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CodeRush Shortcuts

Clipboard Navigation
Feature Shortcut Context Feature Shortcut Context
Smart Copy Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert No selection, caret on token Highlight References Ctrl+Alt+U Caret on identifier
Smart Cut Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete No selection, caret on token Show All References Shift+F12 Caret on identifier
Intelligent Paste Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert Editor has focus Tab to Next Reference Tab Caret inside identifier
Clipboard History Ctrl+Shift+Insert Editor has focus Tab to Next XML Doc Field Tab Caret inside doc comment field
Replace Word Ctrl+Alt+V or Ctrl+B Caret on token Quick Nav (Go to Symbol) Ctrl+Shift+Q Editor has focus
was Ctrl+. until 3.2
Defining Selections Quick File Nav Ctrl+Alt+F Available anywhere
Feature Shortcut Context Browse Recent Files Ctrl+Shift+. Available anywhere
Selection Increase Num+ or Ctrl+W Editor has focus Drop Marker Alt+Home Editor has focus
Selection Decrease Num- or Ctrl+Shift+W Editor has focus Collect Marker Escape Editor has focus, marker dropped
Select CamelCase Left Alt+Shift+Left Editor has focus Collect Marker and Paste Shift+Escape Editor has focus, marker dropped
Select CamelCase Right Alt+Shift+Right Editor has focus Swap Markers Alt+Shift+Home Editor has focus, marker dropped
Toggle Bookmark Ctrl+Alt+{Number} Editor has focus
Wrapping Selections Go to Bookmark Alt+{Number} Editor has focus
Feature Shortcut Context Go to Previous Bookmark Ctrl+Alt+Left Editor has focus
Comment/Uncomment / or ' (VB) Multi-line selection Go to Next Bookmark Ctrl+Alt+Right Editor has focus
Block begin/end b or Shift+[ Multi-line selection Toggle Region Space Caret on Region keyword
try/catch c Multi-line selection Camel Case Nav Left Alt+Left Caret on CamelCase token
try/finally f Multi-line selection Camel Case Nav Right Alt+Right Caret on CamelCase token
try/catch/finally t Multi-line selection
lock/SyncLock l Multi-line selection Miscellaneous
using u Multi-line selection Feature Shortcut Context
Convert to string Shift+' Multi-line selection
Options Ctrl+Shift+O Available anywhere
WaitCursor w Multi-line selection
Step Into Member Ctrl+Shift+F12 Debugging, caret on member reference
Parens Shift+0 or Shift+9 Any selection
Toggle Structural Highlighting Ctrl+Shift+Alt+H Editor has focus
Not Parens Shift+1 Any selection
region Ctrl+3 Multi-line selection
Invert Selection Ctrl+Shift+I Multi-line selection
Want to change a shortcut?
It’s easy. From the DevExpress menu, select Options, then
Code Generation navigate to the IDE\Shortcuts page.
Feature Shortcut Context
Expand Template
Editor has focus
Caret after template
CodeRush Templates
Auto-create region Ctrl+3 Caret inside a member Enter the templates listed here in the editor and expand with
Cycle Scope Up Alt+Up Caret inside a member the spacebar. The CodeRush User Guide shows how to create
Cycle Scope Down Alt+Down Caret inside a member your own templates.
Duplicate Line Shift+Enter Editor has focus
Declare variable Ctrl+A Caret at right of type Flow If/else
based on type (C#)
Element Template Element Template
For loops fr If statement if
Creating Types For Each fe If not … ifn
Element Template To create members While loop w Else l
Class c Do While dw Else If … lf
and variables, use
Interface i
type mnemonics
Struct s
(see next page). Throw new exception tne
Element Template
Enum e
Using statement u try/catch tc
Abstract Class a
Block begin/end b try/finally tf
Delegate d
try/catch/finally tcf
Exception x
Test Fixture t
Test Method t
Create Constructor cc

