Computation of A Spectrum From A Single-Beam Fourier-Transform Infrared Interferogram

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Computation of a Spectrum from a Single-Beam Fourier-Transform Infrared


Article  in  Applied Optics · March 2002

DOI: 10.1364/AO.41.001181 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Avishai Ben-David Agustin I Ifarraguerri

Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Unit… SAIC


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Computation of a spectrum from a single-beam
Fourier-transform infrared interferogram

Avishai Ben-David and Agustin Ifarraguerri

A new high-accuracy method has been developed to transform asymmetric single-sided interferograms
into spectra. We used a fraction 共short, double-sided兲 of the recorded interferogram and applied an
iterative correction to the complete recorded interferogram for the linear part of the phase induced by the
various optical elements. Iterative phase correction enhanced the symmetry in the recorded interfero-
gram. We constructed a symmetric double-sided interferogram and followed the Mertz procedure 关In-
frared Phys. 7, 17 共1967兲兴 but with symmetric apodization windows and with a nonlinear phase correction
deduced from this double-sided interferogram. In comparing the solution spectrum with the source
spectrum we applied the Rayleigh resolution criterion with a Gaussian instrument line shape. The
accuracy of the solution is excellent, ranging from better than 0.1% for a blackbody spectrum to a few
percent for a complicated atmospheric radiance spectrum. © 2002 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 300.6300, 300.6340, 300.6190, 120.0280, 120.3180, 070.6020.

1. Introduction ferogram I共x兲 is the measured interference pattern

Much research has been devoted to the subject of
1– 6 for a displacement x 共in centimeters兲 between two
converting interferograms measured with single- interfering beams in a classic Michelson interferom-
beam Fourier-transform infrared 共FTIR兲 instruments eter.1 The recorded interferogram 共Fig. 1兲 is a se-
into spectra. FTIR spectrometers can measure si- quence of measurements that span the range ⫺xmin
multaneously many of the thousands of gaseous to ⫹xmax, where xmax is the maximum optical-path
chemicals that have absorption features in the infra- difference and is determined by the wave-number
red and are used routinely in air-pollution monitoring resolution 共inverse centimeters兲 requirement and
of toxic gases released by industrial processes and in xmin depends on the instrument design. In Fig. 1,
atmospheric research in which the chemical compo- only the modulated part 共ac兲 of the interferogram,
sition of the atmosphere is of interest. Two issues which contains information on the spectrum, is
that are important but are not well understood in shown, and the constant 共dc兲 component is omitted.
converting an interferogram into a spectrum are The recorded interferogram is in general asymmetric.
phase-correction techniques and apodization. As If xmax ⫽ xmin the interferogram is termed double-
the signal-to-noise ratio in the Fourier spectroscopy sided. In some instruments xmax ⬎⬎ xmin, and the
measurements increases, an accurate phase correc- interferogram is termed a single-sided asymmetric
tion and high-quality apodization techniques become interferogram. The maximum of the interference
more important and may set the limit on the achiev- pattern is located at an optical-path difference x0 and
able accuracy of the deduced spectrum. The inter- is called the center burst. At this location all the
wavelengths of the light source that produced the
共ideal兲 interferogram are in phase, making this point
A. Ben-David 共兲 is with the in the recorded interferogram a unique reference
Science and Technology Corporation, Suite 206, 500 Edgewood point for phase-correction procedures. There are
Road, Edgewood, Maryland 21040. A. Ifarraguerri is with the two components of phase in the recorded interfero-
Science Applications International Corporation, Suite 300, 4001 gram. The first is due to a phase shift in the incident
Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Virginia 22203; while this research was
radiance that results from the optical components
performed he was with the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biolog-
ical Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5424. such as beam splitter, lenses, and mirrors in the in-
Received 12 June 2001; revised manuscript received 14 Septem- strument, all of which have different wavelength-
ber 2001. dependent refractive indices and optical thickness,
0003-6935兾02兾061181-09$15.00兾0 and from the electronics 共e.g., amplifiers and filters兲,
© 2002 Optical Society of America which exhibit a frequency-dependent time delay.

