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Rules, guidelines,
& expectations

A complete and comprehensive guide to how mods of TCB are expected

to conduct themselves and perform their duties and obligations

By: Corvo Attano


Rules, guidelines,
& expectations 1
Familiarize Yourself With The Server Rules And Discord Guidelines 3
Discord TOS 4
Expectation of Conduct 4
Applications of the rules and punishments 4
Warn 4
Mute 5
Kick 5
Soft-ban 5
Temp-ban 5
Ban 5
Have The Best Interest of The Server In Mind 5
Growth 6
Other servers 6
Partnering 6
Conduct 6
Plan & Organize Events 6
Planning events 7
Process of planning 7
Marketing events 7
Tickets, Reddit Staff, Graphics Staff, & Proprietors 7
Tickets 7
Reddit staff 8
Graphics staff 8
Proprietors 8
Staff Management 8
Board member 9
Bishop 9
Rook 9
Queen 9
Server Hierarchy And Structure 10
Commands And Permission 11

Familiarize Yourself With The Server Rules And Discord Guidelines

It is very important that every single member in our team from board members up to kings
knows the rules by heart and knows how to apply them properly and fairly.

Read and understand the server rules at ​#rules​ completely and fully. It is not acceptable that a
mod does not know the rules. This is the bare minimum requirement to be on the team. It is
unacceptable for a staff member to not know the rules.

Discord TOS
Discord TOS and guidelines is our bread and butter and we must follow it to the letter. This
means that you as a member of the team have an important position in securing and
safeguarding our community against TOS strikes.
As of today, this server has never had any strike made against it and we intend to maintain the
high standard set. If you notice any TOS violation or are unsure, please alert our senior staff.
See guidelines here: ​
See terms of service here: ​

Expectations of Conduct
We expect our mods to uphold and enforce the rules in a fair and honest way. You should not
enforce the rules too harshly or in a manipulative way. You shouldn’t apply rules in a way for
someone to round up as many strikes against a member to have them removed. Be
professional, calm, kind, generous and forgiving. We expect our staff to have a reform mindset
and not a punishment mindset. If reform fails then we move on to applications of the rules.

Applications of the rules and punishments

We will have training regarding how to apply the rules and punishments. See external document
for applications of the rules.

For permissions and commands see the flow-chart.

See Commands and Permissions

Warnings are the first line of punishments. A warning does not do anything to the user receiving
them. It however manifests a permanent record and a symbolic displeasement with the member
in question. It is very important that a detailed warning is written down. A warning may never be
removed unless it was given by accident.

There are two types of mutes. One is to voice mute, mute them with a right click. The other one
is a voice and text mute. You can hand it out to someone using the mute command. Use this to
bring order to voice chat, stop raiders or temporarily control the room. Wick bot will hand this out
automatically to spammers.

There is almost no reason to just kick someone. It could be just to throw someone out who is
just a disruptor and a ban is too harsh.

Softban is essentially a kick except that it will delete their text chat in the previous 24 hours.
Should be used if someone is spamming and generally misconducting themselves in text.

Temporarily bans a user for a temporary period. Should be considered before bans and if we
feel that someone needs time off from the server. Ban reason should include an invite to the

For gross violation of rules and discord TOS. A ban is a severe punishment and should be
considered only when all else fails. A ban reason must be thorough and detailed. A ban without
reason will not be accepted.

Have The Best Interest of The Server In Mind

This can mean a lot of things. In this regard it means that you always think about how you
moderate. Not just following discord TOS, which indeed is profoundly important, but also not to
over-moderate and scare off new members. You have a duty to make sure our server is
squeaky clean and safeguard it from TOS strikes. But also make sure to allow it to flourish and
that we facilitate growth and activity.

As a server we need fresh new people to remain relevant and exciting. Make sure to go to other
servers, talk to people, make friends and invite them back to TCB. Make sure to make recruiting
a regular habit.

Other servers
We want to have a good relationship with other servers and a good reputation for TCB. This
means that when you go into another server as a mod of TCB you are expected to maintain a
respectful tone and not to go around causing trouble. When you are on another server you are
essentially acting as an ambassador and diplomat, a representative of our server.

Make sure to go scouting for other communities and individuals that would be interesting to host
for an event. And really sell our server. Go to plan and & organize.

Make sure to be nice to members, make them like the place. If they like the place and mods
they are much more likely to bring their friends. Make sure to be patient and calm. Don’t allow
trolls to get to you.

Make sure you respect other mods and the hierarchy, we don’t expect all of our mods to get
along all the time, but for the sake of cohesion we would like to see some form of unity. That we
all strive for the same ultimate goal and purpose - to grow this community and make it an active
vibrant place that facilitates good discussions and fun!

