Site ID - 1074 RT Site ID - 1074 RT Scope of Work - MW Installation

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Sie Specific Risk Assemssent

RISK ASSESSMENT Site ID - 1074 RT Date - 24- 02 - 2016 Scope of work - MW Installation

Attachments Y/N Date of Implementation: 24 - 02 - 2016 Contractor: JAIDAH

H&S Site Survey Report Yes
Lifting Plan na EHS Manager: Dennis Sign: _________________
Hot Work Permit No
Site Emergency Response Plan Yes Supervisor: Ayub Sign: _________________

I herby confirm that I have read the below requirements and risk assessment and shall strictly follow and implement, and in case of conflicts or doubts I shall consult with company H&S Manager to use the dynamic risk assessment, and I am fully
responsible for my own safety and the safety of all the crew working on my site. and I confirm that all H&S documents shall be on site whenever any work is carried out.
General Notes
The building fixed ladder will be used by riggers to get access to the rooftop
Rigger will use double lanyard while climbing the tower.
Only Two riggers can work on this tower at the same time.
1. Any Activity Must be suspended when it gets dark
2. All working at height activities and crane operations are prohibited between sunset and sunrise (from 6:30 PM - 5:40 AM)
3. Do not access site without the required mandatory PPE (Helmet, Safety Shoes and VIS Jacket) and do not remove them when inside the site.
4. Other job based PPE requirements are stated in the below risk assessment based on the required activity
5. Do not access the site without having valid safety passport
6. Follow the heat stress guidelines
7. Monitor wind speed regularly
8. Pre-Task Briefing Must be done before any work on site, and must include all team members.
9. Warning Tape and H&S Signs are to be used whe re required (as mentioned in the below risk assessment

Site Photos

Abnormal Situation of Site Additional Controls / Clear from

(Photos) photos

Risk Assessment
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Sie Specific Risk Assemssent
EXPOSED? L S RV Risk Level Action required L S RV Risk Level Action required

• Driver must have valid driving license Site Vehicle will be parked near
• Vehicle must be fit for the job entrance gate.
• Vehicle must be in good working conditions The site vehilce must not carry more
• Inspect the vehicle using roadworthy inspection checklist than 5 people inlucing driver.
• Fix the identified problems before moving to site The car must be parked 2 meter far
• All passengers must fasten the seat belts (front and rear) from the balbe wire fence.
• Any load in the vehicle should be properly secured and
Driving/Traffic Fatality,Injury, Passengers Additional control measures
Transportation Hazards Property Damage /General Public
distributed 2 4 8 Medium
1 4 4 low Review at next opportunity
• No material in the front or rear seats of the vehicle
• Do not use mobile phone while driving
• Never over speed
• Never drive under the influence of the drugs
• Must follow VF 07 absolute safety rules
• Drivers must be very watchfull of other road users during driving
for any unexpected situation
- •Conduct
Drivers must
Toolalways keep
box talk the volume
before start ofofwork
the car tape as low as Max. 5 kg can be lifted by one
'- Employees should be trained about manual handling, and person at one time.
safety lifting techniques Ensure Rolling of cables must be
Shifting of material from Weight or/and - Appropriate PPE must be use such as safety boots and performed by two person or
back injury, foot Technician & hard hats and gloves. Additional control measures more.
vehicle to site workplace Dimensions of the
injury Rigger
2 3 6 Medium 1 3 3 Low Review at next opportunity
(Manual Handling) material - Avoid awkward postures required Ensure nip and pinch points are
- Ensure good house keeping at site identified.

