 (95% CI, 0.08–1.78)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Group D: 0/71 (0%); RR, 0.08 (95% CI, 0.0–1.47)
Group E: 0/76 (0%); RR, 0.08 (95% CI, 0.0–1.38)
Group F: 0/71 (0%); RR, 0.08 (95% CI, 0.0–1.47)

P ⫽ not significant
Table 18 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Lozano and Parallel RCT, 60 patients with Saphenofemoral Recurrence/extension of 6 mo Recurrent SVT:
Almazan342/ single center ultrasound- disconnection under local SVT Surgical group: 1/30 (3.3%)
2003 confirmed anesthesia with short- Enoxaparin group: 3/30 (10%)
above-knee term use of a VTE RR, 3.0 (95% CI, 0.33–27.24)
internal compression bandage
saphenous SVT Complications of surgery VTE: Surgical group: 2/30 (6.7%; both symptomatic PE)
Outpatient enoxaparin at 1 Enoxaparin group: 0/30 (0%)
mg/kg bid for 1 wk and Major bleed RR, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.01–4.0
then once daily for 3 wk
Death Wound infections:
No placebo/control group Surgical group: 2/30 (6.7%)
All patients were instructed Major bleeding: 0
to wear elastic
compression stockings Death: 0
and used acetaminophen
for pain Cost of treatment:
Surgical group: $1,400 per patient; mean 1.6 d in hospital
Enoxaparin group: $300 per patient; 0 d in hospital
Sullivan et al343/ Systematic review Patients with Ligation of greater SVT progression Surgical group: SVT progression:
2001 of six studies objectively saphenous vein at 4–6 mo Surgical group: 18/148 (12%)
(includes confirmed saphenofemoral junction, DVT Medical group: 10/71 (14%)
Belcaro339 above-knee with or without vein Medical group: RR, 0.16 (95% CI, 0.56–2.38)
above and five SVT stripping (n ⫽ 246) PE 6 d to 14 mo
small case DVT
series) Anticoagulation (IV heparin Surgical complications Surgical group: 7/204 (3.4%)
followed by VKA for 6 Medical group: 2/88 (2.2%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

wk-6 mo; n ⫽ 88) Bleeding complications RR, 0.66 (95% CI, 0.14–3.13)

Surgical group: 2/98 (2.0%)
Medical group: 0/17 (0%)

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RR, 1.10 (95% CI, 0.06–21.98)

Surgical complications: 6/78 (7.7%; hematoma, seroma,


Bleeding complications: 0/17 (0%)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 18 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Gorski et al / Parallel RCT, 46 patients with Topical liposomal heparin Pain by VAS (0–10 scale) 21 d Data extrapolated from graphs and figures in paper by
2005 multicenter ultrasound- spray gel (four sprays of reviewer
confirmed SVT 458 IU tid) Area of erythema Pain by VAS day 21
Topical heparin, 0
Enoxaparin at 40 mg SC qd Subjective efficacy LMWH, 0
assessment by Improvement noted at each time point; no pain at 21 d, no
Treatment for 7–14 d investigator and patient significant difference between groups
Area of erythema:
Duplex assessment for Improvement noted at each time point; no erythema at 21 d,
thrombus regression day no significant difference between groups
21 Subjective efficacy assessed
Majority of patients (⬎ 75%) reported good or very good
DVT treatment efficacy; no signigicant difference between groups
Thrombus regression
Adverse events Topical heparin: 10/21 (47.6%)
LMWH: 9/23 (39.1%)
Death RR, 0.82 (95% CI, 0.42–1.62)
Topical heparin: 3/21 (14.3%)
LMWH heparin: 1/23 (4.3%)
RR, 0.30 (95% CI, 0.03–2.70)

Adverse events
Allergic reaction in one patient in enoxaparin group
Death: 0
Andreozzi et Parallel RCT, 56 patients with Group A: dermatan sulfate Pain 30 d Data extrapolated from graphs and figures in paper by
al341/1996 multicenter SVT of the at 100 mg SQ qd Increase in functional reviewer
lower limbs Group B: dermatan sulfate ability Resolution of pain, day 30:
at 100 mg SQ bid Group A: 47%

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Group C: dermatan sulfate Local edema Group B: 83%
at 200 mg IM qd Group C: 79%
Treatment for 30 d (p value not stated)
Increase in ability to perform normal daily activities: day 30
Group A: 44%
Group B: 67%

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Group C: 84%
(p ⬍ 0.05; groups B and C vs group A)
Local edema: day 30:
Progressive improvement in all three groups; no significant
differences between groups
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

†Study design: RCT, cohort 2.
‡Drugs: VKA, UFH, LMWH, NSAIDs, aspirin, topical treatments, surgery vs placebo, no treatment, each other or different durations or regimens of the same agent.
§Outcomes: extension of thrombus, symptomatic relief, DVT and PE, major bleeding, surgical complications, death.

