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J Clin Res Ped Endo 2009;(Suppl 1):44–53 ISSN: 1308-5727

DOI: 10.4008/jcrpe.v1i1.25 Online ISSN: 1308-5735

Obesity in Childhood:
definition and epidemiology
Zehra Aycan
Division of Endocrinology, Dr. Sami Ulus Pediatric Hospital, Alt›nda¤, Ankara, Turkey

Keywords: ABSTRACT
obesity, epidemiology,
Obesity is defined as a condition where a pathological excess of body fat is present in an indi-
Received: 09 October, 2008 vidual. Obesity develops when there is a discrepancy between energy intake and energy output.
Accepted: 22 October, 2008 During its development the original steady-state is disturbed and after a period of positive ener-
Corresponding Author:
gy balance, a new steady state at a higher level with an increase in body fat stores is achieved.
Zehra Aycan Since the amount of body fat per se is difficult to determine exactly, for practical use, percent-
Division of Endocrinology, age overweight or the body mass index (BMI) is used to define and to track obesity in childhood.
Dr. Sami Ulus Pediatric For a given BMI, adiposity varies with age, sex and ethnicity; however, BMI correlates reasonably
Hospital, Alt›nda¤, Ankara,
well with body fat mass and the risk of obesity related diseases.
E-mail: Childhood obesity is one of the most complex and poorly understood clinical syndromes in pediatrics. Obesity is a common nutritional disorder among children and adolescents in the
world. The percentage of overweight children and adolescents has increased by almost 50%
in the past two decades. It has also been observed that about 40% of overweight children
continue to have increased weight during adolescence and 75-80% of obese adolescents
become obese adults. The majority of obesity in adulthood has its origin in childhood, which
makes obesity a pediatric concern and the prevention and treatment of obesity a pediatric

Conflict of interest: None declared

Obesity is one of the most complex be frustrating for both patients and doc-
and poorly understood clinical syndromes tors; the major improvements achieved on
affecting children and adults throughout weight loss were universally recognized
the world. Obesity is an epidemic public but the frequent inability of patients to
health problem in the world. It is only a achieve weight loss led to clinical frustra-
decade ago that the problem of obesity tion and the temptation to blame the indi-
was seen as a minor issue which con- vidual for lack of will power. Now, how-
cerned only a few endocrinologists ever, we have a completely different per-
intrigued by the manifestations of the con- spective. Obesity is the concern of most, if
dition. Their main concern was to attempt not all, governments who now readily
to identify the genetic component of the accept its complexity and major public
obesity arising in a few children and adults health impact. Their main concern is now

who put on substantial amounts of weight. rapidly moving towards prevention and
Clinical management was also known to not simply treating the consequences.(1)

44 © 2009 Journal of Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society

Pubbiz/Probiz Ltd. fiti.
Aycan Z.

