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Select Class

Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard

Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S Berserk Breath Rune - 狂暴吐息符文 Attribute Runes
[Dragon Breath] and [Dragon's Water Breath] Dmg + (1% ~ 30). ATK ATK BUFF
[Dragon Breath] and [Dragon's Water Breath] deal an extra (1% ~ 30%) Dmg to targets under
Freezing and Burn status.

Rank S Joint Beat Rune - 破风巧打符文 Attribute Runes

When dealing an Auto Attack, it has a (5% ~ 35%) chance of using [Joint Beat] Lv. 10 ATK ATK BUFF
[Joint Beat]'s debuff chance + (1% ~ 25%).
[Joint Beat] Dmg + (20% ~ 100%).

Rank S Weapon Blocking Rune - 武器格挡符文 Attribute Runes

Ranged Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ 30%) under [Sword Parry] status. DEF DEF BUFF
Equip s Spear Weapon to use [Sword Parry]. When equipping a Spear-type weapon, increase
extra blocking chance by 5%.

Rank S Anger Reflux Rune - 怒意回流符文 Attribute Runes

[Frenzy] CD Time (-5 ~ -30) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
[Frenzy] keeps (20% ~ 100%) 's SP.
Remove all debuffs when using [Frenzy].

Rank S Crazy Strike Rune - 狂裂强击符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
[Bash] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Bash] deals extra (1% ~ 30%) Dmg to medium size enemies.
[Bongun Card] Deposit effect doubled.

Rank S Mark of Fortitude Rune - 刚毅印记符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S Mark of Etching Rune - 浸蚀印记符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Steel Guardian Rune - 钢之守护符文 Attribute Runes

[Heart of Steel] CD Time (-1 ~ -7) secs. DEF DEF BUFF
All abnormal status resistance + (1% ~ 30%) during [Heart of Steel].

Rank A Storm Surge Rune - 风暴增压符文 Attribute Runes

The Bleeding effect of [Head Crush] makes the target's Move Spd (-3% ~ -15%), ATK (-3% ~ ATK DEF ANY
-25%). Can be stacked.

Rank A Rapid Spiral Rune - 急速螺旋符文 Attribute Runes

[Hundred Spears] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Spiral Pierce] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Hundred Adv.
Spears] Dmg Novice
+ (1% ~ 20%). Doram
[Spiral Pierce] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank A Gale Thorn Rune - 疾风连刺符文 Attribute Runes

[Pierce] deals + (1% ~ 30%) Dmg to L-size Monsters. ATK ATK ANY

Rank B Flame Roar Rune - 烈焰咆哮符文 Attribute Runes

[Dragon Gowling] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs. DEF BUFF ANY
[Dragon Gowling] makes enemy's extra Move Spd (-1% ~ -20%).

Rank B Swift Riding Rune - 迅疾骑乘符文 Attribute Runes

Move Spd + (1% ~ 6%), ASPD + (1% ~ 6%) when riding. DEF BUFF ANY

Rank B Power Strike Rune - 强击之力符文 Attribute Runes

[Power of Rune] + (1 ~ 20) extra ATK. ATK BUFF ANY
Rune Stone's effect duration + (1% ~ 20%).

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Rank S Solid Barrier Rune - 坚固壁垒符文 Attribute Runes
[Auto Guard]'s triggering rate + (1% ~ 10%). DEF DEF BUFF
[Auto Guarda] removes blocking moves.

Rank S Blood Sacrifice Rune - 血之献祭符文 Attribute Runes

Move Spd + (1% ~ 15%), ASPD + (1% ~ 15%) after unloking [Sacrifice]. ATK ATK BUFF
[Sacrifice] attack attempts +3.

Rank S Steel Protection Rune - 钢铁守护符文 Attribute Runes

[King's Guardian] effect reduction + (1% ~ 20%). DEF DEF BUFF
[King's Guardian] effective range + (0.5 ~ 4) meters.
[King's Guardian] effective on self.

Rank S Fortitude Shield Rune - 刚毅之盾符文 Attribute Runes

[Guardian Shield] deals extra Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ 10%), Melle Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ 10%). ATK DEF DEF
Makes your shield indestructible.
Makes your shield irremovable.

Rank S Blood Cross Rune - 淬血十字符文 Attribute Runes

[Overbrand] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Overbrand] Splash Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
When target's HP is lower than 5% of Crusader's current HP, [Overbrand] will attack it.

Rank S Charge Leader Rune - 冲锋领袖符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S Righteousness Rune - 正义威压符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Fearless Heart Rune - 无畏之心符文 Attribute Runes

[Fearless] Crit.Res. Extra + (1 ~ 25). DEF DEF ANY
Enemy's AS (-5% ~ -20%) when receiving Auto Attack under [Fearless] status. Lasts 5 secs.

Rank A Saint Chant Rune - 圣者颂歌符文 Attribute Runes

[Battle Chant] recovery effect + (1% ~ 20%). DEF DEF ANY
Gives everyone extra Bonus Healing + (1% ~ 10%) during [Battle Chant]

Rank A Iron Hoof Rune - 铁蹄直驱符文 Attribute Runes

[Earth Drive] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Earth Drive] has a (1% ~ 30%) chance of stunning the enemy for 1 sec.

Rank A Brilliant Justice Rune - 光辉审判符文 Attribute Runes

[Grand Cross] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -1) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Grand Cross] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Grand Adv.(-0.1
Cross] fixed chant Novice
~ -1) secs. Doram
[Grand Cross] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank B Gale Whirl Rune - 疾风回旋符文 Attribute Runes

[Shield Boomerang] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -2) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Shield Boomerang] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Steel Commandment Rune - 钢之戒律符文 Attribute Runes

[Discipline of Justice] Curse Resist. + (1% ~ 10%), Poison Resist. + (1% ~ 10%), Fear Resist. DEF BUFF ANY
+ (1% ~ 10%).

Rank B Shield Charge Rune - 盾击贯通符文 Attribute Runes

[Shield Chain] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK ATK ANY
[Shield Chain] range + (0.1 ~ 2).

