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I. Title of the Case:

Stone Ridge Bank
II. Case Brief
III. Viewpoint:
Mr. Bruce Wallender, President and CEO of Stone Ridge Bank
IV. Time Context:
Early 1982
V. Problem Statement
How Stone Ridge desire to accept future banking endeavors? What would be the appreciate action?
VI. Statement of Objectives
 To assess the future banking structure despite of many opportunities and offering from other
 To make a development plan whether to decide to venture into a new opportunities
 To be able to withstand the imminent transformation of banking structure.
VII. Areas of Consideration
A. Internal Environment

Background of the Company

Stoneridge, Inc. is one of the leading firms in the Auto Parts. Over the years Stoneridge, Inc. has
redefined the ways of doing business in Consumer Goods. Stoneridge, Inc. is listed at New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE) and have a market cap 417.69M USD.

Internal Forces
Marketing  Stone ridge is considered to be one of
the two leading commercial banks in
the region.
 Stone Ridge maximise its potential as
a bank as it serves as intermediary
between Wall street and the little
fellow in the hinterland
 Its strong regional pride and regards
ite new York ans West Coast Bank
corresponds as convenient sources of
the help for regional development
 Having strong position, Stone Ridge
Bank is not out on the prowl looking
for a bank which they might take over.
 Since the Stone Ridge Bank has a
strong in market, they dobnt need a
lot of help from any big companies

Processes and system/Operation  Stone Ridge bank performs all the
usual commercial activities.
 Stone Ridge accepts demand and time
deposits, makes loans with various of
securities and conditions, does leasing
financing, automated payroll services,
buys and sells foreign exchange, does
cash management and fund transfers
function, advises on short investment
of excess cash and the like
 Providing their customers, a service
they will have difficulties obtaining

Resources For many years Stone Ridge Bank has been of

the two leading commercial banks in the
region. The stockholders and directors include
members of the leading families in the area.
Conservative Management helped Stone
Ridge survive the bank crisis of the 1930’s,
and astute officers achieved an attractive
earnings record, especially during the 1960’s
and 1970’s. Stone Ridge has about 2,000
employees wherein it’s considered as big frog
in a middle-sized puddle, it is proud and
conservative. The people of Stone Ridge
came from the region itself and have known
its history and traditions. The bank is truly
proud of the region and its share on the
region’s growth.
Financial Stone Ridge Bank’s earnings statement for its
first year and the year-end balance has $2.2
billion assets. It was said to be the oldest bank
in the region, the strongest financially,
number two in assets, number one in earnings.

External Forces
Legal and Regulatory Stone Ridge Bank operates under a state
charter and is a member of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation. The bank is
also affiliated with the Stone Ridge Trust
Company (both are owned by a holding
company). Wherein the latter oversees, estates
of many prominent local citizens and is the
epitome of conservative respectability
Industry Changes

Social/ Customers Stone Ridge Bank is located over a thousand
miles from the major financial centres of the
U.S., Stone Ridge has longed served as an
intermediary between Wall Street and the
little fellow in the hinterland. It shares a
strong regional pride, and regards its New
York and West Coast bank correspondents as
convenient sources of help for regional
development. In fact, especially since World
War II, the region has had a significant influx
of industry, and Stone ridge has been an
active participant in this development. Stone
Ridge, with less emphasis on consumer and
agricultural banking, has benefited more than
competing banks from its industrial growth.

Stone Ridge Bank performs all the usual

commercial banking activities. (1) For its
corporate customers engaged in commerce
and industry, it accepts demand and time
deposits, makes loans with various kinds of
security and conditions, does lease financing,
provides automated payroll services, buys and
sells foreign exchange, does cash
management, and fund transfer function
advises on short-term investment of excess
cash management, and the like. Many of these
functions are also performed for local
government units and other institutions. (2)
For individual consumers, Stone Ridge
provides checking accounts and various kinds
of savings accounts, makes instalment loans
and real estate loans, offers travellers checks,
safe deposit boxes, credit cards, and similar

