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Steps to Prepare Compost

Composting is the gardener’s way to use nature’s decay of organic ingredients. It isn’t hard to do and
a pile of compost will yield a rich, dark substance that improves garden soil and nurtures plants.
Composting also keeps household garbage and yard waste out of landfills. It is the perfect recycling
activity to help you grow fruits, vegetables, flowers and shrubs. Basic backyard composting is an
uncomplicated process. (See References 1)

Clear a corner of the backyard by the fence or near the edge of the garden for your compost pile or
bin. It should be close to a water source and easy to reach, but out of the main traffic flow. Make sure
the compost pile out of the direct summer sun, but away from buildings. (See References 2, page 18)

Construct or place your compost bin, if you choose to confine your compost pile (see References 3).
You can use a variety of materials, such as untreated wood pallets, wire mesh, snow-fencing or
concrete blocks to make a simple structure for your compost (see References 2, pages 31 through

Add "browns" and the "greens." Browns are fallen leaves, evergreen needles, woody matter,
including bark, twigs and branches, sawdust, wood chips and other materials that contain carbon,
such as shredded cardboard and paper. Greens are grass clippings, green garden waste, vegetable
scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, fruits and other kitchen waste. These items release nitrogen as they
break down. (See References 2, page 17, and References 3)
There are different methods of combining the materials. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
recommends two approaches. One is to mix brown and green stuff together, tossing kitchen or yard
waste into the bin or onto the pile as you collect it. The other is to alternate layers of carbon-rich and
nitrogen-rich materials, starting with a 6-inch layer of brown stuff topped by 3-inch layer of green
stuff, which is topped by another 3-inch layer of brown stuff, and so on. (See References 3)

Avoid using meat and dairy products, including meat and fish bones, oils and grease, carnivorous
animal manure. Don’t use grass or plant clippings that have pesticides on them, or pressure-treated
wood. Lastly, don't use diseased garden plants or weeds. (See References 1 and 3)

Add safe animal manures to the compost heap, if available (see References 1). Use manure from
grass, grain and hay eaters, such as horses, rabbits, cows and chickens.

Moisten the pile periodically with your garden hose as you add to it. Sprinkle a shovel or so of
finished compost or healthy garden soil over the compost materials to add live microorganisms that
will begin to break down the trimmings and scraps. (See References 3)

Watch for the pile to settle, a sign that the composting is working. Natural decomposition does the
work of transforming the materials, heating up the pile to between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit in
a few weeks (see Reference 2, page 18). Speed things up by turning the pile with a shovel or
pitchfork every week or two. Move materials on the outside of the pile into the center (see
References 3). This allows the material to decompose more evenly.

Check for signs that the compost is finished in one to four months, if you layer material and regularly
turn it, or two months to two years if you don't. Your compost is ready to use when all the materials
turn into a clean-smelling, crumbly, earth-like brown substance. Use it to enrich your garden soil or
outdoor potted plants. (See References 3)
Things You Will Need
 Shovel
 Pitchfork (optional)
 Untreated wood pallets (optional)
 Wire mesh (optional)
 Snow fencing (optional)
 Concrete blocks (optional)
 Compost bin (optional)
 Composting materials, yard waste and kitchen scraps
 Garden hose
 Finished compost or garden soil
 If you live in an apartment and don't have a garden, you can still recycle kitchen waste with a
self-contained vermicomposting system in which worms break down the garbage into rich castings
that resemble compost.

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