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Sample Question Paper

Social Science
History and Political Science
Time:- 1 Hour 30 Minutes Full Marks : 25+15

HL¢V f§ZÑ¡‰ h¡−LÉ ¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J : 1 x 6 =6

1) ¢q¾c¥ L−m−Sl haÑj¡e e¡j L£ ?

2) fË¡QÉ J f¡ÕQ¡aÉ hC¢Vl −mML −L ?
3) i¡l−al −L¡b¡u N¡å£S£ fËbj paÉ¡NËq −L±nm fË−u¡N L−l¢R−me ?
4) L−h ‘Floud Commission’ ¢e−u¡N Ll¡ q−u¢Rm ?
5) −L¡e NË¡−j −ai¡N¡ B−¾c¡me fËbj öl¦ q−u¢Rm ?
6) L−h ¢œf¤l¡ f§ZÑ¡‰ l¡−SÉl jkÑ¡c¡ f¡u ?

¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml pw¢rç Ešl c¡J(50¢V n−ël j−dÉ) : 3 x 3 =9

7) −Q±¢l−Q±l¡ −L¡b¡u Ah¢ÙÛa ? −Q±¢l−Q±l¡l OVe¡¢V L£ ¢Rm ? 1 +2

−Le p¤¤i¡oQ¾cÊ g−l¡u¡XÑ hÔL NWe L−l¢R−me ? 3

8) −a−m‰¡e¡ L«oL ¢h−â¡−ql −k −L¡e 3¢V L¡lZ hZÑe¡ L−l¡ z 3

9) L£ f¢l¢ÙÛ¢a−a jq¡l¡e£ L¡’efËi¡−ch£ ¢œf¤l¡l i¡lai¥¢š²l c¢m−m ü¡rl L−le ? 3

¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J (100¢V n−ël j−dÉ ) : 5 x 2 =10

10) ehÉh‰ B−¾c¡m−el fbfËcnÑL −L ¢R−me ? i¡la£u pj¡−S HC B−¾c¡m−el 1 +4

…l¦aÆ L£ ¢Rm ?
Q¡mÑp EX −L ¢R−me ? EX −XpfÉ¡Q-Hl …l¦aÆf§ZÑ fËÙ¹¡h…¢m E−õM L−l¡ z 1 +4

11) eljf¿Û£ e¡−j L¡l¡ f¢l¢Qa ? eljf¿Û£−cl n¡pea¡¢¿»L c¡h£…¢m E−õM L−l¡ z 1 +4

Political Science
HL¢V f§ZÑ¡‰ h¡−LÉ ¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J : 1 x 4 =4
12) NZa¿» qm " SeN−Zl à¡l¡, SeN−Zl SeÉ, SeN−Zl n¡pe, " - E¢š²¢V L¡l ?
13) i¡la£u k¤š²l¡−øÊl −k−L¡−e¡ HL¢V …l¦aÆf§ZÑ °h¢n−øÉl E−õM L−l¡ z
14) ¢œf¤l¡ f’¡−u−a j¢qm¡−cl SeÉ haÑj¡−e La na¡wn Bpe pwl¢ra ?
15) p¤¤e¡N¢l−Ll −k−L¡−e¡ HL¢V …l¦aÆf§ZÑ LaÑ−hÉl E−õM L−l¡ z
¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml pw¢rç Ešl c¡J (50¢V n−ël j−dÉ) : 3 x 2 =6
16) i¡l−a S¡a£uc−ml ü£L«¢a −f−a q−m L£ L£ naÑ f§lZ Ll−a qu ?
17) L£ L£ L¡l−Z i¡l−a S¡a£u ILÉ J pwq¢a r¥ZÀ q−a f¡−l ?
¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ¢V Ae¢dL 100 n−ël j−dÉ B−m¡Qe¡ L−l¡ : 5 x 1 =5
18) i¡la£u l¡Se£¢a−a cm£u hÉhÙÛ¡l …l¦aÆf§ZÑ °h¢nø…¢m B−m¡Qe¡ L−l¡ z
NZa−¿»l p¡g−mÉl AeÉaj naÑ…¢m E−õM L−l¡ z


Social Science ( History and Political Science )
Class – X

Time : 01 Hour 30 Minutes Full Marks : 25 + 15


Answer the following questions in one complete sentence each: 1X6=6

1. What is the present name of ‘Hindu College’?
2. Who wrote the book ‘Prachya-o-Paschatya’?
3. In India, where did Gandhiji first experiment the technique of Satyagraha?
4. When was the Floud Commission appointed?
5. In which village did the Tebhaga Movement first take off?
6. When did Tripura become a full-fledged state?

Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words: 3X3=9

7. Where is Chauri Chaura situated? What was the incident of Chauri Chaura? 1+2
Why did Subhas Chandra Bose form the Forward Bloc? 3
8. Discuss any three causes of the Telengana Movement. 3
9. In what circumstance did Maharani Kanchan Prabha Devi sign the Merger
Agreement with the Government of India? 3

Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words: 5 X 2 = 10

10. Who guided the ‘Young Bengal Movement’? What was the significance of the
movement in Indian Social Life? 1+4
Who was Charles Wood? Mention the important recommendations of Wood
11. Who were known as the Moderates? Mention the administrative demands of the
Moderates. 1+4

Political Science
Answer the following questions in a complete sentence: 1X4=4

12. Democracy is “of the people, by the people and for the people” – who made this
13. Mention any one important feature of the Indian federation.
14. What percentage of seats in Panchayats of Tripura is reserved for women?
15. Mention any one of the important duties of a good citizen.

Answer the following questions in brief (within 50 words): 3X2=6

16. What are the conditions for getting recognition as a national political party in India?

17. What are the reasons for which the unity and integrity of India may be affected?

Discuss the following question within 100 words: 5X1=5

18. Discuss the main features of the Party System in Indian politics.
Mention the conditions required for the success of democracy.

Sample Question Paper
Social Science
Geography and Economics
Time:- 1 Hour 30 Minutes Full Marks : 25+15

¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J (A¢a pw¢rç) : 1 x 3=3

1) p§kÑ−L f¢lœ²jZ Ll−a fª¢bh£l fËL«a pju La m¡−N ?

2) h¡u¤jä−ml −L¡e Ù¹−l p¤¤−jl¦ fËi¡ f¢lm¢ra qu ?
3) jdÉfË¡−QÉl −k −L¡e c¤¢V °am −n¡de¡N¡−ll e¡j ¢mM z

¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J (pw¢rç) : 3 x 3=9

4) −œ²¡−e¡¢jV¡−l kMe jdÉ¡q², aMe BNlam¡l (91030́ f§ ) ÙÛ¡e£u pju La ?
5) pj¤â−pË¡−al Evf¢šl ¢ae¢V L¡lZ hÉ¡MÉ¡ L−l¡ z
6) ¢jnË L«¢ol ¢ae¢V °h¢nøÉ pð−å ¢mM z

¢ejÀ¢m¢Ma fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J : 5 x 2=10

7) n¢š² pÇfc pwlr−Zl fË−u¡Se£ua¡ Ec¡qlZpq hÉ¡MÉ¡ L−l¡ z
−V¡¢LJ-C−u¡−L¡q¡j¡ ¢nÒf¡’−m −m±q-CØf¡a ¢nÒf N−s JW¡l L¡lZ…¢m hÉ¡MÉ¡ L−l¡ z
8) ¢œf¤l¡l AbÑ°e¢aL Eæu−e f¢lhqe hÉhÙÛ¡l …l¦aÆ B−m¡Qe¡ L−l¡ z
fËcš i¡l−al j¡e¢Q−œ ¢Q¢q²a ÙÛ¡epj¤−ql e¡j ¢mM : 1/2 x 6=3
9) L¢g Evf¡cL A’m
10) a¡jË Evf¡ce −L¾cÊ
11) Sm¢hc¤Év Evf¡ce −L¾cÊ
12) Lum¡ Evf¡ce −L¾cÊ
13) −m±q CØf¡a ¢nÒf−L¾cÊ
14) AÉ¡m¤¢j¢eu¡j ¢nÒf−L¾cÊ