 Superb Performance in New Markets – Stoneridge, Inc. has built expertise at entering new markets and
making success of them. The expansion has helped the organization to build new revenue stream and
diversify the economic cycle risk in the markets it operates in.
 Good Returns on Capital Expenditure – Stoneridge, Inc. is relatively successful at execution of new
projects and generated good returns on capital expenditure by building new revenue streams.
 Strong Free Cash Flow – Stoneridge, Inc. has strong free cash flows that provide resources in the hand of
the company to expand into new projects.
 Strong Brand Portfolio – Over the years Stoneridge, Inc. has invested in building a strong brand portfolio.
The SWOT analysis of Stoneridge, Inc. just underlines this fact. This brand portfolio can be extremely
useful if the organization wants to expand into new product categories.
 Automation of activities brought consistency of quality to Stoneridge, Inc. products and has enabled the
company to scale up and scale down based on the demand conditions in the market.
 Strong dealer community – It has built a culture among distributor & dealers where the dealers not only
promote company’s products but also invest in training the sales team to explain to the customer how
he/she can extract the maximum benefits out of the products.
 Highly skilled workforce through successful training and learning programs. Stoneridge, Inc. is investing
huge resources in training and development of its employees resulting in a workforce that is not only highly
skilled but also motivated to achieve more.
 Successful track record of integrating complimentary firms through mergers & acquisition. It has
successfully integrated number of technology companies in the past few years to streamline its operations
and to build a reliable supply chain.


 Days inventory is high compare to the competitors – making the company raise more capital to invest in the
channel. This can impact the long term growth of Stoneridge, Inc.
 The company has not being able to tackle the challenges present by the new entrants in the segment and has
lost small market share in the niche categories. Stoneridge, Inc. has to build internal feedback mechanism
directly from sales team on ground to counter these challenges.
 Organization structure is only compatible with present business model thus limiting expansion in adjacent
product segments.
 There are gaps in the product range sold by the company. This lack of choice can give a new competitor a
foothold in the market.
 The profitability ratio and Net Contribution % of Stoneridge, Inc. are below the industry average.
 Financial planning is not done properly and efficiently. The current asset ratio and liquid asset ratios
suggest that the company can use the cash more efficiently than what it is doing at present.
 Limited success outside core business – Even though Stoneridge, Inc. is one of the leading organizations in
its industry it has faced challenges in moving to other product segments with its present culture.

 New customers from online channel – Over the past few years the company has invested vast sum of
money into the online platform. This investment has opened new sales channel for Stoneridge, Inc.. In the
next few years the company can leverage this opportunity by knowing its customer better and serving their
needs using big data analytics.
 The new taxation policy can significantly impact the way of doing business and can open new opportunity
for established players such as Stoneridge, Inc. to increase its profitability.
 New trends in the consumer behavior can open up new market for the Stoneridge, Inc. . It provides a great
opportunity for the organization to build new revenue streams and diversify into new product categories
 Opening up of new markets because of government agreement – the adoption of new technology standard
and government free trade agreement has provided Stoneridge, Inc. an opportunity to enter a new emerging
 Stable free cash flow provides opportunities to invest in adjacent product segments. With more cash in
bank the company can invest in new technologies as well as in new products segments. This should open a
window of opportunity for Stoneridge, Inc. in other product categories.
 Decreasing cost of transportation because of lower shipping prices can also bring down the cost of
Stoneridge, Inc.’s products thus providing an opportunity to the company - either to boost its profitability
or pass on the benefits to the customers to gain market share.
 Economic uptick and increase in customer spending, after years of recession and slow growth rate in the
industry, is an opportunity for Stoneridge, Inc. to capture new customers and increase its market share.
 The market development will lead to dilution of competitor’s advantage and enable Stoneridge, Inc. to
increase its competitiveness compare to the other competitors.

