CamScanner 04-14-2020 18.18.09 PDF

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a aap pA >[Z DWE PD tnd 243 nofum) 4 Pydgpaw Pd apy THAT) 24} Sb wy Ae poo 2p2 4a] fumuw A ‘ 23g M0 (0 © Amjoovdly. ag. rnb muy, 20}, any. —& UMM VjO pay Be SMT MAUD UNION ayy DU|E dod oowrh oy 85 Fy 24 Pepe qubar saungaaus 2} (09 24 Grog Gysmdgneem & yday 94 pum ePP}r>1 arvoiajax uv BYpUy — Bryan aye TCA Bpwanluy og J Gar HNP YI ayydoeBouaya vo parm smh = “Hoppa epacalay & poy Ayu # #229 ‘Seanne wth CamScanet _oehia poluboa o jt Want eoluye hataing\ pt elec trede okey a volume mace te indicate dppucten curvert apta the addi tion Oh ithent to the cell. m vetalng mievo cleclyode te ako ued, dine whfch are ] & Teach On place dime, a platinu ‘hae cover) advanleg et over the a) The cteady dtgyuaton rate velkage Vang e Xp 1) Th fe Single { Conihuct quickly ti Fnovease the tue 4) The roll a, the tleelrode intre set ‘iy’ by dob ebtarned {n polarography Hence, har move Cone) Pelerrogrephy 4) Moro Conc're a the mabufel Can be deter at rotaliy tkokode ; On the -Ampuromelrte thealtong Yemo Nececcary Th the elect olycte 82 Cond ucled ak Veduetble Ot fe done by Deabl lag: nha toy ment o titvakon Qed efter ®ach addetan oP 1 Toph niall / a> de purmentl Procedure g wie TVikand= Th aled fen hand +I hant —» product ifkrant = Tihaling fog Based on whethen Th and and trent are reducible fo oxture the following type -Amperometre tthalirne ane available a 9 wher tiand fo reducible fh the nelare (ithant fe not reducible) ROLL oalete ton; phte ve Sout | timaken of Sulphate (phte ve seg? Using Lead nihak eslukion at: the a Polen tie) of ~o-8v the ampero cure > F sthabton bio the plt®and fea" fone, | fs Carrfed owt Z| | when the fog fon fo ntpdaddey © | fo the clchoacktte lend fone let the — Curren 4 ow tig through the cel) Pol fi et applied Emf- nlow the Culphete Fine are added 2 fn Small fneremen fel velumee when the pb fore wll Foleract wit the doy fone and corms the pple As the Conch 9 pb Tone deereasee the Ar4yucton curent ako fee veelwally. The plot g eliphuston curvent apetok t velume ny cou? fone gfes L- cheped Curve: The Meelyred at the Gate cecluon + gabe plete Procedures Tele asm) 4 KeLoy fnlt the crhfm! blue fh4Fcala and (ene slog (pll=ye2) Ao thie, add aym| Eb oH i ‘ RIES. 2:17 Sr RR TPR oe, Cell tlw add ell fn Gmall Volumet and Pats nls Aber Coch qkdthin- Retord the diy puston current values dur df Coneas prnthe polar y raphfc wave Curves and plet yernt volg, Iml & delm Phlnlog) = 00046 4m 4, Lod Fone © PONG ovelele and zt? Ve Eo7# ~ Tye (2) educible fy ndure (Gthand’ fe not reducible) mt Met a Teeth thydvory quinoline ; ples ve Cr.0, (v-0v) pbte Ve go (2 b-2u) if ee Jt hrand and Sitrant are reducflles 4 EG Me tig aby), pts Ue m0," logy) f file, Reagent : ae uk) 4) furroto [iq o> ONG ) byl tecoang)) nko Veagent flecks active 9) Agnlos | Cithiand) | fcc thal |g | i) KOH 04 Phat ¢ gait ) Pb), 80s Ber Myo s) Shy dino ay Mote Q usnoline i ‘Sean wth Cs There ane many adventegen 1) The Eeurp ment f very simple nce the method § Yelative net many dfsturbin qc ane prunk 4) Accuracy Fs Nghenthen 90 polar t Jos : 4) The nite t : ae Ww? cee Sanceln tens tivity thao other methods pli wo) Ror : Fi suitable Cre dor preefpttalirn veaclone St te nek oe, matolain Constant ca though ewt the tthraliin a Sent be accuralely sey peluro graphy buk they tuto acct ately by these ftheltons- ¥). They tan be Carsfed owt vaptelly betaute the enggetat tefound graphically. an