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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for secondary

education curriculum
General Academic Program
Research Title:
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Research title:
Submitted to: Submitted by:
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TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………….i

TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………….………………………………ii



Background of the Study…………………………………………………………….1-2

Statement of the problem……………………………………………………………...3

Importance of the Study……….…..………………………………………………….4

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………….…………….…5

Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………………….…....6

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………………7-8


*double spacing only

Poor Facilities in Public Schools…………………………… ………………….…9-10

The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students’ Performance and

Achievement in Technology and Livelihood Education…………………………11-14

How is the quality of public school facilities important? .....................................15-17

The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student Outcomes…………18-21

CHAPTER3- RESEARCH ETHICS………………………………………………..III

Research Design and Methodology, Sampling Method,

Data Collection Procedure………………………………………………….…..……22

Data Collection Instrument ….......................................................................................23

Summary of Finding………………………………………………………………....24

Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………….……...25


Data Collection Analysis…………………………………………………………....26





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Education in the Philippines is manipulated by the Department of Education

commonly known as DepEd which mandated the new system of Education Namely K-12

curriculum, a program of having extensions of two year Education in High School.

Facility brings a big impact for both teachers and students outcomes. Student

becomes active in class or activity if learners rely on the availability of school facilities.

This study is conducted to overlook some issues with regard on the new system of


The body of this study identifies the level of satisfaction of Senior High TVL

students of Pagsanghan National High School with the facilities of Pagsanghan TVL

laboratory. This study is also aimed to identify the effect of completeness and

incompleteness of facilities on the student performance.

The study findings, found out that most of the TVL students were fairly

unsatisfied with the facilities of their school. For the TVL students of the school year
2019-2020 the learners are lucky to be a scholar of JDVP and sent them to the training

center to avail the free training to enhance their skills and knowledge in a particular track.


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hard copy nga ginhatag ko
*make sure na pag iba na nga part another page na etu
*observe spacing pirmi dapat double
Background of the study

Have you ever had a concern with regards on the availability of facilities on

your laboratory at school? Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the tools and equipment

your school had provided? Does completeness or incompleteness of facilities do affect

the enhancement of skills, performance, and knowledge of a learner? Those questions

stated above are the considerations of this study.

This study is being conducted to quantify THE TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF



time to identify the effect of completeness and incompleteness of facilities to every

learner as well as to the teachers.

Facilities on the school have a profound impact on both teachers and student

outcomes. With respect to the teachers, school facilities affect teacher recruitment,

retention, commitment and effort in discussing and help teachers to cater quality

education. With respect to the student, school facilities affect learner behavior,

engagement, learning and growth in achievement.

Complete school facilities make students learn faster and increase participation

behavior in a class. However, lack of tools in an area lowers the interest of learners to

perform during their hands-on activity.

According to the US General Accounting Office (GAO) unsatisfactory

environmental condition inadequate ventilation, acoustics, or physical security. Besides,

most schools lack 21st century facilities in the form of infrastructure, laboratories, and

instructional space. More than half do not have sufficiently flexible instructional space

for effective teaching to take place.

Thus, facility quality is an important predictor of teacher retention and student

learning. The physical and emotional health of students and teachers depend on the

quality of the physical location such as acoustics and noise, air quality, lighting,

temperature and space which makes establishing safe, healthy building essential.

Improving the quality of school facilities is an expensive undertaking.

However, when the positive impacts of facility improvement on teachers and students

may bought ensuring students learning skills such as teamwork, collaboration, effective

communication, and others skills.

Identifying the availability of facilities in school may become an advantage to the

learners, especially in Junior High School student to easily make a decision on what

they’re going to enrolled track in Senior High. It will become ease for them to know what

course would be satisfying and fulfilling to enroll in. When we talk about the student

satisfaction with their institute it refers to the student expectation from their institution.

The more the school facilities were provided the more the students make

their experience conducive and help them in attainment of necessary skills and abilities.

This study examines the role of satisfaction on student academic demonstrated that higher

level of relative instructor and their engagement in life in higher education.

