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Coyuntura y Crecimiento

Sergio Montoya Carrizosa

Administración de empresas

Portafolio #2 (Mayo 11)

País: Israel
Noticia: Opposition pulls 1,000 amendments in marathon Knesset session
The Knesset plenum had been set to vote all night on the bills required to enable the
formation of a new government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and
White leader Benny Gantz.
But the opposition withdrew its 1,000 amendments in an effort to embarrass the coalition
that was not ready to vote on the final version of the bills. Netanyahu and Gantz had been
slated to meet for a second time Wednesday night to finalize them, but the opposition's
maneuver complicated their efforts.
Instead, the special Knesset committee formed to legislate the bills was set to meet
overnight before the bill is returned to the plenum.
When the bill comes to its final votes, it may be changed to have the term Netanyahu and
Gantz serve total four or four and a half years instead of three.
The head of the Knesset committee that legislated the bills, Blue and White MK Eitan
Ginzburg, told the plenum the opposition should be ashamed for wasting the Knesset’s
“We are finally ending the political dead end,” he said while introducing the bills.
Once the bills pass, Blue and White will join 52 MKs in Netanyahu’s Right-Center bloc
recommending him to form a government. President Reuven Rivlin is expected to give him
a two-week mandate to do so.
If the signatures of 61 MKs supporting Netanyahu are not submitted by Thursday night,
Israel would automatically go to an election in August. An election would also take place if
Netanyahu does not complete the formation of a government within two weeks after
Rivlin gives him the mandate.
Ahead of the votes, the opposition took turns bashing the soon-to-be-formed coalition in
hours of speeches in the plenum.
“The only driving force behind this deal is the division of the spoils,” said presumptive
opposition leader Yair Lapid. “You’re attacking Israel’s democracy. You’re taking apart our
shared values. You’re creating a total loss of public trust in politics. You’re wasting
hundreds of millions of shekels on jobs and perks.”
Coyuntura y Crecimiento
Sergio Montoya Carrizosa
Administración de empresas
Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman tried to embarrass the prime minister by reading
aloud from a Netanyahu speech in 2012 in which he praised the Supreme Court and
vowed to prevent it from being harmed. He asked which Netanyahu should be believed.
Meretz chairman Nitzan Horowitz said: “Israel will end the coronavirus crisis and then
have to deal with a worse plague: annexation, which will bring bloodshed.”
Joint List head Ayman Odeh said hundreds of thousands of Jews and Arabs should take to
the streets together to protest against the government.

Israel está sufriendo una crisis política de cara a las elecciones presidenciales por lo cual
los dos candidatos aspirantes a presidente han decidido compartir el poder en periodos
iguales durante este mandato que se avecina. Durante toda la semana se han estado
aprobando los proyectos de ley necesarios para permitir la formación de un nuevo
gobierno liderado por el primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu y el líder azul y blanco
Benny Gantz.
la oposición ha retirado sus 1,000 enmiendas en un esfuerzo por avergonzar a la coalición
que no estaba lista para votar sobre la versión final de los proyectos de ley. Netanyahu y
Gantz tenían previsto reunirse por segunda vez el miércoles por la noche para finalizarlos,
pero la maniobra de la oposición complicó sus esfuerzos. Si las firmas de 61 diputados
(MKs) que apoyan a Netanyahu no se presentan el jueves por la noche, es muy posible
que Israel se dirija automáticamente a una elección en agosto.

The Jerusalem Post (2020, Mayo 7) Opposition pulls 1,000 amendments in marathon
Knesset sesión.
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