Rank S Shattered Falling Star Rune - 碎星陨落符文 Attribute Runes
Obtained skill [Comet Crash] Deals (80% ~ 130%) Fire Magic Damage based on [Meteor ATK ATK DEF
Storm] total Dmg.
[Comet Crash] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Rank S Thunder Lightning Rune - 雷霆电光符文 Attribute Runes
[Chain Lightning] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK BUFF
When casting an Auto Attack, there's a (1% ~ 15%) chance of using [Chain Lightning] Lv. 10

Rank S Comet Meteor Rune - 彗光陨石符文 Attribute Runes

[Meteor Storm] and [Comet Crash] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
[Meteor Storm] and [Comet Crash] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -2) secs.

Rank S Soul Vortex Rune - 魔灵漩涡符文 Attribute Runes

[Treta Vortex] deals an entra (1% ~ 30%) Dmg to targets with an armor stat other than Wind, ATK ATK BUFF
Earth, Water and Fire.
Cast anti-immunity Burn, Freezing, Stun or Bleed status while casting [Treta Vortex].
(Non-effective against MVP/MINI)

Rank S Cretaceous Barrier Rune - 白垩迷障符文 Attribute Runes

[White Barrier] Move Spd Deduction decreases by (10% ~ 50%). DEF DEF BUFF
Revocer (1% ~ 5%) max Magic each second under [White Barrier] status.
Remove all chants under [White Barrier] status.

Rank S Nether Prison Rune - 念海牢笼符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S Soul Elegy Rune - 魂之挽歌符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank A Final Land Rune - 终焉之地符文 Attribute Runes

[Earth Strain] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -0.5) secs. ATK DEF ANY
[Earth Strain] removal chance + (1% ~ 10%).
[Earth Strain] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Thunder Bash Rune - 雷霆狂击符文 Attribute Runes

[Lord of Vermilion] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -2) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Lord of Vermilion] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Endless Snowstorm Rune - 无尽风雪符文 Attribute Runes

[Storm Gust] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -2) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Storm Gust] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -2) secs.
[Storm Gust] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Frost Curse Rune - 寒霜诅咒符文 Attribute Runes

[Stasis] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -0.6) secs. DEF BUFF ANY
Target loses (-1 ~ -100) SP each sec during [Stasis].

Rank B Soul Burst Rune - 灵魂崩裂符文 Attribute Runes

[Heaven's Drive] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -1) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Heaven's Drive] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Heaven's Adv.
Drive] fixed chantNovice Doram
(-0.1 ~ -1) secs.
[Heaven's Drive] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank B Energy Protection Rune - 能量护佑符文 Attribute Runes

[Energy Coat] + (20 ~ 200) extra points of Def. DEF DEF ANY
[Energy Coat] + (1% ~ 10%) extra Def.

Rank B Glory Element Rune - 光辉元素符文 Attribute Runes

Each Elemental Orb + (1% ~ 5%) ATK Dmg bonus. ATK BUFF ANY
Each Elemental Orb + (20 ~ 200) ATK.

Rank S Sufficient Magic Energy Rune - 魔能充沛符文 Attribute Runes
[Double Furry] chance + (1% ~ 10%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Double Furry] chance + (1% ~ 10%) after unlocking [Magic Fist].
[Magic Fist] Attack Chances +1

Rank S Field Lord Rune - 领域之主符文 Attribute Runes

[Fire Field], Wind Field] and [Water Field] corresponding element ATK + (1% ~ 20%). ATK DEF DEF
Elemental Field +1 (cannot cast the same Elemental Field).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Rank S Shiny Star Rune - 辰星闪耀符文 Attribute Runes
[Diamond Stardust] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -0.6) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
[Diamond Stardust] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
[Diamond Stardust] Freezing effect ignores immunity (Freezing chance and time are still
affected by Resistance. Not effective on MVP/MINI).

Rank S Blast Light Rune - 疾风电光符文 Attribute Runes

[Lightning Gun] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK BUFF BUFF
[Lightning Gun] deals Dmg + (1% ~ 30%) to enemies under Frozen Status.
Freezing will not be removed when using [Lightning Gun] to attack enemies under Frozen

Rank S Painful Torture Rune - 痛苦折磨符文 Attribute Runes

[Soul Burn] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK BUFF DEF
[Soul Burn] has a (1% ~ 30%) chance of prevening the target from restoring SP. Lasts 5 secs.

Rank S Mind Disturbance Rune - 精神干扰符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S Wind of Protection Rune - 护体之风符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Starlight Drill Rune - 星光之钻符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Freezing ATK + (1% ~ 20%) ATK DEF ANY
[Diamond Stardust] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank A Light Blade Rune - 烈刃雷光符文 Attribute Runes

[Lightning Gun] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -0.6) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Lightning Gun] casting distance + (0.1 ~ 2) meters.

Rank A Elemental Magic Arrow Rune - 元素魔箭符文 Attribute Runes

[Fire Bolt] Dmg + (1% ~ 12%). ATK ATK ANY
[Cold Bolt] Dmg + (1% ~ 12%).
[Lightning Bolt] Dmg + (1% ~ 12%).

Rank A Soul Pounding Rune - 灵魂震击符文 Attribute Runes

[Mental Blast] skill CD (-0.1 ~ 1) secs. ATK ATK ANY
[Mental Blast] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank B Warm Breeze Rune - 风之和煦符文 Attribute Runes

[Warm Breeze] recevory effect + (1% ~ 30%). DEF DEF ANY

Rank B Rage Magic Rune - 狂暴魔力符文 Attribute Runes

The chance of Auto Attack triggering a Crit. + (1% ~ 30%), Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK ANY
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
The Adv. triggering
chance of Auto Attack Novice a Crit. Doram
+ (1% ~ 30%), Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank B Magic Blend Rune - 魔能交融符文 Attribute Runes

Elemental Creature Dmg + (10% ~ 200%). DEF DEF ANY
[Summon Element] will no longer cost Blue Gemstones.

Rank S Beast Speed Up Rune - 野兽疾走符文 Attribute Runes
[Warg Strike] and [Wolves Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 40%). ATK BUFF BUFF
[Warg Strike] and [Wolves Attack] can be affected by [Stun].

Rank S Trap Specialization Rune - 陷阱专精符文 Attribute Runes

[Instrument Expert] Dmg increasing effect + (1% ~ 30%). ATK BUFF BUFF
[Eletric Shock] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -0.5) secs.