Statement of the problem

The study of “Identify the Total Percentage of Senior High TVL

Student who is satisfied and unsatisfied with the facilities of PNHS” would

provide information about the lacking of materials in laboratory may affect the

skills and performance of the student.

65 % the students in TVL are complaining because in every activity they usually

use the tools on their house to perform, and 35% students are lazy to perform

because of the facilities.

This situation has affected their academic performance, due of

lacking in tools and equipment, the student who were not able to perform the

original process of their activities. The absence of tools and equipment are not

helping the student to improve their skills, however the laboratory has still some

tools and equipment, but most of it are not functioning, so the student can’t use

them in activities.

This study would help to determine if the students in TVL are

satisfied or not satisfied in the facilities of PNHS for those students who are not
performing because of the absence of the tools and equipment, will know the bad

or good effects on it on their grade.

The result of this study will help the student to know that the

absence of tools and equipment can affect their academic performance, and the

development of their skill will slow to improve. This study also helps the teacher

to know that the facilities of PNHS are needed some action, they needed to give

attention about the absence of tools and equipment for the students to develop and

improve their skill.

Importance of the Study

The importance of the study about the total percentage of Senior High TVL

Student who satisfied and unsatisfied with the facilities of Pagsanghan National High

School is to let the student know the percentage of satisfaction on the K-12 curriculum on

enhancing their knowledge and skills for their future careers. The K-12 program helps the

students to be prepared for a higher degree of education and enlighten the student to

choose their field of concentration.

The K-12 curriculum objective will help the students to easily find their job

after finishing at least high school and promotes equality in gender race, religion and

status. This study can help the learning institution to build a moderate and placid

relationship with the student and faculty by giving the best possible way of teaching to

help students in adopting the new curriculum and also will help the student in their choice

of strand that would be taken of junior high when they proceed to senior high school by

looking at the availability of resources and capability. Most importantly this study is a

tool that leads to a continuous cycle to improved students learning

This study is being conducted to provide a precautionary measure in some

concerns, enable the students specifically those who enrolled in TVL strand improves

oneself skills, performance and knowledge.

Conceptual Framework



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their survey the data
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10, 2020 gathered

Researchers will bear with the

school principal after
evaluating and analyzing the
data gathered to asked about
the precautionary measures that
the institution must provide
Researchers will formulate possible solution in addressing the issue.

Figure1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study seeks to determine The Total Percentage of Senior High TVL

students who are Satisfied and Unsatisfied with facilities of Pagsanghan National High

School and conducted during the second semester of the school year 2019-2020.

This study was focused on the Senior High TVL student’s level of satisfaction

and identifies the effect of the issue to their academic performance. The population of

this study has a total of 160 students initially, researchers gathered information from 100

samples which randomly selected and gathered through giving questionnaires on the

Definition of Terms

Activities - the condition in which things are happening or being done.

Completeness - the state or condition of having all the necessary or appropriate parts

Enhance - an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.

Effect - a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause

Facilities - a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose

JDVP - a Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical Vocational

Livelihood Specializations
K-12 - a term used in education and educational technology in the United States,

Canada, and possibly other countries, is a short form for the publicly-supported school

grades prior to college. These grades are kindergarten (K) and the 1st through the 12th

grade (1-12).

Knowledge – a facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience

or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

Lacking - not available or in short supply, missing or absent

Performance - The accomplishment of a given task measured against preset known

standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. In a contract, performance is

deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation, in a manner that releases the performer

from all liabilities under the contract

Skill - An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained

effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving

ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills).

Satisfied - contented; pleased, the requirements have been met and nothing more needs

to be done.

TVL - stands for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the TVL Track is one of the two

tracks offered in senior high school; the other one is the Academic Track

Unsatisfied - has a similar meaning to that of dissatisfied, but the words are not quite


 At the last page of your RRL kindly make a table

as a summary of the gathered literature answering
the details given.
AYRS, P.D (1999)

Poor facilities in public schools signify that students are not receiving their rights

of having a sufficiently available and well-maintained school facilities. Indications of

having these poor facilities are non-working or poorly maintained public comfort rooms,

lack of classrooms, overcrowding in classrooms, poor ventilation, unsanitary and

crowded canteens lacking in tools and material and more.

