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f pendicular distance r from the axis ofa long conducting 14, Show the variation of magnetic field B with perpendit cylinder carrying current I. Ans. For a point inside the cylinder, B or. » » Fora point outside the cylinder, Be I/r. own in Fig. 38) 24, , Thus variation of B.with r can be represented by a curve as s - 3(@).24. 15, Two long coaxial insulated solenoids S, and S, of equal lengths are wound os the sites ee shown in Fig. 3(a)45. A steady current ‘P flows through the inner solenoid Sy fo, Oi thet end , Which is connected to the outer solenoid S, through which the same current flows in Ornowte direction 0 as to come out at end A. If n, and 1, are the number of turns per unit length, find the magnitude and direction of net magnetic field at a point @ inside on the axis and Gea Gi outside the combined system. (CBSE 2014) Ans. (i) Ata point inside on the axis. magnetic field due to current i through S, (i V FT TD 82 By = lg ny j, along BA, and magnetic field due to current i through S nm By = Hg np i, along AB Net magnetic field = By - By = Hp i (ny — 3), along BA (ii) Ata point outside the combined system, net magnetic field = Zero. Tale a aN a oS Ey Carrying 3 marks © 1, Describe Oersted’s experiment and explain the law by which direction of magnetic field produced can be accounted. [Art. 3(@).2] 2. What do you understand by magnetic field ? Define its strength and SI unit and give its dimensional formula. (Raj. Board 2011) [Art. 3(a)3] 3. What is the force acting on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field ? Discuss the cases when the force is maximurn and minimum and define the unit of magnetic field B . [Art. 3(@)3] 4. What is magnetic field ? State and explain Biot-Savart law. (Karnataka Board 2012, Jharkhand Board 2011) (Art. 3(a).3 and 4] 5, Derive an expression for magnetic field strength B ata point P due to current flowing through a stright conductor using Biot Sayart¢ law, (Raj, Board 2011, Jharkhand Board 2011) [Art. 3(@)-6] 6 Explain Biot Savar’s law. Obtain an expression for the magnetic field induction at a point situated & distance of x metre from the centre of a circular coil of n tums and rradius carrying a current of / amperes: 2 .____(Cthattisgarh Board 2012, CBSE 2011, HP Board 2011) [Arts. 3(a).4 and 3(0)8) 7.State Ampere'scircuital law, expressing it in integral form, (CBSE 2014) [Art 303] 8 ee ee of a circular cross-section of radius ‘a’ carries a steady current J. The curfént is ly distributed across the cross-section. Apply Ampere’ nies. : oe field at a point ‘rin the region for () re a and ee aropece 's circuital law to calculate the nt 2] - (CBSE 2010) [Art. 3(8) 9. A long solenoid with closely wound t i ccurres this solenoid, Use Ampere’s sical ae ee fn eet eng, A steady curent ov axis and close to its mid point oe expression, for the magnetic field, at a pein a ‘est Bengal Board 2012, CBSE 2011) [Art 3(@)"

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