20 February 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1181

because the triangular apodization 共used in the
Mertz method兲 has a discontinuity in its first deriv-
ative, and thus the phase estimate is less accurate,
and suggested that no fewer than 100 data points
共preferably several hundreds兲 should be used in the
phase estimate.
In this paper we present a method that combines
the Forman and Mertz methods of converting an in-
terferogram into a spectrum. In our method we use
the short double-sided interferogram to apply an it-
erative phase-correction procedure 共for the linear
part of the phase induced by the various optical ele-
ments and for the linear phase delay that is due to the
electronics兲 to an asymmetric single-sided recorded
interferogram. From the linearly phase-corrected
interferogram we construct a complete symmetric
double-sided interferogram for the range ⫺xmax to
⫹xmax. We then compute the Fourier transform, us-
Fig. 1. Single-sided asymmetric interferogram I共⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ ing any user-selected apodizing window 共e.g., Ham-
xmax兲 computed for blackbody source B共500 ⬍ ␯ ⬍ 1500 cm⫺1兲 at a ming, Blackman, Chebyshev, and Kaiser兲. These
temperature of 300 K. Short, double-sided interferogram Is共x兲 ⫽ windows have characteristics 共e.g., lower sidelobes兲
I共⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmin兲 and the location of center burst x0 are shown. that are superior to those of the triangular apodizing
Only the modulated part 共ac兲 of the interferogram that contains
window. A final phase correction for the nonlinear
information on the spectrum is shown, and the constant 共dc兲 com-
ponent is omitted.
part of the phase induced by the various optical ele-
ments is performed on the derived Fourier transform
to transfer energy from the imaginary frequency com-
ponents to the real frequency components, as is done
The second part of the phase is due to the location of in the Mertz method. In our method the nonlinear
the true center burst in the recorded measurement phase is deduced directly from the constructed sym-
sequence, which in general will fall between sample metric double-sided interferogram, and thus no inter-
points. polation on the nonlinear phase is needed. We
The two commonly used methods of converting an discuss practical issues of numerical implementa-
interferogram into a spectrum are the Mertz7 and the tions, such as zero-fill interpolation and a deresolu-
Forman8 methods 共see Ref. 1, Chap. 3, for a compre- tion algorithm for comparing the computed spectrum
hensive discussion兲. In the Mertz method a phase with the source spectrum that produced the interfero-
estimate of the optical components 共i.e., the first part gram, and show some examples of the method’s re-
of the phase兲 is computed from a short region about sults.
the center burst of the interferogram 共usually de-
noted a short double-sided interferogram; Fig. 1兲. 2. Phase Correction of the Interferogram I(x)
This phase estimate is deduced for only a limited The modulated 共ac兲 component of the recorded inter-
number of frequencies and is then interpolated to all ferogram I共 x兲 共in volts兲 at n locations xi , ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ
the frequencies that are contained within the mea- xmax uniformly spaced every ␦ centimeters that re-
sured interferogram. Then the recorded asymmet- sults from a source B共␯兲 关W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲兴, where ␯ is
ric interferogram is apodized by an asymmetric the wave number 共in inverse centimeters兲 is given1 by
triangular window and rotated to zero out the phase

shift introduced by the sampled location of the inter- ␯2

ferogram. One converts the interferogram into a I共 x兲 ⫽ K共␯兲0.5B共␯兲cos关2␲␯x ⫹ ⌽共␯兲兴d␯, (1a)

spectrum by taking the Fourier transform; it is phase ␯1

corrected by use of the phase estimate deduced from

⌽共␯兲 ⫽ ⌽ 1共␯兲 ⫹ ⌽ 2共␯兲, (1b)
the short double-sided interferogram. This phase
correction in a sense transfers residual energy from ⌽ 2共␯兲 ⫽ ⫺2␲␯x 0, (1c)
the imaginary frequency components of the Fourier
transform operation back to the real frequency com- where K共␯兲 关共V cm2 sr兲兾W兴 is the instrument constant
ponents of the spectrum. In the Forman method the that combines the responsivity 共volts per watt兲, the
phase correction is performed in the time domain aperture area 共square centimeters兲 and the field of
共i.e., the interferogram domain兲, whereas in the view 共steradians兲 of the instrument. For conve-
Mertz method the phase correction is done in the nience we assume that K共␯兲 ⫽ 1 for ␯2 ⬍ ␯ ⬍ ␯1. The
frequency domain 共i.e., the spectrum domain兲. In total phase ⌽共␯兲 is combined phase shift ⌽1共␯兲 from all
the Forman method no apodization is applied to the optical elements and electronics components and
short double-sided interferogram, and no interpola- phase shift ⌽2共␯兲 that is due to the shift x0 of the
tion of the phase is performed. Chase2 stated that center burst in the recorded interferogram. The in-
the Forman method is better than the Mertz method tegration limits ␯1 and ␯2 are for a band-limited

1182 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 20 February 2002

source B共␯兲 or are due to a detector band-limited found from the maximum of the absolute value of
transfer function, and the modulation efficiency is I共 x兲, I共 x̂0兲 ⫽ max关兩I共 x兲兩兴. A short double-sided inter-
assumed to be 1. For an ideal spectrometer for ferogram Is共x兲 of length 共2n0 ⫺ 1兲 is formed, with I共x̂0兲
which ⌽共␯兲 ⫽ 0 and interferogram I共x兲 is sampled at at the center and 共n0 ⫺ 1兲 samples on each side 共n0 is
all x values, I共x兲 and B共␯兲 are a Fourier pair given by the location, point number i for x ⫽ x̂0兲. Short
double-sided interferogram Is共x兲 is in general not

symmetric about I共 x̂0兲, and this departure from sym-
I共 x兲 ⫽ K共␯兲 B共␯兲cos共2␲x␯兲d␯ ⫽ F ⫺1关K共␯兲 B共␯兲兴, metry is due to the phase shift. Average departure
⌬ 共in centimeters兲 from symmetry is computed from

B共␯兲 ⫽ K共␯兲 ⫺1
兰 I共 x兲cos共2␲x␯兲dx ⫽ K共␯兲 ⫺1F关I共 x兲兴,


兺 i兩 I s共 x i 兲兩
(2) ⫽ i⫽1
2n0⫺1 ⫺ n 0, (3)