School facilities are a collection of buildings used to provide educational programs

for students. These facilities provide students or pupils with a place to learn that is under
the direction of teachers. Homeschooling or home based learning is the education of

children at home.

Learning is a complex activity that supremely tests students'

motivation and physical condition. Teaching resources, teachers' skill, and curriculum --

these all play a vital role in a child's education .But what about the physical condition and

design of the actual school facility itself? How do they shape a child's learning


Not because it is a public school, students don't have the right to have a well

maintain school facilities. Examples of these are lacking of classrooms, lacking of tables

and chairs, poor ventilation, poor comfort rooms and canteens and the Usage of over

dated books and others tools and equipment.

These students want to study and even though they are only in a public school, it doesn't

mean that they don't have the right to study in comfortable classrooms. And i hope that

the government should do something about this because these students have the right to

have this well-maintained school facilities and education is very important.

An effective school facility is responsive to the changing programs of educational

delivery, and at a minimum should provide a physical environment that is comfortable,

safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing. The

school facility consists of not only the physical structure and the variety of building

systems, such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical and power, telecommunications,

security, and fire suppression systems. The facility also includes furnishings, materials

and supplies, equipment and information technology, as well as various aspects of the

building grounds, namely, athletic fields, playgrounds, areas for outdoor learning, and

vehicular access and parking.

The school facility is much more than a passive container of the educational
process: it is, rather, an integral component of the conditions of learning. The layout and

design of a facility contributes to the place experience of students, educators, and

community members.

Depending on the quality of its design and management, the facility can contribute to a

sense of ownership, safety and security, personalization and control, privacy as well as

sociality, and spaciousness or crowdedness. When planning, designing, or managing the

school facility, these facets of place experience should, when possible, be taken into


The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students’

Performance and Achievement in Technology and Livelihood Education
Mark Raguindin Limon

A considerable number of variables that operate in the teaching-learning process

invariably affect the educational performance and achievement of students. One crucial

variable that directly impacts the quality of learning acquisition among learners is the

adequacy or lack of school facilities that aid in the reinforcement of knowledge and


The purpose of this study was to establish a relationship between the quality of school

facilities and student performance and achievement, in relation to the field of Technology

and Livelihood Education (TLE).

Results revealed that the component with the highest mean rating was the

exterior environment (3.50) and the component with the lowest mean rating was support

space (2.97). In terms of student performance and achievement, the largest increase was

observed during school year 2010-2011 (22.0%) while the smallest increase was noted

during school year 2009-2010 (2.8%).

These findings support the assumptions that insufficient school facilities were

negatively impacting student performance and achievement, and the administrators

concerned take no significant action in addressing this educational issue. Since the lack of

educational facilities was proven to pose serious ramifications on student performance

and achievement, stakeholders should closely look into procedures that focus on facility

support and management in the field of TLE.

Education for All (EFA)—an enactment that holds educational institutions

accountable in providing quality education and maintaining high academic achievements

for all students in the country—appears to be almost unfeasible for many schools, which

is highly challenged to meet EFA’s requirements. Two of the essential factors to consider

in order to fully attaining the provisions in this enactment are (1) a curriculum that

ensures student proficiency in taking standardized tests; and (2) the adequate number of

teachers who can effectively translate the curriculum into meaningful instructional


Nevertheless, a third, and perhaps often overlooked factor that influence

knowledge and skills acquisition of learners is physical school facility. Hughes (2005)

and Lyons (2001) opined that student performance and achievement depended upon the

age, design, and condition of the school facility. Learning, according to Lyons (2001), is

a complex process that situates students’ motivation and school’s physical conditions into

constant evaluation. These internal and external resources interrelate to achieve holistic

learning within a learner.