Full body harness, Double Lanyard, Positioning Lanyard, Safety 4 Double Lanyards must be taken.
shoes, Tower Climbing Helmets, Tower Climbing gloves, safety ( Riggers MUST fix the two hooks
goggles on two different anchor points )
Only trained and certified tower climbing & rescue workers will 4 Positioning Lanyards must be
work on tower taken.
Work on hold in case of strong wind (=>24KT) or adverse weather 1 Material Fall Arrestor
(call the safety inspector for review) 1 Fall Arrestor
Fatality,Injury, Accessories must be kept in protected bags in order not to fall on Additional control measures 1 Rescue Kit ( is a MUST )
Working at height Height, Falling Objects Property Damage All operatives 2 4 8 Medium 1 4 4 Low Review at next opportunity
the ground required 2 Ropes ( each one is at least 40m.
Inspect PPE, Rescue Equipment Inspection prior use
Proper PPE to be used:
Tower climbers must inspect the tower before climbing, In case of
finding any abnormality do not climb and report to safety
Always use connectors/carabiners/hooks in verticale position
Never put double lanyard hooks on the same anchor point
Pre-task assessment
All damaged ( load
PPEs must baring, capability,
be marked as damaged surface conditions,
and removed from Site engineer will not allow
pipes, vents, edge protection) should be done.
site immediately anyone to go near tower if he has
Never work after sunset or before sunrise no work.
There must be a regular visual or audio contact between Rescuer Ensure trip hazards are identified
and Tower Climber Safety
harness should and walking area on roof top will
Supervisor mustbe used wherever
ensure that towernecessary.
climber and rescuer are be identified.
physicall and mentally fit on the day
falling/object No lone(tower
working. Additional control measures Ensure trip hazards are identified
Roof top working
fatality/injury All operatives Riggers climber) must use double lanyard to connect 2 4 8 Medium or removed.
1 4 4 Low Review at next opportunity
themselves with the tower all the time required.
All concerned
Ringgers shouldemployees should
never remove have
both working
hooks at double
of the height training
from towerand usesame
at the appropriate
time working at height PPEs
If the wall or fence is below 1 meter height them must maintain a
2 meter distance otherwise use full body harness following
working at height risk assessment

Ensure All workers are trained and competent to use of hand Tools must be carried in tools
tools and power tools. bag while working at height.
Ensure Right tools for the right task rule is in place. Right tools for the right task shall
Ensure All power tools must be inspected visually before use be applied.
by competent person.e.g power cable, cabinet, etc.
Ensure no passing of tools by throwing.
injury, property Ensure no homemade tools are used at site. Additional control measures
Using Of Hantools. Cut, Puncture, Abbra employees
Ensure No Horsplay.
2 3 6 Medium 1 3 3 Low Continuous monitoring is requried
damage required

Exclusion zone to be followed The team must have RF monitor.