DEFINITIONS obese, whereas those with BMI 25-30 are

classified as overweight.(8) This recommen-
At birth, the human infant contains about dation has been widely accepted and
12% body fat. During the first years of life, applied. Numerous studies show that BMI
body fat rises rapidly to reach a peak of is closely associated with body fat and
about 25% by 6 months of age and then health outcomes in both adults and young
declines to 18% over the next 10 years. At people. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing
puberty, there is a significant increase in the debate on whether the population-specific
percentage of body fat in females and a fall BMI cut-off points are needed or not.(9, 10)
in males. By age 18, males have approxi- The BMI system of classification of obesity
mately 15-18% body fat, females 25-28%. is important because it denotes the risk for
Total body weight, however, rises by only medical complications of obese patients,
10-15% indicating that fat is accounting for a which increase at BMI levels above 25.
larger part of the rise in body weight and is Individuals with a BMI above 27 have a
accompanied by a reduction in lean body markedly increased risk for hypertension,
mass.(2) hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes melli-
The human body contains essential tus. In contrast, when the BMI is less than
lipids and also nonessential lipids in the 25, there are no apparent physical effects of
form of triglycerides (triaglycerols) stored obesity on the individual, although there
in adipose tissue cells known as may be social and psychological concerns
adipocytes. Obesity is defined as a condi- with body appearance.
tion where a pathological excess of body In children, defining overweight and
fat is present in an individual. Obesity obesity is complicated by the fact that
develops when there is a discrepancy weight varies with height as children grow.
between energy intake and energy output. Characteristically, body adiposity rises
During its development the original steady- sharply during infancy, peaking at about 9
state is disturbed and after a period of pos- months and decreasing thereafter until about
itive energy balance, a new steady state at 6 years, when it starts picking up again. This
a higher level with an increase in body fat second rise is referred to as adiposity
stores is achieved.(3) The level of fatness at rebound and lasts until adulthood.(11) Since
which morbidity increases is determined on the amount of body fat per se is difficult to
an actuarial basis. Direct measurements of determine exactly, in practice, BMI is used
body fat content, e.g. hydro-densitometry, to define and to track obesity in childhood.
bioimpedance or DEXA are useful tools in There are several potential errors associated
scientific studies; however, body mass with BMI as an indicator of obesity in chil-
index (BMI; weight in kilograms divided by dren.(12) The increasing height in children
the square of the height in meters) is easy from birth until adulthood may cause a dif-
to calculate and is correlated sufficiently ference in the weight for height relationship
with direct measures of fatness. BMI is an assumed in current BMI-for-age charts.
imprecise but useful measure of adiposi- Gender and age also affect body weight and
ty.(4, 5) BMI is therefore frequently used to height. Furthermore, puberty may introduce
define obesity clinically. For a given BMI, another change in the weight-for-height rela-
adiposity varies with age, sex and ethnicity; tionship. Ethnic origin and social class may
however, BMI correlates reasonably well also affect both body weight and height. In
with body fat mass and the risk of obesity 1996, a committee of the European
related diseases.(6, 7) A normal BMI in Childhood Obesity Group published a pro-
adults is between 18.5 and <25 kg/m2. posal to use the relative (age-adjusted) BMI
Adults with a BMI >30 are classified as for the definition of childhood obesity.(13)

J Clin Res Ped Endo 2009;(Suppl 1):44–53 45

Obesity in Childhood: definition and epidemiology

As BMI increases from an average age of changeable for use in classifying individuals
about 6 or 7 years through puberty to age 17 and in the evaluation of secular trends of
years, it is necessary to have age- and sex- obesity and of morbid obesity.(17) However,
specific BMI percentiles for each country. it should be noted that the clinician measur-
The scale of the pediatric obesity epidemic ing skinfolds should be appropriately
has been underestimated by population sec- trained to be accurate.
ular trends in BMI, even when the most It has long been known that there are
appropriate (national) BMI reference data major morphological and metabolic features
are used to estimate obesity prevalence.(14, that differentiate upper from lower body
15) As with the generally accepted 90th and obesity.(18) Body fat distribution is more
97th percentiles as cut-off points in the important than percentage of body fat in pre-
assessment of body weight and height, for dicting morbidity. Adults with a preponder-
BMI the 85th percentile defines overweight ance of abdominal fat as measured by a
and the 95th percentile defines obesity. In waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in excess of 0.8
1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) have a higher frequency of hypertension,
International Obesity Task Force agreed that hyperinsulinemia, diabetes, and hyperlipi-
the pediatric percentiles identified in late demia than equally obese individuals with
adolescence by a BMI of 25 and a BMI of 30 predominantly pelvic fat distribution. In
should constitute the cut-off points for the addition, a waist circumference (WC) of
identification of childhood overweight and more than 102 cm in men and more than 88
obesity. cm in women has been recommended for
Additional information on the amount of assessment of obesity related co-morbidi-
subcutaneous body fat, and perhaps a more ties.(19) Also, Wang et al(20) demonstrated
precise quantification of obesity, can be that both overall and abdominal adiposity
obtained by measuring skinfold thickness, strongly and independently predict risk of
especially triceps. Skinfold measurements Type 2 diabetes and that WC is a better pre-
have been widely used for assessing obesity dictor than WHR. In children also there is an
and are considered good indicators since increased prevalence of obesity related mor-
they directly measure a layer of fat but they bidities with increasing WHR.(21) Thus, the
are open to numerous sources of both ran- evaluation of body fat distribution is an
dom and systematic errors. Moreover, while essential element in the assessment of obesi-
skinfold measurements correlate well with ty. Accumulation of body fat in obesity
total body fat, the size of the correlation is occurs in children at the subcutaneous site,
site and sex dependent.(16) One problem whereas in adolescents, intra-abdominal fat
with skinfold measurements is that the equa- depots also increase. During puberty in girls
tions used must be changed for age, gender a gluteo-femoral distribution of body fat
and ethnic background. Body fat increases develops whereas in boys an abdominal dis-
with age, even though the sum of the skin- tribution is present. Independent of this sex-
folds remains constant. This means that the ual dimorphism, high variations in the body
fat deposition with age occurs in large part fat distribution pattern within one gender can
at sites other than subcutaneous ones. Also occur. Interestingly, this pattern correlates
triceps skinfold, which is typically the site of with associated co-morbidities.3 Centrally dis-
measurement, is often difficult to grasp and tributed body fat carries more risk for health
measurement reliability can be poor. It has than fat located primarily on the hips and
been observed that there is a strong correla- thighs. The WC is a practical measure of cen-
tion between BMI and triceps skinfold tral adiposity and is a surrogate for more pre-
among age- and gender-matched groups, cise measures such as a CT or MRI scan of
suggesting that these measures are inter- the abdomen at the L-4-5 position. CT scan,

