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Ecology of the

By Tim Eagon
Illustration by Jim Nelson

Among the most bizarre denizens of the deep A swordwing’s collection defines the creature as
Underdark are an extremely powerful—and utterly an individual. Swordwings proudly show off their
evil—race of winged, insectlike humanoids native trophies from time to time, and crownwings often
to the Far Realm. They build extensive hives in the build grandiose galleries dedicated to displaying their
Deeps, the most dangerous and least accessible region favorite pieces. Some carry a portion of their col-
of the Underdark. lections; for example, one might wear a necklace of
Other races refer to these creatures as swordwings severed human fingers or sport a bandolier of wands.
because each one has an arm that ends in an append- Each swordwing is convinced that what it collects
age that resembles a scimitar. This serrated armblade is of the utmost importance. It regards anything it
is an extension of a swordwing’s chitinous exoskel- does not collect as junk or trash. Further, it never dis-
eton and is as hard as adamantine. poses of any of its treasured possessions, no matter
their condition or actual value. If a swordwing loses
U niquely Obsessive even a bit of its precious hoard, it becomes extremely
agitated and lashes out violently. Legends say that
As bizarre as they are in so many other respects, their armblades become sharper when this happens.
swordwings have a trait that emulates the behavior of An aggrieved swordwing does not rest until it fully
many other races that value material objects. In the restores its collection or dies trying to do so.
swordwings’ case, this possessiveness takes the form Swordwings prefer to take what they want and
of an obsession to build a collection of specialized kill anyone who gets in their way, but they trade with
items. Depending on its status in society, every sword- other swordwings, and with other races, if doing so
wing amasses an array of related objects ranging seems like an expedient option. To account for this
from worthless trinkets to priceless gems and from eventuality, swordwings accumulate items that are
the mundane to the macabre. Only a few swordwings personally worthless to them but that might be useful
in a hive collect a specific category of items; however, in barter.
crownwings (see “Society”) contending for status
might acquire the same types of objects, or vie with
one another for an item that falls into more than one
category. Such competitions end in violence.

