Starter Wordlist: English Pos Unit Number Number

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Starter wordlist

Unit Page ENGLISH PoS Definition

number number
1 10 American adjective from the United States of America
1 132 Australia noun a country on the continent of the same
1 132 Australian adjective from Australia
1 9 Brazil noun a country in South America
1 10 Brazilian adjective from Brazil
1 9 Britain noun England, Scotland and Wales
1 10 British adjective from Great Britain or the United Kingdom
1 132 Canada noun a country in North America
1 132 Canadian adjective from Canada
1 9 China noun a country in Asia
1 10 Chinese adjective from China
1 132 Italian adjective from Italy
1 132 Italy noun a country in Europe
1 9 Japan noun a country consisting of a group of islands
near the east coast of Asia
1 10 Japanese adjective from Japan
1 10 Mexican adjective from Mexico
1 9 Mexico noun a country in North America
1 132 Poland noun a country in Europe
1 132 Polish adjective from Poland
1 9 Russia noun a country in Europe
1 10 Russian adjective from Russia
1 9 Spain noun a country in Europe
1 10 Spanish adjective from Spain
1 132 Turkey noun a country in southeastern Europe and
Western Asia
1 132 Turkish adjective from Turkey
1 132 UK noun abbreviation for United Kingdom
1 9 USA noun abbreviation for United States of America
2 134 bad adj not good or pleasant
2 134 beautiful adj very attractive
2 17 big adj large in size or amount
2 18 book noun a set of pages with writing on them fastened
together in a cover
2 134 boring adj not interesting or exciting
2 18 bottle of water noun a container made from glass or plastic that
has water in it
2 18 computer noun an electronic machine that can store and
arrange large amounts of information
2 134 difficult adj not easy to do or understand
2 134 easy adj not difficult
2 19 eight noun the number 8
2 146 eighteen noun the number 18
2 146 eighty noun the number 80
2 19 eleven noun the number 11
2 146 fifteen noun the number 15
2 146 fifty noun the number 50
2 19 five noun the number 5
2 146 forty noun the number 40
2 19 four noun the number 4
2 146 fourteen noun the number 14
2 134 funny adj making you smile or laugh
2 134 good adj enjoyable, nice, or of a high quality
2 134 happy adj pleased and in a good mood, especially
because something good has happened
2 134 interesting adj keeping your attention
2 18 key noun a piece of metal that you use for locking
doors or for starting engines
2 18 knife noun a sharp metal thing used for cutting
2 17 new adj recently made
2 18 newspaper noun large, folded sheets of paper which are
printed with the news and sold every day or
every week
2 19 nine noun the number 9
2 146 nineteen noun the number 19
2 146 ninety noun the number 90
2 17 old adj having lived or existed for a long time
2 19 one noun the number 1
2 18 phone noun a piece of equipment that is used to talk to
someone who is in another place
2 134 right adj correct or true

2 134 sad adj unhappy

2 19 seven noun the number 7
2 146 seventeen noun the number 17
2 146 seventy noun the number 70
2 19 six noun the number 6
2 146 sixteen noun the number 16
2 146 sixty noun the number 60
2 17 small adj little in size or amount
2 19 ten noun the number 10
2 146 thirteen noun the number 13
2 146 thirty noun the number 30
2 19 three noun the number 3
2 18 ticket noun a small piece of paper that shows you have
paid to do something, for example travel on
a bus, watch a film, etc
2 146 twelve noun the number 12
2 146 twenty noun the number 20
2 19 two noun the number 2

2 18 umbrella noun a thing that you hold above your head to

keep yourself dry when it is raining
2 18 watch noun a small clock on a strap that you fasten
round your arm
2 134 wrong adj not correct
3 27 (a) quarter phrase used to say the time when it is 15 minutes
to/past before/after an hour
3 143 apple noun a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin
3 143 banana noun a long, white fruit with a yellow skin
3 143 biscuit noun a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet

3 24 bread noun a basic food made by mixing and baking

flour and water
3 26 breakfast noun the food you eat in the morning after you
wake up
3 143 butter noun a soft, yellow food made from cream that
you put on bread
3 143 cake noun a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar,
and eggs mixed together and cooked

3 143 cheese noun a yellow or white solid food made from milk

3 142 coffee noun a hot drink made from dark beans which are
made into a powder, or a cup of this drink

3 142 cola noun a sweet, dark-brown drink with lots of

3 26 dinner noun the main meal of the day that people usually
eat in the evening
3 24 egg noun an oval object made by a female chicken,
that you eat as food
3 24 fish noun an animal that lives only in water, swims,
and can be eaten as food
3 24 fruit noun things such as apples or oranges that grow
on a tree or a bush, contain seeds, and can
be eaten as food
3 142 fruit juice noun liquid that comes from fruit and that you
can drink
3 27 half past phrase Half past a particular hour is 30 minutes
later than that hour.
3 143 ice cream noun a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk
3 26 lunch noun the food that you eat in the middle of the
3 24 meat noun the soft parts of animals, used as food
3 142 milk noun a white liquid that babies and baby animals
drink that comes from their mothers' bodies

3 27 o'clock adv used after a number from one to twelve to

say the time when it is exactly that hour
3 143 orange noun a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a
centre that has many parts
3 146 past preposition used to say 'after' the hour when you are
saying what time it is
3 143 pizza noun a flat, round piece of bread covered with
tomato, cheese, etc and cooked in an oven
3 143 potato noun a round, white vegetable that grows in the
3 24 rice noun small grains from a plant that are cooked
and eaten
3 143 sandwich noun two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc
between them
3 142 tea noun a hot drink that you make by pouring water
onto dried leaves
3 146 to preposition used to say 'before' the hour when you are
saying what time it is
3 143 tomato noun a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salads or as a
3 24 vegetable noun a plant that you eat, for example a potato,
onion, etc
3 142 water noun the clear liquid that falls from the sky as
rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers
4 135 baby noun a very young child
4 135 boy noun a male child or young man

4 34 brother noun a boy or man who has the same parents as

4 135 children plural noun someone's sons and daughters

4 34 daughter noun your female child

4 34 father noun your male parent
4 135 girl noun a female child or young woman

4 32 go verb to move or travel somewhere

4 34 husband noun the man that someone is married to
4 32 live verb to have your home somewhere
4 135 man noun an adult male human

4 136 meet verb to come to the same place as someone else

4 34 mother noun your female parent

4 135 parents plural noun someone's father and mother
4 135 people plural noun more than one person

4 136 play verb When you play a sport or game, you do it.
4 34 sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents
as you
4 34 son noun your male child
4 32 speak verb to say something using your voice
4 32 study verb to learn about a subject, usually at school or
4 136 teach verb to give classes in a particular subject at a
school, university, etc
4 146 twenty-eight noun the number 28
4 146 twenty-five noun the number 25
4 146 twenty-four noun the number 24
4 146 twenty-nine noun the number 29
4 146 twenty-one noun the number 21
4 146 twenty-seven noun the number 27
4 146 twenty-six noun the number 26
4 146 twenty-three noun the number 23
4 146 twenty-two noun the number 22
4 34 wife noun the woman someone is married to

4 135 woman noun an adult female person

4 32 work verb to do a job that you get money for
5 41 bank noun an organization or place where you can save
and borrow money
5 42 bath noun the container that you fill with water and sit
in to wash your body
5 148 beach noun an area of sand or rocks next to the sea
5 42 bed noun a piece of furniture that you sleep on

5 149 blanket noun a thick, warm cover that you sleep under
5 41 café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks
and small meals
5 149 car park noun a place where vehicles can be parked
5 148 cinema noun a building where you go to watch films

5 148 hospital noun a place where ill or injured people go to be

treated by doctors and nurses
5 41 hotel noun a place where you pay to stay when you are
away from home
5 148 museum noun a building where you can look at important
objects connected with art, history, or
5 148 park noun a large area of grass, often in a town, where
people can walk and enjoy themselves

5 149 pillow noun a soft object which you put your head on in
5 41 restaurant noun a place where you can buy and eat a meal
5 42 room noun a part of the inside of a building, which is
separated from other parts by walls, floors,
and ceilings
5 41 school noun a place where children go to learn things
5 41 shop noun a building or part of a building where you
can buy things
5 42 shower noun a piece of bathroom equipment that you
stand under to wash your whole body
5 148 station noun a place where trains stop so that you can get
on or off them
5 148 supermarket noun a large shop that sells food, drink, things for
the home, etc
5 148 swimming pool noun an area of water that has been made for
people to swim in
5 149 towel noun a soft piece of cloth or paper that you use
for drying yourself
5 42 TV noun television
5 149 wi-fi noun a system for connecting electronic
equipment such as computers and
electronic organizers to the Internet
without using wires

6 137 arrive home phrase to get to the place where you live
6 151 businessman noun a man who works in a business, usually in a
high position in a company
6 151 businesswoman noun a woman who works in a business, usually
in a high position in a company
6 151 chef noun someone who cooks food in a restaurant
6 151 doctor noun a person whose job is to treat people who
are ill or hurt
6 49 factory worker noun someone who works in a factory
6 50 finish work phrase to come to the end of your job on a
particular day
6 49 football player noun someone who plays football as their job
6 50 get home phrase to arrive back at the place where you live
6 50 get up verb to wake up and get out of bed

6 50 go to bed phrase to get into your bed to go to sleep

6 137 go to school phrase to go to a place where children go to learn
6 50 go to work phrase to go to the place where you do your job
6 137 have a shower phrase to wash standing under a shower
6 137 have breakfast phrase to eat the meal you have in the morning
after you wake up
6 137 have coffee phrase to drink a hot drink made from dark beans
6 50 have dinner phrase to eat your main meal in the evening
6 137 have lunch phrase to eat a meal in the middle of the day

6 151 IT worker noun someone who works with computers and

other electronic equipment
6 49 office worker noun someone who works in an office
6 49 receptionist noun someone who works in a hotel or office
building, answering the telephone and
dealing with guests
6 49 shop assistant noun someone whose job is selling things in a
6 137 start work phrase to begin your job on a particular day
6 49 student noun someone who is studying at a school or
6 49 taxi driver noun someone who drives taxis as their job
6 151 teacher noun someone whose job is to teach in a school,
college, etc
6 49 waiter noun a man who works in a restaurant, bringing
food to customers
6 151 waitress noun a woman who works in a restaurant,
bringing food to customers
6 50 wake up verb to stop sleeping
6 50 watch TV phrase to look at television programmes
7 133 bag noun a container used for carrying things
7 58 black adj being the colour of the sky on a dark night
7 152 blouse noun a shirt that women wear
7 59 blue adj being the same colour as the sky when there
are no clouds
7 152 brown adj being the same colour as chocolate
7 56 chair noun a seat for one person, with a back and
usually four legs
7 56 clock noun a large piece of equipment that shows you
what time it is
7 58 coat noun a piece of clothing that you wear over your
other clothes when you are outside
7 133 cup noun a small, round container with a handle on
the side, used to drink from
7 59 dark adj nearer to black than white in colour