Rank S Shadow Tracking Rune - 匿影追踪符文 Attribute Runes

In PvP and GvG maps, permanently obtain (5 ~ 10) meters' vision effect (cannot share with ATK ATK DEF
Any Dmg taken has a (1% ~ 20%) chance of dealing [Tracking Prey] effect on target.
Any Dmg taken has a (1% ~ 20%) chance of dealing Target immobilize for 1 sec.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Rank S Forest Elf Rune - 森林精灵符文 Attribute Runes
Any Dmg taken has a (10% ~ 30%) chance of entering [Hiding] status. DEF DEF BUFF
Skill Dmg Reduc. + (10% ~ 30%), Move Spd + (10% ~ 30%) under [Hiding] stat us. Lasts 5

Rank S Animal Master Rune - 驯兽大师符文 Attribute Runes

[Trump Tamer] gains extra (0.1% ~ 5%) Move Spd. ATK BUFF BUFF
[Trump Tamer]'s effect lasts for (0.1 ~ 2) more secs.
[Trump Tamer] can stack 1 more layer.

Rank S Skilled Craftsman Rune - 能工巧匠符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S Killing Hand Rune - 杀戮之手符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Rapid Shoes Rune - 逐风之履符文 Attribute Runes

[Wind Walk] Flee + (1 ~ 30) points. DEF DEF ANY
There's a (1% ~ 25%) chance of completey dodging range-locked physical skills from single
targets and Auto Attacks under [Wind Walk] status.

Rank A Arrow Storm Rune - 利箭风暴符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
[Arrow Storm] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -1) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Arrow Storm] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Impact Electro-optic Rune - 冲击电光符文 Attribute Runes

[Blitz Beat] triggering rate + (1% ~ 10%). ATK ATK ANY
The rate of [Blitz Beat] triggering Dmg Double + (1% ~ 10%).

Rank A Concentrated Blow Rune - 凝神一击符文 Attribute Runes

Has a (1% ~ 10%) chance of using [Sharp Shooting] Lv.1 when lauching Auto Attack. ATK DEF ANY
[Sharp Shooting] Dmg convertion rate + (1% ~ 10%).

Rank B Shadow Sniper Rune - 暗影狙击符文 Attribute Runes

[Deadly Snipe] Crit. + (1 ~ 30). ATK ATK ANY
[Deadly Snipe] Crit.Dmg + (10% ~ 100%).

Rank B Death Trap Rune - 死亡陷阱符文 Attribute Runes

[Trap Research] Trap Dmg + (1 ~ 200). ATK BUFF ANY
[Trap Research] Extra Int + (1 ~ 200).

Rank B Precision Sniper Rune - 精准狙杀符文 Attribute Runes

[True Sight] deals extra Crit. + (1 ~ 10%), Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 10%). ATK BUFF ANY
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[True Adv.
Sight] deals extra Crit.Novice Doram+ (1% ~ 10%).
+ (1 ~ 10%), Crit.Dmg

Rank S Violent Storm Rune - 狂烈风暴符文 Attribute Runes
[Raging Storm] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK DEF BUFF
Move Spd + (1% ~ 20%) during [Raging Storm].
[Raging Storm] can be used under Solo status.

Rank S Ensemble Echo Rune - 合奏回音符文 Attribute Runes

[Ancient Song] CD Time (-10% ~ -30%). DEF BUFF BUFF
[Leylad's Resolve] CD Time (-10% ~ -30%).
[Wolf Dance] CD Time (-10% ~ -30%).

Rank S Twilight Tune Rune - 黄昏之曲符文 Attribute Runes

[Ancient Song] provides extra ATK + (1% ~ 15%), M.Atk + (1% ~ 15%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Ancient Song] makes extra Dmg Inc. +5%.

Rank S Fate Divination Rune - 命运占ト符文 Attribute Runes

[Tarot Card of Fate] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -3) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
It has a (30% ~ 100%) chance of adding 2 different card effects at the same time in [Tarot Card
of Fate].
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Rank S Rapid Storm Rune - 急速风暴符文 Attribute Runes
[Raging Storm] CD Time (-0.01 ~ -1.5_ secs. ATK ATK BUFF
[Raging Storm] skill delay (-0.01 ~ -2) secs.

Rank S 诗韵律动符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 生命禁果符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Morning Dew Voice Rune - 晨露幻音符文 Attribute Runes

[Leylad's Resolve] increases Max HP final effect by (1% ~ 10%). DEF BUFF ANY
[Leylad's Resolve] makes everyone's VIT + (1 ~ 10).

Rank A Arrow Dance Rune - 乱箭狂舞符文 Attribute Runes

[Arcane Arrow Vulcan] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Arcane Arrow Vulcan] costs (-1% ~ -20%) SP.

Rank A Repetition Voice rune - 复始之音符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Ally resurrected in [Song of Return] obtains extra Invicibility for (0.1 ~ 3) secs. DEF BUFF ANY
[Song of Return] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs.

Rank A Nature Echo Rune - 自然回声符文 Attribute Runes

[Shield Resonance]'s recover effect + (1% ~ 30%). DEF BUFF ANY

Rank B Trembling Echo Rune - 战栗回响符文 Attribute Runes

[Vibration Echo] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK ATK ANY
[Vibration Area] extra (10% ~ 50%) Activation Dmg.

Rank B Assault Song Rune - 强袭之律符文 Attribute Runes

[Raiders' Song]'s ATK + (1 ~ 50) extra points. ATK BUFF ANY
[Raiders' Song] deals extra Dmg Inc. + (0.1% ~ 5%).

Rank B Prophecy Poetry Rune - 预言之诗符文 Attribute Runes

[Blakey's Poem]'s SP restores (1 ~ 30) points. DEF BUFF ANY
[Blakey's Poem] deals extra skill delay (-1% ~ -10%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S Gale and Swift Rain Rune - 疾风骤雨符文 Attribute Runes
[Raging Storm] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK DEF BUFF
Move Spd + (1% ~ 20%) during [Raging Storm].
[Raging Storm] can be used under Solo status.

Rank S Killing Puppet Rune - 杀戮傀儡符文 Attribute Runes

Makes the connected target's Dmg taken - (1% ~ 15%), Dmg dealt + (1% ~ 15%) after using BUFF BUFF BUFF
[Puppeteer's Trick]. Effect is doubled for Bards.
When transferring Attributes in [Puppeteer's Trick], don't lose any Attributes.

