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Core Rulebook Ill v.3.5 ‘eed on the orignal Daoions & Datos ome ‘eat by EGary Gypgand Dae Aneion “This Winds or vue Const ami probuet contains 20 Ope Gu Conte. without ten erin. Talon erga te Opes Gorighiceten pel see teers itc. pleats site sian corn ‘IAEA tds AMERICA ‘Rotoreay HEADauanreas Wot at 0 WA epore EGetrnnl oss ‘Si ink na en writs othe no tn et ‘le nc gaat i ‘Visitour websiteat at CREDITS ONSTER MANUAL DESIGN Seip WILLIAMS ONSTERK MANUAL &D DESIGN, TEAM Mone Coox, JonaTHan TWEET, Sxip Wittians ADDETIONAL DESIGN Prope Apztioy, RrciaRo Bars, [4sox Cant, ‘Wiu.tat W. Conxors, Sean KRevNoLDs M ™ D Ba pe en Jesntren Crake Witxes, Jox Piexens EDITORIAL ASSTTANCE Jeuta Marcie, Jeet Qurex, Ros He1Nsoo, Davin, Noonan, PENNY WILLTANS MANAGING EDITOR “Kin Mona CORE D&D CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ep Starx DIRECTOR OF RPG RED Birt Stavresex, VISUAL CREATIVE DIRECTOR ‘Jox Scumspenerre ASRBT ERD RE co to Daw Munrx D&D CONCEPTUAL ARTISTS Topo Locxwoon, Sat Woon D&D LOGO DESIGN ‘Mart Apztsprrcen, Sureey Froxp CaRgO stay Ores “R AO ROT Henat Hrocinsornam INTERTOR ARTIsTs Grex Axcus, Caio Anpitano, Danny Baper, Toss Baxa, Can Crrrcnow, Barax Despatx, Tory Drteauizzt, Lanay EuMone, Scort Fisener, Resreca Guay, Pau Jaawaxs, Micnar Katona, Dana Kxorsox, Topp Locxwoop, Davip Mantis, Martanw Mrrouett, Moxre Moore, ne rost, AvaM Rex, Wax Rexxorns, Riekagp Sanpryua, Brian Syoppy, Marx Tzp1n, “Axruoxy Warzrs GRAPHIC DESIGNER ‘SEAN GLENN, SHERRY FLOYD TY P OuG RA PH E RS Ear Donnuns, AxopiixaLoxo77, Naxcy Wacker PAV) at tONG Re Es HOE Re Crate CuNonursxy 32 N Dh MA Naa G BR Ryax Daxcer CATEGORY MANAGER Kerra Staoum PROJECT MANAGERS Laney Wenver, Jost Fiscrtn DIGI-TEGH SPECTALIST Jor Feananpez PRODUCTION MANAGER 9 « Gaas Dons SPECIAL THANKS Ginpi Ric, Jit Lix, Ricuanp Gaxsreip, eee ‘DREW FINCH ee igen fia MONSTER MANUAL REVISION Rich Baxer’Skte WrittaMs D&D REVISION TEAM Rick Baxex, Anpy Coutins, Dart Noonax, Ric Repaax, Sme Win tants ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT Davro Receznzaay, Jexnrrer CLARKE Witxes, Gwenporis EM. KesTREL, Brut Staviesex FRO OF 8 BD amD ER Penxy WILLIAMS: MANAGING EDITOR Kin Moray: D&D CREATIVE DIRECTOR Ep Starx. DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D BILL SLAVICSEK ae AD. TR Bi Ch TO Daws Munix Go! vie | & AGT Henry Hraarenoraam INTERIOR ARTISTS GLEN ANGUS, CARLO ARELLANO, DAREX BapeR, Tom Baxa, Cat. CRITCHLOW, BRIAN Despats, Ton¥ DrreRitzz1, Scott FIscHER, REBECCA GUAY-MITCHELL, JEREMY [ARVIs, PAUL Jaquays, MicHazL RaLuta, Dana ‘Kxbrsox, Toop Locxwoop, Davio Marri, Raven Miviuna, Martiew Mrrcwett, Monte Moore, Anas Rex, ‘Warne REYNOLDS, RICHARD SARDINHA, BRIAN SNODDY, Mak TEDIN, ANTHONY Warkns, San Wood GRAPHIC DESIGNER Dawy Murms GRAPHIC PRODUCTION/SPECIALISTS ‘Ents Dorares, Axcettxa Loxotz. PHOTOGRA?FHER Crate CupNonursxy VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHING Many Kirenorr CATEGORY MANAGER “ANTHONY VALTERRA PROJECT MANAGER ‘Manrin Duriam PRODUCTION MANAGER CHas DeLoxe OTHER WIZARDS OF THR COAST R&D CONTRIBUTORS Paut Baxcray, Micurie Carre, Bruce Corpert, Mrxe Doxits, Skarr Evtas, ‘Axpniw Fike, Jere Gave, Roa HErsso0, Crnistopuek Peexins, CHanirs Rvax, Mrewari Seutxxee: JONATHAN TWEET, : Janes Wear ei CUAL THANKS or ELtzane ri ALLAN, JzBPEASON Dostar, Srernux Rapwex-McFaxcaxo, ‘Liz Scnvn, Axpx Sura, Mar Sars, “Avex Werrz TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. = Chapter t: Monsters AtoZ. Chapter 2: Animals ‘Chapter 3: Vermin. ae Chapter 4: Improving Monsters. [Chapter 5: Maleing Monsters. ‘Chapter 6: Monster Skills and Fe (Chapter 7: Glossary... 290 303 305 ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS ‘Aasimarlanetouchel) 209 ‘sbolet 8 ‘Aboleth mage 8 Abomination (yuan)... 266 Abyesl gremerbaeik....24 Achalerat ° Airelemental 9s Aiemephit st Alp 10 Androsphina m2 Angel 10 Animated abject a Antes 4 Annis hag) 3 ‘Ape 268 Apes dire a ‘Aquatic ef 103 Ares 1s Archon. 6 Aroha 9 ‘Asean vine 20 ‘Asal dva angel) u Athach 2 Avoral (guard. iat ‘Auer 2 Babau (demon) .-....0..-.-40 Baboon 268 Badger. 268 Badger. dire Thee Baleen whale 282 Balor Gemon) -.-..-. Barbed devil (hamatul) Barghest Barghest, greater ‘Baslisk : Bat 268 Bat, dive 62 ‘Bese, black 269 Bea, brown 269 Bea, dice. 63 Beat, pol 269 ‘Bearded devil (barbaa}. Bebilita (lemon) Behir Beholder Belker Bison. slack dragon Black pudding Blink dog Blue dragon Slue sled ose Boar, lie Boda Bore dev (esyluh). raat (laden) 23 Bass dragon eneen--79 Firenze degen 80 Bughear Ruler. CCachalathale Carion crawler Cauchemar (nightmare) Celestial charger (unicorn Celestial crete, Centar Chaindedil (ey) Chios beast Cheeth, Chimera (Choker. Chromatic dragons chun! Chay golem, leaker (Cloud giant 23 5 tot Darkmanae. 38 Deithslaad..... 21 Deep dvarf. Deep halfling 150 Deinonyehus (inesaut)...60 Dever 38 Demon. 40 Dex 48 Destrachan ..... +” Devil. Devourer Digester Dinoseur Dige animal. Displacerbeas. Djinn Dog. Dog. riding Donkey Doppelganger Dragon, tue Dragon rate Drigoane Dread wraith Dretch (demon) Drder Drow (ll). Dryad Diwrgar dar) Dose mephit Doatf Eagle Eagle giant Earth elemental Earth mephit feet! Elsdin -Elsmosaurus (lino) lderblack pudding. Bement. Elephant Bl Erinyes (dev). Ethereal flcher Ethereal marauder Everap.. Erin, Fiendish creature ire elemental Fire gant Fire mephit. Flesh golem Forest nome. Formign, Frost giant. rest gant al Erest worm, Fungus Gargoyle Gauth (behelder Gelatinous cube Genie ‘Ghaele (laden). hast, Ghost Ghoul Giant Giantant. Giant bee Guntbombardier becie Giant constrictor snake. Giant crocodile Gianteage. . Giant fire beetle = Giant octoptss.c2 ne Gisncowi GGtantprayeg mantis Guanesquld.. Giant stag beetle Guantwasp, being mouther. Giralon Githyanki Githaera (Glabeezs lemon Gall - Gny tender Gay saad Greater barghost Green dragon Green he. Groen shad, (Geardian niga. Goardinal Gynosphin Hug Hualfcelestil Hulfdragon Hale Hilfliend Haleore. Hultblood (yuan) Halfling Harpy. Hawk, Hall hound. Hellat (dvi) Hezrou (lemon) Hieracosphins. Hippogri Hill gan. Hill giant dre wereboar (lyeantheope) Hobgoblin Homunculus Horned devil (corangon) Horse, Hound archon Hound achon hero Howler Hyd, Hyent ‘ce devil (gelugon| ce mephit Imp (dew) Inevitable 4 13 1a a 7 104 13 231 2 74 wn 230 Be a 235 440 Sag 141 233 145 14 146 102 wr 204 264 198 154 si 234 ist 138 Invisible stale: 160 Nessisn yathound (hell Iron golem s13¢ hound) colt Janmeesen 116 Nighthag 191 Kobold. wssesscsrsss-A6t —Nighteraler. 195 Kolyacut(ineviable).....-159 Nightmare Kren Nighishide 195 Keenshar Nighrwalle. 196 Kuo-to8 Nightwing 197 Lamia 265 Nie none 235 Tammasi 16s Normph_ 197 ante archon 16 Ochrejelly 202 ‘Lenuee dei) 57 Octopus, wan Leona Oz. 198 Leopard Ogre baroanan, 198 ich Ore mage 200 Lillend 16 Onze 201 Lion 274 _Ocsemephie 183 Lion, dire @ Or 203 Lint, w4 Ora 283 Laarfollc 169 Onyugh 208 Loeathah 169 Owl a7 Iycamhrope 170 Owl. giant 208 Magma mephit 183 Owlbear 206 Magmin, 179 Pack lord (displacer beas) 6. ‘Manta ray... 275 esas. 206, Manticore 178 Phantom funges 20 Marilith demon) 44 Phase spider 200 ‘Maru inevitable), 159 Phasm 208 Media 180 Pit fiend (dev) o.oo enon 7 Mesarapror(dinosur)......60 Pie 236 Mephit. Planetar (angel ut Mefalk.. Planerouched 209 Metalic drazors Pony. acnaannnsdl Mimic Poxpaise 278 Mind layer. Pseudodsagon 210 Mind ayer sorcerer Pureblood (naan). ..268 Minow Purple worm, 2 Mobte. Byrohydaa, 156 ‘Monitor iar. ‘Quasi demon). 46 Monkey. Raksbass. a Monstrous cemtipede. 23 Monstrous scorpion... 28 Monstrous spider Cy ‘Mountain dae. 278 Mule. 23 Mummy. 25 ‘Mumaty oni 228, Naga ‘Remothar 244 ‘Nafeshnse demon) Retriever (demon) 46 MONSTERS BY TYPE (AND SUBTYPE) ‘Aberration: aboleth athach, beholder, cation crawler, choker, chu, cloaker delver destachan, crier, ethereal filcner, eiercap, gauth, hau, pbbering mauther, grck, oimic, mind fayer, nagas, otyugh, pphasm, rust monster shure, umber hult, willo-wisp. (Ai): air meghit, arrowhaw, cloud giant, dust mephit, green dragon, ce mephit, wil-o-wisp, ‘Animal: animale, bat swarm, dinosaurs, dive animals, rat swarm, (Aquatic) aboleth, aquatic ef, chu, die shark, dragon tut, giant octopus, Kraken, euoto, locathan, merfole, merrov, octopus, sahua i, 4a cat sea hag, shat, skum, squids, water naga [Calg ryohyar, Fost giant, frost worm, ice mephit, sver dragon, white dragen, winter wot Rhinoceros. = 228___“Thiceratops. a Rec cas “Tien, das Roper 215 Troglodyte 246 ust monster 216 Troll 27 Schoagin 217 Trollhunter aus Solamander..ossossconus348 Tray horrid umber bulk. ..249 Salt mephit 184 Trumpetarchon. 18 Saye 219 ‘Tyrannesnurus (inoue). 6t Seeit 229 Umber hale 248 Sealag 144 Unicorn 23) ‘Shadow 221 Virpire 28 Shadow marif 222__Vampire spawn 28 Shambling mound 20 Virgouille 244 shark 279 Viole fungus 13) Shark, dire 6t Viper snake 281 Shield guardian 228 Vimek (demon 4 Shockerlined 20 Mater elemental sa Shricker 113 Water mephit 4 Silver dragon 8 Watermga..- 155, Skeleton 25 Wea! 22 Shum 223 Weasel, dire Ss shad 228 Werebear(ycanthrope) 170 Stake 279 Wereborr(veamthrope) --. 471 Solar (ange!) 12 Wererat(lycamthrope) .....171 Specie. 232° Weretger(iyeamthrope).. 172 ‘Sphinx 232 Werewolf yeanthrope) 173, Spider exter 234 Werewolf lord (lycan- Spiritmaga 192 thrope) Sprite 235 While Suid 28 White dragon, Steam mephit. ast Wight SOB cascsesnes 235 Wildelf Stone gifs Wills-wisp Stone golem. 137 Winer woll Storm gant Wolf Soceubus (demon) Wolf dise Svirfneblin(gnome).......132_ Wolverine. Swarm Wolverine dire Tllfelow (baling) ..°°-149 Wood ef. Tarrasque... 240 Worg Tendriculos 241 Wraith Thogyua 20-0 242 Wyvern 29 Tieng (plmnetouched).-.-209 Xi 299 Tiger. 28. Xorn. 20, Tiger dire 6s Yeh hound 260, Tian, 242 Yaak 220) Tead. 282 Yani 202 ‘Tojanida 243,_Zelek (inevitable)... 160) Trea 24 Zombie 265 Construct: animated cbjects, golems, homunculis, ineveables, retriever, shield guardian. ‘Dragon: dragons, dragon turtle, pseudodragon, wyvern. (arth): bive dragon. copper dragon, earth meahit, gargoye, salt rephit stone giant, Elemental: beer, elemental, visite stalker, magmin thoqgua. ‘Elemental (Af belker, air elementals, invisible stalker, Elemental (Earth): earth elementals, thoggua Elemental (Fire: fre elementals, magma, thoqgua Elemental (Water wate elementals. Fey: dyad, grig, rine, nymph, pis, saty (Frey azer, brass dragor, fire gla, Fre mephit, golddragon, magma mephit prohyera, red dragon, stexm mph Gane ecin, glans, ogre, ogre mage, tel INTRODUCTION: “his is the Duxczos & Descoss* Roleplaying Game, the game that defines the genre and has set the sandand for fantasy role plying formore than 30yeas Specifically, this isthe Monster Manual, This book contains cntles for hundreds of creatures, both hese and benign, foruse| Jn Donceoxs & Diacoxs adventures. This book, the ayer Hand: ‘ook, and the Dungeon Masters Gude compris the core rules fo. the D&D game “This intoductionexolainshoio radeach creature's write-up. ‘toften refers tothe Glosiary, located in Chapier 7 atthe back of tis Kook stating on page 308) for more deta onatck forms alte special qualities asocated with monsters. ‘A ist of monsters organized by Challenge Rating appears on pages 318 and 319 te makeit ag forthe Dungeon Master tailor ‘encounters tothe party lecel ofthe player characters. Eich monster descrptionis arganizedinthe same genera format, | asoutlined below. For complete information about the character istics of monsters, consult Chapter 7: Glossary (starting on page 305),the Players Handbyok or the Dungeon asters Gude. STATISTICS BLOCK. This portion of a monster description contains basic game infor: ‘mation on the creature ‘Name “This is the name by which the creatures generally known. The descriptive text may provide other names. Size and Type This line describes the crestue'ssize (Huge forexample) Size cat ‘egories are defined n the Gssury A size modifier applies ra the creatures Armor Cliss (AC) and attack bonus, as sells ro certain skill A creature’ size also determines how fart can reach to) ‘make a melee attack and how much space it occupies ina fight (ee space/Reach, below). “The sizeani!typeline coniinues with the creatures type (giant) for example), Type determines host magic affects a creatuce; for example, the hold animal spel affects only creatures ofthe animal type. Type determines certain features such as Hit Dice size, base) attack bonus, bise saving throw bonuses, and skill points. For, quick reference,the Glossary gives afull description ofthe fea-| {rues and tais ofeach type and subype. Hit Dice = ‘This line gives the creature’ number and type of Hit Dice, and lists any bonus hit points. A parenthetical note gives the average hit points for a creature of the indicated, number of Hit Dice. ‘A creatures Hit Dice total is also treated asits level for deter- mining how spells affect the creature, is rate of natural healing, and its taxirour ranks ina skill. initiative. Thisline gives the crearur’'s modifier on initiative checks. Speed [his ine gives the creatures acca speed on lan (the amount cf distance itcan cover in one move action) If the creature wears armor that reduces its speed, the create’ base land speed follows. Ifthe creature his other modes of movement, these are given after (or in place of) the land speeé. Unless noted otherwise, ‘modes of movement are natural (not magical). Seethe Glossary for information on movement modes. Armor Class The Armor Class line gives the creatures. AC for normal combat and includes « parenthetical mention ofthe moulflers contribu ‘ng ttt (usually size, Dexterity, and natural amo, The creatures touch and ilavfooted ACs follow the comba-teady AC. ‘A creature’ acmor proficiencies (if thas any) depend on its type, bu in generalacreacure Isawomatically proficient withany kind of amor tis described as wearing (light, medium, or heavy’, and with all lighter kinds of armor Baye Attack/Grapple The number before the slash on this line is dhe creature's base attack bonus (before any modifier are applied). The DM usually wort need this number, britcan be handy sometimes, especially ifthe exeature has the Poser Attack or Combat Expertise fears The numoberaterthe sishisshccrearures grapple bonus, which comsined fom page + {(Geblinois}: bugbear, godin, hbgoblin. ‘Humanoid: bugbear, dwarf, ef, gthyanki, githzeral, gnoll, gnome, g2blin,halling, hobgoblin,kabeld, lizard loathah, meal, or, toglodye. (Wncorporeal alip, ghost, shadow. spect, wraith, (Lawfil: inevitable Magia Beast: arkheg, aranes, baslsh, beh, tulete, bink dog chimera, cockatice, darkmaree, digester, displace beast, dragon, tchereal arauder fendish die mat ros worm, giant eagle, gant ow, srallon, gorgon, gray render ifn, hellvasp swarm, hippogsif yds, jrenast, reaticere, anlbear, pegasus, phase eaken,krenshet, lamia pide, purple worn, remothaz rope shocker lard spider ene segs, tranque,unizor, winter wolf, wor yrhak. ‘Mensirous Humanoid: centaur derr, deppelganger,gagorl, grim lock, haga, harpy kuotoa, medusa, minotaur, sahusgir, yar ‘Ooce black pudding, eltinous cube, gray ooze, ache ell Outsider ‘Ousider (Ai sir mephit anowhavk, jin, dust mephit ice mephit ‘Outsider (Chases chace beast, demons, eladrins, howler, lend, ‘Outsider (Ei): achsiersi, barghest, demons, devie, hel) hound, ‘at, sphimis, hotles night hag, nightmare, akshass, shadow mestif varguile il eth hourd. ath mephit, sat mephit, worn refs hall mound re mephit, magma mei steam mepht, rast salamanders ‘Outsider (Coed): angele, archone, elaine, guardinals lillend, titan (Outsider (Lawflyachaiersi, archons, barghezt, evi, frmians, hell hound, rakshase xl ‘Outsider (Native: astimar cout, jan fing, ratshasa, ton, Outsider Water) ooze meoht, water mephit, tojanidat, ton. Plats assassin vine, phantom fongus, shamoling mound, sriket, tendricules,teant, vil Fung {pilin}: hobo, iaecfelk, toglodyte (Shapechanger): aranea, barghest, doppelganger, yeanthropes, mime: phases ‘Undead lip, bedak, devourer; ghact, ghost, gheul lich, mohts mummy, nightshades, shadow, clalone, spectre, vampire, vampire ‘pou, wight, wraith, zombie "Vermin: centipade swarm, giant insects, locust swarm, monstrous certipedes, mosstous scorpions, monstrous spiders, spider swam. (Water: black digo, bronze dragon, ooze mephit, water mephit tiesto grapple the creature, The grapple bonus includes all mod fiers chat apply tothe creature's grapple checks (base atack bonus, Strength modifier, special sie modifier, and any other applicable ‘modifies, schasa racial bonus on grapple checks Attack [Uhisline shows the singleartack the creanute makes with an arack| [action. tn most cases, thisis also the atack the creature uses When [ atuick of opportunity. as well. The atack line provides the steapon used (natural or manufactured), attack bonus, and |focm ofattack (melee or ranged). The attack bonus given includes modifications for size and Strength (for melee atacks) or Dexter ity (for ranged attacks) A creature with the Weapon Finesse fear ‘can use its Desteity maadfiecon melee attacks Ifthe creanure uses natural attacks, the natural weapon given jhereis the cteatures primary natural weapon (see the Glossity [Fiche creature has several diferent weapons at its disposal, the, alternatives are shown, with each different arack separated by the {sword ‘or’ ‘A creature canuse one ofits secondary natural weapons (see the (Glossary) when making an atack action, but if ir does ic rkes an attack penalty as nace in the Full Atick section below ‘The damage that each atiack deals is noted parenthettall. Damage from anattck i always at least point, even if subirac- tion from adie rll reduces the result 10 00r lower FulLAttack ‘This line shows all the physical attacks che ceanure makes when i fuses fllound action 0 make a fll asack. Ie gives the auraber of {anucks along withthe weapon.arck bonus ana formofattck melee ‘orranged)-The ist entry sforthe creature primary weapon, with an ‘atuck bonus including modifcations for sae and Stengt or melee stuck) or Deceit forranged atack).A creature with the Weapon Finesse eatcan we is Dexerity moxifieron melee attacks ‘The remaining weapons ae secondary, and attacks with thems are made witha =5 penalty tothe attack 2oll no matter how mapy. there ae. Creatures with the Multaruack feat (see page 308) take only a=2 penalty on secondary attacks. i ‘The damage that exch attack doals is nored parenthetically.| Damage from an attck is always atleast 1 poims, even ifa subtrac| tion from a die rll reduces the result 10 0 ot lower ‘A creature’ primary attack damage includes its fall Seengeh modifies (1-1/2 names its Strength bons if the attack is with the creature's sole natural weapon) and is given first, Secondary attacks add only 1/2 the ereatunss Stengzh bonus and are giver second in the parentheses. {sused when the creature makesa grappleatiack orwhen someone ‘any atacksalsa have some special effect other than damage (Foison, disesse, energy drain, and so forth), thar information. | gen here, Unless noted otherwise, creatures using natural wespons deal, {double damage on critical his. | Manufactured Weapons; Creatures that use swords, bows, spears, and the like fallow the same rules as characters do. The bonus for attacks seth twoshanded weapons is 1-1/2 times the creatures Strength modifier if isa bonus), and is given first. Off-, hhand weapons add only 1/2 the Strength bonus andare given second in the parentheses Space/Reach ‘This line describes how much spac the creature takes up on the butle guid and thereby needs 1 fight effectively as wellas how. close it has tobe o threaten an opponent. The number before the slash isthe ereature’ space, cr how many feet one side ofthe cre Ture occupies (refer to the Dungeon Masters Guide for addtional |derais), For example, creature with aspace of 15 feet occupies Ts-square-by-ssquare space on she batle grid. The number afer the slash isthe creatures natural reach. ifthe creatute has excep tional reach due 10 a weapon, tentacle, or he like. she excended reach and its source ate noted in parentheses atabe end ofthe ine. Special Attacks and Special Qualities ‘Many ccvatures have unsual abilities, which can include special antack forms, resistance or vulnerability xo-cextain types of] sdsmage, and enhanced senses, among others. A snonster eatty | breaks these abilities into special aacks and special qualities. The lacter category inchudesdefenses, vulnerabilities, andotherspscal abilsies chatare nox modes of arack. A special ability is ether extraordinary (Ex),spelllike (Sp), or supernatural (Su). See the Glossary for definitions of special abilities Additional informa: tion (when needed) is provided in the cxeanue’s desctiptive-txt ‘When a special ability allows a saving throw, the hind of save and the save DC is noted in the descriptive text. Mest saving throws against special abliies have DCs calculates follves 40 41/2 the atacker’ racial Hit Dice + the relevant ability modifier “The save DC is given in the creatures description along with the abiliry on which the DC i bare, Saves “This ine gives the creatures Fortitude, Rell, nd Willswvemedifier: Abilities This lin les the creature ability scores in the customary exer See, Dex. Con, Ine, Wis, Cha, Except where noted otherwise, each WHY A REVISION? ‘The new Doucions & Daicone game debuted in 2000 Inthe three years ince the d20 game sytem energizes the RPG indir, wove gathered tons of dats om how the games being played. We consider DED to be a lving game that constanty evokes ast i played. Using the gathered feedback, weve retooled the game from the ground up and inearpo- razed everyone's suggetions to improve the game and this product If this ie your it experianee with DED, we welcome you to wonderful world of advertute snd imagination. if you played the por version ofthis beok, est assured that this revision isa testa- ‘ment te our deciation to continuous product improvement and Imovation. We've updated errata, clarfied rales, polished the pres. ‘entation, and made the game better than it was. Ths is an upgrade ‘of the 20 System, not a new edition ofthe game. Tis revision is ‘compatible weh existing products, and these products can be used with the revision with enly minor adjustments. Whats new i the evised Monster Manuel? Theetire book hasbeen polished and refine, al in responce te your fedback and to reflect the say the game is actually being played. We've reorganized the group moneter entre inte easiertouse, single-enty formats: New monsters have been added to tht larger book Advanced versione of seme monsters have been included to challenge high-level characters. New monster feats have been added, and all monster abies are detiled in the glossary for eaty reference. Monsters that can be used as player characters have level adjustments and other information to expedite such play and we've reworked all monsters so that they gain feats and skis the same way that player characters do. We've added extensive inferrtien on how to advance customize, and design monstes. And there ae other improvernents throughout, suchas fst-glnce descrip tiors of monsters. typical spel lists for spellcasting monsters. addi tional stastics to speed up play (including grapole bonus and ful attack routines), and read-toplay entries forall monster types. Take a lock, play the game, We think youtl Ike how eveything tured out. creature is assumed to have the standard actay.ok ability scores ‘before racial adjustments (all 1s and 105, To determine any cree tue’ racial ability adjustments, subtract. 