7 58 dress noun a piece of clothing for women which covers

the top of the body and hangs down over
the legs
7 133 football noun a large ball for kicking
7 133 glass noun a container made of glass that is used for
7 152 glasses plural noun a piece of equipment with two transparent
parts that you wear in front of your eyes to
help you see better
7 59 green adj being the same colour as grass
7 58 grey adj being a colour that is a mixture of black and
7 133 guitar noun a musical instrument with strings that you
play by pulling the strings
7 152 hat noun something that you wear to cover your head

7 58 jacket noun a short coat

7 152 jeans plural noun trousers made from a strong, blue material

7 56 lamp noun an object that makes light

7 59 light adj Light colours are pale.
7 56 picture noun a drawing, painting, or photograph of
something or someone
7 133 plant noun a living thing that grows in the soil or water
and has leaves and roots
7 133 plate noun a flat, round object which is used for putting
food on
7 56 radio noun a piece of equipment used for listening to
radio broadcasts
7 152 red adj being the same colour as blood
7 58 shirt noun a piece of clothing worn on the top part of
the body, fastened with buttons down the
7 152 shoe noun a strong covering for the foot, often made of
7 58 skirt noun a piece of women's clothing that hangs from
the waist and has no legs
7 56 suitcase noun a rectangular case with a handle that you
use for carrying clothes when you are
7 58 trousers plural noun a piece of clothing that covers the legs and
has a separate part for each leg
7 58 T-shirt noun a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of
the body with short sleeves and no collar

7 58 white adj being the colour of snow or milk

7 152 yellow adj being the same colour as a lemon or the sun

8 65 ago adv in the past

8 144 Friday noun the day of the week after Thursday and
before Saturday
8 67 go shopping phrase to go to buy things from the shops

8 67 go to a café phrase to go to a small restaurant where you can

buy drinks and small meals
8 138 go to a party phrase to go to an event where people come
together to enjoy themselves by talking,
eating, drinking and dancing
8 138 go to the cinema phrase to go to a building where you can watch
8 138 have a coffee phrase to drink a cup of coffee
8 67 have a drink phrase to put liquid in your mouth and swallow it

8 138 have a pizza phrase to eat a flat, round piece of bread with
cooked tomato, cheese, etc on it
8 138 have a shower phrase to wash standing under a shower
8 67 have breakfast phrase to eat the meal you have in the morning
after you wake up
8 65 last adj the one before the present one
8 65 last night phrase the evening or night before the present day
or night
8 138 listen to music phrase to give attention to music in order to hear it

8 138 listen to the phrase to hear programmes on the radio

8 144 Monday noun the day of the week after Sunday and before
8 65 month noun one of the twelve periods of time that a year
is divided into
8 65 on preposition used to show the date or day when
something happens
8 138 play a computer phrase to play a game on a computer
8 138 play football phrase to take part in the sport of football
8 138 play the guitar phrase to make music with a guitar
8 138 read a book phrase to read a set of pages with writing on them
fastened together in a cover
8 138 read a magazine phrase to read a big, thin book that you can buy
every week or month, that has pictures and
8 67 read the phrase to read large, folded sheets of paper which
newspaper are printed with the news
8 144 Saturday noun the day of the week after Friday and before
8 67 stay at home phrase to not go out of your house

8 144 Sunday noun the day of the week after Saturday and
before Monday
8 67 talk to your phrase to say things to your friends
8 144 this afternoon phrase the afternoon of the present day

8 144 this morning phrase the morning of the present day

8 144 Thursday noun the day of the week after Wednesday and
before Friday
8 144 Tuesday noun the day of the week after Monday and
before Wednesday
8 67 watch a film phrase to watch a story shown at the cinema or on
8 138 watch a football phrase to watch a game of football
8 144 Wednesday noun the day of the week after Tuesday and
before Thursday
8 65 week noun a period of seven days
8 65 weekend noun Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the
week when many people do not work
8 65 year noun a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days,
especially from 1 January to 31 December

8 65 yesterday adv the day before today

9 145 autumn noun the season of the year between summer and
winter, when leaves fall from the trees

9 72 bike noun a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on

and move by turning two pedals
9 153 boat noun a vehicle for travelling on water

9 72 bus noun a large vehicle that carries passengers by

road, usually along a fixed route
9 72 car noun a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and
seats for a few people
9 145 cloud noun one of the white or grey things in the sky
that are made of small water drops
9 145 cloudy adj with many clouds in the sky
9 75 cold adj having a low temperature
9 153 drive verb to make a car, bus, or train move, and
control what it does
9 153 fly verb to travel through the air in an aircraft

9 72 get (a taxi, bus, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle

9 72 go by (bus, plane, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle
9 75 hot adj very warm
9 153 metro noun an underground railway system in a large
9 72 plane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and
9 145 rain noun water that falls from the sky in small drops

9 145 rain verb If it rains, water falls from the sky in small
9 145 rainy adj raining a lot
9 153 ship noun a large boat that carries people or things by
9 145 snow noun soft white pieces of frozen water that fall
from the sky when the weather is cold
9 145 snow verb If it snows, soft white pieces of frozen water
fall from the sky.
9 145 snowy adj snowing or covered with snow
9 145 spring noun the season of the year between winter and
summer, when the weather becomes
warmer and plants start to grow again
9 145 summer noun the warmest season of the year, between
spring and autumn
9 145 sunny adj bright because of light from the sun
9 153 take (a bus, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle
train, etc)
9 72 taxi noun a car with a driver who you pay to take you
9 153 train noun a long, thin vehicle which travels along
metal tracks and carries people or goods
9 153 underground noun a system of trains that is built under a city
9 153 walk verb to move forward by putting one foot in front
of the other and then repeating the action

9 145 warm adj having a temperature between cool and hot

9 145 wind noun a natural, fast movement of air

9 145 windy adj with a lot of wind
9 145 winter noun the coldest season of the year, between
autumn and spring
10 149 at a party phrase at an event where people come together to
enjoy themselves by talking, eating,
drinking and dancing
10 82 at home phrase in the place where you live
10 149 at school phrase in a place where children go to learn things

10 82 at the airport phrase at a place where you can get a plane

10 149 at the bus stop phrase at a place, usually by the side of a road,
where a bus stops so that people can get on
or off
10 82 at the cinema phrase at a place where you can watch films
10 149 at the station phrase at a place where trains stop so that you can
get on or off them
10 82 at work phrase at the place where you do your job
10 80 bathroom noun a room with a bath, sink (=bowl for
washing), and often a toilet
10 80 bedroom noun a room used for sleeping in

10 80 dining room noun a room where you eat your meals

10 150 door noun the part of a building or room that you open
or close to get inside it or out of it
10 150 floor noun a surface that you walk on inside a building

10 80 garden noun an area of ground next to a house, often

with grass, flowers, or trees
10 82 in a café phrase in a small restaurant where you buy drinks
and small meals
10 149 in a hotel phrase in a place where you pay to stay when you
are away from home
10 82 in a restaurant phrase in a place where you can buy and eat a meal

10 149 in a taxi phrase in a car with a driver who you pay to take
you somewhere
10 82 in bed phrase lying on a bed and covered with bedclothes

10 82 in the car phrase in a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and

seats for a few people
10 80 kitchen noun a room used to prepare and cook food in
10 80 living room noun the room in a house where people sit to
relax and watch television
10 149 on a bus phrase in a large vehicle that carries passengers by
road, usually along a fixed route
10 82 on a plane phrase in a vehicle that flies and has an engine and
10 82 on a train phrase in a long, thin vehicle which travels along
metal tracks and carries people or goods
10 149 on holiday phrase having a long visit to a place away from
where you live, for pleasure
10 150 wall noun one of the sides of a room or building
10 150 window noun a space in the wall of a building or car that
has glass in it, used for letting light and air
inside and for looking through
11 88 be born phrase When a person or animal is born, they come
out of their mother's body and start to exist.

11 91 cook verb to make food ready to eat

11 140 dance verb to move your feet and body to the rhythm of
11 139 die verb to stop living

11 140 drive a car phrase to make a car move and control what it does

11 88 finish school phrase to come to the end of the time when you go
to school
11 88 finish university phrase to come to the end of the time when you go
to university
11 88 get married phrase to begin a legal relationship with someone
as their husband or wife
11 88 go to school phrase to go to a place where children go to learn
11 88 go to university phrase to go to a place where students study at a
high level to get a degree
11 88 grow up verb to become older or an adult

11 88 have a baby phrase to give birth to a baby

11 91 paint verb to make a picture of something or someone
using paint
11 140 play verb When you play a sport or game, you do it.
11 140 play cards phrase to play a game using thick pieces of paper
with numbers and pictures on them
11 140 ride a bike phrase to travel on a bike
11 140 ride a horse phrase to sit on a horse while it walks or runs
11 140 run verb to move on your feet at a faster speed than
11 91 sing verb to make musical sounds with your voice

11 139 stop working phrase to not have a job any more

11 91 swim verb to move through water by moving your

12 147 April noun the fourth month of the year
12 97 at the weekend phrase on Saturday or Sunday
12 147 August noun the eighth month of the year
12 99 clean (your flat, verb to remove the dirt from something
a room, etc)
12 147 December noun the twelfth month of the year
12 99 do sport phrase to do an activity that uses your body, to
keep healthy or for enjoyment, often
competing against other people
12 141 do the cleaning phrase to clean your home