Rank S Distant Sky Sunset Rune - 远空夕照符文 Attribute Runes

[Ancient Song] provides extra ATK + (1% ~ 15%), M.Atk + (1% ~ 15%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Ancient Song] deals extra M.Dmg Inc. +5%.

Rank S Tarot in Dreams Rune - 梦之塔罗符文 Attribute Runes

[Tarot Card of Fate] CD Time (-0.1 ~ 3) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
It has a (30% ~ 100%) chance of adding 2 different card effects at the same time in [Tarot Card
of Fate].

Rank S Storm in Rain Rune - 雨中风暴符文 Attribute Runes

[Raging Storm] CD Time (-0.01 ~ -1.5) secs. ATK ATK BUFF
[Raging Storm] skill delay (-0.01 ~ -2) secs.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[Raging Storm] CD TimePriest
(-0.01 ~ -1.5) secs.Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Raging Storm] skill delay
Alchemist Adv.(-0.01
Novice~ -2) secs.Doram

Rank S 音韵余波符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 无私之心符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Dewy Morning Rune - 白露晨曦符文 Attribute Runes

[Leylad's Resolve] increases Max HP final effect by (1% ~ 10%). DEF BUFF ANY
[Leylad's Resolve] makes everyone's VIT + (1 ~ 10).

Rank A Blood Dance Arrow Rune - 血舞之箭符文 Attribute Runes

[Arcane Arrow Vulcan] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Arcane Arrow Vulcan] costs (-1% ~ -20%) SP.

Rank A Initial Heart Rune - 初始心音符文 Attribute Runes

Ally resurrected in [Song of Return] obtains extra Invicibility for (0.1 ~ 3) secs. DEF BUFF ANY
[Song of Return] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs.
Select Class
Knight in [Song
Ally resurrected Crusader
of Return] obtainsWizard Sage
extra Invicibility for (0.1 ~ 3) secs. Hunter Bard
[Song of Return] CD Time
Dancer (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs.Monk
Priest Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank A Life Echo Rune - 生命回音符文 Attribute Runes

[Shield Resonance]'s recover effect + (1% ~ 30%). DEF BUFF ANY

Rank B Ripple Sound Rune - 荡漾之声符文 Attribute Runes

[Vibration Echo] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK ATK ANY
[Vibration Area] extra (10% ~ 50%) Activation Dmg.

Rank B Streamer Nocturne Rune - 流光夜曲符文 Attribute Runes

[Moonlight Serenade] M.Atk + (1 ~ 50). ATK BUFF ANY
[Moonlight Serenade] deals extra M.Dmg Inc. + (0.1% ~ 5%).

Rank B Sacred Kiss Rune - 圣洁之吻符文 Attribute Runes

[Goddess' Kiss] Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Goddess' Kiss] Crit. + (1 ~ 10).

Rank S Pray Adoramus Rune - 祈愿赞歌符文 Attribute Runes
[Adoramus] skill delay (-0.1 ~ 1.5) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
[Adoramus] CD Time (-0.1 ~ 1.5) secs.
[Adoramus] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Adoramus] Adv.
skill delay (-0.1Novice
~ 1.5) secs. Doram
[Adoramus] CD Time (-0.1 ~ 1.5) secs.
[Adoramus] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S Divine Healing Rune - 神圣治愈符文 Attribute Runes

[Coluceo Heal]'s Cure + (1% ~ 30%). DEF DEF BUFF
[Coluceo Heal] can restore (1% ~ 10%) lost SP for teammates.

Rank S Dark Rival Rune - 暗影克星符文 Attribute Runes

During Auto Attack, there's a (5% ~ 25%) chance of converting the target's armor to dark stat. ATK ATK BUFF
Lasts 1.5 secs.
Holy Stat's resistance effect agains Dark Stat + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S Glow Blessing Rune - 辉光祈福符文 Attribute Runes

[Assumptio] deals extra skill Dmg Reduction + (1% ~ 15%). Auto ATK Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ DEF DEF DEF
[Assumptio] can increase teamate's DEF with Caster VIT x 2, M.DEF with Caster INT x 1.

Rank S Light Detoxification Rune - 圣光驱毒符文 Attribute Runes

Self-Poison Resistance + (10% ~ 50%). DEF DEF BUFF
[Slow Posion] effect duration + (5 ~ 20) secs.
[Slow Posion] effect cannot be affected by Clearance.

Rank S 恩惠祝福符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S 光影双生符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Pious Sin Rune - 虚诚之罪符文 Attribute Runes

[Expiatio] deals extra Refine Atk + (1 ~ 100). ATK ATK ANY
[Expiatio] deals extra Crit.Dmg + 1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Gospel Adoramus Rune - 福音赞歌符文 Attribute Runes

[Adoramus] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Adoramus]'s Darkness makes enemy's range (-10% ~ -50%).

Rank A Difficult Steps Rune - 举步维艰符文 Attribute Runes

[Decrease Agility]'s Move Spd (-3% ~ -30%) with additional target Gear ASPD (-3% ~ -30%). BUFF BUFF ANY

Rank A Silent Prayer Rune - 静默祷告符文 Attribute Runes

Has a (3% ~ 20%) chance of automatically using [Oratio] during an Auto Attack. ATK ATK ANY
[Oratio]'s Holy Stat resistance (-1% ~ -20%).
Select Class
Has a (3% ~ 20%) chanceCrusader
of automatically Wizard
using [Oratio] duringSage
an Auto Attack. Hunter Bard
Dancer Holy Stat resistance
Priest(-1% ~ -20%).Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank B Exorcism Messenger Rune - 驱魔使者符文 Attribute Runes

Dmg dealt on all non-designated other races from [Magnus Exorcismus] + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK ANY
[Magnus Exorcismus] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Divine Grace Cross Rune - 神恩十字符文 Attribute Runes

[Magnus Exorcismus] skill delay (-0.5 ~ -1.5) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Magnus Exorcismus] fixed chant (-1% ~ -60%) secs.

