Data Driven 2 Artifact Weebly Submission

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To: RGV Bank
From: Gerardo Farley
CC: Consultation
Date: 6/26/20
Re: Customer Traffic Analysis

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your customer traffic data in order to provide recommendations
for improving operations. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the 10 years data
you provided. The analysis below is based on this data alone. Therefore, my recommendations
should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities and your market. Please let me know if I
can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1 Hourly Patterns By Week Analysis


From the analysis and chart provided down below, it can be concluded that Friday and Saturday are the
days throughout the week the bank experiences the most customer traffic. Saturday has the highest
number of customers even though it is the shortest day and Friday has a significant number of
customers but it is open 9-5




800 Tue
400 Fri


Week (All)

Sum of Main Column Labels

Row Labels Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 341 311 318 315 547 821 2653
10 to 11 220 208 227 238 400 561 1854
11 to noon 584 562 637 548 1047 1353 4731
Noon to 1 715 763 736 670 1234 4118
1 to 2 484 477 479 505 792 2737
2 to 3 314 360 311 284 568 1837
3 to 4 233 258 231 245 372 1339
4 to 5 671 666 655 658 1070 3720
Grand Total 3562 3605 3594 3463 6030 2735 22989


The bank should allocate more of its employees on Friday and Saturday because that is when the bank
experiences the most customer traffic.

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ANALYSIS 2 - Branch 1


From my analysis I concluded that Thursday from noon to 1 is when the bank has the most customer
traffic. I can also conclude that from 10-11 is when the bank has the least customer traffic




500 Mon
400 Wed
300 Fri


9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to noon Noon to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 Formula1

Week (All)

Sum of Column
Branch1 Labels
We Grand
Row Labels Mon Tue d Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 170 173 149 150 312 403 1357
10 to 11 123 133 107 112 196 313 984
11 to noon 263 289 321 276 508 700 2357
Noon to 1 371 360 349 385 629 2094
1 to 2 250 243 219 236 447 1395
2 to 3 173 158 173 178 303 985
3 to 4 113 135 116 111 229 704
4 to 5 345 324 329 314 579 1891
Grand 181 176 176 320 141
Total 1808 5 3 2 3 6 11767

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My recommendation would be to schedule more workers around the peak hours on Thursday from noon to 1 .

ANALYSIS 3 - Branch 2

From my analysis I have concluded that there are s surge of customers coming in on Tuesday from 11,
and peaks at 1. I have also concluded that and Thursday from around 2:30 to 3:30 is when we have
shorter amounts of customers.




500 Mon
400 Wed



9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to noon Noon to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 Formula1

Week (All)

Sum of
Branch2 Column Labels
Row Labels Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 159 179 166 162 295 400 1361
10 to 11 115 129 132 109 206 269 960

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11 to noon 272 300 296 289 467 690 2314
Noon to 1 366 400 365 378 622 2131
1 to 2 259 225 266 210 431 1391
2 to 3 189 137 159 176 286 947
3 to 4 114 123 116 129 225 707
4 to 5 356 308 351 317 592 1924
Grand Total 1830 1801 1851 1770 3124 1359 11735


I would recommend that we re-schedule more workers from 2:30 to 3:30 to when the surge of
customers come in from 11 to 1

From completing the Excel project, I learned how to access, organize, evaluate, data and put this data
in pivot tables. The creation of data visualization from customer traffic data enabled me to recognize
peak hours and times of slower customer traffic to increase organizational productivity of the bank.
Through the evaluation of the bank’s customers traffic, I was able to give analysis and
recommendations to help boost the organizational efficiency of the bank.

Customer traffic data in the bank including hour, time, day and branch allowed me to give a strategic
approach to allocate and schedule more workers during the top peak hours of the day to help establish
efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The depiction of data visualization through charts, graphs and tables allows top management and
decision makers to find and implement strategies to find the best course of action when it comes to
customer satisfaction and consumer behavior. Charts and graphs give those in charge a visual
understanding of the company to better analyze their organization.

In summarization companies and organizations should utilize data to analyze and identify
organizational flaws and productivity. Data allows decision makers to make smart, reliable and accurate
organizational choices to increase the successes and growth of the company. The use of data
visualization through the use of charts, graphs and tables puts things in perspective which makes the
data easier to comprehend and analyze to help decisions that will positively affect the organization.

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