Educators should perceive each variable important in maintaining an

uninterrupted flow of the process—there was no one variable that operated in isolation

(Lyons, 2001). School facility must be equally viewed as an active contributor in this
process. Thus, stakeholders must be aware of the different ways by which the conditions

of the school facilities make or break the education of the students. Based on research

findings in(1999) of the Department of Education the public schools struggle when it

comes to the availability of appropriate, useful, and quality school facilities on teaching

and learning.

Moreover, in 2002, Schneider heavily underscored that a large proportion of

school facilities in the Philippines are approximately fifty years old and are typically in

poor conditions. This finding was backed up by Filardo (2008) when he noted that public

schools are constantly confronted with out-of-date designs, deteriorating conditions, and

changing utilization pressures. The problem then is clearly visible—deficiencies in the

physical school facilities result to serious ramifications in student learning and

achievement, impairment of teaching standards, and persistence of health and safety

problems for members of the faculty, as well as the students.

Aggravating these issues is the inability of the authorities concerned to generate

actions that purport to support the procurement of modern and relevant facility, likewise

to train personnel in the management of these resources. Poor condition of school

facilities brings about critical concerns on teachers’ and students’ general welfare.

Consequently, it becomes imperative that the functions school facilities fulfill in in the

student acquisition and learning of life-long knowledge and skill competencies should be

taken into account by policy makers and administrators when designing a curriculum that

provides equitable and efficient education. Stakeholders should realize that there exists an

obvious, direct relationship between student performance and achievement and the

quality of school facilities.

This study seeks to determine the relationship between the quality of school

facilities and student performance and achievement; specifically, the researcher indicated

the component of physical school facility that yields the heaviest weight in affecting

student performance and achievement.

The findings in this study provided implications for policy revisions and

considerations in curriculum planning that can effectively address the aforesaid

educational gaps resulting from the deficiency of physical facilities, which incrementally

corrodes the quality of teaching and learning.

Furthermore, the findings emphasized to focus attention on improving

educational environment by increasing the procurement of equipment in the

implementation of TLE curriculum, likewise in the maintenance, renovation, and

expansion of school infrastructures to accommodate the growing number of Filipino

youth enrolling in secondary schools.

These installation and improvement measures are hoped to provide avenues for

students to proficiently translate theory into practice and to aim for lifelong, meaningful

How is the quality of public school facilities important?
By: Mary Filardo

In a March 2008 report on improving California’s infrastructure,

authors Dowall and Ried describe infrastructure in terms of the public benefits it brings.

So rather than thinking of infrastructure in terms of transit, roads, bridges, and

waterways; reservoirs, water supply, and sewers; landfills, parks, and other public lands;

schools, colleges, and universities; and prisons, jails, and courts, they describe it in terms

of the services this infrastructure supports—“mobility; safe and reliable sources of water;

sustainable development; knowledge creation and transfer; and personal security.” This

perspective is important to a discussion about school infrastructure, because the issue is

not the buildings themselves, but what we need them for—in the case of public schools,

for knowledge creation and transfer.

Public school districts need to improve the quality of education so that

coming generations make greater progress against international and domestic conflicts,

poverty, disease, and the degradation of the environment.

School districts need to graduate students who will successfully compete globally, and

they need to close the achievement gaps between children from advantaged and

disadvantaged cohorts to achieve this goal. Public Schools and Economic Development:
What the Research Shows (Weiss 2004) examines research linking educational

investment to national productivity and correlating educational quality and quantity to

wages, productivity, and social equity.

It concludes, “Taking the research as a whole— including studies focused on both

domestic and international data, as well as various theories discussed—the findings

strongly indicate that a nation’s educational system helps determine the quality of its

labor force and therefore the health of its economy.”

Many of the key educational initiatives designed to give the nation’s

children the tools and knowledge they need for the future have facility-related

implications. Building deficiencies impair the quality of teaching and learning and

contribute to health and safety problems of staff and students. Building design and

facility conditions have also been associated with teacher motivation and student

achievement. For example, classroom lighting and thermal comfort are commonly cited

by teachers as determinants of their own morale and the engagement of their students

(Corcoran, Walker, and White 1988; Jago and Tanner 1999). Lemasters (1997) identified

53 studies that linked design features to student achievement.

