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history | f.a.

(tony) furfari

A History of the
Van de Graaff Generator
his month I write about the nature of individual atoms. and principal researcher at MIT’s

about an “atom Van de Graaff focused on this facet of Department of Computer Science
smasher,” the Van de technology after attending a lecture and Electrical Engineering.
Graaff generator. The by Sir Ernest Rutherford In 1929, Van de Graaff, upon his
Van de Graaff genera- (1871–1937), at the Royal Society. return from Oxford to the United
tor is defined in my dictionary as “an During the lecture, Rutherford, dis- States, joined the Palmer Laboratory
electrostatic generator in which elec- coverer of the atom, stressed that at Princeton University as a National
tric charge is …transferred to a large there was a tremendous need for Research Fellow. During the 1930s,
hollow spherical electrode by a rapid- accelerating particles of controlled the movement of electromagnetic
ly moving belt, producing potentials energy in the study of nuclear physics charges was recognized as a possible
over a million volts, and used with and implored the audience to do process for creating very high volt-
an acceleration tube as an electron or research in that field. Van de Graaff, age. Systems that move charged par-
ion accelerator” [1]. It was invented ticles were envisioned by nuclear
by Robert Jemeson Van de Graaff in physicists as possibly being liquid,
1930 while a post-doctoral physicist and not necessarily solid, such as a
at the Palmer Physics Laboratory at belt. Corona spray had been recog-
Princeton University. nized as a charge that could be

Robert Jemeson Van der Graaff applied to a belt; but the question
was born on 20 December 1901 in was how to collect the charge from a
Tuscaloosa, Alabama. His mother moving belt. Van de Graaff, being a
was Minnie Cherokee Hargrove and physicist, recognized that if you ran a
his father was Adrian Sebastian Van belt between pulleys, one pulley at
de Graaff. Robert attended the ground and one at isolated environ-
Tuscaloosa public schools and then ment, supported by insulators, volt-

attended the University of Alabama age could be generated, but the

where he received a B.S. degree in difficulty was to move charges off of
1922 and an M.S. degree in 1923. the belt that is carrying the charge.
Both degrees were in mechanical For instance, if charging with posi-
engineering. After graduation, he tive charges, when trying to bring
worked for the Alabama Power Robert Jemison Van de Graaff. more charges up, the sphere is trying
Company for a year as a research to push them away. What Van de
assistant. He studied at the Sorbonne being a young scholar, took Ruther- Graaff discovered was the concept of
in Paris in 1924–1925 and, while ford’s admonishment very seriously, using a re-entrance structure, where
there, attended lectures by Marie and was motivated to try to develop a the belt enters inside the sphere.
Curie on radiation. In 1925, he went working system to achieve particle That is the very key component,
to Oxford University in England as a acceleration. because once inside the sphere, the
Rhodes Scholar. At Oxford, he charges are naturally drawn to the
received a B.S. in physics in 1926 Van de Graaff Produces sphere, trying to get to the outside
and a Ph.D. in physics in 1928 [2]. His First Machines surface of the sphere. There’s a force
While at Oxford, Van de Graaff For a discussion of how the Van to move charges from anywhere
became aware of the deep interest of Graaff generator came about and inside the sphere to the external sur-
nuclear experimenters in the possibil- how it works, I sought the help of face of the sphere. By bringing the
ity that particles could someday be Dr. Chatham Cooke at Massachu- pulley inside the sphere, which is the
accelerated to speeds sufficient to dis- setts Institute of Technology (MIT), charge-collector, it was very efficient
integrate nuclei. By disintegrating and I share his descriptions with our and effective to remove the charges
atomic nuclei, much could be learned readers. Dr. Cooke is senior lecturer off the belt.
Van de Graaff constructed a Compressed Gases
first working model of an electro- Instead of Air Is Best
static accelerator; it developed Much was learned about how to make
89,000 V. Improvements to his machines at that time, but it was rec-
original design followed, and in ognized that air was not going to be a
November 1933, at a meeting of successful medium. There was tremen-
the American Institute of Physics dous effort to develop gases that would
he demonstrated his machine that be better insulators. Carbon-tetra-chlo-
produced 1 million volts and was ride was one of the early good ones,
only a few feet tall. but it was unhealthy for humans,
Unfortunately, besides being
Robert Van de Graaff unhealthy, it also has a low vapor pres-
Returns to MIT sure, so its molecule cannot be in a
Karl Compton, then president of gaseous state at high pressures, so it


