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Proposed By:

Dwi Gira Yohlincia (171450015)

Hendro Setiawan (171450027)
Ulfah Kurniati (171450052)
Rido Febrianda B (171450045)


PEM Akamigas

Cepu, February 2020

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784




Along with the times, there have been changes in various sectors like in the industrial

sector, technology, and also education. Very fast development is a challenge for every

sector, likewise with the education sector. In this case, higher education is one of the solid

institutions to prepare and gather human resources by continuously improving the quality

of education and providing various supporting facilities that produce resources in high

intellectual, broad- minded, competent and ready to work.

Practical Work is a part of university credit unit in PEM Akamigas for preparing

human resources that skilled and ready to work in the energy sector and mineral resources.

Currently, the skills can be demonstrated not only through theoretical knowledge, but also

can be done by the practical work as the actual knowledge in oil and gas industry and the

implementation of the theoretical knowledge to the actual conditions. Differences in actual

conditions with theoretical mindset are able to train students to learn and identify problems

in the field conditions and from the associated theoretical or literature.

Therefore, practical work is intended to introduce the actual working conditions

between students. So, we can see the latest developments and find the innovation for the

better one.

Programme of study in Oil and Gas Logistics PEM Akamigas is related with supply

chains, starting from the analysis of materials for users, procurement until setting up and
Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784

controlling the flow of products and materials, receiving product, warehousing and also

distribution of the material itself. And it’s also learn how to find the best transportation to

deliver the material to user, handling the material in inventory or warehousing, reverse

logistics and packaging products and material.

The students of oil and gas logistics have received basic material or lesson and basic

science about the product logistics and material logistics including warehousing in

oil and gas sector that is relevant to this job training activities. From this job training, the

students will also have the opportunity to gain knowledge and guidance from the

supervising court, which is expected to increase the experience and improve skills for


Practical work is such a necessary activity for students, especially students in PEM

Akamigas which is having vocational program. With the intention of this practical work,

so that students can add insight and knowledge directly, and apply the theory that taught in

the classroom. The students are expected to determine the condition of the field to be

associated in the working field. Based on the description above, we hope that we will have

the opportunity to carry out the practical work in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.


As the preparation of the report for the university credit unit to fulfill the educational

curriculum programme Polytechnic of Energy and Mineral in academic year of 2020/2021.

1. Students are expected to develop creativity and mental independence for the

experience in the working field.

2. Students can deal with some problems that might be occurred in the field and
Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784

improving the skills by solving it one by one.

3. Developing the student’s skills in dealing with some obstacles in practical work

in the field.

4. The educational purposes of PEM Akamigas itself, that known as: knowledge,

skills and attitude.

5. As aligning the educational world and working world.


The purposes of practical work are:

1) Conducting comparative studies to determine the depth of the knowledge that

has been gained by students in college who practiced in the real working world.

2) Understanding the general activities in the company, particularly in the field of

oil and gas and mainly in the warehousing logistics material.

3) Improving the knowledge of students about the operation of the equipment and

the optimization of each equipment as well as aspects of engineering in PT.

Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

4) Enhancing the professionalism of students from Oil and Gas Logistics PEM

Akamigas by the transfer of information from PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia

to students.

For the company, is expected to be useful in improving and optimizing to utilize the

expertise and skills of students to help solve the existing problems in the field.
Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784



To manage and harmonize the activities of applicants during the program for the

Job Training, so explanation needed as detail as possible about the information coming

from the applicants. To ensure the applicants activities in accordance with company policy

or program.


Currently the course materials that have been obtained from Logistics Oil and Gas in

PEM Akamigas such as:

1. Product Knowledge

2. Warehousing Material

3. MySAP

4. Logistic Supply Management

5. Procurement

6. Knowledge Process Oil and Gas Industry

7. Environment, Health and Safety (LK3)

8. Technical Drawings

9. Handling Facilities

10. Piping

11. Asset Management

12. Inventory Management

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784

13. Tanker Loading Mater

14. Warehousing Management

15. Supply Chain Management

16. Optimization Mathematics

Based on the lecture material, subject matter that can be applied to the PT. Chevron

Pacific Indonesia are:

1. Product Knowledge

On this topic covered products that can be distributed from the processed crude oil, such

as fuel, BBMP, lubricants, LPG, and others. It also discussed about the specifications of

each product to determine whether it has meet the specifications prescribed or not.

