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Elementary wordlist

Unit Page ENGLISH PoS Definition

number number
1 161 amazing adj very good

1 160 American adj from the USA

1 160 Argentina noun a country in South America
1 160 Argentinian adj from Argentina
1 160 Australia noun a country on the continent of the same
1 160 Australian adj from Australia
1 11 Brazil noun a country in South America
1 11 Brazilian adj from Brazil
1 13 brilliant adj very good

1 160 Britain noun England, Scotland, and Wales

1 160 British adj from the UK
1 160 Canada noun a country in North America
1 160 Canadian adj from Canada
1 160 China noun a country in Asia
1 160 Chinese adj from China
1 160 Colombia noun a country in South America
1 160 Colombian adj from Colombia
1 13 cool adj good or fashionable

1 13 fantastic adj very good

1 11 France noun a country in Europe

1 11 French adj from France
1 13 friendly adj behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards
1 11 German adj from Germany
1 11 Germany noun a country in Europe
1 13 great adj very good

1 161 horrible adj very unpleasant or bad

1 160 Iran noun a country in Asia

1 160 Iranian adj from Iran
1 160 Ireland noun a country in Europe
1 160 Irish adj from Ireland
1 160 Italian adj from Italy
1 160 Italy noun a country in Europe
1 11 Japan noun a country consisting of a group of islands
near the east coast of Asia
1 11 Japanese adj from Japan
1 13 kind adj Kind people do things to help others and
show that they care about them.
1 13 lovely adj very nice

1 160 Mexican adj from Mexico

1 160 Mexico noun a country in North America
1 161 modern adj using the newest ideas, design, technology,
etc and not traditional
1 160 New Zealand noun a country in the southern Pacific Ocean
1 160 New Zealander noun someone from New Zealand
1 160 Nigeria noun a country in Africa
1 160 Nigerian adj from Nigeria
1 161 old adj having been used or owned for a long time

1 160 Pakistan noun a country in Asia

1 160 Pakistani adj from Pakistan
1 13 pleasant adj nice to be with

1 160 Poland noun a country in Europe

1 160 Polish adj from Poland
1 161 poor adj having little money

1 13 popular adj liked by many people

1 13 quiet adj not talking very much

1 161 rich adj A rich person has a lot of money.

1 11 Russia noun a country in Europe

1 11 Russian adj from Russia
1 160 Saudi Arabia noun a country in the Middle East
1 160 Saudi Arabian adj from Saudi Arabia
1 160 South Africa noun a country in Africa
1 160 South African adj from South Africa
1 11 Spain noun a country in Europe
1 11 Spanish adj from Spain
1 161 terrible adj very bad
1 160 UK noun abbreviation for United Kingdom
1 160 USA noun abbreviation for United States of America
1 160 Turkey noun a country in southeastern Europe and
Western Asia
1 160 Turkish adj from Turkey
1 13 warm adj friendly

1 13 well-known adj famous

1 161 wonderful adj very good

2 23 (a) quarter phrase used to say the time when it is 15 minutes

to/past before/after an hour
2 161 actor noun someone, especially a man, who performs in
plays and films
2 22 break noun when you stop an activity for a short time,
usually to rest
2 161 businessman noun a man who works in a business, usually in a
high position in a company
2 161 businesswoman noun a woman who works in a business, usually
in a high position in a company
2 161 chef noun someone who cooks food in a restaurant

2 21 cleaner noun someone whose job is to clean houses,

offices, and other places
2 21 dentist noun someone who looks at and repairs teeth

2 21 engineer noun someone whose job is to design, build, or

repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc

2 22 exam noun an official test of how much you know about

something, or how well you can do
2 22 fail an exam phrase to not be successful in an exam

2 161 farmer noun someone who owns or looks after a farm

2 22 get a good/bad phrase to get a high/low mark
2 23 half past phrase Half past a particular hour is 30 minutes
later than that hour.
2 22 make notes phrase to write words to help you remember
2 161 manager noun someone in control of an office, shop, team,
2 22 mark noun a number or letter that is written on a piece
of work, saying how good the work is

2 161 mechanic noun someone whose job is to repair machines

2 22 notes plural words that you write down to help you

noun remember something
2 21 nurse noun someone whose job is looking after people
who are ill and hurt
2 23 o'clock adverb used after a number from one to twelve to
say the time when it is exactly that hour
2 22 pass an exam phrase to be successful in an exam
2 23 past prepositio used to say 'after' the hour when you are
n saying what time it is
2 21 photographer noun someone whose job is to take photographs

2 21 pilot noun someone who flies an aeroplane

2 21 police officer noun someone who is a member of the police
2 161 receptionist noun someone who works in a hotel or office
building, answering the telephone and
dealing with guests
2 161 secretary noun someone who works in an office, typing
letters, answering the telephone, etc
2 21 shop assistant noun someone whose job is selling things in a
2 22 studies plural when you learn about a subject at school,
noun university, etc
2 21 taxi driver noun someone who drives a taxi

2 22 term noun one of the periods of time that the school or

university year is divided into
2 22 timetable noun a list of times when something happens

2 23 to prepositio used to say 'before' the hour when you are

n saying what time it is
2 161 tour guide noun someone whose job is to show interesting
places to visitors
3 31 (three) times a phrase used to say how often something happens
3 163 buy verb to get something by giving money for it

3 32 camera noun a piece of equipment used to take

3 32 computer noun an electronic machine that can store and
arrange large amounts of information
3 163 cost verb If something costs a particular amount of
money, you have to pay that in order to buy
or do it.
3 163 decide verb to choose something after thinking about
the possibilities
3 32 e-reader noun a small electronic device with a screen that
allows you to read books in an electronic
3 31 every day phrase used to show that something is done on all
3 163 find verb to discover something or someone that you
have been looking for
3 32 headphones plural a piece of equipment that you wear over
noun your ears so that you can listen to music
3 163 help verb to do something for someone
3 32 keyboard noun a set of keys on a computer, which you press
to make it work, or the rows of keys on a
3 32 laptop noun a small computer that you can carry around
with you
3 163 meet verb to wait at a place for someone or something
to arrive
3 31 once a week phrase one time in a week
3 163 prefer verb to like someone or something more than
another person or thing
3 32 printer noun a machine which is connected to a computer
and which makes writing or images on
3 32 satnav noun a machine that tells you directions when
you are in a vehicle
3 163 sell verb to offer something for people to buy
3 32 smartphone noun a phone that can be used as a small
computer and that connects to the internet

3 163 stay verb to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not

3 32 tablet noun a small computer that you control by
touching the screen
3 163 try verb to attempt to do something

3 31 twice a week phrase two times in a week

4 164 bag noun a container used for carrying things

4 43 bake verb to cook something such as bread or a cake
in an oven
4 43 baked adj cooked in an oven
4 164 bar noun a small block of something solid
4 41 bean noun a long, thin, green seed case of some
climbing plants, or the seed from inside the
case that is used as food
4 43 boil verb to cook food in water that is boiling

4 43 boiled adj cooked in water that is boiling

4 164 bottle noun a container for liquids, usually made of glass
or plastic, with a narrow top
4 164 burger noun meat in a round, flat shape, that you eat
between bread
4 164 can noun a metal container for food or liquids
4 41 carrot noun a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows in
the ground
4 164 cereal noun a food that is made from grain and eaten
with milk, especially in the morning
4 41 chicken noun the meat of a chicken
4 164 cola noun a sweet, dark-brown drink with lots of
4 164 crisps plural very thin slices of potato that have been
noun cooked in oil and are eaten cold
4 164 curry noun a type of food from India, made of
vegetables or meat cooked with hot spices

4 43 fried adj cooked in hot oil or fat

4 43 fry verb to cook something in hot oil
4 164 garlic noun a vegetable like a small onion with a very
strong taste and smell
4 41 grape noun a small, round fruit that grows in large
groups and is used to make wine
4 43 grill verb to cook food using direct heat

4 43 grilled adj cooked under direct heat

4 164 jam noun a sweet food made from fruit that you put
on bread
4 164 jar noun a glass container used for keeping food
4 41 lamb noun meat from a young sheep
4 41 lemon noun an oval, yellow fruit that has sour juice
4 164 melon noun a large, round, sweet fruit with a thick,
green or yellow skin
4 41 mushroom noun a small, brown vegetable that grows in the
4 41 onion noun a round vegetable with layers that has a
strong taste and smell
4 164 packet noun a small box with a lot of the same thing in it

4 41 pear noun an oval-shaped, green or yellow fruit

4 43 roast verb If you roast food, you cook it in an oven or

over a fire.
4 43 roast adj cooked in an oven or over a fire
4 164 salad noun a cold mixture of vegetables that have not
been cooked
4 41 steak noun a thick, flat piece of meat or fish

4 164 tin noun a metal container for food or liquids

4 164 yoghurt noun a slightly sour, thick liquid made from milk

5 51 apartment noun a set of rooms for someone to live in on one

level of a building or house
5 52 armchair noun a comfortable chair with sides that support
your arms
5 52 bookcase noun a piece of furniture with shelves for putting
books on
5 51 bridge noun a structure that is built over a river or road
so that people can go across it
5 51 building noun a structure with walls and a roof, such as a
house or school
5 51 café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks
and small meals

5 51 centre noun the middle point or part of something

5 52 chest of drawers noun a piece of furniture with drawers for

keeping clothes in
5 165 concert hall noun a large building in which concerts are

5 52 cooker noun a piece of equipment used to cook food

5 52 cupboard noun a piece of furniture with a door on the front

and shelves inside, used for keeping things

5 52 curtains plural pieces of material that hang down to cover a

noun window
5 52 lamp noun an object that makes light
5 51 metro station noun a place where you can get an underground
5 52 mirror noun a piece of special glass in which you can see
5 51 park noun a large area of grass, often in a town, where
people can walk and enjoy themselves

5 165 police station noun the office of the police

5 165 post office noun a place where you can buy stamps and send
letters and parcels
5 51 restaurant noun a place where you can buy and eat a meal
5 51 river noun a long, natural area of water that flows
across the land
5 52 sink noun a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen
or bathroom that you wash dishes or your
hands, etc in
5 52 sofa noun a large, comfortable seat for more than one
5 165 sports centre noun a building with places where you can play
different sports
5 51 square noun an open area with buildings around it, often
in the centre of a town
5 165 stadium noun a large, open area with seats around it, used
for playing and watching sports
5 51 street noun a road in a town or city that has houses or
other buildings

5 165 theatre noun a building with a stage where people go to

watch plays
5 52 wardrobe noun a large cupboard for keeping clothes in
5 52 washing machine noun a machine that washes clothes

5 51 windmill noun a building with long parts at the top that

turn in the wind
6 162 April noun the fourth month of the year
6 63 ate verb past simple of eat

6 162 August noun the eighth month of the year

6 60 aunt noun the sister of your mother or father, or the
wife of your uncle
6 163 became verb past simple of become

6 63 bought verb past simple and past participle of buy

6 60 brother noun a boy or man who has the same parents as

6 163 brought verb past simple and past participle of bring
6 63 came verb past simple of come

