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AVSAB Position Statement American Veterinary Society

of Animal Behavior
The Use of Punishment for Behavior American Veterinary Society
of Animal Behavior
Modification in Animals

AVSAB’s position is that punishment1 (e.g. behavior modification program that incorpo- until they have ensured that the person helping
choke chains, pinch collars, and electronic rates reinforcement of appropriate behaviors them is able to articulate the major adverse
collars) should not be used as a first-line or and works to change the underlying cause of effects of punishment, judge when these effects
early-use treatment for behavior problems. This the problem behavior. are occurring over the short term and long
is due to the potential adverse effects which term, and can explain how they will reverse the
include but are not limited to: inhibition of AVSAB recognizes that both positive reinforce- adverse effects if they occur.
learning, increased fear-related and aggressive ment and punishment require significant skill,
behaviors, and injury to animals and people effort, and awareness on the owner’s part. Both
interacting with animals.2 must be applied as the animal is performing
the target behavior or within one second of 1
For the scientific definition of punishment refer
AVSAB recommends that training should focus the behavior to be most effective. Addition- to p. 3
on reinforcing desired behaviors, removing the ally, both work best when applied every time
reinforcer for inappropriate behaviors, and ad- the behavior occurs so that the animal is 2
Refer to Adverse Effects of Punishment
dressing the emotional state and environmental not inadvertently rewarded for undesirable on p. 4
conditions driving the undesirable behavior. behavior during the modification process. If
This approach promotes a better understanding punishment is added to a modification plan, it
of the pet’s behavior and better awareness of should only be used if the owner has first dem-
how humans may have inadvertently contrib- onstrated reasonable ability and consistency at
uted to the development of the undesirable rewarding appropriate behaviors and removing SPONSORED BY:
behavior. Punishment should only be used the reward for bad behavior. If punishment is
when the above approach has failed despite an suggested as part of a complete behavior modi-
adequate effort as part of a larger training or fication plan, owners should not begin using it

Guidelines on the
Use of Punishment for Dealing
with Behavior Problems in Animals

PUNiShmENt, OR thE USE Of AVERSiVES, Even when punishment seems mild, in order propriate behavior the animal may have no op-
force, coercion, or physical corrections in order to be effective it often must elicit a strong fear tion but to perform the undesired behavior. A
to change an animal’s behavior (For actual response, and this fear response can general- more appropriate approach to problem solving
scientific terminology, refer to p. 3: Definitions), ize to things that sound or look similar to the is to determine what is reinforcing the undesir-
is commonly used by the general pet owner punishment. Punishment has also been shown able behavior, remove that reward, and reinforce
and by many dog trainers. Some punishments to elicit aggressive behavior in many species of an alternate desirable behavior instead. For in-
are seemingly innocuous, such as squirting animals.6 Thus, using punishment can put the stance, dogs jump to greet people in order to get
a cat with water when it jumps on a counter person administering it or any person near the their attention. Owners usually provide atten-
or shouting “no” when your pet misbehaves. animal at risk of being bitten or attacked. tion by talking or yelling, pushing them down,
Other punishments, such as jerking a choke or otherwise touching them. A better solution
chain or pinch collar to stop a dog from pulling, Punishment can suppress ag- would be to remove atten-
throwing a dog down on its back in an alpha gressive and fearful behavior tion by standing silently and
roll when it nips, tightening a collar around a when used effectively, but it completely still and then to
dog’s neck and cutting off its air supply until it may not change the underly- immediately reward with
submits, or using an electronic collar to stop a ing cause of the behavior. attention or treats once the
dog from barking are more severe. For instance, if the animal
dog sits. This learning-based
behaves aggressively due to
approach leads to a better
Punishment is frequently a first-line or an fear, then the use of force
understanding of our pets
early-use tool by both the general public and to stop the fearful reactions
and consequently to a better
traditional dog trainers. While punishment will make the animal more
human-pet relationship.
can be very effective in some specific contexts fearful while at the same time
depending on the individual animal, it can be suppressing or masking the
associated with many serious adverse effects. outward signs of fear; (e.g., a The standard of care for vet-
(Refer to p. 4: Adverse Effects of Punishment). threat display/growling). As erinarians specializing in be-
These adverse effects can put the safety of the a result, if the animal faces a havior is that punishment is
pet and the person administering the punish- situation where it is extreme- The standard of not to be used as a first-line
or early-use treatment for
ment at risk. Because of these safety risks, ly fearful, it may suddenly
people recommending these techniques are act with heightened aggres- care for veterinar- behavior problems. Conse-
quently, the AVSAB urges
taking a liability risk. Thus, just as anti-cancer
drugs can be highly effective in treating specific
sion and with fewer warning
signs. In other words, it may ians specializing that veterinarians in general
diseases in individuals but can cause serious now attack more aggressively in behavior is that practice follow suit. Addi-
tionally punishment should
side-effects in those same individuals or when or with no warning, making
used inappropriately, punishment is fraught it much more dangerous. punishment is not only be used when animal
with difficulties.
Perhaps one of the most
used as a first-line owners are made aware of
the possible adverse effects.
The adverse effects of punishment and the dif- compelling reasons to use or early-use treat- The AVSAB recommends that
ficulties in administering punishment effectively punishment sparingly is owners working with train-
have been well documented,1 especially in the that punishment fails to ment for behavior ers who use punishment as
early 1960s when such experiments were still
allowed. For instance, if the punishment is not
address the fact that the
bad behavior is occurring
problems. a form of behavior modifica-
tion in animals choose only
strong enough, the animal may habituate or get because it has somehow been those trainers who, without
used to it, so that the owner needs to escalate the reinforced—either intention- prompting:
intensity.2,3 On the other hand, when the punish- ally or unintentionally. That
ment is more intense, it can cause physical in- is, owners tend to punish bad behaviors some
jury. For instance, electronic anti-bark collars can of the time while inadvertently rewarding these 1) Can and do articulate the most serious
cause burn marks on dogs. Choke chains can same behaviors at other times. In this way, they adverse effects associated with
damage the trachea, increase intraocular pressure accidentally set their pets up to receive punish- punishment
in dogs thus potentially worsening or contribut- ment repeatedly by sometimes unintentionally
ing to glaucoma in susceptible breeds,4 cause rewarding the bad behavior, which is how the 2) Are capable of judging when these adverse
sudden collapse from non-cardiogenic pulmo- behavior was learned in the first place. This effects are occurring over the short and/or long
nary edema (water in the lungs) due to tempo- inconsistency is confusing to the animal and term
rary upper airway obstruction, and cause nerve can cause frustration or anxiety. Punishment
damage.5 The risk of damage is greater when the also fails to tell the animal what it should be 3) Can explain how they would attempt to
choke chain sits high on the dog’s neck. performing instead. Without an alternative ap- reverse any adverse effects if or when they occur.

