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Surveillance Log and Reflection: End of Semester

ENGL 212 – Summer 2020

Due date: Sunday, August 9 on Canvas by 11:59 p.m.

Length: Log: 24 hours; Analysis: 700 words
Percentage of final grade: 7%
Number of sources: n/a
Document design: 12 point font, 1” margins, Times New Roman or Calibri font
Acceptable file types: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf (do not submit Google Docs or you will not receive credit)

Assignment Description
This is a two-part assignment: a surveillance log and a reflection of that log.

Surveillance Log
For 24 hours, you are required to log every time you notice yourself being surveilled or surveilling
something (or someone) else. These interactions should be noted in the attached table. For each entry,
note the time duration, the type of surveillance (you can fill in the blank if it’s not listed), if you are being
watched or doing the watching, and a brief description (a few words will suffice). Please note, you do
not have to stay awake for twenty-four hours; however, if there are any instances of tracking that occur
while you are sleeping (i.e., FitBits, Apple Watch), please be sure to note that when you wake up. This is
purposely meant to be challenging, so make sure you take this seriously! You will likely notice more
instances of surveillance than you initially realize. If you complete some activities simultaneously, please
note them in separate entries. If you need more entry space, merely add rows at the bottom of your log.
Because you will need to reflect on the entire 24 hours, make sure you complete your surveillance log
no later than Saturday, August 8.

After you complete your log, you are required to write a reflection that critically examines your
interactions with surveillance for the full day. Additionally, you should look back at the log and reflection
you completed at the beginning of the semester. In your reflection, be sure to address the following
questions: What surprised you the most? In what ways are you more aware of surveillance at this point?
Are you? Why or why not? In what places do you notice yourself being watched the most? In what ways
did that change from the beginning of the semester? In what places do you notice yourself doing the
most watching? In what ways did that change from the beginning of the semester? How would you
describe your awareness level of being watched/watching before you logged your activities compared
with after logging your activities? In what ways did that change from the beginning of the semester?

For your surveillance log, I will be looking for a serious consideration of this assignment, meaning it
should be an accurate representation of your day, not a thrown together assignment at the last minute.
For your reflection, I will be looking for a solid engagement with the questions posed and consideration
of the log you completed at the start of the semester. If you did not complete the assignment at the
beginning of the semester, you will receive a deduction on this assignment as you cannot fully complete
it. Please make sure you meet the word count and answer all the questions posed above. Please refer to
the ENGL 212 rubric (posed in the “Files” tab) for more grading information.
Surveillance Log (track for 24 hours)

(Enter the
Activity Watching or being watched? Brief Description
duration of the
Example X : Social media : Camera related X : Watching
Scrolled through Instagram feed
9:00-9:15 a.m. : Purchase : Other (please type in) X : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched
: Social media : Camera related : Watching
: Purchase : Other (please type in) : Being watched

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