where F共 兲 and F⫺1共 兲 denote the cosine Fourier- 兺i⫽1
兩 I s共 x i 兲兩
transform operation and the inverse cosine Fourier
transform, respectively. In this research the diffi- where n0 is the point number of center burst location
culty in implementing the straightforward Fourier I共 x̂0兲, and ⌬兾␦ can be viewed as an estimate of the
transform 关Eqs. 共2兲兴 because of phase ⌽共␯兲 and the center of gravity of Is共x兲 or as the first moment of i
finite sampling range ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax are ad- with 兩Is共xi 兲兩兾¥i⫽1 兩Is共xi 兲兩 taken as a weighing func-
dressed. tion. If Is共x兲 were exactly symmetric 关where Eq. 共3兲
We apply a phase correction to I共x兲 for the linear is used as a measure of symmetry兴 about n0, then ⌬
part of phase shift ⌽1共␯兲 and to the portion of phase would be zero. It is important to note that this pro-
2␲␯共x0 ⫺ 关 x0兴兲 in ⌽2共␯兲, where 关 x0兴 is the rounded cedure tends to improve the symmetry of the inter-
value of center-burst location x0 共关 x0兴 ⫽ k␦, where 1 ⬍ ferogram but does not guarantee complete symmetry,
k ⬍ n is an integer sampling point number兲 in an for which all odd moments of Is共x兲 are zero and
iterative procedure that usually takes only a few it- Is共x0 ⫺ x兲 ⫽ Is共x0 ⫹ x兲. A common method of esti-
erations. Because of the finite number of sampling mating ⌬ is to perform a polynomial fit about I共x̂0兲
intervals, the center burst is not sampled exactly 共it 共where the proper polynomial order and the number
usually falls between sampling points兲. Phase cor- of points for the fit affect ⌬ and should be predeter-
rection 2␲␯共x0 ⫺ 关 x0兴兲 shifts the center burst to the mined兲 and computing the location of the maximum.
location 关 x0兴 that is one of the sampled xi locations. In practice, because the signal-to-noise ratio in the
Phase shift 2␲␯关 x0兴 is a phantom phase 共owing to the measured interferogram decreases rapidly as x
arbitrary placement of the center-burst location in moves farther from the center-burst location, we use
the interferogram vector兲 that is easily handled with fewer points 共⬃200兲 and not all the 共2n0 ⫺ 1兲 points
a rotation process by rearrangement of the elements about the center burst to compute ⌬ in Eq. 共3兲.
of I共x兲 to place the center burst at the first element of A linear phase-shift correction can be thought of as
the vector. As our iterative procedure is a linear a convolution of I共x兲 by a shifted Dirac delta function
procedure, only the linear part of phase ⌽1共␯兲 is cor- ␦共x ⫺ ⌬兲, given by
rected. For a general function f 共x兲, phase ⌽f 共␯兲 is
given by the arctangent of the ratio between the
imaginary part and the real part of the Fourier trans-
form of f 共x兲. If f 共x兲 is real and symmetric about the
I共 x ⫺ ⌬兲 ⫽
兰 I共␣兲␦关␣ ⫺ 共 x ⫺ ⌬兲兴d␣

origin, phase ⌽f 共␯兲 is zero because the imaginary part
of a complex Fourier transform of a real and symmet- ⫽ I共␣兲␦共 x ⫺ ⌬ ⫺ ␣兲d␣ (4)
ric function is zero. Because unknown source spec-
trum B共␯兲 is purely a real function, we would like to
关using the symmetry ␦共t兲 ⫽ ␦共⫺t兲兴 or with the Fourier-
transform the real interferogram I共x兲 to be symmetric
transform operation given as
共i.e., an even function兲 about x0; then, shifting the x
axis 关i.e., forming the function I共x ⫺ x0兲兴 will yield a
I共 x ⫺ ⌬兲 ⫽ F ⫺1兵F关I共 x兲兴F关␦共 x ⫺ ⌬兲兴其
phase that has become zero.
The general objective of our procedure is to esti- ⫽ F ⫺1关F关I共 x兲兴exp共⫺j2␲␯⌬兲兴, (5)
mate with high accuracy the location of center burst
x0, using a short double-sided fraction of the recorded where j is the imaginary number 公⫺1. For a vector
interferogram, and impose a time shift 共i.e., a shift of I共x兲 of length n uniformly spaced every ␦ cm, the n
the x axis, by a resampling process兲 on the full re- frequencies ␯ are 0, 共n␦兲⫺1, 2共n␦兲⫺1, 3共n␦兲⫺1, . . . ,
corded interferogram. When this is done, the sym- 共n ⫺ 1兲共n␦兲⫺1, and frequencies ␯ for Eq. 共5兲 are

metry of the interferogram tends to improve,
resulting in a smaller phase component. The con- ␯ ␯ ⱕ ␯ Nyquist
␯⫽ , (6)
cept is applied iteratively; the correction improves ⫺共2␯ Nyquist ⫺ ␯兲 ␯ ⬎ ␯ Nyquist
following each iteration.
A first estimate of center-burst location x̂0 is easily where ␯Nyquist ⫽ 共2␦兲⫺1.

