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Coyuntura y Crecimiento

Sergio Montoya Carrizosa

Administración de empresas

Portafolio #3 (Mayo 18)

País: Israel
Noticia: Israel ends 500-day political crisis with inauguration of Netanyahu-
Gantz unity government
After nearly 18 months without a government, Israel has sworn in Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu and former rival Benny Gantz in a power-sharing agreement.
After three elections and more than 500 days without a government, the ongoing political
crisis in Israel came to an end on Sunday with the inauguration of a unity government
made up of right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival, centrist
Benny Gantz.
At a ceremony in Jerusalem, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, the three-year coalition
government was formally approved by a 73 to 46 vote. Netanyahu and Gantz were then
sworn in as prime minister and alternate prime minister respectively.
Netanyahu belongs to the right-wing Likud party. His rival-turned-ally Gantz leads the
centrist Blue and White alliance.
Government of 'all Israelis'
"This is an important day for the state of Israel," Netanyahu told the Knesset. "The new
government has been formed with the support of most of Israel and will be the
government of all Israelis," he said.
He also vowed to push on with controversial plans to annex large parts of the occupied
West Bank.
Netanyahu said his incoming government should apply Israeli sovereignty over West Bank
Speaking after Netanyahu, Gantz praised the prime minister for making the "brave and
important decision" to cooperate with him, saying their new government would end the
“worst political crisis" in Israel’s history.
The pair had agreed last month to a power-sharing deal. An initial inauguration date set
for last Thursday was pushed back when Netanyahu requested three more days to make
cabinet assignments from his center-right Likud party.
The three-year coalition agreement states that Netanyahu will serve as prime minister for
the next 18 months. Gantz will serve as alternate prime minister, a newly created post in
Israel. He and Netanyahu will then swap roles.
Coyuntura y Crecimiento
Sergio Montoya Carrizosa
Administración de empresas

Fighting the coronavirus and improving Israel’s battered economy have also been listed as
the new government's policy priorities.
Israel's longest-serving leader, Netanyahu, first came to power in 1996 and has served
three consecutive terms since
He is due to go on trial on May 24 on charges of bribery, breach of trust and fraud, which
he denies.
By assuming that "alternate" premiership once he hands over to Gantz, Netanyahu hopes
to avoid having to resign under legal rules that allow a prime minister to remain in office
even if charged with a crime.

Después de aproximadamente 18 meses Benjamin Netanyahu y Benny Gantz juraron su
cargo como primer ministro y primer ministro alterno lo que permite un fin al bloqueo
político que ha sido golpeado por tres elecciones y una pandemia para lograr una
conformación oficial de un gobierno el cual tiene en su agenda varios planes
controversiales entre ellos la anexión de parte de Cisjordania.
Benjamín Netanyahu cumple su cuarto mandato consecutivo y está bajo mucha presión ya
que tiene varias investigaciones de corrupción en su contra cuyos juicios comenzaran esta
semana. Por otra parte, es la primera vez en una década que un Ejecutivo israelí
contempla un nombre diferente al de Netanyahu para la jefatura de Gobierno, está
previsto que en año y medio pase a Gantz, al frente de la nación y tome el poder como
primer ministro oficial.
Este gobierno de coalición aliviara tenciones políticas en un país muy dividió no solo
políticamente sino culturalmente.

Deus Welle News (2020, Mayo 17). Israel ends 500-day political crisis with inauguration of
Netanyahu-Gantz unity government
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