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Stereo Vision Development Control Document v1

May 24, 2019


With a single camera, the Inertial Labs visual gyroscope generally produces accurate
heading/azimuth solutions, but these solutions are only trusted over relatively small changes in
heading and in environments where objects in the field of vision are sufficiently far away so as to
not introduce significant parallax error. Depth estimation of objects in the field of vision could
significantly improve heading solutions, both for static and dynamic/kinetic cases which apply to
a single instant in time or a time series of moving-camera images, respectively. Theoretically, a
real-world, three-dimensional map could be created and judiciously applied for heading
estimation. Two stereo day camera AHRS-10P devices (F1691010 and F1691011) have been
manufactured and calibrated as a first step toward including depth perception in the Inertial Labs
visual gyroscope.

Stereo Vision Development Kit

The stereo vision development kit currently has one data set. The data was collected with the
stereo day camera F1691010 device fixed on a lever arm on top of a theodolite. The lever arm
with the device was first traversed clockwise in smaller, slower increments until the device had
come full circle. Then, the device was traversed counter-clockwise in larger, faster increments.
This test allows the developer the opportunity to ideally close the loop with many small-motion
frames and produce accurate headings with each large movement.

After each traversal, when the camera was static, theodolite azimuth values were recorded as
control points. Timestamps are provided for these control points. However, azimuth values are
not provided. Further, five targets were placed in the field of vision. Their distances to the
theodolite center of rotation were measured, but are not provided.

The following files are provided for development purposes:

 Camera 1 (left) and camera 2 (right) images with timestamps (msec) at the end of each
file name. Timestamps reflect when the images were saved and might differ by up to 1
 Camera information including baseline and camera model parameters, such as camera
extrinsic angles from Euler-angle sequences relative to the device reference frame
 Control points list with timestamps (msec), but without theodolite azimuth values
 Device reference frame image
 Inertial data with timestamps (msec), gyroscopic rates (rad/sec) with respect to the device
reference frame, and accelerations (g) with respect to the device reference frame
 Target numbers list without target distances from theodolite center of rotation


Regarding the first data set, Inertial Labs is seeking the following deliverables:

 A stereo vision gyroscope that utilizes accurate depth estimation in providing accurate
heading/azimuth results from stereo image timestamp to timestamp, more so after the
system has closed the loop
 Azimuth values for control points, such that the first control point has zero azimuth
 Target distances from the center of rotation
 All source files for the stereo vision gyroscope
 A single, comprehensive report to explain the system and all data set results

Ground truth (azimuth readings and target distances) may be provided upon request.

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