6 63 cost verb If something costs a particular amount of

money, you have to pay that in order to buy
or do it.
6 60 cousin noun the child of your aunt or uncle
6 163 cut verb past simple and past participle of cut

6 162 December noun the twelfth month of the year

6 163 did verb past simple of do

6 162 February noun the second month of the year

6 163 found out verb past simple and and past participle of find
6 163 gave verb past simple and past participle of give
6 63 got verb past simple and past participle of get
6 60 grandchildren plural the sons and daughters of your children
6 60 granddaughter noun the daughter of your son or daughter
6 60 grandfather noun the father of your mother or father
6 60 grandmother noun the mother of your mother or father

6 60 grandparents plural the parents of your mother or father

6 60 grandson noun the son of your son or daughter

6 162 in (1962,etc) prepositio used to say when something happened

6 162 January noun the first month of the year
6 162 July noun the seventh month of the year
6 162 June noun the sixth month of the year
6 163 lost verb past simple and past participle of lose

6 63 made verb past simple and past participle of make

6 162 March noun the third month of the year

6 162 May noun the fifth month of the year
6 162 November noun the eleventh month of the year
6 162 October noun the tenth month of the year
6 162 on (June 19th, prepositio used to say the date of when something
etc) n happens
6 60 parents plural your mother and father
6 163 read verb past simple and past participle of read

6 162 September noun the ninth month of the year

6 60 sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents
as you
6 163 sold verb past simple and past participle of sell
6 63 spent verb past simple and past participle of spend

6 163 thought verb past simple and past participle of think

6 63 told verb past simple and past participle of tell

6 60 uncle noun the brother of your mother or father, or the

husband of your aunt
6 63 went verb past simple of go

6 163 won verb past simple and past participle of win

7 71 aeroplane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and
7 166 catch a train phrase to get on a train to go somewhere

7 166 change trains noun to get off one train and onto another
7 73 cheap adj not expensive, or costing less than usual

7 73 clean adj not dirty

7 71 coach noun a comfortable bus used to take groups of

people on long journeys
7 73 comfortable adj making you feel relaxed and free from pain

7 73 crowded adj very full of people

7 73 dangerous adj If someone or something is dangerous, they
could harm you.
7 73 dirty adj not clean
7 73 empty adj with nothing or no one inside
7 73 expensive adj costing a lot of money
7 73 fast adj quick
7 71 ferry noun a boat that regularly carries people and
vehicles across an area of water
7 73 full adj containing a lot of things or people
7 166 get off (a bus etc) verb to stop travelling on

7 166 get on (a train verb to go into

7 71 helicopter noun an aeroplane which flies using long, thin
parts on top of it that turn round and round
very fast
7 166 miss (a plane verb to arrive too late to get on
7 71 plane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and
7 73 safe adj not dangerous
7 71 scooter noun a small motorcycle
7 71 ship noun a large boat that carries people or things by
7 73 slow adj moving, happening, or doing something
without much speed
7 166 take (a train etc) verb to travel by

7 71 train noun a long, thin vehicle which travels along

metal tracks and carries people or goods
7 71 tram noun an electric vehicle for carrying passengers,
mostly in cities, which moves along metal
lines in the road
7 73 uncomfortable adj not making you feel comfortable and
8 83 arm noun the long part at each side of the human
body, ending in a hand
8 167 attractive adj beautiful or pleasant to look at
8 83 back noun the part of your body from your shoulders
to your bottom
8 167 curly adj with many curls
8 81 dance verb to move your feet and body to the rhythm of
8 167 dark adj nearer to black than white in colour
8 166 do exercises phrase to do physical activities to make your body
strong and healthy
8 166 do judo phrase to do a sport from Japan in which two
people try to throw each other to the
8 81 do yoga phrase to do exercises from India, which involve
bending and stretching your body
8 167 fair adj having pale skin or a light colour of hair
8 167 fat adj Someone who is fat weighs too much.
8 83 finger noun one of the five long parts at the end of your
8 167 fit adj healthy, especially because you exercise a
8 83 foot noun one of the two flat parts on the ends of your
legs that you stand on
8 166 go fishing phrase to do a sport where you try to catch fish

8 166 go running phrase to run as a form of exercise

8 166 go sailing phrase to do the sport of controlling a boat with no
8 166 go snowboarding phrase to do a sport in which you stand on a large
board and move across snow
8 167 good-looking adj attractive
8 167 hair noun the thin, thread-like parts that grow on your
8 83 hand noun the part of your body on the end of your
arm that has fingers
8 83 head noun the part of your body which contains your
brain, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc
8 83 leg noun one of the parts of the body that is used for
8 167 long adj having a large distance from one end to the
8 83 neck noun the part of the body between your head and
your shoulders
8 81 play badminton phrase to play a sport in which two or four people
hit a light object over a net
8 166 play football phrase to play a sport in which two teams of
players try to kick a ball into a goal
8 166 play golf phrase to play a sport in which you try to hit a
small ball into a hole in the ground
8 166 play hockey phrase to play a sport in which two teams try to hit
a ball into a goal with a long stick
8 166 play rugby phrase to play a sport in which two teams throw or
kick an oval ball over a goal or over a line

8 166 play volleyball phrase to play a game in which two teams use their
hands to hit a ball over a net
8 167 pretty adj nice to look at, attractive
8 81 ride a bike phrase to travel on a bicycle
8 167 short adj having a small distance from one end to the
8 81 skate verb to move using skates

8 81 ski verb to move over snow wearing long thin

objects on your feet
8 83 stomach noun the front part of your body just below your
8 167 straight adj not curved or bent
8 167 thin adj A thin person or animal has very little fat on
their body.
8 83 toe noun one of the five separate parts at the end of
your foot
9 90 bookshop noun a shop that sells books
9 93 boot noun a shoe that covers your foot and part of your
9 90 bus stop noun a place where buses stop to let passengers
get on or off
9 90 café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks
and small meals
9 90 car park noun a place where vehicles can be parked
9 90 cash machine noun a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank,
that you can get money from using a plastic
9 162 cent/c noun a coin with the value of 1/100 of a dollar
9 90 chemist noun a shop where you can buy drugs, soap,
beauty products, etc
9 90 clothes shop noun a shop where you can buy clothes

9 90 department noun a large shop which sells different types of

store things
9 162 dollar noun the unit of money used in the US, Canada,
and some other countries; $
9 93 dress noun a piece of clothing for women which covers
the top of the body and hangs down over
the legs
9 93 earring noun a piece of jewellery that you wear on your
9 90 entrance noun a door or other opening which you use to go
in somewhere
9 162 euro noun a unit of money that is used in many
European countries; €
9 90 fast food noun a restaurant that serves fast food such as
restaurant burgers
9 93 glove noun a piece of clothing which covers your fingers
and hand
9 90 information desk noun a place where you can get information

9 93 jeans plural trousers made from a strong blue material

9 167 jewellery noun objects made from gold, silver, and valuable
stones that you wear for decoration
9 93 jumper noun a warm piece of clothing which covers the
top of your body and is pulled on over your
9 167 necklace noun a piece of jewellery that you wear around
your neck
9 162 p noun the smallest unit of money in the UK, of
which there are 100 in a pound
9 162 pound noun the unit of money used in the UK and
Ireland; £
9 93 raincoat noun a coat that you wear when it is raining

9 94 receipt noun a piece of paper that proves that you have

received goods or money
9 167 ring noun a round piece of jewellery that you wear on
your finger
9 93 scarf noun a piece of cloth that you wear around your
neck or head to keep warm or for
9 93 shirt noun a piece of clothing worn on the top part of
the body, fastened with buttons down the
9 93 shoe noun a strong covering for the foot, often made of
9 167 shorts plural a very short pair of trousers that stop above
noun the knee

9 167 skirt noun a piece of women's clothing that hangs from

the waist and has no legs
9 93 sock noun something that you wear on your foot inside
your shoe

9 90 stairs plural a set of steps from one level of a building to

noun another
9 167 trainers plural soft sports shoes

9 93 trousers plural a piece of clothing that covers the legs and

noun has a separate part for each leg
9 167 T-shirt noun a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of
the body with short sleeves and no collar

9 167 watch noun a small clock on a strap that you fasten

round your arm
10 103 and (within high conjunctio used in high numbers, for example after the
numbers) n word 'hundred'
10 101 check emails phrase to look at your new emails

10 101 click on a link phrase to press on a part of a computer mouse to

get to another place on a computer or on the
10 101 download a file phrase to copy a collection of information from the
Internet to your computer, phone, etc
10 103 hundred noun 100
10 103 hundred noun 100,000
10 101 log on to a phrase to to connect to a computer system so that
computer you can start working
10 101 make a call phrase to telephone someone
10 103 million noun 1,000,000

10 101 save a document phrase to put a computer document onto the

computer's disk so that it is stored there
10 101 surf the Web phrase to look at several different websites

10 103 thousand noun 1,000

10 101 visit a website phrase to look at a website

11 113 band noun a group of musicians who play modern

music together

11 163 been verb past participle of be

11 163 bought verb past simple and past participle of buy

11 163 broken verb past participle of break

11 163 caught verb past simple and past participle of catch
11 113 classical music noun serious music by people like Mozart and
11 113 dance music noun a type of music with a strong beat that
people dance to in a nightclub
11 113 dancer noun someone who dances either as a job or for
11 113 DJ noun someone who plays music on the radio or at

11 163 eaten verb past participle of eat

11 163 fallen verb past participle of fall
11 163 flown verb past participle of fly
11 113 folk music noun music written and played in a traditional
11 163 forgotten verb past participle of forget

11 163 grown verb past participle of grow

11 163 had verb past simple and past participle of have
11 111 heard verb past simple and past participle of hear
11 113 jazz noun music with a strong beat that people often
play without looking at written music
11 113 musician noun someone who plays a musical instrument,
often as a job
11 113 opera noun a musical play in which most of the words
are sung
11 113 orchestra noun a large group of musicians who play
different instruments together
11 113 pop music noun modern music with a strong beat that is
popular with young people
11 111 read verb past simple and past participle of read
11 113 rock music noun loud, modern music with a strong beat,
often using guitars and drums

11 111 seen verb past participle of see

11 113 singer noun someone who sings

11 113 tango noun a South American dance

11 111 written verb past participle of write

12 120 beach noun an area of sand or rocks next to the sea

12 122 book a hotel phrase to arrange to stay in a hotel on a particular
12 122 change plans phrase to decide not to do what you intended to do
but do something else instead
12 165 coast noun the land next to the sea

12 165 countryside noun land that is not in towns or cities and has
farms, fields, etc
12 120 desert noun a large, hot, dry area of land with very few
12 165 field noun an area of land used for growing crops or
keeping animals
12 120 forest noun a large area of trees growing closely
12 120 glacier noun a very large piece of ice that moves very
12 122 go back home phrase to return to the place where you live

12 122 have a holiday phrase to go away somewhere for pleasure and not
12 165 hill noun a high area of land that is smaller than a
12 120 island noun an area of land that has water around it

12 165 jungle noun an area of land in a hot country where trees

and plants grow close together

12 120 lake noun a large area of water which has land all
around it
12 122 live abroad phrase to live in a country that is not where you
usually live
12 122 make plans phrase to think about and decide what you are
going to do
12 120 mountain noun a very high hill

12 122 pack a bag phrase to put clothes and other things you need
into a suitcase
12 122 plan a holiday phrase to think about and decide what you are
going to do on holiday
12 120 rainforest noun a forest with a lot of tall trees where it rains
a lot
12 120 river noun a long, natural area of water that flows
across the land
12 122 stay at home phrase to not go away from the place where you

12 122 stay in a hotel phrase to spend time in a hotel

12 122 travel abroad phrase to go to another country

12 122 unpack a bag phrase to take things out of a suitcase

12 120 waterfall noun a stream of water that falls from a high

place, often to a pool below

12 165 wood noun a large area of trees growing near each

Pronunciation (UK) Example

əˈmeɪzɪŋ My new phone does so many new things –

it’s amazing.

