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Read the sentence and use the verb in the brackets to complete the sentence. Be careful when
you this symbol (-), then you will have to conjugate the verb in a negative form.

1. My sisters sometimes (read) a book.

2. Cats they don't bark (like) dogs. (-)

3. My parents sometimes (do) the shopping.

4. We sometimes we (meet) in front of the cinema.

5. My uncle George and Thomas they could not (go) to the doctor. (-)

6. Our friends always (play) soccer in the school.

7. We not (eat) ice cream at the park every Friday. (-)

8. You can (ride) your bicycle every day.

9. I don’t (have) the best ideas when I alone. (-)

10. They forget and don't  (say) goodbye before the bus arrives. (-)

Transform the following sentences on questions in simple present.

1. They know the instituion address. ____¿Do They know the instituion address?___
2. We learn French at school. _¿Do We learn French at school?
3. You drink coffee at the morning. ¿Do You drink coffee at the morning?_
4. Boys go home after soccer training. ¿Do Boys go home after soccer training?__
5. Sarah and Pam often go to parties. ¿Do they_ Sarah and Pam often go to parties?_
6. In summer kids play at the garden. ___ ¿In summer kids play at the garden?.
7. Hannah and Betty often eat pizza. ¿Do they Hannah and Betty often eat pizza?

Answer the following sentences using short answers.

Do Sena teachers explain topics clearly? _yes _they do_____

Do people go to parties these days? No, they don’t_____
Do animals enjoy the quarantine? Yes they do_______
Do companies sell more products currently? _ No, they don’t ___
Do people lose their jobs these days? Yes they do

Answer the following sentences using long answers.

Do you prefer cats or dogs? _______ I prefer cats because they are more independent

GFPI-F-019 V03
Do you watch documentaries? _ yes i watch animal documentaries

Do you listen to music while you take a shower? __no i don't listen to music while i shower

Do you play video games at weekend? _no i don't play video games the weekend

Do you lose weight in quarantine? yes yes I have lost a little weight
Do you read new books in this lockdown? __yes, I read books that recommend me

Do you play any musical instrument? __ no i don't play any instrument

Created by: Diana Marcela Manchola Jara

GFPI-F-019 V03

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