46 © 2009 Journal of Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society

Aycan Z.

or MRI, measures of visceral-to-subcutaneous ly to become overweight and obese adults.

fat tissue ratio have been shown to be better The higher the BMI during childhood, the
indices of regional fat distribution than more likely that obesity will manifest in
WHR.(22) Recently, the percentiles of WC of adulthood. In general, children with a BMI
children of various racial backgrounds were at the 95th percentile or higher have a very
published.(23, 24) When BMI and WC were high risk for adult obesity.(30) Obesity in
used to predict the risk of hypertension, dys- adolescence is a primary risk factor for obe-
lipidemia, and the metabolic syndrome, WC sity in adulthood. The odds ratio increases
was shown to be a better predictor than from 1.3 for obesity at 1 to 2 years of age to
BMI.(25) In adults, a BMI greater than 28 17.5 for obesity at 15 to 17 years of age.(31)
kg/m2 is associated with an increased risk of Long-term studies suggest that between 50%
morbidity such as stroke, ischemic heart dis- and 75% of all obese adolescents will
ease, sleep-apnea syndrome, orthopedic dis- become obese adults, and more than one-
ease or Type 2 diabetes mellitus. A central third of 18-year-olds with BMI higher than
distribution of body fat is also associated the sixtieth percentile will also be over-
with a higher risk of morbidity and mortali- weight as adults.(32)
ty.(26, 27) In addition and most importantly, The National Health and Nutrition
an increased risk of death from cardiovascu- Examination Survey (NHANES) program
lar disease in adults has been found in sub- provides national estimates of overweight
jects whose BMI had been greater than the for adults, adolescents, and children in the
75th percentile as adolescents. United States.
Childhood obesity seems to increase the NHANES data demonstrate that the epi-
risk of subsequent morbidity whether or not demic of childhood obesity is occurring at ear-
obesity persists in adulthood.(28, 29) Age is lier ages. Based on the 1999-2000 NHANES,
also an important consideration. A high BMI 20.6% of 2 to 5 year old U.S. children were
at a young age implies longer years of overweight, defined as having a BMI for age
excess weight and a higher risk. A rising at the 85th percentile or higher.(33) It has
BMI carries more risk than a stable one. The been shown that 30.4% of adolescents (12 to
majority of obesity in adulthood has its ori- 19 years old) have now become obese. The
gins in childhood, which makes obesity a prevalence of obesity, defined as a weight for
pediatric concern and the prevention and length at the 95th percentile or higher in chil-
treatment of obesity a pediatric goal. dren 2 year old or younger, or a BMI higher
than the 95th percentile in older children, was
PREVALENCE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY 11.4% among children 0 to 23 months of age,
10.4% among those 2 to 5 years old, 15.3%
The prevalence of obesity increased in among 6 to 11 year olds, and 15.5% among
all age, gender, and ethnic/racial groups adolescents. The prevalence of obesity was
during the past 3 decades. Obesity in chil- not significantly different in the two sexes. It
dren is expected to continue to increase in was slightly higher in 2 to 5 year old girls
the 21st century, but the consequences of (11.0% vs. 9.9%), 6 to 11 year old boys (16.0%
this disease may be more severe as the dura- vs 14.5%), and similar (15.5%) in adolescents.
tion of obesity will be longer. In all age ranges, the prevalence has increased
Obesity is associated with several risk in comparison to the previous report of
factors for subsequent heart disease and NHANES III (1998-1994). The most striking
other chronic diseases, including hyperlipi- change, from 11% to 15%, occurred among 6
demia, hyperinsulinemia, Type 2 diabetes, to 19 year olds.
hypertension and atherosclerosis. Children In the United States, the NHANES docu-
who are overweight or obese are more like- ment shows a steady increase from the late

