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Logon SAP and Enter T-code: ME51N in command field & then Execute

Select Need Based Req or

Service Req

Go ahead as per below.

01. Enter
Appropriate Description

03. Enter D only

for Service Req. Enter 050

02. Enter F for

all R&M Head 04. Enter details as per Heading
and otherwise K. like Material code, short Text, Qty,
Unit, Mat Grp, Stor. Loc., plant,
PGr 050 etc.
Mat Code required only for Need
Based PR

Click here for

P Org: 2000
Enter Vendor
code here

Click here for

Enter Total value

Enter Qty here

Press Enter
Shown below Screen
Select proper
service No., if
service PR

Data to be filled as below

02. Enter Unit

01. Enter Qty 03. Enter Amt including Tax per one, if not
required Tax code in PO i.e. Z0 or Enter
Amt without Tax, if Tax code required in
PO as per invoice tax (Enter Suitable Tax
code in PO)

Press Enter
Enter GL & Mtce order or
Cost centre

Go ahead as below
Press on Check

Shown message
like that
Click here
1. Attachment

All Attachment in PDF format

Click on SAVE
Send for approval
Below step not required for creator of PR
Check Attached documents as below.

Click Here
Double Click
Click Here

Above Message shown twice, then click on Allow.

Shown attached documents

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