tion alone. In some studies, a few patients addi- and safety of these approaches are limited and
tionally had venous angioplasty354 or surgical de- derived from small, uncontrolled, prospec-
compression352,354,357 (Table 20). tive361–363 or retrospective364 –372 case series, most
In the largest of the studies,357 118 consecutive single-center (Table 21). In studies where results
patients with UEDVT were assessed retrospec- were reported separately for surgical and nonsur-
tively. At a median of 40 months of follow-up, gical approaches, surgery with or without lysis
venous patency on ultrasound was noted in 65% of tended to achieved higher late rates of vein pa-
patients who had been treated with IV urokinase tency and lower rates of PTS than lysis alone.361,367
compared with 20% of patients treated with stan- Among studies that only reported results for sur-
dard anticoagulants; however, the rates of recur- gical treatment, rates of PTS ranged from 15 to
rent VTE were similar in the two groups and the 50%,366,368,370,373 which are similar to rates reported
lysis group had a 15.2% rate of bleeding, com- after medical therapy alone.347,348 Most studies did not
pared with no bleeds in the anticoagulant group, a provide data on surgical complications; however, one
difference that was highly statistically significant. small prospective study362 reported a 26% rate of
In the largest of the prospective studies,353 among serious postoperative complications.
35 patients with primary UEDVT treated with SVC filters have been used in small series of
CDT followed by warfarin for a mean of 5 months, patients with contraindications to or failure of
the rate of ipsilateral UEDVT recurrence at 54 anticoagulant therapy.363,364 In a prospective
months of follow-up was substantial at 23%. study363 of 41 patients with UEDVT who had SVC
To summarize the heterogeneous, low-to-mod- filters placed, the rates of PE and PTS during
erate quality data available, some studies352,356,357 long-term follow-up were 2.4% and 0%, respec-
report good-to-excellent success of thrombolytic tively. In a retrospective series364 of 72 patients
therapy in terms of early and late venous patency. with SVC filters, there were no episodes of PE or
However, for important clinical end points such as SVC thrombosis during long-term follow-up.
PE, recurrent VTE, bleeding, and PTS, it is not
known if initial thrombolytic therapy is, on bal- Recommendations
ance, superior or inferior to anticoagulant therapy,
or whether one thrombolytic approach is better or 8.3.1. For most patients with acute UEDVT, we
worse than another, as no prospective, controlled recommend against the routine use of catheter
comparisons have been performed. extraction, surgical thrombectomy, translumi-
nal angioplasty, stent placement, staged ap-
Recommendations proach of lysis followed by interventional or
surgical procedure, or SVC filter placement
8.2.1. For most patients with acute UEDVT, we (Grade 1C).
recommend against the routine use of systemic 8.3.2. In selected patients with acute UEDVT
or catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy (eg, those with primary UEDVT and failure of
(Grade 1C). anticoagulant or thrombolytic treatment who
8.2.2. In selected patients with acute UEDVT have severe persistent symptoms), we suggest
(eg, those with a low risk of bleeding and that catheter extraction, surgical thrombec-
severe symptoms of recent onset), we suggest tomy, transluminal angioplasty, or a staged ap-
that CDT may be used for initial treatment if proach of lysis followed by a vascular interven-
appropriate expertise and resources are avail- tional or surgical procedure may be used if
able (Grade 2C). appropriate expertise and resources are avail-
able (all Grade 2C).
8.3 Catheter Extraction, Surgical Thrombectomy, 8.3.3. In selected patients with acute UEDVT (eg,
Transluminal Angioplasty, Stent Placement, Staged those in whom anticoagulant treatment is contra-
Approach of Lysis Followed by Interventional or indicated and there is clear evidence of DVT
Surgical Procedure, SVC Filter Insertion, for the progression or clinically significant PE), we sug-
Initial Treatment of UEDVT. gest placement of an SVC filter (Grade 2C).

A number of reviews359,360 have advocated

8.4 Anticoagulants for the Long-term Treatment of
staged, multidisciplinary approaches to the man-
agement of primary UEDVT that involve throm-
bolysis and angioplasty or stent placement, fol- There are no randomized studies of duration or
lowed by early or late surgical decompression of intensity of long-term anticoagulation for the preven-
the thoracic outlet. However, data on the efficacy tion of recurrent VTE in patients with UEDVT (Table

522S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 19 —Initial Treatment of Acute UEDVT With IV UFH or LMWH: Clinical Description and Results (Section 8.1)*

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Savage et al / Prospective cohort, 46 outpatients Dalteparin daily for Symptomatic 3 mo Recurrence/extension
1999 two center with UEDVT 5–7 d (200 IU/kg) recurrence/ DVT: 1/46 (2%)
(includes 16 and VKA with extension of DVT PE: 0/46
patients with target INR of PE Major bleed: 1/46 (2%;
central venous 2.0–3.0 Major bleed on VKA)
catheter) Death Death: 7/46 (15%; none
Duration of VKA not from PE or bleed)
Karabay et al350/ Prospective cohort, 36 inpatients Nadroparin SC bid, Symptom relief 1 yr Significant symptom
2003 single center with UEDVT 86 aXa IU/kg for Lysis of thrombus relief: day 7: 32/36
(includes 13 up to 7 d, then on ultrasound (89%)
with central VKA (started on Recurrent DVT Lysis: day 10
venous catheter) day 3; target INR, PE ⱖ 35%: 16/36 (45%)
2–2.5) for mean Death ⬍ 35%: 17/36 (47%)
of 4.7 mo none: 3/36 (8%)
Recurrent DVT: 0/36
PE: 0/36
Death: 9/36 (25%);
none due to
PE or bleed
Prandoni et al229/ Prospective cohort, 53 patients with Therapeutic dose Recurrent VTE Median, Results not presented
2004 number of first UEDVT heparin (81% Death 48 mo according to initial
centers not (included 6 with received UFH, treatment with
stated central venous 19% received UFH vs LMWH
catheter) LMWH) then
VKA (median, Recurrent VTE: 3/53
3 mo) (5.7%; 2 arm, 1 leg);
cumulative incidence
1 yr, 2 yr, and 5 yr:
2.0%, 4.2%, 7.7%

Death: 11/53 (20.8%);

due to cancer, PE,
congestive heart
failure (numbers
not provided)
Kovacs et al351/ Prospective cohort, 74 cancer patients Dalteparin daily for Recurrent VTE 3 mo Recurrent VTE: 0/74
2007 multicenter with confirmed 5–7 d (200 IU/kg) PE PE: 0/74
UEDVT (all and VKA to Major bleed Major bleed: 3/74 (4%)
had central achieve target Death Death: 7/74 (6 cancer,
venous catheter) INR of 2.0–3.0 Catheter failure due 1 major bleed)
to DVT or inability Catheter failure due to
to infuse DVT or inability to
infuse: 0/74
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
†Prospective cohort studies.
‡Drugs: IV UFH or LMWH followed by oral anticoagulants.
§Recurrent DVT and PE, major bleeding, total mortality, early symptom relief.

