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MULTIKEY Version 3.

00 © Stefan Hagel 1996–2000

MultiKey is designed for facilitating keyboard input under Microsoft® Windows™ (in the following referred
to as ‘Windows’), especially for Eastern Europe, Polytonic Greek and Hebrew fonts.


Licence Agreements.............................................................................................................................................2
How to Install MultiKey.......................................................................................................................................2
How to Start MultiKey.........................................................................................................................................2
How to Use MultiKey...........................................................................................................................................2
Using MultiKey with Microsoft® Word™ Macros.........................................................................................3
Microsoft® Word™ Visual Basic Programmer's Reference:..........................................................................3
Using MultiKey with the Classical Text Editor...............................................................................................3
How to define MultiKey keyboard layouts..........................................................................................................3
Latin Mode........................................................................................................................................................4
Greek Mode.......................................................................................................................................................4
Right to Left Mode...........................................................................................................................................6
Programmer's Reference.......................................................................................................................................6
Keyboard Support in This Release.......................................................................................................................8
Keyboard Tables...............................................................................................................................................8
Key Combinations................................................................................................................................................8
Latin Unicode...................................................................................................................................................8
Hebrew Unicode.............................................................................................................................................10
Arabic Unicode...............................................................................................................................................10
Times New Roman.........................................................................................................................................10
EETimes New Roman....................................................................................................................................10
WP Japanese (WordPerfect™ font)...............................................................................................................11
Bwhebb (BibleWorks™ by Hermeneutika™ font).......................................................................................11
Hebrew (as shipped with WinGreek by P. Gentry).......................................................................................11
WP Arabic Sihafa (Word Perfect™ font)......................................................................................................11

Licence Agreements
You are granted a free license of this product.
You are encouraged to distribute the product non-commercially and as a whole, including this information.
You may not alter the files or documentation as included in this product, except for your own use.
THIS PRODUCT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". The author takes no responsibility that all features of the
product will work properly on every hardware or in combination with any software, nor for any loss of time or
data resulting from use of the product, especially not if caused by improper use or installation.

MultiKey can be accommodated to provide useful keyboard layout for any font. Is has been designed
especially for Ancient Greek diacritic marks, but keystroke combinations for other fonts can easily be defined
and have done so for you. MultiKey supports right-to-left input.
If font tables are defined for two or more related fonts, whose corresponding characters are assigned different
ASCII equivalents (as is the case with different Ancient Greek or Cyrillic fonts), MultiKey allows to convert
strings from one font into another.

How to Install MultiKey

Internet: Execute the self-extracting installation file. Specify a directory to which the files are extracted.
When installation has finished, copy the font files to the font directory. You may then delete the
directory, but make sure you keep the documentation.
When the installation program has terminated successfully, the following files should reside in your Windows
If you use Microsoft® Word 97™ or Microsoft® Word 2000™, the template should reside in
the Microsoft Office „Startup“ directory.
When you start Microsoft® Word™, the MultiKey icon should show up on the Format toolbar between the
templates combo box and the font combo box. If the Format toolbar is visible but the MultiKey icon is not
there, the installation has failed. Try copying the files listed above to the appropriate directories manually.

Unicode Font Setup

If you use different fonts for different scripts in Unicode, use the document MultiKey Preferences.doc to set
these fonts. E.g., if you usually use Times New Roman but Athenian for Greek, specify "Athenian" as the
Greek font and "- Use default font -" for the other scripts.

How to Start MultiKey

If you use Microsoft® Word™ or the Classical Text Editor, MultiKey will start automatically when you
invoke any keyboard layout (e.g. by pressing F10).
With other applications, start „MultiKey.exe“ as any other Windows program (e.g. Start – Execute –
"MultiKey" – <OK>) or simply by using the Microsoft® Word™ Macros. Or autostart it on entering your
Windows session, creating an Alias to the MultiKey program in the Windows Autostart folder.

How to Use MultiKey

Modifier keys are typed after the character to modify, e. g.:
First type "a" and see "a".
Then type "+" and see "á".
If you want a character-modifier combination not to be combined, press the Shift, the Ctrl and the Alt keys
(German keyboards also: the Shift and the AltGr keys) simultaneously between the two keystrokes.
E. g.: Type "a" – Shift+Ctrl+Alt – "+" and see "a+".
For lists of key combinations, see Key Combinations.

Using MultiKey with Microsoft® Word™ Macros

Usually, you will need only the following hotkeys to activate different keyboard layouts:

F10 Latin
Shift+F10 Cyrillic
F11 Greek
Alt+F12 Arabic
Shift+Alt+F12 Hebrew
F12 Select from a list of keyboards and fonts

You may as well use the Extras - Keyboard menu.