ˈbrɪliənt Oleg's a really pleasant guy and he's a
brilliant doctor.
kuːl Takor’s a fantastic friend and he’s very
fænˈtæstɪk Takor’s a fantastic friend and he’s very
ˈfrendli Maram's quiet, but she's really friendly.

greɪt Takor’s a great person to be on holiday
ˈhɒrɪbl This colour isn’t very nice – it’s horrible.


kaɪnd Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and
ˈlʌvli Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and
ˈmɒdən Their new house is finished now and it’s
very modern.
njuː ˈziːlənd
njuː ˈziːləndə
əʊld My computer’s quite old now. I need to
buy a new one.
ˈplezənt Oleg's a really pleasant guy and he's a
brilliant doctor.
pɔː I don’t think he’s got a lot of money – he’s
quite poor.
ˈpɒpjʊlə Maram's very popular with her students.

kwaɪət Maram's quiet, but she's really friendly.

rɪtʃ He buys anything he wants so I think he’s
saʊdi əˈreɪbiə
saʊdi əˈreɪbiən
saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə
saʊθ ˈæfrɪkən
ˈterəbl This wet and cold weather is terrible.

wɔːm Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and
welˈnəʊn Oleg's well-known in this part of St
ˈwʌndəfəl I like our new teacher – she’s wonderful.

ˈkwɔːtə tə/pɑːst Meet me at a quarter to nine.

ˈæktə David's a well-known actor.

breɪk Do you have a break in the middle of your
English lesson?
ˈbɪznɪsmən He's a Russian businessman.

ˈbɪznɪswʊmən She's a successful businesswoman.

ʃef He's a famous chef and he works in a

really expensive restaurant in Paris.
ˈkliːnə Our cleaner comes on Mondays.

ˈdentɪst I have to go to the dentist this morning.

endʒɪˈnɪə The lift isn't working - we need to call an


ɪgˈzæm Do you have an exam at the end of the


feɪl ən ɪgˈzæm I failed my exams because I didn't study

ˈfɑːmə The farmer gave us some eggs.
get ə gʊd/bæd ˈmɑːk Do you get good marks in English tests?

ˈhɑːf pɑːst The class starts at half past nine.

meɪk ˈnəʊts Do you make notes when you read

something in English?
ˈmænɪdʒə My father was a manager.

mɑːk Do you get good marks in English tests?

məˈkænɪk My brother works at the Volkswagen

garage as a mechanic.
nəʊts Do you make notes when you read
something in English?
nɜːs I’m a nurse in a London hospital, so I
often work at night.
əˈklɒk Lunch is at one o'clock.

pɑːs ən ɪgˈzæm Did you pass your exam?

pɑːst It's ten past three.

fəˈtɒgrəfə Magazines use a photographer to take

photos of famous people.
ˈpaɪlət My dad is a pilot for British Airways.
pəˈliːs ɒfɪsə My sister's a police officer.
rɪˈsepʃənɪst The receptionist at this hotel is really
friendly and helpful.

ˈsekrətəri I work as a secretary for a

ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt I asked the shop assistant how much the
apples cost.
ˈstʌdiz Do you enjoy your English studies?

ˈtæksi draɪvə A typical London taxi driver drives for

eight hours a day.
tɜːm How many weeks is a term at your
ˈtaɪmteɪbl Do you have a timetable for your study
tuː The train leaves at five to four.

ˈtʊə gaɪd Carol works as a tour guide at the Tower

of London.
taɪmz ə He has band practice three times a week.

baɪ Do you know where I can buy an English

ˈkæmrə I haven't got a digital camera.

kəmˈpjuːtə The Internet's on our computers, our

smartphones … it’s everywhere.
kɒst The bananas only cost €2 a kilo.

dɪˈsaɪd I can’t decide what colour to paint the

ˈiːriːdə Gary's e-reader is bigger than this one.

evri ˈdeɪ He goes running every day.

faɪnd I can’t find my passport.

ˈhedfəʊnz I use my headphones to listen to music on

the train.
help Can I help you paint the kitchen?
ˈkiːbɔːd A tablet doesn't have a keyboard.

ˈlæptɒp Adam needs a laptop for college.

miːt Let’s meet outside the cinema.

wʌns ə ˈwiːk I go to my Spanish lesson once a week.

prɪˈfɜː I prefer tea to coffee.

ˈprɪntə I don't have a printer at home.

ˈsætnæv My new car has got satnav.

sel I think they sell English newspapers in the

shop at the station.
ˈsmɑːtfəʊn The Internet's on our computers, our
smartphones … it’s everywhere.

steɪ I just want to stay at home and watch TV.

ˈtæblət I use my tablet when I'm travelling.

traɪ I’ll try to be on time but I don’t finish

work till 7:30.
twaɪs ə ˈwiːk She goes to volleyball training twice a
bæg a bag of potatoes
beɪk Bake the bread in a hot oven for 30
beɪkt We had baked potatoes for lunch.
bɑː a bar of chocolate
biːn I'll have the mixed bean salad, please.

bɔɪl Put water and rice in a pan and boil for

12 minutes.
bɔɪld I'll have boiled potatoes.
ˈbɒtl a bottle of water

ˈbɜːgə A burger is a cheap, quick meal.

kæn a can of tomatoes

ˈkærət I grow a lot of different vegetables, for
example carrots, onions and beans.
ˈsɪəriəl Many people eat cereal for breakfast with
ˈtʃɪkɪn Can I have roast chicken, please?
ˈkəʊlə Would you like a can of cola?

krɪsps Would you like a packet of crips?

ˈkʌri I'd like the lamb curry.

fraɪd I'll have the fried fish.

fraɪ Fry the onions in a little oil.
ˈgɑːlɪk I don't like garlic.

greɪp I bought a bunch of grapes.

grɪl Grill the chicken for 10 minutes untiI it’s

grɪld You should try the grilled fish.
dʒæm Seb usually has toast and jam for
dʒɑː a jar of honey
læm I'd like the lamb curry.
ˈlemən We had fried fish in lemon sauce.
ˈmelən For dessert, we had fresh melon.

ˈmʌʃruːm I'd like the mushroom soup for my starter.

ˈʌnjən I grow a lot of different vegetables, for

example carrots, onions and beans.
ˈpækɪt a packet of biscuits

peə His garden has an apple tree and a pear

rəʊst Put some oil on the lamb and roast it in
the oven.
rəʊst Can I have roast chicken, please?
ˈsæləd We need a onion for the salad.

steɪk Would you like some vegetables with your

tɪn a tin of tomatoes
ˈjɒgət Do you eat yoghurt with fruit?

əˈpɑːtmənt The German town has modern

ˈɑːmtʃeə She has two leather armchairs from her
aunt's house.
ˈbʊkkeɪs She has an enormous bookcase.

brɪdʒ There is a river with bridges.

ˈbɪldɪŋ The town has a square with beautiful

ˈkæfeɪ There are streets with cafés and big,
green parks where you can sit and relax.

ˈsentə You can walk by the river in the centre of

the town.
tʃest əv ˈdrɔːz I keep my clothes in a chest of drawers.

ˈkɒnsət hɔːl Go along the High Street for 100 metres

and the concert hall is on your right.

ˈkʊkə The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot

of cupboards.
ˈkʌbəd The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot
of cupboards.

ˈkɜːtənz Can you close the curtains, please?

læmp I have a small lamp on my desk.

ˈmetrəʊ steɪʃən There isn't a metro station in the town.

ˈmɪrə There’s a big mirror on the living room

pɑːk There are streets with cafés and big,
green parks where you can sit and relax.

pəˈliːs steɪʃən They found a handbag and took it to the

police station.
ˈpəʊst ɒfɪs I'm going to the post office to buy stamps.

ˈrestrɒnt There are some nice restaurants here.

ˈrɪvə You can walk by the river in the centre of
the town.
sɪŋk The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot
of cupboards.

ˈsəʊfə She has a big red sofa.

ˈspɔːts sentə We play tennis at the sports centre.

skweə The town has a square with beautiful

ˈsteɪdiəm The stadium was full for the match.

striːt There are streets with cafés and big,

green parks where you can sit and relax.

ˈθɪətə You can walk to the theatre from the

ˈwɔːdrəʊb I don't need this big wardrobe.
ˈwɒʃɪŋ məʃiːn I put my dirty clothes in the washing
ˈwɪndmɪl The Spanish town has squares and
ˈeɪprəl Julia's birthday is in April.
et I made cakes and biscuits and my friends
came to my place and ate them.
ˈɔːgəst We went to Spain in August.
ɑːnt Alice is my aunt.

bɪˈkeɪm My life completely changed and I became

bɔːt My parents bought all the things I needed.

ˈbrʌðə This is my brother's cat.

brɔːt My sister brought a cake.

keɪm I made cakes and biscuits and my friends
came to my place and ate them.
kɒst The food cost a lot.

ˈkʌzən I have ten cousins, and they're all girls!

kʌt I cut some fresh flowers from my garden.

dɪˈsembə Our school term ends on December 18th.

dɪd I went into town and did some shopping.

ˈfebruəri I visited Maria in February.

faʊnd ˈaʊt I found out my number was correct.

ɡeɪv My uncle gave me a laptop.

ɡɒt I never got a train or bus.
ˈɡrændtʃɪldrən Do you have any grandchildren?

ˈgrændɔːtə My granddaughter is five years old.

ˈgrænfɑːðə My grandfather lives with us.
ˈgrænmʌðə My grandmother bakes delicious cakes.

ˈɡrændpeərənts We visit our grandparents every week.

ˈgrænsʌn Bill took his grandson to the football

ɪn We were in Australia in 2012.

ˈdʒænjʊri Ivan's birthday is in January.

dʒʊˈlaɪ We moved here in July.
dʒuːn It's usually sunny in June.
lɒst Paul is angry because he lost his
meɪd After school and at the weekend I made
cakes and biscuits.
mɑːtʃ I changed my job in March.
meɪ In May, I went to America.
nəʊˈvembə Luke's birthday is in November.
ɒkˈtəʊbə What did you do in October?
ɒn They got married on May 5th.

ˈpeərənts I asked my parents for a laptop.

red I opened the newspaper and read the

winning number.
sepˈtembə Adam's birthday is in September.
ˈsɪstə My sister went to England.

səʊld A beautiful woman sold a ticket to me.

spent My parents spent all the time driving me
to different activities and games and
things like that.
θɔːt I thought the music was lovely.
təʊld I immediately told the woman in the shop.