22). There is general agreement that, as for patients In prospective cohort studies346,349 –351,378 of the
with lower-extremity DVT, patients with symptomatic treatment of UEDVT, patients received VKA (target
acute DVT of the upper extremity require long-term INR, 2.5; range, 2.0 to 3.0) for periods of 3 to 6 months
treatment with anticoagulants following initial or longer. Similar regimens were reported in retrospec-
treatment, and that a similar process as for lower- tive studies.373,379 –383 Rates of recurrent VTE, bleed-
extremity DVT should be used to determine the ing, PTS, and death reported during long-term fol-
optimal duration of anticoagulation.374 –377 How- low-up in these studies are shown in Table 22. No data
ever, there is little evidence to support indefinite are available regarding the long-term use of LMWH
anticoagulant therapy for a first unprovoked monotherapy or newer anticoagulants, such as
UEDVT. fondaparinux, for the long-term treatment of UEDVT. CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 523S

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 20 —Initial Treatment of Acute UEDVT With Thrombolytic Therapy: Clinical Description and Results (Section 8.2)*

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results
AbuRahma et al / Retrospective case 19 patients with UEDVT Adjusted IV heparin then VKA Bleed with initial treatment Mean, 36 mo Bleed: 0/19
1996 series, single (13 primary, 6 central for 3–12 mo (n ⫽ 9) Vein patency on ultrasound Vein patent:
center venous catheter Urokinase at 4,500 U/kg load, at final follow-up Anticoagulation group: 2/9 (22.2%)
related) then 4,500 U/kg/h for 24–48 h Clinical resolution at final Lysis group: 8/10 (80%) p ⫽ 0.018
or streptokinase 250,000U then follow-up Complete clinical resolution:
100,000U/h for 48 h plus IV Anticoagulation group:
heparin plus VKA (n ⫽ 10) 2/9 (22.2%)
Three patients also had Lysis group: 8/10 (80%)
first rib resection
Pegis et al355/1997 Prospective case 6 patients with effort- Catheter-directed urokinase Immediate clot lysis 31 mo (mean) Complete lysis: 3/6 (50%)
series, single induced UEDVT and infusion (2,500 U/kg bolus, (complete, partial, or Partial lysis: 2/6 (33%)
center thoracic outlet then 2,500 U/kg/h) and heparin no lysis) No lysis: 1/6 (17%)
syndrome (100 U/kg q12h) during a Bleed Bleed: 0/6
mean of 64 h Able to resume normal level Able to resume usual activity:
of activity 5/6 (83%)
Patient with no lysis was the one
not able to resume activity
Schindler et al358/Retrospective case 18 cancer patients Urokinase IV infusion at a dose VTE recurrence Unspecified VTE recurrence (all UEDVT):
1999 series, single undergoing regional of 75,000–150,000 U/h for Bleed during lysis 4/18 (22.2%) 关day 13, 16, 48, 54兴,
center thrombolysis for central 24–96 h, then adjusted IV heparin all with subtherapeutic INR
venous catheter-related for 5–7 d and VKA (target INR, Bleed: 4/18 (22.2%) minor;
UEDVT during high- 2–3) for at least 3 mo 1/18 (5.6%) major
dose chemotherapy
Petrakis et al356/ Retrospective case 20 patients with 1° Anticoagulant therapy (adjusted IV Vein patency at Anticoagulation group: Venous patency: anticoagulation:
2000 series, single (n ⫽ 11) and 2° heparin for 7 d, VKA to achieve follow-up 82 mo (mean) 1/11 (9%)
center (n ⫽ 9) UEDVT prothrombin time 1.5–2 ⫻ Clinical improvement Lysis group: Lysis: 5/9 (56%) 关p ⫽ 0.040兴
control for 6–12 mo; n ⫽ 11) in symptoms 52 mo (mean) Clinical improvement: anticoagulation:
Thrombolysis (urokinase at 4,500 4/11 (36%)
U/kg loading dose, then 4,500 Lysis: 8/9 (89%) 关p ⫽ 0.028兴

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

U/kg/h, or streptokinase at
250,000 U load, then 100,00U/h
for 24–48 h, followed by IV
heparin for 7 d and VKA for
3 mo (n ⫽ 9)
Horne et al92/2000 Prospective cohort, 18 patients with axillary Catheter-directed rt-PA (2 mg/cm Immediate patency 6 mo Immediate patency: 10/18 (56%);

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

single center or subclavian DVT of thrombus to maximum of 20 Establishment of antegrade antegrade flow: 11/18 (61%);
mg), then VKA for 3 mo flow bleeds (all minor): 5/18 (28%)
Bleeding events
Lokanathan et al354/ Retrospective case 28 patients with first Urokinase bolus (range, 10,000- VTE recurrence 2.9 yr (mean) VTE recurrence: 3/21 (14%)
2001 series, single episode of primary 1,000,000 U) plus continuous PE PE: 1/21 (5%)
center UEDVT (0 centra; infusion (50,000–240,000 U/h), Bleed Bleed: 0
venous catheters) followed by IV heparin then PTS symptoms PTS: none: 6/21 (29%)
VKA for 3 mo Mild: 13/21 (62%)
12 patients had angioplasty; 2 patients Moderate: 2/21 (10%)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

had thoracic outlet decompression
Table 20 —Continued

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Sabeti et al /2002 Retrospective cohort 118 consecutive inpatients Adjusted IV heparin or LMWH Vein patency on Median, 40 mo Venous patency rate:
study, single center with UEDVT 100 IU/kg bid plus oral VKA for ultrasound (assessed in significantly higher in
6 mo (INR, 2–3) 关n ⫽ 62兴 83 patients) lysis group than
Urokinase at 150,00 IU/h for 24 h Recurrent VTE anticoagulation group
plus oral VKA for 6 mo (INR, Bleed (p ⫽ 0.01 log rank
2–3) 关n ⫽ 33兴 PTS test); data not provided
3 patients also had first rib Recurrent VTE:
resection Anticoagulation group:
Lysis group: 2/33,
p ⫽ 0.9
Major bleed:
Anticoagulation group:
Lysis group: 5/33
p ⬍ 0.0001
Anticoagulation group:
Lysis group: 3/33
p ⫽ 0.3
Lee et al353/2006 Prospective case 35 patients with primary Oral VKA for mean of 5.2 mo Recurrent DVT 54 mo Ipsilateral recurrent DVT:

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

series, single UEDVT who had 8/35 (23%)
center complete resolution of
acute symptoms with
CDT (n ⫽ 29) or IV
heparin (n ⫽ 6)
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

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†Retrospective and prospective cohort studies.
‡Drugs: thrombolytic therapy, compared with different types of lytic therapy or with anticoagulants.
§Outcomes: Recurrent DVT and PE, vein patency, major bleeding, total mortality, and PTS of the arm.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Table 21—Initial Treatment of Acute UEDVT With Catheter Extraction, Surgical Thrombectomy, Transluminal Angioplasty, Stent Placement, Staged Approach
to Lysis Followed by Intervention or Surgical Procedure, or SVC Filter Insertion: Clinical Description and Results (Section 8.3)*

Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Machleder / Prospective case 50 patients with Staged multidisciplinary approach Bleed 3.1 yr (mean) Bleed: 1/50 (occurred on VKA)
1993 series, single primary UEDVT Systemic or catheter-directed lysis with urokinase or PTS symptoms PTS symptoms:
center streptokinase, followed by IV heparin and VKA for 3 In those who had surgery:
mo, with subsequent surgical treatment (transaxillary None: 25/35 (72%)
first rib resection) in cases where an underlying Minimal: 5/35 (14%)
compressive abnormality of vein remained or Persistent: 5/35 (14%)
obstruction of venous collaterals with arm abduction
was present In those who did not have
35 patients (70%) underwent transaxillary first rib surgery:
resection None: 6/15 (40%)
Minimal: 4/15 (27%)
Persistent: 5/15 (33%)
Malcynski et Retrospective case 12 patients with Staged multidisciplinary approach Bleed Mean, 3 yr Bleed: 1/12 (8.3%) 关minor兴
al367/1993 series, single primary UEDVT Catheter-directed lysis (urokinase or streptokinase), Vein patency Vein patency:
center then IV heparin plus VKA (3–6 mo) 关n ⫽ 9兴 PTS Lysis: (25%)
Surgical decompression (first rib resection or Lysis plus surgery: 5/5 (100%)
scalenectomy; n ⫽ 8; 5 of these also treated with Surgery alone: 3/3 (100%)
Lysis alone: 3/4 (75%)
Lysis plus surgery: 0/5 (0%)
Surgery alone: 0/3 (0%)
Sanders and Retrospective, 12 patients with acute Various surgical interventions including first rib PTS (pain, swelling) 26 mo (mean) PTS: 6/12 (50%)
Cooper369/ single center or chronic UEDVT resection, thrombectomy, venous bypass, vein patch
1995 or nonthrombotic angioplasty, thrombolysis
subclavian vein All patients received VKA for 3–6 mo

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Meier et al368/ Retrospective, 11 patients with Thrombolysis with catheter-directed urokinase Recurrent VTE 12 mo Recurrent arm DVT on
1996 single center primary UEDVT (250,000–500,000 U bolus) followed by infusion of Stent complications venogram at 8–12 wk: 2/11
60,000–180,000 U/h (n ⫽ 11), venous stent PTS symptoms (18%)
(Wallstent) placement in some patients (n ⫽ 8); all Stent fracture: 2/11 (18%)
had IV heparin and VKA for 3 mo; five patients PTS: 3/11 (27%)

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

subsequently had first rib resection
Sheeran et al370/ Retrospective case 14 patients with Staged multidisciplinary approach Bleed 24 mo Bleed: 0
1997 series, single primary UEDVT Catheter-directed urokinase (240/000 U/h for 4 h then PTS PTS: 2/14 (14.3%)
center 120,000 U/h, followed by IV heparin and VKA for 3
mo (prothrombin time 1.5–2 ⫻ control)
Most patients also underwent transluminal angioplasty
(n ⫽ 5) and first rib resection (n ⫽ 8)

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 21—Continued
Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Lee et al366/ Retrospective case 11 patients with Catheter-directed lysis (urokinase) followed by adjusted PTS (residual 24 mo (mean) PTS: 2/11 (18.2%)
1998 series, single UEDVT from IV heparin within 5 d of lysis, surgical symptoms, limited
center thoracic inlet decompression, venous bypass or angioplasty, function)
obstructive disease followed by VKA for 3–6 mo
Yilmaz et al372/ Retrospective case 24 patients with Staged multidisciplinary approach Immediate outcomes 40 mo (mean) Clot lysis: 23/24 (95.8%)
2000 series, single spontaneous effort Streptokinase at 10,000 U loading dose then 10,000 (n ⫽ 24) PE: 1/24 (4%)
center thrombosis of the U/h until clot lysis then UFH (20,000 U/h) followed Clot; lysis Bleed (minor): 4/24 (16.7%)
subclavian vein by VKA for 3 mo PE Persistent symptom: 2/13 (15%)
6–12 wks later, 19 patients had first rib resection Bleed 关all refused rib resection兴
Long-term symptoms
(n ⫽ 13)
Feugier et al365/ Retrospective case 10 athletes with Staged multidisciplinary approach Pain 45 mo (mean) Pain: 0/10 (0%)
2001 series, single exertional UEDVT Catheter-directed urokinase (2,500 IU/kg/h) for 24–72 Ability to resume Resumption of activities: 10/10
center h, followed by heparin and VKA (n ⫽ 6), LMWH sports activities (100%; within mean of 71 d)
and VKA alone (n ⫽ 4); duration of VKA not Edema Edema: 3/10 (30%)
provided Death Death: 0/10 (0%)
All patients subsequently had surgical treatment 9 d–9 关results not provided by initial
mo later treatment group兴
Urschel and Retrospective case 406 patients with Catheter-directed lysis (urokinase at 4,400 U/kg bolus PE Stent group: PE: 0
Patel371/2003 series primary UEDVT, then 4,400 U/h or tPA at 2 mg/h for 8 h, then 1 mg/ Death 3.5 yr; Death: 0
including 22 h until clot lysis, followed by IV heparin, then first Symptoms of PTS Surgery PTS:
referred for stent rib resection) group: 7 yr Initial stent group: 5/22 (23%)
thrombosis Surgery-only group: 4/384 (1%)
Schneider et Prospective, two- 23 patients with acute Thrombolysis (n ⫽ 21) followed by immediate Surgical Mean, 10 mo Surgical complications:
al362/2004 center study subclavian vein decompression surgery (n ⫽ 7) or delayed surgical complications Wound hematoma requiring

