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Visual learning means the learner better understands and retains information when ideas,

words and concepts are associated with pictures. Research tells us that the majority of students in
a regular classroom need to see information in order to understand and retain it. Some common
visual learning strategies include applying graphic organizers, diagramming, mind mapping,
outlining and more. One of the best strategies for visual leaner is review and organize your notes
after class with mind maps. A mind map is a tool visual learners can create to help them visually
organize information and is much like a visual outline. Mind maps can include keywords,
examples, images, and more, which are quite beneficial for visual learners. You can instantly
find out what is the most common mobile payment. Highlighted by color and visualized by
clipart, the statistics become easily understandable. Besides that, make outlines. Outlines are an
excellent organizational tool for the visual learner. In an outline, you can structure a large
amount of information using headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Outline textbook chapters
as you read, then review your outlines when preparing for exams.

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