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Comprehensive Psychiatry 94 (2019) 152116

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The relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety

disorders: A question of diagnostic boundaries or simply severity
of symptoms?
Paula Vigne a, Bruno F.T. Simões b, Gabriela B. de Menezes a,c, Pedro P. Fortes a, Rafaela V. Dias a,
Luana D. Laurito a, Carla P. Loureiro a, Maria Eduarda Moreira-de-Oliveira a,c, Lucy Albertella d, Rico S.C. Lee d,
Ulrich Stangier e, Leonardo F. Fontenelle a,c,d,⁎
Institute of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Quantitative Methods, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Brazil
D'Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Victoria, Australia
Department of Psychology, University of Frankfurt, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online xxxx Background: A growing number of studies are questioning the validity of current DSM diagnoses, either as “dis-
crete” or distinct mental disorders and/or as phenotypically homogeneous syndromes. In this study, we investi-
gated how symptom domains in patients with a main diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic
Keywords: disorder (PD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) coaggregate. We predicted that symptom domains would be un-
Severity of symptoms related to DSM diagnostic categories and less likely to cluster with each other as severity increases.
General neurotic syndrome Methods: One-hundred eight treatment seeking patients with a main diagnosis of OCD, SAD or PD were assessed
Neuroticism with the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DOCS), the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN), the Panic and Ag-
Anxiety sensitivity
oraphobia Scale (PAS), the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised (ASI-R), and the Beck Depression and Anxiety In-
Obsessive–compulsive disorder
ventories (BDI and BAI, respectively). Subscores generated by each scale (herein termed “symptom domains”)
Social anxiety disorder
Panic disorder were used to categorize individuals into mild, moderate and severe subgroups through K-means clusterization
and subsequently analysed by means of multiple correspondence analysis.
Results: Broadly, we observed that symptom domains of OCD, SAD or PD tend to cluster on the basis of their se-
verities rather than their DSM diagnostic labels. In particular, symptom domains and disorders were grouped into
(1) a single mild “neurotic” syndrome characterized by multiple, closely related and co-occurring mild symptom
domains; (2) two moderate (complicated and uncomplicated) “neurotic” syndromes (the former associated
with panic disorder); and (3) severe but dispersed “neurotic” symptom domains.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that symptoms domains of treatment seeking patients with OCD and anxiety
disorders tend to be better conceptualized in terms of severity rather than rigid diagnostic boundaries.
© 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

1. Introduction inhibitors [6] and exposure-based therapies [7]. Also, the relationship
between OCD, SAD and PD remain tacitly recognized in many diagnostic
Despite being listed in different chapters of DSM5 [i.e. obsessive- schemes. For instance, OCD and anxiety disorders were historically
compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs) and anxiety disorders], grouped under “neurotic” conditions by early theorists or simply as
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder (SAD) “anxiety disorders” across several DSM versions [8,9]. In DSM-5, despite
and panic disorder (PD) are closely related to each other, as shown by their “splitting,” the OCRDs chapter remains straight after anxiety disor-
shared symptoms (e.g. prominent fears and avoidant behaviors) [1], ders as a recognition of their close relationship [1]. Lastly, in more recent
co-occurrence [2], common genetic factors [3,4], increased family ac- diagnostic models, such as the Hierarchical Taxonomy Of Psychopathol-
commodation [5], and treatment response to serotonin reuptake ogy (HiTOP) [10], OCD and anxiety disorders are described as belonging
to the same fear subfactor.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, MONASH
Although OCD and anxiety disorders show many commonalities, the
University, 770 Blackburn Road, Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia. optimal way to conceptualize the association between these conditions
E-mail address: (L.F. Fontenelle). is not completely clear (see Fig. 1). For instance, in DSM-5, both OCD and
0010-440X/© 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 P. Vigne et al. / Comprehensive Psychiatry 94 (2019) 152116

Fig. 1. Illustration of the models investigated in the present study. Model 1A depict current (DSM5) categorical conceptualization of OCD and anxiety disorders, which posits these
disorders as well defined entities containing their characteristic symptoms. In this model, symptoms from different disorders may co-occur, but remain characteristic of one specific
disorder. In the model 1B (“dimensional symptoms model”), symptoms from different disorders are intertwined with each other and can be shared by more than one single disorder.
Finally, In the model 1C (“dimensional severity model”), OCD and anxiety disorders lie within the same spectrum of severity. OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; OCD1, OCD2,
OCD3, and OCD4 = hypothetical OCD symptom domains; SAD = social anxiety disorder; SAD1, SAD2, SAD3, and SAD4 = hypothetical SAD symptom domains; PD = panic disorder;
PD1, PD2, PD3 and PD4 = hypothetical PD symptoms domains.