TM & © 2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

S ociety where they serve as leaders. Crownwings have their

own complicated internal hierarchy. Each one’s pre-
Vaults (Underdark, page 84) and congregate around
the Great Mire to do battle. Survivors of this bloody
Swordwings have a society based on a caste struc- cise position within it depends upon its personal frenzy either metamorphose into or retain their status
ture. The lowest caste contains the vast majority of power and the worthiness of its collection. as crownwings. How a hive selects its representatives
swordwings, which are immature specimens com- A hive’s queen sits at the top of the hierarchy and is a mystery. Some sages speculate that the queen of a
monly called cutters. Fully developed swordwings, has three primary responsibilities. First, it enables hive dispatches crownwings as a form of punishment
also called drones, are at the next level of the hier- other members of the hive to reproduce. Second, it and their survival means their redemption.
archy. They make up the main force of a swordwing leads its hive’s worship of Dhogostho-Attu, the Far In what passes for daily existence among these
hive or traveling group. Slightly higher in status are Realm entity that the swordwings revere. Lastly, it creatures, the hierarchy assigns each crownwing a
the shapers (see “Nesting Spires”) and slashers. These violently adjudicates disputes between crownwings task for which it is responsible. Such tasks include
creatures are not as physically imposing as drones, that cannot come to an agreement on their own. hunting for food, preparing for or making war, and
but they have distinctive abilities that make them The hive is at the center of swordwing society, repairing nesting spires. A group of lower-caste crea-
valuable to the hive. and each one is home to dozens of individuals. At tures serves each crownwing, and the more powerful
Members of the uppermost caste, called crown- irregular intervals, members of each hive—drones, a crownwing is, the larger the group of servants
wings, are larger and more formidable in combat, slashers, and crownwings alike—trek to the Buzzing assigned to it. For a crownwing, failure to complete
an assigned task ends in demotion or dismember-
Swordwing Queen Level 30 Solo Brute (Leader) Move Actions ment, but success does not guarantee advancement.
Huge aberrant humanoid XP 95,000 Dimensional Warp (teleportation) ✦ At-Will (1/round) To advance in status, a crownwing must kill
HP 1,120; Bloodied 560 Initiative +23 Effect: The queen teleports up to 5 squares. its immediate superior in single combat and then
AC 42, Fortitude 43, Reflex 42, Will 42 Perception +25 Minor Actions demonstrate to its peers the merits of its personal
Speed 8, fly 12 (hover) Blindsight 5, low-light vision R Attack Pheromones ✦ Recharge 5 6
collection—a process that can take weeks, as the
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 Effect: Ranged 10 (one allied swordwing); the target can
crownwings carefully examine the items and
Traits charge or make a basic attack as a free action, gaining a
O Incitement Pheromones ✦ Aura 10 +10 power bonus to damage rolls for the attack. debate their virtues. Sabotage by political enemies is
An allied swordwing that drops to 0 hit points in the aura R Fearsome Majesty (fear, psychic) ✦ At-Will common, and most ambitious crownwings resort to
can make a melee basic attack as a free action. Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +33 vs. Will bribery. Thus, a crownwing’s existence is a juggling
Action Recovery Hit: 3d10 + 23 psychic damage, and the target falls prone. act between having subordinates accomplish del-
Whenever the queen ends its turn, any dazing, stunning, or Triggered Actions egated tasks and expanding its personal collection.
dominating effect on it ends. M Echoing Riposte (teleportation) ✦ At-Will
When a crownwing firmly establishes itself as the
Blood Critical Trigger: An enemy within 9 squares of the queen hits it with
most powerful member of its hive, the queen, it usu-
The queen can score a critical hit on a roll of 19–20. While an attack.
bloodied, it can score a critical hit on a roll of 17–20. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The queen teleports up to 5 ally does so by killing its predecessor. After its victory,
Instinctive Slashing squares and uses armblade against the triggering enemy. the crownwing transforms into a hulking monstrosity
On an initiative count of 10 + its initiative check, the queen Skills Arcana +26, Intimidate +28, Stealth +28 that towers over its former peers. It also develops the
can use double attack as a free action. If it cannot make this Str 31 (+25) Dex 26 (+23) Wis 20 (+20) ability to exude potent pheromones that drive other
attack due to any effect, then that effect ends instead. Con 32 (+26) Int 23 (+21) Cha 26 (+23) swordwings into a frenzy. A queen is a veritable kill-
Standard Actions Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech,
ing machine; during battle, it keeps its keen armblade
m Armblade ✦ At-Will telepathy 20
in constant motion. The gland that secretes its phero-
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +35 vs. AC
mones also delivers surges of power that makes it
Hit: 2d12 + 25 damage, or 4d12 + 49 damage if the queen
scores a critical hit. deadlier the more grievous its wounds become.
M Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The queen uses armblade twice.