MIT, became aware of Van de Graaff’s was difficult to get sufficient density of
accomplishments at Princeton and gas to make it electrically effective.
invited him to return to MIT as a However, other gases and gas
research associate. It was there that mixtures were explored, and high-
Van de Graaff built his first large pressure gases were used immedi-
machine in an aircraft hanger. The ately, nitrogen, air, and carbon This is an early Van de Graff generator
machine used two polished alu- dioxide being the dominant ones. being demonstrated by Robert J. Van
minum spheres, each 15 ft in diame- There continued during the early de Graaff himself.
ter, mounted on 25-ft high 1930s a major search to develop a
insulating columns that were 6 ft in better gas. Ultimately it was rec- tests for its use as an insulting
diameter. The columns were mount- ognized that sulfur hexaflouride media for his generator. He discov-
ed on railroad trucks that put the was a prime target for insulation, ered it was a great gas for insulat-
columns 43 ft above ground level. and researchers set about rather ing purposes. It was also not toxic,
Each sphere had its own generator, quickly trying to find a way to and it could be pressurized to a
one arranged to charge positive and generate a high-voltage gas. After couple hundred psi, making it
the other negative, so that the volt- realizing it was a good electrical dense a terrific insulator. Also, in
age between the two spheres was gas, the first application, was in studying those properties, Van de
twice that of the generator alone. The Van de Graaff’s machines. Graaff recognized that, besides


machine was displayed on 28 It has been told that Van de being a good insulator, when arcs
November 1933 and produced 7 mil- Graaff spent about US$400 (which did occur, they were quickly
lion volts. The accomplishment was was a lot of money at that time) to quenched. Going into compressed
reported in a story in The New York get a few grams of SF6. The chem- gas environment quickly became
Times for 29 November 1933 titled: istry department at MIT specifi- the recognized way to get much
“Man Hurls Bolt of 7,000,000 Volts.’ cally isolated it for Robert Van de higher voltage machines. Several
In 1937, the machine was placed in a Graaff, in order for him to make were built at MIT and other
pressurized enclosure at MIT. There
were two terminals in two
machines: one designed to run posi-
tive and one designed to run nega-
tive, and the acceleration tube was
set up to run between the two. The
intent was to have each machine
run at a couple of million volts and,
therefore, get multimillion volt
energy that could facilitate radia-
tion of materials.
In 1935, Van de Graaff received
U.S. Patent No. 1,991,236 for his
invention. In 1936, Van de Graaff

married Catherine Boyden. They had

two sons, John and William. Robert
J. Van de Graaff died on the morn-
ing of 16 January 1967 in Boston at
the age of 65. At the time of his
death, there were over 500 Van de The engineer’s prototype of the generator being demonstrated by Dr. Van de
Graaff particle accelerators in use in Graaff at the Hotel Statler. It stood approximately 6 ft tall and was capable of
more than 30 countries. 11
producing about 1 million volts of static electricity.
of MIT. Trump was an electrical
engineer and a close friend of Van
de Graaff. Van de Graaff was a
physicist, most interested in hav-
ing the machine for physics
research; Trump, on the other
hand, was an electrical engineer,
and saw a broader application for
the machine. Trump turned to
developing the machine for radia-
tion therapy and became a leader
of applying the machines to hospi-
tal environment, where cancer
treatment with X rays had been
performed for decades.