Two studies (Lewis 2000; Buckley, Schneider, and Shang 2004)—one in

Los Angeles and the other among Milwaukee schools—directly observed school

conditions and controlled for pupil and neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics,

school size, and students’ reported motivation levels. Facility conditions and maintenance

variables included conditions of lockers, visible graffiti, and frequency of cleaning

classrooms. \

The studies found higher reading scores among elementary and high school students in

better-maintained schools, after accounting for the other influences. While the quality of

public school buildings is most essential for the school-age population that is compelled

to attend school and the over 6 million teachers and other adults who work in schools and
school districts, these community-based facilities can and often do serve a much wider


They are a public commons in many communities, accessible for public

meetings, voting, and emergency shelters, as well as for use by private community,

groups and organizations that might have programs or services after school hours. Public

school buildings, which are among the most common public buildings, often define and

anchor neighborhoods and communities.

What can investment in K-12 public school facilities do? Immediate spending on public

school maintenance and repair can benefit the economy and at the same time improve

education quality and even health. Capital investment that will affect a two- to five-year

economic future will improve schools and communities and create lasting benefit to

society, particularly if this capital investment is used to help close the achievement gaps

between low income students and their more-affluent peers.

Reduce the backlog of maintenance and repairs School districts must maintain

their school buildings on an annual basis. The Maintenance and Operations Cost Study,

which is developed based on surveys of school business officials, estimates the per

student spending on maintenance and operations for the 2006-07 year at $824 per student,

approximately 9.2% of total district operating expenditures (Figure B breaks this total

down to its individual components). Using this per-student estimate, total maintenance

and operations spending nationally for the 49 million public school students would be

approximately $40 billion for the 2006-07 year.

Excluding utilities, the expenditure would be approximately $26 billion.

Maintenance and repair as well as custodial and budgets are often underfunded, and

maintenance is often deferred over a period of years. For example, the Portland Public
Schools estimate an $800 million deferred maintenance backlog and the Los Angeles

Unified School District estimates a $5 billion backlog in their existing facilities.

Particularly given rising utility costs, basic building cleaning, expanding early

childhood education, and the pressure to reduce class sizes, maintenance and repair are

cut back to address other demands on school district budgets. The overall percentage of

school district spending on maintenance and operations declined from 12.75% in 1988 to

7.58% in 2006; it rose to 9.19% in 2007, largely due to rising costs of utilities (Agron 200

The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student Outcomes

Guest post by Penn State University

A growing body of research has found that school facilities can have a

profound impact on both teacher and student outcomes. With respect to teachers, school

facilities affect teacher recruitment, retention, commitment, and effort. With respect to

students, school facilities affect health, behavior, engagement, learning, and growth in

achievement. Thus, researchers generally conclude that without adequate facilities and

resources, it is extremely difficult to serve large numbers of children with complex needs.

According to the US General Accounting Office (GAO) almost three-fourths

of existing US schools in 1996 was constructed before 1970. Of these schools, about one-

third of schools had need of extensive repair or replacement and almost two-thirds had at

least one inadequate building feature such as substandard plumbing, roofing, or electrical

systems. Moreover, 58-percent had at least one unsatisfactory environmental condition

such as inadequate ventilation, acoustics, or physical security.

Besides general maintenance and construction issues, researchers have found

most schools lack 21st century facilities in the form of infrastructure, laboratories, and

instructional space. More than half do not have sufficiently flexible instructional space

for effective teaching to take place.

Thus, facility quality is an important predictor of teacher retention and student learning.

The physical and emotional health of students and teachers depend on the quality of the

physical location, which makes establishing safe, healthy buildings essential.

The Impact of Facilities

Improving the quality of school facilities is an expensive undertaking. However,

when the positive impacts of facility improvement on teachers and students are translated

into dollar figures, the rewards of such investments far outstrip the cost of the

investments. There are five primary facets of school facilities: acoustics/noise, air quality,

lighting, temperature, and space. These are addressed below.

