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Faculty Name: Prof.

Shama Ganesh
Department of Life Sciences
Subject: Environmental studies
Unit: 2
Topic: Topic: Forest, Grassland and Desert ecosystems

The two major types of ecosystems distinguished in the biosphere are the terrestrial ecosystem
and aquatic ecosystem.

Terrestrial ecosystem occupies about 25% of the biosphere.

In a broad sense it can be differentiated and recognized as Forest, grassland and desert
ecosystems for convenient understanding, with further classification in each.

1. Forest Ecosystem

Forest ecosystem is a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth like shrubs and

In India forest occupies 19% of the total land area.

Based on the types of trees and other plants that grow within them, as well as the climatic
conditions, there are different types of forest ecosystems like

Tropical evergreen forest

Tropical evergreen forests are characterized by high annual rainfall rates and dense vegetation,
including tall trees at differing heights for sheltering different types of animals.

Tropical deciduous forest

Tropical deciduous forests are characterized by a broad variety of shrubs, dense bushes, and
different types of trees. Tropical deciduous forests are the most widespread in the Indian

They are also called the monsoon forests

Tropical deciduous forests thrive where the rainfall is between

70 cms and 200cms.

Trees in these forests shed their leaves for about 6 to 8 weeks

in summer.
Temperate evergreen forest

Temperate evergreen forests are characterized by few trees but many mosses and ferns to make
up for the lack of trees.

Temperate deciduous forest

Temperate deciduous forests are located in places with high annual rainfall where trees are
characterized by their yearly cycles of leaf-shedding during the winter months.


Taiga forests are situated below the arctic regions and are characterized by the presence of
evergreen conifers and are home to migratory birds and insects for half the year.

Abiotic components of forest ecosystem

These include the inorganic and organic nutrients present in the soil, water and atmosphere.
Elements like C, H, O, N, P, S etc. are obtained from carbon dioxide, water, nitrates, phosphates,
sulphates present in the soil.

Climatic conditions like temperature, light, rainfall, soil conditions and the type of litter vary
from forest to forest.

Biotic components of forest ecosystem

Biotic components are producers, consumers and decomposers.

Producers are trees and shrubs and ground vegetation’s that show a large degree of species
diversity and stratification.

Trees species are Teak, Bamboo, Sal, Shisham, Sandal wood, Oak, Pine etc., depending on the
type of forest.

Consumers are categorized as primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary consumers are herbivores like beetles, bugs, leaf-hoppers, ants, elephants, neelgai, deer,
moles, squirrels, shrews etc.,

Secondary consumers are carnivores like snakes, birds, lizards, fox etc that feed on primary

Tertiary consumers are top carnivores like lion, tiger etc. that feed on secondary consumers.

Decomposers are a wide variety of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria etc. The rate of
decomposition varies b/w forests, more rapid in tropical than temperate regions ones.
2. Grassland ecosystem

Grassland ecosystem occurs in regions where the climate is cool to cold during winter and hot
during summer.

Abiotic components of grassland ecosystem

These include the inorganic and organic nutrients present in the soil, water and atmosphere.
Elements like C, H, O, N, P, S etc. are obtained from carbon dioxide, water, nitrates, phosphates,
sulphates present in the soil.

Biotic components of grassland ecosystem

Just like other ecosystems the biotic components are producers, consumers and decomposers.

Producers in grassland are dominated by grass species, besides some herbs and shrub species.

Consumers are categorized as primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

Primary consumers are herbivores grazing animals like cows, buffaloes, deer, sheep, rabbit,
mouse etc. Besides these are some insect species, termites, millipedes etc.

Secondary consumers are carnivores like snakes, birds, lizards, Jackals, fox etc. that feed on
primary consumers.

Tertiary consumers Hawks kites etc. that feed on secondary consumers.

Decomposers are a wide variety of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria, etc.

3. Desert ecosystem

A Desert ecosystem is a large, dry, barren region, usually having sandy or rocky soil with little or
no vegetation and characterized by extremely low rainfall.

Abiotic components of desert ecosystem

The inorganic and organic nutrients present in the soil and atmosphere is very low and thus
nutrient recycling is poor due to scanty biota. Temperature is high and rain fall is very low.

Biotic components of desert ecosystem

Due to scarcity of water and high temperature, the biota is poorly represented.

Producers are shrubs like bushes, some grasses and few trees and cacti with roots, stem, leaves
and branches variously modified. Some lichens and Xerophytic mosses may be present.

Consumers are primary, secondary and tertiary consumers.

Primary consumers are insects, birds, rabbits, kangaroo rats, camel, nocturnal rodents

Secondary consumers are some reptiles like snakes and lizards, birds etc.

Tertiary consumers are jackals, dogs, some birds etc.

Decomposers are bacteria and fungi. They are correspondingly less due to poor biota. They are
thermophilic, which means they are adapted to extreme temperatures.

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