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The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 28, Number 3, May 2017 Brief Clinical Studies

infections may occur more often after the celebration of the feast of
the sacrifice in Muslim countries.

Key Words: Nose, orf, parapoxvirus

O rf is a zoonotic viral disease caused by orf virus. Orf virus is a

member of the genus parapoxvirus in the family Poxviridae.
Generally, the orf virus is transmissible to humans via direct contact
with infected animals. Infection manifests as localized skin lesions.
Most cutaneous lesions are self-limited and resolve within 6 to 10
weeks.1 The most common site of infection is the hand. However, the
nose has been described as a rare location of infection.2 We present a FIGURE 1. (A) A 2-cm nodular mass with erythema in the nasal tip at day 15 of
infection. (B) Papule lesion on the digit of right hand.
rare case of a patient with orf infection presenting as a nasal tip mass.
increased risk for orf virus infection. An epidemic outbreak of orf
CLINICAL REPORT disease may be observed after the feast of sacrifice.3 In our patient
A 52-year-old Turkish man presented to our clinic with a 25-day transmission from sheep was observed on the first day of the feast.
history of mass on his nose. He had been diagnosed with infective Treatment options of lesions have not been well characterized
dermatitis and empirically treated with oral cefdinir and topical duo to spontaneous recover. Usually, treatment may not be necess-
mupirocin for 6 days. Afterward, he was referred to our hospital ary duo to the self-resolving. Some patients may become infected
because his symptoms still persisted and the mass size increased with bacteria and some patients may develop progressive. Treat-
despite treatment. His medical history was nonspecific. More specifi- ment includes surgical excision, antiviral drugs, and topical anti-
cally, he had no history of nasal trauma, insect bites, or nasal surgery. biotic therapy. Imiquimod, cidofovir, and intralesionel interferon
The clinical examination revealed a painless 2  1.7 cm alpha can be used in immunocompromised patients.1,4 In the present
immobile mass with erythema at the tip of his nose (Fig. 1A). patient, treatment may not be necessary, given the spontaneously
The bilateral anterior rhinoscopy was normal. The dermatological recovery.
examination revealed a 1  1 cm diameter papule on the index In conclusion, orf is transmitted by direct contact with infected
finger extensor surface of right hand (Fig. 1B). animals. In addition to the farmers, veterinarians, and butchers,
The patient indicated that he had contact with sheep using those who contact sheep at the feast of the sacrifice in the muslim
ungloved hands on the first day of the feast of the sacrifice, which countries may be affected. Persons who contact with sheep at the
was 15 days before the initiation of the lesions. Based on the history feast of the sacrifice should use gloves and avoid exposure of open
of contact with the sheep, the appearance of the lesions, and the wounds. Although orf lesions mostly occur in the hands, nose orf is
physical examination, we clinically diagnosed the patient with orf extremely rare. In a patient with nose skin lesion, nose orf must be
disease. Nose and finger skin biopsy performed for real-time kept in the mind that as a differential diagnosis in patients who have
polymerase-chain reaction. Parapoxvirus infection was confirmed a history of contact with animals.
by real-time polymerase-chain reaction at Refik Saydam National
Reference Laboratory. No specific treatment was initiated. Eight REFERENCES
weeks after the initiation, his lesions recovery completely without 1. Lederman ER, Green GM, DeGroot HE, et al. Progressive ORF virus
any complications. The patient showed no signs of recurrence at the infection in a patient with lymphoma: successful treatment using
end of a 1 year follow-up period. imiquimod. Clin Infect Dis 2007;44:e100–e103
2. Gurel MS, Ozardali I, Bitiren M, et al. Giant orf on the nose. Eur J
Dermatol 2002;12:183–185
DISCUSSION 3. Veraldi S, Nazzaro G, Vaira F, et al. Presentation of orf (ecthyma
Orf, also known as ecthyma contaginosum, scabby mouth, sore contagiosum) after sheep slaughtering for religious feasts. Infection
mouth, or contagious pustular dermatitis is a zoonotic infection 2014;42:767–769
caused by parapoxvirus that commonly infects humans with contact 4. Al-Qattan MM. Orf infection of the hand. J Hand Surg Am
infected animals. Orf virus usually causes self-resolving cutaneous
lesions. Progressive lesions can develop in immunocompromised
Hands and fingers are the most common sides of orf skin lesions,
with other sites such as the nose only occasionally being involved.2
Orf disease has been reported worldwide. Shepherds, sheep- The Study of Calcium,
shearers, farmers, butchers, cooks, and veterinarians are at an
Phosphonium, Magnesium, and
From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Gaziantep 25 Aralik State
Hospital, Gaziantep; and yNational Tularemia Reference Laboratory, Ferrum Concentration in Serum
Public Health Institution of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.
Received September 20, 2016.
Accepted for publication November 2, 2016.
of Patients With Primary
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Nurdoğan Ata, MD, Depart-
ment of Otorhinolaryngology, Gaziantep 25 Aralik State Hospital,
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Sarigüllük Mah. Fevziçakmak bulvari, PK:27060 Şehitkamil, Gaziantep, Hua Zhao, MD, Yinda Tang, MD, Xin Zhang, MD,
Turkey; E-mail: and Shiting Li, MD
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2017 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD
ISSN: 1049-2275 Objective: To measure the concentration of 4 essential elements
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003441 (Ca, P, Mg, Fe) in serum of patients with primary trigeminal