Acoustics and Noise

Noise levels greatly affect teacher and student performance. In fact, excessive

noise causes dis-satisfaction and stress in both teachers and students. Research has found

that schools that have classrooms with less external noise are positively associated with

greater student engagement and achievement compared to schools with classrooms that

have noisier environments. Thus, building schools that buffer external noise from

classrooms can improve student outcomes

Air Quality

Indoor air quality is also a concern because poor air quality is a major

contributor to absenteeism for students with asthma. Research also indicates that many

schools suffer from “sick building syndrome” which affects the absenteeism and

performance of all students. Moreover, bacteria, viruses, and allergens that contribute to

childhood disease are commonly found in schools with poor ventilation systems.

Indoor pollutants are also emitted from office equipment, flooring materials, paints,

adhesives, cleaning products, pesticides, and insects. All of these environmental hazards

can negatively affect children, particularly in schools with poor ventilation systems


Before the advent of cheap electricity, schools often relied on natural lighting. As

electric power costs declined, the amount of artificial light used in schools increased.

Research has shown that artificial lighting has negative impacts on those in schools

while natural lighting has positive impacts. In fact, research has shown that not only does

classroom lighting boost the morale of teachers and students, appropriate amounts of

natural lighting also reduces off-task behavior and improves test scores. One study

found that students with the most exposure to natural daylight progressed 20% faster

in in math and 26% faster in reading than students who were taught in environments

with the least amount of natural light.

Proper Temperature and Control of Temperature

One consistent research finding across individuals of all ages is that the
temperature in which a person works affects engagement levels and overall productivity

—including student achievement. Anyone that has worked in a classroom or office that is

too hot or too cold knows how difficult it can be when trying to work when the

temperature is uncomfortable. According to the best analyses, the ideal temperature range

for effective learning in reading and mathematics is between 68º and 74º.

To maintain such a temperature in every classroom within a school, teachers

typically need to be able to control the temperature in their own classroom. At the very

least, teachers should be able to control the temperature of small blocks of classrooms

that receive the same amount of sunlight and have similar exposures to outside


Classroom Size and Space

Overcrowded classrooms—and schools—have consistently been linked to

increased levels of aggression in students. Overcrowded classrooms are also associated

with decreased levels of student engagement and, therefore, decreased levels of learning.

Alternatively, classrooms with ample space are more conducive to providing appropriate

learning environments for students and associated with increased student engagement and

learning. Classroom space is particularly relevant with the current emphasis on 21st

century learning such as ensuring students can work in teams, problem solve, and

communicate effectively. Classrooms with adequate space to reconfigure seating

arrangements facilitate the use of different teaching methods that are aligned to 21st

century skills. Creating private study areas as well as smaller learning centers reduces

visual and auditory interruptions, and is positively related to student development and

Twenty-First Century Learning

Policymakers, educators, and business people are now focused on the

need to ensure that students learn 21st century skills such as teamwork, collaboration,

effective communication, and other skills. As noted above, older buildings simply are not

conducive to the teaching of 21st century skills. This is particularly true with the respect

to reconfiguring seating arrangements to facilitate various modes of teaching and learning

and the use of technology in the classroom as a mode of teaching and learning.


Research Design and Methodology

The researchers picked a Quantitative Research Design, so that they will be

able to quantify the percentage of satisfaction of Senior High TVL students with the

facilities on the laboratory of Pagsanghan National High School.

Quantitative Research Design enable the researchers will present their

gathered information through tables and graphical representation.

Sampling Method
Researcher has decided to apply simple random sampling method so that all

TVL students got the chance to be a sample. This study uses this sampling method

because it is fit to the study and for it not to become bias.

Data Collection Procedure

Researchers started to investigate through providing research instrument

which is questionnaire and gathered data in four section of TVL. The survey was done

through selecting sample from population to fill up the research instrument.