Microsoft® Word™ Visual Basic Programmer's Reference:

The Word template contains some macros that simplify work in Microsoft® Word™:
MultiKeyLatinUnicode F10 Switches to Latin Unicode keyboard and the eventually defined
font for Latin.
MultiKeyCyrillicUnicode Shift+F10 Switches to Cyrillic Unicode keyboard and the eventually defined
Unicode font for Cyrillic.
MultiKeyGreekUnicode F11 Switches to Greek Unicode keyboard and the eventually defined
Unicode font for polytonic Greek.
MultiKeyArabicUnicode Alt+F12 Switches to Arabic Unicode keyboard and the eventually defined
Unicode font for Arabic.
MultiKeyHebrewUnicode Shift+Alt+F12 Switches to Hebrew Unicode keyboard and the eventually defined
Unicode font for Hebrew.
MultiKeyUnderdot Places an dot below the character. Works correctly only if Aisa
Unicode or Hermes are defined as Greek Unicode font. Type the
next character immediately after you have used this function!
MultiKeyGreekAisa Shift+F11 Switches to Aisa Greek font and Greek 2 keyboard.
MultiKeyGreekGreek Switches to Wingreek Greek font and Greek 5 keyboard.
MultiKeyHebrew Switches to WinGreek Hebrew font and Right-To-Left 4 keyboard.
MultiKeyCombineRtoL Combines the two characters right to the cursor.
MultiKeyFont F12 Displays a dialog box to choose font and keyboard simultaneously.
This macro has its icon next to the font listbox on the format
Note: Since Unicode fonts combine several scripts in one font,
there does not exist a corresponding font for a Unicode keyboard
layout. Thus, if the keyboard layout name contains the word
"Unicode", the font will not be changed. Use the Preferences
document and the hotkeys to change Unicode font and keyboard
MultiKeySetKeyboard Ctrl+Alt + - Adapts MultiKey to the context of the cursor: 1) Switches to the
keyboard mode appropriate to the current font. 2) The next
keystroke may serve as a modifier for the last character relative to
the position of the cursor (E. g., set the cursor after any ‚a‘, type
Alt-Ctrl-‚-‘ and ‚+‘ and you’ll get ‚á‘).
MultiKeyBackspace Ctrl+Alt +  Deletes the last character or the last modification of this character.
Works with right-to-left input, too.
MultiKeyConvertFont Format menu Converts every instance of one font into another. Use this function
with fonts which share the same keyboard layout but are coded dif-

Using MultiKey with the Classical Text Editor

For using automatic keyboard switching and defining font name aliases, see the Classical Text Editor help file.
Download the Classical Text Editor at

Using MultiKey with other Applications

You may access the keyboard modes through menu commands or keyboard shortcuts:
Disabled (Alt-Ctrl-X): MultiKey won't do anything but wait for being activated.
Latin (Alt-Ctrl-L): MultiKey will show the name of the current keyboard table and change certain se-
quences of keystrokes to special characters as defined in MULTIKEY.INI.
Greek (Alt-Ctrl-G): MultiKey will show the name of the current keyboard table, interpret the input as
coming from a Greek keyboard and change certain sequences of keystrokes to spe-
cial character-accent combinations as defined in MULTIKEY.INI.
Right to Left (Alt-Ctrl-H): MultiKey will show the name of the current keyboard table and perform right-to-
left input.
MultiKey will display its current state on its icon, highlighting the symbol corresponding to the currently
active keyboard and changing its name.

How to define MultiKey keyboard layouts

You will need to read this section only if the predefined keyboards do not meet your requirements.

Latin Mode
You may define any combinations for any font in the MULTIKEY.INI file in the [Latin] section. Here comes
the syntax for each line:
<Font name>=<combination1><combination2>…
Each combination contains four or five characters:
1) space <character1><character2><resulting character>
2) space <character1><character2><resulting character1><resulting character2>
The second type is especially useful if the design of characters changes with the context (as in Arabic writing).
To denote Unicode characters, use an acute followed by the hexadecimal Unicode value in four digits (e.g.,
´01A0). You may combine Unicode and Ansi characters in one combination. Do not use the Unicode notation
for characters below 256 (U+0100).
For example:
1) " o/ó" will result in that any typed "o" followed immediately by a typed "/" will result in a "ó".
2) " ÖuŒu" will result in that any "Ö" followed by a typed "u" will change to "Œ", but the "u" won’t be
3) " ´0145J´014A" will result in that the Unicode character U+0145, if followed by a typed ‘J’ is converted to
the character U+014A.
MultiKey will read strings up to 16384 characters.