Rank B Silent Judex Rune - 沉寂审判符文 Attribute Runes

[Judex] fixed chant (-1% ~ -80%). ATK ATK ANY
[Judex] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S Indestructibility Rune - 不坏之身符文 Attribute Runes
Extra + (1% ~ 10%) Dmg Reduc. under [Steel Body] status. ATK ATK DEF
Has a (5% ~ 20%) chance of putting the enemy into [Cursed Circle] when casting Auto Attack
under [Steel Body] status.
[Steel Body] no longer has a Move Spd penalty.

Rank S Bomb Explosion Rune - 气弹暴烈符文 Attribute Runes

Each Int provides (0.3 ~ 3) Max SP under [Critical Explosion] status. ATK ATK BUFF
[Asura Punch] cannot restore SP time for (-0.1 ~ -5) secs.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Each Adv.
Int provides (0.3 ~ 3) Novice Doram
Max SP under [Critical Explosion] status.
[Asura Punch] cannot restore SP time for (-0.1 ~ -5) secs.

Rank S Magic Saver Rune - 妙手回春符文 Attribute Runes

[Gentle Touch - revitalize] increases extra Max HP + (500 ~ 3000) points. ATK ATK BUFF
[Gentle Touch - revitalize] increases extra VIT + (1 ~ 10).
[Gentle Touch - revitalize] affects the whole team, and the cost changes to 10 Spirit Bombs.

Rank S Soul Awakening Rune - 命魂觉醒符文 Attribute Runes

[Near-death Awaken] effective HP requirement + (5% ~ 30%). ATK DEF BUFF
All abnormal status resistance + (1% ~ 30%) under [Near-death Awaken] status.

Rank S Swift Flash Rune - 迅捷一瞬符文 Attribute Runes

[Finger Offensive] fixed chant (-0.5 ~ -0.5) secs. ATK BUFF BUFF
[Finger Offensive] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1) secs.
[Finger Offensive] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S 凝心显圣符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 绝境涅槃符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank A No Heart Demon Rune - 无心罗刹符文 Attribute Runes

[Hell Gate] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Hell Gate] SP cost (-1% ~ -10%).

Rank A Dextruction Fist Rune - 毁灭之拳符文 Attribute Runes

[Hell Gate] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -1). ATK BUFF ANY
[Hell Gate] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1) secs.

Rank A Fearless Steel Rune - 无畏金刚符文 Attribute Runes

Crit. + (1 ~ 20) under [Steel Body] status. ATK ATK ANY
Auto Attack Dmg bonus + (1% ~ 30%) under [Steel Body] status.

Rank A Triple Attack Rune - 争锋六合符文 Attribute Runes

Chance of triggering [Triple Attack] + (1% ~ 10%). ATK ATK ANY
[Triple Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Rage Roar Rune - 暴怒之吼符文 Attribute Runes

[Lion Howling] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -2) secs. DEF BUFF ANY
Select Class
[LionKnight Crusader
Howling] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -2) secs. Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank B Power Soak Rune - 寸劲漫透符文 Attribute Runes

[Investigate Dmg] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Investigate Dmg] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Storm Condensation Rune - 风暴凝聚符文 Attribute Runes

INT + (1 ~ 10), STR + (1 ~ 10) under [Critical Explosion] status. BUFF BUFF ANY

Rank S Refinement Rune - 血毒淬炼符文 Attribute Runes
[Venom Dart] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1) secs. ATK ATK BUFF
Use [Venom Dart] under [Poisonous Weapon] status to obatin an extra (20% ~ 100%) chance
of dealing a new layer of venom on target.
[Venom Dart] ignores [Auto Guard] and [Sword Parry].

Rank S Storm Parry Rune - 风暴格挡符文 Attribute Runes

[Weapon Blocking] resistance chance + (1% ~ 10%). ATK DEF DEF
[Counter Attack] trigger chance + (1% ~ 20%).
[Weapon Blocking] can block Ranged Dmg without triggering [Counter Attack].

Rank S Soul Assassination Rune - 灵魂刺杀符文 Attribute Runes

When calculating Crit.Dmg, add extra Crit.Dmg (caster's Crit. - enemy's Crit.Res.) x (0.05% ~ ATK DEF BUFF
There is a (1% ~ 20%) chance to zero the enemy's Crit.Res, lasts 2 secs.
1 Rotation Counter can be obtained from Crit..
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
When Adv. Novice
calculating Crit.Dmg, Doram
add extra Crit.Dmg (caster's Crit. - enemy's Crit.Res.) x (0.05% ~
There is a (1% ~ 20%) chance to zero the enemy's Crit.Res, lasts 2 secs.
1 Rotation Counter can be obtained from Crit..

Rank S Fierce Armor Breaking Rune - 暴烈破甲符文 Attribute Runes

Deal attached ATK x (0.1 ~ 1) Dmg when equipping daggers. ATK DEF BUFF
Deal attached Refine ATK x (1 ~ 20) Dmg when equipping daggers.
Ignore body sharpe correction when equipping daggers.

Rank S Death Wound Rune - 死神之伤符文 Attribute Runes

Trigger [Deepen Wound] to deal a Bonus Healing of (-10% ~ -50%) on the target, lasts (3 ~ 10) ATK DEF BUFF
secs. Cannot be removed by Clearance.
Trigger [Deepen Wound] to deal Resurrection on the target, lasts (3 ~ 10) secs. Cannot be
removed by Clearance.
[Soul Breaker] and [Poisonous Smoke] have a 30% chance to trigger [Deepen Wound].
Rank S 无羁狂风符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 彻骨十字符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Cross Destruction Rune - 毁灭十字符文 Attribute Runes

[Cross Impact] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK ATK ANY
[Sonic Blow] Dmg + (1% ~ 15%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[Cross Priest
Impact] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Sonic Blow]
Alchemist Dmg + (1% ~ 15%).
Adv. Novice Doram

Rank A Rage Breaker Rune - 狂怒震波符文 Attribute Runes

[Soul Breaker] Hit + (10% ~ 50%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Soul Breaker] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Soul Paralysis Rune - 心魂麻痹符 Attribute Runes

New Venom has the effect of dealing Gear ASPD (-3% ~ -20%) and Move Spd (-3% ~ -20%) ATK BUFF ANY
on the target. Can be stacked along with the new venom effect.

Rank A Void Poison Rune - 虚无之毒符文 Attribute Runes

Poisoned ATK + (1% ~ 10%). DEF DEF ANY
Poison Resist + (1% ~ 20%).
[Antidote] CD Time (-0.1 ~-5) secs.

