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1. Tick () the correct sentences. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect.

1. I am swimming every Saturday.

2. We’re watching a film at he moment
3. It’s snowing every winter in Russia
4. It’s always cold in Antarctica.
5. It rains today in London
6. Kim and Dan do their homework now.
7. We are starting school at 9.00 every day.
8. Mum visits my aunt this week.

1. I swim every Saturday.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the present simple or present continuous.

1. We / go / to / France / every Christmas.

We go to France every Christmas.

2. the lions / sleep / at the moment.

3. Paul / have lunch / now.
4. My mum / work / in a zoo / every Monday and Thursday
5. you / do / your homework / now?
6. I / not enjoy / this film
7. you / have got / a pet?
8. Zoe / travel / in India / this month.
3. Complete the interview with the present simple or present continuous form o
the verbs in brackets.

A flood in Manila, the Philippines

Presenter: Today we are talking (talk) about the weather in the Philippines. I’m here with
Linda Torres, who lives here. Linda, what’s the weather usually like here?
Linda It’s usually warm and sunny, but at the end of summer it’s very rainy and there
are floods. Often people.................. (not know) when the rain is coming. People
.................. (not be) always ready for the bad weather.
Presenter But there’s some good news, isn’t there?
Linda Yes. Now there’s a new weather app, for mobile phones. It .................. (tell)
people when a storm is coming. Eighty per cent of people in the Philippines
.................. (have got) a mobile phone, so the app is very useful.
Presenter What can you see on the app today?
Linda Well, the rain .................. (come) now!
Presenter Where is your family?
Linda My grandparents .................. (stay) with us at the moment. They .................. (not
live) in a safe area - the water .................. (cover) their street every year.
Presenter What .................. (your grandparents / do ) now?
Linda They .................. (play) with my little brother and sister.
Presenter And where is your mother?
Linda She’s at the shops. She .................. (buy) some extra food.

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