20 February 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1183

shift, which falls at point 750.25 on the x-axis grid
共i.e., between grid points兲. In Fig. 2 we show the
function sinc共100x兲, the exact shifted function
sinc关100共x ⫺ ⌬兲兴, and the approximation I共x ⫺ ⌬兲
computed with Eqs. 共5兲 and 共7兲. The residual ⑀共x兲 ⫽
I共x ⫺ ⌬兲 ⫺ sinc共x ⫺ ⌬兲 shows the improved accuracy
with Eq. 共7兲.
B. Iteration Process for Linear Phase Correction
We implemented the linear phase correction for the
sampled interferogram in an iterative process with
which, from the first iteration phase-corrected inter-
ferogram, I共x ⫺ ⌬兲, we extracted a new short double-
sided Is共x兲 and ⌬ 关Eq. 共3兲兴 and computed a second
iteration phase-corrected interferogram with Eq. 共5兲.
Usually no more than a few iterations are needed for
a phase correction to be achieved with an accuracy of
Fig. 2. Sinc共100x兲 with ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax, exact shifted function ⌬兾␦ ⬍ 0.001. At the end of the process we obtained
sinc关100共x ⫺ ⌬兲兴, and approximations I共x ⫺ ⌬兲 from the shift interferogram I共x兲, where the center burst location
theorem, where I共x ⫺ ⌬兲 computed with Eq. 共5兲 using single-sided
was resampled with high accuracy and the linear
and reconstructed double-sided I共⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax兲 关Eq. 共7兲兴 is
used. The residual ⑀共x兲 ⫽ I共x ⫺ ⌬兲 ⫺ sinc共x ⫺ ⌬兲 shows the
part of the phase, ⌽共␯兲 in Eqs. 共1兲, was corrected to a
improved accuracy when Eq. 共7兲 is used. The centerburst at x ⫽ large degree. In addition, the symmetry of short-
0 is not sampled on this x-axis grid and is located between two double-sided region Is共x兲 was improved. For the rest
adjacent values of x. ⌬ ⫽ 0.075 ⫹ ␦兾4, where ␦ ⫽ 10⫺4 is the of this paper we refer to I共 x ⫺ ⌬兲 in Eq. 共5兲 as phase-
interval between adjacent points. corrected asymmetric 共single-sided兲, ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ
xmax, interferogram I共x兲.
A. Implementation of the Shift Theorem for I共x ⫺ ⌬兲 3. Apodizing Functions
The shift theorem implemented with a fast-Fourier- Spectrum B共␯兲 was obtained from I共 x兲 关Eqs. 共1兲兴 by a
transform 共FFT兲 operation implies cyclical 共periodic兲 Fourier-transform operation 关Eqs. 共2兲兴, B̂共␯兲 ⫽
functions 共which are due to the FFT operation兲. But F关I共x兲w共x兲兴, where w共x兲 is an apodizing function 共i.e.,
sampled interferogram I共x兲 is asymmetric and is a window function兲 that is designed9 to minimize
sampled at ⫺xmin ⬍ x ⬍ xmax. Thus shift theorem sidelobes and thereby to reduce the distortion of the
I共 x ⫺ ⌬兲 implemented with a FFT moves 共clockwise derived estimated spectrum B̂共␯兲 that results from
rotation for ⌬ ⬎ 0兲 in regions near xmax to regions the transfer of energy 共leakage兲 across frequencies ␯,
near xmin owing to the cyclical rotation. We solve a leakage that can even produce negative values and
this problem by creating a double-sided interfero- therefore an unphysical spectrum. The design of
gram Id共x兲 for the complete range ⫺xmax ⱕ x ⱕ xmax the apodization function involved a trade-off between
by using the portion I共xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax兲 of the recorded minimizing the sidelobes 共reducing energy leakage兲
interferogram for ⫺xmax ⱕ x ⱕ ⫺xmin with the rest of of the power spectrum of the window at the expense
the recorded interferogram I共⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax兲 be- of increasing the width of the main lobe, an increase
fore the shift operation with the FFT shift theorem that reduces the resolution 共i.e., a smearing effect兲.
关Eq. 共5兲兴, where Id共x兲 is given by The resolution width is given in units of spectral bins,
in which a bin size is the fundamental frequency
I d共 x兲 ⫽ 再 I共⫺x兲
I共 x兲
⫺x max ⱕ x ⱕ ⫺x min
⫺x min ⬍ x ⱕ x max
. (7)
resolution N⫺1, where N is the number of points in
the window w共x兲. Usually the spectral bin widths of
the apodization windows range from 1.2 to 3 spectral
A small discontinuity at ⫺xmin is introduced in Id共x兲. bins. Boxcar window w共x兲 has the narrowest main
Then we take the new linearly phase-corrected region lobe 共1.21 spectral bins兲 and the highest sidelobes
⫺xmin ⬍ x ⬍ xmax to be I共x ⫺ ⌬兲. This improvement 共⫺13 dB, falling at a rate of ⫺6 dB兾octave兲. The
is modest when small shifts ⌬ are involved. traditionally used triangular window in a FTIR spec-
In Fig. 2 we demonstrate the difference between trometer has a resolution width of 1.78 spectral bins,
the shift theorem 关Eq. 共5兲兴 for I共x兲 and 关Eq. 共7兲兴 for a highest sidelobe level of ⫺27 dB, and a sidelobe
Id共x兲. For illustration of the significant difference falloff rate of ⫺12 dB兾octave, a decay rate that is
we chose a sinc共100x兲 function for I共x兲 with ⫺xmin ⱕ usually too slow for accurate spectral analysis. A
x ⱕ xmax uniformly spaced from xmin ⫽ 0.1 ⫹ ␦兾2 to Chebychev window designed to have a constant level
xmax ⫽ 0.25 ⫹ ␦兾2, where ␦ ⫽ 10⫺4 is the interval of sidelobes of ⫺80 dB has a resolution width of 2.31
between adjacent points. The center burst at x ⫽ 0 spectral bins and for a constant level of sidelobes of
is not sampled on this x-axis grid and is located be- ⫺50 dB has a resolution width of 1.85 spectral bins.
tween two adjacent values of x. A sinc function is With the phase correction, interferogram I共x兲 is
the interferogram of rectangular B共␯兲 in Eqs. 共2兲. single sided where the region about center-burst lo-
We chose a value ⌬ ⫽ 0.075 ⫹ ␦兾4 for the desired cation x0 appears twice. Without proper weighing of