Data Collection Instrument


Specifically, it will answer the following question;

1. Are you satisfied or unsatisfied with the facilities of Pagsanghan National High

2. How the lacking of tools and equipment affect the skill of learners?

3. As a TVL student is it fulfilling to use the laboratory that lacks of tools and

4. How the TVL students cope up with the lacking of equipment during their
5. Do you have projects in your TVL subjects that includes buying tools and

6. Did you comply tools and equipment as your project?

7. How many large equipment does your laboratory had?

8. How many equipment in the laboratory are still functioning?

9. How often do you usually use the tools and equipment in your school?

10. In scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate your laboratory?

Summary of Findings

The general objective of this study is to quantify the level of satisfaction of TVL

students of Pagsanghan National High School and identify how those participants

become satisfied and unsatisfied with facilities of the school.

The researcher determine their objective through gathering data in a form of

conducting survey within the school campus during the second semester of school year

2019-2020. The researchers prepare tools for gathering information and they made

questionnaire composing of the question that will be filled up by the samples of without

randomly selected through applying random sampling method where every population

has a chance to become a sample.

Upon conducting the survey, researchers randomly selected 25 participants in

each of four sections to have a total of 100 samples.

After survey, researchers evaluated their findings and they found out that out of 100

samples, 65 students were unsatisfied and 35 were satisfied because most of them answer

tat from 100 sample the population become sometimes bring their materials from ho

4 Girl

Unsatified Satisfied



Data Collection Analysis

The present study aimed to find that this paper uses questionnaire in

investigating the student level of satisfaction of facilities on the Senior High School

Program of Pagsanghan National High School Senior High TVL.

The researchers gathered information by giving questionnaire to the 100

samples that were randomly selected out of 160 TVL students. Within four sections of

TVL Senior High researchers had a sample of 25 in each section.

The findings revealed that students were fairly unsatisfied with the facilities of

Pagsanghan National High School that was stored at laboratory. This is an indication that

instructional materials and theoretical discussions is not rated satisfying. In the

questionnaire result, researchers found out that majority of support services during hands-

on activity of the students, most of them brings their materials from home during their


As the participant general impression, they were fairly unsatisfied with the

senior high school program of the school and most of them affected their performance

due to lack of reference materials at laboratory.




The total Percentage of Senior High TVL students of Pagsanghan National

High School, who are satisfied and unsatisfied with the facilities, are affecting a hundreds

of students every year.

Due to the alarming rate of the unsatisfied student in the facilities of

Pagsanghan National High School, the students are having a problem to their academic

performance and improving. The subjects of TVL in Pagsanghan National High School

are only three, such as Cookery, Food and Beverage and Bread and Pastry Production,

the rate of unsatisfied students are, lacking in tools in cooking and baking, absence of

some equipment, the source of water and the lack access to some tools and equipment,

are all compounding factors in the unsatisfying facilities.

The absence of tools and equipment in TVL laboratory has a big impact of

every performance of the students. The tools completeness of tools and equipment in

Senior High TVL laboratory is a big help to the students, their performance are going to

improve and all activities are going to perform.

The researchers conclude that if this alarming situation in TVL continued, the

students in Junior High School will have a second thought to choose the TVL as their


Researcher conclude that Pagsanghan National High School has a fair source

of facilities this may affect the enhancement of skills and performance, knowledge and

ability of each learner in particular course.

The study concluded that in adequate provision of facilities and materials to

mainstream would lead to poor academic performance of students.


Upon evaluation of the result that the researchers gathered, facilities of

Pagsanghan National High School is rated unsatisfying due to the lack of references

material that the learner’s need during hands-on activity. These issues will never

equipped students particularly those who enrolled in TVL.

Researchers recommend availing Joint Delivery Voucher Program, so that

students from Pagsanghan National High School will be sent to training in Enhancement

of their skills, knowledge and attitude.

Researcher recommended that institution and Stakeholders must bear with each

other to find support in addressing this issue.


 The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students’

Performance and Achievement in Technology and Livelihood

Education Mark Raguindin Limon




 How is the quality of public school facilities important by Mary Filardo

Filardo, M. (2008). Good buildings, better schools: An economic stimulus opportunity

with longterm benefits. Retrieved from

 The Importance of School Facilities in Improving Student Outcomes Guest post

by Penn State University
In 2002, a study by Mark Schneider determined that environmental conditions played a
part in student success. These factors were supported by research from Penn State

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