For the purpose of Position Statement and Guidelines on the Use of Punishment for Dealing with Animal Behavior Problems, we have defined
punishment as the use of force, coercion, or aversives to modify behavior because this is what the general public understands punishment to
be. The scientific definition of punishment is slightly different. The scientific definitions are important because pet product companies using
punishment often incorrectly call it negative reinforcement in order to avoid the negative connotation of the word “punishment.”

PUNiShmENt is anything that decreases loud enough to disturb the dog, so the dog their goal is to stop a behavior by
the likelihood a behavior will occur again. stops barking. adding something the animal dislikes.
For instance, ultrasonic anti-bark devices
REiNfORcEmENt is anything that increases NEGAtiVE PUNiShmENt: by removing are punishment devices because their goal
the likelihood a behavior will occur again. something the dog wants, you decrease the is to stop barking. Whether a technique is
likelihood that behavior will occur again. punishment or reinforcement depends on
Both punishment and reinforcement can either whether the predominant goal of the tech-
be positive or negative, meaning they can For instance, if your cat meows for atten- nique is to stop a behavior (punishment) or
have something added or removed. tion, removing your attention until the cat is to increase it (reinforcement). In the case
quiet will decrease the likelihood that she will of negative reinforcement, it’s important
POSitiVE REiNfORcEmENt: by adding continue meowing to get your attention. Or, if that the aversive should stop as soon as the
something the animal wants, you increase your dog jumps on you to greet you, standing animal starts behaving appropriately.
the likelihood the behavior will occur quietly and completely still, so it’s clear you
again. are ignoring him, will decrease the jumping VEtERiNARY BEhAViORiStS AND Ph.D.
behavior. BEhAViORiStS fOcUS ON POSitiVE REiN-
For instance, if a cat approaches your house fORcEmENt cOmBiNED with NEGAtiVE
and you put food out for it, it’s more likely to POSitiVE PUNiShmENt AND NEGAtiVE PUNiShmENt.
visit your house again. REiNfORcEmENt iNVOlVE AVERSiVES Of these four categories, the two most
Of these four categories, both positive used by veterinary behaviorists and Ph.D.
NEGAtiVE REiNfORcEmENt: by removing punishment and negative reinforcement fall behaviorists are negative punishment
something aversive, you increase the likeli- under what the public thinks of as punish- combined with positive reinforcement.
hood a behavior will occur again. ment. These are the two categories that That is, they remove the rewards for the
involve the use of aversives, force, coercion, undesirable behavior and then reward the
For instance, traditional trainers may teach or physical corrections to modify behavior. appropriate behavior. For instance, if a
dogs to fetch using a “force retrieve” method. What’s the difference between the two? dog greets by jumping, they remove their
In this method, the handler says “fetch” and Many companies refer to their products as attention (negative punishment) when
then pinches the dog’s ear until it yelps. As negative reinforcement products when they the dog jumps, and when the dog sits or
soon as the dog opens its mouth to yelp, the are actually punishment products because stands calmly, they reward the dog (positive
handler puts a wooden dumbbell in the mouth reinforcement).
and stops the pinch. By doing so, he increases