these tetra tdi ne dmetgn dalle ome added to He erm A upper tty AleeWolyle way Couce inten {vente £ applied volhye Can be mefotainelilial a) the Conslan potertiomehic dew tee 4) the Whahine are alee pocsible to Conny ott qurmed fn the 9 fe leghtly celuble | hy dvaly ced te) 2b fa independent wheter x fe round ) Diaadventegest Due f the ebbect 4 Ce-freciprtalso and posk ampuro mek te “itretons may give inaccural Y) Dye h rhe Precene oh gaci go cubstances the current durity the tihalion % very (ith a ee Bae eee tor) Linear Sweep voltemmeby ¢ 2 dace ee Sa =) qyelic Voltarpme hy (en) b LAs the mot versatile feckatyue gor the ebudy 4 & hennhy Proceaser h celubiane Dt Fe applicable fe the study a, {) Kinehés and mechan®em cf redar procers W) Eleck chem? cal Tove CTbR EL, M) Eleclrchemfealy generated q ree racicals and faten med alex tna wncolabiin Porous yal The Comholled prleal’d 2-Clechode agsembly qederaln ( cawtooth) nandor)- We vo rk ng tlecly dec pk were Ay, Corben Lev) hanging nencwury Qefuente Glee ede cach a Cilvey [hq ts SUE the Aunillory elecWode (counter clectrede 8 = | pe wire ) ~ polenbial wave app lie) atroee the tlecly ede Xe ~The Range 9 potenti) applied wiltbe bina sulhV. 3 ‘Seanne wih CamScanet agile 9, rayPIoEN poeta) pryr7el ae ayy F ye AMS p mo Lae ygead game oe, ok pay ha & , ayy edt im pune Rar boowng an ph v4 AEH abe bay) oop apa AL ET cub spose AR | PEEP LU sary Ww pag) PIE wae? ; : eee yy Bip TST me au : ‘ . Srey jf wsajad wmauy vgn) OPT Deva ores a BAS Au. Paya gee it bp refege gy vpeyay ew (| (ope ene) aoe ham omavy 0 uy aud rg 9-4 vy [NIOY 4 42) 2. PYAR v4 9}a v8) fry, (09) 4 Typaoryyan uapha | pop | opeypaya ayn adore pq ybas vy $11 oy Y UNPayp ay yuyob oh Oh TU aL ums00y > pyhas y py nb dony (oye. (aj oy pro proms 5 papren peep boyy pier yoy ane aad ant 924 ay ‘Seanne wth CamScanet i SU Reveratole Procigs + LRAPU Pa : abhi | XL 6mm f3{fecenl) t 5 cumeat | é ie OM Kaley folu tio ‘ os po Se Ba Hk the cathedte currant, ae heduclitn takec place . iS a [Pecea ) 4 ¢é _y [reCewy) Polenkal tw) Wo See Ak anodle uumeat ortdakon baker place t , (teeemd) 4 Le Cem) + ge i=) Viagant atte | and tathodfe peaks & 4) the polenka given by BRS Epi = bl 89 [y) = a (mv) teparaliso (b&) duo Anodic » where ty’ fe mad 2° Involved th the _ fo 2) Pra reversible Syste Cathedic and Anodic peKh bat eppostte th 8%} Ya Me og "re 4) the peak widtl te giveo by Cha- He i aie) * Porone & Clechode x, the potential v 4 The peak ouvent ft divectly jroperkonel fe “ye Bi the ay seonye ty the finn toa poten ba } Relea ae the eubslance. Eat 5 ‘Scanned wih CamScanet egy 2k, PHD {apg NUD, @ hq guys 43 (6 poaqiolosd 3 gmy DNL ayy PUEDE 7 eed 291m A (i €(xw gy P)) 5 Bh Ap yok auwbs 3 yan reqs 24k reqraged a4 Sogs¥p ny nptb og rudy Bs Arye voy, pov om | Baygy que A P pivalfusyp Uayy 4p 200 pond Barn oumay yuo eal ay Gaaqeeriyy By ee ents eR ae 4 ead ay gyn 0-4 DY. 4 format ang 0 soph ajqusininy 4 panda) eyo Yorouiy ayy OY sob J PG omy ay Og anvoqeyp ayy ‘Seanne wth CamScanet ) Fen Me yt tm) ie L : | \t me ry So ‘ Gyche pole i 2) me ation oe ’ e v : : aa Leann um oP | = | a | cule? (Celts), eee ( piles) fils $03 V h parathton Compound helps fp the clad & ortdabinfeduchinn reackoo g the garathin compound thee the clidy 9 meclart am 4 tbe exganie Campettng) hae been ealublicha §rom i eyelte veltawmagram. { q analyets a the foe fotev media lee ah which g fuer the apealt “p/and i SS ey Applicattong of cyclic volta 1) the chidy 6 tlechen