1184 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 20 February 2002

Fig. 3. Asymmetrical hybrid apodization windows. xmin ⫽ 5% of Fig. 4. Symmetrical apodization windows 共xmin ⫽ xmax兲 for which
the window width 共100 points兲. 共a兲 Time domain where a ramp the peak location of the window 共in the time domain兲 is at the
function is substituted for the range ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmin. Triangle, middle 共a兲 in the time domain and 共b兲 in the frequency domain.
Blackman, Kaiser, and Chebyshev apodization windows for the Attenuation R ⫽ 100 dB for Chebyshev and Kaiser windows.
range xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax. 共b兲 Power spectral density magnitude 10
log10兵兩F关w共x兲兴兩2其 in the frequency domain where the Nyquist fre-
quency is 1. Attenuation R ⫽ 100 dB for Chebyshev and Kaiser
window is given for attenuation R 共decibels兲 as ␣ ⫽
0.5842共R ⫺ 21兲0.4 ⫹ 0.07886共R ⫺ 21兲 for 50 ⱖ R ⱖ 21
and ␣ ⫽ 0.1102共R ⫺ 8.7兲 for R ⬎ 50. The superiority
of the symmetrical windows to the asymmetrical
the interferogram, intensities of sharp absorption windows is evident. To take full advantage of the
bands 共frequencies兲 in the deduced spectrum will be symmetrical apodization we constructed from the
distorted. A proper weighing function w共x兲 such single-sided phase-corrected interferogram I共⫺xmin ⱕ
that w共x0 ⫺ x兲 ⫹ w共x0 ⫹ x兲 ⫽ 1 for the range ⫺xmin x ⱕ xmax兲 a double-sided phase-corrected interfero-
ⱕ x ⱕ xmin will correct this distortion. Mertz chose gram Id共x兲 关Eq. 共7兲兴. In this process we introduced a
the weighing function w共x兲 to be a ramp, and Rah- discontinuity at x ⫽ ⫺xmin, but this discontinuity is
melow and Hubner5 chose a fifth-order polynomial for small because of the phase correction and will be
⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmin, w共x兲 ⫽ 0.5 ⫹ 1.25共x兾xmin兲3 ⫺ reduced with the apodization window. In double-
0.75共x兾xmin兲5, which is smoother than a ramp func- sided phase-corrected interferogram Id共x兲 the center
tion and thus is somewhat better for a Fourier- burst location is in the middle, and all points in in-
transform operation in which one wants to avoid terferogram Id共x兲 appear twice 共therefore no special
sharp discontinuities. weighing is necessary兲, and thus a symmetrical apo-
We tried to combine ramp function w共x兲 共or a fifth- dization window 共Fig. 4兲 that is superior to the asym-
order polynomial兲 for the range ⫺xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmin with metrical triangular window can be used. A
different windows w共x兲 for the range xmin ⱕ x ⱕ xmax demonstration of the superiority of a spectrum com-
to achieve the proper weighing of the interferogram puted with the double-sided phase-corrected inter-
in the short double-sided region and an improved ferogram to a spectrum computed with a zero-fill
apodizing window for the rest of the range. Exam- vector for the missing data ⫺xmax ⱕ x ⱕ ⫺xmin is
ples of hybrid asymmetrical windows 共a ramp com- presented in Section 6 below.
bined with a triangle, Blackman, Kaiser, and
Chebyshev windows兲 are presented in Fig. 3共a兲 for 4. Transforming the Recorded Interferogram I共x兲 to a
xmin ⫽ 5% of the window width; in Fig. 3共b兲 the cor- Solution Spectrum S共␯兲
responding power spectral density magnitude, 10 Given recorded interferogram I共x兲 sampled at n
log10关兩F共w共x兲兲兩2兴 共in decibels兲, of the windows w共x兲 is points, unknown spectrum B共␯兲 can be deduced at a
shown in the frequency domain. These asymmetric set of discrete frequencies 共wave numbers兲 ␯ that are
windows are not significantly better than the tradi- uniformly spaced between a zero frequency and a
tional Mertz asymmetric triangular window. The maximum frequency, the Nyquist frequency, ␯max ⫽
good properties 共i.e., narrow main lobe and low side- ␯Nyquist ⫽ 共2␦兲⫺1, where ␦, the distance between con-
lobes兲 of the more-sophisticated windows 共e.g., Black- secutive optical-path difference x values, is usually
man, Kaiser, and Chebyshev兲 were lost owing to the determined by an external clock 共e.g., a He–Ne laser兲.
asymmetry. The symmetrical apodization windows Padding the interferogram with m0 zeros helps to
for triangle, Blackman, Kaiser, and Chebyshev func- reduce the discontinuities that are inherent in a dis-
tions are shown in Fig. 4 共R ⫽ 100 dB for Kaiser and crete Fourier-transform operation in which the
Chebyshev windows兲, where parameter ␣ for a Kaiser n-point vector is treated as a periodic sequence of