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

thrombosis decompression after VKA for 0.5–7 mo (n ⫽ 14); Subclavian vein operative exploration: 3
anticoagulation alone (n ⫽ 2) patency at (13%)
Transluminal angioplasty also performed in 16 patients follow-up Phrenic nerve dysfunction: 1
Residual pain and (4%);
swelling Postoperative subclavian
Death rethrombosis: 2 (8%)

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Subclavian vein patency at
follow-up: 22/23 (96%)
Residual pain and swelling: 1/
23 (4%)
Death: 0/23

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT


patient with acute leg DVT;

PE: 1/41 (2.4%) at 44 mo in a

Death (survival analysis): 59%

Death: 38/72 (53%; none due

at 12 mo (none due to PE)

incorrectly discharged into

8.4.1. For patients with acute UEDVT, we rec-

Complications: one filter

to VTE clinically; no
ommend treatment with a VKA for > 3 months

(Grade 1C).

SVC thrombosis: 0

innominate vein
Remark: A similar process as for lower-extremity

DVT (see Section 2) should be used to determine
PTS: 0/41

the optimal duration of anticoagulation.

‡Catheter extraction, surgical thrombectomy, transluminal angioplasty, stent placement, staged approach of lysis followed by interventional or surgical procedure, SVC filter.
PE: 0
8.4.2. For most patients with UEDVT in associ-
ation with an indwelling central venous cathe-
ter, we suggest that the catheter not be re-
Mean, 7.8 mo

moved if it is functional and there is an ongoing

12 wk

need for the catheter (Grade 2C).

8.4.3. For patients who have UEDVT in associ-
ation with an indwelling central venous cathe-
ter that is removed, we do not recommend that
Filter; complications

the duration of long-term anticoagulant treat-


SVC thrombosis

ment be shortened to < 3 months (Grade 2C).



*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.

8.5 Prevention of PTS of the Arm



PTS of the arm occurs in 15 to 25% of patients

after treated UEDVT.347,348 Upper-extremity PTS is
Placement of Greenfield (33 patients), Simon nitinol

a potentially disabling condition that adversely affect

QOL, particularly if the dominant arm is involved.384
(5 patients), Vena Tech (2 patients), or Bird’s
Table 21—Continued

To date, no controlled studies have evaluated the

effectiveness of elastic bandages, compression
§Recurrent DVT and PE, major bleeding, operative complications, total mortality, and PTS of the arm.

sleeves, or venoactive drugs to prevent PTS after



Nest (1 patient) filters

Greenfield SVC filter

8.5.1. For patients at risk for PTS after UEDVT,

we do not suggest routine use of elastic com-
pression or venoactive medications (Grade 2C).

8.6 Treatment of PTS of the Arm

Symptoms of PTS of the arm include swelling,
of or contraindication
UEDVT with failure

anticoagulation was
catheter) in whom

heaviness, and limb fatigue with exertion.347,384 No

UEDVT (20 with
to anticoagulation

(n ⫽ 67) or had

(central venous

failed (n ⫽ 5).
central venous

controlled studies have evaluated the effectiveness of

72 patients with
catheter in 36
41 patients with

elastic bandages, compression sleeves (as are used


for lymphedema), or venoactive drugs to treat PTS

after UEDVT. Anecdotal evidence suggests that
†Retrospective and prospective cohort studies.

patients with persistent arm swelling and pain may

derive symptomatic relief from elastic bandages or
Prospective cohort,

Retrospective case
Type of Study†

compression sleeves. As these are unlikely to cause

single center

series, single

harm, they could be tried.



8.6.1. In patients with UEDVT who have persis-


Ascher et al364/

tent edema and pain, we suggest elastic ban-

Spence et al

dages or elastic compression sleeves to reduce



symptoms of PTS of the upper extremity (Grade


528S Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 22—Long-term Treatment of Acute UEDVT: Clinical Description and Results (Section 8.4)*
Author/yr Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results
Lindblad et al / Retrospective case 120 patients with confirmed Heparin then VKA (n ⫽ 59), heparin alone PE 8 yr(mean) PE: 4/120 (3%; 3 fatal)
1988 series, multicenter UEDVT (includes 29 with (n ⫽ 32), no treatment (n ⫽ 5), VKA PTS PTS pain or discomfort:
central venous catheter) (n ⫽ 5), streptokinase (n ⫽ 5), or other Mild: 29/120 (24%)
(n ⫽ 4) Moderate: 5/120 (4%)
Drug, doses, duration of anticoagulation Severe: 0
not provided (Results not provided by treatment
Burihan et al379/ Retrospective case 52 patients with confirmed IV heparin then VKA (n ⫽ 43), SC heparin PE 6 mo PE: 2/52 (4%)
1993 series, single center UEDVT (includes 15 with (n ⫽ 7), venous thrombectomy (n ⫽ 1), Death Death: 9/52 (17%)
central venous catheter) or SVC-right atrial bypass (n ⫽ 1) PTS PTS:
Drug doses not provided; duration of Symptom free: 21/52 (40%)
anticoagulation, 6 mo Minimal edema: 11/52 (21%)
Symptomatic edema: 7/52 (13%)
关Results not provided by treatment
Hingorani et al380/ Retrospective cohort 170 patients with UEDVT Adjusted IV heparin then VKA for 3–6 mo Recurrent VTE Mean, 13 mo Recurrent VTE: 2/170 (1.2%)
1997 study, single center (97 with central venous (target INR, 2–3; n ⫽ 87) Death Death;
catheter) SVC filter (n ⫽ 23) PTS (significant 1-mo mortality: 25/170 (15%)
Thrombolysis plus operative decompression swelling) 3-mo mortality: 58/170 (34%)
of thoracic outlet syndrome (n ⫽ 2) 关No deaths from PE兴
No anticoagulant therapy (n ⫽ 58) PTS: 7 (4%)
关Results not provided by treatment
Marie et al373/ Retrospective case 49 patients with confirmed Heparin therapy (LMWH, n ⫽ 36; UFH, Symptomatic VTE; 6 mo VTE recurrence: 1/49 (2.2%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

