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Create One Notification from IH01 & Mtce Order section wise for Plant Maintenance-External (service)

While creating Mtce Order for PM03 follow below step

1. Click on This

1. Click on
Operation TAB

2. Write PM03
insted of PM01 3. Text as ready shown, which
was enter in Notification,
change if required

4. Select Line
from here
2. Write PM03
insted of PM01 3. Text as ready shown, which
was enter in Notification,
change if required

4. Select Line
from here

5. Click on This

1. Click on this &

ahead as below
1. Click on this &
ahead as below

1. Click on this &

ahead as below
1. Data to
- Material G
- Purch Grp
- Recipient
- Requisitio
- Vendor

Note: Enter fau
- Service No.
-Gross Price:
-Cost Elem: GL
- User Field3:
2.Total Value Shown

1. Shown message.
Note Down Mtce
order No.

Mtce Order Release T-code: IW32 and Save

Now, Go to Inbox and Change PR first and PR Release

1. Click on this
Click on this

Click on SAVE
Click on SAVE

Click on INITIATE & Go Ahead as

Enter Persona
Write Text

Click on this Icon
Write Text
Create PO
T-Code: ME21N

Select Nee
Based Orde
Select line No 10 from here and Go ah
- Select All Lines and Click on Details Ic
for all lines.
- Check Tax Amt
Note: Go Ahead as below

Go to Service TAB

Click on this and enter
Tax code for all lines.
Select line No 20 from here and Go ahed
- Select All Lines and Click on Details Icon
Tax code for all lines.
- Check Tax Amt
Note: Go Ahead as below

Click on this and enter
Tax code for all lines.

Select line No 30 from here and Go ahe
- Select All Lines and Click on Details Ico
Tax code for all lines.
- Check Tax Amt
Note: Go Ahead as below
Select line No 30 from here and Go ahe
- Select All Lines and Click on Details Ico
Tax code for all lines.
- Check Tax Amt
Note: Go Ahead as below

Click on this and enter
Tax code for all lines.

Select line No 40 from here and Go ahe
- Select All Lines and Click on Details Ico
Tax code for all lines.
- Check Tax Amt
Note: If more line in Org Data TAB then
follow this step up to end.
Click on this and enter
Tax code for all lines.

Go to Header :
- Click on Contidion TAB - Check Total Amount - Here shown Total Amount without Tax
-Click on Text TAB Enter Texts : PO for RRC Bill Payment for the Month of May-2019 of Veraval OFC Sub Division. Bill No. P
-Click on Custor Data TAB : Enter (1) BSNL Document No. (2) Reference Circle : 1051 (3) Procurement Type : O
- Check
- No message issue during check Shown
- Then SAVE
ernal (service) Create Notification with T-code:IW21 RRC work for the month of May-2019 for VRL-KIR 12F OFC Route Section.
Notification Description: -----> RRC work for the month of May-2019 for day to day Maintenance work of

Notification Dates for External Service
Start/End Dates
1. Click on This Required Start: First day of the Month
Required End : Last day of the Month
Notif. Date: First day of the Month
1. Click on This
1. Click on This

1. Click on
Operation TAB

as ready shown, which

ter in Notification,
if required
as ready shown, which
ter in Notification,
if required

1. Click on this & Go

ahead as below
1. Click on this & Go
ahead as below

1. Click on this & Go

ahead as below
1. Data to be Filled like
- Material Grp 1000000
- Purch Grp O50 / 2000
- Recipient : Enter Personal No. of
- Requisitioner
- Vendor

1. Click on this & Go

ahead as below
7.Drag from Here for more line
Note: Enter fault wise details in this Service TAB and Go Ahead as below.
- Service No.
-Gross Price:
-Cost Elem: GL AC
- User Field3:

3.Go Back and Go ahead

as below
2.Total Value Shown

1. Press Enter after

all fault entry has
been made

PR Shown
Double Click on this
Click on this

Click on SAVE
Click on SAVE

Write section of OFCable and
Month of Bill as per Example

Enter Personal Number of
Creator 2.
Enter Personal Number of

Write Text

ck on this Icon
Now PR is Not
shown Inbox
Select Need
Based Order
Drag from Here up to
Purchase Req.

Enter PR No & Press
Shown Line [10] of
Org Data TAB

Enter Tax code for line [10]
-Press Enter.
- Now, shown Line [20]: Enter Tax code for line 20
- Press enter
- Now, shown Line [30]: Enter Tax code for line 30
- Like that up to end Org TAB line
-Go Ahead as below.
ct line No 10 from here and Go ahed as per Routine/below.
ect All Lines and Click on Details Icon as below & Enter Tax code
all lines.
eck Tax Amt
e: Go Ahead as below
line No 20 from here and Go ahed as per Routine.
ct All Lines and Click on Details Icon as below & Enter
de for all lines.
k Tax Amt
Go Ahead as below

t line No 30 from here and Go ahed as per Routine.

ct All Lines and Click on Details Icon as below & Enter
ode for all lines.
ck Tax Amt
Go Ahead as below
t line No 30 from here and Go ahed as per Routine.
ct All Lines and Click on Details Icon as below & Enter
ode for all lines.
ck Tax Amt
Go Ahead as below

line No 40 from here and Go ahed as per Routine.

ct All Lines and Click on Details Icon as below & Enter
ode for all lines.
ck Tax Amt
If more line in Org Data TAB then, select line ...... &
w this step up to end.
Veraval OFC Sub Division. Bill No. PTPL/AHM/1186 dated 26.06.2019.
(3) Procurement Type : O
9 for VRL-KIR 12F OFC Route Section.
9 for day to day Maintenance work of Veraval-Kodinar 12F OFCable Route Section.

for External Service

t day of the Month

day of the Month
y of the Month
from Here for more line
o Ahead as below.
PR Shown
Double Click on this
Here up to

Enter PR No & Press

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