12 141 do the washing phrase to wash your clothes, usually in a washing

12 141 do yoga phrase to do exercises from India, which involve
bending and stretching your body
12 99 do your phrase to do the work that your teachers have
homework given you to do at home
12 147 eighteenth noun 18th written as a word
12 147 eighth noun 8th written as a word
12 147 eleventh noun 11th written as a word
12 147 February noun the second month of the year
12 147 fifteenth noun 15th written as a word
12 147 fifth noun 5th writte as a word
12 147 first noun 1st written as a word
12 147 fourteenth noun 14th written as a word
12 147 fourth noun 4th written as a word
12 99 go (shopping, to phrase to move or travel somewhere
the beach, etc)
12 147 in (June, the preposition during a period of time
summer, etc)
12 99 invite (friends, phrase to ask someone to come to your house, to a
someone for a party, etc
meal, etc)
12 147 January noun the first month of the year
12 147 July noun the seventh month of the year
12 147 June noun the sixth month of the year
12 99 make a list phrase to write words one under the other

12 99 make (lunch, a verb to create something

cake, etc)
12 147 March noun the third month of the year
12 147 May noun the fifth month of the year
12 97 next (Monday, adj coming after this one
week, etc)
12 147 nineteenth noun 19th written as a word
12 147 ninth noun 9th written as a word
12 147 November noun the eleventh month of the year
12 147 October noun the tenth month of the year
12 97 on (Monday, preposition used to show the date or day when
Saturday, etc) something happens
12 99 paint (a wall, a phrase to cover a surface with paint
room, etc)
12 99 paint a picture phrase to make a picture of something or someone
using paint
12 147 second noun 2nd written as a word
12 147 September noun the ninth month of the year
12 147 seventeenth noun 17th written as a word
12 147 seventh noun 7th written as a word
12 147 sixteenth noun 16th written as a word
12 147 sixth noun 6th written as a word
12 147 tenth noun 10th written as a word
12 147 third noun 3rd written as a word
12 147 thirteenth noun 13th written as a word
12 147 thirtieth noun 30th written as a word
12 147 thirty-first noun 31st written as a word
12 97 this (Wednesday, adj used to mean the present week, month,
morning, year, etc or the one that comes next
weekend, etc.)

12 97 tomorrow adv the day after today or on the day after today

12 147 twelfth noun 12th written as a word

12 147 twentieth noun 20th written as a word
12 147 twenty-first noun 21st written as a word
12 147 twenty-second noun 22nd written as a word
12 99 use (the Internet, phrase If you use something, you do something
your phone, etc) with it for a particular purpose.

12 99 visit (a friend, phrase to go somewhere to see someone

your grandma,
12 99 visit (a museum, phrase to go somewhere to see a place
London, etc)
Pronunciation (UK) Example




bæd It is a very bad hotel.
ˈbjuːtɪfəl My best friend is beautiful.
bɪg This is a big house.
bʊk Tom's reading a book.

ˈbɔːrɪŋ This film is boring.

ˌbɒtl̩ əv ˈwɔːtə It’s a hot day - bring a big bottle of water!

kəmˈpjuːtə I use my computer every day.

ˈdɪfɪkəlt English language is difficult for me.

ˈiːzi I can play easy songs on my guitar.
ˈfʌni The children are very funny.
gʊd This is a good home for me.
ˈhæpi The children are happy at this school.

ˈɪntrəstɪŋ Harry Potter books are interesting.

kiː This is the key to my new flat.

naɪf Someone killed Lady Grey with a knife.

njuː It's a new city.
ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə I read the newspaper every day.

əʊld This is an old house.
fəʊn Can I use your phone? I need to call my
raɪt Are you from Canada?' 'Yes, that's right'.

sæd Sophia feels sad.

smɔːl This is a small flat.
ˈtɪkɪt Two tickets to London, please.


ʌmˈbrelə It's raining - you need an umbrella.

wɒtʃ She always wears a watch.

rɒŋ His answers were wrong.

ˈkwɔːtə tə/pɑːst School starts at quarter past nine.

ˈæpl̩ For lunch I have soup and an apple.

bəˈnɑːnə I don't like bananas.
ˈbɪskɪt Would you like a biscuit with your coffee?

bred My parents don't eat bread or fish.

ˈbrekfəst In my family we have breakfast at seven

ˈbʌtə We had bread and butter with our soup.

keɪk Can I have a piece of chocolate cake,


tʃiːz Would you like a cheese sandwich?

ˈkɒfi I'd like a cup of coffee, please.

ˈkəʊlə Can I have a glass of cola, please?

ˈdɪnə They have dinner at seven o'clock.

eg I'd like an egg sandwich.

fɪʃ My parents don't eat bread or fish.

fruːt We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every


ˈfruːt ˌdʒuːs I don't like fruit juice.

ˈhɑːf pɑːst I finish work at half past five.

ˌaɪs ˈkriːm We had ice cream for dessert.

lʌntʃ I have lunch at one o'clock.

miːt He likes meat with rice.

mɪlk I never drink milk.

əˈklɒk I have lunch at one o'clock.

ˈɒrɪndʒ I'd like five oranges, please.

pɑːst Lunch is at half past twelve.

ˈpiːtsə We had pizza for lunch.

pəˈteɪtəʊ We often eat potatoes.

raɪs He likes meat with rice.

ˈsænwɪdʒ I always have a sandwich for lunch.

tiː Can I have a cup of tea, please?

tuː Come to my house at quarter to three.

təˈmɑːtəʊ I had a cheese and tomato sandwich.

ˈvedʒtəbl̩ We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every

ˈwɔːtə I usually drink water.

ˈbeɪbi My sister has a new baby.

bɔɪ They have three children, a boy and two
ˈbrʌðə I have one sister and two brothers.

ˈtʃɪldrən They have three children, a boy and two

ˈdɔːtə My daughter is five years old.
ˈfɑːðə His father is a police officer.
gɜːl They have three children, a boy and two
gəʊ We go to the gym every day.
ˈhʌzbənd This is Boris. He's my husband.
lɪv We live in London.
mæn My yoga class has ten people: nine women
and only one man!

miːt I meet my friends for coffee every day.

ˈmʌðə My mother plays the piano.

ˈpeərənts Her parents are very strict.
ˈpiːpl̩ My yoga class has ten people: nine women
and only one man!
pleɪ We play tennis on Saturdays.
ˈsɪstə That woman is my sister.

sʌn Our son was born in America.

spiːk I speak Japanese.
ˈstʌdi I study at university.

tiːtʃ I teach young children.

waɪf Paul's wife is a nurse.

ˈwʊmən That woman is my sister.

wɜːk I work in an office.
bæŋk I need to go to the bank.

bɑːθ The hotel has small rooms for two people

with baths.
biːtʃ We live near a big beach.
bed On the second floor, there are big rooms
with six beds in them.
ˈblæŋkɪt It's cold - I need another blanket.
ˈkæfeɪ The café is Italian.

ˈkɑː ˌpɑːk You can leave your car in the car park.
ˈsɪnəmə Do you want to come to the cinema with
ˈhɒspɪtəl My aunt is ill. She is in hospital.

həʊˈtel We stayed in a nice hotel in Paris.

mjuːˈziːəm I love the science museum in my town.

pɑːk I took my little sister to the park.

ˈpɪləʊ You have to pay for blankets and pillows.

ˈrestrɒnt The restaurant is cheap.

ruːm The hotel has small rooms for two people
with baths.

skuːl My daughter goes to this school.

ʃɒp There's a small shop in my village.

ʃaʊə The rooms are big, but there isn't a

ˈsteɪʃən The station is in the centre of the city.

ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt We buy our food at the supermarket.

ˈswɪmɪŋ ˌpuːl I'm going to the swimming pool this

taʊəl Can I have a towel, please?

ˌtiːˈviː There aren’t any TVs in the rooms, but

there’s free wi-fi.
ˈwaɪfaɪ There aren’t any TVs in the rooms, but
there’s free wi-fi.

əˌraɪv ˈhəʊm I ususally arrive home at 6 o'clock.

ˈbɪznɪsmən Toby is a businessman.

ˈbɪznɪsˌwʊmən My mother is a businesswoman.

ʃef My friend, Kumiko, is a chef.

ˈdɒktə I want to be a doctor.

ˈfæktəri ˌwɜːkə I don't want to be a factory worker.

ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈwɜːk I always finish work at 7:00 pm.

ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌpleɪə Football players are often rich.

ˌget ˈhəʊm Danny gets home at half past five.
ɡet ˈʌp In the morning, I get up and have
ˌgəʊ tə ˈbed Do you go to bed early?
ˌgəʊ tə ˈskuːl Sylvie goes to school on the bus.

ˌgəʊ tə ˈwɜːk Danny goes to work at eight o'clock.

ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə I have a shower in the morning.
ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst Danny has breakfast at half past seven.

ˌhæv ˈkɒfi Do you have coffee for breakfast?

ˌhæv ˈdɪnə Danny has dinner at half past seven.
ˌhæv ˈlʌntʃ I work from 8:30 until 12:30, then I have
lunch for half an hour.
ˌaɪˈti: ˌwɜːkə My brother is an IT worker.

ˈɒfɪs ˌwɜːkə The office workers start work at 9.

rɪˈsepʃənɪst Anna's a receptionist in a big hotel.

ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt Harry's a shop assistant in a clothes shop.

ˌstɑːt ˈwɜːk Danny starts work at nine.

ˈstjuːdənt I'm a student. I study engineering.

ˈtæksi ˌdraɪvə My father is a taxi driver.

ˈtiːtʃə Our English teacher is very good.

ˈweɪtə Ask the waiter for the bill.

ˈweɪtrəs The waitress gave us more coffee.

weɪk ˈʌp Danny wakes up at seven o'clock.

ˌwɒtʃ tiːˈviː We usually watch TV in the evening.
bæg Put the shopping in your bag.
blæk He often wears a black jacket.
blaʊz My boss always wears a blouse and
bluː She has a blue coat.

braʊn His shoes are brown.

tʃeə I have a table and chair in my bedroom.

klɒk That clock’s quite nice.

kəʊt She has a blue coat.

kʌp We have red coffee cups.

dɑːk I often wear black or blue clothes. I like

dark colours.
dres Fran often wears a dress.

ˈfʊtbɔːl Did you bring a football?

glɑːs Would you like a glass of water?

ˈglɑːsɪz Do you wear glasses?

griːn Adam often wears a green jacket.

greɪ Paul has a grey shirt.

gɪˈtɑː Can you play the guitar?

hæt I wear a hat in winter.

ˈdʒækɪt My dad usually wears a jacket.

dʒiːnz Johnnie usually wears jeans and a white
læmp There is a lamp on the desk.
laɪt She wears a light blue blouse.
ˈpɪktʃə If you like old books and pictures, this
shop is the place for you.
plɑːnt I have three big plants at home.

pleɪt I love old cups, plates and glasses.