J Clin Res Ped Endo 2009;(Suppl 1):44–53 47

Obesity in Childhood: definition and epidemiology

1970s to 2004 in the prevalence of over- versus 9.6%) and in particular, in Mexican
weight (having a body mass index -BMI- American (15.5%) and black girls (15%).
above the age and sex-specific 95th percentile Between 3000 and 14,000 children and
of the US growth reference) and at risk of adolescents aged 6-17 years were examined
overweight (a BMI between the 85th and 95th in each of the five cross-sectional studies:
percentile) among children and adolescents, the National Health Examination Survey,
ages 2 to 18 years. The percentage of over- cycle II (NHES II 1963-1965, ages 6-11 years)
weight youth increased sharply from 1999 to and cycle III (NHES III 1966-1970, ages 12-
2004, so that by 2004, 17.1% of American chil- 17 years) and the first, second and third
dren and adolescents were overweight, and NHANESs (NHANES I 1971-1974; NHANES II
an additional 16.5% were at risk of over- 1976-1980; NHANES III 1988-1994).(40, 41,
weight. Nearly 14% of 2-5 year old children 42, 43) The surveys were all based on
and 19% of 6-11 year old children were over- nationally representative samples and, since
weight.(34) In addition to increasing BMI, the same standardized measurements were
there have also been trends toward higher used throughout, they permit a unique and
WC indicative of abdominal obesity, which is comprehensive examination of the changes
of concern because of its association with in obesity status of the pediatric population
increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and cardio- in the United States. Over the 30 year period
vascular diseases. Li et al.(35) reported a 65% encompassed by these surveys, the preva-
increase in WC among boys and a 69% lence of obesity in the childhood population
increase among girls from the 1988-1994 to has increased dramatically, particularly from
1999-2004 NHANES surveys. the mid 1970s onwards. Between 1963 and
Marked race/ethnic differences can be 1994, the age adjusted prevalence of obesity
seen in weight status trends.(34) The highest in 6-17 year olds has increased from approx-
overall overweight prevalence was observed imately 4% to 11%. A further 14% are cur-
in African American and Mexican American rently at risk of becoming overweight (BMI
youth. Comparing time trends within between the 85th and 95th percentile).
race/ethnic groups, African American 6 to 17 Furthermore, the rates are continuing to
year old youth had much larger increases in increase. Even within the 6 year time span of
mean BMI and overweight prevalence over the NHANES III study, the prevalence of
the last 30 years compared to white children. overweight has increased by approximately
In contrast, despite a higher overall preva- 2 to 6 percentage points (absolute) in most
lence in minority children, the largest increas- age, sex and racial ethnic groups.(44)
es in mean BMI among 2 to 5 year olds were These prevalence data broadly corre-
observed in white children.(36) Globally, spond with other North American studies.
rates of child obesity are increasing dramati- Longitudinal data from the Bogalusa Health
cally as well. In many countries, including the Study show that the prevalence of over-
US, the UK, Australia, China and Brazil, child weight among 5 to 24 year olds from a bira-
overweight rates are increasing at a faster rate cial community (n=11,564) increased
than adult obesity.(37) In the UK child obesi- approximately two-fold between 1973 and
ty rates doubled or tripled from 1974 1994.(45) Moreover, the yearly increases in
to2002.(38) Trends in overweight during relative weight and obesity during the latter
infancy have not been documented from part of the study period (1983-1994) were
recent national survey data: Based on approximately 50% greater than those
NHANES III, Ogden et al.(39) reported that between 1973 and 1982. Similar trends in
10.3% of infants (<1 year of age) had a weight obesity have also been observed in the base-
for length Z-score above the 95th percentile, line data from the National Heart, Lung, and
with rates higher in girls than boys (11.0% Blood Institute Growth and Health

