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B -LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Listen. Write the problem discussed in each conversation.

Conversation 1 crimes

Conversation 2 new virus

Conversation 3 terrorism
E - GROUP WORK Answer each question and explain your answers. Listen again if you disagree.

Conversation 1

1 What does the man think we can do about crime?

Provide more moneyfor local police and dont temtp criminals

2 Why does the woman think he is practical?

Because she had no idea on how to control crimes and instead he already had an idea

3 Which speaker’s outlook is closer to yours, the man’s or the woman’s?

The man's outlook

Conversation 2

1 What reasons do the speakers give for why so many people will get the Marburg virus sooner or

Because is more contagious than the flu

2 Which speaker is more optimistic—the man or the woman?

The woman

3 Which speaker’s outlook is closer to yours, the man’s or the woman’s?

The man's outlook

Conversation 3

1 What does the woman think we can do about terrorism?


2 Which speaker has a more realistic outlook—the man or the woman?

The woman

3 Which speaker’s outlook is closer to yours, the man’s or the woman’s?

The woman's outlook

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