ˈʌŋkl My uncle writes children's books.

went Every day of the week I went to some kind

of sports activity or game.
wʌn I've won a weekend in Paris!
ˈeərəpleɪn I caught an aeroplane from London to
kætʃ ə ˈtreɪn Erik usually gets to Kings Park Station at
8:00 so he can catch the train at 8.05.

tʃeɪndʒ ˈtreɪnz Erik changes trains at Central Station.

tʃiːp She stayed in cheap hotels and with
friends in different countries.
kliːn The dogs are old and they're not very
kəʊtʃ We went to London on the coach.

ˈkʌmfətəbl This sofa's so comfortable!

ˈkraʊdɪd The bus was really crowded.

ˈdeɪndʒərəs It's dangerous to travel alone here.

ˈdɜːti My shoes are very dirty.

ˈempti The room was empty.
ɪkˈspensɪv We didn't stay in expensive hotels.
fɑːst My brother's car is really fast!
ˈferi Ivan travelled to France by ferry.

fʊl The bus was full.

get ˈɒf Erik gets off the train at Riverside Station.

get ˈɒn Erik gets on the train at Kings Park

Station, near his home.
ˈhelɪkɒptə I've never flown in a helicopter.

mɪs Sometimes Erik’s a few minutes late and

he misses the train.
pleɪn Laurence hates travelling by plane.

seɪf Air travel is very safe these days.

ˈskuːtə We hired scooters.
ʃɪp We spent three days on the ship.

sləʊ This train is very slow.

teɪk Erik works in the city centre and he takes

the train to work every morning.
treɪn Erik works in the city centre and he takes
the train to work every morning.
træm Mary gets the tram to the city centre.

ʌnˈkʌmftəbl This bed is really uncomfortable.

ɑːm He fell over and broke his arm.

əˈtræktɪv She’s a very attractive woman.

bæk This bed is really uncomfortable. It gives
me a bad back.
ˈkɜːli He’s got short curly dark hair.
dɑːns I don't like dancing with her.

dɑːk He’s got short straight dark hair.

du: ˈeksəsaɪzɪz There are lots of good DVDs that show
you how to do the exercises.
du: ˈdʒuːdəʊ Do you do judo?

du: ˈjəʊgə She does a lot of yoga.

feə She’s got long straight fair hair.

fæt He’s getting quite fat.
ˈfɪŋgə She had long fingers.

fɪt He looks very fit.

fʊt He stood on my foot!

gəʊ ˈfɪʃɪŋ I don’t like going fishing – it’s so boring!

gəʊ ˈrʌnɪŋ We went running after work yesterday.

gəʊ ˈseɪlɪŋ We went sailing in Greece.

gəʊ ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ I go snowboarding every winter.

gʊdˈlʊkɪŋ He’s very good-looking.

heə I have dark hair because I’m half Mexican.

hænd I’ve got big hands.

hed My head hurts.

leg You have to have strong legs to run a

lɒŋ She’s got long straight dark hair.

nek She has a long neck.

pleɪ ˈbædmɪntən I often play badminton with my friends.

pleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl Do you play football?

pleɪ ˈgɒlf My dad plays golf.

pleɪ ˈhɒki I play hockey on Saturdays.

pleɪ ˈrʌgbi All the boys at our school play rugby.

pleɪ ˈvɒlibɔːl We often play volleyball on the beach.

ˈprɪti She was a very pretty girl.

raɪd ə ˈbaɪk I can't ride a bike.
ʃɔːt He’s got short straight dark hair.

skeɪt Adrian can ski quite well, but he can’t

skate at all.
skiː Adrian can ski quite well, but he can’t
skate at all.
ˈstʌmək I’ve just got a bit of a stomach ache.

streɪt She’s got long straight dark hair.

θɪn She’s looking much too thin.

təʊ She can't touch her toes.

ˈbʊkʃɒp The bookshop closes at 5:30.

buːt He wore heavy boots.

ˈbʌs stɒp The bus stop is in front of the town hall.

ˈkæfeɪ We had coffee at the café.

ˈkɑː pɑːk The car park is on Blackhill Road.

ˈkæʃ məʃi:n It’s safer to get money from cash
machines when you need it.

sent It only costs a few cents.

ˈkemɪst The chemist opposite the café is open all
ˈkləʊðz ʃɒp Jane is looking for a new dress in that new
clothes shop.
dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː There is a large department store in the
ˈdɒlə The meal cost 15 dollars.

dres Jane is looking for a new dress in that new

clothes shop.

ˈɪərɪŋ My boyfriend bought me these earrings

for my birthday.
ˈentrəns He’s waiting for us at the main entrance.

ˈjʊərəʊ I think six euros for a metro ticket is very

fɑːst ˈfuːd restrɒnt We had lunch at a fast food restaurnant.

glʌv You need to wear gloves - it's very cold.

ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən desk You can ask about trains at the

information desk.
dʒiːnz I usually wear jeans and trainers.

ˈdʒuːəlri I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of

course, and my ring.
ˈdʒʌmpə You probably need jeans and a thin
jumper for the evenings.

ˈnekləs She had a blue and yellow necklace.

piː The apples are 50p each.

paʊnd My dad gave me ten pounds.

ˈreɪŋkəʊt It does sometimes rain in summer, so it’s a

good idea to bring a raincoat.
rɪˈsiːt Here are your T-shirts. The receipt is in
the bag.
rɪŋ I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of
course, and my ring.
skɑːf I wore a coat and scarf.

ʃɜːt She wore a red skirt and a white shirt.

ʃuː I’m wearing some new shoes.

ʃɔːts It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a

T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

skɜːt She wore a red skirt and a white shirt.

sɒk It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a

T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

steəz Go up the stairs.

ˈtreɪnəz It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a

T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

ˈtraʊzəz I like your new trousers.

ˈtiːʃɜːt It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a

T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

wɒtʃ I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of

course, and my ring.
ænd one hundred and eighty

tʃek ˈiːmeɪlz You can use my laptop to check your

klɪk ɒn ə ˈlɪŋk You can listen to her new song if you click
on this link.

daʊnləʊd ə ˈfaɪl Please don't download any unsafe files to

my computer.
ˈhʌndrəd More than a hundred people came to the
hʌndrəd ˈθaʊzənd There are over a hundred thousand
people in this town.
lɒg ɒn tuː ə kəmˈpjuːtə No, you can't log on to my computer.

meɪk ə ˈkɔːl Do you need to make a call?

ˈmɪljən The apartment cost three million dollars.

seɪv ə ˈdɒkjʊmənt It's better to save your document every 15

sɜːf ðə ˈweb I like surfing the Internet and watching
videos online.
ˈθaʊzənd He gave her a thousand pounds.
vɪzɪt ə ˈwebsaɪt When you visit their website, they give a
dollar to help poor people.
bænd A band called La Bomba da Tiempo play
drums at the club every Monday night.

biːn Have you ever been to Paris?

bɔːt Have you ever bought flowers for
ˈbrəʊkən Have you ever broken your leg?
kɔːt Have you ever caught a fish?
klæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk It’s easy to find good classical music in
Buenos Aires.
ˈdɑːns mjuːzɪk They play dance music from Africa and
Latin America.
ˈdɑːnsə On a warm summer evening you can see
tango dancers in the street.
ˈdiːdʒeɪ The club has two stages, one for live rock
music and the other for dance music with
ˈiːtən Have you ever eaten octopus?
ˈfɔːlən Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
fləʊn Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
ˈfəʊk mjuːzɪk The musicians also play rock, pop and folk
fəˈɡɒtən Have you ever forgotten your own phone
grəʊn Have you ever grown vegetables?
hæd Have you ever had breakfast in bed?
hɜːd Have you ever heard African music?
dʒæz Buenos Aires is full of jazz clubs.

mjuːˈzɪʃən The musicians play in the middle of the

ˈɒpərə You can also see first-class operas.

ˈɔːkɪstrə It isn’t only tango orchestras you can

hear, but all kinds of music.
ˈpɒp mjuːzɪk The musicians also play rock, pop and folk
red Have you ever read an English
ˈrɒk mjuːzɪk The club has two stages, one for live rock
music and the other for dance music with
siːn Have you ever seen an elephant?
ˈsɪŋə This district is full of great cafés and
shops, and also musicians and singers.
ˈtæŋgəʊ On a warm summer evening you can see
tango dancers in the street.
ˈrɪtən Hav you ever written an email in English?

biːtʃ He likes the beaches in Mexico.

bʊk ə həʊˈtel I never book a hotel - I want to see my
room before I stay there.
tʃeɪndʒ ˈplænz She had to change her plans.

kəʊst Our house is on the coast, but behind us is

a jungle with lots of very green trees.

ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd We live outside the city in the countryside.

ˈdezət In my country, there are lots of hills, but

there’s no desert.
fiːld There are fields all around the house.

ˈfɒrɪst We love walking in the forest.

ˈglæsiə You can see the huge glacier.

gəʊ bæk ˈhəʊm After a week away I'm always happy to go

back home and see my family again.

hæv ə ˈhɒlɪdeɪ We had a holiday in France.

hɪl Next to the house is a small hill.

ˈaɪlənd In the afternoon we took the ferry and

visited an island.
ˈdʒʌŋgl Our house is on the coast, but behind us is
a jungle with lots of very green trees.

leɪk There’s a small lake in the middle of the

lɪv əˈbrɔːd I think you should live abroad if you want
to learn a language well.
meɪk ˈplænz We need to make plans for our holiday.

