RA 7277 and RA 10754

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RA 7277 and RA 10754

RA 7277

Rights and Privileges (Title II RA 7277)

Equal Opportunity for Employment – PWD shall not be denied access to opportunities for suitable
employment. A qualified disabled employee shall have the ssame terms and compensation as qualified
able bodied person (Sec. 5, RA 7277)

Right to Sheltered Employment – If a suitable employment cannot be found, the State shall endeavor to
provide it by means of sheltered employment (Sec. 5).

Right to Apprenticeship – Disabled persons shall be eligible to become apprentices and learners,
provided their handicap will not impede their performance (Sec. 7).

Right to Vocational Guidance and Counseling – The DSWD shall implement measures providing and
evaluating vocational guidance and counseling to enable persons to secure, retain and advance in
employment (Sec. 10).

Access to Quality Education – The State shall take appropriate steps to make education accessible to
PWD. It is unlawful for any learning institution to deny a disabled person admission to any course by
reason of handicap or disability (Sec. 12).

Special Education – The State shall establish, maintain and support complete, adequate and integrated
system of special education for the visually impaired, hearing impaired, mentally retarded persons, and
other types of exceptional children (Sec. 14).

Vocational or technical and Other Training Programs – the State shall provide disabled persons with
training in civics, vocational efficiency, sports and physical fitness, and other skills (Sec. 15).

Non-Formal Education – The State shall develop non-formal education programs intended for the total
human development of disabled persons (Sec. 16).

Rehabilitation Centers – — The Department of Health shall establish medical rehabilitation centers in
government provincial hospitals, it shall also shall formulate and implement a program to enable
marginalized disabled persons to avail of free rehabilitation services in government hospitals.

Health Service – The National Government shall provide an integrated health service which shall include
but not limited to prevention of disability, medical treatment and rehabilitation (Sec. 20).

Auxiliary Social Services – The State shall ensure that marginalize persons are provided with the
necessary auxiliary service that will restore their social functioning and participation in community
affairs (ex. assistance in the acquisition of prosthetic devices and medical intervention of specialty
services) (Sec. 21).

Free Postal Charges for the Disabled – Postal charges shall be free on the following (Sec. 24):

a) articles and literatures, orthopedic and other devices, and teaching aids
b) aids and orthopedic devices for the disabled sent by abroad by mail for repair

Barrier-Free Environment – The State shall ensure the attainment of a barrier-free environment that will
enable disabled persons to have access in public and private buildings and establishments (Sec. 25).

Right to Drive Motor vehicles – Disabled persons shall be allowed to drive motor vehicles, subject to the
rules and regulations issued by the Land Transportation Office (Sec. 26).

Access to Public Transport Facilities – The DSWD shall develop a program to assist marginalized
disabled persons gain access in the use of public transport facilities (Ex. subsidized transportation fare)
(Sec. 27).

System of Voting – Disabled persons shall be allowed to be assisted by a person of his choice in voting.
The person thus chosen shall prepare the ballot for the disabled voter inside the voting booth (Sec. 29).

Right to Assemble – right of disabled persons to participate in processions, rallies, or other forms of
mass or concerned action held in public (Sec. 30).

Right to Organize — The right of disabled persons to form organizations or associations that promote
their welfare and advance or safeguard their interests (Sec. 31).

R.A. 10754

20% discount and exemption from the value-added tax (VAT) on the following sale of goods
and services (Sec. 1, par. a, 10754) :

a) fees and charges relative to the utilization of all services in hotels and similar lodging
establishments; restaurants and recreation centers;
b) admission fees charged by theaters, cinema houses and other similar places of culture,
leisure and amusement;
c) purchase of medicines in all drugstores;
d) medical and dental services in all government facilities;
e) medical and dental services, and professional fees of attending doctors in all private
hospitals and medical facilities;
f) fare for domestic air and sea travel;
g) actual fare for land transportation travel such as, but not limited to, public utility buses or
jeepneys (PUBs/PUJs), taxis, asian utility vehicles (AUVs), shuttle services and public
railways, including light Rail Transit (LRT), Metro Rail Transit (MRT) and Philippine
National Railways (PNR); and
h) funeral and burial services for the death of the PWD

Educational assistance to PWD - for them to pursue primary, secondary, tertiary, post tertiary,
as well as vocational or technical education, in both public and private schools, through the
provision of scholarships, grants, financial aids, subsidies and other incentives to qualified PWD
(Sec. 1, par. b, 10754)

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