e£−Ql fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J : 1 x 4=4

15) ÙÛ¥m/ h¡Ù¹h A¿¹−cÑn£u Evf¡ce

= Bu
−c−nl SepwMÉ¡

16) Cw−lS£−a C.O.P.R.A-l f§ZÑl©f¢V −m−M¡ z

17) p¢WL Ešl¢V h¡R¡C L−l¡ :
i¡l−al hÉ¡¢ˆw hÉhÙÛ¡l n£oÑ hÉ¡ˆ q−m¡ :
L) −ØVV hÉ¡ˆ Ag C¢äu¡
M) i¡l−al ¢lS¡iÑ hÉ¡ˆ
N) hÉ¡ˆ Ag C¢äu¡
O) −p¾VÊ¡m hÉ¡ˆ Ag C¢äu¡

18) p¢WL Ešl¢V h¡R¡C L−l¡ :

i¡l−al AbÑ°e¢aL pwú¡−ll p§œf¡a O−V -
L) 1991 p¡−m
M) 1992 p¡−m
N) 1995 p¡−m
O) 1996 p¡−m
¢e−Ql fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J - (50¢V n−ël j−dÉ) : 3 x 2=6

19) Ec¡qlZ pq AbÑ°e¢aL L¡−Sl d¡lZ¡¢V ¢mM z

20) ¢hnÄ¡u−el ¢ae¢V ¢h−no fËi¡h E−õM L−l¡ z
−i¡š²¡l ¢ae¢V ¢h−no A¢dL¡l E−õM L−l¡ k¡ h¡S¡−l a¡−cl −n¡oZ −b−L lr¡ L−l z

¢e−Ql fËnÀ¢Vl Ešl c¡J (100 n−ël j−dÉ ) 5 x 1=5

21) AbÑ°e¢aL Eæu−e ¢nr¡l i¨¢jL¡ hÉ¡MÉ¡ L−l¡ z

S.H.G-Hl fy¡Q¢V ¢h−no p¤¤¢hd¡ E−õM L−l¡ z

Sample Question Paper
Social Science
Geography and Economics
Time:- 1 Hour 30 Minutes Full Marks : 25+15
Answer the following questions (very short type): 1X3=3

1. What is the actual time taken by the Earth to revolve round the Sun?
2. In which layer of the atmosphere ‘aurora borealis’ is observed?
3. Name any two petroleum refineries of the Middle East

Answer the following questions (short type): 3X3=9

4. When it is noon in Chronometer, calculate the local time of Agartala (91030́ E).

5. Explain three reasons behind the origin of ocean currents.

6. Write about three characteristics of mixed farming.

Answer the following questions: 5 X 2 = 10

7. Explain the necessity of energy resource conservation with examples.

Analyse the locational factors for the growth of iron and steel industry in the Tokyo –
Yokohama industrial region.

8. Discuss the importance of transport system in the economic development of Tripura.

Write the name of the places marked on the outline map of India supplied to you:

9. Coffee producing region

10. Copper producing centre
11. Hydel Power generation centre
12. Coal producing centre
13. Iron & Steel industrial centre
14. Aluminium industrial centre


Answer the following questions: 1X4=4

15. Complete the statement:

Gross Domestic Product

= _________________ income.
Total population of the country

16. Write the full form of C.O.P.R.A.

17. Choose the correct answer:

The Apex Bank in the banking system of India is _________________.

a. State Bank of India
b. Reserve Bank of India
c. Bank of India
d. Central Bank of India

18. Choose the correct answer:

Economic Reforms in India was introduced in the year _________.

a. 1991 b. 1992 c. 1995 d. 1996

Answer to the following questions within 50 words each: 3X2=6

19. Define the concept of economic activity with a suitable example.

20. Point out any three vital impact of Globalization.

Explain any three rights of consumers that protect them from exploitation in the
market place.

Answer the following question within 100 words: 5X1=5

21. Explain the role of education in the context of the development of the economy.

Mention five important advantages of S.H.G’s.


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