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Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery


Sarah Cowman FRCA Matrix reference 2A07

Laparoscopic techniques offer major benefits to and systemic infections demonstrated after
Key points
the patient such as minimized incision size and laparoscopic surgery.2
Laparoscopic surgery has trauma with reduced postoperative discomfort, These benefits are particularly useful in
many benefits for patients,
shortened recovery rates, and a lower incidence several patient groups. Laparoscopic surgery is
including reduced
of postoperative wound infections. These useful in obese patients in whom open pro-
postoperative pain and
fewer wound-related factors all contribute to shorter in-patient stay cedures would be technically very challenging
complications. and reduced perioperative morbidity. and who are particularly susceptible to wound
Consequently, many major procedures that infections after operation. An example of this is

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Generation of a
once required prolonged postoperative recovery in bariatric surgery where laparoscopic gastric
pneumoperitoneum induces
significant physiological such as anterior resection of the rectum or banding has improved short-term mortality
changes which must be radical cystectomy are now increasingly per- rates compared with traditional open
appreciated, and formed using laparoscopic techniques to techniques.3
compensated for, to avoid improve patient outcomes.1 Other groups of patients who benefit from a
adverse outcomes. However, laparoscopic surgery is not laparoscopic approach include those with
Specific groups may benefit without its own specific risks, either due to the severe respiratory disease as the postoperative
from laparoscopic risks associated with individual laparoscopic deterioration in respiratory function that may
techniques such as obese techniques or due to the physiological changes occur after large incisions with suboptimal
patients or individuals with associated with the creation of a pneumoperito- analgesia is avoided.
severe respiratory disease. neum. As a result, anaesthetic techniques for
Complications may have an laparoscopic surgery must be refined to antici-
Risks and contraindications
insidious onset and all pate these differences from open surgery.
for laparoscopic surgery
organizations undertaking
laparoscopic surgery should The risks associated with laparoscopic surgery
have locally devised may be categorized as patient-specific, surgical,
protocols to ensure staff Benefits of laparoscopic
positional, or those associated with altered
recognize and rapidly act surgery
physiology secondary to the generation of
upon deteriorating patients A major benefit of laparoscopic surgery is the pneumoperitoneum.
after operation.
shortened recovery time after major surgery Laparoscopic surgery should never be dis-
(Table 1). Reasons for this are multi-factorial: missed as ‘routine’ or ‘low risk’ since compli-
the laparoscopic approach reduces manipulation cations tend to be more insidious compared
of the bowel and peritoneum, resulting in with traditional open techniques. A recent
Paul Hayden BSc MRCP FRCA DICM decreased incidence of postoperative ileus. National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) report
FFICM Therefore, enteral intake can be resumed more identified 48 serious incidents after laparo-
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive rapidly than with open surgical techniques, lim- scopic surgery over a 7 yr period, including 11
Care Medicine
Department of Anaesthesia, Critical
iting requirements for i.v. fluid regimes which deaths, and concluded that all organizations
Care and Pain are associated with tissue oedema, poor wound undertaking laparoscopic surgery should have
Medway Maritime Hospital repair, and prolonged postoperative recovery. local protocols to ensure that staff recognize
Windmill Road
Secondly, because small access points are and rapidly act upon deteriorating patients after
Kent ME7 5NY required for the insertion of laparoscopic operation.4
UK trocars, large incisions such as those seen in
Tel: þ44 1634 833722
Fax: þ44 1634 833737
open procedures are avoided, thereby minimiz-
Patient-specific contraindications
E-mail: ing complications associated with postoperative
(for correspondence) pain and wound healing. As laparoscopic tech- Laparoscopic surgery has traditionally been
Sarah Cowman FRCA niques have evolved, the number of port sites contraindicated in patients with severe ischae-
ST5 Anaesthesia required has been reduced, with single-port mic heart disease, valvular disease, significant
South East School of Anaesthesia surgery now a viable option. These factors con- renal dysfunction, or end-stage respiratory
tribute to the reduced incidence of both wound disease. However, the risk to the individual
doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkr027 Advance Access publication 14 July, 2011
177 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 11 Number 5 2011
& The Author [2011]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery

Table 1 Risks and benefits of laparoscopic surgery with cephalad movement of the lungs, the tracheal tube may
Benefits Risks migrate endobronchially.
One rare but devastating complication of prolonged surgery in
Reduced wound infection Visceral and vascular damage the steep Trendelenburg position is the onset of ‘well leg compart-
Faster recovery Complications associated with extremes of positioning
Reduced morbidity Acute kidney injury
ment syndrome’ induced by the combination of impaired arterial
Reduced pain Cardiocerebral vascular insufficiency perfusion to raised lower limbs, compression of venous vessels by
Pulmonary atelectasis lower limbs supports, and reduced femoral venous drainage due to
Venous gas embolism
‘Well leg compartment syndrome’
the pneumoperitoneum. The resultant compartment syndrome of
the lower limbs presents after operation with disproportionate
lower limb pain, rhabdomyolysis, and potentially
patient must be balanced between the risk of complications due to myoglobin-associated acute renal failure leading to significantly
the position, duration, degree of carbon dioxide (CO2) absorption, increased morbidity and mortality.
and physiological effects of pneumoperitoneum for a particular Risk factors include surgery .4 h duration, muscular lower
laparoscopic procedure vs the shortened postoperative recovery limbs, obesity, peripheral vascular disease, hypotension, and steep
Trendelenburg positioning.5 Risks may be mitigated by avoiding