J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

Nesting Spires Swordwings are extremely territorial and fight to

the death to protect their homes. They never allow
the exterior of its home for gestation. After the grub
hatches, it devours its host’s insides, essentially
Individual swordwings dwell in nesting spires, other creatures—even other swordwings—inside a becoming the body’s new internal and utterly alien
which are open-topped, conical structures that stand completed abode. The interior of a nesting spire is physiology. The body metamorphoses into the new
roughly 15 feet tall. They resemble stalactites or a structure that resembles a honeycomb, and it is swordwing over the course of a year, at which time
stalagmites made of gray paper, but their walls are devoted mainly to displaying its owner’s collection. A the creature slices its way out of its cell through the
as hard as stone. Swordwings construct them out of swordwing memorizes the location of every item in its exterior of its parent’s home. Soon after its birth, a
whatever resources are available and bind the materi- collection and instantly notices if anything is missing. swordwing begins to gather items for its collection.
als together with a fast-hardening organic paste. In For other creatures, finding anything requires search- Many believe swordwings are inclined to collect
return for a contribution to their own collections, spe- ing, and the clutter can make movement difficult. objects once significant to their hosts.
cialized drones called shapers help other members of Additionally, not all items are on display. Swordwings
their hive build their domiciles. often hide prized pieces in niches enclosed by the
same paste used to construct their nesting spires.
R elations with
One can determine a swordwing’s station by the O ther R aces
Swordwing Shaper Level 25 Artillery location and size of its nesting spire. Crownwings
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 7,000 have larger nesting spires that include viewing gal- Swordwings have few allies, since they view all crea-
HP 180; Bloodied 90 Initiative +16 leries that allow it to more easily and safely display tures as potential prey. In fact, they barely tolerate
AC 39, Fortitude 38, Reflex 36, Will 37 Perception +25
its collection, and the more powerful the crownwing, swordwings from other hives. They occasionally ally
Speed 6, burrow 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision with other powerful aberrant creatures. Aboleths are
the bigger its abode.
In terms of physical placement within the hive, the one exception; swordwings actively avoid them
the nesting spires of cutters and drones cluster on the and their domains.
The shaper deals double damage to objects.
Standard Actions lower reaches of a hive’s vault, while the crownwings’ A swordwing that does not impulsively skewer
m Armblade ✦ At-Will hang from the ceiling like stalactites. everyone it meets can sometimes be induced to
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +30 vs. AC trade with other creatures, but only if these potential
Hit: 3d6 + 21 damage, or 6d6 + 39 damage if the shaper
scores a critical hit. R eproduction trade partners can produce goods—or the promise of
goods—of the sort that the swordwing collects. Any
r Acidic Spittle (acid) ✦ At-Will transactions must be completed before the sword-
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +30 vs. Reflex
Once in its lifetime, a swordwing feels an urge to
procreate. Every swordwing can reproduce asexu- wing tires of bartering and resorts to violence. How a
Hit: 3d10 + 19 acid damage.
C Congealing Spray ✦ Recharge 5 6 ally, but it needs two things to accomplish the deed. swordwing judges an object’s worth varies, and even
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +28 vs. Reflex First, since only the queen’s pheromones can activate if it makes an agreement, it might renege upon that
Hit: The target is restrained and takes ongoing 25 damage a subordinate swordwing’s reproductive organs, the deal once it has what it wants.
(save ends both). swordwing needs approval from its queen, which it Underdark races such as the drow and the derro
Triggered Actions gains by making an offering. Second, the swordwing harvest armblades and chitin from fallen sword-
Phase Shift ✦ Recharge when first bloodied wings. They use these parts to fashion magic armor
Trigger: The shaper is hit by a melee attack.
needs a living natural humanoid as a host for the
swordwing’s parasitic spawn. Since such creatures and weapons. When those wielding such armaments
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shaper shifts up to its
speed. It is phasing during this movement. are rare in the Deeps, a swordwing must hunt one interact with swordwings, the swordwings sense the
Skills Dungeoneering +25, Endurance +24, Stealth +21 down or barter for one from another swordwing. nature of such items, and they focus their murderous
Str 28 (+21) Dex 18 (+16) Wis 26 (+20) After a swordwing has obtained what it needs, rage upon these creatures.
Con 24 (+19) Int 25 (+19) Cha 10 (+12) it slices open the host’s abdomen and implants an
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
egg. Then the parent places the body in a cell on

