Midterm Examination (Assignment) Spring 2020 Name: Mahadsadaqat Reg #: 1958117

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Midterm Examination (Assignment) Spring 2020

Name: MahadSadaqat Reg #: 1958117

Department & Program:EMBA(66)-1 Class & Section:

Course Code & Name: Managerial Communication Total Marks: 15 Marks

Instructor’s Name:HammadShamimi Submission Deadline: 27th March, 2020 (2200hrs)

Important Instructions:

 Solved Assignment must be mailed (hammadshamimi@hotmail.com) to the

respective faculty by the due date.
 Non-submissions of the assignments will be considered as absent for the Midterm.
 The respective faculty will share the necessary details of the assignments which
should include the following

Format Summary Write up

Word count 1200 – 1500 words
Plagiarism policy SZABIST Plagiarism policy is to be
Submission guidelines Email to: hammadshamimi@hotmail.com /
Any other Proper headings, supporting figures, charts

Question 1: If you are posted in New York as Customer Relations Manager at AT&T,
what cross-cultural barriers you may encounter as a Pakistani expatriate and how will you
try to wriggle out of these? Elaborate with examples. 8

Question 2: What are cornerstones of a Cultural Value System? Identify the range of
possibilities that might exist against each yardstick by drawing a table. In your opinion, in
which column our own Cultural Value System would fall, looking at the behavioral
pattern of overwhelming majority of people? 7 marks
----- END -----

Question 1: If you are posted in New York as Customer Relations Manager at

AT&T, what cross-cultural barriers you may encounter as a Pakistani expatriate
and how will you try to wriggle out of these? Elaborate with examples.
8 Marks

Individualized relationship with each customer against each query is widely considered as the
competitive advantage in terms of performance measures. Each single attempt of improvement in
delightfulness related to customer yields a marked performance criteria and image of the brand in
the minds of customers.
In short, Business executives, expatriates or the senior management should understand the
sensitivity essentials related to culture etiquette when they intend to expand business practices

Verbal Communication
(Language is considered as the vital tool that may cause a lapse in overall
communication productivity or incase it is halting in nature.
The first and foremost greatest hindering tool across cultures is the language and then the use of
subjective or some critical word choice that may cause a sever effect or create embarrassment in
any cultural constraints. There must be thorough search for the types of words, gestures or terms
that may hinder or block communication while you are working as an expatriate I the host or any
other country.
 Vocabulary:
The terms, words, meanings and the associated deep rituals to some words is another barrier that
is also lies under the language barriers. Thorough linguistic approach and the appropriate choice
of vocabulary is the crucial matter to be handled when we intend to work as an expatriate.

 Case Reasoning :
English is considered as the international and the home language of America. If we are going to
serve in American culture hopefully it would not be a great challenge to overcome the language
barriers, as in home country (Pakistan) this language is the official code of conduct in all
professional and official tasks. But the challenge lies the adaptability of linguistics as well as the
related terms that each culture tends to avoid or does not like in their daily routine.

As another example the moment or time period of silence is considered as an uncomfortable

scenario while a communication process is on going. American culture does not welcome this
silence moment and thus it should be eradicated while we are working under American culture to
run a smooth conversation.
Some Points to keep in mind as a customer relation manager:
 Nod time to time to give a satisfaction that you are listening
 Use friendly list of words, names
 Avoid getting in touch to the customers (minimum acceptability is handshake)
 Don’t make abrupt actions or deliver words
 Look closely, observe and learn from the culture you have to work in. As this is the greatest
source of learning.

America Possess Low-Context Culture:
America is regarded as the low context culture. Low context cultures are described as the culture
who are more direct in nature and they does not prefer the long details, research or facts against
each single guideline they ask for.
American systems are regarded as the people who like directness and are straight forward. If you
have to communicate to them don’t even try to create a background of the situation while you
must pursue to complete you information, decision or suggestion in a direct way. They does not
like and even prefer the backgrounds, facts, figures or the logical reasoning against each piece of
 So if you have to work as a customer relation manager be direct while spoken. Instead of giving
them the reasoning and pitfalls against each guidance suggest or guide them what decisions the
may consider.
Here are some Do’s that must be avoided while working as an expatriate in America:
 Respect their Low-Context practices
 Be straightforward or direct while guiding

 Addition of friendly Words like Sir, May I, I would be obliged to do so etc

 You may also add the name of the person while communicating (Additional positive)
 Make it sure you are not creating a wide platform for the course you trying to communicate.