anxiety disorders are considered as categories, i.e. discrete conditions that the investigated symptom domains [1] do not map into their corre-
with well-defined boundaries that contain defining symptoms almost sponding OCD, SAD, and PD diagnostic categories and [2] are less likely
unique to each diagnosis (Model 1a). In contrast, an alternative ap- to cluster together as they increase in severity.
proach (a “dimensional symptoms model”) acknowledges the potential
co-existence of symptoms that are unique to each disorder (like DSM5)
along with other shared symptoms (Model 1b). For instance, whereas 2. Material and methods
some OCD phenotypes (i.e. “shameful” symptoms) seem to result in
greater social anxiety [11], the performance-only subtype of SAD has 2.1. Participants
been more clearly related to panic attacks than the generalized pheno-
type [12], and certain cognitions (“fear of dying”) seem to be shared by The sample for this study included 108 individuals who were diag-
PD and OCD [13]. Finally, in the “dimensional severity model”, OCD and nosed with DSM-IV OCD (n = 38); SAD (n = 34) or PD (n = 36)
anxiety disorders can be considered different expressions of a common using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) [21]. In-
diathesis, which could then be represented along a continuum of sever- clusion criteria were: (i) a primary diagnosis of OCD, SAD or PD; (ii) age
ity (Model 1c). between 18 and 70 years; and (iii) being able to read and fill out forms.
In this study, to determine how the relationship between OCD, SAD The exclusion criteria comprised severe mental disorders that could
and PD is best conceptualized (i.e. categorically or dimensionally), we compromise the interpretation of the responses (e.g. mental retarda-
investigated how diagnostic categories and their corresponding symp- tion, current manic or psychotic episodes, or dementia) or severe per-
toms coaggregate in a transdiagnostic treatment seeking sample. To sonality disorders (according to the attending physician). Participants
do so, subjects were assessed with the Mini International Neuropsychi- were consecutively recruited from patients who sought treatment in
atric Interview (MINI) to provide diagnostic categories and a series of di- the Obsessive, Compulsive, and Anxiety Research Program and in the
mensional scales that were decomposed into their subscores to provide Laboratory of Panic and Respiration at the Institute of Psychiatry of Fed-
information about the presence and severity of different OCD, SAD, and eral University of Rio de Janeiro. If eligible for the present study, the par-
PD symptom domains. Based on the literature supporting increased co- ticipants were informed about the study goals and invited to participate.
morbidity between OCD and anxiety disorders [2], and studies showing After having signed the consent form, they completed self-report scales
that mental disorders (including OCD [14–16] and panic disorder [17– in the presence of a psychologist. The research ethics committee of the
19]) may have a history of non-specific psychopathology or “pluripo- Institute of Psychiatry of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro has ap-
tent” [20] yet milder common prodromal symptoms, we predicted proved this research protocol (CAAE 50308015.1.0000.5263).
P. Vigne et al. / Comprehensive Psychiatry 94 (2019) 152116 3