J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

P ersonages execute anyone caught violating this rule, with these

executions being the rule’s one exception.
1. Armor
and P laces
A: Two sets of ceremonial full plate forged from
Because of this prohibition, as well as the place’s
black adamantine and decorated with mithral inlays
convenient location, some enterprising merchants
Intrepid Underdark explorers might come across and moonstones (25,000 gp each).
of other races—mainly dwarves, duergar, and drow—
some prominent individuals and places associated B: An ancient orium breastplate, scarlet plumed
travel to the Market Grottos to barter their wares.
with swordwings. helmet, matching greaves, and circular shield embla-
The swordwings here, realizing the value of trade
zoned with an archaic symbol of Bane (10,000 gp).
relationships, grant such merchants safe passage.
C: A suit of scale armor crafted from diamonds
The Oculist Nonetheless, none of the merchants is foolish enough
mined in the Great Dismal Delve (60,000 gp).
A serial killer is stalking the vaults of Erelhei-Cinlu, to travel in this area without a retinue of powerful
D: A level 19 helm of battle (Heroes of the Fallen
and the drow matrons of the city seem powerless guards.
Lands, page 350) with a visor engraved to resemble a
against this criminal. The citizens call the killer “The second pair of eyes (105,000 gp).
Oculist” because it plucks the left eye from each of its The Burrowing Hive E: A +5 hide of worms (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent
victims. Many in the populace have taken to covering Several years ago, the queen of a small hive became Emporium, page 16) made from purple worm skin
or concealing their left eyes to keep from attracting obsessed with treatises on dwarven engineering. (325,000 gp).
murderous attention. As the attacks continue, discon- Unlike most bibliomaniacal swordwings, it read the Value of Collection: 550,000 gp.
tent grows. The matron mothers know they have to do books it collected. The enterprising queen decided
something and have dispatched patrols of their best
warriors and driders to catch the unseen killer, all to
to apply what it learned and ordered its hive to
begin expanding by excavating a tunnel through an
2. Books
no avail. A: An ancient 26-volume Arkhosian encyclopedia,
expanse of solid rock.
The Oculist is a rogue swordwing slasher that each volume bound in devil skin and painstakingly
Progress has been slow. Still, the queen is unde-
finds the drow’s red eyes fascinating. It fashions transcribed by a priest of Ioun (50,000 gp).
terred. No crownwing has risen to challenge its
grisly adornments from them and its spittle, then B: An illuminated manuscript describing the
authority. If someone doesn’t stop this effort, the hive
drapes finished strands over its body. Its nesting Dawn War in exacting detail (25,000 gp).
will eventually breach its boundaries and wreak
spire is located in a secluded cavern near the city. C: The complete theatrical works of the renowned
havoc across another area of the Deeps.
If the characters are visiting Erelhei-Cinlu, they tiefling playwright Philotheus, with his handwritten
stage directions scrawled in the margins (30,000 gp).
might encounter the swordwing during its hunts, or a
matron mother might order the adventurers to hunt
Swordwing D: A +5 tome of undeniable might (Mordenkainen’s
the Oculist down in return for a favor or to secure
their freedom.
Collections Magnificent Emporium, page 53) made from lead plates
(425,000 gp).
If you need to determine an individual swordwing’s E: A level 20 scroll of protection (Mordenkainen’s
collection, select an entry from the list below or Magnificent Emporium, page 101) tucked into a diary
Market Grottos roll a d10 to do so randomly. You can also use these full of love poetry (125,000 gp).
The Market Grottos are a series of interconnected examples as inspiration when creating your own Value of Collection: 655,000 gp.
caverns located near a branch of the King’s Highway swordwing collections.
(Underdark, page 14). Swordwings from different
hives congregate here to trade with one another, and
The items described here are among the most
notable elements of a particular crownwing’s col-
3. Diamonds
their buzzing communication constantly fills these A: A string of five astral diamonds connected by
lection. Lower-caste swordwings have collections of
vaults. The swordwings tolerate no violence here and an ornate chain of mithral angels (75,000 gp).
correspondingly lower value. Their hoards contain
B: An obsidian rod covered in carvings of gargoyle
few items of interest to epic-level adventurers.
faces and topped by a black diamond (25,000 gp).