48 © 2009 Journal of Turkish Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Society

Aycan Z.

Study.(46) Not only has the overall preva- Differences in prevalence associated
lence of obesity in North American children with socio-economic status and
and adolescents increased, but examination ethnicity
of the shifts over time in the BMI distribution The prevalence of childhood obesity is
show that the distribution has skewed to the increasing, not only in developed countries,
right. Thus, the fattest children are getting but also in some developing countries. In the
fatter which, in turn, increases the probabil- developed world at present pediatric obesity
ity that overweight in childhood will track is inversely associated with socio-economic
into adulthood.(47) Undoubtedly, given status (SES), the more disadvantaged groups
these circumstances, the high prevalence of being at greatest risk.(56, 57) In contrast, in
obesity is set to continue and, furthermore, most developing countries at present the
will probably increase in the future. wealthier children are at greatest risk of obe-
The global epidemic of obesity has sity.(56, 58, 59) Increasing economic devel-
affected English children substantially. opment tends to be associated with increas-
Using International Obesity Taskforce defi- es in prevalence of pediatric obesity in devel-
nitions for overweight and obesity,(48) oping countries.(56, 59) Some countries have
among 5-10 year olds between 1974 and shown declines in prevalence of pediatric
2002/2003 the prevalence of overweight obesity in recent years, and this has been
rose from 11.3% to 22.6% in boys and 9.6% attributed to economic crisis.(56)
to 23.7% in girls, and obesity rose from The magnitude of SES differences in obe-
1.8% to 6.0% in boys and 1.3% to 6.6% in sity risk is worth considering. In the past
girls.(49) There was a two-to five fold these differences have been misinterpreted
increase in the prevalence of overweight to mean that children from wealthy families
and obesity in English children over the in the developed world are at low risk or
three decades up to the early 2000s, with have been unaffected by the epidemic
the most rapid rise occurring in the although this was not the case. For example,
1990s.(50, 51) In Scotland from 1974 to in Scottish 3 year olds in 1998/1999 the
1994, the proportion of overweight in 4-11 adjusted odds ratio for obesity (BMI >98th
year olds increased from 5.4% to 10.0% in percentile, UK 1990 reference data) for chil-
boys and 8.8% to 15.8% in girls, and the dren in the most socio-economically
proportion of obese increased from 1.7% to deprived group relative to the least deprived
2.1% in boys and 1.9% to 3.2% in girls.(52) group was only 1.43 (95% CI 1.16-1.17), and
In the European Union (EU), there are prevalence of obesity was significantly high-
around 22 million overweight children (5 mil- er than UK 1990 reference data in both the
lion of these are obese). Assuming a consis- most affluent (3.7%) and most deprived
tent rise in prevalence of overweight and obe- (4.7%) groups.(60) Differences in obesity
sity, it is projected, that by 2010 26 million will prevalence with SES may therefore be
be overweight (rising by about 1.3 million per detectable only in relatively large samples.
year) and, of these children, 6.4 million will In England and Scotland, two large stud-
be obese (rising by 350,000 per year).(53) ies(60, 61) observed significant SES differ-
Rising BMI has been reported in children as ences, smaller studies generally have not.
young as 3 years old. In England between 1988 Racial or ethnic differences in obesity risk
and 1998, the proportion of 3 year olds above may also be explained in part by economic
the 85th centile of the 1990 British Growth factors. However, there is evidence from the
Reference(54) rose from 14.7% to 23.6% and USA that racial/ethnic differences in obesity
those above the 95th centile rose from 5.4% to risk are not merely the result of differences
9.2%.(51) Rising BMI continued in Scottish pre- in income and education. Rather, there
school children between 1995 and 2001.(55) appears to be a cultural component in