the likelihood that the dog will open its mouth REf E REN c ES
and grab the dumbbell when he says “fetch” 1. Hutchinson RR. 1977. By-products of aversive control. In: Honig WK, Staddon JER, eds.
the next time. Note that the goal of this train- Handbook of Operant Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall: 415-431.
ing is to teach the dog to grab the dumbbell. 2. Azrin NH. 1960. Effects of punishment intensity during variable-interval reinforcement. J
Exp Anal Behav 3: 123-142.
POSitiVE PUNiShmENt: by adding some- 3. Azrin NH, Holz WC, Hake DR. 1963. Fixed-ratio punishment. J Exp Anal Behav 6:
thing the animal dislikes or finds aversive, 141-148.
you decrease the likelihood the behavior 4. Pauli AM, Bentley E, Diehl AK, Miller PE. 2006. Effects of the application of neck pressure
will occur again. by a collar or harness on intraocular pressure in dogs. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42(3):
For instance, a common method for teach- 5. Drobatz KJ, Saunders HM, Pugh CR, Hendricks JC. 1995. Noncardiogenic pulmonary
ing dogs to stop jumping is to knee the dog edema in dogs and cats: 26 cases (1987-1993). J Am Vet Med Assoc 206: 1732-1736.
in the chest when it jumps on you. Doing so 6. Azrin NH, Rubin HB, Hutchinson RR. 1968. Biting attack by rats in response to aversive
will decrease the likelihood the dog will jump shock. J Exp Anal Behav 11: 633-639.
again. The goal of the technique is to stop a
behavior from occurring, whereas the goal of f UR t hER READ i N G
negative reinforcement is to increase a behav- 1. Burch MR, Bailey JS. 1999. How Dogs Learn. New York, NY: Howell Book House.
ior. Another example of positive punishment 2. Reid P. 2007. Learning in dogs. In: Jensen P, ed. The Behavioural Biology of Dogs.
is the use of ultrasonic trainers to stop dogs Cambridge, MA: CAB International: 120-144.
from barking. When the dog barks, the device 3. Yin SY. 2004. How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves. Neptune City, NJ: TFH Publications.
emits an ultrasonic tone that is theoretically