ˈreɪdiəʊ They sell radios and clocks here.

red She's wearing a red skirt.

ʃɜːt Johnnie usually wears jeans and a white

ʃuː You're wearing my shoes.

skɜːt She's wearing a red skirt.

ˈsuːtkeɪs Can you help me with my suitcase? It's

really heavy.
ˈtraʊzəz Johnnie sometimes wears black trousers.

ˈtiːʃɜːt Cameron is wearing a yellow T-shirt.

waɪt She's wearing a white skirt.

ˈjeləʊ Cameron is wearing a yellow T-shirt.

əˈgəʊ We were in Newcastle two weeks ago.

ˈfraɪdeɪ Are you free on Friday?

ˌgəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ We could go shopping again some time.

ˌgəʊ tuː ə ˈkæfeɪ We could go to a café for lunch.

ˌgəʊ tuː ə ˈpɑːti I went to a party on Saturday.

ˌgəʊ tuː ðə ˈsɪnəmə Do you want to go to the cinema?

ˌhæv ə ˈkɒfi Shall we have a coffee?

ˌhæv ə ˈdrɪŋk Let's go out and have a drink.

ˌhæv ə ˈpiːtsə On Fridays, I often have a pizza with my

ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə Lucas has a shower every morning.
ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst We usually have breakfast at seven
lɑːst We were in Bristol last week.
lɑːst ˈnaɪt He was at his friend’s house last night.

ˌlɪsən tə ˈmjuːzɪk I go to my friend's house and we listen to

ˌlɪsən tə ðə ˈreɪdiəʊ I listen to the radio in the morning.

ˈmʌndeɪ Was she at work on Monday?

mʌnθ They were in Buenos Aires last month.

ɒn We were in Munich on Wednesday.

ˌpleɪ ə kəmˈpjuːtə ˌgeɪm Shall we play a computer game?

ˌpleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl We play football at the weekend.

ˌpleɪ ðə gɪˈtɑː Can you play the guitar?
ˌriːd ə ˈbʊk I want to read a book.

ˌriːd ə ˌmægəˈziːn I usually read a magazine on the bus.

ˌriːd ðə ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpə He had breakfast and read the

ˈsætədeɪ They were at the football game on
ˌsteɪ ət ˈhəʊm He stayed at home and watched football
on TV.
ˈsʌndeɪ How was your Sunday?

ˌtɔːk tə jɔː ˈfrendz I like to go to a café and talk to my

ðɪs ˌɑːftəˈnuːn I need to get to the station this afternoon.

ðɪs ˈmɔːnɪŋ Were you at home this morning?

ˈθɜːzdeɪ We were in Vienna on Thursday.

ˈtjuːzdeɪ The programme starts next Tuesday.

ˌwɒtʃ ə ˈfɪlm We went to the cinema to watch a film.

ˌwɒtʃ ə ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌmætʃ Let's watch a football match on TV.

ˈwenzdeɪ On Wednesday evening I'm going to cook

for my parents.
wiːk I have so many plans for this week!
ˌwiːkˈend I was in Warsaw at the weekend.

jɪə They were at the World Cup a year ago.

ˈjestədeɪ I was in Dublin yesterday.

ˈɔːtəm It often rains in autumn.

baɪk I went to a friend’s house by bike

bəʊt There's a boat that goes along the coast
of Norway.
bʌs Go to Cambridge by bus from London.

kɑː Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or

drive a car.
klaʊd There are a lot of clouds today.

ˈklaʊdi It's cloudy and cold today.

kəʊld It's cold and rainy here.
draɪv She often drives to work.

flaɪ Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or

drive a car.
get Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or
drive a car.
ˈɡəʊ baɪ I go to work by train.

hɒt It's hot and sunny here.

ˈmetrəʊ I often use the metro in New York.

pleɪn Go to Villavicencio by plane or bus.

reɪn There’s a lot of rain in England.

reɪn It often rains in England.

ˈreɪni It's cold and rainy here.

ʃɪp The ship goes to Marseilles.

snəʊ There’s always snow in Antarctica.

snəʊ It often snows in Antarctica.

ˈsnəʊi It's always snowy in Antarctica.

sprɪŋ It's usually warm in spring.

ˈsʌmə In summer, it's often hot and sunny.

ˈsʌni It's hot and sunny here.

teɪk He takes a bus to school

ˈtæksi Get a taxi to our house.

treɪn I go to work by train.

ˈʌndəgraʊnd We went home by underground.

wɔːk You can walk to the house from the bus

wɔːm It's usually warm in spring.

wɪnd There’s a lot of wind in my town.

ˈwɪndi It's often windy in my town.
ˈwɪntə It's very cold here in winter.

ət ə ˈpɑːti We were at a party on Fiday.

ət ˈhəʊm Are you at home or are you at work?

ət ˈskuːl Did you play football at school?

ət ðiː ˈeəpɔːt I'm waiting for the plane at the airport.

ət ðə ˈbʌs ˌstɒp We waited at the bus stop.

ət ðə ˈsɪnəmə I met my friends at the cinema.

ət ðə ˈsteɪʃən Be at the station at eight o'clock,

ət ˈwɜːk Are you at home or are you at work?

ˈbɑːθrʊm Our hotel room had a nice bathroom.

ˈbedrʊm How many bedrooms are there in your

ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌrʊm There's a dining room in her flat.
dɔː There are two doors in the dining room.

flɔː I don't need a chair - I can sit on the floor.

ˈgɑːdən We have a small garden behind our

ɪn ə ˈkæfeɪ I'm having a coffee in a café.

ɪn ə həʊˈtel We stayed in a nice hotel in Paris.

ɪn ə ˈrestrɒnt We had dinner in a restaurant.

ɪn ə ˈtæksi She arrived in a taxi.

ɪn ˈbed It's 10:00 but he's still in bed.

ɪn ðə ˈkɑː Do you listen to music in the car?

ˈkɪtʃən This door goes to the kitchen.

ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrʊm There are three chairs in the living room.

ɒn ə ˈbʌs He went to Cambridge on a bus.

ɒn ə ˈpleɪn It's easy to travel there on a plane.

ɒn ə ˈtreɪn I turn my phone off when I'm on a train.

ɒn ˈhɒlɪdeɪ John isn't here. He's still on holiday.

wɔːl Are there any pictures on the walls?

ˈwɪndəʊ My bedroom has a large window and I
can see the mountains.

biː ˈbɔːn My parents met in London and I was born

in England.

kʊk He can't cook at all.

dɑːns He can't dance very well.

daɪ When my father died, we came back to

New Zealand to be with my mum.
ˌdraɪv ə ˈkɑː You can drive a car to the hotel.

ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈskuːl I finished school when I was sixteen.

ˌfɪnɪʃ ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti I fiinished university when I was 24.

ˌget ˈmærid Barbara and I got married five years ago.

ˌgəʊ tə ˈskuːl He goes to school in the village.

ˌgəʊ tə ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti I went to university in Australia.

grəʊ ˈʌp I grew up in New Zealand and I don’t
remember anything about England.
hæv ə ˈbeɪbi We had a baby boy last year.
peɪnt She painted a picture of a dog.

pleɪ We play football at the weekend.

ˌpleɪ ˈkɑːdz We sometimes play cards in the evening.

ˌraɪd ə ˈbaɪk Susi can't ride a bike.

ˌraɪd ə ˈhɔːs I can ride a horse very well.
rʌn I run five miles every day.

sɪŋ I can sing and play the guitar quite well.

ˌstɒp ˈwɜːkɪŋ My father stopped working when he was

swɪm I can swim very well.

ˈeɪprəl Her birthday is in April.

ət ðə ˌwiːkˈend We play football at the weekend.
ˈɔːgʌst Our holiday is in August.
kliːn Don't clean your house or flat at the
dɪˈsembə It's cold here in December.
ˌdu: ˈspɔːt Did you do any sport yesterday?

ˌdu: ðə ˈkliːnɪŋ A woman does the cleaning and washing

for us.
ˌdu: ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋ A woman does the cleaning and washing
for us.
ˌdu: ˈjəʊgə I get up and I do yoga.

ˌdu: jɔː ˈhəʊmwɜːk He's going to do his homework at the

ˈfebruəri I visited him in February.
gəʊ I'm going shopping tomorrow.

ɪn His birthday's in June.

ɪnˈvaɪt I'm going to invite some friends for a


ˈdʒænjʊri We went to London in January.

dʒʊˈlaɪ Is your birthday in July?
dʒuːn I'm going to go to America next June.
ˌmeɪk ə ˈlɪst Make a list of things you'd like to do in
your life.
meɪk My sister made a cake.

mɑːtʃ I started work in March.

meɪ My dad's birthday is in May.
nekst I'm going to go on holiday next week.

nəʊˈvembə It's the fifteenth of November today.
ɒkˈtəʊbə University starts in October.
ɒn My birthday's on the twentieth of March.

peɪnt I painted my bedroom white.

ˌpeɪnt ə ˈpɪktʃə The children painted pictures.

sepˈtembə I visited my aunt in September.
ðɪs I'm going to visit a friend this evening.

təˈmɒrəʊ We're having a party tomorrow.

juːz Can I use your phone? I need to call my

ˈvɪzɪt Are your friends going to visit you today?

ˈvɪzɪt Do you often visit museums?