Strand 9) clays meckantams the and metatlo gant compotunt 3) cludy a Cle thn chemt cal vr) otady 6 alectio chun teal fntemedtetes ‘Seamed wih CamScamer 5) + cote venge 4 potenld sway ratey Can be used 6) the arxpt Cen be Compleesl worthin few Qetonde 4) the expt: fe highly tensile 6) Various typerty Slecterchemitel rns can be cludlfed 1) atte used doy the cludy q rat wi Yevensible \Srrevove? ble change goa ns}es- id) Vt Fe used In the ctu dfer a Truvo Sledter fy ammak bacete and plante- ] wW) Acthe peak current fe pro prvtcsnal b the qualitelife and quantitalite pnalyete ; 18) Gn Vivo most Fentng cludtes new Ay 13) De FS aleo wed chromate thy one 848 Uded aby i hala ely ‘Seanne wth CamScanet y 2 Thermal Analye ae Pringle “typ liane 3 "y (Dee) Sn which the prope the 4 mio teved ageiest iz ce ic cabjece the, > Gooliag # lurge Noe Thermo Aealyhitel Sechatapies 4 ave available der the characterteakéags materiel bab cteen cer Dropealy ) )Gempevature (Atppeence) 4) velabdes 5) Oftrrackéo +ngle Era ntenstly al Analycie is debined at the group oy Leds iquer : ‘Seanne wth CamScanet oe — Thermo mechanical AN 4) weckenteal grepetl ~ Thermodilate inelry (Tp) ¥) D?meneionel change ~ ranaks nikal ¢) fadfoactive decay e: hralycts i) 4 Thermo gravienelt Analy ets (Teale oe the Deginilite 2 Lb te @ technique 7 which & mess 4% anbetance $s meagured af a qunehion Temp hil the cube trace fs eabfected fo 0 Controlled femperalure ho giamme q silat Thuroro gyawime Irie Gur ve prevides Me fogornaksn about Ws shor nat cabs CF and Conportban % the camp le, Cater media ke yradack me mpo tin cy the eb k over, Mall mean eT and the Compost he ep t over €0 ° evolwe {yive out cen lata Vi the veeulting Am Ns 7) Gantple may que ts the variouc physica TAD place fn the eam ple oo Kearkiig 3. oe UGE YT | Jochy met le le ne p/ inthe year 19). The easenlial pal da theme gray inch y Aye (oo Thermo graviely fnabament Cm balance, qurnate Unf The firet thermo halence wae derely ped by’ feHonda Cooh aljact «Nan Wing 4 austen athe cenui {Evil o} the balance fe a} the orden 4,1 M4 ang We camples pts to-Ke my cay be weighed = when d devieare Sn He sawple eceun the balance bem mover Octusred. GE fe Sadi cated by the detector and the kent te the Com puter the Cunent lowing thygh ty verlore Sig eal Abe Com jen catty Co} will be Focreaged Toerder balance bem agaist Aye origina) hort Zordla} Pos sitio o th the homo ge neous MeF eh the (orl SS Lofergrefeletn TEA Curved dev the VeA Curve dp tala vwhfeb giver both quella love 4, quan ale tharmal dece mp sition eb the ay she qollow eyualvone CaCtoe)g-tro ——> tyCeon)sil Cldun oulate won hydrate Caltoe) ——+ Catog +9 Cuco, => Can Ogg ; Ve tee Tees ya) on hea » 207] sr ( ; 4 : L 60} We ales gee c {oo bo \ Vem qiiae (1) Factors 2) =e actors ahbe ting Th CUNVes -N Part {v9 0 the am eunt dy 4 HALT loat obs Q shape & TG Curve W iN depend ) as 3 Ne aki as sate, turaace efmogpn vie holder, amount oy fa miple) tang, and thermal Co fd ctivah c the amount Evolved i atned {vom the height omy. | then od stabi ly g, the 1D estimated rom ths hivige ae ee \ ACR tai tike methy said wbthncy Ys . STA Weal dor both quanttelif squall aly 3) 4 vw Aly Td) vahin abtut vartous phystall Chantical chagger the aun wuclurgceg okeo beled Nigher Tempualures 2 | 4 Kot the hyn alata ‘ Whe fly tea getter auch a Deconpost ton Sage Aso phn, Qesmp iy ete can be tale The chaatartet caken & Hot only He. Faileay Compl the Tate inediate pdb: & the dina Yeatdue