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Name: ________________________________________

Adverbs are words that describe a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
Adverbs answer the questions: How? How often? When? Where?
Directions: For each sentence, include an adverb, or adverb phrase, that answers
the question.

1. The snail in my tank moved from rock to rock. (how?)

2. To stay fit, Barbara runs three miles. (how often?)

3. My mom said I could ride my bike but to get home. (when?)

4. Sheila waters the plants in our classroom. (how often?)

5. If we leave, we will be able to see the beginning of the play. (when?)

6. Pamela finished her pancakes so she cleared her place. (how?)

7. I want to have the party, so I hope it doesn’t rain. (where?)

8. We open one present each. (when?)

9. Steve can climb the rope in gym class. (how?)

10. It is important to save your work on the computer. (how often?)


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