10 ftom any ever-num- bbered ability score and subtract 11 from any odd-rumbesed score cofwarm plans, but could aso be encountered underground i ‘cold hills, or even.on another plane of exstence. See Chaprer 3. the Dungeon. Masters Gude for more oa terrain typesand climate. | (Gxceptons ae noted inthe Combat secnat acreaures deseni-| Ccganization tive text) Humanoid warrorsare generally builtusing the nonelite| arma: 13, 12, 11, 10,9, 8 Advanced creanures (such asthe hound, archon hero) are built using the elite array. 15, 14, 13, 12,108 ‘Most abilities work as described in Chapter 1 of the Mayers) _Mandhook, with exceptions given belay. Strength: As noted on page 1620f the Players Handbook, quad-_ stupeds can cary heavier loads than bipeds can, Any creature with four or more motve limbs can carry aload as a quadruped, even if it does not necessarily useall she limbs aronce. Forexample, drag ons carry Icads asquadrupeds. Intelligence: A creanutecan speak all the languages mencioned sn ts description, plus one additional language per point of Intel ligence bonus. Any creature with an Intelligence scoze of 3.01 ‘higher understands atleast one language (Common, unless noted otherwise) ‘Nonabilities: Some creatures lack cerain ability scores: These | creatures do not have an ability score of o—they lack the ability altogether. The modifier fora nonability is +0. Other effects of nonabilities ate detailed in the Glossary Skills “his line gives the creature’ skills, cong with ech skills modifier (dncluding adjustments for ability scores armor check penalties, ‘and any bonuses from feats or racial traits. All listed skills are clas shils, unless the creature has a chamacer class (note in the entry), A cceature's type and Intelligence scoredeiermine the ‘numberof skill points thas. The Skills section of the creature's description sceaps racial ‘bonuses and ether adjustments to skill modifiers forthe sake of ‘clarity these bonuses should noc be added so the listed skill mod fiers, Anasersk beside the relevant score and in the Skills sec Udon ef the descriptive textindicatesa conditional adjustment, one that applies only n ceruin situations (forinstance,a gargoyle gets, an additional +8 bonus on Hide chechs when it is.concealed aginst a background of worked stone ‘Natural Tendencies: Some creatures simply aren't made for certain types of physical activity Elephants, despite their great Strength scores, sxe terable at jumping. Giant crocodiles, despite thoir high Strength seares, dont limb well. Horses cant walk tightrapes fit seems clear toyou that particular creature simply { notamade for apacticulae physical actsty. you can say thatthe creature takes 8 penaltyon sil checkethat defy its natural ter sdencies In extreme circumstance a porpoite attempting aClimb check, for instance) you can rule that he create fils the check auomaticaly Feais ‘The line gives the creanurss fess. A monster gain feats jos character does—one for is frst Hit Die,a second fest i ithas at least 3 HD, and an additional feat for every additional 3 HD. (For example, 9 HD cresruce is entitled ro fox fea.) Somerimes screaure his near mace horus eas, marked with a superscript B (9, Creatuces often do not have the prerequisites fora bonus fest. this sso, the erature can still use the feat. If you wish to customize the creature with new feats youtcan reas sign is other feats, but not its honus feats A crearurecannat have feat that s nota bonus feat unless ithas the feats prerequisites Ehvironment “This line gives a type of climate and terrain where the creature is typically fund. Tis describes a rerdency, bt isnot exclusionary. A great wyrm gold dragon, for instance, hus 2n environment entry {Thisline describes tne kindof groups the creature might form. A range of numbers parentheses indicates how many combat ready adulis ae in each type of group. Many groups also have 2 number of noncombatans, expressed as 2 percentage ofthe ight ing population. Noncombarants can include young, the inftm, shves, or other individuals who are not inclined sp.fight. A crea tures Society section may include more detallsen noncombatants. Ifthe organization line contains the term “domesticated, the creatures generally found only in the company.of ouher cre tures whom itserves in some capacity, halienge Rating “This shows the average level ofa paty of adventurers for which Jone creature would make an encounter of moderate difficuly. Jassumea party of fourfresh characters ull hit poins, fall pells ‘and equipmest appropriate to beiclevel) Given reasonable hick, the party should beable win she encounier wit some damage ‘bur bo casualties Foe mors information about Challenge Ratings sex pages 36 and 48 ofthe Dungon Masters Guide. ‘Treasure “This line reflects hew much wealth the ceatuce owas and refers, so Table 3-5: Treasuse on page 52 of the Dungeon Maser’ Guid. n) _most caves, a creature heeps valuables in its home or lai and has no treasure wih it when travels Incelligent creatures shat own useful, portable weasure (such a9 magic items) tend to carry and) ‘use thes, leaving bulley-items at home. See the glosary foc more deals on wsing the Treasure line of each monster entry. Alignment This line gives the alignment thatthe creature is moat likely to hove. Every entry includes a qualifier that indicates how brosdly that slignmene applesto the species 2s awhole. See the Glossary for details. Advancement ‘This book usually describes only the most commonly encoun- tered version ofa cresture (though some entries for advanced ‘monsters can be found). The advancement line shows hove rough a creature can get, in terms of extrs Hit Dice. (Thisis not an absolute limit. but exceptions are extremely rare) Often, intel gent creatures advance by gaining s level in a character class instead of jast gaining new Hit De Level Adjustment Thicline is included in the entries of crentures suitable for use as phyeecharactersorascohors(ususlly creaures with Inlligence scores of atleast 4. andl possessing apposable thumbs). Add this ‘number tothe creatures total Hit Dice, including class levels, to get the creature's offective character level (ECL) Achsracters ECL affecs the experience the character extn, the amount of expert tence the charscter must have before grining a new level, and the characters starting equipment. See pages 172, 199, and 208 of the Dungeon Master's Gute for more information DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ‘The body of each entry opens with a sentence or two that) describes what the player characters might see on first encounter-| {ng amonster, followed by-a short description of the creature: ‘what it does, what it looks like, and what is most noteworthy about it Special sections describe how the creature fights and give details on specialartacks, special qualities, skills, and fears. CHAPTER k; Senet MONSTERS A-TO-Z DEainden Attar htiyatemsde met ocd ons This book conzains hundreds of ereatutesforuse inany Dusceows|, [Fortitude sive ar begin sotransform over the next id4+1 minutes, ‘S Diacons game, Refer to the Glossary, starting on page 305,for| [rhe skin gradually becaminga.clear, simy membrane. An allicred definitions of common features and abilities of individual mon-|. _jereature rust remain moisiened with cool, fresh water or take sters.Inmmost cases, a morster entry describes atypical individual] /1412 points of damage every 10 minutes. The slime reduces th ofthe kind n quesdon, whichis the most common version enc], _cteatures nara armoc bonus y 1 (but never les than 0), The ouniertd by character on avenutes The DM can modify these! save DC is Consttuio:bise eaties, crite advanced or weaker versions or aller any stasis | A wmav digas spell cast before the tansioxmation i comple topliy a monster agunst ype and surprise the phyer characters. will estore an alice creaute wo normal Aitenvand, haweves, And ro ets meet themonsiers only eal or ma hal spell ean reverse te aliction, ‘Maicis Cloud (Ex) An sbolets undersatersurzounds ise wth a scous cloud of micus roughly {oot thick Any ceatune — A BOLETH cing tio contac with and inhaling this subsiance must suc The clefting wer suddeniyenpsina sam of reaching grap. _{eesdona DC 19 Fortitude sare ot lose the ability to breathe ai fr Jing Seles. The eracs connec too primes fo, 20fet in length the nex 3 hours. An affected creature sufocates in 26 minutes i (pas butous heats creere-shaped ai Threes-shaped eyes, _empoved from the water, Renewed contct withthe mucus cowl) [tteedbybory gs, rt oc ato te cher inh font of sod and fallng another Fortitude sve continues the eflect for Wich remains tanec he ce as tak another 3 hours. the ate DC 1s Consituion-based Skills: An aboleth has +8 racial bonis an the boleh is revoling fislike amphibisn found peimantyt Swim check te perform some spe nor subterranean ikes an river. It despsesall nonaguatc creatures avoid hazav. It en always chose 1 ake an avtemprs to destoy them on sight to ona Swia check cwsnf dstacted An abot hat a pink belly, Four pulsating blue or endangeted.I.can se the [black onfcsline the bouom oft body and se- gl ren aciiaa-ehile sim |cretegraye thatsme' ning. provided itswims Iss is al or propulsion in ihe water ina aight line and drags itselCalong with is tem tales on land. An aboleth weighs about 6500 pounds abpeths ae eel an r . highly intelligent, mak ‘ng them dangerous pred: -— ‘tors They now manyancent and sects fhe inert hee pater all they consu Aboleths are smart enough vo xefrin from immedistely tacking land dwellers who draw near. Intend they hang beck, Ihoping tase pry wl ener she eae, which they ofien make appeat coal leas,and refreshing with their powers of illusion. Aboleths also use their psionic abilities to ABOLETH MAGE enslave individuals forse aginst their own companic Among ihe watery tombs and dungeons they inhabit the lords 0 Abaleshs have both male and female reproductive organs They the aboleths focus their eflorss to achieve dominion threugh thei brisdin soni, laying 163 eggs ever.five pears There gr grow stad of wiaardy: Their great power marl thers at among the {for another five years before hatching into full grown aboleths. lords of ll subterranean creatures, Stil these crea “Althcugh the youngare physically mature, they remain with their totheir arcane scholarship, spend most of thelr lon parent for some ten years obeying the older creature urtery Abolethe epeak their own langusge, a well ss Undercommon Combat and Aquin, The save DC for the aboleth mages transformation tentacle attack (DC.21) and its mucus clovd (DC 21) are adjusted for ite COMBAT higher Constitution score. The sive DC for ite enslave ability ‘An sboleth atacks by tiling with its long, slimy tentae [DC 16) is adjusted for its lower Charisma score, asare the save though i prefers to fightfioma distance using itslision powers DCs forits psionic abilities: Hypnotic patlern (DC 14), lusary wal Enelave (Su) Three times per ay, anaboleth can ate DC 16),.mirsge arcana (DC 19), persistent image (DC12). ao enslave any one living creature within 30 feet. The tay med image (DC18), project image (DC 49), wel (OC 18) Eke: succeed ona DC17 Will aave or be afecred as though by adomi- tive caster evel seth ynaie person spel (caster lavel 1cth)-An enslaved creature obeys the The aboleth mage uses « number of spells, such as displacement, abolesbs telepathic commands until freed by remove cascand can. grate invisiiity. and wall offre to protect iself while seizing. Jatempe a new Will save every 24 hours to break fee. The comiral. control of ts foes with spells and innate abilities red (4/6/5/4/4/3: save DC 15 + spell {salso roken ifthe aboleth cies or travels more than t mile from anl Spells Pn its slave. The save DC is Charisma-based Psiomies (Sp): Ar will—hymotc atten (DC 15), fluor wall (OC ge arma, magic missile (2); 2nd—blur, lls strength, 17), miage arcane (DC 48), yrsstent mage (DC 18), programme ares fv cunning, se invsily:3rd-—dgel magi displacement, Aboleth, Huge Aberration (Aquatic) Hit Di ‘88:40 75 bp) Initiative: rr 10 fi (2 squares, swim oft ‘Armor Class. 16 (2 size 1 Dex, +7 natural touch 9, flitfooted 15 Base Attack/Grapple: +6/-22 Artack: Tenacle +12mdee (146-8 plus sie) Fall Attack ‘tentacles #12 melee (1d6+8 plusslime) ‘Space/Reach: 15 f./10f Special Attacks: ——_Ensiave, psionis, slime Special Qualities: Aquatic subtype, datkision 60. sulcus cloud Saves: Fort 47, Ref 3, Will Hi Abilities: ‘Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, int 15, Wis 17, Cha 1z Stills: Concentration +16, Knowledge (Gny one) +15, Listen +16, Spot +16, vi 8 Feats ‘Alertness, Combat Casting, Iron Will, Environment ‘Uaideigreind (Organization: Solitary, brood 2-4), or slaver brood (1341 plus 7-12 sku) Challenge Ratings 7 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually lawful evil ‘Advancement: 5-16 HD (Huge); Level Adjustment — fy lignin Bl ah—grster inci pantera lensing Seki Shad monde empowrssed lightning tok all fe —_____ACHAIERAT TLarge Outsider (Evil, Extraplana, Lawful) Hie Dice: éd+12 (59 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 50. 10quares) Armor Class: 20(-1 size, +4 Dex, 110 natal), touch 10, facfoored 19 Base Attack/Grepple: 6/14 ‘Attacks:Claw +9 melee (2dc+4) Full Attack: 2 clws +9 melee (2dé+4) and bite +4 melee (4d6+2) ‘Space/Reach: 10 fx/10 fi, Special Attacks: Back cloud Special Qualities: Daskvisicn 60 ft, spell resistance 19 Saver: Fort 17, Ref 6, Will 47 Abilities: Str19, Dex 13, Con 14, nt Lt, Wis 14, Che 16 ‘Skills: Balance 110, Climb +13,Diplomacy.«5,Hide +6, Jump +2, Listen +11, Move Silently #10,Sense Motive «11, Spot tt Feats: Dodge, Mobility Spring Attack ‘Environment: Infernal Barlafield of Acheron ‘Organization: Soliaryo: flock (5-8) Challenge Rating: 5 “Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Alays lawful evil Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large) 13-18HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: — Aboleth Mage, 10th-Level Wiraril Huge Aberration (Aquatic). 85 pls 1004470 (177 hp) 10 ft (2squares) swim 60 ft 48 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +7 natural), ouch 11 flat-footed 15 Hi/28 Tenticle +18 melee 1de+9 plusslime, 4 remmacles +18 melee (ides plus slime) As ft/10 ft Enslave, psionics slime, spells “Aquatic subtype, darkwision 60 fe, mucus cloud, summon familiar ort H15) REF Hi0, Was SH 28, Dex 16, Con24, 10t 20, Wis 16, Cha 14 ull 413, Concenteation £25, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +2 (+4 acting) Intimidite +4, Knowledge (arcana) +15, ‘Knowledge (Gungeoneering) +25, Knowledge (history) +15, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +15, Search +10, Sense Motive +15, Spelleift+29, Spor +17, Survival +3 (45 follwing tracks on other planes, and underground), , Empower Spel, Eschew Naterials, x Fortinude, Imptoved Initiative, Lighening Reflexes, ‘Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus illusion), Spell Focus (enchantmen:), Spell Penewration Underground Solitary @ Double standard, ‘Usually lawful evil 24 HD (Gargantuan) By character class Aebsierai ‘A large ceaurestonds on four sie leg hs. 0 birclike body, round ard lump, abeut the size of small pon, balanced ctap is legs. Feather. ‘that range in color from brown tore. caver ts bby, and sterol claws. and beok glint. ike burnished metal Fchuleris are massive 12 fess btds that inbabie Acheson aad.em only cciainnally fesismuseeed clecv baie Theyane coiclener end predatoryviduadie CS tiscrase for rut chairs Spek Lala] They Woah ‘Bou 750 pour COMBAT. Jn close combat, an achaicral lashes lout with so ofits swith its powerful beak. It makes fe ‘quent use of its Spring Artack feat to strike quickly and then retreat ut of range bel ‘counterattack, ‘An achaierais nanural weapons, aswell a any weapons i wield, are srcated as evilaligned ard lawful aligned for she purpose of overcoming damage reduction. lack Cloud (Ex: Up to three times per day an achaierai cin release a choking, toxic black claud. Those other than achaierai within 10 feet instantly take 246 points of demge They mustalso succeed on aDDC 15 Fortitude save or be affected for 3 hours as though hy an (ester level th). The save DC is Construtionsbes ALLIP. “Medinm Undead (incorporeal) Hie Dice: dt? (26 hp) Initiative: «5 Speed: Fly 30. (perfect) (6 squared) Armor Class: 15 (+1 Dex. +4 deflection), rouch 15 fs Rase Attack/Grapple: +2/— Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1dé Wisdom drain Full Attack: Incorporeal ouch +3 melee (144 Wisdom drain) Space/Reach: f./s f ‘Special Attacks: Babble, madness, Wisdom drain ‘Special Qualities: Darkvision 0 f incorporeal rts, «2 earn resistance, undead tits Saves: Fort+1,Ref +4, Will 4 Abilities: Ser, Dex 12, Con — Int £4, Wis 11, Cha 8 Skills: Hide +8, lntimidate +2, Listen +7, Search +4, Spot +7 Survival +0 (+2 following tacks) Feats Improved Initiative Lighting Reflexes Environment: Any Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Always nestral evil ‘Advancement: 5-12 HD (Medium ‘Level Adjustment: footed 14 Thu cate oa fleas before you is eo thing out of nightmare. Khas ‘vaguely humancid shape, but t's a shape without features that has been distorted and brisleswith madves. From the waist down, tralsawny ita voporaus nothingness, leaving fin: rece of fog bend it sanity spell.) ‘An alip isthe spectral remains of someone driven to suicide bya mat ness that afflicted stin life. 1Leraves. only revenge and unrelentingly pursues those who tormented it in Iufe and pushed it over the brink. ‘An alip cannot speak intelligib COMBAT ‘An allip i unable 10.cause physical harm, although it doesnt appear 0 know thar. tt keeps flailing away at ‘enemies, yet itinficts no wounds Babble (Su); An allip sonstaatly mutters and whines tose, creat ing a hypnocc effec Al ane cree tureswithin 6 fet of theallip must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be affected as though by a hypnotism spell for 204 rounds This s« sonic sind-affecting compulsion efiect. (Creatures shatsuccessfallysavecan snot be affected by dhe same alips babble for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma: based, Madness (Suk Anyone targeting an allip with a thought detection, sind contrel, or telepathic ability makes, Aigect conracr with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of Wisdom damags. ‘Wisdom Drain (Su): Anallip causes 1d points of Wiscdom drain each time i hits with its incorporeal touch atack. On each such successful attack, it geins 5 eemporaty hit a, points ANGEL “Angols ae a rce of celeste, beinga-who lim onthe good aligned ‘Outer Panes. Celstials positively dip sith goodness—every fiber oftheirkodiesand sculsis suffused wi {They arethe natural ene- ‘mies ofdemons and devils exeaturs ofthe infernal realms) Angels can be of any good alignmeat Lawful good angels from the plane of Celestia, neutral good angels from the plane of Elysium orthe Beaslands and chaotic good angele from plane of Arborea. Regardless of their alignment, angels never ie, cheat oF steal. They are impeccably honorable in all theirdeslings and often prove the most trustworthy and diplomatic ofall the celesials Allangels are blessed with comely looks, though their actual appearances vary widely “Angel speak Celestisl, Infernal. and Dracon speak with almost any: creature’ COMBAT ‘Though they are honorable and gocd, angels dont hesitare 10 back up their arguments with their weapons and other powers when necessary. Though they do not relish combat, they do not hesitate to take the bate ro the enemy. In combat, most angels make full use of theitmobility and their ability to attack at a distance. ‘Angel Traits: An angel possesses the following traits (unless. wise noted in acreature’s entry), —Darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. —, cold, and petrificatin, Resistance mm electricity 10 and fre 10. #4 racial bonuson savesagainst poison, —froctive Aura (Su): Against. attacks made or effects created by ‘ev creatures hisability providesa. +4 deflection bonus to AC an though they can cause oftheir iongues silty +4resistance bonus on svingshnowstoanyone within 20 feet ofthe angel Otherwise, it functions asa magiccirlesganstevl eect and 2 leser lk of nvr, both with a rains of 20 fet (aster level equals angels HD), This aura can be dispelled, but the angel can create it again 3 afive action on its next rur. (The defensive bene fits from the crcl are aotincluted in an angels statistics block. —Tongues (Su) Allanges can speak with any creature that has language, 5 though using a langues spell (caster level angels Hie Dice). This abltysabwaysacive ANGEL, ASTRAL DEVA Medium Outsider (Angel, Extraplanar, Good) “Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 bp) Initiative: +8 Speed: 50 f (10 squares) fly 100 ft (good) ‘Armor Class; 29 4 Dex.