1998 series, single center UEDVT (includes 3 with n ⫽ 11); VKA (n ⫽ 44), surgical recurrence PE: 6/49 (12.2%)
central venous catheter) thrombectomy plus venous ligation PE PTS: 19/49 (38.8%)
(n ⫽ 1) PTS (residual limb Major bleed: 0
Duration of VKA, 3–6 mo edema, pain or (Results not provided by treatment
heaviness); major group)

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Savage et al349/ Prospective cohort, 46 outpatients with Dalteparin daily for 5–7 d (200 IU/kg) and Symptomatic 3 mo Recurrence/extension: 1/46 (2%)
1999 two center confirmed UEDVT VKA to achieve target INR of 2.0–3.0 for recurrence/extension PE: 0
(includes 16 with central 3 mo of DVT Major bleed: 1/46 (2%; on VKA)
venous catheter) Duration of VKA not provided PE Death: 7/46 (15%; none from PE or
Major bleed bleed)

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Table 22—Continued

Author Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Marinella et al / Retrospective case 90 patients with confirmed Heparin (n ⫽ 65), VKA (n ⫽ 53), catheter Death Not specified Death: 11/90 (12%)
2000 series, single center UEDVT (includes 65 with removal (in 39/65 patients with central 关Results not provided by treatment
central venous catheter) venous catheter) group兴
Drug doses, duration of anticoagulation
not provided
Massoure et al392/ Retrospective case 40 patients with confirmed LMWH (n ⫽ 27), UFH (n ⫽ 13), catheter- PE 9 mo (mean) PE: 2/40 (5%)
2000 series, single center UEDVT (22 with central directed lysis (n ⫽ 4), VKA (n ⫽ 26; Major bleed Major bleed: 2/40 (5%)
venous catheter) mean duration not specified) PTS PTS: 14/40 (35%; severe in 2/40 关5%兴)
Death Death: 16/40 (40%)
Hingorani et al381/ Retrospective chart 165 patients with confirmed UEDVT alone: systemic anticoagulation PE at time of UEDVT 2 mo PE at time of UEDVT diagnosis:
2001 review, single UEDVT: 144 with (n ⫽ 94), no anticoagulation (n ⫽ 31), diagnosis UEDVT alone: 16/144 (11%)
center UEDVT alone (includes SVC filter (n ⫽ 16), aspirin (n ⫽ 3) Death within 2 mo of UEDVT plus lower-extremity DVT: 2/21
90 with central venous UEDVT and lower-extremity DVT: systemic UEDVT diagnosis (9.5%; p ⫽ 0.59)
catheter), and 21 with anticoagulation (n ⫽ 17); SVC plus IVC All-cause death within 2 mo
both UEDVT and lower- filter (n ⫽ 2); no anticoagulation (n ⫽ 1), of diagnosis:
extremity DVT (includes aspirin (n ⫽ 1) UEDVT alone: 38/144 (26%)
14 with central venous Drug doses, duration of anticoagulation not UEDVT plus lower-extremity
catheter) provided DVT: 11/21 (52%) 关⬍ 0.02兴
Death from PE not reported
(Results not provided by treatment
Karabay et al350/ Prospective cohort, 36 inpatients with confirmed Nadroparin SC bid, 86 aXa IU/kg for up to Symptom relief; lysis 1 yr Significant symptom relief, day 7: 32/36
2003 single center UEDVT (includes 13 with 7 d, then VKA (started on day 3; target of thrombus on (89%)
central venous catheter) INR, 2–2.5) for mean of 4.7 mo ultrasound Lysis, day 10:
Recurrent DVT ⱖ 35%: 16/36 (45%)
PE ⬍ 35%: 17/36;(47%)

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Death None: 3/36 (8%)
PTS Recurrent DVT: 0
PE: 0
Death: 9/36 (25%), none due to PE or
PTS: 0

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Martinelli et al378/ Case-control study 98 patients with primary VKA for mean 6 mo (n ⫽ 77), heparin SQ Recurrent VTE after Median, Recurrent VTE: 12/98 (12%) overall
2004 with prospective UEDVT (none with (n ⫽ 14), or antiplatelet agents (n ⫽ 7) anticoagulants 5.1 yr (all UEDVT)
follow-up of cases, central venous catheter) for ⱕ 3 mo stopped Annual incidence of recurrent VTE:
single center 2.4% (95% CI, 1.2–4.0%
Results not provided by treatment

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines
Table 22—Continued

Author Type of Study† Participants Intervention‡ Outcomes§ Follow-up Results

Prandoni et al / Prospective cohort, 53 patients with confirmed Therapeutic dose heparin (81% received Recurrent VTE Median, Results not presented according to initial
2004 number of centers first UEDVT (included 6 UFH, 19% received LMWH) then VKA Death 48 mo treatment with UFH vs LMWH;
not stated with central venous (median, 3 mo) PTS Recurrent VTE: 3/53 (5.7%; 2 arm, 1
catheter) leg); cumulative incidence at 1 yr, 2
yr, and 5 yr: 2.0%, 4.2%, 7.7%
Death: 11/53 (20.8%); due to cancer,
PE, congestive heart failure
(breakdown not provided)
PTS: 13/53 24.5%); 2-yr cumulative
incidence: 27.3%
Kahn et al384/2005 Retrospective cohort, 24 patients with confirmed Heparin (median of 9 d, then VKA PTS Median, PTS: 11/24 (46%)
single center UEDVT (includes 11 with (median, 5 mo; n ⫽ 23), LMWH 13 mo
central venous catheter) monotherapy (n ⫽ 1)
Persson et al393/ Retrospective case 31 patients with confirmed LMWH followed by VKA for 3–6 mo Recurrent VTE 5 yr Recurrent VTE: 0
2006 series, single center primary UEDVT (none PTS PTS: 9/31 (29%; none severe)
with central venous
Kovacs et al351/ Prospective cohort, 74 cancer patients with Dalteparin (200 IU/kg) daily for 5–7 d and Recurrent VTE 3 mo Recurrent VTE: 0
2007 multicenter confirmed UEDVT VKA to achieve target INR of 2.0–3.0 PE PE: 0
(all had central venous Major bleed Major bleed: 3 (4%)
catheter) Death Death: 7 (6 cancer, 1 major bleed)
Catheter failure due to Catheter failure due to DVT or inability