Applications of the
Van de Graaff Machine
The machines at MIT were used for
physics research, a first target
because of Van de Graaff’s devotion
to nuclear physics. After that,
researchers recognized there were
possible commercial values, causing
changes associated with radiation,

and using electrons to generate X

rays by having them strike a heavy
target. Some machines were applied
to X-ray imaging, several machines
were used by the government dur-
ing WWII to X-ray interiors of
The Van de Graaff was constructed on railroad track bases so that it could be navy ordinance. The high-energy X

wheeled out of and within the hangar. rays have tremendous power and can
penetrate very deeply. Also, by cre-
institutions. Additionally, because mond Herb (1908–1996) produced ating a very intense, highly focused
of its thermodynamic and arc- a compressed gas insulated machine beam, X rays can be created that
quenching properties, SF6 was of the Van de Graaff type; it was cannot be created from a radioactive
soon applied to high-voltage cir- quite successful. Robert Van de source such as cobalt. Furthermore,
cuit breakers. Graaff and Ray Herb ended up because they can be pinpointed to
transferring their technologies of create very high-resolution X rays,
Other Contributors to electrostatic machines to applica- the source is a sharp point. X-ray
Technology tions in industry. The Van de Graaff tubes running up to about 250 kV
Van de Graaff worked with John G. technology was implemented by a were common, but getting higher
Trump, a professor of electrical engi- company called High Voltage energy tubes was not possible at the
neering at MIT, and with William Engineering Corp. of Burlington time. When the Van de Graaff
W. Buechner, a professor of physics at Massachusetts. Ray Herb’s technol- machine came along, it provided
MIT, developing a machine to use as ogy was implemented by a compa- reliable 2 million volts, or more,
a medical unit to produce X rays for ny called National Electrostatics, energy, and X rays became extraor-
treating cancerous tumors with pre- just outside of Madison, Wiscon- dinarily penetrative that could pene-
cise penetrating radiation, first used sin. Both companies produced trate steel plate many inches thick.
clinically in 1937 at Harvard Med- machines for many decades and Recently, there was a very large
ical School. were responsible for providing the machine produced in Europe,
The Carnegie Institution in technology that served nuclear designed for over 20 million volts,
Washington, DC, sometime around physics for many years. to meet the needs of researchers
1935, developed a Van de Graaff In 1948, an article summariz- interested in using X rays to alter
accelerator for about 1 million volts. ing some of this history was pub- materials; radiation can be a very
The machine was developed by lished by the American Physical effective cross-linking agent to
Physicist Merle Tuve; it was air Society, titled “Reports on improve the properties of materi-
insulated and proved to be quite a Progress in Physics,” authored by als. An example of work MIT has
successful machine. At the Univer- Robert J. Van de Graaff, John G done in cooperation with Massa-
sity of Wisconsin, physicist Ray- Trump, and William Buekner, all chusetts General Hospital involved
the use of radiation to improve the education and entertainment pur-
material used in hip replacements. poses. Mr. James Davis, of the
Before that development the mate- Wabash Instrument Company of
rial used for hip replacement Wabash, Indiana, told the writer


would last 10–15 years, and then that over 15,000 miniature Van de
the patient would expect to under- Graaff generators have been sup-
go an operation for a new replace- plied by his company to schools in
ment. With the present use of the United States. They are desk-
radiated material technology, hip size and used for teaching physics
replacements appear to be perma- and chemistry. The small machines
nent, not wearing out in one’s life- will produce up to 150,000 V. The
time. There are many other maximum continuous current is
applications where radiation is a only about 10 µA, so the units are
very effective application. Plastics quite safe; Sparks of 8-in long may
of many kinds are cross linked to go to 12–15 in [3].
make them stronger, more durable, An example of the mini Van de
and operate at higher temperature, The Westinghouse Graaff generator.
and organic materials can be made Atom Smasher [4]
electrical conductors. Semiconduc- The Van de Graaff generator built by belts that traveled along the
tor devices can be irradiated to Westinghouse in 1937 at its research assembly. The inside of the tube
improve their operation [2]. facility in Forest Hills, Pennsylvania, was evacuated. At its lower end
In machines in which the high- was constructed for the first nuclear were magnetic analyzers to sepa-
voltage insulation is air, break physics program out in industry. It was rate the accelerated particles into
down can be frequent, and the intended for an unprecedented high those of the proper charge and
sparks are typically 10–20 ft long. voltage. The machine was designed by mass. The bombardment of tar-
In an exhibit at the Museum of Sci- a group of Westinghouse engineers led gets took place on the ground
ence, in Boston, the audience is by Dr. William H. Wells. Wells floor, well below the ground level
protected by a series of wires that received the Ph.D. degree at Johns if extra shielding was desired.
run vertically in space, about 6-in Hopkins University in 1934; he had By July of 1937, the tank had
apart, and the screen acts effectively been on the faculty of the University of been erected, major internal struc-
as a Faraday shield that isolates and Minnesota before joining Westing- tures lowered into place through
protects the audience from the elec- house Research on June 1936. the open top, and the tank closed.


