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Shine On 3 - Unit 1.

Lesson 3

Where are they? 

1. LISTEN to this nice song and LEARN the prepositions !!!!

3. WATCH the video from Shine on 3.

4. WRITE on your folders ( escriban en sus carpetas)

a) April,22nd
b) WATCH the video again and ANSWER yes or no. (BOOK Page 9 - Activity 3)

Where's the Clock? Song

● Is the clock ON the door?---

● Is the clock NEXT TO the bookshelf?----
● Is the the Shine on NEXT TO the door?-----
● Is the clock UNDER the window?------
● Is the clock UNDER the closet?----
● Is the clock ON the lamp?----

5. WATCH the video again and SING ALONG

6. Now you can play with Shine on 3 GAMES .

​Have fun!!!

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