Starter wordlist
ENGLISH PoS Definition Pronunciation (UK)

(a) quarter phrase used to say the time when it is 15 minutes ˈkwɔːtə tə/pɑːst
to/past before/after an hour
ago adv in the past əˈgəʊ
American adjective from the United States of America əˈmerɪkən
apple noun a hard, round fruit with a green or red skin ˈæpl̩
April noun the fourth month of the year ˈeɪprəl
arrive home phrase to get to the place where you live əˌraɪv ˈhəʊm
at a party phrase at an event where people come together to ət ə ˈpɑːti
enjoy themselves by talking, eating,
drinking and dancing
at home phrase in the place where you live ət ˈhəʊm
at school phrase in a place where children go to learn things ət ˈskuːl

at the airport phrase at a place where you can get a plane ət ðiː ˈeəpɔːt
at the bus stop phrase at a place, usually by the side of a road, ət ðə ˈbʌs ˌstɒp
where a bus stops so that people can get on
or off
at the cinema phrase at a place where you can watch films ət ðə ˈsɪnəmə
at the station phrase at a place where trains stop so that you can ət ðə ˈsteɪʃən
get on or off them
at the weekend phrase on Saturday or Sunday ət ðə ˌwiːkˈend
at work phrase at the place where you do your job ət ˈwɜːk
August noun the eighth month of the year ˈɔːgʌst
Australia noun a country on the continent of the same ɒsˈtreɪliə
Australian adjective from Australia ɒsˈtreɪliən
autumn noun the season of the year between summer and ˈɔːtəm
winter, when leaves fall from the trees

baby noun a very young child ˈbeɪbi

bad adj not good or pleasant bæd
bag noun a container used for carrying things bæg
banana noun a long, white fruit with a yellow skin bəˈnɑːnə
bank noun an organization or place where you can save bæŋk
and borrow money
bath noun the container that you fill with water and sit bɑːθ
in to wash your body
bathroom noun a room with a bath, sink (=bowl for ˈbɑːθrʊm
washing), and often a toilet
be born phrase When a person or animal is born, they come biː ˈbɔːn
out of their mother's body and start to exist.

beach noun an area of sand or rocks next to the sea biːtʃ

beautiful adj very attractive ˈbjuːtɪfəl
bed noun a piece of furniture that you sleep on bed

bedroom noun a room used for sleeping in ˈbedrʊm

big adj large in size or amount bɪg

bike noun a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on baɪk
and move by turning two pedals
biscuit noun a thin, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet ˈbɪskɪt

black adj being the colour of the sky on a dark night blæk
blanket noun a thick, warm cover that you sleep under ˈblæŋkɪt
blouse noun a shirt that women wear blaʊz

blue adj being the same colour as the sky when there bluː
are no clouds
boat noun a vehicle for travelling on water bəʊt

book noun a set of pages with writing on them fastened bʊk

together in a cover
boring adj not interesting or exciting ˈbɔːrɪŋ
bottle of water noun a container made from glass or plastic that ˌbɒtl̩ əv ˈwɔːtə
has water in it
boy noun a male child or young man bɔɪ

Brazil noun a country in South America brəˈzɪl

Brazilian adjective from Brazil brəˈzɪliən
bread noun a basic food made by mixing and baking bred
flour and water
breakfast noun the food you eat in the morning after you ˈbrekfəst
wake up
Britain noun England, Scotland and Wales ˈbrɪtən
British adjective from Great Britain or the United Kingdom ˈbrɪtɪʃ
brother noun a boy or man who has the same parents as ˈbrʌðə
brown adj being the same colour as chocolate braʊn
bus noun a large vehicle that carries passengers by bʌs
road, usually along a fixed route
businessman noun a man who works in a business, usually in a ˈbɪznɪsmən
high position in a company
businesswoman noun a woman who works in a business, usually ˈbɪznɪsˌwʊmən
in a high position in a company
butter noun a soft, yellow food made from cream that ˈbʌtə
you put on bread
café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks ˈkæfeɪ
and small meals
cake noun a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, keɪk
and eggs mixed together and cooked

Canada noun a country in North America ˈkænədə

Canadian adjective from Canada kəˈneɪdiən
car noun a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and kɑː
seats for a few people
car park noun a place where vehicles can be parked ˈkɑː ˌpɑːk
chair noun a seat for one person, with a back and tʃeə
usually four legs
cheese noun a yellow or white solid food made from milk tʃiːz

chef noun someone who cooks food in a restaurant ʃef

children plural someone's sons and daughters ˈtʃɪldrən
China noun a country in Asia ˈtʃaɪnə
Chinese adjective from China tʃaɪˈniːz
cinema noun a building where you go to watch films ˈsɪnəmə

clean (your flat, a verb to remove the dirt from something kliːn
room, etc)
clock noun a large piece of equipment that shows you klɒk
what time it is
cloud noun one of the white or grey things in the sky klaʊd
that are made of small water drops
cloudy adj with many clouds in the sky ˈklaʊdi
coat noun a piece of clothing that you wear over your kəʊt
other clothes when you are outside
coffee noun a hot drink made from dark beans which are ˈkɒfi
made into a powder, or a cup of this drink

cola noun a sweet, dark-brown drink with lots of ˈkəʊlə

cold adj having a low temperature kəʊld
computer noun an electronic machine that can store and kəmˈpjuːtə
arrange large amounts of information
cook verb to make food ready to eat kʊk
cup noun a small, round container with a handle on kʌp
the side, used to drink from
dance verb to move your feet and body to the rhythm of dɑːns
dark adj nearer to black than white in colour dɑːk

daughter noun your female child ˈdɔːtə

December noun the twelfth month of the year dɪˈsembə

die verb to stop living daɪ

difficult adj not easy to do or understand ˈdɪfɪkəlt

dining room noun a room where you eat your meals ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌrʊm
dinner noun the main meal of the day that people usually ˈdɪnə
eat in the evening
do sport phrase to do an activity that uses your body, to ˌdu: ˈspɔːt
keep healthy or for enjoyment, often
competing against other people
do the cleaning phrase to clean your home ˌdu: ðə ˈkliːnɪŋ
do the washing phrase to wash your clothes, usually in a washing ˌdu: ðə ˈwɒʃɪŋ
do yoga phrase to do exercises from India, which involve ˌdu: ˈjəʊgə
bending and stretching your body
do your phrase to do the work that your teachers have ˌdu: jɔː ˈhəʊmwɜːk
homework given you to do at home
doctor noun a person whose job is to treat people who ˈdɒktə
are ill or hurt
door noun the part of a building or room that you open dɔː
or close to get inside it or out of it
dress noun a piece of clothing for women which covers dres
the top of the body and hangs down over
the legs
drive verb to make a car, bus, or train move, and draɪv
control what it does
drive a car phrase to make a car move and control what it does ˌdraɪv ə ˈkɑː

easy adj not difficult ˈiːzi

egg noun an oval object made by a female chicken, eg
that you eat as food
eight noun the number 8 eɪt
eighteen noun the number 18 ˌeɪˈtiːn
eighteenth noun 18th written as a word ˌeɪˈtiːnθ

eighth noun 8th written as a word eɪtθ

eighty noun the number 80 ˈeɪti
eleven noun the number 11 ɪˈlevən
eleventh noun 11th written as a word ɪˈlevənθ
factory worker noun someone who works in a factory ˈfæktəri ˌwɜːkə
father noun your male parent ˈfɑːðə
February noun the second month of the year ˈfebruəri
fifteen noun the number 15 ˌfɪfˈtiːn
fifteenth noun 15th written as a word ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ
fifth noun 5th writte as a word fɪfθ
fifty noun the number 50 ˈfɪfti
finish school phrase to come to the end of the time when you go ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈskuːl
to school
finish university phrase to come to the end of the time when you go ˌfɪnɪʃ ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti
to university
finish work phrase to come to the end of your job on a ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈwɜːk
particular day
first noun 1st written as a word fɜːst
fish noun an animal that lives only in water, swims, fɪʃ
and can be eaten as food
five noun the number 5 faɪv
floor noun a surface that you walk on inside a building flɔː

fly verb to travel through the air in an aircraft flaɪ

football noun a large ball for kicking ˈfʊtbɔːl

football player noun someone who plays football as their job ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌpleɪə
forty noun the number 40 ˈfɔːti

four noun the number 4 fɔː

fourteen noun the number 14 ˌfɔːˈtiːn
fourteenth noun 14th written as a word ˌfɔːˈtiːnθ
fourth noun 4th written as a word fɔːθ
Friday noun the day of the week after Thursday and ˈfraɪdeɪ
before Saturday
fruit noun things such as apples or oranges that grow fruːt
on a tree or a bush, contain seeds, and can
be eaten as food
fruit juice noun liquid that comes from fruit and that you ˈfruːt ˌdʒuːs
can drink
funny adj making you smile or laugh ˈfʌni
garden noun an area of ground next to a house, often ˈgɑːdən
with grass, flowers, or trees
get (a taxi, bus, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle get
get home phrase to arrive back at the place where you live ˌget ˈhəʊm
get married phrase to begin a legal relationship with someone ˌget ˈmærid
as their husband or wife
get up verb to wake up and get out of bed ɡet ˈʌp

girl noun a female child or young woman gɜːl

glass noun a container made of glass that is used for glɑːs

glasses plural a piece of equipment with two transparent ˈglɑːsɪz
noun parts that you wear in front of your eyes to
help you see better
go verb to move or travel somewhere gəʊ
go (shopping, to phrase to move or travel somewhere gəʊ
the beach, etc)
go by (bus, plane, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle ˈɡəʊ baɪ
go shopping phrase to go to buy things from the shops ˌgəʊ ˈʃɒpɪŋ

go to a café phrase to go to a small restaurant where you can ˌgəʊ tuː ə ˈkæfeɪ
buy drinks and small meals
go to a party phrase to go to an event where people come ˌgəʊ tuː ə ˈpɑːti
together to enjoy themselves by talking,
eating, drinking and dancing
go to bed phrase to get into your bed to go to sleep ˌgəʊ tə ˈbed
go to school phrase to go to a place where children go to learn ˌgəʊ tə ˈskuːl
go to school phrase to go to a place where children go to learn ˌgəʊ tə ˈskuːl
go to the cinema phrase to go to a building where you can watch ˌgəʊ tuː ðə ˈsɪnəmə
go to university phrase to go to a place where students study at a ˌgəʊ tə ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti
high level to get a degree
go to work phrase to go to the place where you do your job ˌgəʊ tə ˈwɜːk
good adj enjoyable, nice, or of a high quality gʊd
green adj being the same colour as grass griːn
grey adj being a colour that is a mixture of black and greɪ
grow up verb to become older or an adult grəʊ ˈʌp

guitar noun a musical instrument with strings that you gɪˈtɑː

play by pulling the strings
half past phrase Half past a particular hour is 30 minutes ˈhɑːf pɑːst
later than that hour.
happy adj pleased and in a good mood, especially ˈhæpi
because something good has happened
hat noun something that you wear to cover your head hæt

have a baby phrase to give birth to a baby hæv ə ˈbeɪbi

have a coffee phrase to drink a cup of coffee ˌhæv ə ˈkɒfi
have a drink phrase to put liquid in your mouth and swallow it ˌhæv ə ˈdrɪŋk