Non-Verbal Communication:
Gestures and Postures

It is said and globally believed that non –verbal communication carries 93% of the total
blunder or credit against each communication session. The non-verbal tool having the more severs
characteristics in any communication process. Words have helping means, terms and the joint
phrase approach which could lighten up the meaning or severity of sense. But when it comes to
gestures, there is no way to get out of the embarrassing or reverse contaminated dialogue with
the person standing next to you. ‘

Salient hand gestures that you might use while dealing US locals:

The “approval” or “Ok” sign

“ (Don’t get you customer’s patience for granted)”

Here are some tips to practice if you have encountered direct communication to

Eye Contact an important one:

If we talk about face to face conversations or communication it is very important to maintain eye
contact with the customer standing next for your guidance. If it is not practice it would put a very
bad image of yours, confirming a stance of indifference and bad manners that American culture is
not the one to bear.

Don’t forget to Smile:

Wearing an appropriate amount of smile at the appropriate or pressure times leads towards a
creation of friendly environment between customer and the employee. This also indicates that
you are practicing empathy to the person that came so long to get a direct contact to you.
Be aware about the amount of smile while operating, as the America is a low-context culture too
much smiling may sense the customer a wrong intention of yours including making fun of them,
taking them for granted or it could also be considered as harassment.

Maintain a good posture:

Apart from gestures, postures also mark a significant impact on your code of conduct. As a
customer relation manager, if n any case you come in contact to a customer whole is in live
conversation with you make sure that you are not putting a slouching posture to the person. This
shows and confirms the attempt to disrespect and the feeling related to disinterest may arise.
Personal Space:
When you will ever overview before working as an expatriate you might come across the facts
that American people and culture have a very strong sensitivity to “personal space”. They prefer,
perform and expect the same from other people. While working there make sure that you are
having the distance of 4 feet while dealing a customer who will be a stranger t you. Maintain the
appropriate distance that comes in then top manners while working under American Culture

Question 2: What are cornerstones of a Cultural Value System? Identify the

range of possibilities that might exist against each yardstick by drawing a
table. In your opinion, in which column our own Cultural Value System
would fall, looking at the behavioral pattern of overwhelming majority of

Value orientation theory/ Cultural Value System:

Value orientation theory was the first ever attempt that was made in 1961 by kluckhohn and
Strodtbeck to explain the insights related to value systems and theory related to cross-culture.
According to this theory, there lies a generalized concept that universally all have to concept to
answer some realities and questions that arise after each cultural and nature closure while there exists
a streamline of some basic questions that has minor crucial nature as independently culture may
answer those related questions.
This theory further proposed some basic and concise concepts in the form of questions they may arise
after each closure which are as follow:
 human nature,
 the relationship between human beings and natural world
 time
 human activity
 social relations
The theory was further test across the border among different cultures to check the cultural
practices and trends of people practices against each culture. The theory became so popular
has it answered all the basic questions which were enough to stud the specific cultural

Nature Cornerstone (A Practice overview from Pakistan) :

Multiple studies, researches and literature trends show a pattern of human behavior living in United
States. They predict and confirm the mixed set of human nature that comprises of both evil and good
subset of people living on the same continent. Some famous researchers (Carter, 1990) also assumed
American human nature as the mixed one, according to him United States bears the mix of human
nature that it comprises of both good headed people and the evil ones. That’s how its working all there,
guidance is the tool that does not hinder any culture to grow.
Concerns/ orientations Possible Responses
Human Nature:  Evil.  Mixed.  Good. 

“What is the basic nature People posses 2 basic  People consists of Good at face and good at heart
of people?” descriptions. both types
 They can be guided
 Bad in nature and controlled
 Needed to be
Man-Nature Relationship: Subordinate to Harmony with Nature.  Dominant over Nature. 
Nature. Surrender
“What is the appropriate  and Obey Nature with Tend to deal with nature Human challenge to conquer or fight
relationship to nature” all of its rules. with respect of peace and nature

Time Sense:  Past.  Present.  Future. 

“How should we best think People learn and Today is everything Planning, Goal orientation are the key
about time?” adapt past practices attributes hat should be induced for a
Forget the past and ignore better tomorrow
Strive for the past the future
consents and
Activity:  Being.  Becoming.  Doing.

“What is the best mode of Approach which is Fulfill the purpose being on  Approach: A person receives what he
activity?” used depicts the this planet earth and strive strives for. 
behavior of Be like the hard for better inner
way you are. development and grooming

Don’t panic to change

yourself be the way
you meant to be
Social Relations: What is Hierarchical.  Collateral.  Individual.
the best form of social
organization?  This  Everyone must  People should enjoy same and
approach share their part in equal rights with platform.
states that decision making  One should be able and in
the people process with their power to make their own
who are in equal share. destiny by their own decision. 
authority  However decisions
should made that are personally
decisions and made as a one man
in return they army should be
should be avoided.
 One who has
should lead
Who don’t
have should

Our Cultural Dimensions:

Now we will discuss Cultural value system cornerstone with each yardstick by
applying the relevant concepts in terms of Pakistani culture.
Note: Here in the table the relevant block is described in detail where our
cultural system lies.

1-Human Nature: 

Main concern : What kind of nature is possessed by majority of people?