Rank B Nightmare Combo Rune - 梦魔连击符文 Attribute Runes

[Double Attack] Chance + (1% ~ 10%). ATK ATK ANY
[Double Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank B Shadowless Rune - 破空无影符文 Attribute Runes

[Grimtooth] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK ANY
[Grimtooth] SP Cost (-10% ~ -30%).
Select Class
[Grimtooth] Dmg + (1%Crusader
~ 30%). Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer SP Cost (-10% ~ -30%).
Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank B Breath Holding Rune - 暗影屏息符文 Attribute Runes

[Dark Illusion] makes target's Move Spd (-10% ~ -30%), lasts (2 ~ 5) secs. DEF BUFF ANY

Rank S Soul Cracking Assault Rune - 裂魂强袭符文 Attribute Runes
There's a (5% ~ 20%) chance of using [Disabling Strike] Lv.5 when launching Auto Attack. ATK DEF BUFF
There's a (1% ~ 30%) chance of causing the enemy to enter immobilize, Stun or Darkness
status for 3 secs when using [Disabling Strike].
Auto Attack ignores [Kyrie Eleison].

Rank S Death Infection Rune - 死亡感染符文 Attribute Runes

[Deadly Infection] makes your ATK + (1% ~ 20%) when in an abnormal status. ATK DEF BUFF
Dmg Reduction + (1% ~ 20%) when you are in an abnormal status.
When taking Dmg under [Deadly Infection] status, deal [Threaten] on the enemy.

Rank S Magic Forbidden Field Rune - 禁魔领域符文 Attribute Runes

[Magic Trap] has a (20% ~ 100%) chance pf applying Silence. ATK ATK BUFF
[Magic Trap] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
[Magic Trap] Silence effect ignores immunity.

Rank S Equipment Removing Rune - 装备卸除符文 Attribute Runes

[Strip Acessory] skill CD (-0.1 ~ -0.5) secs. ATK DEF BUFF
[Strip Acessory] Cast distance + (0.1 ~ 3) meters.
The max success rate of removing skills that are affected by DEX, LUK and Skill Level + (1% ~
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Strip Acessory] skill Adv. Novice
CD (-0.1 ~ -0.5) secs. Doram
[Strip Acessory] Cast distance + (0.1 ~ 3) meters.
The max success rate of removing skills that are affected by DEX, LUK and Skill Level + (1% ~

Rank S Shadow Spike Rune - 暗影突刺符文 Attribute Runes

[Black Stab] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Black Stab] CD Time (-0.1 ~-1%) secs.
[Black Stab] ignores enemy's DEF and Refined Dmg Reduction under [Pick'em Off] status.

Rank S 死亡预告符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 暗影迷踪符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Rapid Continuous Shooting Rune - 迅疾连发符文 Attribute Runes

[Repeated Firing] chance + (1% ~ 10%). ATK ATK ANY
[Double Strafe] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank A Mind Confusion Rune - 心神混乱符文 Attribute Runes

Dmg dealt to enemies' in Fear + (1% ~ 12%). ATK DEF ANY
[Chaos Panic] amount +1.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
dealt to enemies' inPriest
Fear + (1% ~ 12%).Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Chaos Panic] amount
Alchemist +1. Novice
Adv. Doram

Rank A Soul Intimidation Rune - 灵魂恐吓符文 Attribute Runes

[Threaten] deals extra target Dmg Inc. (-1% ~ -20%), M.Dmg Inc. (-1% ~ -20%). DEF DEF ANY
[Threaten] effect duration + (0.1 ~ 3).

Rank A Arrow Combo Rune - 箭矢连击符文 Attribute Runes

[Triangle Shot] skill delay (-0.1 ~-0.5) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Triangle Shot] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Overlord's Soul Rune - 霸王之魄符文 Attribute Runes

[Counter Instinct] Dmg Reduction effect + (1% ~ 10%). ATK DEF ANY
[Counter Instinct] Dmg Increasing effect + (1% ~ 10%).

Rank B Dexterous Capture Rune - 灵巧擒拿符文 Attribute Runes

After using [Close Confine], increases your DEF by (1% ~ 20%), M.DEF by (1% ~ 20%). DEF DEF ANY

Rank B Accurate Shooting Rune - 百步穿杨符文 Attribute Runes

When using bow weapons, Crit. + (1 ~ 10), Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 10%). ATK BUFF ANY
Select Class
When Crusader
using bow weapons, Crit. + (1 ~ 10), Wizard Sage
Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 10%). Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S Ballistic Modification Rune - 弹道改装符文 Attribute Runes
[Arm Cannon] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Arm Cannon] ignores enemy (1% ~ 30%) 's Neutral Dmg Reduc..

Rank S Precision Maintenance Rune - 精准维修符文 Attribute Runes

[Repair] CD Time (-0.1 ~ 1.5) secs. DEF DEF BUFF
[Repair]'s recover effect + (50% ~ 200%) in PvP or GvG.

Rank S Elemental Armor Rune - 元素装甲符文 Attribute Runes

Obtain skill [Armor Change]. DEF DEF BUFF
[Armor Change] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -10) secs.
[Armor Change] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -3) secs.

Rank S Mechanical Regeneration Rune - 机械重生符文 Attribute Runes

Has a (50% ~ 100%) chance to automatically use [Scidal Destruction] Lv.10 when in Dead ATK ATK DEF
Has a (10% ~ 30%) chance to resurrect and restore (30% ~ 80%) HP and SP.

Rank S Rapid Armor Rune - 疾速装甲符文 Attribute Runes

[Anti-Gravity Armor] Move Spd + (1% ~ 25%). DEF DEF BUFF
[Hell Plant] and [Poisonous Smoke] can be complety dodged under [Anti-Gravity Armor] status.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Anti-Gravity Adv. Spd
Armor] Move Novice Doram
+ (1% ~ 25%).
[Hell Plant] and [Poisonous Smoke] can be complety dodged under [Anti-Gravity Armor] status.

Rank S 磁灵力场符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 聚核加农符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Greedy Blow Rune - 贪梦重击符文 Attribute Runes

[Mammonite] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Mammonite]'s Zeny Cost -40%.