J Clin Res Ped Endo 2009;(Suppl 1):44–53 49

Obesity in Childhood: definition and epidemiology

lifestyle which is responsible for the obesity eastern Turkey.(71) In contrast to these preva-
risk in some minority groups.(62) lence rates, the reported prevalence of obesity
In England in 1996, obesity was common- in boys and girls was 11.2% and 9.4%, respec-
er among those with less education, and in tively, in ‹stanbul, in western Turkey.(72)
women of a lower occupational status.(63) fiimflek et al(73) reported that prevalence of
Birth cohort studies suggest that lower SES in overweight and obesity in children was 10.3%
childhood is a associated with higher BMI in and 6.1% respectively, in the west Black Sea
adulthood.(64) Although obesity varies with region. Although the overall obesity preva-
SES in children, the gap may have narrowed in lence in Turkey is relatively low compared
the 1990s, at least in some areas.(65) In devel- with children from other European countries,
oping countries, higher social status is associat- the children in an urban setting and higher
ed with obesity but the burden of obesity shifts socioeconomic group had a higher prevalence
towards the lower socioeconomic groups as of overweight and obesity. Westernization of
the country’s income rises, and affects women the behavior patterns of children and living in
at the early stages of economic develop- an urban setting in developing countries are
ment.(66) Education may be ‘protective’ against main risk factors for obesity. These marked
obesity in high-income countries but is a risk differences in the prevalence rates for the dif-
for obesity in low-income countries, depend- ferent population groups in different countries
ing on the stage of economic development. may be due to environmental, genetic and
The reported prevalence of overweight socioeconomic factors. It is well known that
and obesity in European countries ranges the prevalence of obesity and age-dependent
between 16% in the Czech Republic and 33% BMI are higher in children from developed
in Greece.(67) Overweight and obesity are also countries than developing countries. In devel-
important epidemic health problems in devel- oped countries, the urban poor are more sus-
oping countries. The WHO MONICA Project ceptible to obesity, presumably because of
(monitoring trends and determinants in cardio- poor dietary practices and limited opportunity
vascular disease) has shown that over 30% of for physical activity. In contrast, obesity is
the population in the Middle East is over- more frequent in upper socioeconomic classes
weight.(68) Sibai et al.(69) reported that the in developing countries, probably because of
prevalence of overweight and obese Lebanese transition to a more Western lifestyle with a
children was 22.5% and 7.5% respectively. El- more energy-dense diet containing higher
Hazmi and Warsy(70) reported that the preva- level of fat and sugar, which tend to be more
lence of overweight and obese Saudi boys and palatable at a lower cost.
girls in 2002 was 10.7% and 6.0% vs. 12.7% In conclusion, the global epidemic obesity
and 6.74% respectively. In Turkey, few repre- has affected children worldwide. Obesity is
sentative nationwide studies on the prevalence now the most common disorder of childhood
of overweight and obese children are avail- in the developed world and its prevalence is
able. Publications in English are scarce; more- still increasing. Pediatric obesity causes ill
over, all of these have used data only from health in both childhood and adulthood, which
selected areas in Turkey and small samples. is important from a public health perspective
The reported prevalence of obesity was 0.9% and the governments should promote healthy
in boys and 3.8% in girls in Elaz›¤ city centre, nutrition and physical activity in children.


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