+15 natural touch 14, farfooted 25 Base Atiack/Grapple:+12/:18, ‘Attack heay mae dimupion #21 melee (148412 plus stun), or slam +18melee (148+9) ull rtack 23 heaiy mat ofdmpton+21/s16/+11 melee | (4812 plus stun) orslam18 meee (1849) sSpace/Reath 5 ft/5f Special Attacks: Spel. abies, tun Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/ewl,datkvision 60 f, low-light visio, mmutiy to ack, cold, and peeficaton, proestve aura resistance o electricity 10 and fie 10, spell Fesstnce 30, tongues, ucanay dodge Saves Fort +14 (+18 against poison), ef 12, Wills12 Abilities: St 22, Dec 18, CoP 18, 138, Wis 18, lha20 ‘hills: conceatrtion +19, Craft or Kaowledge (any three) +49, Diplomacy #2 Escape Arist +19, Hide +19, 1numidat +2, Listen +23, More Silently ~18, Sense Motive #12, 123, Use Rope +4 (6 with bindings) = eats. Alertness cleave, Grest Forte, improved Inatve, Power tack “Environment: Any gowdaligned plane ‘Organization: Solty, par, or squad GS-8) Challenge Rating: (4 “Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard trem i Alignment: Always good (any) t ‘Advancement: 15-18 HID (Medium), 19-3¢ HD (Large) { Level Adjustment: +8, ‘A beautiful exttermay tall, humane seat with long feathery wings ‘md avery supe elite body glows with an inner power that mokes ‘hard look estas erence ‘Astral devas watch over lesser beings of goed alignmentand help when they.can. Ia particular, they are patrons of planar travelers and powerful crestuces undentaking good eauses. “Anastal ev isabout7-1/2fecttalland weighs bout 259 pounds Combat ‘An astral doen i nar af Rerce joy in bashing ev of disruption ‘An astral devs natural weapons, as well ss any weapons it swiolds ere treated as good aligned forthe purpose of overcoming damage reduction Spell-Lile Abilities Ax willaid continual fama delete ‘dicera lice (DC. 49), diselil (DC 20} gly. aoa. (DC 23), hay smite (OC 19)-haly swond (DC 22), snvsibility elf only) ‘plane shift LOC 22), polymorph (self only), emove curse (DC 18). remove disease (DC 18), remove fear (DC. 16); 7/day—cure light wounds (DC 16), se invisibility: 1/day—bladehorrer (DC 21), hea (DC 24). Caster level 12th, The seve DCs are Charisma-hased. ‘Stun (Su): lf an sstal deva strikes an opponent nwice in one xo.enter melee combet, Ie takes = foes with its powerful +3 heavy mace re xound with is mace, that creature must succeed on a DC Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. The save DC-is Strengthbised 1 ‘Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An astral deva retains its Dexterity bonus to AC when fa fated, and it cannot be flanked excep. by Jarogue of atleast. 16th level. it can flank characters with the suncanny dodge ability asi itwere{2tvevel rogue ANGEL, PLANETAR Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanat, Good) | Hit Dice: 1448470 (133 hp) Initiative: +8 ‘Speed: 30. (6 squares), fy 90 ft (good) Armor Class: 32-1 size, +4 Dex, +19 natura). rouch 13, 4 fla-footed 28 Base Attack/Grapple: +14/-25 ‘Attack: + grestsword 423 melee (346413/19-20) or slum 220 melee (248410) [ull Attack: +3 gvatswonl +23/+18/+14 melee (3d5+13/19-20) 01 [slam +20 melee 2d8+10) ‘Space/Reach: 10 f./10 ft ‘Special Attacks: Spellike abilities, spells ‘Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/evildarkvision 60 f, Tow-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, and petticaion, provective aura, eegeneration 10, resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10, spel resistance 30, tongues Saves: Fort +1$ (+18 against potson), Ref +13, Will 21s Abilities: Sur25,Dex 19, Con 20, Int 22,Wis 23,Cha22— ‘Skills: Concentration +22, Craft or Knowledge (any fous) -23. Diplomacy +25, Escape Arist +21, Hide +17,taumidate +23, Listen +23,Move Silently +21, Sense Move +23, Search «23, ‘Spot +23, Use Rope +4 (26 with bindings) ‘Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Inidative Improved. ‘Sunder, Power Auack Environment: Any goodaligned plane ‘Organization: Solitary or p Challenge Rating: 16 ‘Treasure: No coins double goods; standard items Aligament: Always good (any). ‘Advancement: 15-21 HD arge);22-42 HD (Huge) ‘Level Adjustment: The ewature resembles a maaivaly musculerand llhuman wth smooth ‘emerald aki, whit feethired wings. and a bld head. Planetara serve ab mighty generals of celestial armies. They also help powerful mortals on missions of goed, priculaly those that involve battles with fends. A planctaris nesely 9 feer tall and weighs shout 500 pounds. Combat ‘Despite their vast array of magical powers, planets are likely wadeinio melee with their +3 greatnuinds They particularly enjoy Fighting fends, ‘A planetars natural weapons, aswell as any weapons it wields, are treated as gocd:-aligned forthe purpose f overcoming damage reduction. { Regeneration: A planctar takes damage from evilaligned weapons and from spells and effects with the evil descrptcr ‘Spell-Lilce Abilities: Ar willcntinual lame, dispel magi ly ste] 20), insist (self only), leser station (DC 18)-remou| ‘urse(DC.19).nemave dive (DC.19), remove fenr(DC. 17). speak with ‘esd (DC. 19}; 3/day—blate harrier (DC. 22), flame strike (DC 21), polymorph (self only), omerswon! sun, rise dead, waves of fat ‘day—earthguake (DC 24), greater rsoation (DC23), mas charm rmander (DC. 24), wave of exhaustion. Caster level 17th, The save DCsare Charisma based i s : The following abilities are always active on the planeiar’s person, asthe spells (caster level 17th): detect vl detect ares and pis dicen Kies (DC 20), see etsy, and rue seeing. They can be dispelled, but rhe planetar can reactivate them as 2 free action, ‘Spells: Planetars can cast divine spells as 17¢b-level clerics. A planetar has accesso of the following domains, Air, Destruc: tion, Good, Law, or War (plus any others from its deity) The save DCs are Wisdom based. Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/8/38 ce DC 16 + spell level: O—srcate nae, detect magic, guidance, nsistance cause fa divin fovor(2) entra faith; 2nd—aid®, ferdurance, bulls strength (2) co sec or, bold pers: 3ni—contagion sayhight ni ity purge, prayer (2), simon monster wind wall; 4th death word, dons ‘ict ental wounds virtue stiles (2) shuld ight wounds shld of sn swapon, beers neutralize poor (2) summon manserL¥; th nak enchantment, oncle of doom, displ ev, mark of uatice, plane shift, righteous might; eth—banishmert, iispel magi, harm’, hea, heroes eas, mas cure mad ‘ie wound; 71b— iam, dsintep ‘lyon generis assume real wounds shield flaw; th—implesion, summon monster 1X quad ‘Domain spell Domains: Destruction and Good ANGEL, SOLAR Large Outsider (Angel, Extraplanas, Good) Hit Dice: 22d8+110(209 kp) 0 squares), dy 150 (good) 35-1 size, #5 Des, 224 natural touch 4 fatfooted 30 Base Attack/Grapple; +22/135 Arad “Attack: +5 dancing geatswerd +35 melee Gdesi8/19-20) poste longbow (+5 See bonus) 128 ranged (2d6+7)+a plus slaying) or slam +39 melee (d8v13 Full Attack: +5 dancing groatavond 35/4320 3d6+18/19-20) or s2acmnpcile longhow 26/+23/18/+13ranged Qd6:2/%9 pls saying) ex lam 30 melae (248043) Space/Reach: 10 8/10 Special Attacks: Spells abilities spells Special Qualities: Damage duction 15/epicand sil dave sion 60 ft, low-light vision, immniy-te acid, cold, and petrifietior, protective auza, cogeneration 5, resistance to slectricigy 10 and Bie 10, spell resistance 32, tongues Saves: Fort 18 (:22agxinst poison), Ref +18, Will +20 Abilities: Str 28, Dex 20,Con 2, Int-23, Wis 2s, Cha Slails: Concentration +30, Craftor Knovsedge any five) +33, Diplomacy +24, Escape Arist +30, Hide 226, Listen +32, Mi Silently +30, Search +31, Sense Motive 442, Spellerafe +31 Spot +32 Survival «7 (49 following racks), Use Rope +S with bindings) mele 5 Str bonis) Feats: leave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Atack, Track Environment: Any goodaligned pla Organization: Solitary or pait Challenge Rating: 23, ‘Treasure: No coins, double goods; standard items ‘Alignment: Always good: ‘Advancement: 23-33 HI Level Adjustment ge} 34-66 HD (Hage) The creatute_ resembles a tcwering._poverjully tui ‘humen_vith tell. topaz yess (gale) shir, and gleaming wit wings Solasare the greatestofthe angels, usually. close tendents toa deity ct. champions of some ‘cosmically bene Acent task (such as.climiniting 2 patticular type of swmogoung Asolar hasa deep and commanding voice, and stands about 9 feet tall. It weighs about soo pound Combat Solats are puissanc champions of good. Only the mest power: ful fiends approach their power ‘Even more fesrsome than thei Planter dancing geasword ate thei ngbows shat. son of slaying orrw when drawn A solar’ natural weapons. 3s wells any weap ons it wie, are serated as good aligned and ‘epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, Regeaczation (Ex): A solar kes normal damage {com epic evilaligned weapons, ‘and from spells or effects with the evil descriptor Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid mun, continual fare, dimensional anchor grote dpe! mag holy smite (DC 21), imprisonment (DC 26), metsbiy ration (DC 19) amargh (self only) p 7h seae (DC 20) fear (DC 16), msitnergy summon monster WH speak with dead (DC 20) wave is 3/day-—blade harrier (OC. 23), arthqushe (DC 25 32), mass hac monster ution, 4/day—reater ne power word kl per wind tun, prismatic 9 Tevel 20th The sive DCs are Cherisma based. ration (DC 24), prwer word blind ay (DC 24), wash. Caster The follewing abilities sre always active on 2 solar person, at the spells (caster level 20th: dette detect snarean ts dicen lies DC28), ec invisibility true seoing They can be dispelled, burshe Spell: Soars can cat divine spells as 20thlevel clerics. A sola has access to two.of the following domains: Aic, Destruction, Good, Law 02 W thers from its deity), The save DCs ate Wisdom-bised Typical Clerc Spell: Pepored (6/8/8/) /6/6/8/5;save DC 17 Texel}: c—ereate water, detect magi, guidance (2), resistance (2); 1st—bls (2), ese fear, divine vor 2). enkpi shel bscue Constrict (Ex): A flexible animated object such ss a rope, ing mis, shield of faith; 2nd-—align weapon. benr'sendurance (2), vine, orxug deals damage equal tots slam damage value plus 1 bull's strength (2), concecate, eagle splendor, spiritual 1/a.simes is Stength bonus witha successful grapple weapon, 3d—teyight invisibility gure, check againsta creature up toone size larger agaist ev, magic tetment, prayer (2), protection from than sel risa (2), ‘Anobject of a least Large size can sake constriction atacks against mult: ple creatures at once if they all are at Teast two sizes smaller than the object and can fit under. Hardness (Ex): An animated object. hha the same hardness it had beforeit was animated (see Table 9-9 and Table 9-11, page 146 of the Player's Handiook, for the andes of ome common stances and objects) Improved Speed (Ex): The base land speed given ia the statistics block assume that an ani 's mated object lurches, rocks, or slithers along. ‘Objects with to legs statues, ladders) ora similar shape thatallows faster movement have a =10 foot bonus to speed. Objects with multi ple leas (tables, chairs) have a +20.fo0t ‘bonus o speed, Wheeled objects have + 440 foot bons to speed. Objects might have additional modes of movement. A wonden abjectan fon and has a swim speed equal. to-balf its land. speed. Arope or similar sinuous object has aclimb spec equal t half itsland speed. A shectike ‘object can fiy (clumsy maneuverability) at half irs normal speed ‘Trample (Ea): An animaied objet cofat least Large size and with abun nessof at kast 10 cin ramp cee turestwo cr more sizes smaller than nergy wind wall; 42h—adeath wand 2), divine power*, neutralise poion (2): 5 taichantment, contvl winds®. dispel eu hteous might (2) symbal-a wnishment, chain lighting heres. a feast, mas cure moderste winds, undeath 19 death, word of recall; 7th contol. weather*, destruction, dictum, ethereal jaunt, holy sword regencrate: §th—fire storm, holy aurs, mass cue eritcal wounds (2), whirlwind®; 9th— ttheresiness, elemental swarm (air, mast heal, miracle, storm. of ungeance. *Domsinspel. Domains: Air and War ‘Animated objects come inal sives, shapes, and colors. They ‘owe their existence ss creatures 10 spells such as animate obects orsimilar supernatural abilities. COMBAT ‘Animated objects fight only as directed by the animator. They follow orders without question and to thebestof their abilities Since they do not need to breathe and never tire, they can be extremely capable minions. Ananimeted object can have one or mare ofihelallowing special abilities, depending on its form. Blind (Ex): A sheetlike animated object such as 1 Animated sbjct {catpet or tapestry can grapple an opponent up to three sizss argerthan itself. The object makes 1 normal grapple check. If it wins, it wagtinallamund he oppo) oder pel dealing Gamagzauaia he Head causing that cestue tobe eee ebjecti sl damage 1172 ies Blinded aif removed Seng mus Opponenis wo donot Animated Objet. Tiny Animated Object, Small Animated Object, Mediam “Tiny Conaruct Small Construct Medium Construct ieDiee vadioa hp) ruo-t0(1s io) 2410:20(3 ron 2 * oe Speed: Mie equnes0felegs, 3088 (apres dre es 5 fe (squats a0 es Soft malilelepys0 wheels soft inaliplelegs70ferwhels 50 ft multiple legs, 70fe wheels Armor Class, 14(s2sinse2Dex)touch 4,-__14(ct suet Dex zara), 1444 ratua, fi fod 2 rosch 3 frfoted 13 touch 1 farocted 18 Base Atak apple s/-9 a sist tack: Sum +1 mele 43-1) Shim tmedlee (1s) Sinm j2meles (ert) Fall raed Slim stmlee (13-1) Sim st melee (a) Sam somele (eet) Space/Resch, 21/2420 hs f ssf Secu ANsceSSUNESLat Sete Seclen CConstact ats, darkvson 60 ft, Construct was, darkion of, Conarutirass danksion of, Tonight sion aso sec text lveligh vison ako see et” Tow-ght visto as ae ext Fore Ret, Will=s Forts, Ref Wwil-5 or, Ret 4, Wil-s Staats, Con — Sr beci2.cen— St 2, Dex Con— Tata) Wis Cha In Int Ws chat sii a gs s Fats - = = Eee ay = Onpeuston, Gin () rar slimy Challenge Rati 1/2 : A Theasure None me om Alignment: Alwaysacer Alvar atl nara Se = = Level Adjustment: — Ee Animated Object, Large Animated Object, Huge Animated Object. Gargancasn Large Construct Huge Construct Cargantuan Construct Hi Dice: 14410430 (57 bp) ‘8410640 (64 kp) 1i¢d10s60(148 bp) Initiative +0 = a Speed: 20 (4 equazes) 30 Fe Logs, 20 (4squares) 30 legs, 10. (2squaies} 20f loge, 40 multiple legs, cofe wheel 40 ft maliple legs, oft. wheels 30 fs multiple legs, Soft wheels Armor Class: 14. size. 5 natural). touch 9,13 (-2 size,-1 Dex, «6 natura, 12 $size, 2 Dex, «8 natural, Ar-foored 14 touch 7,ftfoored 13, touch 4 far-fored 12 Base Attack/Grapple: 13/10 s/t 13/s31 Attack: Slam +5 melee (sdes4) Sm +4 melee (24647, Slam +15 melee (248410 Full Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d8e4) Slam +9 melee (24647) Slam +15 melee (248410) Space/Reach: 10/5 ft long) 15 f1/10 (long) 20 fi./AS ft (ong) 10 he/0 fe (all) 15 fe/1s fe (ell) 20 f,/20 fal) Special Artacks: See ext See text Seetext Special Qualities: Construct traits darkvsion 60 ft, Construct traits, darkwsion 60 ft, Construct rts darkvision 60. Jowsight visionsalso see text low-light vision; also see text Jowclight vision also see ext ‘Swves: Fortsf, Refst, Will 4 Fort 02, Ref si, Will 3 Fores5, Ref 3, Willa Abilities: Sir 16, Dex 10, Con—, Str 23, Dex 8, Con — ‘Sir24, Dex 6.Con—, Int —, Wis 1,Cha 1 Int — Wis t,Cha Int — Wis 1,Cha t skills: — = = Feats: = - ay Environment Any ‘Any Any Organization: Solitary Solitary ‘Solitary Challenge Ratings 3 5 7 ‘Treasure: None None Nore Alignment! Alwaysneattl ‘Always neutnl Alvays neutral “Advancement: —— — Level Adjustment: = = Animated Object, Colossal Colossal Construct i 3210480 (258 hp) Initiative 3 10. (2squares} 207 Legs, 30 ft multiple legs, 0 ft. wheels 11 C8 size,=3 Dex, +12 natural), touch -1,flarfogted 11 eR ap lL Armor Class: Arrack: Sim +25 melee 4ds+13) Full Antacke ‘Shim +25 melee (4ds+13) ‘Space/Reach: 30ft/20 ft (long) 30 t/30 ft. (ll) Special Amacks: See text ‘Special Qualities: Construct its, datkvision 60 f Joy-light vision: also see text Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +5 Abilities: Str 28, Dex,Con. Int —, Wis 1.Cha t Skills: = Feats: = Environment: Any Organization: Solitary. Challenge Rating 10 Treasure; None ‘Alignment: ‘Akways neutral ‘Advancement: ‘Level Adjustment: snake attacks of opportunity against the object can attempt Reflex [saves (DC 10 + 1/2 objeces LD + abyecis Str modifies) whalve the Idamage, ‘Large Magical Beast Hit Dice: d10+12 28hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 30. (6 square), burrow 2 ‘Armor Class: 18 (-{ size, +9 natural, rouch 9, la-feoted 18 Base Attack/Grapple: +-/+12 Attack: Bite «7 melee (2d5+7 pls tds acid). all Attack: Bite +7 mclee (ad6+7 pls td$ acid) Space/Reach: 10 f/f Special Attacks: Improved grab, spitacid Special Qualities: Dakvison 60 f. low-light vision, remor sense Aft Saves; Fort +é Ref 3, Willa2 Abilities: Sic21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int, Wis 13, Cha 6 Skills: Climb +8, Listen +6, Spor +3 Feats: Alestness, Toughness Environment: Warm plains Organization: Solitary or cluster 2-4) Challenge Rating: 3 ‘Treasure; None Alignment: Always neutral ‘Advancement: 4 HD (Large) 5-9 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: — ‘A huge segmented insect wit sender legs eech ending in a sharp caw, ‘emerges rom. the ground n abu of rock and di. A teugh chitin ‘brown sll covers seni bod, and listening Black ees stare ut fm ‘above pow madies The ankheg ica burrowing monster witha taste for fresh meat ‘Anankheg has six legs, and some specimens are yellow. rather than brown, Its about 10 feet long and weighs about ‘S00 pounds, An ankheg burrows with legs and mandibles. A burrowing ankheg usually does not make ausible tunel, but can construct a tunel, it burrows ar half speed when itdoes s0.ttoften digs « winding tunnel up to 49feet below the surface in the rich soi of Forests or farmlands The tunnel is 5 feet all and wide,and from 60, 10150 fet long (Lido + 5) 10)The hollowed. serve as temporary lars for sleeping, eating, or hibernating. Anankheg can est decayed orginic matcex bur prefers freak ‘meat. Though « hungry ankheg might killa farmer the erature i quite beneficial to frmland. ls sunnel system laces the sol with ‘while ite wastes add sich nutrients, sof the nunc! [passages for air and wat COMBAT Anankheg urualy lis 1010feet below the surface ents antennae dete approzch of prey tt shen burrows up_to attack, (Treat his as charge, even though the ankheg does not need to move 10 feet before stacking) losers of ak hege shate the same territory but dono cooperate. If several attack, each tries 1 grab a different foe. If there arent enough targets, two might grab the rug-ofwar Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an anikheg must hit with ins bite attack. {ran then attempt to stata grappleasa fe acto without provoking an attack of opportanity Ifthe ankhes is dam: aged after grabbing is prey. i its land speed (not is harrow speed), dragging the victim w Spit Acid (Ex): 30-t. ine, once every ¢ hous: damage 4d acid, Reflex DC 14 half One such attack depletes the anthes’ acid supply for 6 hours. It cannot spit acid or deal acid damage during this time, The sive DC is Constitution-based Anankheg does not use this ability unless i is desperate or frustrated. It most often spits acid when reduced to fewer than half is full normal hit points or when it has not successfully grabbed an opponent +——_________ARANEFA Mediam Magical Beast Shapechanger) Hit Dice: 341046 (22 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 25 Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, + natural), rovch 12, lat-footed 11 Base Artack/Grapple; «3/3 Atrack: Fall Attack: Bi Space/Reach: 5 fi./5f Special Attacks; Poison spells, web Special Qualities. Changeshpe datkvision 60 it, lvelight vision Saves, Forts, Ref +5, Wil (Abilities: Sir {1, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Chat Skills; Climb «14, Concentration +8, Escape Artist +5, Jump #13, Lise +6, Spot +6 is polion) orweb-+Sranged plus poison] or web +5 ranged Feats: improved Inkiaive, lon Will, Weapon Finesse Environment: Temperate foress Organization: Solitary orcolory (3-« Challenge Rating: ‘Treasure: Standard soins dauble goods; standard tems ‘Alignment: Usually neutzal ‘Advancement: By characierclass ‘Level Adjustment: The etotire oppeacs tobe @ monstrous spidex but it has ts cma Ihumentke er blow its mendblen An atanea isan inteligens, chapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. nits natural form, an sranea resembles a big spider sith « hurapbacked body a litle bigger than a human torso. has ‘mandible like anormal spider. Two small arms, eachabout long, lie below the mandibles. Each arm hae « hand with four many-jointed fingers and 2 doublesjoineed thumb, ‘Anaranea weight about 150 pounds. The hump on its back Buses its brain, Araneas speak Common and Sylvan, COMBAT. An aranea avoids physical com: batand uses iss webs and spells when it can ‘battle, it tries to iramobilize or distract the most aggressive opponents first. Araneas offen subdue opponents Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 13, initial damage 146 Str, secondary damage 2d¢ Si. The save DC is Constitution-based, spells: An arunea casts spellsas.a adevel sorcerer. It prefers Typical Sorcerer Splls Knaus (6/6; save DC 12+ spell level): 0 dace delet m ji mistane it Web (Ex): In spid (see below), an arani ccan throw a.web up to six times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Latge site. The web anchors the target in place, allowing ‘An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Amis check or bust the web with a DC17 Suength check. The check DCs are Constiturion-based, nd the check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit poins, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire Change Shape (Su); An aranea’s natural form is that of Medium monstrous spider. It can assume rwo other forms, The first a unique Small or Medium humanoid; an aranea in its humanoid form slays assumes the same appearance and tals, much asalycanthrope would. In humanoid form,an aranea ‘cannot useits bite attack, webs, or poison whe seccndl form is # Medium spider-humanoid hybrid. In hybrid form, anaranea looks like a Medium humanoid. afr alance, buta DC 18 Spot check reveals the creatures fangs 2 spinnexets.The aranea recain its bite atack, webs, and poison inshis form, and can alo wield werpons or wear armor. When hybrid form, an araneas speed is 30 fet (6 squares), |Anaranes remains in one form until it chooses o assume new ‘one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, nor does an sranes, revert o its natural form when killed, true seeing spell, however reveals is natural formif it sin humanoid or hybrid form, Skills: Araneas have a 42 racial bonus on Jump, List Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb c ‘can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks even if threatened, "Archons are celestials from the plane of Celestia, They have ‘charged themelveswith the protection atthe plane, andalso con: ‘sider themselves guardians ofall who are innocent 0: ree of evil They are the natural enemies of fiends (creatutes ofthe lower plines), paticularly demons Archons speak Celestial, Infernal, and Draconic, but can speak ‘with almosc any creature because of theictongues ability COMBAT ‘Archons never attack without provosation though thelr over ‘whelming lawfil goodness often makes them easly provoked ‘They avoid harming other good creatures if they ca, using non damaging spells oF wespon atacks thst deal nonlethal darnage i possole An angry schon canbe vengeance itself, however, no matter wha the fe’ alignment is Archons