Rank A Light Barrier Rune - 光之迷障符文 Attribute Runes

[Optical Camouflage Stand]'s Move Spd penalty reduces by (10% ~ 50%). DEF BUFF ANY
Magic Reduc. + (1% ~ 10%) under [Optical Camouflage Stand] status.

Rank A Shadow Barrier Rune - 虚影屏障符文 Attribute Runes

[Neutral Barrier] effect duration + (0.1 ~ 2). DEF DEF ANY
DEF + (20 ~ 200), M.DEF + (10 ~ 100) under [Neutral Barrier] status.
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[Neutral Priest+ (0.1 ~ 2). Monk
Barrier] effect duration Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
DEF + (20 ~ 200), M.DEF
Alchemist Adv.+Novice
(10 ~ 100) under [Neutral Barrier] status.

Rank A Galloping Impact Rune - 飞驰撞击符文 Attribute Runes

[Cart Revolution] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Cart Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank B Iron Fist Rune - 铁拳之击符文 Attribute Runes

[Knuckle Boost] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%). ATK BUFF ANY

Rank B Violent Assault Rune - 暴力猛击符文 Attribute Runes

Crit. + (1 ~ 10), Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 10%) after using [Over Thrust]. ATK BUFF ANY

Rank B Soul Shout Rune - 灵魂呐喊符文 Attribute Runes

[Loud Exclamation] increases (1 ~ 10) points of STR. BUFF BUFF ANY
[Loud Exclamation] increases teammates' STR by (1 ~ 10).

Rank S Gene Recombination Rune - 基因重组符文 Attribute Runes
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Convert all [AGI] to Max HP and Max SP. Each point can be converted to (20 ~ 120) Max HP DEF BUFF BUFF
and (0.5 ~ 5) Max SP.

Rank S Bersek Flame Rune - 狂暴火焰符文 Attribute Runes

[Improved Acid Demonstration] and [Fire Expansion] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -0.5) secs. ATK ATK BUFF
When calculating the Dmg of [Improved Acid Demonstration] and [Fire Expansion], target VIT +
(10 ~ 70) points.

Rank S Void Summon Rune - 虚空召唤符文 Attribute Runes

Self ATK (-15% ~ 0%), M.Atk (-15% ~ 0%). ATK DEF BUFF
Homunculus ATK + (50% ~ 100%).
Can take an extra homunculus.

Rank S Barbarous Thorn Rune - 野蛮和棘符文 Attribute Runes

The chance of [Crazy Weed] clearing personal buffs + (1% ~ 20%). ATK DEF BUFF
[Crazy Weed] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S Vine Purgatory Rune - 藤蔓炼狱符文 Attribute Runes

[Hell Plant] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK DEF BUFF
[Hell Plant]'s ATK range + (0.1 ~ 1) meters.

Rank S 晦暗荆棘符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank S 混沌熔融符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank A Life Fetter Rune - 生命羁绊符文 Attribute Runes

[War Horn] + (1% ~ 30%) extra Fear Resistance. DEF DEF ANY
[Greenery Light Wall] + (1% ~ 30%) extra Silence Resistance.
Homunculus ATK + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank A Nightmare Leave Rune - 墨梦之叶符文 Attribute Runes

When using [Hell Plant] to attack players, reduce target's HP by (100 ~ 300) points and SP by ATK DEF ANY
(10 ~ 30) points. In addition, restores caster's HP and SP by the same amount.

Rank A Shrill Howling Rune - 尖锐嚎叫符文 Attribute Runes

[Mandragora Howling] Range + (0.1 ~ 1) meters. DEF BUFF ANY
[Mandragora Howling] CD Time (-0.1 ~ -1) secs.

Rank A Hell Blaze Rune - 地狱烈焰符文 Attribute Runes

[Demoniac Fire] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK BUFF ANY
Fire Stat ATK + (1% ~ 10%) after using [Demoniac Fire].
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[Demoniac Priest
Fire] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Fire Stat ATK + (1% Adv.
Alchemist ~ 10%)Novice
after using [Demoniac

Rank B Artillery Outfit Rune - 火炮改装符文 Attribute Runes

[Cart Cannon] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK ANY

Rank B Soul Devouring Bubble Rune - 噬魂气泡符文 Attribute Runes

[Sphere Mine] and [Sphere Parasitism] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%). ATK ATK ANY

Rank B Cursed Potion Rune - 诅咒魔药符文 Attribute Runes

When using restoration potion, effective time + (10% ~ 50%) DEF DEF ANY
[MP Potion Cast] effect + (10% ~ 50%).

Advanced Novice
Rank S Soul Gathering Rune - 心魂归聚符文 Attribute Runes
[Improve Concentration]'s effect duration + (0.1 ~ 3) secs. ATK ATK BUFF
[Improve Concentration] M.Dmg Inc. + (1% ~ 40%).

Rank S Magic Sword Rune - 魔剑合一符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
[Bash] deals an extra (10% ~ 100%) M.Atk. ATK ATK BUFF
[Bash] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
[Bongun Card] Deposit effect doubled.

Rank S Charge Burst Rune - 冲锋撞破符文 Attribute Runes

[Cart Attack] Cast distance + (0.1 ~ 2) meters. ATK ATK BUFF
[Cart Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).

Rank S Novice Blessing Rune - 初心祝福符文 Attribute Runes

[Eden Team Blessing] CD Time (-3 ~ -20) secs. DEF DEF BUFF
[Eden Team Blessing] deals extra Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ 20%).
[Eden Team Blessing] can be used on an extra teamate.

Rank S Flaming Thunder Rune - 烈焰雷光符文 Attribute Runes

[Thunderbolt] Crit. rate + (1% ~ 20%). ATK ATK BUFF
[Thunderbolt] Crit.Dmg + (1% ~ 30%).
[Thunderbolt] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank S 凶暴劈砍符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Rank S 重返初心符文 EP 7.0 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram

Rank A Taunt Curse Rune - 嘲讽诅咒符文 Attribute Runes

After using [Taunt], Dmg Reduc. + (1% ~ 10%). DEF DEF ANY
After using [Taunt], enemy's ATK + (-20 ~ -400).

Rank A Rapid Crash Rune - 迅猛冲撞符文 Attribute Runes

[Cart Attack] Hit rate + (1% ~ 40%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Cart Attack] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).