have a pizza phrase to eat a flat, round piece of bread with ˌhæv ə ˈpiːtsə
cooked tomato, cheese, etc on it
have a shower phrase to wash standing under a shower ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə
have a shower phrase to wash standing under a shower ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə
have breakfast phrase to eat the meal you have in the morning ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst
after you wake up
have breakfast phrase to eat the meal you have in the morning ˌhæv ˈbrekfəst
after you wake up
have coffee phrase to drink a hot drink made from dark beans ˌhæv ˈkɒfi
have dinner phrase to eat your main meal in the evening ˌhæv ˈdɪnə
have lunch phrase to eat a meal in the middle of the day ˌhæv ˈlʌntʃ

hospital noun a place where ill or injured people go to be ˈhɒspɪtəl

treated by doctors and nurses
hot adj very warm hɒt
hotel noun a place where you pay to stay when you are həʊˈtel
away from home
husband noun the man that someone is married to ˈhʌzbənd
ice cream noun a sweet, cold food made from frozen milk ˌaɪs ˈkriːm
in (June, the prepositio during a period of time ɪn
summer, etc) n
in a café phrase in a small restaurant where you buy drinks ɪn ə ˈkæfeɪ
and small meals
in a hotel phrase in a place where you pay to stay when you ɪn ə həʊˈtel
are away from home
in a restaurant phrase in a place where you can buy and eat a meal ɪn ə ˈrestrɒnt

in a taxi phrase in a car with a driver who you pay to take ɪn ə ˈtæksi
you somewhere
in bed phrase lying on a bed and covered with bedclothes ɪn ˈbed

in the car phrase in a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and ɪn ðə ˈkɑː
seats for a few people
interesting adj keeping your attention ˈɪntrəstɪŋ
invite (friends, phrase to ask someone to come to your house, to a ɪnˈvaɪt
someone for a party, etc
meal, etc)
IT worker noun someone who works with computers and ˌaɪˈti: ˌwɜːkə
other electronic equipment
Italian adjective from Italy ɪˈtæljən
Italy noun a country in Europe ˈɪtəli
jacket noun a short coat ˈdʒækɪt
January noun the first month of the year ˈdʒænjʊri
Japan noun a country consisting of a group of islands dʒəˈpæn
near the east coast of Asia
Japanese adjective from Japan ˌdzæpəˈniːz
jeans plural trousers made from a strong, blue material dʒiːnz
July noun the seventh month of the year dʒʊˈlaɪ
June noun the sixth month of the year dʒuːn
key noun a piece of metal that you use for locking kiː
doors or for starting engines
kitchen noun a room used to prepare and cook food in ˈkɪtʃən
knife noun a sharp metal thing used for cutting naɪf
lamp noun an object that makes light læmp
last adj the one before the present one lɑːst
last night phrase the evening or night before the present day lɑːst ˈnaɪt
or night
light adj Light colours are pale. laɪt
listen to music phrase to give attention to music in order to hear it ˌlɪsən tə ˈmjuːzɪk

listen to the radio phrase to hear programmes on the radio ˌlɪsən tə ðə ˈreɪdiəʊ

live verb to have your home somewhere lɪv

living room noun the room in a house where people sit to ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrʊm
relax and watch television
lunch noun the food that you eat in the middle of the lʌntʃ
make (lunch, a verb to create something meɪk
cake, etc)
make a list phrase to write words one under the other ˌmeɪk ə ˈlɪst

man noun an adult male human mæn

March noun the third month of the year mɑːtʃ

May noun the fifth month of the year meɪ

meat noun the soft parts of animals, used as food miːt
meet verb to come to the same place as someone else miːt

metro noun an underground railway system in a large ˈmetrəʊ

Mexican adjective from Mexico ˈmeksɪkən
Mexico noun a country in North America ˈmeksɪkəʊ

milk noun a white liquid that babies and baby animals mɪlk
drink that comes from their mothers' bodies
Monday noun the day of the week after Sunday and before ˈmʌndeɪ
month noun one of the twelve periods of time that a year mʌnθ
is divided into
mother noun your female parent ˈmʌðə
museum noun a building where you can look at important mjuːˈziːəm
objects connected with art, history, or
new adj recently made njuː
newspaper noun large, folded sheets of paper which are ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə
printed with the news and sold every day or
every week
next (Monday, adj coming after this one nekst
week, etc)
nine noun the number 9 naɪn
nineteen noun the number 19 ˌnaɪnˈtiːn
nineteenth noun 19th written as a word ˌnaɪnˈtiːnθ
ninety noun the number 90 ˈnaɪnti
ninth noun 9th written as a word naɪnθ
November noun the eleventh month of the year nəʊˈvembə
o'clock adv used after a number from one to twelve to əˈklɒk
say the time when it is exactly that hour
October noun the tenth month of the year ɒkˈtəʊbə
office worker noun someone who works in an office ˈɒfɪs ˌwɜːkə
old adj having lived or existed for a long time əʊld
on prepositio used to show the date or day when ɒn
n something happens
on (Monday, prepositio used to show the date or day when ɒn
Saturday, etc) n something happens
on a bus phrase in a large vehicle that carries passengers by ɒn ə ˈbʌs
road, usually along a fixed route
on a plane phrase in a vehicle that flies and has an engine and ɒn ə ˈpleɪn
on a train phrase in a long, thin vehicle which travels along ɒn ə ˈtreɪn
metal tracks and carries people or goods
on holiday phrase having a long visit to a place away from ɒn ˈhɒlɪdeɪ
where you live, for pleasure
one noun the number 1 wʌn
orange noun a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a ˈɒrɪndʒ
centre that has many parts
paint verb to make a picture of something or someone peɪnt
using paint
paint (a wall, a phrase to cover a surface with paint peɪnt
room, etc)
paint a picture phrase to make a picture of something or someone ˌpeɪnt ə ˈpɪktʃə
using paint
parents plural someone's father and mother ˈpeərənts
park noun a large area of grass, often in a town, where pɑːk
people can walk and enjoy themselves

past prepositio used to say 'after' the hour when you are pɑːst
n saying what time it is
people plural more than one person ˈpiːpl̩
phone noun a piece of equipment that is used to talk to fəʊn
someone who is in another place
picture noun a drawing, painting, or photograph of ˈpɪktʃə
something or someone
pillow noun a soft object which you put your head on in ˈpɪləʊ
pizza noun a flat, round piece of bread covered with ˈpiːtsə
tomato, cheese, etc and cooked in an oven
plane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and pleɪn
plant noun a living thing that grows in the soil or water plɑːnt
and has leaves and roots
plate noun a flat, round object which is used for putting pleɪt
food on
play verb When you play a sport or game, you do it. pleɪ
play verb When you play a sport or game, you do it. pleɪ
play a computer phrase to play a game on a computer ˌpleɪ ə kəmˈpjuːtə ˌgeɪm
play cards phrase to play a game using thick pieces of paper ˌpleɪ ˈkɑːdz
with numbers and pictures on them
play football phrase to take part in the sport of football ˌpleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl
play the guitar phrase to make music with a guitar ˌpleɪ ðə gɪˈtɑː
Poland noun a country in Europe ˈpəʊlənd
Polish adjective from Poland ˈpəʊlɪʃ
potato noun a round, white vegetable that grows in the pəˈteɪtəʊ
radio noun a piece of equipment used for listening to ˈreɪdiəʊ
radio broadcasts
rain noun water that falls from the sky in small drops reɪn

rain verb If it rains, water falls from the sky in small reɪn
rainy adj raining a lot ˈreɪni
read a book phrase to read a set of pages with writing on them ˌriːd ə ˈbʊk
fastened together in a cover
read a magazine phrase to read a big, thin book that you can buy ˌriːd ə ˌmægəˈziːn
every week or month, that has pictures and
read the phrase to read large, folded sheets of paper which ˌriːd ðə ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpə
newspaper are printed with the news
receptionist noun someone who works in a hotel or office rɪˈsepʃənɪst
building, answering the telephone and
dealing with guests
red adj being the same colour as blood red
restaurant noun a place where you can buy and eat a meal ˈrestrɒnt
rice noun small grains from a plant that are cooked raɪs
and eaten
ride a bike phrase to travel on a bike ˌraɪd ə ˈbaɪk
ride a horse phrase to sit on a horse while it walks or runs ˌraɪd ə ˈhɔːs
right adj correct or true raɪt
room noun a part of the inside of a building, which is ruːm
separated from other parts by walls, floors,
and ceilings
run verb to move on your feet at a faster speed than rʌn
Russia noun a country in Europe ˈrʌʃə
Russian adjective from Russia ˈrʌʃən
sad adj unhappy sæd
sandwich noun two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc ˈsænwɪdʒ
between them
Saturday noun the day of the week after Friday and before ˈsætədeɪ
school noun a place where children go to learn things skuːl
second noun 2nd written as a word ˈsekənd
September noun the ninth month of the year sepˈtembə
seven noun the number 7 ˈsevən
seventeen noun the number 17 ˌsevənˈtiːn
seventeenth noun 17th written as a word ˌsevənˈtiːnθ
seventh noun 7th written as a word ˈsevənθ
seventy noun the number 70 ˈsevənti
ship noun a large boat that carries people or things by ʃɪp
shirt noun a piece of clothing worn on the top part of ʃɜːt
the body, fastened with buttons down the
shoe noun a strong covering for the foot, often made of ʃuː
shop noun a building or part of a building where you ʃɒp
can buy things
shop assistant noun someone whose job is selling things in a ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt
shower noun a piece of bathroom equipment that you ʃaʊə
stand under to wash your whole body
sing verb to make musical sounds with your voice sɪŋ

sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents ˈsɪstə
as you
six noun the number 6 sɪks
sixteen noun the number 16 ˌsɪkˈstiːn
sixteenth noun 16th written as a word ˌsɪkˈstiːnθ
sixth noun 6th written as a word sɪksθ
sixty noun the number 60 ˈsɪksti
skirt noun a piece of women's clothing that hangs from skɜːt
the waist and has no legs
small adj little in size or amount smɔːl
snow noun soft white pieces of frozen water that fall snəʊ
from the sky when the weather is cold
snow verb If it snows, soft white pieces of frozen water snəʊ
fall from the sky.
snowy adj snowing or covered with snow ˈsnəʊi
son noun your male child sʌn
Spain noun a country in Europe speɪn
Spanish adjective from Spain ˈspænɪʃ
speak verb to say something using your voice spiːk
spring noun the season of the year between winter and sprɪŋ
summer, when the weather becomes
warmer and plants start to grow again
start work phrase to begin your job on a particular day ˌstɑːt ˈwɜːk
station noun a place where trains stop so that you can get ˈsteɪʃən
on or off them
stay at home phrase to not go out of your house ˌsteɪ ət ˈhəʊm