ˈmaʊntɪn When you look across the water from the

island, you can see mountains and
pæk ə ˈbæg I usually pack my bags about an hour
before I go on holiday.
plæn ə ˈhɒlɪdeɪ I always plan my holidays carefully.
ˈreɪnfɒrɪst You can see lots of beautiful birds in the
ˈrɪvə The Amazon is the longest river in South
steɪ ət ˈhəʊm We haven’t got enough money for a
holiday this year, so we’re going to stay at
steɪ ɪn ə həʊˈtel If she comes to London, Hannah can stay
in a hotel.
trævəl əˈbrɔːd I don't want to travel abroad.
ʌnpæk ə ˈbæg The first thing I do when I get to my hotel
is to unpack my bag.
ˈwɔːtəfɔːl When you look across the water from the
island, you can see mountains and
wʊd In the distance there is a small wood.
Elementary wordlist
ENGLISH PoS Definition Pronunciation (UK)

(a) quarter phrase used to say the time when it is 15 minutes ˈkwɔːtə tə/pɑːst
to/past before/after an hour
(three) times a phrase used to say how often something happens taɪmz ə
actor noun someone, especially a man, who performs in ˈæktə
plays and films
aeroplane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and ˈeərəpleɪn
amazing adj very good əˈmeɪzɪŋ

American adj from the USA əˈmerɪkən

and (within high conjunctio used in high numbers, for example after the ænd
numbers) n word 'hundred'
apartment noun a set of rooms for someone to live in on one əˈpɑːtmənt
level of a building or house
April noun the fourth month of the year ˈeɪprəl
Argentina noun a country in South America ɑːdʒənˈtiːnə
Argentinian adj from Argentina ɑːdʒənˈtɪniən
arm noun the long part at each side of the human ɑːm
body, ending in a hand
armchair noun a comfortable chair with sides that support ˈɑːmtʃeə
your arms
ate verb past simple of eat et

attractive adj beautiful or pleasant to look at əˈtræktɪv

August noun the eighth month of the year ˈɔːgəst
aunt noun the sister of your mother or father, or the ɑːnt
wife of your uncle
Australia noun a country on the continent of the same ɒsˈtreɪliə
Australian adj from Australia ɒsˈtreɪliən
back noun the part of your body from your shoulders bæk
to your bottom
bag noun a container used for carrying things bæg
bake verb to cook something such as bread or a cake beɪk
in an oven
baked adj cooked in an oven beɪkt
band noun a group of musicians who play modern bænd
music together

bar noun a small block of something solid bɑː

beach noun an area of sand or rocks next to the sea biːtʃ
bean noun a long, thin, green seed case of some biːn
climbing plants, or the seed from inside the
case that is used as food
became verb past simple of become bɪˈkeɪm

been verb past participle of be biːn

boil verb to cook food in water that is boiling bɔɪl

boiled adj cooked in water that is boiling bɔɪld

book a hotel phrase to arrange to stay in a hotel on a particular bʊk ə həʊˈtel
bookcase noun a piece of furniture with shelves for putting ˈbʊkkeɪs
books on
bookshop noun a shop that sells books ˈbʊkʃɒp
boot noun a shoe that covers your foot and part of your buːt
bottle noun a container for liquids, usually made of glass ˈbɒtl
or plastic, with a narrow top
bought verb past simple and past participle of buy bɔːt

bought verb past simple and past participle of buy bɔːt

Brazil noun a country in South America brəˈzɪl

Brazilian adj from Brazil brəˈzɪliən
break noun when you stop an activity for a short time, breɪk
usually to rest
bridge noun a structure that is built over a river or road brɪdʒ
so that people can go across it
brilliant adj very good ˈbrɪliənt

Britain noun England, Scotland, and Wales ˈbrɪtən

British adj from the UK ˈbrɪtɪʃ
broken verb past participle of break ˈbrəʊkən
brother noun a boy or man who has the same parents as ˈbrʌðə
brought verb past simple and past participle of bring brɔːt
building noun a structure with walls and a roof, such as a ˈbɪldɪŋ
house or school
burger noun meat in a round, flat shape, that you eat ˈbɜːgə
between bread
bus stop noun a place where buses stop to let passengers ˈbʌs stɒp
get on or off
businessman noun a man who works in a business, usually in a ˈbɪznɪsmən
high position in a company
businesswoman noun a woman who works in a business, usually ˈbɪznɪswʊmən
in a high position in a company
buy verb to get something by giving money for it baɪ

café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks ˈkæfeɪ

and small meals

café noun a small restaurant where you buy drinks ˈkæfeɪ

and small meals
came verb past simple of come keɪm

camera noun a piece of equipment used to take ˈkæmrə

can noun a metal container for food or liquids kæn
Canada noun a country in North America ˈkænədə
Canadian adj from Canada kəˈneɪdiən
car park noun a place where vehicles can be parked ˈkɑː pɑːk
carrot noun a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows in ˈkærət
the ground
cash machine noun a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, ˈkæʃ məʃi:n
that you can get money from using a plastic
catch a train phrase to get on a train to go somewhere kætʃ ə ˈtreɪn

caught verb past simple and past participle of catch kɔːt

cent/c noun a coin with the value of 1/100 of a dollar sent
centre noun the middle point or part of something ˈsentə

cereal noun a food that is made from grain and eaten ˈsɪəriəl
with milk, especially in the morning
change plans phrase to decide not to do what you intended to do tʃeɪndʒ ˈplænz
but do something else instead
change trains noun to get off one train and onto another tʃeɪndʒ ˈtreɪnz
cheap adj not expensive, or costing less than usual tʃiːp

check emails phrase to look at your new emails tʃek ˈiːmeɪlz

chef noun someone who cooks food in a restaurant ʃef

chemist noun a shop where you can buy drugs, soap, ˈkemɪst
beauty products, etc
chest of drawers noun a piece of furniture with drawers for tʃest əv ˈdrɔːz
keeping clothes in
chicken noun the meat of a chicken ˈtʃɪkɪn
China noun a country in Asia ˈtʃaɪnə
Chinese adj from China tʃaɪˈniːz
classical music noun serious music by people like Mozart and klæsɪkəl ˈmjuːzɪk
clean adj not dirty kliːn

cleaner noun someone whose job is to clean houses, ˈkliːnə

offices, and other places
click on a link phrase to press on a part of a computer mouse to klɪk ɒn ə ˈlɪŋk
get to another place on a computer or on the
clothes shop noun a shop where you can buy clothes ˈkləʊðz ʃɒp

coach noun a comfortable bus used to take groups of kəʊtʃ

people on long journeys
coast noun the land next to the sea kəʊst
cola noun a sweet, dark-brown drink with lots of ˈkəʊlə
Colombia noun a country in South America kəˈlɒmbiə
Colombian adj from Colombia kəˈlɒmbiən
comfortable adj making you feel relaxed and free from pain ˈkʌmfətəbl

computer noun an electronic machine that can store and kəmˈpjuːtə

arrange large amounts of information
concert hall noun a large building in which concerts are ˈkɒnsət hɔːl

cooker noun a piece of equipment used to cook food ˈkʊkə

cool adj good or fashionable kuːl

cost verb If something costs a particular amount of kɒst

money, you have to pay that in order to buy
or do it.
cost verb If something costs a particular amount of kɒst
money, you have to pay that in order to buy
or do it.
countryside noun land that is not in towns or cities and has ˈkʌntrɪsaɪd
farms, fields, etc
cousin noun the child of your aunt or uncle ˈkʌzən
crisps plural very thin slices of potato that have been krɪsps
noun cooked in oil and are eaten cold
crowded adj very full of people ˈkraʊdɪd
cupboard noun a piece of furniture with a door on the front ˈkʌbəd
and shelves inside, used for keeping things

curly adj with many curls ˈkɜːli

curry noun a type of food from India, made of ˈkʌri
vegetables or meat cooked with hot spices
curtains plural pieces of material that hang down to cover a ˈkɜːtənz
noun window
cut verb past simple and past participle of cut kʌt

dance verb to move your feet and body to the rhythm of dɑːns
dance music noun a type of music with a strong beat that ˈdɑːns mjuːzɪk
people dance to in a nightclub
dancer noun someone who dances either as a job or for ˈdɑːnsə
dangerous adj If someone or something is dangerous, they ˈdeɪndʒərəs
could harm you.
dark adj nearer to black than white in colour dɑːk
December noun the twelfth month of the year dɪˈsembə

decide verb to choose something after thinking about dɪˈsaɪd

the possibilities
dentist noun someone who looks at and repairs teeth ˈdentɪst
department store noun a large shop which sells different types of dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː
desert noun a large, hot, dry area of land with very few ˈdezət
did verb past simple of do dɪd

dirty adj not clean ˈdɜːti

DJ noun someone who plays music on the radio or at ˈdiːdʒeɪ

do exercises phrase to do physical activities to make your body du: ˈeksəsaɪzɪz

strong and healthy
do judo phrase to do a sport from Japan in which two du: ˈdʒuːdəʊ
people try to throw each other to the
do yoga phrase to do exercises from India, which involve du: ˈjəʊgə
bending and stretching your body
dollar noun the unit of money used in the US, Canada, ˈdɒlə
and some other countries; $
download a file phrase to copy a collection of information from the daʊnləʊd ə ˈfaɪl
Internet to your computer, phone, etc
dress noun a piece of clothing for women which covers dres
the top of the body and hangs down over
the legs
earring noun a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ˈɪərɪŋ
eaten verb past participle of eat ˈiːtən
empty adj with nothing or no one inside ˈempti
engineer noun someone whose job is to design, build, or endʒɪˈnɪə
repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc

entrance noun a door or other opening which you use to go ˈentrəns

in somewhere
e-reader noun a small electronic device with a screen that ˈiːriːdə
allows you to read books in an electronic
euro noun a unit of money that is used in many ˈjʊərəʊ
European countries; €
every day phrase used to show that something is done on all evri ˈdeɪ
exam noun an official test of how much you know about ɪgˈzæm
something, or how well you can do
expensive adj costing a lot of money ɪkˈspensɪv
fail an exam phrase to not be successful in an exam feɪl ən ɪgˈzæm

fair adj having pale skin or a light colour of hair feə

fallen verb past participle of fall ˈfɔːlən
fantastic adj very good fænˈtæstɪk

farmer noun someone who owns or looks after a farm ˈfɑːmə

fast adj quick fɑːst
fast food noun a restaurant that serves fast food such as fɑːst ˈfuːd restrɒnt
restaurant burgers
fat adj Someone who is fat weighs too much. fæt
February noun the second month of the year ˈfebruəri
ferry noun a boat that regularly carries people and ˈferi
vehicles across an area of water
field noun an area of land used for growing crops or fiːld
keeping animals
find verb to discover something or someone that you faɪnd
have been looking for
finger noun one of the five long parts at the end of your ˈfɪŋgə
fit adj healthy, especially because you exercise a fɪt
flown verb past participle of fly fləʊn
folk music noun music written and played in a traditional ˈfəʊk mjuːzɪk
foot noun one of the two flat parts on the ends of your fʊt
legs that you stand on
forest noun a large area of trees growing closely ˈfɒrɪst
forgotten verb past participle of forget fəˈɡɒtən

found out verb past simple and and past participle of find faʊnd ˈaʊt
France noun a country in Europe frɑːns
French adj from France frentʃ
fried adj cooked in hot oil or fat fraɪd
friendly adj behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards ˈfrendli
fry verb to cook something in hot oil fraɪ
full adj containing a lot of things or people fʊl
garlic noun a vegetable like a small onion with a very ˈgɑːlɪk
strong taste and smell
gave verb past simple and past participle of give ɡeɪv
German adj from Germany ˈdʒɜːmən
Germany noun a country in Europe ˈdʒɜːməni
get a good/bad phrase to get a high/low mark get ə gʊd/bæd ˈmɑːk
get off (a bus etc) verb to stop travelling on get ˈɒf

get on (a train verb to go into get ˈɒn

glacier noun a very large piece of ice that moves very ˈglæsiə
glove noun a piece of clothing which covers your fingers glʌv
and hand
go back home phrase to return to the place where you live gəʊ bæk ˈhəʊm

go fishing phrase to do a sport where you try to catch fish gəʊ ˈfɪʃɪŋ

go running phrase to run as a form of exercise gəʊ ˈrʌnɪŋ

go sailing phrase to do the sport of controlling a boat with no gəʊ ˈseɪlɪŋ
go snowboarding phrase to do a sport in which you stand on a large gəʊ ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ
board and move across snow
good-looking adj attractive gʊdˈlʊkɪŋ
got verb past simple and past participle of get ɡɒt
grandchildren plural the sons and daughters of your children ˈɡrændtʃɪldrən
granddaughter noun the daughter of your son or daughter ˈgrændɔːtə
grandfather noun the father of your mother or father ˈgrænfɑːðə
grandmother noun the mother of your mother or father ˈgrænmʌðə
grandparents plural the parents of your mother or father ˈɡrændpeərənts
grandson noun the son of your son or daughter ˈgrænsʌn