gency prefer so mee a foe head-on iit is prudent todo so,butifoutmatched they do what they cant even the odds (usually. by employing hitand.cun tactics or standing off and engaging aloe with mapicbelore movinginco melee Archon Traits An archon possesses the fllawing rats (unless otherwise noted in acreaares entry —Datkvision cur to 60 fet and alight vision Aunt f Menace (Su: A righteous aur surreunds archons tha Tight or get angry. Any hostile cearure tin 4 20-oot radius of anarchon mustsiccaed on. Willsaveto resists effects Thesave DC varies with the type ob archon, is Charisma-besed, and includes a +2 racial Bus. These attacks, AG, and saves or 24 hours or unt they suecessully hit the archon tht generated the aura. creatuc that his resisted ot broken the effect cannot be affected again by.ths. same archon’ asa for 24 hours snunit 0 elsticityand ptnieation, ‘4 adalbonuson saves against poison. i Cirle aguins Es (S10 A magic circle against evi ays surtounds an archon (easter level equals the efiecta jarshonis Hit Dice). (the defensive benefits from the cicleare ‘not included in an archons stasics block. “Teleport (Sud Atchons exm use greater teleport at will asthe spell cssterlevel ch) except thatthe ereaare can ansport onl itgelEand up 1250 pounds ofobecs. Tongues (Su): Allarchons can speak with any ereture tharhas language, as though using longus spell (caster level 1$th).This ability ie slays ative LANTERN ARCHON ‘Small Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) Hit Dice: ids (4hp) Initiative: +4 Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares) Armor Class 15 (+1 size, +4 natural), touch 1 Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-8 ‘Attack: Light ray +2,ranged touch (146) Fall Attack: 2 lightrays +2 ranged touch (146) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 fi. ‘Special Attacks: Spelblike abilities ‘Special Qualities: Aura of menace, damage reduction 10/cvil and magic, darkvision ¢0 ft. immunity to electricity and petri fication, magic circle against evil teleport, tongues ‘Saves: Fort +2(+6 against poison), Ref +2, Will +2 Abilities: Str1. Dex 11, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 11,Cha 10 Skills: Concentration +4, Diplomacy 4, Knowledge (the planes +2 Listen +4, Sense Motive +4, Spo +4. Feats; Improved Initiative ‘even Mounting Heavens of Celestia Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5), Challenge Rating: 2 ‘Treasure: None Alignment: Always lawful good Advancement: 2—4 HD (Small Level Adjustment: — Aacfooed 15 Aball of glowing ight floats toward you Lantern archons appear asfleating balls of light that glowabout as brightly a a torch. Only their destruction can extinguish the ‘alow, though they can try to hide Lantern archons are very friendly and usually eager togive what assistance they can, However, their bodies ae just gaseous globes, and they are much toe weak to render any meterial aid. Lantern auchons speak in soft, musical. voices. Combat A lantern archon his lire reason to get within melee range. It usually hovers just close enough to bring the enemy within its aura of menace, then blasts away with its light rays Lantern archons prefer to concentrate on.a single opponent, seeking 19 reduce enemy numbers quickly ‘Aura of Menace (Su): Will DG 12 negates ‘Light Ray (Ex); lantern archon light rays havea range of 30 feet. this attack overcomes damage eduction of any type ‘Spell-Like Abilities: At wall—atd dtet en, continual lame Caster level 30d. HOUND ARCHON. ‘A powerfully bult hirano with the head ofa dog appears bat secant ‘rd reads for octio, witha geasword strapped acres Fs broad backand fan expression thot indicates ntelignce and protectwents. Houad.archons look lis heads. They seek io de against evi Their broad shoulders and meaty Osts mak hound archons as able.combutanis Likewise, theic song legs indicate that Deeing ‘enemies wont get. very fa. well-muscled humans with canine il the pnecent and the helpless Hound Archon, Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) Wit Dice: 186 (33 bp) Initiative 4 speed: Ao (8 squares) ‘Aumor Class: 19(+2 patucal, ouch 10,l-fooied 12, Base Attack/Grapple: ~6/-8 ‘Attack: Bite 18 melee (1d8+2). ‘orgreatawerd 18 melee (2d6;3/i9-20) Fall Attack: Bite 18 melee (1d8;2) and slam 13 melee (ad4s1)jor greatsword 18/+3 melee (24643 /19-20) and bite +3 melee (14841) Space/Reach: Ske/sf S Special Attacks: Spel ike abilities Special Qualities: Aura f menace, change shape, immunity t sleericity and petnfiation, magic circle against evil, scent, spell resistance 16, teleport, tongues ‘Str 15, Dex 10, Con (3, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12 Concentration +10, Diplomacy 3, Hide 15% Jump +15, sten +10, Moi Silenely 49, Sense Motive +10, Spot 10, Survival «10° (412 following racks) Feats Improved Initiative, Power Artack, Track. Environment Séien Mounting Heavens of Celestia Organization: Solitary pair, or squad 3-5) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Na.coins, double goods stindard items Alignment: Albvays Isl good ‘Advancement 7-9 KD (Medium): 10-18 HD (Large) evel Adjustment: 45 Combat Hound archons always fight witha will They prefer toattack with) their natura weapons but occasionally use greatswords ‘hound archon's natural weapons, as wel as any weapons it wields are treated as good-aligned and lawfulaligned forthe put pose of overcoming damage reduction, Spell-Like Abilities: At will—sid,continual flame, detect evil mesg, Caster level th, ‘Aura of Menace (Su): WillDC té negates Change Shape (Su): A hound archon san assume any canine form of Small to Large size. While in canine form, the hound archon loses its bite, slam, and greatswo attacks, but gains the ite anack of the form it chooses, For the purposes ofthis ability, ‘canines include any doglike orwolfike animal ofthe animal type Skills: While in canine form. a hound archon gains. +4 ci HOUND ARCHON HERO. ‘The hound archon hero is.z.mighty champion. of justice, devoted tothe pursuit and destruction fc ills forms, Combat Hound archon heroes have over ime developed a.Jove for theit wweipons, They prefer to use thet holy grealswonds over their bite {ind slam atc. Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid continual fem, detec, mesg. Caster level 6th, ‘Aura of Menace (Su); The save DC for the hound archon heros sun of menace (DC 18) is adjusted for its higher Charisma score, damage reduction 10/ evil, dareision 60 fe, Fort +6 (+10 against poison), Refs, WIL Hound Archon Hero, itth-Level Paladin Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanas, Good, Lawful) alr 48 plus t1dt0+39 (143 hp) 30 fin all plate stinor (6 squies); base Speed 40 fe 30 (9 narural «11.23 fl patearmon, ouch 10, flac feored 30 safe sd ron greatsword +25 melee (2469/19-20) or bite +22 melee (td35) +2 old iron great +25/30)45/s40melee (36-99-20) and ite 117 melee (1482) orbite 122 melee (148-5) fed elam +47 melee (142) Sfi/s Site evil spall splice biltiss, tum undead 6/day ‘Aura of menace, change shspe, demage reduction 10/evil ‘arkyvsion 60 fe, immunity to electicity and perification, magic circle aguinst evil, paladin abilities, scent spell resistance 27, teleport tengues ort #48 (220 againat poitbn), Ref 44, Will $13 Str24, Dex 10, on 16 Int, Wis 14, Cha te Concentration +20, Diplomacy 19, Hide +2 Jamp +0. Listen +10, Ride +14, Sense Motive «19, Spot 10, Survival 2° Improve Initiative, Leadership, Mounted Combat, Ride-By. Attack Track, Weapon Foci (gretsword) Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia Solitary or with uverile bronze dragon 16 Standard Albeayslnfil good By character class S Smite Evil (Su): Three times per day ahound archon hezo can smakea normal melee atack with a +3 bonus that deals an extra 1 points of damage against an erilfoe. Change Shape (Sui: A hound archon hero can assume any canine form of Small o Large siz, While in canine form, the hound archon Joss itsbite, sam, and greatsword attacks. but gxins the bite attickoftheform it chooses For the purposesof thisabliy, canines include any doslike cr woldike animal ofthe animal ype. Skills: "While in canine form, a hound archon hero gains +4 circumstance bonus on Hide and Survival checks. Paladin Abilities: Aura of courage, sura of good, detect evil divine grace, divine health, lay-on hands (33 points/day), move disease 2/\veek, special mount (urenile bronze dragon). "pal Balada Spell pared (2/2; save DC 12 + pel evel: st— line favor, protection frm evi: 2nd-—bul’ strength, eagle's splendor. -osessions+3 ful plate armor, +2 cold om greatsor Hound Archon Hero Mounts In the course oftheir adventures, many hound archon heroes befriend bronze dragons, which may come to serve as their mounts. The relationship between these mounts and theicceles-| tial riders goes beyond even the special bond between paladin {and mount The dragon and the archon are natural allies and) friends. 1s can be expected of two powerful servants of cosmicy justice. Thejuvenile bronze dragon mount gains 2adsitionsl HD, 4 pointsof Strength. an additional 4 points of natural armor, [improved evasion, nd +10 feet to speed in ll its movement xms The dragon cannot, however, command other creatures of siype ak osher kinds of paladin mounts ca. Larters arco Hound Archons a Hound s Characters hon characters possess he fllowing ra — +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, Medium size Abound archon’ base lend speed is 40 —Racial Hi Dice: A hound archon begins with six levels of outsides. which provide 648 Hit Dice, a base atack bonus of +6 and base saving throw bonuses of For +5, Ref +5, and Will +5 —Racial Skills: A hound archon’ outsider levels give it sill points equsl to 9x (8+ Inc modifier). Its cis skills are Concen: tration, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spo, and Survivil 2 Charisma —Racial Feats: Alicund archons cutsider levels give it three feats — +9 natural armor bors —Nanural Weapons: Bite (id8) and slam (id4) —Archon Traits (see page-16): Darkvision 60 fi. low-light vision, aura of mensce (Will DC 15 + character's Cha modifier), immunity to eleccricity and petnfication, +4racial bonus on sves against poison, magic circle against evi, teleport, rongucs Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities. cial Qualities: Change shape, damage reduction Z0/evil, scent, spel resistance equal 1 16 +class levels, —Auromsati Languages: Celestial, Bonus Languages: Common, ‘Draconic, Infernd Favored class: Ranger. Level djustment +. TRUMPET ARCHON ‘Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful) it Dice, 1248172 (126 hp) DI pec: 50 (8 squares), fy 90 (good) Armor Class: Dee, +14 natural, touch 13, flatfooted 24 Base Attack/Grapple: Attack: +4 grabvonl ade-11/19-20 all Attack +4 gratavonl 224/+16/+11 melee (ad6+11/19-20) ace/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Spel ike sbiliies, spells, trumpet Special Qualities: Aura of menace damage reduction, 10/evl, datkision 60 ft, immunity tn electiciry and petcifcation, magic circle against evi ‘ll resistance 29. eleport. ranges Saves: Fort <14 (a8 aginst poison: Ref att, Wiltt Abilities: S20, Dex 1Z. Con 23,tnt 16, Wie 6, Cha te Skills: Concencration # Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist. “18, Handle Animal jowedge (any one) 18 Move Silenty +18, Perform (wind Ride +20, Sense Motive +18, Spot +18, Trumpet arcton Use Rope 43 (5 ih bindings Feats: Blind-Fight, Clewve, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Environment: Seven Mounting Heavers of Celestia Organization: Solitary, pir.or squad 3-5) Challenge Rating: 14 Treasure: Nocoins; double goods: standard items Alignment: Always lawful good ‘Advancement: 13-18 HD (Medium): 19 Level Adjustment: +8 HD (Large ‘Aspeerng aa teen, winged elfofsipumetural goodness ond beauty, the cruotue ries ° masive sber trumpet. nd sounds 0 best of ering, soulwrerching music Trumpet archons sexve as celestial messengers and heralds, though their martial skills are considerable, Each carries a gleam ing sver trumpet about 6 feet long. Combat ‘trumpet archen usually disdains physical combat, preferting to obliterate foes with spells quickly and return tits duties. It forced iotoan extended kat, it sounds ts trumpecand attacks with a vengeance, ‘A trumpet archoss nararal weapons, zs well asany weapons i ‘wields, are reated as goodaligned and lawful-aligned forthe pur ‘pose of overcoming damage reduction ‘Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detet evil, continual flame, mes sage, Casteclevel 12th, ‘Aura of Menace (Su): Will DC21 negates. spells: Tunpetarchons can cast lvine spells as Aatelevel clerics. A eumpet archon bas access to wwe ofthe following domains: Air, Destruction, Good, La, ox Wat (plus any.others fiom is dey) The sive DCs are Wisdonsbased “yp Clerk Spells Prepted(6/7/7/6/5/4/4/3;DC.13 + spell, leveb O—dete mag ih pay fod und rnd magi res ance (2) Ast—Hes (2 divine fe 2, rotator chao, sn ity. shel of uth, 2ad-—uud, ll stenglh 2), comseerate, hese restoration, cas wads (2 33—daylghsnvisbty purge, msg ine spins chao rage sta palton,o energy 2) ath ania, divine poe holy ste neue poson spell muni Shiela cae light uns plane rats dens 6h— Bale hare, banter, beak ndet lo det; Pehl, Fly “Demin pel Domains Good and Lae Trumpet (Su): An archons cunpet produces musi of uter laity, pissing beauty and Cthe rumpet archon wil it, pars Iysing awe. All crearures except archons within 100 feet of the) [Blast must auccead on a DC 19 Tortrade save or be paralyzed fo Sd ourds. The sive DC is Charisma based. The archon can slo command its qumper 19 become ar grontsvord a a ree action Ife trumpet ir ever stolen, it hecomes a chenk of useless Tincture hasasiusun skeet wih along neko te. Tom pain fathered wing exer om he body, one on he top and anther onthe, bor. Mos of the bay 5 coveted with idesce ble scales, with uf of yw eather ot the be ofthe neck end the toi. The head has back, {octhedbrakad four eyes. one pac sbove te beak ard esther blow. ‘Ap anrowhawé isa predaior and scavenger from the Elemental, line of Air. It isa consummate flier that sponds its tie life on the wing, ‘Anariowhawkis aways in motion while it lives ican Dy fom 1 moment ithatches, and it eat, sleeps and rates without eves touching ground. By twisting its body and varying the cadence of ‘tswingheats, an arrwhasele can fly a top speed in any. ditection, Arromhawk eggs have en innate levitation ability. Females lay clutches of 2dt eggs in midair and leave them to flout until. they Ihaich. The female guards the eggs and collects chem ifthe wind, acitters them, but othersvse leaves them slone. f ‘A juvenile errowhank (1 to 10 years old) ig about 5 feet long. From beak :o tail with the hody accounting for about one-third ‘of thet lengeh, Its wingspan is about 7 feet, and it weighs about, metal until she owner can recover it Woebetide any thief caught 20pounde. with one An adult (to 40 years old) ie sbour 10 feet lang from beak. totail, ith a wingspan of about 15 feet and a.sreight of about 100 pounds Juvenile Arrowhawle Adult Arrowhawe Elder Arrowhawk ‘Small Outsider (Air, Rxtraplnse) Medium Outsider (Air Extraplanar) _ Targe Outsider (Air, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 38633 (tebp) 74807 (38 hp) isdaeds (42hp) Initiative: 4s “5 Speed: Fly 60 (perfect) (12 guares) ‘Armor Class: 720 (size, «5 Dex, 4 nat touch 16, fieJaored ts Bage Attack/Crapple: «3/0 ly 60 ft (perfec) (12 squates) 21.65 Dex, +6 natural), touch 15, lae-foted 16 whe) 45 Hy 60 (peifet) (12 squares) 22 (-1 size, +5 Dex, «8natu) touch 14, faefooted 17 415/225 Hlecricity ray +19 canged touch ‘Attack Fleerricty ay +9 ranged Hleercity ny +12 ranged touch (246) orbite +9 melee [td6+i) touch (268) o bite +12 melee (td8+3)__ (2d8) or bte +24 melee (24649) Full Attack Elerricty ny +9ranged Electricity ny «12 ranged Hlervciy ray +19 ranged touch touch (246) orbite 49 melee (Ades1) touch (268) or bite +12 melee (td8s3) (248) or bite +20 melee (269) Space/Reach: Shs fe Sfe/sft 10 f./5f Special Attacks: Electricity ny Bleercity iy Hleciiity ray Special Qualities: —_Darkvision 60ft,immuniy w acid. Darkvsion ¢0f, immunity toacid, —_Darkvision 60 ft immurity to electricity and poison, resstance to electricity, and poison, resistance to acid, electricity, and poison, cold 10 and fire 10 cold 10 and fre 10 resistance to cold 10 and fire 10 Saves: Feet 4, Ref +6, Will 4 For 6, Ref +10, Will46 Fort +12, Ref+ts, Will +10 Abilities: Str 12, Dex21,Con 12, Str 14, Dex 21, Con 12, ‘Str 22,Dex 21, Con 16 Ing 10, Wis 13,Cha 13, Ine10, Wis 13,Cha 13, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13, Skills: Diplomacy +3.Escape Artist 11, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +18, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist #23, Knowledge the planes) +6 Knowledge (the phines) +10, Knowledge (the planes) +18, Listen +7, More Silently +11, Listen +41, More Silenty 45, Listen +21, Move Silently +23, ‘Search +6, Sense Motive +7 Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Search #48, Sense Motive 19, Spot 7,Survial¢7(+9 following Spor +11,Surviral +11 (+13following Spot +21, Survival +19(421 tracks, +9 Plane of Ait), tracks, +13 Plane of Air), following tracks +21 Pane of Use Rope +5 (+7 with bindings) Use Rope +5(+7 with bindings) __ir), Use Rope 45 (67 involving bindings) Feats Dodge, Wespen Finesse Dodge, Fivby Attack, Weapon Finesse Alertness, Blind Fight. Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Artack, ‘Weapon ness Weapon Focis (bire® Environment Elemental Plane of Air Elemental Plane of Air lerental Plane of Ait Organization: Solitary or cluch (2-4) Solitary or cutch (2-4) Solitary or clutch (2-4) Challenge Rating: 3 5 8 ‘Treasure: None None None ‘Alignment: Alvars neutal Always neil Alvaysnestal ‘Advancement! 4-6 HD(Small) £14 HD (Medium) 16-24 HD (Large), 25-32 HD. Level Adjustment: — = (Gargantuan) An elder arcowhavwk (41 ‘Acmatuis plant sonsists of «main vine, about 20 feet long. 1075 years ld) is about 20 Sinaller vines up to 5 feet long branch off from the main vine Arrowiacek about every 6 inches. These small vines bear clusters of feet long with a wingspan ‘of 0 feetand aweight ‘of about 800 pounds Arrosshawhs speak Auran, bur they are not usually talkative Teavss,andLin late summer they produce bunches of ‘tual fits that resemble wild grapes, The fiuitiasough and has a hearty but bite flares. Assassin vine berries make heasy-wine ‘An asstssn vine can move abou, albeie ‘very slowly, bur usually stays pucualessit ‘heeds to seck prey inane vicinity. COMBAT Ancoihawks are extremely estliorlal and alveays husgry. They ture they meet, seeking ameal or subterranean version of the asrassin vine grows near hot springs ick almost any. qther crea voleanie vente, and ather sourcer fthermalen ergy. these plants_have trying to drive away arital The prt smary-moale of atack is an clecivicity a fied fiom the til. The creature also bites, butitprcters ofreach. Electricity Ray (Sul: An srrowhawk can fire sie ry once per round, with a range of and gray leaves shot through with silver, brown, and swhite seins so that they resemble Bag ier acs PRD SIY) enecsces enough of Sepporta thriving salny ‘mushrooms another which spring up around she pl and help conceal. COMBAT An assassin vine uses simple tac tics: Ios stl until prey comes within reach, then attacks. It ine, +6 natursl), touch 9, latlooted 15 its eneangle ability kath tocatch prey and to deter counterattacks. Base Attack/Crapple: +3 ‘Attack: Slam <7 melee Fall Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+7) teach: 10/40 fr. (20. with srovingunderground ssiall Mit Dies: ds: 2 ‘Gonsvit (Es) An seein vine deal dT points of damage wth tccesl grapple check Entangle (Su): Aa asain vine can animate plans rithin feet of iselfa fe ston Ref DC13 par ial Theeflectlans un he vine dies or decides to end i(alio + Special Qualities: Bindsighe 30 f free action) The sive DC i FEamoaflage, mmm wo lecttiy Wisdom, the ail lewligh vison lant tis esis 47 - averse simi ance wealdtoand fte10. di Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2 y Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con Int —, Wis 13,Cha$ Environment: Tempente Special Attacks: Constriet 16s tangle iroproved grab Acrowheres ill by. Lookawod (caster level th Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an assassin ine must hit with its slam at It can then attempt to start forests ‘grapple asa free action without (Organization: Solitary ot provoking an attack of opportu patch nity If it wins the grapple Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: 1/t0th coins $0 goods, 50% items Alignment: Always neutral ‘Advancement: 5-16 HD, Huge 17-32 HD (Gargantvani 33+ AD. Colossal Level Adjustment: — check, it establishes a hold Gg) and can constrict. Blindsight (Ex): Assassin vines have no visual organs Dut can ascertain all foes within 30 feet using sound, scent, and Camouflage (Ex): Since an ass sin vine looks like a normal. plant When at rest it takes a DC 20 Spot check to notice it before itaitacks ‘Anyone. with ranks in. Survival of Knowledge (nature) can use one of those skills instead of Sporto notice e plant, Dwarves can use stonecunning to notice the subterranean version. This vine hx a fibrous stm covered with. law, stingy bark and as thick as © human's forearm, i eas are shoped like human hands The sssassin vine isa semimobile plant that collects is own grsly fertilizer by grabbing and crushing animals and depositing the carcasses near its ros. Asasinine ige Aberration st Dice: 1468470 (134 bp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 35 fn hide armor ‘Armor Class 20(-2 size, roach 9, fle footed 19 ‘Base Attack/Grapple: +1 Aurack: Morningstar +16 melee dee8) ar ock +9 range squares); nse speed 50 ft Dex, +3 hide armor, +8 natural ‘rall Atack: Morningstar +12/27 melee (sd6r8), and rmorningstirs +12 melee (d+), and biie #12 melee (2d8-4 plus poison); or ock +5 zanged (2d6+8),and 2 rocks +5 ranged (2 ‘Space/Reach: 15 fe/15f Special Attacks: Polson Speclal Qualities: Daskvision 60 ft ‘Saves: Farr, Ref +5, Will y10 "Abilities; Ste26,Dex 13, on 2, nt7, Skills: Climb 49, Jump 118, Listen +7, Spot +7 saness,Cleave, Mutiweapon Fightin Anick Feats: Wee Environment: Temperate hills n Focus (bite Organieation:Soliary, gang (2-4), or tibe (7-12) Challenge Rating: § Treasure: 1/2 coins, double goeds, standard o heotc evil HD ‘Alignment: Often ‘Advancement “Level Adjustment luge The creeture looks like @ portly giant reseed in shably rags and fur. Ithos thi arm growirg fom is ches. ts ide, lb tuahsth The athach is a hulking, mic shapen biped. Immensely.stn sthach can hammer most opponents