2. Warehousing Material

On this topic discusses the start of the procurement, inventory, warehousing, and

transportation of oil and gas prosuksi supporting materials.

3. Supply Chain Management

Circuit or network company or organization that organizes the procurement or

distribution of material that is a supplier, manufacturer warehouse and stores so that

the material can support the production process with the number, location and timing are

also costs to a minimum.

4. Procurement

5. Logistics Supply Management

6. Assets and Inventory Management

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784

Our fields of interests is known as Logistics Oil and Gas. However, we remain

open to any suggestions or opinions from the PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia more

experienced in the placement department for Oil and Gas Logistics students who undergo

the job training in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.


Job Training will be held at Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten

Bengkalis, Riau 28784 by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.


Practical Work is planned on the April 6th - June 6th, 2020 which will be held in PT.

Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

As known that there are many things we do not know and understand to the extent, as

well as the interests of data collection and analysis is needed which we consider quite broad in

scope, then the structure of the 2 Months activities are as shown in the table below. However,

the final decision regarding this activity adapted to the policy in PT. Chevron Pacific

Indonesia itself.
Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784


1. Develop interests and abilities of the material warehousing process knowledge

to support oil and gas production process.

2. Basic selection PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia as a place of practical work is

due to the opportunity to learn in the process of procurement, receiving,

warehousing of materials to distribution to support oil and gas well production

process as a form of self-development as a student.

3. Reasons to be accepted as participants in practical work in PT. Chevron

Pacific Indonesia is an interest to develop into a quality generation in the

supply chain management and warehousing of materials to support the

process of oil and gas production, work safely and familiarize themselves and

expand their horizons in the real working world.

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784


Student Data and the topic title that will be used in the preparation of scientific papers

for carrying out field work in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia such as:

1. Name : Dwi Gira Yohlincia

NIM : 171450015

Mobile Phone : 082230308524

E-mail : dwigirayohlincia

Study Program : Logistics Oil and Gas

Diploma : IV (Four)

Field of Interest : Marketing and Trading

Semester : VI (Six)

The Title will be Taken : Supply Chain Management

2. Name : Hendro Setiawan

NIM 171450027

Mobile Phone 082114718321


Study Program : Logistics Oil and Gas

Diploma : IV (Four)

Field of Interest : Marketing and Trading

Semester : VI (Six)

The Title will be Taken : Supply Chain Management

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784

3. Name : Ulfah Kurniati

NIM 171450052

Mobile Phone 085727821467


Study Program : Logistics Oil and Gas

Diploma : IV (Four)

Field of Interest : Marketing and Trading

Semester : VI (Six)

The Title will be Taken : Supply Chain Management

4. Name : Rido Febrianda Bakara

NIM 171450054

Mobile Phone 082266494445


Study Program : Logistics Oil and Gas

Diploma : IV (Four)

Field of Interest : Marketing and Trading

Semester : VI (Six)

The Title will be Taken : Supply Chain Management

* Description: The title may change, according to the field conditions and the work unit

in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784


Practical Work in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia which is planned to start on April 6th

- June 6th 2020. Details of the activities are consists of:

1. General introduction about the activities at PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

2. The introduction and direct observation field Practical Work.

3. Implementation of Practical Work.

4. Implementation of written assignments given and consultations necessary in the

completion of a given task.

Practical Work Proposal
PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Komplek Caltex, Talang Mandi, Kec. Mandau, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Riau 28784



That’s all this proposal is about, as a reference in the implementation of practical work

for students of Logistics Oil and Gas PEM Akamigas in the academic year of 2020/2021 with

the hope to reach the intentions and goals in the activities of field practice. We expect that PT.

Chevron Pacific Indonesia will approve and accept our proposal kindly.

All the activities in Chapter II are fully under the decision of PT. Chevron Pacific

Indonesia. However the changes in Chapter II activities is allowed and can be done by PT.

Chevron Pacific Indonesia that accompanied by noticement to the applicants.

We submit this practical work proposal as a consideration for our practical

applications. For reference, we attach supporting documents for consideration:
• Curriculum Vitae (CV)
• Academic Transcript
• Campus recommendation letter

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

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