If even the basic characters of a font are assigned to characters you cannot access easily or if you don’t like the
given assignments you may change them entirely by adding a line to the [LatinKeys] section. This entry must
correspond to one in the [Latin] section, so if you want to change the assignments without defining
combinations, leave the [Latin] section entry empty. The syntax is as follows:
<FontName>=<sequence of 223 characters>
For all characters from Ascii 33 ("!") to Ascii 255 define those that shall be accessed instead of them. For
example, if the first character in the string is an "A", MultiKey will change any typed "!" into an "A". Insert a
space for keys you don’t bother to change.
You may use the Unicode syntax as described above.
For your combination entries, use the resulting (not the typed!) characters.

Greek Mode
Greek characters respond to those keys which seemed the author most natural, i.  e: θ=q, ξ=c, χ=x, ψ=y, ω=w,
ς=j, Ϛ =J, ϝ =v, Ϝ =V, ᾳ =ä, ῃ =ü, ῳ =ö. Furthermore, ϟ =&, Ϟ =$, Ϡ=@.
Define the keys that shall correspond to Greek accents in the [GreekAccents] section of the MULTIKEY.INI
file. The predefined values are:

Iota=| (for the iota subscriptum)
Define Greek fonts in the [Greek] section. The syntax is
<Font Name>=<sequence of characters corresponding to Greek characters in the reference string>
Reference string:
ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωςϞ ϝ Ϝ Ϡ Ϛ ᾳ ῃ ῳ Cc.,·;"'´` ῀ ᾿ ῾ ῎ ῞ ῎ ῝ ῏
῟ άὰ ᾶ ἀ ἁ ἄ ἅ ἂ ἃ ἆ ἇ έ ὲ ῰ ἐ ἑ ἔ ἕ ἒ ἓ ἖ ἗ ή ὴ ῆ ἠ ἡ ἤ ἥ ἢ ἣ ἦ ἧ ί ὶ ῖ ἰ ἱ ἴ ἵ ἲ ἳ ἶ ἷ ό ὸ ῱ ὀ ὁ ὄ ὅ ὂ ὃ ὆ ὇ ύὺ ῦ ὐ ὑ ὔ
ὕ ὒ ὓ ὖ ὗ ώ ὼ ῶ ὠ ὡ ὤ ὥ ὢ ὣ ὦ ὧ ᾴ ᾲ ᾷ ᾀ ᾁ ᾄ ᾅ ᾂ ᾃ ᾆ ᾇ ῄ ῂ ῇ ᾐ ᾑ ᾔ ᾕ ᾒ ᾓ ᾖ ᾗ ῴ ῲ ῷ ᾠ ᾡ ᾤ ᾥ ᾢ ᾣ ᾦ ᾧ ϊΐῒϋΰῢ¨΅῭ῤ ῥι ÿ+-
᾿ ϟ ¯˘―†¶• ./!·()[]{}|+*0123456789:=\_”“¤«»¬°<>?~
The following table lists the characters contained in the reference string:
1: Α 47 : ψ 91 : ἐ 137 : ὔ 183 : ᾢ 220 : |
2: Β 48 : ω 92 : ἑ 138 : ὕ 184 : ᾣ 221 : +