grape noun a small, round fruit that grows in large greɪp

groups and is used to make wine
great adj very good greɪt

grill verb to cook food using direct heat grɪl

grilled adj cooked under direct heat grɪld

grown verb past participle of grow grəʊn
had verb past simple and past participle of have hæd
hair noun the thin, thread-like parts that grow on your heə
half past phrase Half past a particular hour is 30 minutes ˈhɑːf pɑːst
later than that hour.
hand noun the part of your body on the end of your hænd
arm that has fingers
have a holiday phrase to go away somewhere for pleasure and not hæv ə ˈhɒlɪdeɪ
head noun the part of your body which contains your hed
brain, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc
headphones plural a piece of equipment that you wear over ˈhedfəʊnz
noun your ears so that you can listen to music
heard verb past simple and past participle of hear hɜːd
helicopter noun an aeroplane which flies using long, thin ˈhelɪkɒptə
parts on top of it that turn round and round
very fast
help verb to do something for someone help
hill noun a high area of land that is smaller than a hɪl
horrible adj very unpleasant or bad ˈhɒrɪbl

hundred noun 100 ˈhʌndrəd

hundred noun 100,000 hʌndrəd ˈθaʊzənd

in (1962,etc) prepositio used to say when something happened ɪn
information desk noun a place where you can get information ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən desk

Iran noun a country in Asia ɪˈrɑːn

Iranian adj from Iran ɪˈreɪniən
Ireland noun a country in Europe ˈaɪələnd
Irish adj from Ireland ˈaɪərɪʃ
island noun an area of land that has water around it ˈaɪlənd

Italian adj from Italy ɪˈtæliən

Italy noun a country in Europe ˈɪtəli
jam noun a sweet food made from fruit that you put dʒæm
on bread
January noun the first month of the year ˈdʒænjʊri
Japan noun a country consisting of a group of islands dʒəˈpæn
near the east coast of Asia
Japanese adj from Japan dzæpəˈniːz
jar noun a glass container used for keeping food dʒɑː
jazz noun music with a strong beat that people often dʒæz
play without looking at written music
jeans plural trousers made from a strong blue material dʒiːnz
jewellery noun objects made from gold, silver, and valuable ˈdʒuːəlri
stones that you wear for decoration

July noun the seventh month of the year dʒʊˈlaɪ

jumper noun a warm piece of clothing which covers the ˈdʒʌmpə
top of your body and is pulled on over your
June noun the sixth month of the year dʒuːn
jungle noun an area of land in a hot country where trees ˈdʒʌŋgl
and plants grow close together

keyboard noun a set of keys on a computer, which you press ˈkiːbɔːd

to make it work, or the rows of keys on a
kind adj Kind people do things to help others and kaɪnd
show that they care about them.
lake noun a large area of water which has land all leɪk
around it
lamb noun meat from a young sheep læm
lamp noun an object that makes light læmp
laptop noun a small computer that you can carry around ˈlæptɒp
with you
leg noun one of the parts of the body that is used for leg
lemon noun an oval, yellow fruit that has sour juice ˈlemən
live abroad phrase to live in a country that is not where you lɪv əˈbrɔːd
usually live
log on to a phrase to to connect to a computer system so that lɒg ɒn tuː ə kəmˈpjuːtə
computer you can start working
long adj having a large distance from one end to the lɒŋ
lost verb past simple and past participle of lose lɒst

lovely adj very nice ˈlʌvli

made verb past simple and past participle of make meɪd

make a call phrase to telephone someone meɪk ə ˈkɔːl

make notes phrase to write words to help you remember meɪk ˈnəʊts
make plans phrase to think about and decide what you are meɪk ˈplænz
going to do
manager noun someone in control of an office, shop, team, ˈmænɪdʒə
March noun the third month of the year mɑːtʃ
mark noun a number or letter that is written on a piece mɑːk
of work, saying how good the work is

May noun the fifth month of the year meɪ

mechanic noun someone whose job is to repair machines məˈkænɪk

meet verb to wait at a place for someone or something miːt

to arrive
melon noun a large, round, sweet fruit with a thick, ˈmelən
green or yellow skin
metro station noun a place where you can get an underground ˈmetrəʊ steɪʃən
Mexican adj from Mexico ˈmeksɪkən
Mexico noun a country in North America ˈmeksɪkəʊ
million noun 1,000,000 ˈmɪljən

mirror noun a piece of special glass in which you can see ˈmɪrə
miss (a plane etc) verb to arrive too late to get on mɪs

modern adj using the newest ideas, design, technology, ˈmɒdən

etc and not traditional
mountain noun a very high hill ˈmaʊntɪn

mushroom noun a small, brown vegetable that grows in the ˈmʌʃruːm

musician noun someone who plays a musical instrument, mjuːˈzɪʃən
often as a job
neck noun the part of the body between your head and nek
your shoulders
necklace noun a piece of jewellery that you wear around ˈnekləs
your neck
New Zealand noun a country in the southern Pacific Ocean njuː ˈziːlənd
New Zealander noun someone from New Zealand njuː ˈziːləndə
Nigeria noun a country in Africa naɪˈdʒɪəriə
Nigerian adj from Nigeria naɪˈdʒɪəriən
notes plural words that you write down to help you nəʊts
noun remember something
November noun the eleventh month of the year nəʊˈvembə
nurse noun someone whose job is looking after people nɜːs
who are ill and hurt
o'clock adverb used after a number from one to twelve to əˈklɒk
say the time when it is exactly that hour
October noun the tenth month of the year ɒkˈtəʊbə
old adj having been used or owned for a long time əʊld

on (June 19th, prepositio used to say the date of when something ɒn

etc) n happens
once a week phrase one time in a week wʌns ə ˈwiːk
onion noun a round vegetable with layers that has a ˈʌnjən
strong taste and smell
opera noun a musical play in which most of the words ˈɒpərə
are sung
orchestra noun a large group of musicians who play ˈɔːkɪstrə
different instruments together
p noun the smallest unit of money in the UK, of piː
which there are 100 in a pound
pack a bag phrase to put clothes and other things you need pæk ə ˈbæg
into a suitcase
packet noun a small box with a lot of the same thing in it ˈpækɪt

Pakistan noun a country in Asia pɑːkiˈstɑːn

Pakistani adj from Pakistan pɑːkiˈstɑːni
parents plural your mother and father ˈpeərənts
park noun a large area of grass, often in a town, where pɑːk
people can walk and enjoy themselves

pass an exam phrase to be successful in an exam pɑːs ən ɪgˈzæm

past prepositio used to say 'after' the hour when you are pɑːst
n saying what time it is
pear noun an oval-shaped, green or yellow fruit peə

photographer noun someone whose job is to take photographs fəˈtɒgrəfə

pilot noun someone who flies an aeroplane ˈpaɪlət

plan a holiday phrase to think about and decide what you are plæn ə ˈhɒlɪdeɪ
going to do on holiday
plane noun a vehicle that flies and has an engine and pleɪn
play badminton phrase to play a sport in which two or four people pleɪ ˈbædmɪntən
hit a light object over a net
play football phrase to play a sport in which two teams of pleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl
players try to kick a ball into a goal
play golf phrase to play a sport in which you try to hit a pleɪ ˈgɒlf
small ball into a hole in the ground
play hockey phrase to play a sport in which two teams try to hit pleɪ ˈhɒki
a ball into a goal with a long stick
play rugby phrase to play a sport in which two teams throw or pleɪ ˈrʌgbi
kick an oval ball over a goal or over a line

play volleyball phrase to play a game in which two teams use their pleɪ ˈvɒlibɔːl
hands to hit a ball over a net
pleasant adj nice to be with ˈplezənt

Poland noun a country in Europe ˈpəʊlənd

police officer noun someone who is a member of the police pəˈliːs ɒfɪsə
police station noun the office of the police pəˈliːs steɪʃən

Polish adj from Poland ˈpəʊlɪʃ

poor adj having little money pɔː
pop music noun modern music with a strong beat that is ˈpɒp mjuːzɪk
popular with young people
popular adj liked by many people ˈpɒpjʊlə

post office noun a place where you can buy stamps and send ˈpəʊst ɒfɪs
letters and parcels
pound noun the unit of money used in the UK and paʊnd
Ireland; £
prefer verb to like someone or something more than prɪˈfɜː
another person or thing
pretty adj nice to look at, attractive ˈprɪti
printer noun a machine which is connected to a computer ˈprɪntə
and which makes writing or images on
quiet adj not talking very much kwaɪət
raincoat noun a coat that you wear when it is raining ˈreɪŋkəʊt

rainforest noun a forest with a lot of tall trees where it rains ˈreɪnfɒrɪst
a lot
read verb past simple and past participle of read red

read verb past simple and past participle of read red

receipt noun a piece of paper that proves that you have rɪˈsiːt
received goods or money
receptionist noun someone who works in a hotel or office rɪˈsepʃənɪst
building, answering the telephone and
dealing with guests
restaurant noun a place where you can buy and eat a meal ˈrestrɒnt
rich adj A rich person has a lot of money. rɪtʃ

ride a bike phrase to travel on a bicycle raɪd ə ˈbaɪk

ring noun a round piece of jewellery that you wear on rɪŋ
your finger
river noun a long, natural area of water that flows ˈrɪvə
across the land
river noun a long, natural area of water that flows ˈrɪvə
across the land
roast verb If you roast food, you cook it in an oven or rəʊst
over a fire.
roast adj cooked in an oven or over a fire rəʊst
rock music noun loud, modern music with a strong beat, ˈrɒk mjuːzɪk
often using guitars and drums

Russia noun a country in Europe ˈrʌʃə

Russian adj from Russia ˈrʌʃən
safe adj not dangerous seɪf
salad noun a cold mixture of vegetables that have not ˈsæləd
been cooked
satnav noun a machine that tells you directions when ˈsætnæv
you are in a vehicle
Saudi Arabia noun a country in the Middle East saʊdi əˈreɪbiə
Saudi Arabian adj from Saudi Arabia saʊdi əˈreɪbiən
save a document phrase to put a computer document onto the seɪv ə ˈdɒkjʊmənt
computer's disk so that it is stored there
scarf noun a piece of cloth that you wear around your skɑːf
neck or head to keep warm or for
scooter noun a small motorcycle ˈskuːtə
secretary noun someone who works in an office, typing ˈsekrətəri
letters, answering the telephone, etc
seen verb past participle of see siːn
sell verb to offer something for people to buy sel