tric fields. The theater was created The design drew on the experi- By this time, the company felt it
for it, and the grounding system for ence with pressurized machines by was appropriate to let the world
it is quite significant. Barton, Mueller, and Van Atta at know what it was doing. Wells was
Going to compressed-gas environ- Princeton, and Herb, Parkinson, cautious about the anticipated per-
ment quickly became the way to get and Kerst at the University of formance, as both MIT and the
much higher voltage; several high- Wisconsin. The pressure tank is Carnegie Institution were having
voltage machines were built at MIT 30-ft in diameter and 47-ft high, great difficulties obtaining high
and other institutions. At the Uni- and the top of the machine is 65-ft voltages with their newly con-
versity of Wisconsin, Ray Herb pro- above ground level. The air pres- structed Van de Graaff generators.
duced a compressed-gas insulated sure of 125 lb/in 2 was used to The machine was accordingly
machine of the Van de Graaff type increase the breakdown voltage for described to the press as a five mil-
that was quite successful. Both Van the internal sphere and column. lion volt machine, and so it has
de Graaff and Ray Herb ended up Since the voltage was distributed become known. Although it did
transferring their technologies to along the column, lesser standoff run above 4 million volts, it never
industry for commercial use of elec- distances were required at lower actually achieved five. The striking
trostatic machines. The machines at portions, which accounts for the appearance of the machine, the
MIT were used for physics research, pear-shaped design of the tank. superlatives of voltages in the mul-
their first target because it was Van The 30 ft-long acceleration timillions, atoms of incomprehensi-
Graaff’s love and the motivation for vacuum tube consisted of a stack ble smallness traveling at
developing the technology was origi- of porcelain rings with 12-in unimaginable speeds, and the
nally for nuclear physics, and later inside diameter, interleaved with glamour of penetrating into the sci-
recognized they could be used for metal spacers that formed the entific unknown, all made good
radiation to improve the characteris- accelerating electrodes. At the top copy, and newspapers and maga-
tics of materials. of the accelerating tube, support- zines published good accounts and
ed by four columns of porcelain pictures of the machine.
Miniature Van de Graff insulators, is a spherical shell con- In 1984, the machine was nomi-
Generators taining the ion source, a belt-dri- nated to be designated an IEEE
Some companies in the United ven generator for power, and sets Milestone in Electrical Engineering;
States make miniature machines for of needles to charge the two main it was so designated on 29 May 1985. 13
The Westinghouse Atom Smasher electricity generated in the labora-
still exists, though its operation was tory by the friction machine.
discontinued around 1950 when it Somewhat later, a quite new
was replaced by a commercially built class of electrostatic generators
machine. All buildings of the origi- came on the scene. These “influ-
nal Westinghouse Research facility ence machines” transferred charge
built in 1916 have been demolished; from a source having low potential
the Westinghouse atom smasher to one of higher potential. The
stands alone. Westinghouse built principal is easily understood with
and moved to much larger and mod- the help of some elementary equa-
ern facilities in 1954. The present tions. A capacitor with capacitance
owner of the site is trying to dispose C and charge Q will have a voltage
of the property, the ultimate fate is V = Q/C. If the capacitor is made
still to be determined. of two parallel plates, and those
plates are separated, the capaci-