3: Γ 49 : ς 93 : ἔ 139 : ὒ 185 : ᾦ 222 : *
4: Δ 50 : Ϟ1 94 : ἕ 140 : ὓ 186 : ᾧ 223 : 0
5: Ε 51 : ϝ 95 : ἒ 141 : ὖ 187 : ϊ 224 : 1
6: Ζ 52 : Ϝ 96 : ἓ 142 : ὗ 188 : ΐ 225 : 2
7: Η 53 : Ϡ 97 : ἖ 143 : ώ 189 : ῒ 226 : 3
8: Θ 54 : Ϛ 98 : ἗ 144 : ὼ 190 : ϋ 227 : 4
9: Ι 55 : ᾳ 99 : ή 145 : ῶ 191 : ΰ 228 : 5
10 : Κ 56 : ῃ 100 : ὴ 146 : ὠ 192 : ῢ 229 : 6
11 : Λ 57 : ῳ 101 : ῆ 147 : ὡ 193 : ¨ 230 : 7
12 : Μ 58 : C 102 : ἠ 148 : ὤ 194 : ΅
231 : 8
13 : Ν 59 : c 103 : ἡ 149 : ὥ 195 : ῭
232 : 9
14 : Ξ 60 : . 104 : ἤ 150 : ὢ 196 : ῤ
233 : :
15 : Ο 61 : , 105 : ἥ 151 : ὣ 197 : ῥ
234 : =
16 : Π 62 : · 106 : ἢ 152 : ὦ 198 : ι
107 : ἣ 153 : ὧ 199 : ÿ2 235 : \
17 : Ρ 63 : ;
18 : Σ 108 : ἦ 154 : ᾴ 200 : + 236 : _
64 : "
19 : Τ 109 : ἧ 155 : ᾲ 201 : - 237 : ”
65 : '
20 : Υ 110 : ί 156 : ᾷ 202 : ’ 238 : “
66 : ´
21 : Φ 111 : ὶ 157 : ᾀ 203 : ϟ3 239 : ¤
67 : `
22 : Χ 68 : ῀ 112 : ῖ 158 : ᾁ 204 : ¯ 240 : «
23 : Ψ 69 : ᾿ 113 : ἰ 159 : ᾄ 205 : ˘ 241 : »
24 : Ω 70 : ῾ 114 : ἱ 160 : ᾅ 206 : ― 242 : ¬
25 : α 71 : ᾿´ 115 : ἴ 161 : ᾂ 207 : † 243 : °
26 : β 72 : ῾´ 116 : ἵ 162 : ᾃ 208 : ¶ 244 : <
27 : γ 73 : ᾿` 117 : ἲ 163 : ᾆ 209 : • 245 : >
28 : δ 74 : ῾` 118 : ἳ 164 : ᾇ 210 : .
4 246 : ?
29 : ε 75 : ῏ 119 : ἶ 165 : ῄ 211 : / 247 : ~
30 : ζ 76 : ῟ 120 : ἷ 166 : ῂ 212 : ! 381: „
31 : η 77 : ά 121 : ό 167 : ῇ 213 : · 382: …
32 : θ 78 : ὰ 122 : ὸ 168 : ᾐ 214 : ( 383: ‡
33 : ι 79 : ᾶ 123 : ῱ 169 : ᾑ 215 : ) 384: ‘
34 : κ 80 : ἀ 124 : ὀ 170 : ᾔ 216 : [ 385: ’
35 : λ 81 : ἁ 125 : ὁ 171 : ᾕ
217 : ] 386: §
36 : μ 82 : ἄ 126 : ὄ 172 : ᾒ
218 : { 387: –
37 : ν 83 : ἅ 127 : ὅ 173 : ᾓ
219 : } 388: ‚
38 : ξ 84 : ἂ 128 : ὂ 174 : ᾖ
39 : ο 85 : ἃ 129 : ὃ 175 : ᾗ 2
40 : π 130 : ὆ 176 : ῴ diagonal
86 : ἆ
41 : ρ 131 : ὇ 177 : ῲ arrow
87 : ἇ
42 : σ 132 : ύ 178 : ῷ down left
88 : έ 3
43 : τ 133 : ὺ 179 : ᾠ min.
89 : ὲ
44 : υ 90 : ῰ 134 : ῦ 180 : ᾡ qoppa
45 : φ 135 : ὐ 181 : ᾤ combi-
46 : χ maj. 136 : ὑ 182 : ᾥ ning
qoppa underdot