Plan & Organize Events

We highly encourage and reward our staff team to plan and organize events. This is the heart
and soul of the community. Without planning and organizing events this community would
slowly die out. So we made it our mission to structure this community in such a way to allow
talented individuals with special interests to easily plan events.
An event should be seen as an opportunity for us to show our community new and exciting
things as well as draw in new members. Ask higher mods how you would go about planning
events. And remember that planning an event takes some effort, don’t be afraid of putting in the

During events, we expect staff to participate and do not derail the event!

Planning events
We plan our events through the event planner. If you are not already in there here is a link​.
We fully expect our members, from board members to Queens to join it and read through it. You
if you are not already in there then join right now. Make sure to tag an @admin and request the
chess board staff role.

Process of planning
We want to make it as easy and straightforward as possible to plan events. So for recurring
server events we have existing text chats to individuals or servers that we do events with. You
could reach out to them. There also exists a ticket system. To make a new event make a new
ticket and describe it in details and fill in the form at the info text chat. Once this is done, you
may also create a ticket in the Graphics team section, and the Graphics team will help create an
ad for the event. If the event ad will be posted outside of Discord, you may request for a QR
code link to be included in the ad.

Marketing events
To make an event successful you need to market it properly so to populate it and draw in new
people. We have in the event server our reddit team and our graphics team. The reddit team will
assist you in marketing the event in it’s appropriate subreddits. The graphics team will make an
ad for the event that can be posted on servers ,reddit, etc.
Make sure to ask the one hosting the event to market it on their end if they could, usually they
say yes. Remember that just asking is a powerful force in of itself, so don’t be afraid of asking!

Tickets, Reddit Staff, Graphics Staff, & Proprietors

In our server, we have several talents as well as several systems in place. And it is important
that we respect and understand what each section does to avoid confusion of what should go
on where.

Anyone who is rook and above can manage a regular ticket. A ticket is a request by a member
or a staff.

If a ticket is regarding a complaint against a staff member, that staff member is

strictly forbidden​ ​from managing or addressing that ticket, as this would be a conflict of
interest and might exacerbate whatever the disagreement might be.

A ticket can be closed either by staff or the one who made the ticket. All tickets that have been
solved must have their transcript saved, unless it’s an empty ticket.

Reddit staff
Reddit staff are there to promote the server and event in appropriate subreddits, as well as
managing the servers official reddit page. The official reddit staff can be pinged with their tag at
the event planning server or main server with “@reddit team”, for any questions regarding how
you can participate in the reddit marketing and becoming reddit staff talk to them.

Graphics staff
Graphics staff have their own section in the event server and in the main server. There exists a
ticket system where a staff member can make a request for an ad regarding an event or
otherwise to the graphics team. Make sure to tag them when making a request to get their
attention. Julez is the leader of the graphics team. Graphics team has permissions to post in
#upcoming-events text chat.

Proprietors are neither official staff nor board members. They are given their own special section
in the Wild West section. Regular rules apply to them as well, and if too many complaints come
from their section it must be removed. These rooms are moderated by the room owner.

Staff Management

It is important to remember being an official staff member does not mean that you are immune
to consequences. Being a staff on the chess board is not a right, it’s a privilege, and we have
some basic expectations of the staff regarding behaviour and activity. Failure to meet these
standards can lead to demotion, destaffing, or in severe cases bans.

It is important that we respect hierarchy and that we are a team. Any form of manipulation or
fighting will not be tolerated.

See Server Hierarchy And Structure

Board member
A board member is an intermediary stage before officially joining the staff team. These have the
lowest requirements in terms of activity and engagement, but also can be demoted at any time.
This is a test staff role. This is also the role that has the highest chance at promotion, just takes
some dedication and work. Board Members include Gambit (jr. mod), Graphics Team, and
Reddit Team.

Bishops are expected to be fairly active and participating. Keep chats clean and keep voice
chats nicely and fairly moderated. If a bishop shows their dedication and a keen ability to plan
and organize events they will be promoted. Lack of activity and or too many complaints will lead
to demotion.

Rooks can detain and kick members. They are expected to handle tickets and use logs for their
moderation purposes. They are expected to plan and participate in events as well as keeping
the server clean and nice. Inactivity and or severe infractions as well as mod abuse will lead to
demotion and or destaffing.

Queens are the community leaders of the server and the prime contributors. They are the first
one anyone should turn to before they turn to kings. They are directly under kings in ranks and
the most responsibility and ability. A queen cannot make official server changes to text or voice
chats without consulting a King or Sagekitten (Discord and bot expert). They are expected to
ban infracting members. Queens are held to the highest standard and have the highest

expectations. Continuous undermining of kings authorities as well as mod

abuse/inactivity/complaints will lead to demotion and or destaffing.

Server Hierarchy And Structure


Commands And Permission

More commands here: ​

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