2.2. Severity of symptoms partially overlapping subjects [33–35]. Importantly, the three groups
did not differ in terms of sex (χ2 = 1.57, df = 2, p = .45), age
In order to measure the severity of obsessive-compulsive, social anx- (Kruskal-Wallis H = 2.145; df = 2; p = .34), marital status (χ2 =
iety, and panic symptoms, we employed, respectively, the Brazilian Por- 8.05, df = 8, p = .43), professional degree (χ2 = 6.22, df = 8, p =
tuguese versions of the Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale .62), and comorbidity with current major depressive disorder (χ2 =
(DOCS), a 20-item self-report scale that provides global as well as spe- 0.40, df = 2, p = .82). A comparison between the groups in terms of
cific scores on concerns about germs and contamination, concerns other clinical variables (e.g. including age at symptoms' onset, duration
about being responsible for harm, injury, or bad luck; unacceptable of illness, illness perception, and duration of untreated illness) has been
(taboo) thoughts, and concerns about symmetry, completeness, and published elsewhere [33,34].
the need for things to be “just right” [22]; the Social Phobia Inventory The MCA was performed with 79 variables, including 76 severity of
(SPIN), a 17-item self-report instrument that, besides providing a global symptoms (divided into mild, moderate and severe) and three diagnos-
score, generates subscores on fear, avoidance, and physical discomfort tic groups (OCD, SAD, and PD). The MCA generated five dimensional as-
[23]; and the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), a 13- item self- sociations between the variables that can be represented in a
report scale that results in total, panic attacks, agoraphobia/avoidant be- bidimensional graphic. In our particular case, the combination of the
haviors, anticipatory anxiety, and disability and worries about health graphical representation of the first and second dimensions (see Fig.
scores [24,25]. 2) explained better our model (30.5%). Its corresponding numerical rep-
To assess anxiety sensitivity, the Brazilian Portuguese translation of resentation can be visualized in Table 2.
the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-36 (ASI-36) was employed. The ASI-36 is All variables representing the mildest symptoms were grouped
a 36-item self-report instrument that evaluates fear of anxiety-related without correlating with any particular diagnostic group. Moderate
cognitions and sensations, and behaviors that are based on beliefs symptoms, however, were more dispersed than milder symptoms,
about their harmful consequences, and generates global scores and and formed two groups. A first one (termed the moderate uncompli-
subscores regarding fears of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal cated “neurotic” group) involved all SPIN, BDI, and DOCS subscores;
and neurological symptoms, publicly observable anxiety reactions, and subscores 1 and 2 of BAI (neurophysiologic and subjective anxieties);
beliefs about cognitive dyscontrol [26]. Severities of depressive and anx- subscores 1, 2 and 3 of the PAS (panic attacks, agoraphobic and anticipa-
ious symptoms were measured with the Brazilian Portuguese versions tory anxiety); and subscore 4 of the ASI (fear of publicly observable anx-
of the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories (BDI and BAI, respec- iety reactions). This first moderate group did not map into any of the
tively) [27]. Whereas the BDI generated low self-esteem, cognitive- three diagnostic categories.
affective and somatic subscores [28]; BAI total scores were decomposed In contrast, a second group (termed moderate complicated “neu-
into neurophysiologic, subjective, panic and autonomic subscores [29]. rotic” group) mapped more clearly into PD rather than on OCD or
Each of the scales subscores of all scales was split into 3 levels of se- SAD. It included moderate symptoms of subscores 4 and 5 of PAS (dis-
verity (mild, moderate and severe) through K-means clusterization ability and worries about health); subscore 4 of BAI (autonomic anxi-
method to obtain minimal variance within each interval of the re- ety); and all subscores of ASI with the exception of ASI 4 (including
sponses. For example, the first subscore of ASI-36 (fear of cardiovascular fear of cardiovascular, respiratory, gastric, neurologic and cognitive
symptoms) was divided into mild, moderate and severe levels, corre- dyscontrol symptoms). The only moderate symptom variable that did
sponding to scores ranging from 0 to 4; 5 to 13; and 14 to 24 values, re- not clearly map into these two groups was subscore 3 of BAI (panic),
spectively. This strategy generated an additional 76 variables for our which also did not map into any specific diagnostic category.
analysis (see Fig. 1 and Table 2) other than the diagnostic groups them- Finally, all symptom domains of higher severity (here described as
selves (OCD, SAD and PD). K-means clusterization was performed by the severe dispersed “neurotic” symptom domains.) did not produce a
the software “R” (version 3.5.1). well-defined homogeneous cluster as noted in the previous two groups.
Curiously, they also tended to distance themselves from the three diag-
2.3. Statistical analysis nostic categories. Apparently, as severity of OCD and anxiety disorders
symptoms increase, they tend to stand as prominent isolated clinical
For the analysis of differences between groups in terms of phenomena.
sociodemographic and clinical variables, we computed chi-square
tests for dichotomous variables and analyses of variance for continuous 4. Discussion
variables. If MANOVAs indicated significant group effects, post-hoc con-
trasts were computed using Tukey's test. The level of statistical signifi- As research on psychiatric nosology progresses, the validity of DSM
cance was 0.05. For these analyses, we used IBM SPSS Statistics diagnostic entities, either as “discrete” categorical conditions and/or as
Version 25.0 for Mac [30]. phenotypically homogeneous disorders, are being increasingly chal-
Our decision to work with symptom domains as qualitative ordinal lenged. In the present study, we found evidence supporting a predomi-
variables lead to the choice of performing a multiple correspondence nantly dimensional approach to OCD and anxiety disorders. As
analysis (MCA) using the three diagnostic groups and the variables cre- predicted, OCD, SAD, and PD symptom domains did not map exactly
ated from the severity of symptoms as explained above. The choice of into their corresponding diagnostic categories but tended to lie within
this method allows all variables to be analysed simultaneously without a single spectrum of severity, with milder symptom domains being
the diagnostic restraints required by a bivariate analysis. more likely to cluster together. In particular, symptom domains and dis-
Missing values of severity of symptoms were replaced by multiple orders were grouped into [1] a single mild “neurotic” syndrome charac-
imputation through the regularized iterative MCA algorithm. The latter terized by multiple, closely related and milder co-occuring symptom
strategy guarantees an adequate treatment of the data even with non- domains; [2] two moderate (complicated and uncomplicated) “neu-
random losses below 30%, which would be higher than what occurred rotic” syndromes (associated or not with panic disorder, respectively);
in our sample (below than 10%) [31]. Both analyses were also per- and [3] severe but dispersed “neurotic” symptom domains.
formed by the software “R” (version 3.5.1) [32]. Our findings supporting the existence of a single spectrum of sever-
ity involving all relevant OCD and anxiety disorders symptom domains
3. Results are consistent with the concept of “general neurotic syndrome” initially
proposed by Tyrer et al. as a combination of anxiety and depressive
The socio demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample are symptoms associated with anxious, dependent and obsessional person-
summarized in Table 1. They are similar to previous studies using ality traits, often interspersed with episodes of social anxiety, panic and
4 P. Vigne et al. / Comprehensive Psychiatry 94 (2019) 152116

