Prezentul Simplu: Afirmativ

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Prezentul simplu

I play tennis
You play tennis
He plays tennnis
She plays tennnis
We play tennis
You play tennis
They play tennis

Do I play tennis?
Do you play tennis?
Does he play tennis?
Does she play tennis?
Do we play tennis?
Do you play tennis?
Do they play tennis?

I do not (don’t) play tennis
You do not (don’t) play tennis
He does not (doesn’t) play tennis
She does not play tennis
We do not play tennis
You do not play tennis
They do not play tennis

Mod de formare
Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv
(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia „-s" sau „-es")

1. I go to school every day.
2. He reads a book every month.
3. She lives in Bucharest.

Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

1. Do you go to school every day?
2. Does he read a book every month?
3. Does she live in Bucharest?
Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitiv
Se folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not)

1. I don't go to school every day.
2. He doesn't read a book every month.
3. She doesn't live in Bucharest.

De retinut: pentru persoana III singular, se adauga terminatia “s” sau “es”!!!!!!

I talk – He talks
I work – He works
I sleep – He sleeps

Se foloseste pentru:
-    o actiune care se petrece in mod obisnuit
We play tennis every day.
Noi jucam tenis in fiecare zi.
-    exprima o stare, un fapt care ramane neschimbat o perioada mai lunga de timp
She works in Canada.
Lucreaza in Canada.
-    exprima un adevar permanent
Water freezes at 0C.
Apa ingheata la 0 grade.
Tha rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
In Spania ploua mai mult in zona de campie.

 -    exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit program

The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday.

I have Maths Friday at 11.30.

-     situatii emotionale

I love my girlfriend very much.
He hates cats.

De retinut: Verbele la prezentul simplu apar de mult eori insotite de adverbele de

frecventa: always (intotdeauna), usually (de obicei), often (deseori), sometimes
I often play tennis.
I am never impolite.

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