Use a space, where no corresponding character exists in a specific font. You may use the Unicode syntax as
described above (However, you will not need to do so, because there is a predefined "Greek Unicode"
keyboard layout).

Right to Left Mode

Works as Latin mode, but reverses the input direction. The combination tables for each font can be defined in
the [RightToLeft] section and characters can be reassigned in the [RightToLeftKeys] section of the
MULTIKEY.INI file as described above for the Latin mode. Note that your word processor is responsible for
line breaks with bidirectional text. A word processor capable of handling right to left and bidirectional text is
the Classical Text Editor.

Programmer's Reference
This section is intended for expert users only. To exploit the features described here, you should be able to use
a programming language such as C, VisualBasic, Pascal, Delphi etc.
You may access the following functions of the Dynamic Link Library MULTIKYB.DLL (Numbers in brackets
are DLL index numbers):

(1) void ChangeKeyboard (uint Keyboard)

Changes the Keyboard mode.
Parameter Keyboard 0…Disabled

(2) void ChangeFont (uint Keyboard, uint Font)

Switches to the specified keyboard or combination table and keyboard mode.
Parameters Keyboard See above
Font Number of the keyboard table to change to (Depends on the settings in

(3) void NextFont ()

Switches to the next keyboard table in the currently active mode.

(4) void ConvertFont (uint Keyboard, uint SrcFont, uint DestFont, lpstr lpText)
Converts a string from one font into another. Use this function with fonts which share the same keyboard
layout but are coded differently.
Parameters Keyboard See above
SrcFont Number of the source font (Depends on the settings in MULTIKEY.INI)
DestFont Number of the destination font (Depends on the settings in MULTIKEY.INI)
lpText Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the text to convert.

(5) void GetFontName (uint Keyboard, uint Font, lpstr Name, uint maxName)
Returns the names of the fonts for which keyboard tables are defined.
Parameters Keyboard See above
Font See above
Name Pointer to a null terminated string that will receive the font name
MaxName Length of the buffer Name

(6) uint GetNumFonts (uint Keyboard)

Returns the number of fonts for every keyboard mode, for which keyboard tables are defined.
Parameter Keyboard See above

(7) uint GetKeyboard ()

Returns the current keyboard mode.

(8) uint GetFont (uint Keyboard)


Returns the current font for the given keyboard mode.

Parameter Keyboard See above

(9) void SetLastChar (uint Ascii)

Lets you set the ‘previous’ character, with which the next keystroke can result in a combination.
Parameter Char Character value of the ‘previous’ character

(10) uint DeComposite (uint Char)

Returns, if possible, the ASCII value of the given character ‘without diacritics’, according to the current key -
board mode and font..
Parameter Char Character value of a character that possibly is the result of a keystroke
combination. May be a Unicode character.

(11) int AdjustKeyboard (lpstr FontName)

Switches to the keyboard mode appropriate for a given font or to default mode if the FontName paramater
does not correspond to any entry. The default mode is the first font for the keyboard mode defined as
„Keyboard=“ in then [Default] section of the MULTIKEY.INI file.
Returns true if a matching entry was found.
Parameter FontName The name of the font.

(12) void ConvertFontW (uint Keyboard, uint SrcFont, uint DestFont, lpwstr lpText)
Converts a string from one font into another. Same as (4), but takes a wide string as pararameter. Use this
function with fonts which share the same keyboard layout but are coded differently. You may also con vert a
non-Unicode font to a Unicode font and vice versa. However, due to the manner Word 97 handles certain
fonts, there may be problems with single characters or even whole fonts.
Parameters Keyboard See above
SrcFont Number of the source font (Depends on the settings in MULTIKEY.INI)
DestFont Number of the destination font (Depends on the settings in MULTIKEY.INI)
lpText Pointer to a null-terminated wide string containing the text to convert.

The number of the Font tables is the number of the corresponding entry in the MULTIKEY.INI file.

MultiKey is responsible only for mapping keyboard keystrokes to characters. If these characters appear on
your screen, MultiKey’s word is done. If there is a problem with printing, the printer settings or the font are to
be blamed. Even if characters do not appear on your screen at all, it is more likely that your system does not
display the font correctly than that MultiKey fails to work. In this case, enter some characters of the desired
font without using MultiKey to see if the font is installed properly.

Problem Solution
When writing Greek in MS Word, single You are using a non-Unicode font and have turned on the Typo-
breathing marks before an initial major graphic Quotation Marks option in MS Word (in the AutoFormat
vowel are not represented correctly. options). Turn off this option when you are typing Greek. To access
typographic quotation marks, use the corresponding MultiKey com-
binations. Or use a Unicode font, as is suggested from Word 97 on.
I don’t want to have all the fonts dis- Modify the MULTIKEY.INI file by placing a semicolon at the
played for which keyboard support is beginning of the lines defining the fonts you don’t use (and restart
delivered. MultiKey).
MultiKey stops working. This may happen if you have used the Ctrl+Esc combination to in-
voke the Start menu in Windows 95. To get MultiKey to work
again, simply press the Ctrl key once.
Sometimes starting an application may cause MultiKey to stop
working. In this case, exit and restart MultiKey. If that does not
help, restart your wordprocessor, too.
Instead of displaying the new character This may happen if you use some strange Windows keyboard driver.
the last character gets deleted. As you shouldn’t need it any longer since you use MultiKey, the

best solution is to use a standard keyboard driver instead.

Characters are not accepted. This may happen on some systems, when you use a font with com-
pletely altered keyboard (=which has a [LatinKeys] or
[RightToLeftKeys] entry), or even with Greek, when your system is
performing disk operation ore is otherwise busy while you’re typing.
The faster your PC is, the less will it be affected by this problem,
which seems hard to avoid. However, most of the time you’ll use
standard fonts, which won’t cause problems.
When typing right to left, the right Shift In Windows NT, use only the left Shift-key when writing right to
key does not work or highlights charac- left.