Table 1
Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of participants.

Variables OCD SAD (N = 34) PD Statistic and p-value

(N = 38) (N = 36)

Female (%) 18 (47.4%) 15 (44.1%) 21 (58.3%) X2 = 1.576, df = 2, p = .455

Age (SD) 39.37 (12.716) 42.00 (14.643) 43,89 (11.971) Kruskal-Wallis H = 2.145; df = 2; p = .34,
Marital status (%) X2 = 8.054, df = 8, p = .428
Single 60.5% 58.8% 41.7%
Married 31.6% 29.4% 30.6%
Separated/divorced 5.3% 8.8% 19.4%
Other 2.6% 2.9% 8.4%
Professional degree (%) X2 = 6.222, df = 8, p = .622
No degree 15.8% 5.8% 22.2%
Non-University degree 44.7% 52.9% 38.9%
University degree 28.9% 32.4% 27.8%
Other 10.5% 8.8% 11.1%
Comorbid MDD (current) 28.1% 31.3% 315% X2 = 0.40, df = 2, p = .819
Cross-comorbidity between OCD, SAD, and PD (current)
OCD 65.6% 3.1% 10.7% X2 = 37.1, df = 2, p b .001
SAD 18.8% 71.9% 0.0% X2 = 39.4, df = 2, p b .001
PD 6.3% 6.3% 46.4% X2 = 20.8, df = 2, p b .001

Footnote: OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; SAD = social anxiety disorder; PD = panic disorder; MDD = major depressive disorders.

somatoform symptoms [36]. It also matches the observation that a sub- The finding of a single mild “neurotic” syndrome characterized by
stantial number of subjects fall short of meeting diagnostic criteria for multiple and closely related symptom domains might be consistent
OCD [37] or other anxiety disorders [38,39], either because of the adop- with the idea of an early prodromal shared pathway for OCD, SAD,
tion of non-tested and arbitrary cut-off criteria (such as the presence of and PD. This syndrome might have some overlap with traits such as in-
distress or impaired functioning) when they still experience substantial creased neuroticism [43] in the absence of clinically significant symp-
impairments in health, psychological vulnerability and psychiatric co- toms or even with the so called “Clinical High At Risk Mental State”
morbidity [40] or because of descriptions of certain symptoms as [20], where a common “pluripotent” state can differentiate itself in a
being fundamental for diagnosis (e.g. obsessions and/or compulsions number of “exit” syndromes. Alternatively, the existence of a milder
in OCD), at the expense of other, less commonly reported, but equally cluster may reflect the fact that all anxiety disorders (and to a lesser ex-
relevant diagnostic features (e.g. obsessional slowness [41] or sensory tent OCD [44]) share similar response profiles, often to the same treat-
phenomena in OCD [42]). ment strategies (serotonin reuptake inhibitors and exposure therapy)