Evil Unrealistic Approach

Mixed Present
It would be very unfair to say that our culture is completely based on “all bad” or on “all good”.
No it is the mix of both, it is the real approach.
 Comment:
Our culture like other majority cultures is the result of both positive and negative people or you
may consider them as goo or bad ones. Culture, societies and groups came into being with the
appropriate mix of every kind of people. All good or all bad could never help to induce the
required equilibrium in society. From day one the universe has faced the equal mix of both ends
of nature.
 Reasoning:
As it is highly believed and observed concept that human mind also confirm that as life is the
mix of good an bed events the same way societies, groups all are the intermingle of good and
bad people. That’s how the universe operates. This unequal division of talent, capabilities,
abilities and descriptions are the vital reason that leads the equilibrium in the universe.
Good Absent/Unrealistic

2- Man-Nature Relationship

Subordinate to Nature & Harmony with Nature 

Both are Highly practiced- It could be said that both go in hand to hand with each other as they
are the perfect match to beliefs that have inherited from our ancestors in our cultural
People with respect to ongoing culture and the development by birth are reshaping the
practices of ours, we tend to believe more in “go with the flow” approach and find it easier to
surrender in natures hand and the way it leads us.
Dominant over Nature : Obsolete in current culture dimensions
 (Justification: May be strong religious beliefs and cultural oriented dimension people
here will never challenge the nature or the systems through which nature is
continuously widening its processes.
3- Time Sense: 

 Adoption: Highly adopted
 Practice- Keep in mind the past patterns and behaviors as experience is always a wider
road to future.
 Justification: People are on the run to enhance their livelihood and status by inducing
new and diverse practices. They are innovating and continuously striving to change the
work patterns and practices by inducing new age practices for the long-run. They like to
talk, respect and want to receive appreciations regarding their glorious past
achievements performed by their ancestors. They like to talk about and provide
reference about the splendid achievements done by their past heroes.
 Adoption: Almost Obsolete/Moderate
 Justification: As a developing nation and living in a family based culture it is very risky to
survive in the uncertain environments. They prefer to do more work today and also
believe to provide maximum input to certain jobs, tasks and then enjoy the moments
that are very close to future comings.
So people tend to work today but also intend to conserve resources for tomorrow.


 Adoption: Obsolete
 Justification: Career Planning, resource conversation planning and set of goals are re-
planned in our culture. People tend to achieve the maximum from their skills and talents
however they also work on the tactics to receive a second source of income for a better
livelihood. But they does not work hard or are motivated to achieve something
extraordinary which may provide them with a long-run benefit .
So it could be said people does not word hard for future oriented they believe in the capacity
building capabilities and they does not urge themselves to practice for enhancement of their
skills and expertise to get some extra gain benefits apart from their services.
4- Activity


Partially Adopted

Neither adopted nor practiced

In our culture living in Pakistan personal observations conclude that we does not believe or
realize the importance of inner development. And so far I have not observed such practices
while family or children brought ups, responsible citizenship behaviors when we have to
practice apart from some disasters.

Highly adopted behavior

 Justification: People In our culture (as also a part of developing nation) tend to
maximize their resources and talent utilization. Even in the era of exploitation (in terms
of resources, employment, talent) people highly intend to work hard to get the best
They attempt to work hard until one day they are able to get the basic luxuries of life after the
continuous flow of basic needs. So in our culture people are work oriented and they work
enough to meet their both ends with a capacity approach.

5- Social Relations:


(General Discussion)

 Adaption Level: Low

If we tend to talk about our own culture then the people living here respect the hierarchical
decision making processes according to family norms and values.

 Reason to switch: But now as the generation gap is taking place this trend is also losing
its fame as generation shifts occurs.

 Adoption Level: High

( Everyone plays role in decision making process)
 Justification: By looking at the cultural dimension in our country it could be observed
that due to strong family bonds and affiliations unlike West we tend to respect and
share the perpetual set of morals and ethics on the whole.
Families on the whole include their, spouse, children and the elderly people while making a
decision that have inbound and out-bound impacts.
Elimination of one man army for decision making has reduced upto the mark while other
family members provide their input and gradually the feedback for the decision made.
This concept in our culture is quite Rare it could also be regarded as the neglected one
 Reason: Culture is family based and on the whole we does not possess high motivational
levels as a nation.

A Brief Overview Of Pakistani Culture:

Concerns/ orientations Possible Responses

Human Nature: Evil. Mixed. Good.
“ Pakistan

Man-Nature Subordinate to Nature. Harmony with Nature. Dominant over Nature.

Relationship: Pakistan Pakistan

Time Sense: Past. Present. Future.
“ Pakistan

Activity: Being. Becoming Doing.

“ .Pakistan

Social Relations: Hierarchical. Collateral. Individual.

Pakistan Pakistan

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