J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

C: An adamantine falchion with a star-shaped F: A +5 lilting songblade (Player’s Handbook 2, page B: A crystalline chessboard featuring pieces
yellow diamond set into the pommel (20,000 gp). 204) that hums an inspiring melody when drawn expertly carved from various gems and precious
D: A level 20 diamond cincture (Mordenkainen’s Mag- from its scabbard (625,000 gp). metals to resemble Bahamut, Tiamat, their exarchs,
nificent Emporium, page 79) with ornate settings for its Value of Collection: 740,000 gp. and their draconic progeny as pawns (30,000 gp).
gems (125,000 gp). C: A large marble statue of a fierce elf huntress
E: A +5 periapt of health cursed to act as a periapt
of foul rotting (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium,
6. Paintings that periodically animates and changes its pose
(45,000 gp).
pages 74 and 114), set with an exceptionally large A: A large oil painting enchanted to show a regal D: A coral dragon figurine of wondrous power (Dragon
blue diamond (425,000 gp). half-length likeness of its current owner in formal 384) carved to resemble a serpentine deep dragon
Value of Collection: 670,000 gp. human attire (10,000 gp). (625,000 gp).
B: A crate containing fifteen delicate eladrin Value of Collection: 725,000 gp.
watercolor landscapes depicting the heyday of the
4. Hearts ancient city-state of Cendriane (200,000 gp as a set
A: The desiccated heart of a beatified priest of or 10,000 gp each). 9. Swords
Moradin in a crystalline reliquary (50,000 gp). C: A portrait of a dwarven shield maiden wearing A: A silver cutlass that enables its wielder to
B: The inert heart of a Moilian shadow master con- a glittering diamond locket that serves as an all-seeing master and perform the Water Walk ritual once per
tained in an obsidian curio box that is painfully cold eye (Adventurer’s Vault 2, page 79) when hung on a day without expending any components (10,000 gp).
to the touch (15,000 gp). wall (325,000 gp). B: An obsidian scimitar with three rubies gripped
C: A flawless crystal that is actually the petrified Value of Collection: 535,000 gp. in its pommel (15,000 gp).
heart of a slain primordial (50,000 gp). C: A serrated fullblade crafted from a single lin-
D: A still-beating clockwork heart ripped from a
modron hierarch (25,000 gp).
7. Rings norm tooth (25,000 gp).
D: A matching set of orium bastard swords with
E: A ruby +5 stone of good luck (Mordenkainen’s A: A platinum wedding band fashioned to resem- crystalline hilts that glow faintly when wielded
Magnificent Emporium, page 47) shaped like a heart ble Bahamut swallowing his own tail set with seven together (12,000 gp as a set or 5,000 gp each).
(525,000 gp). yellow diamonds (25,000 gp). E: A mithral scabbard adorned with emeralds con-
Value of Collection: 665,000 gp. B: A satchel full of gold and silver rings, some still taining a rusty longsword (25,000 gp).
on their former owners’ skeletal fingers (20,000 gp). F: A +5 lifestealer greatsword (Mordenkainen’s Mag-
C: A black iron signet ring of duergar craftsman-
5. Musical Instruments ship, bearing a symbol of Asmodeus made from inlaid
nificent Emporium, page 29) with a bone hilt studded
with vampire fangs and a single black diamond set
A: A silver lyre that radiates a soothing, white light rubies and onyx, that grants its wearer a +5 item into its pommel (525,000 gp).
when played (10,000 gp). bonus to Diplomacy checks made against devils and Value of Collection: 612,000 gp.
B: A broken lute with a pouch full of sapphires devil worshipers (30,000 gp).
stashed in its belly (25,000 gp). D: A ring of x-ray vision (Mordenkainen’s Magnifi-
C: A harpsichord covered in painted pastoral cent Emporium, page 77) made of translucent crystal 10. Wines
scenes and gold filigree (10,000 gp). (625,000 gp). A: An enchanted, shatterproof crystalline
D: A platinum music box enchanted to play any Value of Collection: 700,000 gp. decanter that is always full of exquisite eladrin red
song that its opener thinks of (25,000 gp). wine (25,000 gp).
E: A box full of ancient sheet music and four gems
of auditory recollection (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent
8. Statues B: A single, glittering bottle of sparkling white
wine made from grapes cultivated in Pelor’s original
Emporium, page 84), each containing a full-length A: A 2-foot-tall dark green jade statue of Blibdool- astral dominion (50,000 gp).
recording of a dirge-like Turathi opera (45,000 gp). poolp standing atop a base of prostrate kuo-toa that
always feels wet and slimy (25,000 gp).

