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(Notice of Fraud To Collection Agency II)





&egal De'artent

our 'a'er* attac+ed +ereto are Refu*ed Denied and Returned For Fraud, For
an enforcea-le de-t clai to -e la.ful (all 'artie* u*t con*ent to contract) or
you u*t +a/e *tatutory aut+ority -y Congre** (li0e t+e IR!), I 1A2E NE2ER
3I2EN CON!ENT TO CONTRACT 4IT1 OUR office, In addition an e/idence
of de-t alone doe* not a0e you a 'er*on entitled to collect, If your 're*u'tion
i* you5/e o-tained tactic or i'lied con*ent you +a/e no. -een 'ut on Notice
t+at any *u-rogation +a* no. -een re-utted and 're*u'tion of con*ent i*
+ere-y 2OID for Fraud, Mail Fraud -y *ending e letter* /ia United !tate*
Mail in a *c+ee to defraud e of oney,

(4+ic+ con*titute* Rac0eteering and E6tortion) .+ic+ i* a

7Federal Criinal Act$ according to t+e RICO ACT U,!,C 89
!ection 8:;8 <U,!,C *ection 8=>? (a) and cau*ing e Financial 1ar -y
re'orting derogatory ite* on y credit re'ort*,

Furt+er t+e Fair De-t Collection Practice* Act doe* not gi/e you t+e con*ent to
contract .it+ you, !+o. e your la.ful aut+ority to enforce an allege de-t clai
again*t e to y detrient .it+out y con*ent,

Al*o you +a/e not 'ro/en t+e allege de-t i* /alid or t+e aount of t+e alleged
de-t i* accurate, ou u*t 'ro/e t+at t+e 'rinci'alintre*tand collection co*t*
are all correct agreed to in contract and &a.fully c+arged, I al*o in*i*t t+at you
coe u' .it+ t+e Contract .it+ our nae on it A notari@ed *.orn affida/it fro
an e'loyee of t+e srcinating creditor .+o +a* 7fir*t +and 0no.ledge t+e clai
you are alleging i* /alid (a co'etent fact .itne**) .+o .a* 're*ent at t+e tie
of *igning *aid alleged in*truent Account !tateent* and Purc+a*e Recei't*
to 'ro/e t+e aount of t+e alleged de-t,

ou are al*o in /iolation of t+e FDCPA -y t+e u*e of i*leading re're*entation*
and unfair and dece'ti/e 'ractice* in t+e atte'ted collection of a de-t,
ou are a t+ird 'arty and .ere not 're*ent .+en t+e alleged de-t .a* -eing
fored and cannot gi/e Fir*t1and te*tify to t+e /eracity of t+e alleged de-t
'ayent* ade or 'roce**ed,

If you can not *u-*tanti/ely an*.er t+e a-o/e .it+in 8 day* and eit+er 'ro/e
your aut+ority or 'ro/e a *'ecific contractual o-ligation e6i*t* -et.een OU and
ME t+en cea*e and de*i*t and IMMEDIATE& reo/e any derogatory re'orting
to t+e Credit Bureau* you furni*+ inforation too,
Furt+er a* an act of good fait+ 'ro/ide e .ritten confiration t+at t+i* atter
+a* -een re*ol/ed and any negati/e re'orting to t+e credit -ureau* +a*
cea*ed,A*.ell t+e Uni/er*al Data For t+at you *u-it to t+e Credit Bureau*
Metro ? AND EO*car *y*te*,

!+ould you ignore t+i* letter and continue your collection effort* I .ill *.iftly and
.it+out +e*itation for.ard a co'y of your fraudulent 'a'er* to y local
Congre**an T+e Federal Trade Coi**ion our !tate Attorney 3eneral
and t+e Po*tal In*'ection Mail Fraud Criinal In/e*tigation* !er/ice for furt+er

Act Accordingly
(our nae)
(our addre**)

NOTICE$ T+i* i* an atte't to a/oid Ci/il &itigation, Any inforation o-tained .ill
-e u*ed for t+at 'ur'o*e,

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