Keyboard Support in This Release

Keyboard Tables
This release contains the implementation for Windows standard Latin fonts (Times New Roman), for Unicode
Latin, Unicode polytonic Greek, Unicode Cyrillic, Unicode Hebrew, for Eastern Europe specific fonts
according to the GoEast standard, for Greek as contained in WinGreek (usable also with the much improved
Greek font Aisa), for OldGreekSerif, for Grk, for Cyrillic fonts according to the Windows standard, for
WinGreek Hebrew, BibleWorks Hebrew (Bwhebb), for Arabic Neskhi, and for Word Perfect™ Japanese

This release contains the polytonic Greek font Aisa and the font EETimes New Roman, containing Eastern
European characters.

Key Combinations
The key combinations for each font are defined as follows (if you don’t like them, change them as described
Note: Only those fonts, which are installed on your system will be displayed correctly in the tables.

Latin Unicode
Common modifiers: Acute: +, Grave: *, Circumflex: =, Tilde: ~, Trema: |, Caron: #
Many other special characters can be accessed using the underline character (sometimes applied more than

Table of Key Combinations: 5

Á A+ Ă Ā= Ǟ Ä= ĉ c= Ë E|
á a+ ă ā= ǟ ä= Č C# ë e|
À A* Ą A_ Ǡ Å= č c# Ē Ê=
à a* ą a_ ǡ å= Ð D_ ē ê=
 A= Ǻ Å+ Ǣ Æ= ð d_ Ĕ Ē=
â a= ǻ å+ ǣ æ= Ď D# ĕ ē=
à Â= Ǽ Æ+ ª a_ _ ď d# Ė Ë|
ã â= ǽ æ+ Ç C_ đ ð_ ė ë|
à A~ Ǎ A# ç c_ É E+ Ę E_
ã a~ ǎ a# ¢ ç_ é e+ ę e_
Ä A| Å A° © ¢_ È E* Ě E#
ä a| å a° Ċ C| è e* ě e#
Ā Ã= Æ Ä_ ċ c| Ê E= ǝ e/
ā ã= æ ä_ Ĉ C= ê e= ƒ f_

For characters not defined in Times New Roman, the following table uses the fonts Lucida Sans Unicode
and Hermes. If you do not have installed these fonts or use another one, select the table and convert it to your
font before printing it. Thus you will learn which characters are supported by your font.

ff ƒf
fi ƒi
fl ƒl
ffi ffi
ffl ffl
Ĝ G=
ĝ g=
Ğ Ĝ=
ğ ĝ=
Ġ G|
ġ g|
Ģ G_
ģ g_
Ǥ G/
ǥ g/
Ǧ G#
ǧ g#
Ĥ H=
ĥ h=
Ħ H/
ħ h/
Ḫ H_
ḫ h_
Í I+
í i+
Ì I*
ì i*
Î I=
î i=
Ï I|
ï i|
Ǐ I#
ǐ i#
Ĩ Î=
ĩ î=
Ī Ĩ=
ī ĩ=
Ĭ Ī=
ĭ ī=
Į I_
į i_
İ Ï|
ı ï|
ij ij
Ĵ J=
ĵ j=
ǰ j#
Ķ K_
ķ k_
ĸ k*
Ǩ K#
ǩ k#
Ĺ L+
ĺ l+
Ļ L_
ļ l_