 Changing consumer buying behavior from online channel could be a threat to the existing physical
infrastructure driven supply chain model.
 Increasing trend toward isolationism in the American economy can lead to similar reaction from other
government thus negatively impacting the international sales.
 Intense competition – Stable profitability has increased the number of players in the industry over last two
years which has put downward pressure on not only profitability but also on overall sales.
 New technologies developed by the competitor or market disruptor could be a serious threat to the industry
in medium to long term future.
 No regular supply of innovative products – Over the years the company has developed numerous products
but those are often response to the development by other players. Secondly the supply of new products is
not regular thus leading to high and low swings in the sales number over period of time.
 Liability laws in different countries are different and Stoneridge, Inc. may be exposed to various liability
claims given change in policies in those markets.
 Rising raw material can pose a threat to the Stoneridge, Inc. profitability.
 As the company is operating in numerous countries it is exposed to currency fluctuations especially given
the volatile political climate in number of markets across the world.

VIII. Alternative Courses of Action

1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
IX. Analysis of Alternative Courses of Action
1. Bargaining Power Suppliers

 By building efficient supply chain with multiple suppliers.

 By experimenting with product designs using different materials so that if the prices go up of one raw
material then company can shift to another.
 Developing dedicated suppliers whose business depends upon the firm. One of the lessons Stoneridge, Inc.
can learn from Wal-Mart and Nike is how these companies developed third party manufacturers whose
business solely depends on them thus creating a scenario where these third party manufacturers have
significantly less bargaining power compare to Wal-Mart and Nike.
 By building a large base of customers. This will be helpful in two ways. It will reduce the bargaining power
of the buyers plus it will provide an opportunity to the firm to streamline its sales and production process.
 By rapidly innovating new products. Customers often seek discounts and offerings on established products
so if Stoneridge, Inc. keep on coming up with new products then it can limit the bargaining power of
 New products will also reduce the defection of existing customers of Stoneridge, Inc. to its competitors. By
building a large base of customers. This will be helpful in two ways. It will reduce the bargaining power of
the buyers plus it will provide an opportunity to the firm to streamline its sales and production process.
 By rapidly innovating new products. Customers often seek discounts and offerings on established products
so if Stoneridge, Inc. keep on coming up with new products then it can limit the bargaining power of
 New products will also reduce the defection of existing customers of Stoneridge, Inc. to its competitors.

X. Conclusion
Decision Matrix

Criteria ACA 1
Effectiveness 3
Sustainability 3
Profitability 3
Competitiveness 3
Rate of Success 3
Total 15
Average 2

1- Least Favorable
2- Moderately Favorable
3- Highly Favorable

Definition of Terms:
 Effectiveness- Producing the intended or expected result.
 Sustainability- Able to maintain at a certain rate or level.
 Profitability- Able to meet the target Return of Investment.
 Competitiveness- Able to compete in the market.
 Rate of Success- Possibility of achieving desired objectives.

Therefore, based on the comparative analysis of all the alternative courses of action which the researcher have
studied carefully, ACA No. 1 best suits as the solution to sustain the financial system of Stone Ridge Bank in the
foregoing changes in banking structures.

XI. Plan of Action

XII. Function/Activity In Charge Time Frame

The company must be able to appoint a New York
economist representative, who will communicate and 1st Quarter
Board of Directors
report latest economic financial forecast to make
necessary strategies to compete in the global market.
The company should be able to deliberate the budget
Finance Executives
associated with this project. Additionally, the 1st Quarter
Accounting Officers
company must be able to find funding opportunities
and prepare its capital investment.
The company needs to employ and train potential
financial counsellors with good connections in Human Resource
1st Qaurter
region. As well as, employment of renowned lawyers Department
and tax specialists who will serve as in-house expert
advisors of the counsellors.
The company should be able to uphold to its goal of
keeping up with its independence through tooling up
its Financial Counsellor Concept project with the Chief Operation Officer Quarterly
significant contribution of technological
advancement and focus on providing service to the
Marketing Executive Quarterly
The company should have a systematic and
comprehensive plan for market research and market
development to cope up with the increasing
competition in banking industry. It should be able to
target all potential accounts and assign to specific
counsellors. Whereas, P.R campaigns should also be
launched focusing on the services Stone Ridge can
offer to the business community to attract more local
In accordance to the overall internal and external
analysis, the Audit Team will give a necessary
Auditor Quarterly
proposal which will help the company take possible
and strategic route from possible risk and threats that
will reduce the impact on the business operations’.

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