J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

C: An entire wine cellar full of rare drow wine Swordwing Level 25 Soldier Crownwing Level 26 Skirmisher (Leader)
(15,000 gp). Medium aberrant humanoid XP 7,000 Large aberrant humanoid, swordwing XP 9,000
D: A set of simple, green glass bottles containing HP 234; Bloodied 117 Initiative +21 HP 238; Bloodied 119 Initiative +24
cheap wines fortified with the following potions and AC 41, Fortitude 38, Reflex 37, Will 35 Perception +18 AC 40, Fortitude 39, Reflex 38, Will 36 Perception +20
Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision
elixirs (Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Emporium, pages
Traits Standard Actions
90–97): two level 25 elixirs of aptitude, one level 29 Vicious Opportunist m Armblade ✦ At-Will
elixir of giant strength, one level 26 potion of heroism, The swordwing’s opportunity attacks deal 3d8 extra Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +31 vs. AC
and one level 30 potion of invulnerability (325,000 gp). damage. Hit: 3d6 + 23 damage, or 6d6 + 41 damage if the crown-
Value of Collection: 415,000 gp. Standard Actions wing scores a critical hit, plus 3d6 damage if the
m Armblade ✦ At-Will crownwing is flanking the target.

Monster U pdates Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +30 vs. AC

Hit: 3d6 + 21 damage, or 6d6 + 39 damage if the sword-
M Flyby Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The crownwing flies up to its speed and uses arm-
wing scores a critical hit. blade once at any point during the movement. The
Below are updated statistics for the swordwing
Effect: The swordwing marks the target until the end of the crownwing doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when
(drone) and the crownwing, which originally swordwing’s next turn. moving away from the target of the attack.
appeared in the Monster Manual, and for the cutter Triggered Actions R Mark of Death ✦ Encounter
and the slasher from Underdark. M Sudden Strike ✦ At-Will Effect: Ranged 10 (one enemy); allies gain a +2 power
Trigger: An adjacent enemy shifts. bonus to attack rolls and a +10 power bonus to damage
Swordwing Slasher Level 23 Lurker Effect (Immediate Reaction): The swordwing uses armblade rolls against the target until the end of the encounter.
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 5,100 against the triggering enemy. If the attack hits, the target Skills Arcana +22, Endurance +24, Intimidate +21,
takes 3d6 extra damage. Stealth +27
HP 166; Bloodied 83 Initiative +23
Skills Endurance +25, Stealth +24 Str 30 (+23) Dex 28 (+22) Wis 15 (+15)
AC 37; Fortitude 35, Reflex 36, Will 34 Perception +17
Str 28 (+21) Dex 24 (+19) Wis 13 (+13) Con 22 (+19) Int 18 (+17) Cha 16 (+16)
Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision
Con 26 (+20) Int 10 (+12) Cha 10 (+12) Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
Standard Actions
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech
m Armblade ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +28 vs. AC Swordwing Cutter Level 28 Minion Skirmisher
Hit: 3d6 + 19 damage, or 6d6 + 37 if the slasher scores a Medium aberrant humanoid XP 3,250
critical hit. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +24
Slasher’s Flurry F Recharge when the slasher uses slasher’s AC 42; Fortitude 41, Reflex 40, Will 39 Perception +21
escape Speed 6, fly 10 (hover) Low-light vision
Effect: The slasher uses armblade against each enemy Standard Actions
within reach. m Armblade ✦ At-Will
Triggered Actions Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +33 vs. AC
Slasher’s Escape (illusion, teleportation) ✦ Recharge 5 6 Hit: 18 damage, or 25 damage if the cutter scores a critical
Trigger: The slasher is hit by an attack. hit, and the target falls prone.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The slasher teleports up to 5 Triggered Actions
squares, and it becomes invisible until the end of its next Scattering Hive
turn. If the slasher is marked, that condition ends. Trigger: The cutter drops to 0 hit points.
Skills Endurance +22, Stealth +24 Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Each allied cutter adjacent to
Str 24 (+18) Dex 26 (+19) Wis 22 (+17) the cutter can shift up to 5 squares as a free action.
Con 22 (+17) Int 12 (+12) Cha 10 (+11) Skills Endurance +26, Stealth +27
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech Str 28 (+23) Dex 26 (+22) Wis 25 (+21)
Con 25 (+21) Int 10 (+14) Cha 12 (+15)
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech

J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4
Ecology of the Swordwing

About the Author

Tim Eagon is a freelance writer living in Madison, Wiscon-
sin. He has written several articles, including “Ecology of the
Hengeyokai,” “The Winterguard of Cendriane,” and “Crea-
ture Incarnations: Hordelings.”

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J u l y 2 012 | D U N G E O N 2 0 4

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