# 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD e235

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Brief Clinical Studies The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 28, Number 3, May 2017

neuralgia. And evaluate the role of the 4 elements in serum on the METHODS
pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia (TN), and the relevance of
etiology. Patients and Population
Methods: From June 2013 to June 2014, a number of 80 patients From June 2013 to June 2014, a number of 80 patients (group A)
with primary trigeminal neuralgia were collected. We present a with primary trigeminal neuralgia were collected in the Department
retrospective review of the concentration of 4 essential elements of Neurosurgery at Xing Hue Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-
with those of control group of 80 patients without TN. The versity School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. At same time, a
concentrations of 4 elements were measured with Olympus AU number of 80 patients (group B) without primary trigeminal neur-
400 automatic biochemistry analyzer. algia were collected. The group B was defied as control group. Main
inclusive criteria: all patients were treated for the first time; normal
Results: In primary TN patients, the concentration of Ca, P, Mg
hepatic function; without taking medication that affects the metab-
in serum is lower than the control group obviously (P <0.05), olism of calcium, phosphorus, ferrum, magnesium in last 2 months;
but the concentration of Fe in serum is higher than the control without closely contact history with calcium, phosphorus, ferrum,
group obviously (P <0.05). Along with level of the VOS magnesium in work environment; without disease that affect the
improved, the concentration of Ca, P, and Mg in serum becomes metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, ferrum, magnesium.
lower and lower. However, along with level of the VOS This study and the technique were approved by Xin Hua
improved, the concentration of Fe in serum becomes higher Hospital Ethics Institutional Committee.
and higher.
Conclusion: Patients with primary TN, the change of 4 elements Methods
concentration in serum is connected with biochemical material The pain sensation was evaluated with visual analogous scale
change. The change of the microelement may play an important pain score. I level: no pain; II level: slight pain; III level: severe
role in the development of Trigeminal neuralgia, possibly demye- pain; IV level: worst possible.
linating lesions. Blood-electrolytes, renal functions, hepatic function, were mon-
itored at hospitalization with fast blood each patient. The concen-
trations of four essential elements were measured with Olympus
Key Words: Calcium, ferrum, magnesium, phosphonium, primary AU400 automatic biochemistry analyzer.
trigeminal neuralgia
Statistical Analysis
SPSS 18.0 was used for statistical analysis; all the results were
P rimary trigeminal neuralgia (PTN) is a chronic pain syndrome
characterized by recurrent, paroxysmal shock-like, stabbing in
the distribution area of 1 or more branches of trigeminal nerve. The
described as mean value  standard deviation. P  0.05 indicated
statistical significance. Student t test and x2 test were performed
to compare the mean continuous data and the categorical data
incidence of PTN is about 4 to 5 per 100,000.1– 3 It is the most respectively.
common reason for facial pain in middle-aged and elderly people.
However, the reason of PTN is unclear. Dandy4 first covered the
relationship of vascular compression with primary trigeminal neur- RESULTS
algia. Jannetta5 developed and popularized the theory of the vas- In group A: the average age of patients was 61.23  2.05 years
cular compression. But, the absence of culprit vascular in PTN has (range: 42–78); 50 patients were man and 30 patients were female.
also been covered.6,7 So far the related research mainly focused on In the group B: the average age of patients was 60.26  3.42 years
choices of modus operandi and the reports of microelement in PTN (range: 39–75); 49 patients were man and 31 patients were female.
were rare. The sex and age of 2 groups were no difference on statistics
In the present study, we measured the concentration of 4 (P > 0.05).
essential elements (Ca, P, Fe, and Mg) in serum of patients with In group A: 15 patients were in level II, 28 patients were in level
primary trigeminal neuralgia. And evaluate the role of the 4 III, 37 patients were in level IV. The concentrations of Ca, P, Mg in
elements in serum on the pathogenesis of TN, and the relevance serum were presented in Figure 1. The more serious pain, the lower
of etiology. concerntration of Ca, P, Mg in serum. The concentration of Fe was
displayed in Figure 2. The more serious pain, the higher concern-
tration of Fe in serum. There are significant differences between the
there difference levels (P < 0.05).
From the Department of Neurosurgery, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China.
Received October 8, 2016.
Accepted for publication November 2, 2016.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Shiting Li, MD,
Department of Neurosurgery, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, 1665 Kongjiang Road, Yangpu District,
Shanghai 200092, China; E-mail:
HZ and YT are co-first authors.
This study was supported by Shanghai Xinhua Hospital Foundation
(15LC21), Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau (2013SY019), and
Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2017 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD
ISSN: 1049-2275 FIGURE 1. The concentration of Ca, P, Mg in serum. The figure presents that the
DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003443 more serious pain, the lower concerntration of Ca, P, Mg in serum.