Early History of tance C will diminish, and since
Electrostatic Machines [5] the charge Q is constant, the volt-
The Van de Graaff generator is the age V will increase. Now, the two
last in a long series of machines plates of opposite charge attract
that date back to the earliest times one another, and in order to pull The Westinghouse Atom Smasher.
in the history of electricity. Our the plates apart, work must be
word electricity comes from the done. The work done in pulling
Greek word for amber: “ilektron.” the plates apart appears as higher 1938—he saw no reason to update
In 600 B.C., Thales noted that electrical energy. The charge car- it as it worked fine. Interestingly,
when amber was rubbed, it would ried by the separated plate is another feature used later in some
attract light objects, and in 1600 dumped conductively into anoth- Van de Graaff generators was intro-
A.D., William Gilbert, in his er capacitor. The plate is then car- duced in 1900—the enclosure of
epoch-making treatise on magnet- ried back to be close to the first the entire machine in a chamber
ism, was the first to use the term plate, momentarily grounded, and that could be pressurized with air
“electrical” in its modern sense. the process repeated. In many of or carbon dioxide, enabling it to
The generation of electrical these machines the charge is fed produce voltages as much as three
effects by friction was the basis for a back to the first plate, so the two times those obtained in open air.

number of electrical machines. opposite capacitor potentials The Van de Graaff generator is
Otto von Guericke (1602–1686), climb up one after the other to an influence machine. The capaci-
known for his famous experiment quickly achieve values limited tor plates are no longer easily visu-
in which teams of horses could not only by leakage or breakdown alized, as they are continuously
separate the halves of an evacuated Machines based on this princi- distributed as the surface of the
sphere, used a ball of sulfur turned pal first appeared in 1787, and belt itself. Charges are carried
by a crank and rubbed by the hand. over the years took a variety of mechanically by the belt and
Isaac Newton substituted a glass forms, all involving some means of deposited on the high voltage ter-
sphere for the sulfur ball. Further separating charged conductors, and minal. The electrical energy thus
improved machines using glass discharging them conductively as derived comes from the mechanical
disks and Leyden jars to store more appropriate. The most highly energy put in to driving the belt.
substantial amounts of charge were developed was the Wimshurst The writer extends sincere appre-
important tools for describing the machine of 1878; it consisted of ciation to Drs. Chatham M. Cooke
various properties of electricity. two closely spaced glass disks on a and John W. Coltman for their con-
Benjamin Franklin, one of the common axis, rotating in opposite tributions and assistance in generat-
great pioneers of electrical science, directions, and carrying sets of ing this history article.
used such a machine and provided metal foil carriers playing the role
an improvement that is one of the of capacitor plates. Conductors References
keys to the Van de Graaff genera- intermittently touching the foil [1] American Heritage Dictionary of the English Lan-
guage. American Heritage Publishing, 1970.
tor. He showed that pointed nee- carriers took the charges to the
dles, in close proximity to a positive and negative terminals. [2] Various information from MIT Van de Graaff
charged body, would conduct copi- That machine, having a substantial history Web sites.
ous amounts of electricity. He used output at high voltage and being
this in the research that culminat- quite reliable, was widely used as a [3] Wabash Instrument Corp., Wabash, IN.
ed in his famous 1751 demonstra- voltage source for X-ray machines.
[4] J. Coltman, “The Westinghouse atom
tion that lightning was an An elderly emeritus professor in smasher—A IEEE historical milestone,” IEEE
electrical phenomenon, and that the physics department at the Uni- Log Number 8610623, Nov. 4, 1985.
electricity derived from his kite versity of Illinois was still using his
string had all the properties of Wimshurst X-ray machine in [5] Encyclopedia Britannica,11th ed. 1911. IAS

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