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27/11/2010 07:34

The Pioneer :: Home : >> Gharial croc

population dwindling in Satkosia

BHUBANESWAR | Thursday, July 29, 2010 | Email crocodilian sanctuaries at Satkosia Gorge. 
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 The gharial project at Tikarpada was the first of
 its kind in the country. Here, initially, gharial eggs
Gharial croc population dwindling in Satkosia  or hatchlings were brought from Nepal and later
November 27, 2010   1:09:32 PM  from the National Chambal Sanctuary. Thirty km
 length of the river Mahanadi, encompassing the once
PNS | Bhubaneswar  famous habitat of gharial, the Satkosia Gorge and
 the adjoining forests on the northern and southern
A small village in the bosom of nature, Tikarpada, sides, were gazetted as the Satkosia Gorge Sanctuary
is strategically situated by the side of the Satkosia in May 1976, with a total area of 795.5 sq km. In
Gorge. The meandering Mahanadi flowing closely November 1981, another 168.4 sq km, covering the
amidst bountiful hills forms here the mightiest gorge Baisipalli Sanctuary in its south were added to it.
of India, which is 22 km long. It is acclaimed as one In 1989, an area of 384 sq km was identified as the
of the most enchanting spots in the world. A Gharial core area of the sanctuary. Later, the entire area of
crocodile sanctuary set up here has enhanced the the Satkosia Gorge-Baisipalli Sanctuary was placed
importance of the place.  under the administrative control of Satkosia Wildlife
 Division for some years. The experiment ended in
It is about 60 km from the district headquarters. 1993-94 and the areas were transferred back to the
This is probably the most important wildlife tourist territorial forest divisions. The sanctuary is now un-
attraction of the district. This place is famous for the der the jurisdiction of five forest divisions — Angul,
sanctuary which is situated on the bank of river Ma- Athgarh and Athmalik in the north, and Boudh and
hanadi. The meandering pace of the sensuous river Nayagarh in the south.
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through 22 km of thick forest offers scenic delights. 

Here in these wondrous surroundings the famous At Tikarpara, gharial eggs were obtained at diffe-
and well-recognised gharial sanctuary is located. rent points of time from Narayani and Kali rivers in
Gharial crocodiles are bred here and it creates a Nepal and Chambal sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh,
success story of conservation.  Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The eggs collected
 from Mahanadi were infertile. Some hatchlings of
Odisha is the only State in the country where all gharial were obtained from eggs incubated in Royal
the three Indian species of crocodilians -- gharial Chitwan National Park of Nepal and Katarniyaghat
(Gavialis gangeticus), mugger (Crocodylus palustris) Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh. All gharials reared at
and saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) are Tikarpara and those produced from captive bree-

found in their natural habitats. It was in this State ding at Nandankanan Zoo, numbering more than
that the Indian Crocodile Project was launched first 700, were released in the river Mahanadi between
and researchers worked full-time to generate a da- Boudh and Katrang. 
tabase to assist conservation. Starting in 1975, the 
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Odisha State programme developed research and Although Government of Odisha sanctioned more
conservation units at Tikarpada for captive rearing funds for tiger conservation project and stressed
of the gharial. It included the management of the on eco-tourism project, the gharial project is now

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27/11/2010 07:34

The Pioneer :: Home : >> Gharial croc population dwindling in Satkosia

going to be destroyed because now only four gha-

rials are living in this project. When the divisional
forest officer of Satkosia wildlife division, R Raghu
Prasad was asked about the matter, he said, «We
have informed the State Government and it will
take steps very soon.» 
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