Rank A Frost Storm Rune - 冰霜风暴符文 Attribute Runes

[Storm Gust] fixed chant (-0.1 ~ -2.4) secs. ATK BUFF ANY
[Storm Gust] skill delay (-0.1 ~ -1.5) secs.
[Storm Gust] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%].

Rank A Sharp Blade Pursuit Rune - 追击利刃符文 Attribute Runes

When landing [Bash] on a target, makes the enemy's Move Spd (-1% ~ -50%). Lasts 3 secs. ATK DEF ANY
When killing the target with [Bash], your Move Spd + (1% ~ 50%). Lasts 3 secs.

Rank B Soul Blast Rune - 灵魂爆裂符文 Attribute Runes

[Soul Blast] SP Cost (-1% ~ -20%). ATK BUFF ANY
[Soul Blast] Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[SoulDancer Priest
Blast] SP Cost (-1% ~ -20%). Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Soul Blast]
Alchemist Dmg + (1% ~ 20%).
Adv. Novice Doram

Rank B Sword Practice Rune - 剑术进修符文 Attribute Runes

When equipping Sword weapons, ignore DEF + (0.1% ~ 5%), Dmg Inc. + (0.1% ~ 5%). ATK ATK ANY

Rank B Breath Solodification Rune - 气息凝固符文 Attribute Runes

Each Spirit Bomb makes ATK + (1 ~ 20), M.Atk + (1 ~ 20), Max HP + (1 ~ 200). ATK DEF ANY

Rank S Fresh Tuna Rune - 新鲜鮪鱼符文 Attribute Runes
[Tuna Belly Meat] Cooldown (-1% ~ -30%) DEF DEF BUFF
[Tuna Belly Meat] Recovering the coefficient of HP + (1% ~ 20%)
[Tuna Belly Meat] Effective agains the white body (Generation probability: 6%)

Rank S Hunting Rune - 喵喵狩猎符文 Attribute Runes

Each Time the target is killed, there is a (30% ~ 100%) probability that the cooldown of all skills ATK ATK BUFF
in this class will be refreshed (up to 1 time in 1 sec.)
Each time you kill the target, move your own speed + (1% ~ 20%) for 10 sec.

Rank S Cat UFO Bombing Rune - 轰轰飞碟符文 Attribute Runes

Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
Alchemist Adv. Novice Doram
Gaining Skills [Cat UFO Bombing], each time bombing caused (30% ~ 80%) [Cat Mint Meteor] ATK DEF BUFF
[Cat UFO Bombing] inherits [Cat Mint Meteor] curse effect (Generation probability: 20%)
The number of [Cat UFO Bombing] +1 (Generation probability: 8%)

Rank S Seafood Pond Rune - 海鲜水塘符文 Attribute Runes

Get the skill [Live Prawn] star can make the Healing Bonus + (5% ~ 20%) ATK DEF BUFF
[Crab] can cause damage to the target + (3% ~ 8%)
[Clownfish] can reduce damage to the target + (3% ~ 8%)

Rank S Life Explosion Rune - 生命爆发符文 Attribute Runes

The probability that the animal attack skills triggers a Crit + (5% ~ 30%) ATK DEF BUFF
Animal attack skill triggers Crit.Dmg + (10% ~ 50%)
[Crazy Rabbit Carrot Attack], [Wild Boar Soul] can also trigger Crit (Generation probability:

Rank S Peppermint Spread Rune - 薄荷蔓延符文 Attribute Runes

[Catnip Sprinkling Powder] makes Atk and M.Atk extra (-1% ~ -20%) DEF BUFF BUFF
[Valerian] to make Dmg and M.Dmg extra (-1% ~ -20%)
Doram's Neutral attack ground magic can be cast on [Earth Element Area] (Generation
probability: 10%)

Rank S Concealed Game Rune - 迷藏游戏符文 Attribute Runes

[Hiding] The reduced Moviment speed is reduced (1% ~ 20%) ATK DEF BUFF
[Hiding] Time dodge and criteria protection + (10 ~ 50) point
[Hiding] When the attack will not be released (Generation probability: 8%)

Rank A Prion Protein Rune - 捣蛋白鼠符文 Attribute Runes

[White Rat Soul] Injury + (1% ~ 30%) ATK ATK ANY
[White Rat Soul] The probability of biting a scar + (1% ~ 20%)
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
Dancer Priest Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[White Adv.
Rat Soul] Injury Novice
+ (1% ~ 30%) Doram
[White Rat Soul] The probability of biting a scar + (1% ~ 20%)

Rank A Wild Boar Soul Rune - 野猪突袭符文 Attribute Runes

[Wild Boar Soul] Injury + (1% ~ 30%) ATK BUFF ANY
[Wild Boar Soul] Cooldown (-0.1 ~ -1)

Rank A Meteorite Flying Rune - 陨石飞击符文 Attribute Runes

[Cat Mint Meteor] Skill delay (-0.1 ~ -1) ATK BUFF ANY
[Cat Mint Meteor] Cooldown (-0.1 ~ -1.5)

Rank A Prawn Carnival Rune - 虾米狂欢符文 Attribute Runes

[Live Prawn] Recovery effect + (1% ~ 20%) ATK DEF ANY
[Pawn Group] Final result + (1% ~ 20%)

Rank B Crazy Stem Rune - 疯狂梗木符文 Attribute Runes

[Kiwi Stem Gun] Injury + (1% ~ 20%) ATK ATK ANY
[Kiwi Stem Gun] SP consumption (-1% ~ -20%)

Rank B Bugs Rune - 虫虫速击符文 Attribute Runes

[Beetle Soul] Extra AGI + (1 ~ 10) point ATK BUFF ANY
[Beetle Soul] Extra speed + (1% ~ 10%)
Select Class
Knight Crusader Wizard Sage Hunter Bard
[Beetle Soul] Extra AGI +Priest
(1 ~ 10) point Monk Assassin Rogue Blacksmisth
[Beetle Soul]
Alchemist Extra speed
(1% ~ 10%) Doram

Rank B Root Lobe Rune - 根叶回旋符文 Attribute Runes

[Kiwi Root Entanglement] Reduce the target's damage to the ground attribute (-1% ~ -10%) DEF BUFF ANY
[Kiwi Root Entanglement] Make the target M.DEF (-1% ~ -10%)

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