C9 be Convenient, dota. x) Pitenil Then tial nally ete & (OTA) ve Tee a technique to Hijerence bho a cubttence and a rater fal meaiured a a huneliy Where the Substance and the Top ub Geced «Cont olled Tempen Veherece rater thle wed wre aye Wuilly jrebeded to 168 ove Can be applied | he Ghy eal chaoqet fue ‘Scanned wih CamScanet alin ee “hash ened 7 ie angle Terop evaline s- Reference material ne AG = |e-Tg ) — turnace ah thea kg taf] hal nelhed Fo whieh the ve dhecken ATTN - = ‘Scanned wih CamScanet Aether mic process & obecr vf h thowe Abe syhitirce | Wh kar leak e ig =o) we hea fed h Chtc ya —Vve path ae “Yong Te Endo thon ote procets (de is lakén) ee ea wh qecadnall | / Ac Peak tepyey a 3 undlenge u 5 sh dure ; faclire AHe Vig Nr Cunve (fnle Ara fo a dyta mee Veckatjue a lange mr f | Wil) ahtect tho OVf Cur They are Furnace amo tphere, Nye & 2 wpeh the qurnace, ample hylder geome hy 4nd ie ttl “Gala depetde upon ths nae 4 the ‘angle 4 anal ‘ Pan béle efe, pachtng den gil, degree ob Cys Thermal Coaductivh & beat Capa )Apphiakon % OTA & ) The technique 4 OTA fa widely 4 logy, Coramucs and melellung by und Guatttutule wala Q Gt & a rapid Qnelyhea) tool her’ Composition 4 vlaye, othr wine transttiont & tuch mater tale ¢ pha hab kilo temparthne Yo Gie al ‘Scanned wh CamScanet 4) DVR appurales COD ee ED ee Cee by) oe ali w od ot thy & clid ay dy jolymers and fp ihe 5) » wed anahel 4; Conpoetlitr le fe rey her OTN analyti alk og greater ul analy ct EGA) 0) A small anount 4 Camp N prvides pregice qualitulite wank o, volatiles fon evolved 4 Gi~ Glaze rant lin ce ong stalling nied | d | meme Hing Tape iy en i V 1 p-onliln ls nx) ie i O- dr onpoetliee g Hwa ad Gut) estoy Oe =) Differential i Ghas a technique i the nergy foput dw the vefevence matey ta) fs mea St when the dubstante and subjected bo Conwoled ‘Scanned wih CamScanet f 4 =) Ap) aralye b) heakws n Compen eatin D9¢ Appar ale! i fakeo a Usually the inert material cach as HeOgris a) Heat Alu Dee apparel : At & Cacentially % quan thitite The Samgle and this qe punente We he Heat source The tem poraliire dt bor and reherente are Measured Con {fa touyle Renae b) Power Compan aukbg Oece To thf method the qull yrin lem perataver * Gample ancl Ye hone mafntained throughtat the expert ave beated bveoly by the Funnate J y =o ane ‘Scanned wth CamScanet ee D— oo veactton faker plete the comple & heeled fp Comp Cop sume ce mater roters the ve pore’ jhe og ¢ Cua qo the energy fe gnothermte ? game femperalare int waiglets the (A) fe thew ata) dT ie a oh enence meter a) 79 an fe heated to energy Hana jerted reends the beat blew e st tine: 7 ov) while the cample (ov) y ed in al | ee be) wa le { efqnal & newt Wt = Og } Dec Curves The pec, method te used o™ the analy ete % your ous phycialaad chemical precetse auch Degolaelioo set i tranetlion ) glasc Hans ts ear deter arto alton a mellsy points, purty: 4 the dan lee uly norq hie Wan Kine Wen 7 Cong cla : detompor' pocescing Coad? tone Heat dtu mar ‘Seanne wth CamScanet =o) Advantages + ano 1) UE har nore ued censetvtly dev the delechioo % ty J weak transi finns eceunatag an the cample \ JAnalysfoe the Garplec (an be date witlowt irductags any changes to Nhe matertel i 3) Small cangle ees about ca 4, ws Fe Wed ¥) Fast Streenfiny cap be done te obtet hiss output Yegui rem eile +) Dfeadvantagus 1) ACeunqey theost bone ta 4) very cuzttive bb MM Sample prepara n ‘Seanne wth CamScanet

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