20 February 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1185

many n-point vectors. It is also sometimes of inter- the sign of ⌽̂1共␯兲 兵e.g., for Im关B̂共␯兲兴 ⫽ ⫺1 and Re关B̂共␯兲兴
est to obtain a representation of an estimated spec- ⫽ ⫺1, ⌽̂1共␯兲 ⫽ 45° in the first quadrant when the
trum B̂共␯兲 at a different 共smaller兲 frequency interval correct angle is ⫺135° in the third quadrant其. The
⌬␯, an objective that can be achieved with appropri- estimated spectrum B̂共␯兲 is corrected for the residual
ate zero padding. The number of available discrete nonlinear part of phase ⌽̂1共␯兲 to give the sought-after
frequencies n␯ from ␯ ⫽ 0 to ␯max for an n-point vector spectrum B共␯兲 and is denoted solution spectrum S共␯兲:
padded with m0 zeros is

n␯ ⫽ 再 0.5共n ⫹ m 0兲 ⫹ 1
0.5共n ⫹ m 0 ⫹ 1兲
共n ⫹ m 0兲 even
共n ⫹ m 0兲 odd
, S共␯兲 ⫽ Re关B共␯兲兴
⫽ Re关B̂共␯兲兴cos关⌽̂ 1共␯兲兴 ⫹ Im关B̂共␯兲兴sin关⌽̂ 1共␯兲兴.
and the spacing 共intervals兲 between consecutive fre- (9)
quencies is ⌬␯ ⫽ 1兾关共n ⫹ m0兲␦兴 ⫽ 2共n ⫹ m0兲⫺1␯Nyquist.
However, the minimum frequency 共i.e., ␯ ⫽ 0兲 and the
maximum frequency remain unchanged with any With this phase correction we neglected the small
zero padding. imaginary part in the derived solution spectrum:
We apodized the phase-corrected double-sided in- Im关S共␯兲兴 ⫽ ⫺Re关B̂共␯兲兴sin关⌽̂1共␯兲兴 ⫹ Im关B̂共␯兲兴cos关⌽̂1共␯兲兴.
terferogram 关Eq. 共7兲兴, Idw共x兲 ⫽ Id共x兲w共x兲, where the
superscript w denotes the windowing 共apodizing兲 pro-
cess. To obtain a specific interval ⌬␯ ⬍ 共2xmax兲⫺1 we 5. Comparison of Solution S共␯兲 and Source Spectrum
padded Id共x兲 with m0 zeros, m0 ⫽ 共␦⌬␯兲⫺1 ⫺ nd, where
nd ⫽ 2共n ⫺ n0兲 ⫹ 1 ⫽ 2xmax兾␦ ⫹ 1 is the number of
points in Id共x兲. The phase shift ⌽2共␯兲 that is due to Solution S共␯兲 is a lower-resolution estimate 共some-
the location of the centerburst, at point n0d ⫽ 共n ⫺ times also called a deresolved spectrum兲 of true input
n0 ⫹ 1兲 in double-sided phase-corrected interfero- source spectrum B共␯兲. The source spectrum is de-
gram Idw, is a phantom phase that is easily corrected graded 共smeared兲 as a result of the instrument trans-
by a simple rotation, as was demonstrated by Mertz,7 fer function 关also called the instrument line shape
to place the center burst at the first element. 共ILS兲兴 and the maximum optical path difference xmax
The first estimate spectrum B̂共␯兲 共a complex quan- that was used in the interferogram measurements.
tity兲 from Idw is given by Thus, to compare solution spectrum S共␯兲 derived with
our method with B共␯兲 we must first degrade the res-
F共Idw兲兾K共␯兲 nd olution of B共␯兲 to the spectrum that would have been
B̂共␯兲 ⫽ 2
nd 2␯ Nyquist measured by the instrument 共i.e., without regard to
⫽ 2␦F共Idw兲兾K共␯兲 the algorithm used to derive a spectrum from the
recorded interferogram兲.
F共Idw兲兾K共␯兲 The wavelength resolution of S共␯兲 is given by the
⬵ 关W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兴, (8)
n d共2x max兲 ⫺1兾2 Rayleigh resolution criterion1 as ⌬ ⫽ 2⌬␯ ⬵ 1兾xmax.
With the Rayleigh resolution criterion, two mono-
where the factor 2 compensates for the factor 0.5 in chromatic sources of a unit intensity at two frequen-
Eqs. 共1兲, nd in the denominator normalizes the length cies, ␯1 and ␯2 ⫽ ␯1 ⫹ ⌬, are considered to be just
of 共unpadded兲 vector Id共x兲, factor 2nd⫺1␯Nyquist ⬵ resolved when they produce a combined spectrum
共2xmax兲⫺1 is the spectral bin size 共inverse centime- 关for an instrument line shape in the form of a
ters兲 in the FFT operation to produce a spectrum per sinc2共 x兲 function兴 with a dip of 81% in the middle of
wave number. For nd ⫹ m0 ⫽ odd, spectrum B̂共␯兲
the combined peak. For convenience 共it is easier to
has to be multiplied by 2 for all frequencies other
convolve Gaussian functions than sinc functions兲
than the zero frequency to account for the energy in
the imaginary frequencies in the FFT operation. we implement the Rayleigh resolution criterion
For nd ⫹ m0 ⫽ even, B̂共␯兲 has to be multiplied by 2 for for the ILS in the form of a Gaussian function given
all frequencies other than the zero frequency and the by
Nyquist frequency, which appears once in the FFT
In the Mertz7 procedure, the residual nonlinear exp关⫺0.5共␯ ⫺ ␯ 1兲 2兾共⌬兾2.638兲 2兲兴
g共␯, ␯ 1兲 ⫽ , (10)
phase in ⌽̂1共␯兲 is estimated from a Fourier transform 共2␲兲 0.5共⌬兾2.638兲
of the short double-sided interferogram for a limited
number of frequencies and then interpolated 关assum-
ing that ⌽̂1共␯兲 is a smooth function兴 to all frequencies for which the combined spectrum g共␯兲 ⫽ g共␯, ␯1兲 ⫹ g共␯,
for B̂共␯兲. In our procedure, phase ⌽̂1共␯兲 that was not ␯1 ⫹ ⌬兲 is a good approximation of the Rayleigh cri-
corrected in the iterative phase correction can be es- terion, as is shown in Fig. 5 for ⌬ ⫽ 2⌬␯ ⬵ 1兾xmax ⫽
timated directly for all frequencies from B̂共␯兲 and is 4 cm⫺1. The two Gaussians10 intersect at x ⫽ ⌬兾2,
given by ⌽̂1共␯兲 ⫽ tan⫺1兵Im关B共␯兲兴兾关Re共B̂共␯兲兴其, where and each has a FWHM value of 0.8927⌬. When
Im共 兲 denotes the imaginary part and special care is spectrum B共␯兲 is measured with a Gaussian ILS the
given to the signs of Im关B̂共␯兲兴 and Re关B̂共␯兲兴 to preserve resultant reduced resolution spectrum is denoted