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

DVT or inability to to infuse: 0
*The methodologic quality description portion of this table can be found in the online version of this article as a data supplement.
†Retrospective and prospective cohort studies (includes studies in Table 8.1).
‡VKA, UFH, LMWH vs placebo, control, or each other.

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§Recurrent DVT and PE, major bleeding, total mortality, and PTS of the arm.

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

Appendix: Summary
Table 23—Streptokinase Plus Heparin vs Control (Heparin)
Summary of Findings
No. of Patients/Total
Quality Assessment Patients (%) Effect

RR (95% CI) or Prevented
Reporting Strength of Streptokinase Control Weighted Mean per 1,000
Studies, No. Design Limitations Consistency Directness Precision Bias Association Plus Heparin (Heparin) Difference Treated Quality

Recurrent DVT
and PE
4* RCT Some limitations† No important No Some No No strong 1/44 (2.27) 7/43 (16.2%) 0.25 (0.06–1.15)§ Not Moderate
inconsistency directness imprecision‡ reporting association‡ significant
Major bleeding
4* RCT Some limitations No important No Some No No strong 8/44 (18.18) 7/43 (16.2) 1.076 (0.43–2.72)储 Not Moderate
inconsistency directness imprecision‡ reporting association significant
Total mortality
4* RCT Some limitations No important No Some No No strong 2/44 (4.55) 4/43 (9.30) 0.46 (0.09–2.29)¶ Not Moderate
inconsistency directness imprecision‡ reporting association significant
*Includes Tibbutt D, 1974; Ly B, 1978; Dotter C, 1979; and Jerjes-Sanchez C. 1995.

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

†See methods table.
‡95% CI includes no effects.
§Based on metaanalysis of three studies: Tibbutt D, 1974 reports no cases of DVT in either the treatment (0 of 11 patients) or control group (0 of 12 patients) and was not included in the metaanalysis.
储Based on metaanalysis of three studies: Jerjes-Sanchez C, 1995 reports no cases of major bleeding in either the treatment (0 of 4 patients) or control group (0 of 4 patients) and was not included in
the metaanalysis

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¶Based on metaanalysis of three studies: Tibbutt D, 1974 and Jerjes-Sanchez C, 1995 report no deaths in either the treatment or control group and were excluded from the metaanalysis.

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

Table 24 —Urokinase vs Control (Heparin)
Summary of Findings
Quality Assessment No. of Patients/Total (%) Effect

RR (95% CI) or Prevented
No. of Reporting Strength of Control Weighted Mean per 1,000
Studies Design Limitations Consistency Directness Precision Bias Association Urokinase (Heparin) Difference Treated Quality

Recurrent DVT
and PE
2* RCT Some No important No problems Some No No strong 12/98 (12.24) 15/88 (17.05) 0.76 (0.38–1.52)§ Not Moderate
limitations† inconsistency imprecision‡ reporting association significant
Major bleeding
2* RCT Some No important No problems No problems No No strong 37/92 (40.22) 21/88 (23.86) 1.68 (1.08–2.59)§ Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency reporting association significant
Total mortality
2* RCT Some No important No problems Some No No strong 6/92 (6.52) 7/88 (7.95) 0.82 (0.29–2.32)§ Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency imprecision reporting association significant
*Includes UPET study group 1970; Marini C 1988.
†See methods table.
‡95% CI contains no effect.
§Based on one study: Marini C, 1988 was excluded because it reports no cases in either treatment or control groups.

Table 25—rt-PA Plus Heparin vs Control (Heparin)

Summary of Findings
Quality Assessment No of Patients Effect

RR (95% CI) or Prevented
Reporting Strength of rt-PA Plus Weighted Mean per 1,000
Studies, No. Design Limitations Consistency Directness Precision Bias Association Heparin Control (Heparin) Difference Treated Quality

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Recurrent DVT
and PE
1* RCT Some No important No problems Some No No strong 0/46 5/55 (9.09) 0.108 (0.01–1.91) Not significant Moderate
limitations† inconsistency imprecision‡ reporting association

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Major bleeding
1* RCT Some No important No problems Some No No strong 3/46 (6.52) 1/55 (1.82) 3.59 (0.39–33.33) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency imprecision reporting association significant
Total mortality
1* RCT Some No important No problems Some No No strong 0/46 2/53 (3.64) 0.24 (0.01–4.84) Not significant Moderate
limitations inconsistency imprecision reporting association

CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT

*Goldhaber S, 1993.
†No evidence of blinding; see methods table.

‡95% CI shows no effect.
Table 26 —rt-PA Plus Heparin vs Control (Heparin Plus Placebo)

Summary of Findings
Quality Assessment No. of Patients/Total (%) Effect

Control Events
(Heparin RR (95% CI) or Prevented
Reporting Strength of rt-PA Plus Plus Weighted Mean per 1,000
Studies, No. Design Limitations Consistency Directness Precision Bias Association Heparin Placebo) Difference Treated Quality

Recurrent DVT
and PE
1* RCT No serious No important No Some No No strong 4/118 (3.39) 4/138 (2.9) 1.17 (0.30–4.58) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency directness imprecision† reporting association significant
Major bleeding
1* RCT No serious No important No Some No No strong 4/118 (3.39) 4/138 (2.90) 0.23 (0.03–1.97) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency directness imprecision reporting association significant
Total mortality
1* RCT No serious No important No Some No No strong 4/118 (3.39) 3/138 (2.17) 1.56 (0.36–6.83) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency directness imprecision reporting association significant
*Konstantinides S, 2002.
†95% CI contains no effect.

