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Group VA

Group VA

non-metal, gas

non-metal, solid

Metalloid, solid

Metal, solid

Metal, solid
Group VA

• The Group 15 elements have a specific family name –
Nitrogen Family.
✓ Named after the first element in the group (at the top
of the column), Nitrogen that makes up 78% of our

• Many fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorous and

our bodies need both of these elements to help release
energy from the food we eat.

• White phosphorous is so reactive with oxygen that it

bursts into flame when it comes in contact with it. Red
phosphorous, which is less reactive is used in matches.
• Useful to living things in small amount; deadly in large
Group VA

• Atoms in this family have 5 valence electrons, they tend
to share electrons when they bond.
• The density (), b.p, atomic radius and ionic radius
increase as it goes down the group

• Reactivity, Ionization energy, electronegativity decrease

as it goes down the group down the group

• The most stable oxidation number: -3, +3, +5 or {+5, +4,

+3 →-3} but the +3 becomes stable as it goes down the

• N forms multiple bonds while other do not.

Group VA

Electronic configuration

Symbol Element e− Configuration

N Nitrogen [He] 2s2 2p3

P Phosphorus [Ne] 3s23p3

As Arsenic [Ar] 3d10 4s24p3

Sb [Kr] 4d10 5s25p3
Bi Bismuth [Xe] 4f145d10 6s26p3
Group VA

3 ways to complete octet

1. Accepting electron → becomes anion

X : + 3e− → X3−

• The formation of X3− ion only occurs with very

electropositive metal (Group IA & IIA) – form ionic cpd.

6Li + N2 → 2Li3N
3Mg + N2 → Mg3N2

12 Li + P4 → 4Li3P
6Mg + P4 → 2Mg3P2
Group VA

2. Sharing valence electrons

•• •• ••
• X• + 3H • H • • X• • • H  H X H
• •

• Bonding with less reactive metals or non-metal →

covalent compound.
e.g: NH3, PH3, AsH3 and SbH3

• Bi: metal – does not form covalent compounds, but ionic.

Group VA

3. Releasing electrons

• X5+ ion does not form due to very high IE to remove all
the valance electrons.
inert pair effect instead occurs → forming X3+

IE Ist Vth
N 14.5 97.4* eV
Bi 8.0 55.7* eV

• Ionization only occurs for Bi → Bi3+ and Sb → Sb3+

e.g: BiF3, Bi(NO3)3.5H2O, Sb2(SO4)3
Group VA

Valency, coordination number & Hybridization

N: [He] 2s22p3 :    
2s 2p
sp3 - coordination number = 4

• P to Bi : have ns2np3 nd0

• P : ground state    
3s 3p

• P*: exited state     

3s 3p 3d
sp3d – coord. no.= 5
Group VA

• Filling electrons
PCl3/NCl3/NH3 :
ground state *   
s p
• hybrid in ground state → one pair of electrons is not shared

PCl3/NCl3/NH3 *   
sp3 (coord no.: 4)

PCl5     
sp3d (coord no. 5 – trigonal bipyramid)

PCl6−      *
sp3d2 (Coord no. : 6 – octahedral)
* dative electrons from Cl−
Group VA

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