September noun the ninth month of the year sepˈtembə

ship noun a large boat that carries people or things by ʃɪp
shirt noun a piece of clothing worn on the top part of ʃɜːt
the body, fastened with buttons down the
shoe noun a strong covering for the foot, often made of ʃuː
shop assistant noun someone whose job is selling things in a ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt
short adj having a small distance from one end to the ʃɔːt
shorts plural a very short pair of trousers that stop above ʃɔːts
noun the knee

singer noun someone who sings ˈsɪŋə

sink noun a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen sɪŋk

or bathroom that you wash dishes or your
hands, etc in
sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents ˈsɪstə
as you
skate verb to move using skates skeɪt

ski verb to move over snow wearing long thin skiː

objects on your feet
skirt noun a piece of women's clothing that hangs from skɜːt
the waist and has no legs
slow adj moving, happening, or doing something sləʊ
without much speed
smartphone noun a phone that can be used as a small ˈsmɑːtfəʊn
computer and that connects to the internet
sock noun something that you wear on your foot inside sɒk
your shoe

sofa noun a large, comfortable seat for more than one ˈsəʊfə
sold verb past simple and past participle of sell səʊld
South Africa noun a country in Africa saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə
South African adj from South Africa saʊθ ˈæfrɪkən
Spain noun a country in Europe speɪn
Spanish adj from Spain ˈspænɪʃ
spent verb past simple and past participle of spend spent

sports centre noun a building with places where you can play ˈspɔːts sentə
different sports
square noun an open area with buildings around it, often skweə
in the centre of a town
stadium noun a large, open area with seats around it, used ˈsteɪdiəm
for playing and watching sports
stairs plural a set of steps from one level of a building to steəz
noun another
stay verb to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not steɪ
stay at home phrase to not go away from the place where you steɪ ət ˈhəʊm

stay in a hotel phrase to spend time in a hotel steɪ ɪn ə həʊˈtel

steak noun a thick, flat piece of meat or fish steɪk

stomach noun the front part of your body just below your ˈstʌmək
straight adj not curved or bent streɪt
street noun a road in a town or city that has houses or striːt
other buildings

studies plural when you learn about a subject at school, ˈstʌdiz

noun university, etc
surf the Web phrase to look at several different websites sɜːf ðə ˈweb

tablet noun a small computer that you control by ˈtæblət

touching the screen
take (a train etc) verb to travel by teɪk

tango noun a South American dance ˈtæŋgəʊ

taxi driver noun someone who drives a taxi ˈtæksi draɪvə

term noun one of the periods of time that the school or tɜːm
university year is divided into
terrible adj very bad ˈterəbl
theatre noun a building with a stage where people go to ˈθɪətə
watch plays
thin adj A thin person or animal has very little fat on θɪn
their body.
thought verb past simple and past participle of think θɔːt
thousand noun 1,000 ˈθaʊzənd
timetable noun a list of times when something happens ˈtaɪmteɪbl

tin noun a metal container for food or liquids tɪn

to prepositio used to say 'before' the hour when you are tuː
n saying what time it is
toe noun one of the five separate parts at the end of təʊ
your foot
told verb past simple and past participle of tell təʊld

tour guide noun someone whose job is to show interesting ˈtʊə gaɪd
places to visitors
train noun a long, thin vehicle which travels along treɪn
metal tracks and carries people or goods
trainers plural soft sports shoes ˈtreɪnəz

tram noun an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, træm

mostly in cities, which moves along metal
lines in the road
travel abroad phrase to go to another country trævəl əˈbrɔːd
trousers plural a piece of clothing that covers the legs and ˈtraʊzəz
noun has a separate part for each leg
try verb to attempt to do something traɪ

T-shirt noun a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of ˈtiːʃɜːt
the body with short sleeves and no collar

Turkey noun a country in southeastern Europe and ˈtɜːki

Western Asia
Turkish adj from Turkey ˈtɜːkɪʃ
twice a week phrase two times in a week twaɪs ə ˈwiːk

UK noun abbreviation for United Kingdom juːˈkeɪ

uncle noun the brother of your mother or father, or the ˈʌŋkl
husband of your aunt
uncomfortable adj not making you feel comfortable and ʌnˈkʌmftəbl
unpack a bag phrase to take things out of a suitcase ʌnpæk ə ˈbæg

USA noun abbreviation for United States of America juːesˈeɪ

visit a website phrase to look at a website vɪzɪt ə ˈwebsaɪt

wardrobe noun a large cupboard for keeping clothes in ˈwɔːdrəʊb

warm adj friendly wɔːm

washing machine noun a machine that washes clothes ˈwɒʃɪŋ məʃiːn

watch noun a small clock on a strap that you fasten wɒtʃ

round your arm
waterfall noun a stream of water that falls from a high ˈwɔːtəfɔːl
place, often to a pool below

well-known adj famous welˈnəʊn

went verb past simple of go went

windmill noun a building with long parts at the top that ˈwɪndmɪl
turn in the wind
won verb past simple and past participle of win wʌn
wonderful adj very good ˈwʌndəfəl
wood noun a large area of trees growing near each wʊd
written verb past participle of write ˈrɪtən

yoghurt noun a slightly sour, thick liquid made from milk ˈjɒgət
Example Unit Page
number number
Meet me at a quarter to nine. 2 23

He has band practice three times a week. 3 31

David's a well-known actor. 2 161

I caught an aeroplane from London to 7 71

My new phone does so many new things – 1 161
it’s amazing.
1 160
one hundred and eighty 10 103

The German town has modern 5 51

Julia's birthday is in April. 6 162
1 160
1 160
He fell over and broke his arm. 8 83

She has two leather armchairs from her 5 52

aunt's house.
I made cakes and biscuits and my friends 6 63
came to my place and ate them.
She’s a very attractive woman. 8 167
We went to Spain in August. 6 162
Alice is my aunt. 6 60

1 160

1 160
This bed is really uncomfortable. It gives 8 83
me a bad back.
a bag of potatoes 4 164
Bake the bread in a hot oven for 30 4 43
We had baked potatoes for lunch. 4 43
A band called La Bomba da Tiempo play 11 113
drums at the club every Monday night.

a bar of chocolate 4 164

He likes the beaches in Mexico. 12 120
I'll have the mixed bean salad, please. 4 41

My life completely changed and I became 6 163

Have you ever been to Paris? 11 163
Put water and rice in a pan and boil for 4 43
12 minutes.
I'll have boiled potatoes. 4 43
I never book a hotel - I want to see my 12 122
room before I stay there.
She has an enormous bookcase. 5 52

The bookshop closes at 5:30. 9 90

He wore heavy boots. 9 93

a bottle of water 4 164

My parents bought all the things I needed. 6 63

Have you ever bought flowers for 11 163

1 11
1 11
Do you have a break in the middle of your 2 22
English lesson?
There is a river with bridges. 5 51

Oleg's a really pleasant guy and he's a 1 13

brilliant doctor.
1 160
1 160
Have you ever broken your leg? 11 163
This is my brother's cat. 6 60

My sister brought a cake. 6 163

The town has a square with beautiful 5 51
A burger is a cheap, quick meal. 4 164

The bus stop is in front of the town hall. 9 90

He's a Russian businessman. 2 161

She's a successful businesswoman. 2 161

Do you know where I can buy an English 3 163

There are streets with cafés and big, 5 51
green parks where you can sit and relax.

We had coffee at the café. 9 90

I made cakes and biscuits and my friends 6 63
came to my place and ate them.
I haven't got a digital camera. 3 32

a can of tomatoes 4 164

1 160
1 160
The car park is on Blackhill Road. 9 90
I grow a lot of different vegetables, for 4 41
example carrots, onions and beans.
It’s safer to get money from cash 9 90
machines when you need it.

Erik usually gets to Kings Park Station at 7 166

8:00 so he can catch the train at 8.05.

Have you ever caught a fish? 11 163

It only costs a few cents. 9 162
You can walk by the river in the centre of 5 51
the town.
Many people eat cereal for breakfast with 4 164
She had to change her plans. 12 122

Erik changes trains at Central Station. 7 166

She stayed in cheap hotels and with 7 73
friends in different countries.
You can use my laptop to check your 10 101
He's a famous chef and he works in a 2 161
really expensive restaurant in Paris.
The chemist opposite the café is open all 9 90
I keep my clothes in a chest of drawers. 5 52

Can I have roast chicken, please? 4 41

1 160
1 160
It’s easy to find good classical music in 11 113
Buenos Aires.
The dogs are old and they're not very 7 73
Our cleaner comes on Mondays. 2 21

You can listen to her new song if you click 10 101

on this link.

Jane is looking for a new dress in that new 9 90

clothes shop.
We went to London on the coach. 7 71

Our house is on the coast, but behind us is 12 165

a jungle with lots of very green trees.
Would you like a can of cola? 4 164

1 160
1 160
This sofa's so comfortable! 7 73

The Internet's on our computers, our 3 32

smartphones … it’s everywhere.
Go along the High Street for 100 metres 5 165
and the concert hall is on your right.

The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot 5 52

of cupboards.
Takor’s a fantastic friend and he’s very 1 13
The bananas only cost €2 a kilo. 3 163

The food cost a lot. 6 63

We live outside the city in the countryside. 12 165

I have ten cousins, and they're all girls! 6 60

Would you like a packet of crips? 4 164

The bus was really crowded. 7 73

The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot 5 52
of cupboards.

He’s got short curly dark hair. 8 167

I'd like the lamb curry. 4 164

Can you close the curtains, please? 5 52

I cut some fresh flowers from my garden. 6 163

I don't like dancing with her. 8 81

They play dance music from Africa and 11 113

Latin America.
On a warm summer evening you can see 11 113
tango dancers in the street.
It's dangerous to travel alone here. 7 73

He’s got short straight dark hair. 8 167

Our school term ends on December 18th. 6 162

I can’t decide what colour to paint the 3 163

I have to go to the dentist this morning. 2 21
There is a large department store in the 9 90
In my country, there are lots of hills, but 12 120
there’s no desert.
I went into town and did some shopping. 6 163

My shoes are very dirty. 7 73

The club has two stages, one for live rock 11 113
music and the other for dance music with
There are lots of good DVDs that show 8 166
you how to do the exercises.
Do you do judo? 8 166

She does a lot of yoga. 8 81

The meal cost 15 dollars. 9 162

Please don't download any unsafe files to 10 101

my computer.
Jane is looking for a new dress in that new 9 93
clothes shop.

