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Explain the salient feature of Quality Circle?

Ans 3:-

Quality circle is a small group of employees in the same work area or doing similar type of
work who voluntarily meets regularly for about an hour every week to identify, analyses and
resolve work related problems. The objective is to improve quality, productivity and the
total performance of the organization and also to enrich the quality of work life of

Objectives of Quality Circles:

Some of the broad objectives of the Quality Circle are:

(i) To improve quality, productivity, safety and cost reduction.

(ii) To give chance to the employees to use their wisdom and creativity.
(iii) To encourage team spirit, cohesive culture among different levels and sections of the
(iv) To promote self and mutual development including leadership quality,
(v) To fulfill the self-esteem and motivational needs of employees.
(vi) To improve the quality of work-life of employees.

Benefits of Quality Circles (Q.C.):

 Cost reduction  Increased productivity  Improved quality

 Increased team work.  Better communication  Better house-keeping
 Smooth working.  Better mutual trust.  Increased safety.
 Better human relations.  Greater sense of belongingness.
Silent Features of Quality circle

1. A small group of people who do similar work

The quality circle essentially consists of people who do similar work. But it does not imply
that the circle cannot consult the specialists or others. In fact, ideas and solutions can be
sought from any corner.

2. The members in the circle should not be many

It is argued that smaller the circle better the coordination and homogeneity. The circle
should look like a team and not a committee. It should consists of members between three
and ten depending upon the size of the department. As suggestions for removing any snag
or improving the productivity are invited from every member of the department no one
would feel neglected or side tracked.

3. Voluntarily meeting together

People are invited to join the quality circle but they are not compelled. The members feel
the need to meet together to discuss and devise ways to improve the functioning of their
areas concerned. Hence, joining a quality circle is voluntary and not forced upon.

4. Meeting regularly every week

The duration and frequency of meetings even vary in Japan (where this concept originated),
it is favored to have meetings at least an hour every week. But actually, the frequency and
duration of each meeting should be decided by the circle members who will take all factors
into account such as the severity of the problem, urgency of problem, number of problem
etc. The date of holding a meeting is also decided by the circle members so that their
meeting does not disturb the production schedule.

In practice, the quality circles have proved to be a boon in disguise for the industries. They
may hold the meetings during a maintenance period, a job change over or after completion
of weekly work schedule. They may meet at the beginning or end of the shift or during lunch

5. Under the leadership of their own supervisor

The quality circle is purely concerned with work-related problems. Therefore, supervisors of
the work area prove to be the best persons to lead the group, as they are thorough with the
functioning of the department. The idea of electing or selecting the leader from the quality
circle members is not encouraged as it does not work out effectively.

6. Identification, Analysis and Solutions

The circle identify their own problems in their own work area. The circle members are not
encouraged to highlight the fault of others.

7. Presenting Solutions to Management

After collection of data, working out new ideas in consultation with all kinds of people, the
members come to a conclusion which if implemented will deliver the goods. The final idea
(solution) should be presented to the management together by the group members (not by
the leader alone or any other member). Interestingly the circle solutions (projects) are so
meticulously thought out that their outright rejection (not favored for implementation) by
the management is rare.

8. Self Implementation
The quality circles are made for implementation of their solutions as they deal with the
problems over the fence in the next department are completely isolated from it. Only each
department has to care for their babies.

9. Meeting time any time

The meetings of the circle members may not be arranged essentially during their normal
working hours. As it may affect their working and thereby production. Also, if the work is
done in shifts then the circle members may come different shifts and a common free time
for all may be difficult to spare within normal working period. Hence, such meetings could
be held any time in a working day and holiday.

Advantages of Quality Circles

The following are some of the advantages of Quality Circles.

1. It infuses team spirit among the workers.

2. It improves decision making ability.
3. It improves employee communication at all levels of the organization.
4. It improves problem solving ability.
5. It improves leadership skill.
6. It builds confidence / trust.
7. It incorporates a sense of belonging to their organization.
8. It creates a sense of corporate loyalty and corporate pride.
9. It improves the relationship between managers and the work force.
10. It improves quality, production and productivity.
11. It improves the self image of the employees.
12. It reduces cost of production.
13. It enhances customer satisfaction.
14. It increases demand for product/services of the organization.
15. There is greater job security and more employment opportunity

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