Ľ L* ľ l* Ŀ L| ŀ l|

Ł L/ õ ô= ṙ r| ũ u~ ẅ w| ‘ '_
ł l/ Õ O~ Ṙ R| Ũ Û= Ý Y+ ’ '__
LJ ĻJ õ o~ ® ŗ_ ũ û= ý y+ ‛ '__ _
Lj Ļj Ö O| Š S# Ū Ũ= Ÿ Y| “ "_
lj ļj ö o| š s# ū ũ= ÿ y| ” "__
£ $_ Ø O/ Ś S+ Ŭ Ū= ¥ Y_ … ._
µ m_ ø o/ ś s+ ŭ ū= Ŷ Y= · ._ _
Ñ N= Œ Ö_ Ŝ S= Ů U° ŷ y= • .__ _
ñ n= œ ö_ ŝ s= ů u° Ỳ Y* ¡ !_
Ñ N~ Ō Õ= Ş S_ Ű Ú+ ỳ y* ¿ ?_
ñ n~ ō õ= ş s_ ű ú+ Ź Z+ ‼ !!
nj ņj Ŏ Ō= Š Ŝ+ Ų U_ ź z+ – --
Ń N+ ŏ ō= š ŝ+ ų u_ Ż Z| — ---
ń n+ Ő Ó+ Ţ T_ Ǔ U# ż z| ‗ __
Ņ N_ ő ó+ ţ t_ ǔ u# Ž Z# † §_
ņ n_ Ǒ O# Ť T# Ǖ Ü= ž z# ‡ †_
Ň N# ǒ o# ť t# ǖ ü= ʒ z_ ‰ %_
ň n# Ǫ O_ Ŧ T/ Ǘ Ü+ Ʒ Z_ ‹ <_
ʼn n* ǫ o_ ŧ t/ ǘ ü+ ǯ z_# › >_
Ŋ Ņ_ Ǭ Ǫ= Þ Ţ_ Ǚ Ü# Ǯ Z_# « <<
ŋ ņ_ ǭ ǫ= þ ţ_ ǚ ü# ¹ 1_ » >>
NJ ŅJ Ǿ Ø+ Ú U+ Ǜ Ü* ² 2_ • @_
Nj Ņj ǿ ø+ ú u+ ǜ ü* ³ 3_ º °_
Ó O+ ¶ p_ Ù U* Ŵ W= ⁿ ŋ_ ¯ ~_
ó o+ Ŕ R+ ù u* ŵ w= ¼ ¹4 ± +_
Ò O* ŕ r+ Û U= Ẁ W* ½ ¹2 × *_
ò o* Ŗ R_ û u= ẁ w* ¾ ³4 ÷ /_
Ô O= ŗ r_ Ü U| Ẃ W+ ‚ ,_ ™ M_
ô o= Ř R# ü u| ẃ w+ ¸ ‚_ ¬ ⁿ_
Õ Ô= ř r# Ũ U~ Ẅ W| „ ,,

À A É J Ò T Û Y__  K+ ‡ !__
Á B Ê K Ó U Ü Y Ž C+ © c_
 V Ë L Ô F Ý E_  D# ® r_
à G Ì M Õ X Þ U_ ¡ U+ ™ M_
Ä D Í N Ö C ß A_ ¥ G_ µ m_
Å E Î O × Q C# € D_ ¨ E|
Æ Z# Ï P Ø W S#  G+ ¹ N°
Ç Z Ð R Ù W# S## Š L_ ‰ %_
È I Ñ S Ú Y_ Œ N_ † !_

Αα Aa
Ββ Bb
Γγ Gg
Δδ Dd
Εε Ee
Ζζ Zz
Ηη Hh
Θθ Qq
Ιι Ii
Κκ Kk
Λλ Ll
Μμ Mm
Νν Nn
Ξξ Cc

Οο Oo Ψψ Yy Ϟϟ $& ᾿ ' ‘ ,_ _
Ππ Pp Ωω Ww Ϡ @ ¨ # ‘ ,__ _
Ρρ Rr ς j ι % ; ? „ ,,
Σσ Ss Ϛ J ´ + / · : “ "_
Ττ Tt ᾳ ä a| ` * \ … ._ ” "__
Υυ Uu ῃ ü h| ῀ = ~ † $_ « ((
Φφ Ff ῳ ö w| ᾿ < ‡ $_ _ » ))
Χχ Xx Ϝϝ Vv ῾ > ‚ ,_
For changing the accent keys, see .
Note: When converting other Greek fonts to Unicode, capital letters with preceding diacritics will not be com -
bined but left as individual characters as in all Greek fonts based on the lower 255 characters. If you want to
use the combined characters, you will have to enter them manually.

Hebrew Unicode
Modifier key is "#".
‫ א‬a ‫ט‬ j ‫פ‬ p ‫ן‬ n# ּ * ֹ o
‫ ב‬b ‫י‬ y ‫צ‬ c ‫ף‬ p# ֽ , ׁ o#
‫ ג‬g ‫כ‬ k ‫ק‬ q ‫ץ‬ c# ַ ! ׂ o##
‫ ד‬d ‫ל‬ l ‫ר‬ r : . ָ = < ֻ u
‫ ה‬h ‫מ‬ m ‫ש‬ f ‫־‬ - ֵ e _ _
‫ ו‬w ‫נ‬ n ‫ת‬ t ֿ -- ֶ & ֽ ֽ
‫ ז‬z ‫ס‬ s ‫ך‬ k# ‫׳‬ + ְ :
‫ ח‬x ‫ע‬ v ‫ם‬ m# ‫״‬ ++ ִ i