My boyfriend bought me these earrings 9 93

for my birthday.
Have you ever eaten octopus? 11 163
The room was empty. 7 73
The lift isn't working - we need to call an 2 21

He’s waiting for us at the main entrance. 9 90

Gary's e-reader is bigger than this one. 3 32

I think six euros for a metro ticket is very 9 162

He goes running every day. 3 31

Do you have an exam at the end of the 2 22


We didn't stay in expensive hotels. 7 73

I failed my exams because I didn't study 2 22
She’s got long straight fair hair. 8 167
Have you ever fallen down the stairs? 11 163
Takor’s a fantastic friend and he’s very 1 13
The farmer gave us some eggs. 2 161
My brother's car is really fast! 7 73
We had lunch at a fast food restaurnant. 9 90

He’s getting quite fat. 8 167

I visited Maria in February. 6 162
Ivan travelled to France by ferry. 7 71

There are fields all around the house. 12 165

I can’t find my passport. 3 163

She had long fingers. 8 83

He looks very fit. 8 167

Have you ever flown in a helicopter? 11 163

The musicians also play rock, pop and folk 11 113
He stood on my foot! 8 83

We love walking in the forest. 12 120

Have you ever forgotten your own phone 11 163

I found out my number was correct. 6 163

1 11
1 11
I'll have the fried fish. 4 43
Maram's quiet, but she's really friendly. 1 13

Fry the onions in a little oil. 4 43

The bus was full. 7 73
I don't like garlic. 4 164

My uncle gave me a laptop. 6 163

1 11
1 11
Do you get good marks in English tests? 2 22

Erik gets off the train at Riverside Station. 7 166

Erik gets on the train at Kings Park 7 166

Station, near his home.
You can see the huge glacier. 12 120

You need to wear gloves - it's very cold. 9 93

After a week away I'm always happy to go 12 122

back home and see my family again.
I don’t like going fishing – it’s so boring! 8 166

We went running after work yesterday. 8 166

We went sailing in Greece. 8 166

I go snowboarding every winter. 8 166

He’s very good-looking. 8 167

I never got a train or bus. 6 63
Do you have any grandchildren? 6 60

My granddaughter is five years old. 6 60

My grandfather lives with us. 6 60
My grandmother bakes delicious cakes. 6 60
We visit our grandparents every week. 6 60

Bill took his grandson to the football 6 60

I bought a bunch of grapes. 4 41

Takor’s a great person to be on holiday 1 13

Grill the chicken for 10 minutes untiI it’s 4 43
You should try the grilled fish. 4 43
Have you ever grown vegetables? 11 163
Have you ever had breakfast in bed? 11 163
I have dark hair because I’m half Mexican. 8 167

The class starts at half past nine. 2 23

I’ve got big hands. 8 83

We had a holiday in France. 12 122

My head hurts. 8 83

I use my headphones to listen to music on 3 32

the train.
Have you ever heard African music? 11 111
I've never flown in a helicopter. 7 71

Can I help you paint the kitchen? 3 163

Next to the house is a small hill. 12 165

This colour isn’t very nice – it’s horrible. 1 161

More than a hundred people came to the 10 103

There are over a hundred thousand 10 103
people in this town.
We were in Australia in 2012. 6 162

You can ask about trains at the 9 90

information desk.
1 160
1 160
1 160
1 160
In the afternoon we took the ferry and 12 120
visited an island.
1 160
1 160
Seb usually has toast and jam for 4 164
Ivan's birthday is in January. 6 162
1 11

1 11
a jar of honey 4 164
Buenos Aires is full of jazz clubs. 11 113

I usually wear jeans and trainers. 9 93

I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of 9 167

course, and my ring.

We moved here in July. 6 162

You probably need jeans and a thin 9 93
jumper for the evenings.

It's usually sunny in June. 6 162

Our house is on the coast, but behind us is 12 165
a jungle with lots of very green trees.

A tablet doesn't have a keyboard. 3 32

Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and 1 13

There’s a small lake in the middle of the 12 120
I'd like the lamb curry. 4 41
I have a small lamp on my desk. 5 52
Adam needs a laptop for college. 3 32

You have to have strong legs to run a 8 83

We had fried fish in lemon sauce. 4 41
I think you should live abroad if you want 12 122
to learn a language well.
No, you can't log on to my computer. 10 101

She’s got long straight dark hair. 8 167

Paul is angry because he lost his 6 163

Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and 1 13
After school and at the weekend I made 6 63
cakes and biscuits.
Do you need to make a call? 10 101
Do you make notes when you read 2 22
something in English?
We need to make plans for our holiday. 12 122
My father was a manager. 2 161

I changed my job in March. 6 162

Do you get good marks in English tests? 2 22

In May, I went to America. 6 162

My brother works at the Volkswagen 2 161
garage as a mechanic.
Let’s meet outside the cinema. 3 163

For dessert, we had fresh melon. 4 164

There isn't a metro station in the town. 5 51

1 160
1 160
The apartment cost three million dollars. 10 103

There’s a big mirror on the living room 5 52

Sometimes Erik’s a few minutes late and 7 166
he misses the train.
Their new house is finished now and it’s 1 161
very modern.
When you look across the water from the 12 120
island, you can see mountains and
I'd like the mushroom soup for my starter. 4 41

The musicians play in the middle of the 11 113

She has a long neck. 8 83

She had a blue and yellow necklace. 9 167

1 160
1 160
1 160
1 160
Do you make notes when you read 2 22
something in English?
Luke's birthday is in November. 6 162
I’m a nurse in a London hospital, so I 2 21
often work at night.
Lunch is at one o'clock. 2 23

What did you do in October? 6 162

My computer’s quite old now. I need to 1 161
buy a new one.
They got married on May 5th. 6 162

I go to my Spanish lesson once a week. 3 31

I grow a lot of different vegetables, for 4 41
example carrots, onions and beans.
You can also see first-class operas. 11 113

It isn’t only tango orchestras you can 11 113

hear, but all kinds of music.
The apples are 50p each. 9 162

I usually pack my bags about an hour 12 122

before I go on holiday.
a packet of biscuits 4 164

1 160
1 160
I asked my parents for a laptop. 6 60

There are streets with cafés and big, 5 51

green parks where you can sit and relax.

Did you pass your exam? 2 22

It's ten past three. 2 23

His garden has an apple tree and a pear 4 41

Magazines use a photographer to take 2 21
photos of famous people.
My dad is a pilot for British Airways. 2 21
I always plan my holidays carefully. 12 122

Laurence hates travelling by plane. 7 71

I often play badminton with my friends. 8 81

Do you play football? 8 166

My dad plays golf. 8 166

I play hockey on Saturdays. 8 166

All the boys at our school play rugby. 8 166

We often play volleyball on the beach. 8 166

Oleg's a really pleasant guy and he's a 1 13

brilliant doctor.
1 160
My sister's a police officer. 2 21
They found a handbag and took it to the 5 165
police station.
1 160
I don’t think he’s got a lot of money – he’s 1 161
quite poor.
The musicians also play rock, pop and folk 11 113
Maram's very popular with her students. 1 13

I'm going to the post office to buy stamps. 5 165

My dad gave me ten pounds. 9 162

I prefer tea to coffee. 3 163

She was a very pretty girl. 8 167

I don't have a printer at home. 3 32

Maram's quiet, but she's really friendly. 1 13

It does sometimes rain in summer, so it’s a 9 93
good idea to bring a raincoat.
You can see lots of beautiful birds in the 12 120
I opened the newspaper and read the 6 163
winning number.
Have you ever read an English 11 111
Here are your T-shirts. The receipt is in 9 94
the bag.
The receptionist at this hotel is really 2 161
friendly and helpful.

There are some nice restaurants here. 5 51

He buys anything he wants so I think he’s 1 161
I can't ride a bike. 8 81
I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of 9 167
course, and my ring.
You can walk by the river in the centre of 5 51
the town.
The Amazon is the longest river in South 12 120
Put some oil on the lamb and roast it in 4 43
the oven.
Can I have roast chicken, please? 4 43
The club has two stages, one for live rock 11 113
music and the other for dance music with
1 11
1 11
Air travel is very safe these days. 7 73
We need a onion for the salad. 4 164

My new car has got satnav. 3 32

1 160
1 160
It's better to save your document every 15 10 101
I wore a coat and scarf. 9 93

We hired scooters. 7 71
I work as a secretary for a 2 161
Have you ever seen an elephant? 11 111
I think they sell English newspapers in the 3 163
shop at the station.
Adam's birthday is in September. 6 162
We spent three days on the ship. 7 71

She wore a red skirt and a white shirt. 9 93

I’m wearing some new shoes. 9 93

I asked the shop assistant how much the 2 21

apples cost.
He’s got short straight dark hair. 8 167

It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a 9 167

T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

This district is full of great cafés and 11 113

shops, and also musicians and singers.
The kitchen has a sink, a cooker and a lot 5 52
of cupboards.

My sister went to England. 6 60

Adrian can ski quite well, but he can’t 8 81

skate at all.
Adrian can ski quite well, but he can’t 8 81
skate at all.
She wore a red skirt and a white shirt. 9 167

This train is very slow. 7 73

The Internet's on our computers, our 3 32

smartphones … it’s everywhere.
It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a 9 93
T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

She has a big red sofa. 5 52

A beautiful woman sold a ticket to me. 6 163

1 160
1 160
1 11
1 11
My parents spent all the time driving me 6 63
to different activities and games and
things like that.
We play tennis at the sports centre. 5 165

The town has a square with beautiful 5 51

The stadium was full for the match. 5 165

Go up the stairs. 9 90

I just want to stay at home and watch TV. 3 163

We haven’t got enough money for a 12 122

holiday this year, so we’re going to stay at
If she comes to London, Hannah can stay 12 122
in a hotel.
Would you like some vegetables with your 4 41
I’ve just got a bit of a stomach ache. 8 83

She’s got long straight dark hair. 8 167

There are streets with cafés and big, 5 51
green parks where you can sit and relax.

Do you enjoy your English studies? 2 22

I like surfing the Internet and watching 10 101

videos online.
I use my tablet when I'm travelling. 3 32

Erik works in the city centre and he takes 7 166

the train to work every morning.
On a warm summer evening you can see 11 113
tango dancers in the street.
A typical London taxi driver drives for 2 21
eight hours a day.
How many weeks is a term at your 2 22
This wet and cold weather is terrible. 1 161
You can walk to the theatre from the 5 165
She’s looking much too thin. 8 167

I thought the music was lovely. 6 163

He gave her a thousand pounds. 10 103
Do you have a timetable for your study 2 22
a tin of tomatoes 4 164
The train leaves at five to four. 2 23

She can't touch her toes. 8 83

I immediately told the woman in the shop. 6 63

Carol works as a tour guide at the Tower 2 161

of London.
Erik works in the city centre and he takes 7 71
the train to work every morning.
It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a 9 167
T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

Mary gets the tram to the city centre. 7 71

I don't want to travel abroad. 12 122

I like your new trousers. 9 93

I’ll try to be on time but I don’t finish 3 163

work till 7:30.
It was a hot day, so he decided to wear a 9 167
T-shirt,shorts and trainers without socks.

1 160

1 160
She goes to volleyball training twice a 3 31
1 160
My uncle writes children's books. 6 60

This bed is really uncomfortable. 7 73

The first thing I do when I get to my hotel 12 122

is to unpack my bag.
1 160
When you visit their website, they give a 10 101
dollar to help poor people.
I don't need this big wardrobe. 5 52
Claudia's a lovely person - very warm and 1 13
I put my dirty clothes in the washing 5 52
I never wear jewellery – just a watch,of 9 167
course, and my ring.
When you look across the water from the 12 120
island, you can see mountains and
Oleg's well-known in this part of St 1 13
Every day of the week I went to some kind 6 63
of sports activity or game.
The Spanish town has squares and 5 51
I've won a weekend in Paris! 6 163
I like our new teacher – she’s wonderful. 1 161
In the distance there is a small wood. 12 165

Hav you ever written an email in English? 11 111

Do you eat yoghurt with fruit? 4 164

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