Table 27—rt-PA and Heparin vs Control (Heparin)

Summary of Findings
Quality Assessment No. of Patients/Total (%) Effect

RR (95% CI) or Prevented
No. of Reporting Strength of rt-PA Plus Weighted Mean per 1,000
studies Design Limitations Consistency Directness Precision Bias Association Heparin Control (Heparin) Difference Treated Quality

© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians

Recurrent DVT
and PE
1* RCT Some No important No Some No No strong 1/20 (5.00) 0/16 2.43 (0.11–55.89) Not significant Moderate
limitations† inconsistency directness imprecision‡ reporting association

Downloaded from by guest on January 6, 2011

Major bleeding
1* RCT Some No important No Some No No strong 3/20 (15.0%) 2/16 (12.5o) 1.20 (0.23–6.34) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency directness imprecision reporting association significant
Total mortality
1* RCT Some No important No Some No No strong 2/20 (10.00) 0/16 4.05 (0.21–78.76) Not Moderate
limitations inconsistency directness imprecision reporting association significant
*Dalla-Volta S, 1992.
†No evidence on blinding; see methods table.

Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy 8th Ed: ACCP Guidelines

‡95% CI contains no effect.


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ACCP Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic tion. J Vasc Surg 2006; 43:1230 –1235 CHEST / 133 / 6 / JUNE, 2008 SUPPLEMENT 545S

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CHEST Errata


In the June 2008 supplement, in the article by Hirsh et al, consultant fees from Bayer, BMS, Daiichi-Sankyo, Pfizer, Sanofi-
“Executive Summary: American College of Chest Physicians Aventis, Takedo and Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Comerotta
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition)” discloses that he is on the speaker bureaus of Sanofi-Aventis,
(Chest 2008; 133[suppl]:71S–109S), on page 99S, in column one, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and GlaxoSmithKline and serves on an
Recommendation 2.5.2, the text should read “For patients with advisory committee for ConvaTec, and Bacchus Vascular. He is
acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving fi- also a shareholder of LeMaitre Vascular.
bronolytic therapy who have preserved renal function (⬍ 2.5
mg/dL [220 ␮mol/L] in males and ⬍ 2.0 mg/dL [175 ␮mol/L] in In the September 2008 supplement by Tarlo et al, “Diagnosis and
females), we recommend the use of enoxaparin over UFH, Management of Work-Related Asthma: American College of Chest
continued up to 8 days (Grade 2A).” The online version has been Physicians Consensus Statement” (Chest 2008; 134:1S– 41S), some
corrected, and that version should be used. of the subheadings are misleading in the print version. The online
version has been corrected and should be used. There is no change
In the June 2008 supplement, in the article by Goodman et al, to the text, but the level of headings shown on pages 7S–9S, 17S, and
“Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: American 31S–32S is more clear in the corrected online edition. Also, on the
College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Table of Contents pages the Endorsements should read “The
Guidelines (8th Edition)” (Chest 2008; 133[suppl]:708S–775S), Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and The
on page 710S, in column one, Recommendation 2.5.2 (and on Canadian Thoracic Society”.
page 739S column one), the text should read “For patients with
acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving fi- In the July 2008 issue, in the correspondence by BaHammam
bronolytic therapy who have preserved renal function (⬍ 2.5 et al, “Positive Airway Pressure Therapy and Daytime Hypercap-
mg/dL [220 ␮mol/L] in males and ⬍ 2.0 mg/dL [175 ␮mol/L] in nia in Patients With Sleep-Disordered Breathing” (Chest 2008;
females), we recommend the use of enoxaparin over UFH, 134:218 –219), the first author’s surname was misspelled. It is
continued up to 8 days (Grade 2A).” The online version has been BaHammam. It has been corrected in the online edition.
corrected and that version should be used.

In the June 2008 supplement, in the article by Kearon et al,

“Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous Thromboemobolic Disease: Correction
American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical
Practice Guidelines (8th Edition)” (Chest 2008; 133[suppl]: I have come to realize that I neglected to provide as full a
454S–545S), the conflict of interest disclosures from the authors potential conflict of interest statement as I could have in my
were inadvertently left out. They are as follows: Dr. Kearon review article, “Update on the Management of COPD” (Chest
discloses that he has received grant monies from the Canadian 2008; 133:1451–1462). I wish to disclose the following: Bar-
Institutes for Health Research and the Heart and Stroke Foun- tolome R. Celli has been reimbursed by GSK, BI, Pfizer, AZ,
dation of Canada. He is also on an advisory committee for Almirall, and Esteve for participating in advisory boards and
GlaxoSmithKline and Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Agnelli reveals spoken at different meetings. The division that Dr. Celli heads
no real or potential conflicts of interest or commitment. Dr. has been awarded research grants for different medication trials
Goldhaber discloses that he has received grant monies from by the same companies and for the discovery of new biomarkers
Mitsubishi, Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi-Aventis, Eisai, Glaxo- in COPD, and has received grants for the participation in the
SmithKline, and AstraZeneca. He has also received consultant development of biological lung volume reduction surgery from
fees from Sanofi-Aventis, Eisai, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and the company AERIS. Bartolome R. Celli, MD, FCCP, Pulmo-
Boehringer Ingelheim. Dr. Raskob discloses that he has served nary and Critical Care Medicine, Caritas St. Elizabeth’s Medical
on the speaker bureau and advisory committees and has received Center, Boston, MA.

892 Errata

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© 2008 American College of Chest Physicians
Antithrombotic Therapy for Venous Thromboembolic Disease* :
American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical
Practice Guidelines (8th Edition)
Clive Kearon, Susan R. Kahn, Giancarlo Agnelli, Samuel Goldhaber, Gary E.
Raskob and Anthony J. Comerota
Chest 2008;133; 454S-545S
DOI 10.1378/chest.08-0658
This information is current as of January 5, 2011
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