to gory paste A athach rarely bathes and smells parcicularly foul. An adule stands some 18 feet tlland sweighs about 4 pounds thachs ae f and crystals ofall types. They often jam bracelets on their chubby fingers, necklaces around ther fat wrists, and wear other jewel wwhewe they can. They have been known sit for hours polishing d admiring ther jewels. The only other things athachs tend 10 be psssiomate about are food and violen iseill giants fear other and, unless outnumbered, ata ants and most other Huge creatures. Ahachs speak a crude dialect of Gian COMBAT ‘Athachs charge into melee combat unless their opponents are ‘out of reach, in whichcase they throw rocks. They sometimes try toqverrun armored opponeatsto reach unarmored opponents in back-ranks. With its first few melee atacks, an athach tends 4 flail about indiscriminately, After a few rounds, it concentmaes thar have been hitting it mort often and uses its bite oa, ‘whoever as dealt tthe most amage Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 22, initial damage 1d secondary dam: Sir. The save DC AEE. ‘Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Fire) Hie Dice: 246+2 (11 bp) Initiative: +4 's Constinution: bused peed 308, peed: 20 ft. in scale mal base le mail, 2 heavy. ‘Armor Class: 23 (01 Dex, 6 natural 4 shield), touch 11, atfooted 22 Base Areack/Grapple Attack: Warhammer +3 melee (1d8+4/%3 plus 4 fire) or shor: pear y3 ranged (tde+t plus t fie Fall Attacke: Warhammer +3 melee idevt plas 1 ‘squat sdesa)s pl hortspear +3 ranged Space/Reach: sf ‘Special Areacks: Heat Special Qualities: Darkvision <0 f.immunity-to fie, ance 13,yulnerabilcy 10 cold Saves: Fort 4, Ref, Will ot ‘Abilities: Ste43, Dex 13, Con 13.1 Chae Skills: Appraice +6, Climb s0,C 6, Hide +0, Jump ~6 Listen +6, Search +, Spot Feats: Fower Attack Environment: Elemental Pine of Fie (Organization: Solitary, pai, tam (4 squad (11-20 plus 2 Srd-level sergeanss and 1 leader of 3nd-éth level) oF clan 30-100 plus so% noncombstants plus 1 3nd-level sergeant per 20-adults sthe-level lieutenants, and 37th-level captains Challenge Ratin Treasure: Standard coins: double goods (nonflimmables only); stan dard items(nonflammables en) Alignment: Aivars lawful neatral Advancement: By character chss Level Adjustment: +4 12, Wis 12 fre onda beard offemes. has ‘brass colored shin andappears to have been forged from fire and metal. s are dwarilike © to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They. weat kilts aflsass bronze, or copper, and speak Ignanand Common Absa COMBAT Azets se broad:headed spears or well-crafted hammexs in combat. When unacmed,the stem o grapple foes. Although unfriendly and taciturn, zers rarely provoke a fight exceptio relieve a foe of gems, which they love threat ened, she fight 10 the hey see the value of taking prisoners themselves Heat (Ex): An ze body is intensely hot, 50 sztacks deal extra fire damage. ts metalic weapons al thisheat. conduct ‘ Weed AZER SOCIETY such asthe one described bere, s about 6 feet long and weighs | ‘Avets maincin a tightly agimented saclen_inhich every 1eopannda.A-barghestt eyes glow orange when the creature] rember his + specific plice The staealmayaiakes precedenct brcomes exces over the individual. Ater neblesare prodigiously Barghets speak Goblin, Wong and infernal strong and wield atsclune power. Azers dell wihin ons foneeses on thet ame plane, only sly COMBAT sisting other planes ro gather gems. They- hate leficer, with whom they wage-an eternal. w hterrtiory and slaves. AZERS AS CHARACTERS. [Rureamong heir well-ordered kind, a few lazers leave behind the absolute rule oftheir ‘kin. These explorers tend to be fleree war tors, quick to take offense. ‘Arce cheracters possess the following racial ais Strength, 12 Deseriy, +2 Con [stinution, 2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, [-xcharisma — Medium size. —Anazer'sbase land speed is 30 feet —Darleision: Azere can see in the darkeup to 60 feet. “Racial Hit Dice: An azer begine with two levels of cursider, which pro [vide ads Bit Dice, « base atack bonus Joti, and base saving throw bonuses jof Fort +3, Raf +3, and Will +3 —Racial Skills: An azer's outsider Jevele give i sil points equl to 5 <(4 + [ine modifier). Ite elace skills sre [Appmiss, Climb, Craft, Hide, Jamp, teen “Listen, Search, and Sper Racial Feats An szer's outsider levele ‘lve tone fea —sénatunLarmar horus Special Attacks (see sbove): Heat. Special Qualities (gee above) Immunity to Barghesis can claw and bite, uo matter what their form, and usually disdain weapons. Though they:love killing they have Lite stomach for | dizect combst and attack from ambus whenever possible, Darghests start a combat by using crwhing despair and charm monster to keep opponents off bal tance. They try to stay-asvay-from the ‘enemy's main strength. ‘A barghest's natural weapons, as.wvell ssany weapons it wields, are seated 3 cvilaligned and lawul aligned for the purpose of avercoming damage reduc tion. Its nanunil weapons arc treated ss magic weapons for the purpose af ever coming damage reduction. Spell-Like Abilities: Ar will Mink, levitate, misdirection (DC. 14). rage (DC. 15); 1/day—charm monster (DC.16), nuhing despair (DC 26), dimension doce Caster level equals the harghest's HD.) he sive DCs are Chariema based. Feed (Su): When a barghest slays humanoid opponent it can feed om the corpie, devouring beth flech and life force, 2¢ 4 full:round action. Feeding Aestroys the victim's body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. There is 1 50% chance that 4 wish, wile, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim. 10 life, Check each destroyed creature. If the check fire, spell resistance equal 0 13+ classlevels vulnerability to co. fails, the creature cannot be brought back to life by —Automatic Languages: Common, Ignan. Bonus Languages | mortal magic Abyssal, quan, Auran, Celestial Infernal, Terran ‘A barghest advances in Hit Dice by consuming corpsesin this —Favored Clas: Fighter fashion. For every three suitable compses « burghest devours, it —Level adjustment +4 gains 1 Hit Die, and its Strength, Constitution, and natural fimorinctedse by 9. Us attack bonts and saves improve as formal for an antes of ts Hit Dice. and t gins ll pols —_________ BARGHEST feats, and ability score im- “Akane wale nse with Buaainged lone shore ews provements normally anda fendsh gn of nligvecein that wig ee darts or The barghest_ only ‘ofthe shadows odeences by cons ing the corpses of creatures whose Hi Dice or levels art equal to or greater than its owa current total A barge that teaches 9 Hi Dice through feed ing immediately becomes 1 neater barghest upon completion | cf the st. | ‘Change Shape (Su)-A barghest can assume the shape agli oy a wollasastandand action 1a] soblinac, a barghest Cannot us te nat fal weapons but can wield weapons and ‘A banghests« lupine fiend shat can take the shape of awolf or « ‘eoblin. In its natural form, itresembles 2 goblin-wolf hybrid ‘with terrible jaws and sharp lars. Barghests come inro the world to feed on blood and souls and thus sarow stronger. ‘As whelps, barghestsare nearly. indistinguishible from wolves, except for their size and claws As they grow larger Jens. to. blaish- ied and eventually becomes blueal: together. fall: — grown barghest Barghest ‘Medium Outsider (Evil, ‘Extraplanar, Lawful, Shapechanger) (Greater Barghest ‘Large Outsider Evi, =xtraplanay, Lavsful, Shapechanger) ‘it Dice: s+6 (33 hp) sxdee2? (67 bp) Initative, 16 16 ‘speed: 30 fi (6 squares) so (6 square) Armor Class: 4 (22 Dex, 16 natural, 20 (A siae, +2 Dex, +9 maura, rush 12, flafoored 15 touch 11, la-foored 18 ase Attack/Grpple: +6/-9 seis “utack: Bite +9 melee idé-3) Bite 3 melee (108+) Fall Attack: Bite +9 melee (Id6-3) and 2 claws Bite 113 melee (1d8+5) and > laws +8 melee (tde+2) ‘s4melee nde) ‘space/Reach: Sis 0 fe/s f Spectal Attacks: ‘Spell abilities feed Spell-Lke abilities feed ‘Special Qualities Change shapz, damage eduction 5/magie, Change shape, damage seduction 10/magi dackvision 60 fy cent darkvision 69 f., scent Stves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Abilities: Ser 17, Dex 15, on.13, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 nt 48, Wis 18, Cha 18 ‘skills: Bluff +11, Diplomacy +6, Bluff +16 Climb +47, Disguise 12 (+ acting, Hide 911%, Concentration +15, Intimidate 13, Jomp +12, Diplomacy 48, Disguise +4 (+6 acting); Hide 410%, Listen 118, Move Silently 10, earch +41, Intimidate +48, Jump 621, Listen +1 Sente Morive +11, Spot #12) Move Silently «14, Sense Motive +16, Spor 146 Survival 1 (013 following racks) ‘Survival -1¢ (048 following tacks), Tumble -16 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Track Improved Initiative, Trace Environment Bleak eemity of Gehenna Bleak Eternity of Gekenna Organization: Solisary or peck (2-6) Solitary or pack (3-6) Challenge Rating: 4 5 ‘Treasure: Double sundard Double standard Alignment: “Always lawful el Alvayslwfal evil Special (ee below) Special see below) ‘wearatmar In wolf form, a barghest loses is claw attacks but retains its bite attack, Pass WithoutTrace (Ex): A barghestin wolf form can use pass. withouttrace (asthe spell) asa freeaction. Slalle:°A barghest in sol form gaine +4 circumstance hanus fon Hide cheeke GREATER BARGHEST ‘Abarghest that reaches 9 Hit Dice through feeding becomes 1 greater arghest. These creatures can change shape intoa gob- linike creature of Large size (bout 8 fet tall and 400 pounds) ora dire wolf In goblin form. greater barghest connot use is natural weapons but can wield weaponsand wear armor. In dire wolf form, greater barghest loses is claw attacks but retains ftsbite anack ‘Agresterberghest can each amaximum of 18 Hit Dice theovgh feeding. Spell-Like Abilities: in addition tothe spell like sbilities all barghests possess, a greater barghest gains the following abilities. At vwill—invislty sphere: 1/day—mass bulls strength, massenlarge. Caster level equals the greater barghest’ HD. Combat Occasionally greater barghestusesa, smagic.twwachanded weapon in.combat Jinstend of is claws, giving it mult ple attacks (attack bonus +13/+8). It ‘can alsomake one bite attack attack bonus +8),each ound. The save DC against a greater barghes:'s spell-like abilities is 14 + spell evel 45 BASILISK The erectave Jools Te 9 Hickbodied rep with eight lps. Rows of bony spines jut from its bach and As eyes glow with an eerie pale green incandewerce, Asis isa repilian monster that perifies living creacure with ‘mere gaze. Surviving a fight with a basilisk requires either care fal preparation or considerable good fortune. Bisilisks are found in nearly every climate, and often in underground areas as well They tend rolairin sallow burrows, caves, oc other sheltered areas. The entrance to basilisk lair is sometimes distinguished by lifelike stone statues or carvings, which are actually creatutes that ran afoul of the creo tures gaze. Basiisks are omnivorous and able 19 consume.their petrified victims. They. make effective guardians, if one has the magical or monetary Basilisk Medium Magical Beast Hit Dice: ‘di 0v12 (45 hp) Inisiative. Speed: of (4 squares ‘Armor Class 16-1 Dex, +7 natura) touch 9, atfooted 16 Bise Aitack/Grapple: 26/8 Attack: Bite +8 melee all Areas Bite of melee Space/Reach: 5 f/f Special Attacks: Powifying gize Special Qualities: Datkvision 60 ft, lowlightwision ae ore 99) Ref4, will 3 Abilities: Ser 15, Dex8, Cons, In 2, Wis 12, Chats Skills: Hide +0", Listen z Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight, Great Fortitade Environment ‘Warm dete Organization: Solitary or colony (2-6 Challenge Ratings 5 Treasure: None lAltgaoment Always neil ‘Advancement 7-10 HD (Medium), 11-18 HD (Large Level Adjustment) — eiources to exprure and contain them A basilisk usualy has dll brown kody witha yellawish under. belly. Some specimens sport short, curved horn atop the nose, An adult ass’ body grows to about 6feet lang, not including ist, which ‘can teach an aditional ngth af $10 7 feet The creature weighs about 300 pounds COMBAT ‘A basilisk celies on its saze atack biting oaly when oppeneatscome within reach, Though ithas eight legs, its slow metabolism ren ders it relatively slug. gish,.so it does nor expend energy unnec: essary, Inruders who flee 4 basilisk rather than fight can expect. atbest, a halthearted pursuit These creatures tend tospendmostof thei time lying in wait for prey, which includes_small mammals, ries, and_similar_creatures. ‘When not hunting, basilisks are usually sleeping off thei latest ‘malin their srs Baslsks sometimesgather insmallcoloniesfor mating or for mutual defense in unusually hostile tersin, anda colony snillattack inrrusers in con Abyssal Greater Basilisk Large Outsider (Augmented Magical Beast, Extraplanat) redt0+90 (159 bp) 20 fi (4 squares) 1 Dex, =1 size, 29 natural ih 8, flat footed 17 Loke/sf ering gaze, smite good Resistance to cold t0and fire 10, damage seduction 10/magic, darivision 69 fi low light vision, spellzesstance 23 Fore +18, Ref +42, Will +8 Ste 24, Dex 8, Ce int 3, Wis 40, Cha 15 Hide 10% Listen +10,Spot S40 Alertness, Blind Fight, Greet Forirud, icon Will, Improved Natura Attack (bite) Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (bits infinite Layers of the Abyss Solitary ot colony (3-<) Standerd ‘lvrays chaowie evil Peerifying Gaze (Su): Turn to stone permanently range 30 fer: Fortinide DC skills: ates. The eave DC is Charisma-based The bastlsk’s dull coloration and is ability ro remain motionles forlong periods oftime grinelit-a sd-racal. bonus on Hide checks in natural serings ABYSSAL GREATER BASILISK Adventurers ae likly to encouter these fiends of the underwerld etter in taren wastelands ofthe Abyss or simmened tothe employ of some datk sor certs Servants of the de mon lords make good use oof the greater basilisk as. fans and escoms Combat The save DC for the abyssal greater basilisk’ petrifying gaze (DC21) {s adjusted forits greater Hit Dice and higher ‘Charisma score. ‘An abyssal greater bash lisk’s natural weapons ate seated as magic weapoi for the purpose_of overcoming. damage reduction ‘Smite Good (Su). Once per day an abyssalg ikea normal melee attack to deal an extra against «good foe. 1 basilisk can points of éamage ___>_ EIR “Huge Magical Beast ‘Hit Dice: sd10+45 (94 bp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 40 (8 squares) climb 1s f, ‘Amor Class: 20-2 size,+1 Dex, +11 natural). roach 9, { flacfooted 19 ‘Base Attack/Grapple:+9/+25 “Attack: Bite +15 melee (24+12) Full Attack: bite +15 melee (2d2i2) Space/Reach: 1s f./10ft. ‘Special Attacks: Breath weapon, constict 246+8, improved ‘gb, rake 10444, swallew hole ‘special Qualities: Cant be 1ipped, darkvision 60 ft, immunity to eleitcly lowlight vision scent Saves: Fort +i, Ref +7, Willes ‘Abilities: Str26,Dex 13, Con 2, Jot 7, Wis 14, Cha 2 ‘Skills Climb +16, ide 75, Listen +4 Spot +4, Survival 2 ‘Feats; Alertness, Cleave, Power Auack, Tack “Eavicoament: Wats bills ‘Organization: Solitary or pair Challenge Rating: 5 ‘Treasure: Standard Alignment: Often neutral ‘Advancement: 10-13 HD (Huge); 14-27 HD (Cargintuan) ‘Level Adjustment [Alf the eature appears ex ahuge ermared sno. slithering ocros the [gourd ot get speed. Then, without slowing it unfldsa.dazen legs from [itssemertine by and runs forward te strike re ‘use its dozen leg: to move with considerable speed. “A behie i about 40 feetlong and weighs shout 4,000 pounds. Ie ‘an fold its limbs close to it long, narzow body. and slither in snake faghion if it desires The coloration of hehirs ranges from tlrramarine to deep blie with bands of gry-brown The belly is pile blue. The two large home cxicving back over the head look ‘engorous but are actually used for preening the creatures scales, not for fighting ‘Behirs are never friendly with dragonkind and won't coexist swith any type of drigon. Ifadragon entersa behit's territory the Ibehir does everything it can todrive the dragon out. If the behi fale, t moves of to find 2 new home. A bebir never knowingly centers the tecritory ofa dragon. Behirs speak Common, e behie is aserpentine monster thet can slither like a snake or COMBAT ‘Abehicusualy- bites and grabs is prey rst then ether swallows) ‘or consiticts she opponent. It can employ its claws only against | foes caught initscols If beset ky large aumber of foes, it uss its) breath weapon Breath Weapon (Su): 20-fo01 line, once every 10 rounds, damage 746 clectcicity, Reflex DC 19 half. The save DC is [Constitution based. Constrict (Ex): A behirdesls 2d8+8 points of damage with asuccesaful grapple check Ie can make six rake attacks against 1 grappled foe 25 well “improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability a behir masthita crs ture of any size with its bite atack {ean then start a grapple aea free action withoue attack of oppor: ‘ity twine the grapple check, i it establishes hold and can sttemprto constrict the opponent er swallow the opponent {allowing round, ‘Rake (Ex): Six claws, attack bonus +15 melee, damage td4s4 Swallow Whole (Ex): bshie can ry:t0 wallow a grabbed Me ‘ium or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check ‘A behir thar swallows sn opponens can use its Cleave feat ra bite sed grab anather opponent ‘Awallowed creature takes 248+8 points.of bludgeoning cdumage and § poins of acid damage per rourd from the behirs gizrird_ A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using Tight cashing or piescing weapon todeal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature ecits. muscular action closes the hole; anather swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A behirs gizzard can hold 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny.or 128 [Diminutive or smaller opponents Skills: Behirs have +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and.can always chaose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if cushed ot threatened Teflon before you, a bulbous body with e cent. unblining eye, ond 9 Jorge mow filed wit dogpeike teeth. Smaller ees. attached to wriggling stalls, sprout fom the top ofthe orbit bo Boholdersare the stuff of nightmares These creatures also called the spheres of many eyes” oteve ryan, are deadly alversaies, Beholders speak thei ovn language and Common, COMBAT “The primary weipon ofboth the guuth andthe beholder isa series of deadly eye rays ‘Eye Rays (Su): Each of beholder’ small eyes con produce ‘magical ray once per roundasa ftee action. Duting 2 single round, ceature cin aim oaly rwa.eyerays(gauth) ot three eye rays (beholder) at targets in any_one 9¢-degree are (up, forvar, bickward.lef sight, or down). The remaining eyes must aim at ‘urgetsin other aes, or notat ll bebolder can tit and pan is bdr each round to change which rays it can bring to beat in any, ‘pen are Eich ye’ effect resembles «spell (aster level sth level fora ‘gut, ot 14th fora beholder, but fllows the rules for ary (ste ‘Aiming a Spell, page 175 f the Payers Handbook). ‘AlkAroxind Vision (Ex): Beholers ae excepionalyaler.and| circumspect. eit many eyes give them +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks,and they canbe anked 4 fight (Ex): A heholder’s body is naturally buoyant, This buayancyallows ittoflyata speed of20feet-Chis buoyancy also. grants ira permanent feather all effect (as the spell) with per sonal rnge. = & z i 2 - i GAUTH Medium Aberration Hie Dice: 6d8+18 (45 bp) Armor Class. 19 (+2 Dex Base Ateacle/Grapple: 4/23 ‘crack: Eye nys +6 ranged touch and bite-2 melee (146 all Attacks: Bye ‘Space/Reach: 5 f¢/5 fi geo tural), touch 12, arfooted 1 Special Attacks Eye rays, stunning gaze Special Qualities: Allround sision, darkvision 60 ft, ight Saves: For: +5, Ref 4, Wall Abilities: tr 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 4S, Wis 15, Cha 13 Skille: Hide +11, Kno 4, Search 44 Spot +47, Survival +2 eats: Alertness, Hyby hills Organization: Solitary, ux or cluster (3-6 Challenge Ratin 'Treanare: Stan Alignment: Usually awful evil 12. HD (Medium following rele stack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will Environment: C Level Adjustmet eceyeron sulla The gxuth, sometimes known 15th itself and eften atacksadvertirerssimplyto alte their weil Eye Rays (Sa): Each of gatthé sic eye cays resen «tribute fom anything weiker than ‘east by an Sth-level and « save DC of 14. The save DCs ace rays include Slee: This works like the spel affects one creature with any number of Hit Dice ike 10 use t sxcept that it Beblder other physically power: ful creatures Infict Mod. ent Won This works lke the pel using 24818 points of damage (willhalf Disgel Moic This works Hehe nee tion of the sgauth dis 12048 Scorching Ray: This works like : 6 points af ire dumige this ability ambsiscThe arget must succes ry Tay per use. of na Fort ‘aude save or be paralyzed for 2410 miautes Exhaustion: This warks like the spell ry of Stunning Gaze (Su); Stun for 1 round, 30 fe WiLLDC 14 negates. The save DC is Charisma: Any.creature mesting the gaze ofthe gauths central ey is aubjectio ita tuning gaze stack. Since the gauch can use is ‘eye-aya.aa free action the creature can wea stndand action Jo, focusitx stunning gaze onan opponent and atack with all eyesays thatbear en its foesatthe sane time BEHOLDER Large Aberration Hit Dice: 110844 (23 bp Initiative Speed: 5 f [Armor Class: 26 (1s ft-footed 24 Base Attack Attacks Eye ny Full Attack: Eye rays Space/Reach: 10 fr/5 fe Special Attacks: Eve rays ‘Special Qualities: All around vision, antimagle cone, darkvision 60 Fe Hight > Refs, Will A quae. fly 20f. (good) hire .2 melee 2: pinslee Abilities: Ste 10, Dex 14, Con 48 Skills: Hide +12, Knowledg 221, Spot 22, Survival «2 Wiss, Cha 15 Fonte: Alermness lyky Attack, Great Fortinude, impsaved Initiative, iron Will Environment: Cold hill ‘Organization: Solitary pair, or cluster 6 Challenge Rating: 13, Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Usually ful ev ‘Advancement: 12-16 HD (Large), 17-33 HI Level Adjustment: — A boholde dimntaated liye gal cpeand alee ety alls sprout from the rop of choles often aack w out provocation. Though not powerful physialy. 