1186 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 20 February 2002

Fig. 5. Rayleigh resolution criterion implemented with Gaussian
Fig. 7. Nonlinear phase error ⌽1共␯兲 rad 共obtained from a FTIR
functions. g共␯兲 ⫽ g共␯, ␯1兲 ⫹ g共␯, ␯1 ⫹ ⌬兲 is the combined spectrum
instrument兲 representing the dispersive optical elements in a spec-
of two monochromatic sources, g1 and g2, at frequencies ␯1 ⫽ 1000
cm⫺1 and ␯2 ⫽ ␯1 ⫹ ⌬ separated by ⌬ ⫽ 4 cm⫺1.

6. Results
L共␯兲 and is given by convolution of the ILS 关Eq. 共10兲兴 We simulated interferograms 关Eqs. 共1兲兴 for three
with B共␯兲, given by types of source spectrum B共␯兲 shown in Fig. 6: a
Planck function 共i.e., a blackbody兲, a Planck function
with five Lorentzian1 absorption lines of 10-cm⫺1

⬁ FWHM and transmissions of 0.1 to 0.5, and atmo-
L共␯兲 ⫽ B共t兲 g共t, ␯兲dt spheric radiance 共1-cm⫺1 resolution兲 computed with
0 the MODTRAN program11 for a 1976 U.S. Standard At-

⬁ exp关⫺0.5共t ⫺ ␯兲 2兾共⌬兾2.638兲 2兲兴 mosphere and an observer on the ground looking up.
⫽ B共t兲 dt. The wavelength range was 510 –1500 cm⫺1, and the
共2␲兲 0.5共⌬兾2.638兲 temperature for the Planck blackbody function was
(11) 300 K. The maximum optical path difference was
xmax ⫽ 0.25 cm, and there were n ⫽ 2048 sampled
points from xmin ⫽ ⫺0.05 cm to xmax. The Nyquist
frequency was 3411.7 cm⫺1. We tried to make the
simulations as realistic as possible. Thus the loca-
tion of the center burst 共x ⫽ 0兲 was not sampled in
interferogram I共 x兲, and a nonlinear phase error,
⌽1共␯兲, obtained from a FTIR instrument and shown in
Fig. 7, was used in simulating the interferograms.
Derived spectrum S共␯兲 was constructed at equal in-
tervals of ⌬␯ ⫽ 1.9995 cm⫺1 for zero padding, and a
corresponding spectrum L共␯兲 was computed from B共␯兲
with ⌬ ⫽ xmax⫺1 ⫽ 4 cm⫺1. As noted above 共Section
3兲, the apodization function is a trade-off between
minimizing the sidelobes 关and thereby minimizing
the leakage from a nearby spectral features of B共␯ ⫽
␯0兲 to derived spectrum S共␯0兲兴 at the expense of in-
creasing the width of the main lobe and thus smear-
ing and spreading S共␯0兲 共and thereby distorting its
magnitude兲. Assuming that we would like to obtain
a large dynamic range, of the order of 105, in derived
spectra S共␯兲 to exploit the high signal-to-noise ratio
Fig. 6. Spectrum B共␯兲 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲. 共a兲 Planck function at a 共SNR兲 in the interferogram measurements, an atten-
temperature of 300 K; 共b兲 Planck function at a temperature of 300
uation R 共in the Kaiser and Chebyshev apodization
K with five Lorentzian absorption lines of 10-cm⫺1 FWHM and
transmissions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 at frequencies 600, 800,
windows兲 of 50 –100 dB will be sufficient. The SNR
1000, 1200 and 1400 cm⫺1, respectively; 共c兲 atmospheric radiance for a shot-noise process 共owing to the statistical fluc-
共1-cm⫺1 resolution兲 computed with the MODTRAN program for a tuations in the incident photon flux兲 is the maximum
1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere for an observer on the ground attainable SNR. For a blackbody source B共500 ⬍
looking up. Wavelength range, 510 –1500 cm⫺1. ␯ ⬍ 1500 cm⫺1兲 at a temperature of 300 K the SNR for