e236 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 28, Number 3, May 2017 Brief Clinical Studies

Relationship Between Ca, P, and Primary

Trigeminal Neuralgia
Calcium is a necessary nutrient element for humans, as it helps
to bone mineralization and rigidity, thus preventing problems such
as osteoporosis and fractures in adulthood and old age.14 And it also
has an important role in fibrin formation during the blood coagu-
lation process and regulation of muscle contraction. In addition, it
has distinct characteristics that allow it to explicitly activate differ-
ent cellular responses.15 The physical activities such as neuromus-
cular excitement, nerve impulse conduction, and normal heart
beating are related closely to ionized calcium. Phosphorus is second
only to calcium in its abundance in humans. Phosphorus and
FIGURE 2. The concentration of Fe in patients with TN. The figure presents that calcium are absorbed in the jejunum, and deposited in bone. There
the more serious pain, the higher concerntration of Fe in serum. is a very close relationship between phosphorus and calcium. The
calcium and phosphorus metabolism are affected by calcitonin. The
result of CaP is an invariant constant.
In group A: the concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, Fein serum
In the present study, we discovery that the content of Ca and P in
were 2.35  0.08, 0.99  0.03, 0.88  0.05, 15.03  1.89 mmol/L
TN is lower than those in control group. It proved that the patients
respectively. In group B: the concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, and Fe in
with TN have bone abnormal metabolism. Multiple factors
serum were 2.45  0.11, 1.21  0.09, 0.97  0.08, and 13.78  0.83
regulated the bone metabolism, and calcitonin plays the most
mmol/L respectively.
important role in bone metabolism. Goadsby reported that TN is
There were significant differences in 2 groups on the concen-
closely related to trigeminovascular system (TVS). The TVS is
tration of Ca, P, Mg, and Fe in serum (Table 1).
activated in TN and it can result in the decline of Ca and P in
serum.16 Our results are in accordance with Goadsby.
Primary trigeminal neuralgia is a common clinical disease. The
characteristic manifestation is a serious bursting pain of the face. In Relationships Between Mg, Fe, and Primary
PTN, pain episodes that may happen at any time usually continue Trigeminal Neuralgia
from seconds to minutes. In additional, the pain episodes are not Mg is one of the essential trace elements that play important
only triggered by motions (brushing or chewing) but also sensorial roles in normal physiology of human body. It is participative in
stimulation of faces.8,9 many important physiological activities such as cell proliferation,
There are many treatments of trigeminal neuralgia, but the differentiation, nucleic acids, and protein metabolism. It breaks
results of the treatments were barely satisfactory. In other words, down cholesterol and fats in the blood stream, thus helping to
although many treatments, but no one recognized ideal means, the maintain healthy normal cholesterol levels. Fe is also one of the
difficulty to treat the disease is that the pathogenesis of trigeminal essential trace elements. It plays a vital role in maintaining structure
neuralgia is not clear.10,11 There are many classical theories of PTN, and function of lymphocytes. It can enhance phagocytosis and
including peripheral hypothesis, central hypothesis.5 Autoimmune bactericidal activity of neutrophils. Drueke et al17 reported that
theory and biochemical doctrine are all the immerging theories. Fe is involved in atherogenesis, thrombosis, and apoptosis. In the
However, most scholars considered that PTN is a multifactor present study, we get a result that the content of Mg in TN was
disease. The changes of demyelization of peripheral nerve, with markedly lowered and the content of Fe in TN was markedly