All riggers should be trained about RF hazards and use of
Bad health RF monitor
RF Exposure Radiations
effects, cancer
employees Use RF Monitors 1 2 2 Low Review at next opportunity 1 2 2 Low Continuous monitoring is requried
Supervisor is required to set the value of RF monitor to 39
V/m before each use
RF signage should be in place,
~InMakecasesure the beep
of find area isfrom
the RFand nobodythe
monitor, is working
rigger is Riggers must be careful while
required to change his location to go out of the high radiation dismantling of anntena to prevent
-Appropriate PPE must be warn such as hard hat, gloves, safety from hitting to other working
boots and If it safety
is requried to work within high radiation area then
harness. anntenas.
Dismantling of anntennas rigger is required to come out of
~ No alone working.~ No night time working. the high radiation zone,
Injury, Fatality, Additional control measures Anntenna will be secured with
& Cables (Working at Falling
Property Damage
All operatives -inform
ensurethe thatsite supervisor
weight about
is securely the situation.
attached with the The
and 2 4 8 Medium
required material fall arrestor. 1 4 4 Low Review at next opportunity
Height) supervisor
material fallshall
arrestorarrange to shut dowing the site or sector Rigger will use double lanyard,
-with coordination
No work of company
at site when material isProject
fromand the Client.
structure and positioning lanyard and fall arrester.
comming down The fall arrester will be connected
- no work during high wind speed, rain or adverse weather with the wire of the tower.
- ensure that weight is securely attached with the rope and Conitinious monitoring by site
Must ensure that
fall arrestor Ensure
enginnerstandard Pulley will be
is required.
o Certified
use taglinesrigger (having
to control rigging &of
movement slinging training) available at
the equipment installed.
careful while working on sharp edges like on cable trays, and must Ensure rope length will be twice
o Allgloves
use ropes and pulleys have EN & CE marking according to height of tower.
o Material Fall Arrest
Accessories must be placed Systeminisaproperly
bag in order not to be 1 meter sling will be used to hold
o Drop
scattered zone is identified the material.
RIGGING (Discending oOnly
trained Rigger
workers , Tower
shouldClimbers andinFirst
participate theAider are available
delivery, Rigger will use double lanyard,
Material at site
movement and positioning of all the equipments. Addition control measures to positioning lanyard and fall arrester.
material from Tower to Falling of object/Stron damage/Injury All operatives 2 4 8 Medium be taken. 1 4 4 Low Review at next opportunity
ground ) o
NoTag lines areduring
Horseplay used work.
• Ensure the pulley is in good condition
• Ensure the pulley is properly attached with the tower
• Recheck the condition of the pulley attachment in intervals
during the work
• No one should be standing under the tower when material is
being pulled up
• There should be enough no. of workers to handle the rope with
the material Ensure one qualified electrician
• Holdqualified
Only the workElectrician are required
in case of adverse weather to do the electric work is
Never work with live electricity on site all the time.
Use appropriate company insulated tools for the job (electric
Electric Additional control
Working with Electricity Electricity All operatives safety gloves, safety shoes, helmet) 2 4 8 Medium 1 4 4 Low ontinuous monitoring is requried
Shock/Injury, measures required.
Do not wear conductive metal or jewelry (bracelets, chains,
rings, etc) when working on electricity

PPE Inspection prior use.

Proper PPE to be used: Ensure right cables are
Gloves, safety shoes, Helmets dismantled as per instruction by
careful while working on sharp edges, and must use gloves huawei.
Must use appropriate ladder to access the high portion of the
Dismantling of cables cable tray and follow the use of ladder safety. Additional Control
trip/fall injury workers on site 2 3 6 Medium 1 3 3 Low Review at next opportunity
from cable tray .the right equipment should be use with the appropriate measures required
running of the cables•
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Sie Specific Risk Assemssent
EXPOSED? L S RV Risk Level Action required L S RV Risk Level Action required

• Participants instructed to cover any cuts, however minor, All waste material will be stored
with surgical tape or waterproof plasters. at one place and area will be
• Waste must be stored at designated area, barricaded by caution tape.
After completion of work, all
House . • appropriate and minimum PPE should be used by waste materials must be
Waste Collecting/site
keeping/sharp participants: Safety boot, appropriate hand gloves, helmet.
Cleaning and transfer to injury/infection site Workers 1 2 2 Low Review at next opportunity removed from site. 1 2 2 Low Review at next opportunity
edges/tripping and dust masks
waste disposal area
hazard/dust Workers participating in the waste collecting should be
cautious for:
o Sharp objects (glass, nails, metal pieces, etc.)
o obstacles to avoid tripping hazard.
E.R. Plan Site ID - 1179 Date - 02/12/2015 Scope of work - MW Dismant

# Emergency Response Steps

S. Supervisor: Naiem
1 Site Manager (Always In charge) S.P Number: HWQR07004
Rescuer: Joseph Kinyanjui
2 Fire Emergency S.P Number: HWQR07009
Rescuer: Joseph Kinyanjui
3 First Aid Emergency S.P Number: HWQR07009

4 Major Injury / Severe Emergencies 999

Rescuer: Kirabakaram Suppiah

5 Falling From Height S.P Number: HWQR07014

Describe evacuation from site: The roof top will

be made safe and free from any obstructions,
6 Site Evacuation incase of eveacuation, the building stair will be
used by riggers to come down from the roof top
then to the assembly point.

7 Others


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