Fig. 2. Multiple correspondence analysis map of diagnostics groups and severity of symptoms (projections on the first 2 dimensions). Footnote: OCD = Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; PD
= Panic Disorder; SAD = Social Anxiety Disorder. Scales: ASI = Anxiety Sensitivity Index; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; DOCS = Dimensional
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; SPIN = Social Phobia Inventory; PAS = Panic and Agoraphobia Scale. Each item in red describes a specific symptom, i.e. the scale in question, the number
of the subscore of the scale, and the severity of the specific subscore (mild = mild; mod = moderate; sev. = severe). Symptoms subscore of each scale: BDI1 = Low self-steem; BDI2
= Cognitive-afffective; BDI3 = Somatic; BAI1 = Neurophysiologic; BAI2 = Subjective; BAI3 = Panic; BAI4 = Autonomic; DOCS1 = Contamination; DOCS2 = Harm; DOCS3 =
Thoughts; DOCS4 = Symmetry; SPIN1 = Fear; SPIN2 = Avoidance; SPIN3 = Physiologic arousal; ASI1 = Cardiovascular; ASI2 = Respiratory; ASI3 = Gastric; ASI4 = Fear of publicly
observable anxiety reactions; ASI5 = Neurologic; ASI6 = Cognitive Dyscontrol; PAS1 = Panic Attacks; PAS2 = Agoraphobic; PAS3 = Antecipatory anxiety; PAS4 = Disability; PAS5
= Worries about health.
P. Vigne et al. / Comprehensive Psychiatry 94 (2019) 152116 5

Table 2
The contribution of variables (each subscore split into 3 levels of severity)to the definition of the two first dimensions from multiple correspondence analysis.


(Low self-esteem) (Cognitive-affective) (Somatic) (Neurophysiologic) (Subjective) (Panic) (Autonomic)

Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev

Dimension 1 0.99 0.23 2.44 1.84 0.26 2.44 1.33 0.51 2.29 1.61 0.31 3.11 2.01 0.01 3.57 1.71 1.23 1.59 1.36 0.45 2.90
Dimension 2 0.13 1.51 2.03 0.75 2.50 0.67 0.51 2.68 1.76 0.34 2.12 1.00 0.87 2.01 0.10 0.34 0.25 0.30 0.47 4.25 1.96


(Contamination) (Harm) (Thoughts) (Simmetry) (Fear) (Avoidance) (Physiologic

Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev

Dimension 1 0.28 0.06 1.68 0.59 0.04 1.58 0.80 0.14 2.05 0.44 0.03 1.69 0.93 0.06 1.10 1.02 0.03 1.75 1.45 0.05 2.34
Dimension 2 0.18 0.19 1.97 0.01 0.24 0.54 0.30 1.25 0.63 0.00 0.51 1.71 0.09 0.98 0.62 0.01 0.53 0.76 0.28 2.08 1.03


(Cardiovascular) (Respiratory) (Gastric) (Fear of publicly (Neurologic) (Cognitive
observable anxiety Dyscontrol)

Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev

Dimension 1 1.73 0.04 2.95 1.92 0.04 3.27 1.26 1.00 2.02 1.37 0.02 2.48 1.88 0.94 2.97 2.01 0.05 3.50
Dimension 2 1.18 5.19 1.41 1.51 6.43 1.80 0.14 4.14 2.75 0.11 1.13 0.67 0.26 4.83 4.62 0.65 4.42 0.58


(Panic attacks) (Agoraphobic) (Antecipatory anxiety) (Disability) (Worries about health)

Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev Mild Mod Sev

Dimension 1 0.78 0.83 1.40 1.00 0.13 2.57 0.94 0.03 3.34 0.92 0.65 2.25 1.52 0.76 2.70
Dimension 2 0.42 1.33 0.08 1.39 1.02 0.24 1.34 2.24 0.03 0.55 2.03 0.04 0.24 2.45 1.74

Footnote: ASI = Anxiety Sensitivity Index; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory; DOCS = Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; SPIN = Social Phobia
Inventory; PAS = Panic and Agoraphobia Scale. Each subscore was split into 3 levels of severity (mild = mild; mod = moderate; sev = severe).

[45], which may lead to common “residual” states. In contrast, the mod- Declarations of competing interest
erate “complicated” group, which was associated with PD (and as such,
with increased disability), is the reflection of a spectrum of severity of None.
symptom domains, where the detachment of each other reaches its
maximum expression in the “severe” group. References
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