the participation of immune factor, are the pathological basis of increased, which can lead to hypertension. Hypertension can cause
PTN. The weakened inhibitory action of spinal nucleus of trigem- the endothelial dysfunction that can result in atherogenesis. Hilton
inal nerve is an important condition for PTN. Most of the research in and Love18 have covered that atherogenesis can cause trigeminal
the past focused on the choices of modus operandi for PTN; demyelination. So we think that the one of the reasons of trigeminal
however, the new research method, research aspects of basic demyelination is the declined content of Mg and the raised content
research about PTN are sorely missing. of Fe.
With the development of detecting technique and research
methods, more and more research contents focused on various CONCLUSIONS
trace elements. Trace elements associate with a number of The content of Ca, P, and Mg in patients with PTN was obviously
diseases. Cuajungco and Goldstein12 reported that the lack of reduced, and the content of Fe in patients with PTN was signifi-
zinc can lead to Alzheimer disease. Parkkila and Parkkila13 cantly increased. The change of microelement may play an import-
reported that the level of Carbonic anhydrate II was moderately ant role in the development of PTN, possibly demyelinating
increased in patients with central nervous system infection, lesions.
dementia, or PTN. But there is a little study that trace elements
associate with PTN. REFERENCES
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Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Brief Clinical Studies The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery  Volume 28, Number 3, May 2017

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Rehabilitation of the Work The final prosthesis was followed up to 1 year, with stable conditions
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Accident-Related Traumatic
Mandible With Iliac Free Flap, DISCUSSION
Comminuted mandibular fractures have been treated by several
Distraction Osteogenesis, and methods: closed or open reduction methods. For wide comminuted
mandibular fractures, other techniques such as distraction osteo-
Dental Implants genesis or free flaps were used for rehabilating the large traumatic
Yavuz Findik, DDS, PhD, Timuçin Baykul, DDS, PhD, Iliac free flap is effective in providing both good functional and
Mustafa Asim Aydin, DDS, PhD,y Selman Altuntaş, DDS, PhD,y aesthetic results for reconstruction of mandibular bone defects. The
and Zeynep Başağaog˘lu Demirekin, DDS, PhDz

Abstract: Mandibular bone defects due to extensive trauma impair From the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; yDepartment of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; and zDepartment of Prosthodontics,
occlusion and affect the aesthetics of facial contouring, making it Faculty of Dentistry, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey.
difficult to obtain a satisfactory outcome. Distraction osteogenesis Received October 11, 2016.
and free flap is an effective and aesthetic treatment option for Accepted for publication November 2, 2016.
rehabilating these defects. In this clinical report, the authors present Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Yavuz Findik, DDS,
PhD, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Den-
rehabilitation of a wide mandibular traumatic defect due to a work-
tistry, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey;
related accident with iliac free flap, distraction osteogenesis, and E-mail:
dental implants. The authors report no conflicts of interest.
Copyright # 2017 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD
ISSN: 1049-2275
Key Words: Distraction osteogenesis, free flap, mandible DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000003466

e238 # 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD

Copyright © 2017 Mutaz B. Habal, MD. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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