20 February 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1187

Fig. 8. Radiance spectrum L共␯兲 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲 关Eq. 共11兲兴, with Fig. 10. Same as Fig. 8 but here source spectrum B共␯兲 关Fig. 6共c兲兴
⌬ ⫽ 4 cm⫺1 for B共␯兲, and solution spectrum S共␯兲 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲 is atmospheric radiance 共1-cm⫺1 resolution兲 computed with MODT-
共top兲. Residual percent difference 100兩L共␯兲 ⫺ S共␯兲兩兾L共␯兲 共middle兲. RAN and S共␯兲 is computed with a Kaiser window with R ⫽ 50 dB.
Absolute radiance difference 兩L共␯兲 ⫺ S共␯兲兩 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲 共bot-
tom兲. Solution spectrum S共␯兲 is derived for Planck function B共␯兲
关Fig. 6共a兲兴 for a Chebyshev apodizing window with R ⫽ 100 dB. L共␯兲, and the absolute radiance difference 兩L共␯兲 ⫺
S共␯兲兩关W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兴. In Fig. 8, spectra S共␯兲 are
shown for Planck function B共␯兲 关Fig. 6共a兲兴 for a Cheby-
a shot-noise process is of the order of 107, and the shev apodizing window with R ⫽ 100 dB. The figure
SNR that is due to detector noise and background shows an error that is in general less than 0.1% and a
photon flux in FTIR spectrometers is of the order of radiance difference of less than 10⫺8 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲.
103 to 104. It was also noted previously6 that Kaiser The importance of constructing a double-sided
and Chebyshev apodization windows are good choices phase-corrected interferogram 关expression 共8兲兴 is
for use in retrievals. shown in Fig. 9, where two spectra, S1共␯兲 and S2共␯兲
In Figs. 8 –10 we show spectra L共␯兲关W兾共cm2 sr 共both computed with a Chebyshev window with R ⫽
cm⫺1兲兴 and solution spectrum S共␯兲关W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兴, 100 dB兲, are shown for radiance spectrum B共␯兲 of Fig.
the residual percentage difference 100兩L共␯兲 ⫺ S共␯兲兩兾 6共b兲. For S1共␯兲, zeros were substituted for the miss-
ing data, ⫺xmax ⱕ x ⱕ ⫺xmin, in phase-corrected
interferogram Id共x兲 关Eq. 共7兲兴, and for S2共␯兲 the double-
sided phase-corrected interferogram was used. The
figure shows the degradation in accuracy 共of the order
of 5–10兲 for S1共␯兲, a degradation that increases as the
range of missing data increases. Substituting zeros
for the missing data and using symmetrical apodiza-
tion functions yields an interferogram that is not
weighted properly 共i.e., not all the fringes in the in-
terferogram are counted equally兲. As a result, de-
duced spectrum S1共␯兲 is distorted. In general,
fringes in the interferogram located farther from the
center burst 共large values of x兲 contain spectral infor-
mation on sharp spectral features of B共␯兲 共i.e., sharp
absorption bands兲 and fringes closer to the center
burst contain spectral information on smooth spec-
tral features of source B共␯兲.
In Fig. 10, the atmospheric radiance 共1-cm⫺1 reso-
lution兲 of source spectrum B共␯兲 关Fig. 6共c兲兴 computed
with the MODTRAN program in which there are many
Fig. 9. Same as Fig. 8 but here source spectrum B共␯兲 关Fig. 6共b兲兴 is
narrow absorption lines, and S共␯兲 computed with a
a Planck function with five Lorentzian absorption peaks 共10-cm⫺1 Kaiser window with R ⫽ 50 dB, are shown. The
FWHM兲 with transmissions of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 at frequencies accuracy of S共␯兲 is within a few percent, and radiance
600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1400 cm⫺1. Two spectra, S1共␯兲 and the difference is smaller than 10⫺7 W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲.
S2共␯兲 共computed with a Chebyshev window with R ⫽ 100 dB兲, are
7. Summary
shown. For S2共␯兲 the double-sided phase-corrected interferogram
was used, and for S1共␯兲 zeros were substituted for the missing data A method for transforming symmetric single-sided
⫺xmax ⱕ x ⱕ ⫺xmin in phase-corrected interferogram Id共x兲 关Eq. 共7兲兴. interferograms into spectra that combines the For-

1188 APPLIED OPTICS 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 20 February 2002

man and the Mertz methods has been developed. In complicated atmospheric radiance spectrum 关Fig.
this new method we use any symmetric apodizing 6共c兲兴 and radiance difference smaller than 10⫺7
windows 共e.g., triangular, Hamming, Hanning, W兾共cm2 sr cm⫺1兲.
Blackman, Chebyshev, and Kaiser兲. The measured
This study was supported by the U.S. Army Soldier
interferogram is asymmetric and contains phase er-
and Biological Chemical Command, Edgewood
rors that are due to missampling of the interferogram
Chemical Biological Center 共ECBC; formerly Edge-
center burst’s location and a phase error from disper-
wood Research Development and Engineering Cen-
sive optical elements and electronics in the spectrom-
ter兲 under contract DAAM01-94-C-0079. We thank
eter. We use a short double-sided fraction of the
Thomas Gruber and Rich Vanderbeek for many use-
asymmetric interferogram and apply an iterative
ful discussions and Bill Loerop of the ECBC for ad-
phase correction for the linear portion of the phase to
ministrative support and encouragement. We are
the recorded single-sided asymmetric interferogram.
very grateful for the constructive and insightful sug-
The linear phase correction produces a phase-
gestions of the anonymous reviewer, especially re-
corrected single-sided interferogram and is imple-
garding the FFT operation and the shift theorem.
mented with an iterative method in which the
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20 February 2002 兾 Vol. 41, No. 6 兾 APPLIED OPTICS 1189

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