1 often plow right into groups ‘af opponents to use as many of their eyes ast can. When closing with an enemy, a beholder Eye Rays (Su): Each esa spell casthy.a 13th level caster. Each eye ray has ange of 150 feet anda sive DCck 17, The save DCsare Charisma ed. Theen eye nysinclude Charm Monster: The argetmust succeed ona Will save or be affected as thaugh by the spel ders use this ray t0 confuse the opposition early ina fight The beholder gen usuully.employing craly instructs. charmed t rade or stand aside (Charm Person: the target must succeed ona Will sive or be affected as thougl by the spell. Bebolders use thisray inthe same affected as thouga by the spell. The beholder ikes ro use this ray onany foe it considers real shreat. ‘Fear: Tis works ike the spell, excep tha targets one creature} ‘The target must succeed on.a Will sive orbeaflected 1s though by the spell Beholders lke to use this ay against warriers and other ‘powerful creatures ealy ina fight to break up the epposiion.. “ingerof Death: The target mustsucceedona Fortitude save orbe slanas though bs the spell The rgettakes sde+1 potns of dam- age iis saving throw succeeds. Beholders use this ray to elim ‘nate dangerous foes quckiy. lh Sine: The targetmust succeed on a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the spell. Beholder lke to aim this ray at enemy spelleasters. They alsouse ston any create whose appear ance they find incereting, After the fight, the beholder rakes the starueo ts ai. asa decoration.) ‘nfic: Moderate Wounds: This works like the spell, cousing ‘2d8+10 points of damage (Wl hal) ‘Sle: This works lke che spell except thatitaffectsone creaure ‘with any numberof Fic Dice (Will negates) Beholder like use this ry against warsors and other physically powerful creatures “They know theicfors can quickly awaken the sleepers, but they alo know that doing so takes time and can delay an effective ‘counterattack. | low: This works like the spel, except hat inaffects one exes ture. The target cin make « Willsave w negate the effect. Bebold er offen use this ray against che sume ccearure targeted by their dantgrate, lh to she, or finger of death ay Mone lofthe former rays fils to climinare the foe,this. say might at leat hamper it, “Tlkinesic A beholder can move objects ‘oxcrratuies that weigh upto 325 pounds, fs though with «telekinesis spell. Crea tucescan resi the effet witha success ful Willsave ‘Antimagic Cone (Su): A beholder central eve continually produces 2 1S0- foot cone of antimagic- This functions just lle antimagic field (caster level 13¢h), All magical and supernatural powers end efits srithin thecone are Suppressed even the beholder own eye rays Once each round, during its turn, the beholder decides whether the antimagic cone is active ot not (the Ibeholder deactivates the cane by shutting its ‘cent eye Beholder Society Beholder are batalaggrentve andzvat QU) cious, attacking or dominating others when- ver they ean get away sth They exhibit sexacoghabie toialorvars: sing slLerestares not ie thernelves The bass body ype compasses great vtiety of beholder subspecies Some are covered with overlapping chit nos lites some have smooth hides or snakelike eye tentacles Some have crustacean is Rut evena diference as smalls hide color or size cf the central eye can make two groups of beholders sworn enemies. Every beholder declares its own unique form to. be the “true ideal of beholderhood.” rhe others being nothing but. ugly replicas fit only tobe eliminated. Beholders usually carve out underground lsirs for themselves. using their disintegrate rays, Beholder architecture emphasizes the. vertical. and a lair usvally has « number of parallel tubes, with. i———_____BELKER chambers stacked on top of each other. Bebolders prefer inacces-| siblelocations that earthbound foes can reach only with dificult. ‘Harge Flemental (Air, Extraplanar) ‘re Dice: 7d8+7 38 hp) ‘nitiative: +5 ‘Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), ly 30 ft. (perfec) Armor Class: 23 (-1 size, +5 Dex +8 natural), ouch 14, | fa-footed 17, Base Attack/Grapple.+5/+11 ‘Atack: Wing +9 meee (1d6+2) Fall tack: 2 wings +2 mele (1dé+2) and bite + melee dssa) and 2claws +4 melee (1d3+4) Space/Reach: 10/10 _Special Atacks: Smoke laws |Special Qualities: Dicvision 60, clement tai smoke {ecm [Saves: For +3, Re 10, Wll+2 ‘Abilities: St 14, Dex 21, Coa 13, Ine, Wis, Cha Skills: Listen a7, Move Silently 29 Spor 2 Feat: Alesness, Multanich Weapon Fineie Environment: Elemeatal Bane of Ait Organization: Solitary, puis orclutch (8) Challenge Rating: 6 — ‘Treasure: None Alignment: Usually nusrl ev ‘Advancement: 610 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (luge) evel Adjustment.— - TD A as lack make move ogo he bres, fing hope it comes closr. Coudlie, rong it suddenly explodes inte a. \\ demonic creature oftmoke ond wind, with large be wings, Q dewed tends, and ebtng mass Belkers ar creatures fom the Hane of Air They are compared primarily of smoke. Although undeniably evil they are very reclusive and ‘usually have no interestin the firs of others ‘Akelkers winged shape makes it look di tinetly demonic. Because ofits semigaseous nature, however. it shifts and changes shape swith every puff of wind. Iris about 7 feet long and weighs about & pounds. ‘elkers speak Auran, COMBAT. In most cases. belker fights with its nasty claws and painful bite ‘Smoke Claws (Ex): A helker in smoke form (see below)can engulf opponents by moving ontop ofthem Ifill the airarcund one Medium orsmnaller opponent without pro- voking an attack of opportunity. The target must succeed on a DC.14 Fortitude seve or inhale pat of the creature. The save DC is Consttution-based. Smoke inside the victim solidifies into a claw and begins tip at the surrounding orzars, dealing 344 points of damage pettound. ‘An affected creature can attempt another Fortiruce sive each sub- sequentround to cough out the semivaporous menace. ‘Smoke Form (Su): Most ofthe time a belser is more orless| solid, bur at will it can assume smoke form. Iecan switch forms | ‘once per round asa fee action and can spend.up 10.20-rounds per | ‘day in smoke form.A belkerin smoke formecan flyata speed of 50 feet perfect) The ability is otherwise similar toa gasnusform spell (easter evel th) ‘Skills Rekers have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silendly checks. im Magical Beast Hit Dice: 40 (22 hp) Initiative: <3 Speed: 40 ft. squares) Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural rouch 13, farfocted 13, Base Artack/Grapple +/+ “Attack: Bue +4 melee Full Atack: Site +4 melee (ide) Space/Reach: 5 f/f Special Attacks. — yecial Qualities: Blin darkvision 60 ft, dimen: ian door, low-light Saves: Fort +4, Rel +7, Wills Abilities: Ste 10, Dex ‘Gon 10,tnt 16, Wis Skills: Hide <3, Listen +5, Sense Motive 3,Spot Survival 4 Feats: Iron Will, Run Track Environment: Temperate phin: ‘Organization: Solitary, pair orp Challenge Rating:2 Treasure: None Alignment: Usually lwful gocd ‘Advancement: 5-7 HD (Medium); 812 HD (Large) Level Adjustment; +2 (sh Abigcorne with yellow braun far ondlarg eas pears completely rd ‘ney And thet coppers te link ofan eye and inst ina diferent location The blink dog is tion ability teligent canine thst has limited teleport Blink dogs are social animals, ofzen travel eat equal amounts of meat and plant mater The lands but drive off Blink dogshave their awa language. mixture of barks, ysps whines, and growls that can tr ex information When not hunting, they ate playful with exch other but very protective of their pups. which outsiders sometimes steal t nas guard animals Blink dogsand displacer beasts are natu enemies. COMBAT Blink dogs hunt in packs, teleporting in. seeminglyandom fash fon until they surround theic prey allowing some of them ro take advantage of flanking. Blink (Sub A blink dg can use blink as the spell (aster level sth),and can evoke. ie effect. as.aftee action Dimension Door (Sul A blink dog can teleport as dimension or (caster level 8th), once per round asa free acion. The affects only the blink dog, which never appears within a object and.can act immediately after teleporting. packs. They oid human Medium Undead (Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 912 (58 hp) Initiative: +6 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares) ‘Armor Class: 20 (+2.Dex, +8 nan Base Attack/Grapple: 4/5 ‘Attack: Slum 26 melee (det Full Attack: Slam +6 melee (1d3>1) Space/Reach: 5 fi Speclal Attacks: Death gaze Special Qualities: Damage ceduc tion 40/coldinan, dazky vulnerability te sunlight Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will+7 Abilities: Ste Wis 12, chat2 Skills: Listen +11, Move Silently 40 Spor sit Feats: Alerines, Dodge, Improved Dex 15,Con— Int6, Initistive, Weapon Foes. Environment: infinite Lay Abr Organization: Salary oc gang (2-4) Challenge Rating: § Treasure: None Alignment: Alvays chaotic evil ‘Advancement: 10-13 HD (Media). 14-2 1D (Large Level Adjustment ed stulblie hed nas Inumanods who have be Inthe ouch of baste ei Abodak resins ins past life and Common (or some in speak oid language COMBAT Bodaks love to approach their ‘opponents 1 leisurely pace le suze do its work before. Death Gaze (Su): Desth, ringe 30 feet, Fortitude DC 15 Humanoids who die from th are transformed into bodaks latex. The save DC is Charisma:based. Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex): Bodaks loathe sunlight, forts merest touch burns their WA) impure flesh. Each round of exposure 10 the direct.raysof the sun deals 1 point of damage Speed: 30 fi. (6 squases). Armor Class: 17 1 Dex, 3.natrl, +2 lather arm wwowden shield) touch 11, fatfosted 16 Baye Artack/Grapple: #2/-4 Attack: Morningstar +5 melee idii.2)erjavelin +3 ranged idee Full Attack: Morningstar +5 melee 1d82) Space/Reach: 5 fi/s fi Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 fe, scene Ref +4, Will Sit-15,Dex 12, Con 13 Let 10, Wis 10,Cha9 Skills Climb 3, Hide -4, Listen +4, Move Silently 6,5 eats: Alermeis, Werpen Focis morningstar 1 light oc javelin +3 ranged Environment; Temperate mountains (Onganization: Selitiry gang (2-4),orband (11-20 plus 1s noncombatants plus 2 2nd level sergeants and 1 lesder and-sth lev Challenge Rating: 2 ‘Treasure: Sandard Alignment: Usslly chaotic vil ‘Advancement: By charac Level Adjustment: «1 Thi mutculr, sovege humanoid stands 7 or ial, Coots hair estos bed Its mouths ful of lng, sharp fangs. and itsnose i much ike thet of beer, shughears are more live by hunting any The higgestand strangest. oblin gressive than theie smaller relatives. The reatute weaker than themselves The bughears nase isthe cause ofitename, though the creatare fs not related to bears. Its hide and sharp claws also resemble those of bears. A bugbears hands are far more dexterous than a bear's paws, however, ants claws are too small ro make effec Bugbears speak Goblin and Commor COMBAT ‘Bupbears prefer 1 ambush opponents whenever possible, When sunting they normally send scoutsahead ofthe main group that, if ther spy prey, return to report and bring up reinforcements Bugbear attacks are coordinated, and their tactics are sound if no bila Skills: Bugbears have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks BUGBEAR SOCIETY Bugbears prefer to dwell in temperate, mountainous regions with ‘many caves, living in small bal unis. A single bugbear, usually the biggest and meanest, lesds each tribe. A ibe has as many young asi has adults. Children do notjoin the adults in the hunt, will fight to protect themselves or thei airs oils in life: food and trea edt vallable source of Bugbears have only 1wo gen ‘sure, Prey and intruders are considere both, These extremely greedy creatures prize anything shiny including arms and armes, They never miss an opportunity to increase their hoards through theft, plunder, and ambush. On rate occasions they parley with other beings if they believe ‘can be gained, but they are not skilled negot.ators, un overlong, Tosing their patience quickly if such encoun and hebgoblins, “Theyare sometimes found commanding gol whom they: bully mercilesly. Sugbears survive primarily by hunting, and they eat whatever. they san bring dewn, Any creature is legitimate source of food, including monsters and even their own smaller kin. When game is scarce, bugbeats turn toraisling and ambush tofil their stew pers, Mest bugheas ambushes followed by. furious combat. BUGBEARS AS CHARACTERS Most bugbear leaders are fighters or fighter/rogues. Bughearclen Jes worship Hruggek and can choose any avo of the following mains. Chaos, Evil Trickery, and War Bughsa Strength Medium size —A bughears base land speed ix 30 fee sere a deity named Hroggek, who delights in acters posees the following rac as 2 Dexterity 2 Charisma Darkevision cutto 60 feet Racial Hit Dice: A bughear begins with three levels ‘mancid, which provide 348 Hit Dice. a hase atack onus of and hase saving throw bonuses of Fort +1, Ref +3, and Will +1 Racial Skills A bughear humanoid levels give it sil point Int modifier). Its clss skills are Climb, Hide, en, Move Silently, Search, and Spot Racial Feats A bugbear’s humanoid levels give it.wo feats +4 racial bonuson Move Silenly checks, Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin, Bonus Languages Dniconie, Even, Giant.Groll, Orc — Favored Class: Rogue evel adjustment 1 MubyT Locked Uy Tage Magical Bat Hit Dice 9410/45 4p) Initiative: « Speed: 40 (8 squaeshbassow 10 ‘Armor Clasg.22(-2 sze.1aDex 12 narwral) couch 46 ft facned 20 Base Atace/Geoppe: 9/035 Asta Bite 16 mele 2d8 8) Fall Attack: 618) and 2 Sprce/Reach: 15/40 Special Attacks: Leap Special Qualities Davison 6 lew light sion, scent, Saves: Fort sil, Ref wills Abilities: Se Con 3, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha Sle: Jump 1, Listen 43, Spot « Feats: Alertnes iron Wil Tack, Werpon Focus (bit) Environment: Temperate hills Organization: Solitry ot pai Challenge Rating:? “Treasure: None ‘alignment: Av "advancement: Level Adjustment: — HD (Huge 17-27, HD (Gargantuan) The ground shokes ard ol ard then bursts open to reveal a terble ‘ormarpleted. tullecshaped creature with a huge snapping mow and shor poweril ees Alo known atthe landshack che bulete isa teri that lives only to eat. I is universally shunned, even by othe monsters Fortunstely for theres ofthe world, thebulette isa soli tary animal although mated pais (very are) might share the same. territory Since its appetite isso voracious each bulette has a large territory that can range vp to 30 square miles. Other predators rarely share territory with one, for fear of being eaten. A bulette has no lair preferring to wander above and below ground: it bur rows beneath shesoil ores. A bulertesarallyconsumesitsvictims—clathing, weapons, an all. Its powerful stomach acid quickly destooys armor, weapons, ‘and even magic items, Its not sbove nibbling on chests or sacks ‘of coins either. When it has eaten everything in its terizon bulette moveson The slecrterionfoca sutabe territory is aval ability of food, so bulettes occasionally locate themselves near Jhuman settlements and terrorize the residents COMBAT Abulette anacks anythingitre or closest prey frst. The ly and it dislikes the taste of down ground, landsherk relies onits iremorsense ability to detect prey ‘When it senses something edible (that is, senses movement) it baeaks to the surface, cies first, and begins is attack, The bulette has afoul temperament—stupid, mean, ind fearless, The siz, strength, and number ofits opponents: nothing. Leap (Ex): balettecan jump into the air during combat. This allows itto make four claw atacks instead of two, each w atch bonus, burit cannor bite rdaasedible, choosing the easiest ures it refuses to eat are elves 3s). When burrowing under tha +15, Babette Targe Aberration Hit Dice: 3d8+6(19 hp) Initiative: 2 Speed: 30. (6 squares), climb 15 ft Armor Class: 17 (1 size.+? Dex, +6 natural), touch 11 flat-footed 1S Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+8 Attack: Tentacle +3 melee (paralysis) Fall Attack: § tentacles +3 melee (paralysis) and bite —2 meles 1d4et Space/Reach: 10 f./5 fe Special Attacks: Paralysis Special Qualities: Dazkvsion 60 fe, scent Saves: Fort +3, Ref 3, Wills Abilities: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14, Int Skills: Climb +12, Listen #6,Spat +6 Feats: Alertness’, Combat Reflexes. Environment: Underground ‘Organization; Solitary, puir or cluster 0-5) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Not Alignment: Always neutral ‘Advancement: +-6 HD (Large) 7-9 HD (Huge Level Adjustment: — Wis 15. Che The sink of rtten meat surcunds this multlegged creature with 0 segmented. 10foct-leng body. Eight hing tentacles protude fom shea, growing direty fom below its clacking mandibles and tooth ‘filed maw, CCarcion crawlers ae aggressive subteeranean scavengers, greitl feared for their paralyzing atacks. They scour theit underground territory for dead and decaying flesh but wont hesitate to.atiack and hill living creatures, Each of a carrion crawler’ tentacles is cbout 2 feetloag and secresesa sicky, paralyzing substance. Like so many hybrid mom: sters.the.cuion crawler may. sell be the. result of arcane experi-) mentation, A carrion crawler weighs about soOpounds, COMBAT Carrion crawlersuse their senses asses and potential pr ight and smell to detect cat When attacking, a crawler hshes ou with its tentacles and tries 10 paralyze iis victim. The tentacles eal no other damage. The creature then kills the paralyzed victim with it bie and devours the Sesh. Multiple crawlers do no fight in concert, but each paralyzes as ble, The unintelligent crea: VORP ture continues te attack as long as it faces any moving opponents Baralysis (Ex): Those hie bya carrion crawler’ tentacle attack smulstsucceed on a DC 13 Forti rudesave or be paralyzed for 244 rounds, The save DC is Constite tonbased Skills: Carron crawlers have « 8 racial bonus on Clim checl ero take10 and can aways chow ‘on Climb checks, even if rushed ‘or threstened Celestial creatures dwell on the upper planes, the realms of good, although they resemale beings found on the Material Plane They are more regal and more beauriful than their earthly counterparts, Celestial creatures often come in metallic colors (usually silver, 01d, or platinum). They can be mistaken for half-elestils, more porweaful creatures that are created whena celestial mates with & noncelestal creature SAMPLE CELESTIAL CREATURE (Celestial Lion Large Magical Beast (Augmented Animal, Extraplanar) Hit Dice: 548+10(32 hp) Initiative: 3 Speed: 40 fi. (8 squares) Armor Class: 15 isi Iatfoored 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/12 ‘Attack: Claw 7 mele (td Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (id#:5)and bite +2 melee (1482) Space/Reach: 10/5 fi Special Attacks; Improved grab, pource, rake id2, smite evil Special Qualities: Damage reduction S/magic,darkvsion 60 ft resistance 10acid 5, cold §,and electricity 5, pel resistance 10 Saves, Fort, Ref47, Will+2 ‘Abilities: St 21, Dex 17, Com 45, nt 3, Wis 12,Cha 6 Skills: Balance +7, Hide 43°, Listen +5, Move Silendly +11 Spot +5 3 Des. 23 natural), touch 12 mess, Rua in Mounting Heavens of Celestia Feats “Environment Oxganization: Solitary, psiror pride (6-10) Challenge Rating-+ ‘Ireasure: None (alignment: Alyays good any) ‘Advancement: 6-8 11D (Largs) Level Adjustment: Combat ‘A celeetial lion natural weapone are treated ae magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming demage reduction. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, celestial ion must bait with itsbite attack, Tecan then attempt to star grapples. free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. I i wins the grapple check, itormblishes « hold and ean rake. Pownce (Ex): I celestial lon charges ican make fallattack Including wo rake stacks. Rake (Ex): Attckbonus +7 melee, damage 14442. Skills: Celestial lions have +4 racial borus on Balance, Hide, fand Move Silently checks. ln aceas.of tll grass cr heavy. under growth, the Hide bonus improves t0.8 CREATING A CELESTIAL CREATURE “Celestial” is an inherited template chat can be added to any corporeal animal, akerration animal, dragon fey. giant, human: oid, magical beast, monstrous huminoid, plant. or vermin of good or neutral alignment (refereed to hereafieras the base 1 celestial ereature uses all the base creat abilities except ac nated here. Do noc recaleulae th Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points if its type changes Size and Type: Animals ot vermin with this template become ‘magical beasts but ocherwice the creatuve type is unchanged. Size ie unchanged. Celestial creatutes encountered on the Material Plane have the excraplanar subtype Special Attacks: A celestial creature retains all the special attacks of the base cresture and also gains the following attack. Sinite Evil (Su): Once per day-a celestial creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal tits HD (maxi ‘mum of +20) againstanevil foe. Special. Qualities: A celestial creature retains all the special qualities ofthe base creature andalso gains the following qualities. —Datkvision out 0 60 feet —Damage reduction (see the able below — Resistance to acid, cold and electricity (se the ble below —Spell resistance equal to HD +5 (maximum 25) Resistance io Hit Dice Aci, Cold Electricity. Damage Reduction is 5 = 4-1 5 Siena a i0 Simic 12or mor. 10 Ojai Ifthe base creature already his one or more ofthese special quali: ties, use the better value fs celesial creature gains damage reduction, its natural weap ‘ons are aeated as magic weapons forthe purpose of avercoming damage reduction, Abilities: Same as the base re: lesst3. Envixonment. Any good-aligned plane. Challenge Rating: HD 3 or less, as ase crea: HD i base creature +4; AID 8 or more as base creature + Alignment: Aiways good (any) Level Adjustment: Same asthe base crear are, but Intelligence is. at) roses CENTAUR Targe Monstrous Humanoid He Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp Initiative: + ‘Speed: 50. (10 square Armor Class, 14 (-1siz0.i2 Dar-footed 12 Buse Atack/Grapple: 4/112 ‘Attacks: Longeword Bow (Str bor Full Attack: Longsword 2 mel melee (1d ranged ‘Space/Reach: 10 ft/s Special Attacks ‘Special Qualities: Datkvison or cemposte longbow (+4 Str bon ‘Saves: Fort 3 Refs, Will 4s Abilities: Ste 18, Des 4, ( Ini §, Wie 13,.Cha 1 ‘Skill: Liston «3, Move Silenely hoof Environment: Temperate f Organization: Solitary, compa ye, Weapon Forus 5-8). tmop (8-18 ple le of and-sth level I keutenamts, and 1 leader of sth-sth level Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually neutral good Advancement: By ch Level Adjustment: + The cresture gallops trees, its thunde Centaurs ate woodland beings w Theyare deadly archers and even mon A.centaur is as big asa heavy h ns slighely heavier, A centaur is about 7 feet tall an 2,100 pounds. entaus speak Sylvan andEleen OMBAT Although generally mild-temp Their favorite melee weaponis the longsword, When scouting hhunting they carry composite Jongbows. centaur employing Jance deals double damage when it charges, ju Centaurs usally deat provoke a fight. Theic nocmalxesponse ession is swift retreat, perhaps after launching a few arrows to liscourage parsit. Against creatures powerful enough ro pose danger ti hey appear to use this same tat except that about half ofthe “retreating” centaurs will circle atound ia ie in ambush or attack the foe from th CE re social hivebeen knowa ta become rowdy, boo ‘ panies and trcopr arc usually hunting or scouting in force. Most of the members of «centaurinibe emain near thet lait Most of the ters inthe tribal lai are female; while the maleeare ou hn ing end scouting, the females lead and administer the tribe. A thind of ele’ population is young The ty located loep within-a forest. It con iss of large hidden glade and pastures, wit running water. Depending on the climate, he Ismay conta ture and may cultivate useful plans artheitlaie In dangerous, mon stersnfested areas they p harriers of thorn bushes around heir lair, dig pits. and set sna entaurs survive through a mix hu fishing. ultare.and trade. Though the in dealings seth humans, cen taurs do trade swith aly fr f Ives. espe and wine. The elves re paid from the tribe's which consists o The size ofa centaur ti tory varies with its popul the nature of the ares itinbabits. Centaurs do not object to sharin; erritory with elves The attitude of tow depen ‘on the vistor. Humans sare politel leave. hallings or gnomes a 7 ated, and elves are welcomed + deal scconding they are ro the of the tribe to enter a tribe’ tern would amen rs,and the like Most centaurs revere as their favored enemy. A centaur druid is usualy aribe’ desig nted leader and speaker. Centaur clerics (who are rare) worship Skerrt and can choaseany iwo ofthe following domains, Anima Good, or Ban ‘Centauic characters possess the following racial ais — +8 Strength. 