stop working phrase to not have a job any more ˌstɒp ˈwɜːkɪŋ

student noun someone who is studying at a school or ˈstjuːdənt

study verb to learn about a subject, usually at school or ˈstʌdi
suitcase noun a rectangular case with a handle that you ˈsuːtkeɪs
use for carrying clothes when you are
summer noun the warmest season of the year, between ˈsʌmə
spring and autumn
Sunday noun the day of the week after Saturday and ˈsʌndeɪ
before Monday
sunny adj bright because of light from the sun ˈsʌni
supermarket noun a large shop that sells food, drink, things for ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
the home, etc
swim verb to move through water by moving your swɪm
swimming pool noun an area of water that has been made for ˈswɪmɪŋ ˌpuːl
people to swim in
take (a bus, train, verb to travel using a particular type of vehicle teɪk
talk to your phrase to say things to your friends ˌtɔːk tə jɔː ˈfrendz
taxi noun a car with a driver who you pay to take you ˈtæksi
taxi driver noun someone who drives taxis as their job ˈtæksi ˌdraɪvə
tea noun a hot drink that you make by pouring water tiː
onto dried leaves
teach verb to give classes in a particular subject at a tiːtʃ
school, university, etc
teacher noun someone whose job is to teach in a school, ˈtiːtʃə
college, etc
ten noun the number 10 ten
tenth noun 10th written as a word tenθ
third noun 3rd written as a word θɜːd
thirteen noun the number 13 θɜːˈtiːn
thirteenth noun 13th written as a word θɜːˈtiːnθ
thirtieth noun 30th written as a word ˈθɜːtiəθ
thirty noun the number 30 ˈθɜːti
thirty-first noun 31st written as a word ˌθɜːtiˈfɜːst
this (Wednesday, adj used to mean the present week, month, ðɪs
morning, year, etc or the one that comes next
weekend, etc.)
this afternoon phrase the afternoon of the present day ðɪs ˌɑːftəˈnuːn

this morning phrase the morning of the present day ðɪs ˈmɔːnɪŋ
three noun the number 3 θriː
Thursday noun the day of the week after Wednesday and ˈθɜːzdeɪ
before Friday
ticket noun a small piece of paper that shows you have ˈtɪkɪt
paid to do something, for example travel on
a bus, watch a film, etc
to prepositio used to say 'before' the hour when you are tuː
n saying what time it is
tomato noun a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salads or as a təˈmɑːtəʊ
tomorrow adv the day after today or on the day after today təˈmɒrəʊ

towel noun a soft piece of cloth or paper that you use taʊəl
for drying yourself
train noun a long, thin vehicle which travels along treɪn
metal tracks and carries people or goods
trousers plural a piece of clothing that covers the legs and ˈtraʊzəz
noun has a separate part for each leg
T-shirt noun a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of ˈtiːʃɜːt
the body with short sleeves and no collar

Tuesday noun the day of the week after Monday and ˈtjuːzdeɪ
before Wednesday
Turkey noun a country in southeastern Europe and ˈtɜːki
Western Asia
Turkish adjective from Turkey ˈtɜːkɪʃ
TV noun television ˌtiːˈviː

twelfth noun 12th written as a word twelfθ

twelve noun the number 12 twelv
twentieth noun 20th written as a word ˈtwentiəθ
twenty noun the number 20 ˈtwenti
twenty-eight noun the number 28 ˌtwentiˈeɪt
twenty-first noun 21st written as a word ˌtwentiˈfɜːst
twenty-five noun the number 25 ˌtwentiˈfaɪv
twenty-four noun the number 24 ˌtwentiˈfɔː
twenty-nine noun the number 29 ˌtwentiˈnaɪn
twenty-one noun the number 21 ˌtwentiˈwʌn
twenty-second noun 22nd written as a word ˌtwentiˈsekənd
twenty-seven noun the number 27 ˌtwentiˈsevən
twenty-six noun the number 26 ˌtwentiˈsɪks
twenty-three noun the number 23 ˌtwentiˈθriː
twenty-two noun the number 22 ˌtwentiˈtuː
two noun the number 2 tuː
UK noun abbreviation for United Kingdom ˌjuːˈkeɪ
umbrella noun a thing that you hold above your head to ʌmˈbrelə
keep yourself dry when it is raining
underground noun a system of trains that is built under a city ˈʌndəgraʊnd
USA noun abbreviation for United States of America ˌjuːesˈeɪ
use (the Internet, phrase If you use something, you do something juːz
your phone, etc) with it for a particular purpose.

vegetable noun a plant that you eat, for example a potato, ˈvedʒtəbl̩
onion, etc
visit (a friend, phrase to go somewhere to see someone ˈvɪzɪt
your grandma,
visit (a museum, phrase to go somewhere to see a place ˈvɪzɪt
London, etc)
waiter noun a man who works in a restaurant, bringing ˈweɪtə
food to customers
waitress noun a woman who works in a restaurant, ˈweɪtrəs
bringing food to customers
wake up verb to stop sleeping weɪk ˈʌp
walk verb to move forward by putting one foot in front wɔːk
of the other and then repeating the action

wall noun one of the sides of a room or building wɔːl

warm adj having a temperature between cool and hot wɔːm

watch noun a small clock on a strap that you fasten wɒtʃ

round your arm
watch a film phrase to watch a story shown at the cinema or on ˌwɒtʃ ə ˈfɪlm
watch a football phrase to watch a game of football ˌwɒtʃ ə ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌmætʃ
watch TV phrase to look at television programmes ˌwɒtʃ tiːˈviː
water noun the clear liquid that falls from the sky as ˈwɔːtə
rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers
Wednesday noun the day of the week after Tuesday and ˈwenzdeɪ
before Thursday
week noun a period of seven days wiːk
weekend noun Saturday and Sunday, the two days in the ˌwiːkˈend
week when many people do not work
white adj being the colour of snow or milk waɪt
wife noun the woman someone is married to waɪf
wi-fi noun a system for connecting electronic ˈwaɪfaɪ
equipment such as computers and
electronic organizers to the Internet
without using wires

wind noun a natural, fast movement of air wɪnd

window noun a space in the wall of a building or car that ˈwɪndəʊ
has glass in it, used for letting light and air
inside and for looking through
windy adj with a lot of wind ˈwɪndi
winter noun the coldest season of the year, between ˈwɪntə
autumn and spring
woman noun an adult female person ˈwʊmən
work verb to do a job that you get money for wɜːk
wrong adj not correct rɒŋ
year noun a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, jɪə
especially from 1 January to 31 December
yellow adj being the same colour as a lemon or the sun ˈjeləʊ

yesterday adv the day before today ˈjestədeɪ

Example Unit Page
number number
School starts at quarter past nine. 3 27

We were in Newcastle two weeks ago. 8 65

1 10
For lunch I have soup and an apple. 3 143
Her birthday is in April. 12 147
I ususally arrive home at 6 o'clock. 6 137
We were at a party on Fiday. 10 149

Are you at home or are you at work? 10 82

Did you play football at school? 10 149

I'm waiting for the plane at the airport. 10 82

We waited at the bus stop. 10 149

I met my friends at the cinema. 10 82

Be at the station at eight o'clock, 10 149

We play football at the weekend. 12 97

Are you at home or are you at work? 10 82
Our holiday is in August. 12 147
1 132

1 132
It often rains in autumn. 9 145

My sister has a new baby. 4 135

It is a very bad hotel. 2 134
Put the shopping in your bag. 7 133
I don't like bananas. 3 143
I need to go to the bank. 5 41

The hotel has small rooms for two people 5 42

with baths.
Our hotel room had a nice bathroom. 10 80
My parents met in London and I was born 11 88
in England.

We live near a big beach. 5 148

My best friend is beautiful. 2 134
On the second floor, there are big rooms 5 42
with six beds in them.
How many bedrooms are there in your 10 80
This is a big house. 2 17
I went to a friend’s house by bike 9 72
Would you like a biscuit with your coffee? 3 143

He often wears a black jacket. 7 58

It's cold - I need another blanket. 5 149
My boss always wears a blouse and 7 152
She has a blue coat. 7 59

There's a boat that goes along the coast 9 153

of Norway.
Tom's reading a book. 2 18

This film is boring. 2 134

It’s a hot day - bring a big bottle of water! 2 18

They have three children, a boy and two 4 135

1 9
1 10
My parents don't eat bread or fish. 3 24

In my family we have breakfast at seven 3 26

1 9
1 10
I have one sister and two brothers. 4 34

His shoes are brown. 7 152

Go to Cambridge by bus from London. 9 72

Toby is a businessman. 6 151

My mother is a businesswoman. 6 151

We had bread and butter with our soup. 3 143

The café is Italian. 5 41

Can I have a piece of chocolate cake, 3 143


1 132
1 132
Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or 9 72
drive a car.
You can leave your car in the car park. 5 149
I have a table and chair in my bedroom. 7 56

Would you like a cheese sandwich? 3 143

My friend, Kumiko, is a chef. 6 151

They have three children, a boy and two 4 135
1 9
1 10
Do you want to come to the cinema with 5 148
Don't clean your house or flat at the 12 99
That clock’s quite nice. 7 56

There are a lot of clouds today. 9 145

It's cloudy and cold today. 9 145

She has a blue coat. 7 58

I'd like a cup of coffee, please. 3 142

Can I have a glass of cola, please? 3 142

It's cold and rainy here. 9 75

I use my computer every day. 2 18

He can't cook at all. 11 91

We have red coffee cups. 7 133

He can't dance very well. 11 140

I often wear black or blue clothes. I like 7 59

dark colours.
My daughter is five years old. 4 34

It's cold here in December. 12 147

When my father died, we came back to 11 139
New Zealand to be with my mum.
English language is difficult for me. 2 134
There's a dining room in her flat. 10 80
They have dinner at seven o'clock. 3 26

Did you do any sport yesterday? 12 99

A woman does the cleaning and washing 12 141

for us.
A woman does the cleaning and washing 12 141
for us.
I get up and I do yoga. 12 141

He's going to do his homework at the 12 99

I want to be a doctor. 6 151

There are two doors in the dining room. 10 150

Fran often wears a dress. 7 58

She often drives to work. 9 153

You can drive a car to the hotel. 11 140

I can play easy songs on my guitar. 2 134

I'd like an egg sandwich. 3 24

2 19
2 146
12 147

12 147
2 146
2 19
12 147
I don't want to be a factory worker. 6 49
His father is a police officer. 4 34
I visited him in February. 12 147
2 146
12 147
12 147
2 146
I finished school when I was sixteen. 11 88

