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Phone: 715-271-9727 | Email:

To whom it may concern,

My name is Emily Dasher and it is my pleasure to present to you my application for a full-time First
Grade Teaching position at La Crescent-Hokah Elementary. I believe my background in ministry and
education has prepared me to be a valuable addition to your teaching staff and to be a champion of the
Lancer way.

My education and student teaching experience has provided me with many skills necessary to be a
successful teacher. I feel confident in my ability to design learning experiences for students that
individually meet students where they are at. This includes the ability to present Minnesota Content
Standards to children in a way that utilizes their own unique skills and interests, all while using
assessment data to drive my instruction. I do this with great passion and energy as I know that student
growth both academically and socially is the most important aspect of a teacher’s job. During my student
teaching experiences, I have collaborated with other student teachers as well as all four of the third-grade
teachers at La Crescent-Hokah Elementary in a Professional Learning Community to develop lesson plans
and pedagogy for all content areas.

I also had the unique opportunity to collaborate with my cooperating teacher and third grade team during
this period of distance learning. We used Seesaw, Google Classroom, and Zoom to communicate with and
teach our third graders daily. The team of four teachers and three student teachers created lessons together
using online programs our students were already familiar with. I participated in daily zoom calls with our
entire class and weekly one on one check-ins with each student. Early on in the planning process, I
created a Google Sheet to organize all of the lesson links that we created and create a schedule for read-
alouds and Google Classroom posts.

My job at Pleasant Valley Church has provided me with many leadership experiences, including
Elementary Small Groups Coordinator, Elementary Large Groups Coordinator, and PreK Coordinator. In
each of these positions I learned to collaborate with individuals from all ages and backgrounds. As a
leader of each of these ministries it was my duty to plan learning experiences for elementary and
preschool students. I also communicated regularly with parents to connect with them outside of Sunday
morning church.

During my time as a Lead Direct Support Professional at Legacies in Winona, I was able to develop a
strong relationship with the young boy that I worked with. Working with him provided me the chance to
instill in him a sense of value and encourage him to be an active part in the world around him.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you and tell you more about myself, my experiences, and
my enthusiasm and interest in the teaching profession. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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