© 2007 AVSAB American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior 3

P O S Ii T
t Ii O N S T

Adverse Effects of Punishment

PUNiShmENt cAN BE EffEctiVE in specific to a rapid swing in intrathoracic pressure. animal is aggressive due to fear, then the use
cases, but it must be used carefully due to the And dogs prone to glaucoma may be more of force to stop the fearful reactions will make
difficulties of performing it properly compared susceptible to the disorder since pressure by the dog more fearful while at the same time
to positive reinforcement and due to its collars around the neck can increase intraocu- suppressing or masking the outward signs of
potential adverse effects. The following is a lar pressure. fear. Once it can no longer suppress its fear,
description of the difficulties and adverse ef- the animal may suddenly act with heightened
fects that one should be aware of when using 5. REGARDlESS Of thE StRENGth, PUN- aggression and with fewer warning signs of
punishment (aversives). iShmENt cAN cAUSE SOmE iNDiViDUAlS impending aggression. In other words, it may
tO BEcOmE ExtREmElY fEARfUl, AND thiS now attack with no warning.
1. it’S DifficUlt tO timE PUNiShmENt fEAR cAN GENERAlizE tO OthER cON-
cORREctlY. In order for the animal to under- tExtS. Some punishments may not cause 8. PUNiShmENt cAN lEAD tO A BAD AS-
stand what it is doing wrong, the punishment physical harm and may not seem severe, SOciAtiON. Regardless of the strength of the
must be timed to occur: while the behavior is but they can cause the animal to become punishment, punishment can cause animals
occurring, within 1 second, or at least before fearful, and this fear may generalize to other to develop a negative association with the
the next behavior occurs. contexts. For instance, some dogs on which person implementing it or the environment in
the citronella or electronic collar are used with which the punishment is used. For instance,
2. PUNiShmENt cAN StRENGthEN thE a preceding tone may react fearfully to alarm when punishment is used for training dogs
UNDESiRED BEhAViOR. In order for punish- clocks, smoke detectors, or egg timers. to come when called, the dogs may learn to
ment to affect a lasting change, it should come at a trot or walk (or cower while ap-
occur every time the undesirable behavior 6. PUNiShmENt cAN fAcilitAtE OR EVEN proaching) rather than returning to the owners
occurs. If the animal is not punished every cAUSE AGGRESSiVE BEhAViOR. Punishment at a fast run as if they enjoy returning to their
time, then the times it is not being punished, has been shown to increase the likelihood owners. Or when punishment is used during
it is actually receiving a reward. Addition- of aggressive behavior in many species. obedience competition training or agility
ally these rewards are on a variable rate of Animals in which the punishment does not im- training for competitions, dogs may perform
reinforcement (i.e. inconsistent punishment), mediately suppress the behavior may escalate the exercises with lack of enthusiasm. This
which may actually strengthen the undesir- in their efforts to avoid the punishment to the negative association is particularly clear when
able behavior. Variable rate of reinforcement point where they become aggressive. Those the dog immediately becomes energetic once
is a powerful reinforcement schedule that who already show aggressive behavior may the exercise is over and it is allowed to play.
is used to maintain behaviors trained with exhibit more intense and injurious aggressive Pets are not the only ones who can develop
positive reinforcement The animals know the behaviors. a negative association from this process.
reward will occur eventually, but since they Owners may develop a negative association,
don’t know which time the reward will come, 7. PUNiShmENt cAN SUPPRESS BEhAV- too. When owners use punishment, they are
they keep performing the behavior with the iORS, iNclUDiNG thOSE BEhAViORS thAt often angry, thus the expression of force is
expectation of an eventual reward. Thus the wARN thAt A BitE mAY OccUR. When reinforcing to them because it temporarily
animals become like gamblers playing the slot used effectively, punishment can suppress the decreases their anger. They may develop a
machines. behavior of fearful or aggressive animals, but habit of frequently becoming angry with their
it may not change the association underly- pet because it “misbehaves” in spite of their
3. thE iNtENSitY Of thE PUNiShmENt ing the behavior. Thus, it may not address punishment. This may damage the bond with
mUSt BE hiGh ENOUGh. For punishment the underlying problem. For instance, if the their pet.
to be effective, it must be strong enough the
first time. If the intensity is not high enough, 9. PUNiShmENt DOES NOt tEAch mORE
the animal may get used to it (habituate), so APPROPRiAtE BEhAViORS. One of the most
that the same intensity no longer works. Then, important problems with punishment is that it
the owner must escalate the intensity in order does not address the fact that the undesirable
for the punishment to be effective. No matter behavior occurs because it has been rein-
when it is administered, punishment may forced— either intentionally or unintentionally.
cause physical harm or fear when used at the The owner may punish the bad behavior some
required intensity for learning to occur. of the time, while inadvertently reinforcing the
bad behavior at other times. From the dog’s
4. PUNiShmENt mAY cAUSE PhYSicAl view, the owner is inconsistent and unpredict-
hARm whEN ADmiNiStERED At hiGh iN- ably forceful or coercive. These characteristics
tENSitY. Many punishments can cause physi- can hinder the pet/human bond. A more
cal harm to the animal. Choke chains can appropriate approach to problem solving is
damage the trachea, especially in the many to focus on reinforcing a more appropriate
dogs with collapsing tracheas or hypoplastic behavior. Owners should determine what’s
tracheas. They can also occasionally cause reinforcing the undesirable behavior, remove
Horner’s syndrome (damage to the nerve to that reinforcement , and reinforce an alternate
the eye). Some dogs, especially brachycephal- appropriate behavior instead. This leads to a
ic breeds, have developed sudden life-threat- better understanding of why animals behave
ening pulmonary edema, possibly due to the as they do and leads to a better relationship
sudden upper airway obstruction leading with the animal.

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