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time which may outweigh the increased intraoperative risk.
Generally accepted contraindications include pre-existing raised intermittent compression stockings, moving the patient’s legs at
intracranial pressure, severe uncorrected hypovolaemia, and regular intervals during surgery, and using heel/ankle supports
patients with known right-to-left cardiac shunts or patent foramen instead of calf/knee supports (Lloyd –Davies stirrups). For pro-
ovale. longed surgery, at the authors’ institution, the patient is returned to
the horizontal position at least every 2 h and the lower limbs are
massaged for 5–10 min before returning to the Trendelenburg pos-
Surgical risks ition. A pulse oximeter is also placed on the great toe throughout
The insertion of large trocars into the abdominal cavity, frequently surgery to assess the adequacy of pulsatile flow to distal areas of
without direct vision, carries the potential for damage to solid the lower limbs.
viscera, bowel, bladder, or blood vessels. Although vascular injury In the reverse Trendelenburg position, the extreme ‘head-up’
within the pneumoperitoneum is usually apparent immediately, posture results in reduced venous return, leading to hypotension
venous tamponade may occur with pneumoperitoneum, masking and potentially myocardial and cerebral ischaemia. Particularly
apparent bleeding. Furthermore, retroperitoneal haematomas are vulnerable are the elderly, hypovolaemic patients, and those with
often insidious in nature and diagnosis may be delayed until the pre-existing ischaemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disease.
postoperative period, allowing significant haemorrhage to occur.
Venous gas embolism can result in catastrophic circulatory col- Altered physiology of pneumoperitoneum
lapse and may be caused by direct trocar insertion into a vessel, or
inadvertent inflation of a solid organ, and usually occurs as gas Intra-abdominal laparoscopic surgery requires the intentional gen-
insufflation commences. The severity depends on the volume of eration of a pneumoperitoneum using insufflated carbon dioxide to
CO2 injected, rate of injection, patient position, and type of laparo- enable sufficient visualization for the procedure to be performed.
scopic procedure. Fortunately, compared with venous air embo- As the volume of the abdomen increases, abdominal wall compli-
lism, the risks are somewhat lower due to the increased solubility ance decreases and intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) climbs. When
and rapid absorption of CO2. the IAP exceeds physiological thresholds, individual organ systems
become compromised, potentially increasing patient morbidity and
mortality, particularly in those patients with relevant
Patient positioning is determined by the view that the surgeon is
trying to optimize, but often involves the extremes of the
Cardiovascular effects
Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg position with significant
physiological effects. Extreme positions place the patient at risk of As IAP increases, systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is increased
movement on the table, so meticulous attention must be paid to due to both mechanical compression of the abdominal aorta and
ensure that the patient is securely positioned with vulnerable production of neurohumoral factors such as vasopressin and acti-
pressure points and eyes being protected throughout the procedure. vation of the renin–angiotensin– aldosterone axis. Compression of
Prolonged steep Trendelenburg position increases the risk of the inferior vena cava reduces preload and may lead to a decrease
cerebral oedema, in addition to the risk associated with the pneu- in cardiac output and subsequent decrease in arterial pressure, par-
moperitoneum (see below), and upper airway oedema which may ticularly if the patient is hypovolaemic. This may be exacerbated
present with stridor after operation. Functional residual capacity by the cephalad displacement of the diaphragm which raises
and ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) mismatch are worsened, and intra-thoracic pressure with further reduction in blood flow through

178 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 11 Number 5 2011
Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery

the inferior vena cava, and compression of pulmonary parenchyma to an open procedure considered when choosing the anaesthetic
which increases pulmonary vascular resistance, further reducing technique.
cardiac output.
Reverse Trendelenburg positioning may also result in hypoten- Perioperative management
sion due to the reduction in preload by venous pooling in the
lower limbs and pelvis which in turn is exacerbated by reduced Airway
femoral venous flow secondary to raised IAP. The most common technique for airway management involves pla-
cement of a cuffed oral tracheal tube (COTT), neuromuscular
relaxation, and positive pressure ventilation. This protects against
Respiratory effects gastric acid aspiration, allows optimal control of CO2, and facili-
Respiratory changes occur due to raised IAP and Trendelenburg tates surgical access. It is recommended that bag and mask venti-
positioning. As the abdomen is distended by CO2, diaphragmatic lation before intubation should be minimized to avoid gastric
excursion is limited resulting in raised intra-thoracic pressure, distension and the insertion of a nasogastric tube may be required
reduced pulmonary compliance, and reduced functional residual to deflate the stomach, not only to improve surgical view but also
capacity which in turn leads to pulmonary atelectasis, altered V/Q to avoid gastric injury on trochar insertion.