4 Dexterty, 4 Consitution,~2 Intelligence 2 Wisdom { Large siae, 1 penalty to Armor Cliss,~Lpenaly.on atack rulls.—4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks lif rig and carrying limits double those of Medium cha Space/ Reach: 10 fet/s fee A centaur base land speeds 50 fee Dazkvision out to 60 Dice: A centaur begins with fourlevels of mon- strous humanedd, which provide 4d st Dee, «base attack bonus cof +4, and base saving throw bonuses of For +1, Ref4and Will +4. Racial Skills. A centau’s monstrous humanoid levels giv i shel points equal Move Silently, Spot,and S — Racial Fes: A centaur — Automatic La ‘Common, Gnome, Halling. savored Clas Ranges Level austment 2, odifier),ltsclass skils ae Listen, od levels give sages: Sylvan, Elven. Bonus Languages CHAOS BEAST Ticdiam Ousider Ghactc Bxeplaas tc or alsa hp Spee 2 rena Spel Qualities Dec Saves Soes7ut 7, ilo Shl Clin 13 Ene Ara 4d rice (1 sopra instability plas corporeal instability instability sion fi. immunity ectitcal hits 12,Jump. 15, Spot +1, Survival 0 2 following rks), 3 with binding Organization: Seliary Challenge Rating: 7 Treasure: None Alignment: Always chaot ‘Advancement: 9-12 HD Media); 12-24 HD Carge Level Adjustment ‘pp ‘ny drawing tach shape from sand frm fey nightmare 1h alysis though a dozen rmenstio forme hereshep ing it into bulbous thing with ten yee siming in a ious se othe 9p. «body that’s surounded by rig of mocking movths The horrific creatures know re mutable. ever-ch: ing forms. Their deadly touch can make opponents melt into formless heres na telling what chaos beast wll look like. On: ‘moment it might be a towering horror of hooks and fangs, all pulps:flesh and exposed veins, and the next a slithering mass of copy. vermilion-tipped tentacles Then it become a mi A chaos beasts dimensions vary. but ruce,allmusele at always weighs about 200 pou ‘Chaos beasts donot speak COMBAT How many diferent atacks.can a creature capable of any form have! In this case only.500 For all its fearsome appearances, whether ic has claws, fangs pincers, entacles, or spines, a chios beast does litle physical harm. Regardless of form, the creature seems uuable 19 manage more than two attacks per round. ts continual wansmutations prevent the coordination needed to de more. A chaos beast. clawannacks, as well ac any_neipena lies are eated as chaoticaligned for the purpose of ovexcoming, damage reduction. CCorporeal Instability (Su) A blow froma chaos beast aga aalving creature can cause a verb must succeed on a DC 45 Fortitude save or bec The save DC Inless the vet bape melts srion-bused Anaflected creature es tlw) i and bo mnableco hold oc use anyitem, Clothing. amor, rings. and helmets become useless Lazge iicms worn ot ‘atried-—aumnet, backpacks, even shirte—hempex mace shaa help, reducing the victims Dexterity score by 4 Saft or misshapen fee legareduce speed tp 10 feet or ene-quartar normal, sshichever Seating prin courses along the nerves an staong thi victim cannot act caherently. The victim cannot cat spells. snd itattacks blindly, inable to dist om foe(-# pensltyonattack rolls and a 50% misachancs, gars lees ofthe ataclerall Each round the vietim spends in an amorphous sate causes 1) point of Wisdom drain from mental shock. Ifthe victim ‘Wielom scou falls to 0, it becomes achaoe beat, A victim can regain ite oy shepey hing aDCis ck (this check DC not vary-far a chaos beast ‘with diferent Hit Dice or abil form for 1 minue. Ona f ite, the victim can stil pea heck exch round until su Corpoteal instability i nota disease or a curse and so is hard to remov A shapethange ot stonedkin spell does not cure an aflicted creature but fixes or the duration ILA restora s the afiction (sepa restore any druined points of Wistom Immunity to Transfor mation (Ex. No mortal magic-can permanently) torfixa chaos beasts] foam, Efe suck spolynomhingorperiea returns tots mutable form & TERN Chacibeat Targe Magical Beast Hit Dice: 9410+27 (76bp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 i, (6 squares. iy 50 ft. (poor ‘Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 18, ‘Base Attack/Grapple: 19/417 ‘Attack: Bite +12 melee (2464 Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (2d64) and bite 12 melee (1d8+4) and gore +12 melee (1d+4) and 2 claws +10melee (16 Space/Reach: 10/5 ‘Special Atcacks: Breath meapon Special Qualities: Datkvsion 60 f, low-light vision, cen Saves: for +9, Ref +7, Will 6 Abilities: Ste19, Dec3, Con 1 ‘Skills: Hide 41°, Listen +9, pot = ‘Feats, Aleriness, Hover, ron Will, Multatack “Environment: Iemperate hills (Organization: Soliary, pride (3-5), or ight (¢~13) Challenge Rating: Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaoricevil ‘Advancement: 10-13 HD (Large); 14-2: Level Adjustment: +2 (cohort Int, Wis 13, Cha to HD (Huge This creature bes he Hndquarers of «big goat.andsheforequarersof¢ {grat lon It has drogon wings les lon, and a ferce érogon. re heads ahamed goe, @ mane The chimera isa bizare predator that hunis on ihe ground and ‘on the wing. Ir can defeat even the hardiest opponent with 1 lr ‘chimera i juts feet tall ax she shoulder ne Tong, aod seighs about 4.000 pounds. A.chimen's dragon bead might be Mack, blue, green, re or whit Chimeras can speak D Mas by © Critclow jom bothered except when roedying © COMBAT A deadly foc, the chimera prefers to susp: ‘swoops down from the sky or lea sane ‘dragon head can locaea breath weapon instead of biting, Several a pay lt okeen aled until it charges. The Breath Weapon (Su): A t n (Su simerd’s breath weap on the depends slor of its drag, Regardless ofits type, a chimeras breath weapon is usable onc every 1d4 rounds, deals 348 points of damage, and allows 2 DC 1 Reflex save for half damage. The save DC is Constitutoncbased Ta determine.a chimeras head color and breath weapon ran atthe table below. {i0and co HeadColor Breath Weapen Black 4P-feot ine of ac 34 Blue 40-foot ine of lightning. 6 Gren BDfeot cone of ges (acid) 3 Red 2o-feot cone ct fe S10 write 2Dfeot cone of cold ‘Skills: A chimeras three beads give ita +2 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checis. 1a bland or brush, bonus on Hide checks. Carrying Capacity: A light load for a chimera is up1a34¥8 pounds; a medium load, 349-699 pounds, and a heavy load iC CHOKER: Small Aberration Ht Dice: 3d83 (46 hp Initiative: Speed: 20.4 square Armor Class: 17 Mu-foowed 1s Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+5 Attack: Tentacle remelee (183-3) Bull Attack: 2 tentacles +6 melee Space/Reach: $f./10f special Atak; Impaoved grab, Special Qualities: Division 60 Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4 Abilities: Ste 16, Dex 4, Coa 13, Ine 4, Wis Skills: Climb +13, Hide +10, Move Silently +6 eats: Improved Initiative Environment: ( Ocgunication: So Challenge Rating: Treasure: 1/10 coins chimem gains 2 4+ nant). couch 3 does Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy dergrouta Alignment: Usually chacticevl ‘Advancement: 6 HD (Small Level Adjustment: 12 BD (Medium ‘chambes ts dh re one ft lbs saps out These vicious litle predators lurk underground, grabbing what ‘ver prey happens by A chokes skull, spine,and xb cage are bony, burits limbs are really tentacles with multiple knobby joints appears howe Tshands and fees have spiny pads that help th The creature weighs about Chokers speak Undercammon eattilage Thos, i and its mavements seem pecullarand fluid hoker grip amore any sce. pounds, COMBAT ions archways, sells, o staircases. atack its pres. Achokerattacks 0 ofits size or larger. IF one is ver hungry. it may attack a group, b eae atures of almost any size, but Chokers are greedy: Quick-inking characters who spot Miike some large insect or mens. one before i atacks might be able to bribe a choker == susacean, the creature rss fom with food and question itabout the f the stl pool, ts pncerike. caw area around its ait snapping angry. 95 torchight Constrict (Ex): A choker deals Jecs of ts motte, armored cae 1d3+3 points of damage with a suc ‘ve, ts mel ark eyes fx you with cessful grapple check against a . . ‘a hurgry stare, andthe tentacles Large orsmaller creature. Because ‘ripping om its mouth squirm exci {i seizes its victim by the neck, a edly ot emtrges fiom she wate, creature in the chokers grasp : ‘caanat speak or cast spells with, A horrible mix of crustacean, ‘vec components ; insect, and serpent, the chuul isan Improved Grab (Ex): To abomination that lurks submerged ‘use this ability or partially submerged, awaiting hita Large or intelligent prey io devout vwith stentacleattack.Itcan then Although amphibious, chuuls attemptostara grapple es. aftee are pot good swimmers ad actu action swithout provoking an ally prefer to be on land or in very attack of oppectuniry I it wins . shallow: water when they attack the grapple check itestiblishes They love to prey on lizardfolk ‘ahold and ean consti. Chok- Chuuls are known to collects ers eceivea +4 racial onus on foal) > es from theic hills. Although grapple checks, which is already ng \ unable to use weapons, armor. 0 Included in the staistics block. cE J} -mest other belongings, chuuls ke Quickness (Su): Although not J these tems inc hits Ia ci particularly dexterous, a choker is 1 has no interesting possessions.the supematurally quick. Ir ean take an J chuul kes is skull xtra standard action or move action Most chu Live in swannps and jungles during is turn each round. Dis but some have adapted 10 subcerranean Shall: A chokershasa +8 nical bonus on Ife hunting in and neas underground {Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 stceams and lakes, These- under: ton Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. round varieties often prey.on e troglodytes and unwary drow. They are sometimes found as thrall of beholders or mind layers A chuul s about 6 feet long and weighs ¢50 pounds. Targe Aberration (Aquatic) HicDicetidiees 3 bp CChuuls speak Common (or Underconaman, far she under Initiatives 7 sound rsp) Speed: 30. (squaey) swim an ‘Armor Class: 22(-1 ste, 13 Dex, idnatunl) touch 12, COMBAT farfootel 19 ‘A chuul prefer to yalsbysbahon, submengedin mutky wate, eee hears paiby pay Saccantclshe mn) that ir can etack ‘Atac: Claw A2msle 2d615 thingie Fall attacks aclaya +12 melee Gees) ‘A chun gabe with tx dna andcanaseas fo, thon panes teatacl 20 if ifaces «large the opponent ro ts paraly aye have one claw ‘number of opponents, i drope a paralyzed o dead victim and continues attempting to grab, constrict, nd paralyze the rst. Constrict (x) On asuccessfil grapple check.a chuul deals 34615 points of demsge Tmproved Grab (Ex) To use thie ability, a chul must hit with « claw attack. Ircan then attempt to start 2 grapple as. free action without provoke ingan atack of appoctu nity If ie wins she grap. ls check, i establishes 2 hold and can constrict or nits next um transfer frubhed opponent ois Space/Reach: 10f%/5 fe Special Attacks: Constrct 346:5, improred grb paralytic tentacles Special Qualities: Amphibious daseision 60 fe immunity 9 poison ‘Saves: Fort +7, Ref «6, Wills2 Abilities: St 20, Dex 16, an 18, Ln 10, Wis 14 Chis Shille: Hide 113, Linen, Spot 11, Swim 013 Feats: Alerines,lind-Bight, ‘Combat Reflexes Improved Initiative Environment: Temperste marshes Organization: Solitry air, or pack 3-8) (Challenge Rating: Treasure: 1/10th coins: $(% gocels stindard irems Alignment: Usuully chaotic evil Paralyric Tentacles (Ex): ‘Advancement: 12-16 HD (Large); 17-33 HD (Huge! Chua A chuul can transfer grabbed Level Adjustment: — victims from a claw to its ten may 9 mgn on tacles as a move a n. The teniacles grapple with the same strength asthe claw but deal no damage. However they. exude 2 paralytic secredon. Anyone held in thetentacles mustsucceed on 2 DC 19 Fortitude swve gach round on the chuuls rura or be para for 6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution based, While held {in the tentacles, paralyzed or not, a viciim automaticaly takes | 1d+2 points of dimage each round from the creatures mandibles | Amphibious (Ex): Although chuuls te aquatic, they can sur ‘vive indefinitely on lard Skills. Achuul hes a+8racialboaus on any Swim check wa per] fom some special action cr avoid ahaza. it can always choose 10 take 10 on aSwim check, evenifdistaciedor endangered. .tcanuse n while swimming, provided t swims in astaight line ‘Large Aberraiion Hit Dice: 6818 (5 1p) {Initiative:+7 ‘Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), By 40 f Anmor Class: 19(-1 sze,+3 Dex flacfoored 16 Base Atcack/Grapple:+4/+13, ‘Attack Tal ship +8 melee (td Full Attack: Til slap +8 melee (1der5) and bite 13 mele Space/Reach:10 fe/ 10 (5 wit bite Special Atacks: Moan, engulf ‘Special Qualities: Datkvsion 60 fi, shadow shift Saves: Fort +5. ReL15, W Abilities: Str21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13 Skills: Hide 16, Listen +13, Move Silenily +12, Spot13, Feats: Alentness, Combat. Reflexes, Improved Iniiaive Environment Underground Organi average 7 natural), ouch 12, dea Mes: Lockwont 1 lock Challenge Reting:s ‘Treasure: Standard Alignment: Usually chaotic neva. Advancement: 7-9 HD (large io-t8 HD Huge Level Adjustment ‘Along block cloak hangsfom the cave wal Suddeny, the fom the well and catches been it unl the cloak becoming dark wings onda bay. whipbke ail unur ing to strech out behind it les anward, revealing atocthy maw and ring red eyes deep inthe sous fit lke bed ing through the cavern. Then CChoakers are bizarre creatures that lurk in dark places far beneath the surfice They ill intruders withoat remorse or pause, excep toplan cruel amusement ‘When resting or lying in wait, these creatures are almost impos sible to distinguish from commen Hack cloaks the cloaker’ ivory ‘chs look very much like bone clasps. Only when itunfurls does the horrific nature ofthe cresture become apparent. Cloakers pursue their own mystecious goals. While they intelligent, their minds work in a way so alien chat few hhumanshave ever ben able to make meaningful contactwith one. A cloaker basa wingspan of about 8 feet. 1 weighs about 100, pounds, ‘Cloakers speak: Undercommen, GOMBAT (Cloakers usually. lie stil, watching and listening for prey. if facing 2 single opponent, cloaker uses its engulf atic ‘Against multiple foes clashes with its tal in concert with tt moan and shadow shift abilities 1 reduce the opposition’ nu bers, then engulis asurvivor. Multiple cloukers usually splitup. leaving one of two behind to use special abilities mhile she rest ‘make melee sttacks, ‘Moan (Ex) A cloaker can emit s dangerous sandal action. By changing th frequency the.cloaker-san cause cone of faut effects. oakers are immaune io shese sonic, mind affecing atacks, Unless otherwise specified, « ciratuce that se ‘cessfully ves against one of these eifects cannot be ailected. by. th 24 hous, All save same moan eect froma the seme codes fs DCs for mean efiects are Chatismna-base ‘Unnerve. Aayone within « 60-foot spread automatically takes a2 penalty on attack and demage cells. Those forced to bearthe ‘moan for more than 6 consecitire sounds must succeed ona DC 15 Will save-or eater a trans, unable to.attack or defend themselves until dhe moaning stops. Te ot spread must sueceed oa a DC 15 Will save orbecome panickes for 2 rounes Nausea: Anyone ina 30-foot cone muitsuscest on aDC.1s Fortitude save or be over Anyone within a 30 ‘come by nausea nd weal ‘ness. Affected characters ind became for tdtek fall pron rounds. ‘Stupor A sin sure within 20ect ofthe Joaker must succeed on 2 DC15 Fortirude save fore affected a though by. hold monster spell for munds Even afters tute must repeat the save if the cloaker uses this effect Engulf (Ex): A cloaker can try to wrap a Meditum or smller reature in its body as a standard action, The loaker attempts 1 grap ple that does not provoke an attack of the grapple opportunity. If it w heck, itesablishes a hol engulfed victim with a +4 6 attack roll. It can still use i Ghaker tail tostike at other targets Attacks that hit an engulfing closker deal half their damage to the monster and balf to the tapped Shadow Shift (Su): A cloaker can manipulate shadows. This ability effective only in shadowy areas and has three possible ‘The cloaker geins concealment (20% miss chance) for Ad+ rounds Dancing mages This eect duplicates a mirroring spell ea Tevel th Silent Image: This effect duplicates a silent im ‘aster level 6th). The save DC is Charisma based. ge spell (DC 15, ‘Smaall Magical Beast ir Dice: sto (27 bp) Iniative:+3 = ‘Speed: 20 ft (4 squares ly. 0 ft. (poor) { Armor Class: 4 (+1 size,23Dex) touch 14, flefoored tt | Base Attack/ Grapple: +5/=1 i “Autack: Bite +9 melee (1d¢~2 plus petrification) Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (1d4-2 plus petrification) ‘Space/Reach: 5 fi/5 fc ‘Special Atracks: Peifcation ‘Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 fi, lowlight vision ‘Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will <2 Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Com, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9 Skills: Listen +7, p07. ‘Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Weapon Einessc* Environment: Temperate pains f ‘Organization: Soliary, pur light (3-5) or flock (6-13) { Challenge Rating: 3 “Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutzal ‘Advancement: (-8 HD (Sell 9-15 HD (Medium) Level Adjustment: — This evianemouure i abut the sae ofa. larg gros o turkey Ith the head and bedy of cackre, bot wings, end she ong ala aor Is ey low wth e dengerove looking crimson sheen. “The cockatriceinan ceria repuleive hybrid. Iris infimous for its, ably to turn flesh to stone. ‘A male cockatrice has watles and a comb, just like rooster. Females, mich rarer than males, difer only in that shey have no wattle or comb. A cackatrice weighs shout 25 pounds COMBAT. ‘A cockatrice lereely stacks anything that ir deems a threat 0 iteelf ori lair. Flocks of cackatrices do their utmost t0.aver- twhelm and confuse thei foes,and sometimes fly directly into theiropponents faces Petrification (Su): Crearares hit by 2 cockartices bite attack must svcceed on 2 DC 12 Fortitude save or instantly tum to stone. The save DCis Consttution-hased. Cockatrices have {immunity to the petri fication ability of other cockatrices, but other perrificationatiacks ps {aller then normally (amedusas gize, gorgon breath, fls to stone spell, or the lke) Coceatrice | Targe Outsider (Native) Hix Dice: d8+8 (38.hp) Anitiative:-7 speed: 20 (4 syuares uly 60. (good) [armor Class: 21 C1 size: Dex, +9 natural) touch 12, faefooted 18 Base Attack/Grepple. 23/17 1 “AseackBive #12 melee (1536 plus poison) j ull Attack Bite 112 melee (14316 plus poison). | Space/Resch: 10 f/f — Special Attacks: Consrit 24816 improved grab pois, patonics spells i Special Qualities: Derkvision 60 ft ethereal jaunt. telepatiy-| +8, Ref9, Will 10 abilities: Str 1s, Dex 16, Con 14, nt 17, Wis 19, Cha 17 {Skills: Concentration +14, Diphmacy-+17 Jump +0, Knowledge (any ovo) 45, Listen 416 Search +15, Sense Motive -16 Spellerie 5 (17 srcll), Spots, Survival 4 (6 fllowing tmcke), Tumble +15, Ute Magic Device 415 (417 scrolls) Feats: Dodge. Empowser Spell. Eschew Materals®. Hover Improved Initiative Environment: Warm forts Organization: Solitary, pair, or Might G6) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: Standand Alignment: Always lawfil good ‘Advancement: (0-13 HD (Large) 14-27 HD (Hage) evel Adjustment: 7 This rect spent wth minbowfeothered wings eppears confident. powe i, ond otelly aware of eventhing arcund it Te couatlis legendary for its sheer beauty vast magical posters, and unvavering viru. Is intelligence and goodnesshave made t an object of reverence inthe regions it inhabits. ‘A couatis about 12 feet long. witha wingspan of about 15 feet. Itweighs cbout 1,800 pounds, CCouat's speak Celestial. Common, and Draconic, and ‘also have the poscerof telepathy (see below) COMBAT A couatl seldom attacks without provocation, though it always attacks evildoers caught ced: banded, ruses is detect thoughts bility on any cree tite that arouses its suspicions Since iris highly inell- gent, a couutl usualy casts spells from a distance before closing. If more than one cauatlis involved, they discuss their srategy before a batle._—__ Constrict (Ex):A couatl dels 24346 points of damage with a successful grapple check, Improved Grab (Ex). To use this ability,» couarl must bit acreature of up to.two size categories larger with is bite attack. ft cam then attempt to start a grapple asa free tcton without provokingan attack ‘of opportunity. i wins che grap- F ple check, it establishesa hold) and can constrict, Poison (Ex) Injury, Fortitude DC 1 - inital damage 244 Str secondary damage 4d St The save DC is Constinuion-based. ‘Beionies (Sp): Atswill etc chaos detect el detect god, detect Tasdetct thoughts (DC 15), sms, plane shift (OC 20), yoy | morph (self only), Effective caster level sth. The save DCs are Charismacbased. Darkane byB. Desai ‘Spells: A couatl casts spells aa. Sthlevel sor It can choose is spells known fra The sal onl bbe 9 ier thet rcombles as tha storie sel covering itt bag sorcerer lis, the cleric ist. and froma the lists for the Air,Good, and Law domains. the cleric spells and domain spells are con sidered sreane spell fer acouat), mean — ing that the cresture does not need 3 i slivine focus to cast them. Typical Spelle Known (6/2/2/2/4 save DC 13.