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“Año de la Universalización de la Salud”

Uladech católica los Ángeles de Chimbote

Carrera Profesional:
Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Ingles II

Actividad de investigación Formativa

Juan Carlos Ausejo Manco

Emely Grey Mauricio Jiménez

5 “B”

Sullana 2020_PERU
I am a civil engineer. I have worked for 3 years
at Paita. My boss and I have gained
experience in our career because together we
have built a school. He has told me that our
career is full of challenges, and that we must
continue learning every day. I have not
forgotten what he said, so I have studied
other new technologies.
I have read the book "design in reinforced
concrete" and I have understood that our
country still does not apply many methods
mentioned there. many of us have not looked
for new advances, and this is very important to
be better professionals. I have decided to help
improve this career, and the best way is to
contribute knowledge and example.

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