Dock the CodeRush training window

to see more templates and shortcuts! Copyright © 2003-2008, DevExpress, Inc.
Members and Variables
Element Shortcut*
Type Shortcuts
Variable (parameter, local, field) V or v System System.Drawing System.Windows
New Instance N or n Type Shortcut Type Shortcut Type Shortcut
Read-only Fields O or o
Boolean b Bitmap bt DependencyObject do
Methods M or m Byte by Brush br DependencyProperty dp
Properties P or p Char c Color cl Point p
Read-only R or r DateTime d8 Font fn Rect r
Write-only W or w Decimal de Graphics gx Size z
Auto-implemented A or a Double d Pen pn Thickness th
Type Reference t EventArgs ea Point p Vector vi
Exception x PointF pf
Constants q
Guid g Rectangle r System.Windows.Media
Typecast (in code blocks) c
Int16 sh RectangleF rf Type Shortcut
Class c Int32 i Size z
*Uppercase Brush br
letters expand to static members. Int64 l SizeF zf
Color cl
IntPtr ip
Follow the templates above with a Type shortcut. FontFamily ff
For example, on an empty line inside a class or
Object o System.IO GeometryDrawing gd
Single si
Type Shortcut GeometryGroup gg
method, “nb” followed by space bar creates a String s
GradientBrush gb
new initialized Boolean instance. Type ty StreamReader sr
HitTestResult htr
m by itself creates a method with no return value. UInt32 u StreamWriter sw
LinearGradientBrush lgb
System.Net System.Data System.Data.SqlClient Matrix mx
MatrixTransform mt
Type Shortcut Type Shortcut Type Shortcut
MediaPlayer mp
FileWebRequest fwq DataRow dr SqlClientPermission qcp Pen pn
FileWebResponse fwr DataRowView drv SqlCommand qc RotateTransform rt
HttpWebRequest hwq DataSet ds SqlCommandBuilder qcb ScaleTransform sct
HttpWebResponse hwr DataTable dt SqlConnection qn SkewTransform skt
WebRequest wq DataView dv SqlDataAdapter qda TransformGroup tg
WebResponse wr SqlDataReader qdr TranslateTransform tt
SqlParameter qp Visual vi
System.Threading SqlParameterCollection qpc VisualBrush vb
Type Shortcut XPO SqlTransaction qt
ManualResetEvent mre Type Shortcut System.Xml
Monitor mo Microsoft.SharePoint Type Shortcut
AggregateOperand xao
Thread t BetweenOperator xbwo
Type Shortcut XmlAttribute xa
ThreadStart ts BinaryOperator xbo SPContentType spct XmlComment xc
Other types FunctionOperator xfo SPContext.Current.Site spcs XmlDocument xd
GroupOperator xgo SPContext.Current.Web spcw XmlDocumentType xdt
Type Shortcut InOperator xio SPField spf XmlElement xe
{Active Type} / UnitOfWork xu SPList spl XmlException xx
{Paste} \ Session xss SPListItem spli XPathDocument xpd
GregorianCalendar gc UnaryOperator xuo SPSite sps XmlNode xn
Regex rx XPCollection xcl SPWeb spw XmlSerializer xs
StringBuilder sb XmlText xt
Generic Collections – Generic Collections – XmlTextReader xtr
System.Collections one parameter two parameters XmlTextWriter xtw
Type Shortcut Type Shortcut Type Shortcut XmlWriter xw

ArrayList a BindingList bl Dictionary d

Hashtable h Collection c KeyValuePair kvp Tips
NameValueCollection nvc Comparer cmp SortedDictionary sd • Shift+Space suppresses
Queue q EqualityComparer ec SortedList sl template expansion
Stack k ICollection ic Follow these shortcuts • t, f, & n for true, false & null.
StringCollection sc IEnumerable ie
with a “.” and then the • r, rt, rf, and rn return values.
LinkedList ll
LinkedListNode lln
shortcuts for the types of • Inside methods, templates
List l the parameters separated like fe, fri, c{TypeShortcut}, st,
Are your types missing? Queue q by a comma. For example, sf, and sn work intelligently
ReadOnlyCollection roc “nd.s,i” creates a new with identifiers copied to the
It’s easy to create your own Stack k Dictionary keyed by strings clipboard.
XPCollection xcl
type mnemonic. Just right- and holding integers. •Use {TypeShortcut}.e to get a
Follow with a “.” and then the
click a type reference in the shortcut for the type of the .Empty reference for a struct
code, and choose “Use Type parameter. For example, “nl.i” (like s.e or p.e).
in Templates…” creates a new List of integers. Copyright © 2003-2008, DevExpress, Inc.

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