I fiinished university when I was 24. 11 88

I always finish work at 7:00 pm. 6 50

12 147
My parents don't eat bread or fish. 3 24

2 19
I don't need a chair - I can sit on the floor. 10 150

Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or 9 153

drive a car.
Did you bring a football? 7 133
Football players are often rich. 6 49
2 146

2 19
2 146
12 147
12 147
Are you free on Friday? 8 144

We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every 3 24


I don't like fruit juice. 3 142

The children are very funny. 2 134

We have a small garden behind our 10 80
Fly to Marrakesh and then get a taxi or 9 72
drive a car.
Danny gets home at half past five. 6 50
Barbara and I got married five years ago. 11 88

In the morning, I get up and have 6 50

They have three children, a boy and two 4 135
Would you like a glass of water? 7 133

Do you wear glasses? 7 152

We go to the gym every day. 4 32

I'm going shopping tomorrow. 12 99

I go to work by train. 9 72

We could go shopping again some time. 8 67

We could go to a café for lunch. 8 67

I went to a party on Saturday. 8 138

Do you go to bed early? 6 50

Sylvie goes to school on the bus. 6 137

He goes to school in the village. 11 88

Do you want to go to the cinema? 8 138

I went to university in Australia. 11 88

Danny goes to work at eight o'clock. 6 50

This is a good home for me. 2 134
Adam often wears a green jacket. 7 59
Paul has a grey shirt. 7 58

I grew up in New Zealand and I don’t 11 88

remember anything about England.
Can you play the guitar? 7 133

I finish work at half past five. 3 27

The children are happy at this school. 2 134

I wear a hat in winter. 7 152

We had a baby boy last year. 11 88

Shall we have a coffee? 8 138
Let's go out and have a drink. 8 67

On Fridays, I often have a pizza with my 8 138

I have a shower in the morning. 6 137
Lucas has a shower every morning. 8 138
Danny has breakfast at half past seven. 6 137

We usually have breakfast at seven 8 67

Do you have coffee for breakfast? 6 137
Danny has dinner at half past seven. 6 50
I work from 8:30 until 12:30, then I have 6 137
lunch for half an hour.
My aunt is ill. She is in hospital. 5 148

It's hot and sunny here. 9 75

We stayed in a nice hotel in Paris. 5 41

This is Boris. He's my husband. 4 34

We had ice cream for dessert. 3 143
His birthday's in June. 12 147

I'm having a coffee in a café. 10 82

We stayed in a nice hotel in Paris. 10 149

We had dinner in a restaurant. 10 82

She arrived in a taxi. 10 149

It's 10:00 but he's still in bed. 10 82

Do you listen to music in the car? 10 82

Harry Potter books are interesting. 2 134

I'm going to invite some friends for a 12 99

My brother is an IT worker. 6 151

1 132
1 132
My dad usually wears a jacket. 7 58
We went to London in January. 12 147
1 9

1 10
Johnnie usually wears jeans and a white 7 152
Is your birthday in July? 12 147
I'm going to go to America next June. 12 147
This is the key to my new flat. 2 18

This door goes to the kitchen. 10 80

Someone killed Lady Grey with a knife. 2 18
There is a lamp on the desk. 7 56
We were in Bristol last week. 8 65
He was at his friend’s house last night. 8 65

She wears a light blue blouse. 7 59

I go to my friend's house and we listen to 8 138
I listen to the radio in the morning. 8 138

We live in London. 4 32
There are three chairs in the living room. 10 80

I have lunch at one o'clock. 3 26

My sister made a cake. 12 99

Make a list of things you'd like to do in 12 99

your life.
My yoga class has ten people: nine women 4 135
and only one man!
I started work in March. 12 147

My dad's birthday is in May. 12 147

He likes meat with rice. 3 24
I meet my friends for coffee every day. 4 136

I often use the metro in New York. 9 153

1 10
1 9

I never drink milk. 3 142

Was she at work on Monday? 8 144

They were in Buenos Aires last month. 8 65

My mother plays the piano. 4 34

I love the science museum in my town. 5 148

It's a new city. 2 17

I read the newspaper every day. 2 18

I'm going to go on holiday next week. 12 97

2 19
2 146
12 147
2 146
12 147
It's the fifteenth of November today. 12 147
I have lunch at one o'clock. 3 27

University starts in October. 12 147

The office workers start work at 9. 6 49
This is an old house. 2 17
We were in Munich on Wednesday. 8 65

My birthday's on the twentieth of March. 12 97

He went to Cambridge on a bus. 10 149

It's easy to travel there on a plane. 10 82

I turn my phone off when I'm on a train. 10 82

John isn't here. He's still on holiday. 10 149

2 19
I'd like five oranges, please. 3 143

She painted a picture of a dog. 11 91

I painted my bedroom white. 12 99

The children painted pictures. 12 99

Her parents are very strict. 4 135

I took my little sister to the park. 5 148

Lunch is at half past twelve. 3 146

My yoga class has ten people: nine women 4 135
and only one man!
Can I use your phone? I need to call my 2 18
If you like old books and pictures, this 7 56
shop is the place for you.
You have to pay for blankets and pillows. 5 149

We had pizza for lunch. 3 143

Go to Villavicencio by plane or bus. 9 72

I have three big plants at home. 7 133

I love old cups, plates and glasses. 7 133

We play tennis on Saturdays. 4 136

We play football at the weekend. 11 140
Shall we play a computer game? 8 138

We sometimes play cards in the evening. 11 140

We play football at the weekend. 8 138

Can you play the guitar? 8 138
1 132
1 132
We often eat potatoes. 3 143

They sell radios and clocks here. 7 56

There’s a lot of rain in England. 9 145

It often rains in England. 9 145

It's cold and rainy here. 9 145

I want to read a book. 8 138

I usually read a magazine on the bus. 8 138

He had breakfast and read the 8 67

Anna's a receptionist in a big hotel. 6 49

She's wearing a red skirt. 7 152

The restaurant is cheap. 5 41
He likes meat with rice. 3 24

Susi can't ride a bike. 11 140

I can ride a horse very well. 11 140
Are you from Canada?' 'Yes, that's right'. 2 134
The hotel has small rooms for two people 5 42
with baths.

I run five miles every day. 11 140

1 9
1 10
Sophia feels sad. 2 134
I always have a sandwich for lunch. 3 143

They were at the football game on 8 144

My daughter goes to this school. 5 41
12 147
I visited my aunt in September. 12 147
2 19
2 146
12 147
12 147
2 146
The ship goes to Marseilles. 9 153

Johnnie usually wears jeans and a white 7 58


You're wearing my shoes. 7 152

There's a small shop in my village. 5 41

Harry's a shop assistant in a clothes shop. 6 49

The rooms are big, but there isn't a 5 42

I can sing and play the guitar quite well. 11 91

That woman is my sister. 4 34

2 19
2 146
12 147
12 147
2 146
She's wearing a red skirt. 7 58

This is a small flat. 2 17

There’s always snow in Antarctica. 9 145

It often snows in Antarctica. 9 145

It's always snowy in Antarctica. 9 145

Our son was born in America. 4 34
1 9
1 10
I speak Japanese. 4 32
It's usually warm in spring. 9 145

Danny starts work at nine. 6 137

The station is in the centre of the city. 5 148

He stayed at home and watched football 8 67

on TV.
My father stopped working when he was 11 139
I'm a student. I study engineering. 6 49

I study at university. 4 32

Can you help me with my suitcase? It's 7 56

really heavy.

In summer, it's often hot and sunny. 9 145

How was your Sunday? 8 144

It's hot and sunny here. 9 145

We buy our food at the supermarket. 5 148

I can swim very well. 11 91

I'm going to the swimming pool this 5 148

He takes a bus to school 9 153

I like to go to a café and talk to my 8 67

Get a taxi to our house. 9 72

My father is a taxi driver. 6 49

Can I have a cup of tea, please? 3 142

I teach young children. 4 136

Our English teacher is very good. 6 151

2 19
12 147
12 147
2 146
12 147
12 147
2 146
12 147
I'm going to visit a friend this evening. 12 97
I need to get to the station this afternoon. 8 144

Were you at home this morning? 8 144

2 19
We were in Vienna on Thursday. 8 144

Two tickets to London, please. 2 18

Come to my house at quarter to three. 3 146

I had a cheese and tomato sandwich. 3 143

We're having a party tomorrow. 12 97

Can I have a towel, please? 5 149

I go to work by train. 9 153

Johnnie sometimes wears black trousers. 7 58

Cameron is wearing a yellow T-shirt. 7 58

The programme starts next Tuesday. 8 144

1 132

1 132
There aren’t any TVs in the rooms, but 5 42
there’s free wi-fi.
12 147
2 146
12 147
2 146
4 146
12 147
4 146
4 146
4 146
4 146
12 147
4 146
4 146
4 146
4 146
2 19
1 132
It's raining - you need an umbrella. 2 18

We went home by underground. 9 153

1 9
Can I use your phone? I need to call my 12 99

We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every 3 24

Are your friends going to visit you today? 12 99

Do you often visit museums? 12 99

Ask the waiter for the bill. 6 49

The waitress gave us more coffee. 6 151

Danny wakes up at seven o'clock. 6 50

You can walk to the house from the bus 9 153

Are there any pictures on the walls? 10 150

It's usually warm in spring. 9 145

She always wears a watch. 2 18

We went to the cinema to watch a film. 8 67

Let's watch a football match on TV. 8 138

We usually watch TV in the evening. 6 50

I usually drink water. 3 142

On Wednesday evening I'm going to cook 8 144

for my parents.
I have so many plans for this week! 8 65
I was in Warsaw at the weekend. 8 65

She's wearing a white skirt. 7 58

Paul's wife is a nurse. 4 34
There aren’t any TVs in the rooms, but 5 149
there’s free wi-fi.

There’s a lot of wind in my town. 9 145

My bedroom has a large window and I 10 150
can see the mountains.

It's often windy in my town. 9 145

It's very cold here in winter. 9 145

That woman is my sister. 4 135

I work in an office. 4 32
His answers were wrong. 2 134
They were at the World Cup a year ago. 8 65
Cameron is wearing a yellow T-shirt. 7 152

I was in Dublin yesterday. 8 65

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