Arabic Unicode
‫ﺍ‬ a -‫ﺥ‬ Xä ‫ﺵ‬ Sv ‫ﻍ‬ Co ‫ﻥ‬ n ‫ﺀ‬ =
‫ﺏ‬ b ‫ﺩ‬ d ‫ﺹ‬ j ‫ﻑ‬ f ‫ﻭ‬ w ‫ﻻ‬ la
‫ﺕ‬ t ‫ﺫ‬ Dü ‫ﺽ‬ J ‫ﻕ‬ q ‫ﻩ‬ h ‫ﷲ‬ °
‫ﺚ‬ Tö -‫ﺭ‬ r ‫ﻁ‬ p ‫ﻙ‬ k ‫ﺓ‬ H h:
‫ﺝ‬ g -‫ﺯ‬ z ‫ﻅ‬ P ‫ﻝ‬ l ‫ﻯ‬ y
‫ﺡ‬ x ‫ﺱ‬ s ‫ﻉ‬ c ‫ﻡ‬ m ‫ﻱ‬ Y y:
Characters will combine automatically according to the writing conventions. If you have to start from a
character connected backwards (e.g. after deleting characters, or when inserting into an existing word), use the
"." key to get the modified form.

Times New Roman

Common modifiers: Acute: +, Grave: *, Circumflex: =, Tilde: ~, Trema: |, Caron: #
Many other special characters can be accessed using the underline character (sometimes applied more than

Æ Ä_ £ L_ Þ T_ ¸ ,__ › >_ Å A°
æ ä_ ™ M_ þ t_ ¡ !_ « << å a°
ª a_ µ m_ ¥ Y_ ¿ ?_ » >> ½ 1_2
Ç C_ ¬ n_ ¹ 1_ † §_ • @_ ¼ 1_4
ç c_ Ø O_ ² 2_ ‡ †_ º °_ ¾ 3_4
¢ ç_ ø o_ ³ 3_ ‰ %_ ¯ ~_ – --
© c__ Œ Ö_ … ._ ” "_ ± +_ — ---
Ð D_ œ ö_ · .__ “ "__ × *_ „ ,,
ð d_ ¶ p_ • .___ ¨ "___ ÷ /_
ƒ f_ ® r_ ‚ ,_ ‹ <_

EETimes New Roman

The modifiers and combinations are equal to Latin Normal as far as possible plus the following:

¥ A_ ³ l_ ¯ Z_ ½ _++ [ƒ g#] õ o++

¹ a_ ª S_ ¿ z_ ¡ _# ï d+ Û U++
Ê E_ º s_ ¸ __ ¦ |_ ¼ L++ û u++
ê e_ Þ T_ ² ___ Ã A# ¾ å++ Ù U°
£ L_ þ t_ ´ _+ ã a# Õ O++ ù u°

WP Japanese (WordPerfect™ font)

For Word Perfect "Japanese", actually a Katakana font (used almost only for foreign words in post war
Japanese writing). Syllable signes are achieved by typing the consonant followed by the vowel. ^is ‚"‘, _is ‚*‘.
For syllable closing n (]) type „n'“

Bwhebb (BibleWorks™ by Hermeneutika™ font)

Modifier is „°”:
‚ a° h h n n ` `° / / +
$ k° w w ! ! ' ' ? ? =
& K ° A A s s " " > > =
% $. z z [ [ \ \ . . _
^§ $' x x p p | | i i _
~ m ° j j @ @ ; ; I I * *
! n° y y c c : : o *
@ p° k k # # ] ] o ( (
# c° $ $ q q } } O ) )
% % r r e e O
a a & & X X E { {
‚ ‚ ^ ^ v v E u u
b b l l f f , , U
g g m m t t < U
d d ~ ~ - - < +

Hebrew (as shipped with WinGreek by P. Gentry)

Modifier key is „'”:
< ,'
, m'
/ j'
; k'
? K'
@ ?'
> w'
[ p'
] n'
} ]'
{ P'

All characters that represent combinations will replace the succession of the single characters.

WP Arabic Sihafa (Word Perfect™ font)

[ a
] b
a t
e Tö
i g
m x
q Xä
u d
w Dü
y r
{ z
} s
‚ Sv
† j
Ž p
’ P
– c
š Co
ž f
¢ q
¦ k
ª l
® m
² n
¼ w
¶ h
º H h:
¾ Y y:
+ e
/ i
- u
5 #
1 +
C ~
Æ °
D -' (')
× la
1 ee

2 eu A uu+ " "

3 uu B +ee * ".
4 ii ! ! ( "..
9 e+ $ !. ) "...
; u+ % !.. å -
= +e & !... ä --
? ee+ ' !.... ã °°
@ eu+ # !"
All other existing combinations result from the combinations of the single characters. Characters will combine
automatically according to the writing conventions. If you have to start from a character connected backwards
(e.g. after deleting characters, or when inserting into an existing word), use the "." key to get the modified

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