+ spell level): 0—cane D) anda tough membrane sreched between its fold tentacles een nan ee Dminceaomd, dave, ditrupt ardead slight, obscuri pall vst, royaf frosted gic reistine; tet—endunedeiments mage armor, potection fom chaos, rue J bolding is eneacles stfly unde isl! J cr likes lamp of rock spreiding iste J) tacles so the membrane hetvesen them stoke, wind wall: 2nd —cure moderate dar. scorching ry, silences 3ed-—gascou form. magic ete caver its body. Ie sell and skin scully J resemble limestone, but a darkmantle can gxinst evil summon monster Ii; 4th— charm mane freedom of movement. \ Ethereal Jaunt (Su} This ably works Tike the ethereal Telepathy (Su): A coustl ean communicate telepathically with any ereaare within 90 feet that has an Intelligence score. The creature can Cowal respond to the couatl fit wishes—nocommon language isneeded. _ J change itscolon stony backgroun: march almost any typeol un spell (caster level Scholars believe the darkmsntle has recent ly evolved from a similar but far less capable subterranean predator. A darkmantle is ahout 4 Ae fot long from the tips ofitstentaclessathe top of its head. Ir weighs about 30 pounds. ‘Y compat A darkmantle stacks by dropping onto its pryand ping its rentacles around the opponent’ head. Once attached, it squeezes and tiesto suffocate the foe. A ditkmantle ‘Small Magical Beast that misses its inital anack often flies up and ries ta drop on the Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (6hp) ‘opponent again. Initiative: +4 Darkness (Su): Once per day a ‘Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares, fly 30 fi. (poo derkmantle can cause darkness Armor Class: 17 (+1 size,+6naturi), e dark ster level touch 11, flit-foored 17 sth). Iemost often uses this abil ase Attack/Grapple:+1/+ attacking, Attack: Slam +5 melee Darkmanie Improved Grab (Ex): To 1d8e8) use this ability, a darkmante ull Attack: Slam +5 ust hit a Large or smaller mee (1444 sreature with its slam attack. Space/Reach: f/f Gan then tempt tostat grap Special Attacks: Darkness, pleata fee action without pro improved grab, consti waking a attack of opports Ides nity If it wins the grapple Special Qualities: check, it attaches to the Blindsight 50 f ‘opponent’ heed and Saves: Fort:3,Rel can consti wWil.s0 Constriet (Ex) Abilities: Sr 16, es A darkmarile deals 10,Cen 13, ne Lb pins of dim Wis 10, Cha 10 with a successful Skills: Hide #10,Listen grapple check. 5%, Spot +s Blindsight (Ex): Feuts: Improved mantle can "see" by emit Initiative ting high-frequency sounds, Environment inaudible to mest other crea Underground tures, that allows it to ascersain Organization: Solitary objects and creatures within 90 f ait, clutch (3-9), of lence spell negates this abiligy and efiee swarm (618) tively blinds the darkmantl, (Challenge Rating: Skills: Aarkmantle has a4 racial Treasure: None onus.on Listen and Spot checks. ‘Alignment: Always neutral These bonuses are lost ifits blindsghtis negated, The ‘Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small ‘creature’ variable coloration gives ita +4 mcial bonus on Hide LevelAdjustment: = checks, Hoge Aberration Hie Dice: 15d Initiative: +5 hp) Speed: 30 f Armor Class fls-feoted 23 ‘Base Attack/Ceapple: ii/s2 Attack: Slam 17 Full Attack: 2 slam ‘Space/Reach: 15f/10 fe Special Ax ‘Special Qualities: Darkysion 40 f squares) bursow 10 ft Coresive slim immunity toacid, stone shape tremorsense 0 f Saves: Fort +12, Ref+6, Wills [Abilities: Ste 27.Dex 13, Con 2, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 12 ‘kills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) +14, Knowledge (nsture) +4 Listen +20, Mave Silently -17, Spot +20, Survival +14 (616 Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, ower Attack Toughness Environment: Underground Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 9 Treasure: None Alignment: Usually neutsl Advancement; 16-30 HD (Hage Level Adjustment: 31-45 HD (Gargantuar ‘A huge ceature brows steerdopshaped rocky bey is slime, ond uss the blunt laws ofits to great ‘aonerdoges 1 clear away the debi The delver is a bizarre creature that lives in the depths of the earth, burrowing through solid stone with the help of aca secretes from its rocklike skin, Delvers ares nostly inoffensive, but rogue spec mens with tm are not unknown. They feed ay evendevaur uch es xorns and earthelemennils.A delves rowing through stone leaves behind a usable sunnel abou to feet in diameter. The slime covering adeler's bboy is highly corrosive. The creature feeds by dissolving rock with its slimeand sh ing the resulting goo und body, the underside af which isalmos all mouth ats tock bute 'syarious nonmetallic m way tata human exjys Adventurers might information \gems).ot pick-me-up as coins). Metals an intox ‘cant 19 delvers. Sox becomeadidicied ro metaland are amen ome who carries metal equip Adele ia pound: abouts feet longand 10 feet wide. It weight abou Delvers speak Terran and Undersommon, COMBAT its flanks while ashing out with it Mippes. A delver expecting trouble may honeycomb an aea with tun rele, leaving most closed with lyers of stone 1or2 inches thick The delver can quickly dissolve the stone cover and pop-up to attack unexpectedly Corrosive Slime (Ex) A delver produces a mucusiike that contains. highly corrosive substance. The slime is particu A delver's mere t lorganic creatures or objects. Against metallic creatures o: slime deals 448 p lementals) or objects it deals ‘8410 points of damage. A slim attack by adelver leaves a parch of slime that deals 2dé pins of damage on contactand anorhe: 2d6 points of damage in each of the next 2rounds. A large quan- sta quart) of water or weak acid, such as vinega the sim: ynentsarmiot and clothing dissolve an Become useless 2Reflex sve An opp immediately unless the wearer succeeds ona D ‘Weapons thatst a delver als dissolve immediately unless the Dc A creature attacking 2 delver with damage from its slime each time an attack hits unless the 2 Reflex atural weapons take: se succeeds on a DC sive. These save DCs.are Constitution base Stone Shape (Ex): A delve one instead of dissolving it. Once every. 10 minutes, x er level 15th ‘Demons are arace of creatures native athe Abjss.a plane of end less evil They are ferocity personifiedand willattackany creature just forthe sheer fun of t—even other demons. They enjoy terri fying theievisims before slaying them and often devour the slain. | ‘Many demons not satisfied with their own iniguiy take pleasure) ntempting morals depraved as they are t ‘A number of demons belong to rice (and subtype) known a) ihe tanari. The tana form the largest and mest diverse group of demons, and they are the unchallenged masters of the Abyss Tanarri Traits: Atanatri possesies the fellowing rats (unless otherwise noted in» creatures entry), unity to electricity and poison, — Resistance tacid 10,cold 10, and fire 10. —Sursnon (Sp): Tangri share the ability to summon others of theickind the success chance and typeof tana: [noted in eich monster description). However, between their) arrogance and disdain for owing favors to one another, init, are often reluctant. to use this power until in obvious peri or) Telepathy Except where otherwise noted, demons speak Abyssal, Celestial and Draconic: BABAU Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar. Evil, Ta ‘Hit Dice: 74835 (6s bp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 fi (6 squares) ‘Armor Class: 19+ Dex. +8 narunl), touch 11, fat-ooved 18 Base Attack/Grapple:+7/+12 Atade:Cliw 12 melee (1d6+5) ull Attack: cls +12 melee (1d6+8) and bite Space/Reach: 5 ft./S ft. Special Attacks: Sneak anack +246, spelHike bilities. summen tana Special Qualities: Damage eduction 10/cod iron or good. darkvision 60 fi, immunity to electricity and poison, protec: tive slime, resistance roacid 10, cold 10, and fire 1, spell resistance 14, telepathy 100 fi Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Wiles Abilities: Str 21,Dex 12, Con 26. Ini 14, Wis 13, Cha16 Slalls: Climb +15, Disable Device +42, Disguise +13, Escape ‘Amit +11, Hide +19, Listen +19, Move Silenly +19, Cpen Lock +1, Search +20, Sight of Hand +11, Survival +1 (13, following tncks), Ust Rope + (3 with bindings) [Feats Cleave, Multittack Power Attack [nviconment: lfinte Layers ofthe Abyss ‘Onganization: Solitary organg 3-8) Challenge Rating: ‘Treasure: Standard Alignment: Alwayschiotic ‘Advancement: §-14 HD (Large) 5-21 HD (Kuge) Level Adjustment: — male (ides) Recking of decay this gaunt humanoids covered in black. leathey stn. Behind its pointed ears, « large cunecd hrm ists. ouk. of the. back ofits ‘shll.A mow of jogged teeth tokesup haf ofthe foul reatur's hed. [Bahaus serve as assassins shat strike witha sudden ferocity They are devious forming careful plans before going into plans— [always malang sure that zhey do not haveto engage in a faicfight ‘Almost every demon lord has a number of babaus employed. as ‘pies and killers. ‘Ababau is about 6 fer tll and weighs about 140 pounds. Combat Bubaus aresncaky and sly They aruack the most powerful foe fi hopingto.liminatethe true threats quickly and then toy withthe rest When ambushing their opponents, chey make excellent use fof the combination of muluigle attacks and sneak attcks. ‘A babauls narucal weapons. as wells any weaponsit wields are rreated ss chaotic aligned and evilaligned for tue purpose of over coming damage reduction, ‘Sneek Attack (Exk A bubsu can make a sneikattack ikea sogue, dealing an extta 246 points of dimage whenever foe i denied his orher Dexsorty bonus, or when the beha is inking. ‘Spell Like Abilisies: At will—dlavies displ mag seins ity, gear teleport (self plus 0 pounds of ebjects only) Caster level 7th Protective Slime (Su): A slimy re jelly coats she habaus skin ‘Any wexpon that touches it ues 18 point of acid damage ftom {the eorosive goo, and the weapon’ hardness doesnot reduce this damage. A magic steapon may attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to [avoid taking this damsge.A creature who stikes the babou with, lan unarmed stack, unarmed stike,touch spell, ornacural weapon takes this damage as well burcan negate the damage with aDC 18 Reflex sive. The save DCeate Constitution-hase ‘Summon Tanarhr (Sp): Once per dayababau ean attempt wun mon 1 babau with.» 40% chance of success. This ability isthe ‘equivalent of + 3nd-level spell ‘Skills: Babaus have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Search checks. der (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar) ‘it Dice: 20d8+200 290 hp Initiative: +11 Speed: 40. (8 square) fy 80 ft. (good) Armor Class: 35 -1 size,+7 Dex, +19 natural, touch 16 flacfooted 28 Base Attack/Grapple:+20/:36 “Attack: +1 val longo +33 melee (246+8/19-20) ull Attack: +1 worl biguwrd +31/+26/+21/416 melee (28648/19-20) and +1 flaming whip +30/425 melee (144 plus ds fire nus entangle)or 2 slams +31 melee (141047) Space/Reach: 10 t/t. 20 ft. with +4flaming ship) ‘Special Attacks: Death throes entangle, spelHike abilities, sumimon fanar, vorpal sword ‘Special Qualities: Damage redaction 18/celd iron and good, darkvision 60 ft flaming body, immunity toelectrcty, ire, and paison, resistance to acid 10 and cold 10, spel resistance 28, telepathy 100, true seeing Saves: For.s22, Ref +19, Will 19 Abilities: Str 35, Dex 25, Con 3, Jat 24, Wis 24, Cha 26 Skills lull +31, Concentration +33, Diplomacy +35, Disguise +8 (+10 acting Hide +26, intimidate 183, Knowledge (any wo) +3 Listen +38, Move Silently +0, Search +30, Sense Motive 430, Spell. +30 (432 sols), Spot +38, Survival +7 (+8 following tacks), Use Magic Derice +3 (+33 scrolls) eats, Cleave, improved Initiative, Improved Tivo Weapon Fighting, Power Atack, Quicken SpelF-Like Ability (teks), ‘Two-Wespon Fighting, Weapon Focus (longswerd Environment: Infinite Layers ofthe Abyss Organization: Soltary.or troupe (blo, 1 marilith. and 2-8 Beas) Challenge Rating: 20 “Treasure; Standard coins; double gpois standard items. plas 1) ompal greats and + flaming whip ‘Alignment: Alsayschaotc evil (Advancement; 2130 HD (Large),31-60 HD (Huge) ‘Level Adjustment: — 1 purpose oforer: Death Throes (Ex): ed a balor explodes in blinding. {ash of light that deals 100 points of damage to anything within 100 fee: (Reflex DC 30 half), This explosion automatically destroys any weapons the baloris holding. The save DC ie Constituion-based Entangle (Ex): A bal flaming whip entangles foes much like an aackwitha hitpoints. The whip needs no folding. gerand the ‘opposed Strength checks; ifthe balorwins it drags the target again Atsflaming bed (see below) The targe Femalnsanchored against the balor’, body unel it escapes th Spdll-Like Abilities: cw Hasphemy (DC.25)dominat miter (OC.27) grate AispeL_ magic gratertleport f plus so pounds of objec C25), power wor stun, flees (DC 23).unl iil una (DC 26); 1/day—fre storm (DC 26 (Caster level 20th. The save DCs are Charisma ba ‘Vorpal sword (Su); Every balor vedhands that looks likea dame oth nmon Tanai (Sp): Once x can sutemsticall summon 4410 dretches, 1d4 hezrous, nee, glabrez ‘marilih, or blor This ability isthe equivalent of 2 stb-level spel Flaming Body (Su The body of a balor is wreathes inflame Anyone grappling a balor takes 6d points office damage wings Lurid lamesdance overt skin. im one of massive this ceatre bears a sword that looks sharp enough o cue “True Seeing (Su): Balors have acontiauoustrve seeing aii motivate their kindred 0 asthe spell (caster level 00h A balor stands about 12 feet tll Is skin is usually dark red ‘Skills: Balors have a+8 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. weighs about 4,00 paunes. ti The balor is mos effective a a ranged combatany, using ts spel Bilors love ca join barle armed with theirswords and whips. If like abilities to atack from adistance they face stiff resisiance, they may teleport away to loose a few Mike effects atthe foe Round: Fre dorm or implogon and quickened telekinests of {flaming whip is along. flexible weapon with many summen addtional demons. Ifthe bal does not deem itself se tals upped.with hooks spikes, nd alls The weapon dealsbludg- ously threatened, it conserves abilities usable only once pee day g nd slashing damage, in addition tore damage nd ses biasplemy instead Rand 2:Insanity or ower wor tn, or’ natural weapons. is well as any weapons it wields, are ee eee NS E T R11 Retriever Demonic spiderike constract with dead! jrview ofthe demons that fl Dretch Petty demon that attacis in mobs. R13. Glabrezs Towering giant demon Quasit Clever imp that aids evi ror wit power Gabau ~ Tall, gaunt assassin with teeth R14 Naleshnee Bleated apelke judge ofthe damned, wi 5 Seductive temptress that can tke many forms. dedaly smite ability Savage, vulturelke warrior that delights in bate abyss battalion R10 Bebllth ——-Hulhing spider an with incapacitating and the g as by D.Kesison with whip, range; repeat round L and continue {ng its foes avoids lethal attacks. Prior to combat: Unholy aura Round {: Daminate monster. Round 2: Pawer word stun. Round 3: Insanity or telekt= isis 0 incapacitate or repel dangerous opponent. Round 4: Tderort or fly away to reestblish range, repeat round t and con- tinue. REBILITH Hage Outsider (Chactic, Exereplanar, Evil) Hi Dies: 1248096 (150 bp) Initiative: 5 Speed: 40 f (8 squares), ‘climb 20f. Anmor Cass: 2: é (2 size, 1 Dex, +13 nau) roich 9 lafootel 1 ‘Base Attack/Grapple: +12/429 “Attack: Bite +19 melee (24649 pluspison) or web 1 ranged ull Attck: Hite +19 mele (24649 plus poison) and claws +14 idee (4-4 orweb +11 ranged Space/Reach: 15/10 ‘Special Atacks: Poison, rend armor, web Special Qualities: Damae reduction 10/good. division 60ft, plane shift, scenttelepathy 100. Saves: Fort +15, Ref +9, Wil +9 Abilities: St-28,Dex 12, Con 26 Jai, Wis, Cha Skills: Climb +24, Diplomacy +3 Hide +6, ump +28 Lea 16, Move Silly +16 Search +15, Sense Motive +6, Spot 416, Survival +1 (+3 following tacks) Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Power Ack, ace Environment: Infinite Layers cf the Abyss Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 10 ‘reasure: None Alignment: Alwayschaon evil ‘Advancement: 13-28 HD (Huge); 19-36 HD (Gargaanian “Level Adjustment: — ‘Anenonmous, rsshopen spider als out ofthe darkness Is forelegs end ‘in wicked barbs, ond giabs of fou geo cp fom is fnged mouth Bebiliths are enormous, predatory arachnid demons that hunt other demons. While they favor preying upon other demons, they arent picky—they will stalk and attack any type of creature. A tebilith has 1 body the size ofa plow, horse, with legs span- ‘ning more than 14 feet. It weighs more than two tons. Beliliths understand bux da-not speak AbyssilTheitselepathy allows them to communicate silentl-sith one ancthet COMBAT 1A bcbiis atacka any: caeatue i aces 1 ually picks one target “anconcenuates its sttackson that opponent. using iswwebs tis Tate te target frais comsvades, Should the bebith beceme over ‘whelmed by tougher opponents it often attempts to bite ene or mere ofits sci and seteay allowing ts poison wo doits werk, Round + Full melee atick with weapons, inchading entangle Round 4: Teleport or ly away with entangled foe to reestablish A balor who wants 0 drive of or neutralize a party withoat say: ‘Abebilichs natural wespens, a well ¢ any wenpone ie wields, ate wested a chaoticaigned and eikaligned forthe purpose of ‘ercoming damage reution Poison (Ex): Injury Fortitude DC 24 inital damage 1dé Can, secondary damage 246 Con Tebilithvenomis highly perishable losing ts potencyand Tascoming inery,foulsralling oo Almost s008 as tcomes into com. fact with at The ave DC is Com ‘sitution-based Rend Armor (Ex): if a bebiek hes with both claw attacks, t pulls apart any armor worn. by its foe “This stack deals sdt8 points of damage tothe ‘opponen’s armor Cres tures not wearing armor are unaffected by this special aac. Armo: re duced to 0 hit poinis destroyed... Damaged armor may be repaed ‘with asuccessful Craft (armorsmithiag) check ‘Web (Ex): A bebilth can threw web up fourtimesper diy. This is similar to an antack with ane but has a maximum range of 30 fect, with a range increment of 10 feet This attack is effective agninst targets of up fo Gargantuan size. The web anchors the target in pace, allowing no movement. ‘An entangled creature can escape with DC 24 Escape Artis. check oc burst the web witha DC 24 Strength check. The check Des are Consitation-based. The web has 1 hit poatsand hash ress There i: 75% chance that she webbing willnet hur fan ser of ies applied ot (check each round). Plane Shift (Su): This ability affects only the beblith fis cotuerwite similar tothe spell (aster level 12h Skills: A bebilth has matted coloration that givesita +8 racial bus on Hide checks DRETCH ‘Small Outsider (Chaoti, Extraplanar, Evil, fanar'i) Hit Dice: 248+4 (13 hy) Initiative: +0 Speed: 201, (4 squaces) ‘Amor Class: 16 (+1 size, +5 natural), rouch 11, flst-footed 16 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/-1 ‘Attack: Claw +4 melee (1d6+1) Full Attack, 2 claws +4 melee (ide) and bite +2 mele (144) Space/Reach: 5 ft/s ft ‘Special Attacks: Spelllike abilities summon tanar'i ‘Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron or good, dark vision 60 ft smamunity to electricity and poison, resistance 10 acid 10, cold 10, and fie 10, telepathy 100 fe Saves: Fort5, Ref +3, Will +3 Abilities: Su Con 14, Int 5 Wis 11, Cha 1 Shalls: Hide 8 Search 42, ‘keats, Muliatach “Environment Infinite Layers ofthe Abyss ‘Orguntzation; Solitary palr gang 6-5), crowd (e-1s), or mob (io=0) ‘Challenge Rating: 2 “Treasure: None ‘Alignment: Alsyays chaotic evil Advancement: -6 HD (Simul Challenge Rating: 13 Level Adjustment: +2 Treasure; Standard coins: double goods; standard items Alignment: Alivays chaotic ev This hum ingcrature hes a squat and tubbery omest hoiles:, _ Advancement 13-18 HD (Huge), 19-3¢ HD (Cargantuan) body, with pole, sihty fesh ans sleck mouth fl of sal fang Level Adjustment DDrstches ae pathetic but wicked creatures that spend mostall Th eeature is or all aa.gianh with a brood, macular body. ts fou ir time millingaboutinmobsor sercingas rank our + fect land weighed Dretches cannot speak byt can communicate telepathically ol iieligence Like succubi,glabre th rather than passion combstante.In prey with power or violet eyes,and their skin reduction to keep Clabsezu bave p ra deeprussettoplich bleck. A DDretches are slow, stupid, and not very ef ‘one-on-one combat they rely on the they depend on sheer numbers o ove Iy-summon other deetches to improve the, feet tll and w nastands about 15 svesful demons are p R [Dreiches fear of heir gretter kin i combat. However, their atempte treated a chactic aligned and eil-alig seance. They follow aon leearacis, oping f tural wespone, 2 well any wespone it wields ar x the ver Binish ff oculaly Hi A glabremc natural wespons, as well as any weapons it wields ligned and evibaligned for the purpose inking dowd (DC are treated. as ch Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—scere (DC 12 3), Caster level 3nd The save DCs are Charisma-based coming damage reduction. Summon Tanarri (Sp): Once per day dresch can attemps summonanother deetch with 38% chance of success This able Telepathy (Su): Dretches can communicate telapathical svith creatures within 100 feet that speak Abyss GLABREZU Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanari) Hit Dice: 12 174 bp) Initiative: 0 Speed: 406. (8 Armor Class Hezrou flat-footed 27 Base Attack/Grapple: +12/30 Attack: Pincers #20 melee (248+10) ull Attack: 2 pincers -20 melee (248+10) § melee (1d8+5) Space/Reach: 15 f/15fi. Special Attacks: Improved Special Qualities: Damage reduct electiciy and poison, resistance 10,cold 10, an nl y 10 slept rue seeing Saves Fort +18, Ref+8, Wall 11 Abilities: Str 31, ex 10, Con 3 Skills: Blu +22, Concentrati nidate +24, Knowledge ty fo) +18, Listen +26, Silently +18, Search #18, Motive 18, Spellerait +18, Spor #2 Survival +3 (5 following tac Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Multiartack, Perswsive, Bonet Attack Environment: Infinite Layers of the Abyss (Organization: Solitary or troupe (1 glabrezu, 1 succubus. and Baben

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