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relationships, and hypoxaemia. During surgery, insufflated CO2 is The use of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) in laparoscopic
absorbed, causing an increase in PCO2 which is further exacerbated surgery remains controversial due to the increased risk of aspira-
by V/Q mismatch. tion and difficulties encountered when trying to maintain effective
gas transfer while delivering the higher airway pressures required
during pneumoperitoneum. Despite these concerns, there have
Splanchnic effects been several randomized controlled trials assessing the use of
Blood flow to the kidney and liver is significantly compromised Proseal LMA (PS-LMA) vs COTT with data advocating the
with increasing IAP and this should be an important consideration PS-LMA as effective and efficient for pulmonary ventilation in
in patients with existing disease when determining suitability for laparoscopic surgery.6
laparoscopic surgery.
Persistent IAPs over 20 mm Hg will cause a reduction in Ventilation
mesenteric and gastrointestinal mucosal blood flow by up to 40% Both pneumoperitoneum and steep Trendelenburg positioning
with progressive tissue acidosis developing as pressure increases. inhibit effective ventilation during laparoscopic surgery.
The renal effects of pneumoperitoneum are significant and Traditional volume control modalities use constant flow to deliver
raised IAP is recognized as an independent cause of acute kidney a pre-set tidal volume and ensure an adequate minute volume at
injury. An IAP of 20 mm Hg will reduce GFR by 25%. The the expense of an increased risk of barotrauma and high inflation
mechanism for this is postulated to be an impaired renal perfusion pressures, particularly in obese patients. The use of pressure-
gradient secondary to the combined effect of reduced renal afferent controlled modalities affords higher instantaneous flow peaks,
flow due to impaired cardiac output and reduced efferent flow due minimizing peak pressures, and have been shown to provide
to raised renal venous pressure. improved alveolar recruitment and oxygenation in laparoscopic
surgery for obese patients. The addition of titrated levels of PEEP
can be used to minimize alveolar de-recruitment, but this must be
Neurological effects used cautiously as increasing PEEP may further compromise
An elevated IAP causes an increase in intra-cerebral pressure (ICP) cardiac output in addition to the effects of pneumoperitoneum.
by limiting cerebral venous drainage as a consequence of raised
intra-thoracic pressure. While clinical studies have suggested that Analgesia
cerebral perfusion pressure is maintained by the increase in mean A major advantage of laparoscopic surgery is reduced postopera-
arterial pressure that occurs with elevated IAP, the increase in ICP tive stay and the need for high-quality analgesia is essential to
may lead to cerebral oedema. This contributes to the temporary prevent delayed hospital discharge. By the nature of minimally
neurological dysfunction that patients often experience on emer- invasive surgery, the pain is often short, yet intense, and up to
gence from prolonged laparoscopic procedures, particularly those 80% of patients will require opioid analgesia at some stage peri-
requiring extended periods of steep Trendelenburg positioning. operatively. The use of regional techniques such as subdural,
epidural, and more recently transversus abdominis plane block, are
increasingly utilized as opiate-sparing techniques, particularly in
Conduct of anaesthesia
laparoscopic techniques where larger incisions are required.7
All patients for laparoscopic surgery should be fully assessed Wound infiltration with local anaesthetic is useful and reduces
before operation, particularly those at elevated risk of compli- postoperative analgesic requirements while intraperitoneal levobu-
cations from pneumoperitoneum, and the probability of conversion pivacaine reduces postoperative pain and opiate requirements.8

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 11 Number 5 2011 179
Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery

Dexamethasone has also been suggested before induction to reduce operation, particularly in patients with existing respiratory disease
subsequent opiate analgesia requirements in the first 2 h after or those having prolonged surgery.
laparoscopic hysterectomy in addition to its anti-emetic effects.9
Laparoscopic surgery has a high incidence of postoperative nausea Over the last 30 yr, anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery has devel-
and vomiting and this can be very distressing, worsen pain, and oped and advanced significantly resulting in a technique that mini-
extend the period of hospital admission for patients. Therefore, mizes many of the risks, complications, and prolonged duration of
prophylaxis is important, particularly in patients with other risk hospital stay of open surgery. The proportion of surgical cases per-
factors. As with open surgery, multi-modal regimes such as ondan- formed laparoscopically will continue to increase and anaesthetists
setron, cyclizine, and dexamethasone seem most effective in must understand and safely manage the specific physiological
addition to general measures such as deflating the stomach, avoid- alterations, risks, and practical challenges that laparoscopy
ing known emetogenic drugs, for example, opiates and ensuring presents.
good quality postoperative analgesia.10
Conflict of interest

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As surgical techniques develop, major procedures are now being None declared.
performed laparoscopically and may last several hours, with signifi-
cant physiological disturbances to the patient and limited access References
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